Custom Character Created, Stinger Spider

Custom Character Created, Stinger Spider

Stinger Spider is this guys name. He lives on a planet known as Bugkasian (Bug-kas-i-an), a planet filled with different bugs who have adapted to a more futuristic society, and work to protect it. He is a spider warrior in a metal adaptation rig armor (the armor adapts itself to the wearer, and will change based on who wears it. It fits on the stomach area and can turned on by will by the one using it), made to fight possible enemies against their planet.  He serves under the sole ruler of the planet, Buggonovic (Bug-gon-no-vec). No one has seen what he looks like under the armor, except the one who gave it to him, the great king. He’s currently serving in the spider force.

Abilities: The armor grants several abilities

Wire String: It can create wire sting from the mouth piece and the back to immobilize enemies or bring them closer to attack.

Palm Punchers: Arms can change into palms based on a unknown species who used to live on the planet, but disappeared (Hint: you and me). The result is better grabbing ability, and to carry out either punches with said ability, or turn it back into standard spider legs for a cutting edge blade.

Varied Visor: Visor can change between night vision, thermal, and sharpshooter (lock onto targets for more effective attacking strength).

Stealth Steppers: Armor emits no noise, and “stinger,” and visor can be set to low lighting on command.

Sting sapper: Wire string on back can be changed to instead work as a bee stinger to sap energy from enemies. It can also be extended to about 2 feet.

Personality: With very little to threaten the empire, he spends most of the time in his lab trying to perfect the designs for his armor. While off duty, he tends to take science as a means to relax a bit. Several technologies made within the empire have made it into everyday hands of others on the planet. He doesn’t make contact with other members of the bug force group, preferring to stay by himself. He is quite lonely actually, but fears for another mishap to happen with his experiments with not only his armor, but with his advances in technology for his King.  He is actually quite interested in the thought of life existing beyond outer space. He is also very interested in the previous lifeforms who lived on the planet, as their strange achievements in both architecture and technology have led to countless questions on who were they, what did they do, and how did they just disappear one day. He theorizes that they must have left the planet for some odd reason. But why. He hopes to one day explore more into this, and hopefully gain knowledge into exploring space.

Likes: History, Knowledge, Science, Reading, Exploring, helping others when needed, His only friend, Spider Shadowshot.

Dislikes: Hurting his peers, Misleading information, Defacers of ancient monuments and culture, fame and glory, Criminals.

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