Character creation, Buggy

Character creation, Buggy

Buggy (Buggy Boo Boom)

Ch 1


Buggy is an toddler fly coming from the planet of Merri. Now being taken care of by Raptor Blaster, he fights alongside him against the criminals of his planet. His story goes like this.

Buggy was born to a family of very rich industrial fly tycoons on his planet. He would have been quite rich on his own at the coming of his age. But fate threw in a curve ball there.

A group of criminals on the planet known as the lizzals, heard of the youngling. They are a group of cultist reptiles who were known to be into the dark arts of their world. They are criminals who have focused in dark rituals and based on the spirit realm. Each member has made a pact to study and open the spirit realm to gain power and wisdom. They took interest in buggy for several reasons. First, he was not a reptile. He was a fly. Attempting to force the spiritual energy through him might produce new abilities with connection to the spirit world. Second, he was just a newborn. Children would be more controllable and manipulable to spiritual energy. Finally, the gold and treasures found at their estate would greatly increase their ability to gain supplies needed for future rituals. It was decided by the Lizzals that this would be too much of an opportunity to miss out on.

When the parents were bringing the you bug home, the group ambushed them. Despite both the parents and the guards effort, each were mercilessly killed, and their items and son taken. They then raided their estate and burned it to the ground, leaving nothing remaining. With new funding and a new test subject at hand, they decided to immediately try their dark ritual on him.

Ch 2

Deep Dark

Putting the young bug into a lulling sleep, they performed a ritual that would allow the young Bug to connect to the spirit world, with hopes that it would increase his strength, endurance, speed, and fighting abilities. As the ritual continued, the young bugs skin turned from dark to green. Clearly something was happening. Eventually the ritual ended and the young bug woke up, confused. They immediately decided to test his abilities.

The ritual was apparently successful, as they realized that he could connect with the spirit world to gain strength, wisdom, and guidance. He could focus himself and even enter the spirit world himself. The Lizzals realized how strong the young bugs connection to the spirit world actually was. However, a complication rose rather quickly.

While the ritual had successfully made him stronger, faster, and more capable in a fight, it did not raise his maturity. It seems even dark rituals could not increase the brain or capabilities of the young bug (or so they thought). Seeing as this as a minor problem, they decided to just keep him locked up in a secure room where he would be able to slowly mature until it was useful to them. He spent nearly 3 months in containment with very little contact, making him unhappy.

Unfortunately for the Lizzals, they would face a bigger problem that would lead to their defeat, The Raptor Ravagers crew. They broke into the large estate the Lizzals called their hideout, knocked out most of their crew, and made it into the room where the child lay asleep. The child was sleeping at the time. They managed to pick the lock and get in the room, surprised to find the young bug within. With their greatest advantage at risk, they sounded the bell to alert that there were intruders at the estate. The raptor ravagers crew were eventually surrounded after trying to fight their way out, and it seemed that their end was near.

However, the little bug woke from his sleep at this point, and realized he was not in the hand of his captors, but Raptor Blaster. Seeing them as saviors, he realized they were in trouble. Charging his hands with spirit energy and focusing it on his captors, he beat down all of the lizzals there, impressing the Raptor Ravegers crew. While they did not want to take care of a child, Raptor Blaster took charge in adopting and raising the young bug. Calling him Buggy (even eventually giving him the pet name Buggy Boo Boom), they quickly grew very close together. Buggy’s connection to the spirit world made him useful muscle in the crews heists. Raptor Blaster helped him understand what it was like to not only live on his planet, but how he used to live on his.  Raptor Blastor taught him many things that would be useful such as tieing knots, communication, and made sure Buggy got everything he needed to stay happy. Buggy in turn, did his best to help his family however he could. Everything was good for a time. However, not everything in life goes right.

Ch 3

Spirit and Souls

The Raptor Ravagers herd of a hideout for notorious insectoid criminal Baron Bleak. Rumor had it that the estate contained a very large gold stash with very little opposition. Naturally, the Raptor crew decided to try to take it.

Things went badly. When Baron Bleak heard that they were attempting to rob them, he hired many hired guns to take them alive (he had heard of this strange raptor ravagers, who were different then any other reptiles on the planet, and decided he wanted them in his “forced,” work force). As they grabbed the gold in the storage many hired guns forced them on the run. Despite their best efforts, they could not outrun them, and soon the watched as several of their crew mates were taken down. Only Buggy and Raptor Blaster remained, and the enemy was gaining quickly.

Buggy was very scared, but and started to cry, but as he opened his eyes, he seemed to be in a different place. A bunch of insectoids were floating in a meadow, and one approached him. She told Buggy her name was Melody, and that she has seen this bad situation. She told Buggy she was his guardian angel, sent to help him in his time of need. While it seemed time was passing, she told Buggy everything was happening here a split second, and that he can spend much time here without time passing in the real world. She then told Buggy that he has the power to get them home, but it would require a great deal of effort out of him. He told buggy told hold his friends hand, and to focus his spiritual energy on his home. Think about the place he grew up in, every single detail, and focus his spiritual energy towards it. This would allow them their chance to escape. She told him that she would come back again and teach him more of the special energy within him. She then snapped her finger and buggy was back on the run.

Remembering what the spirit said Buggy grabbed Raptor Blastors hand. Then focusing on his mind he began to think about his home. They both then disappeared in a flash of light, leaving their pursuers dumbfounded. Raptor Blastor had realized that they had somehow made it back to their hideout, despite the chase. Confused, he then turned to Buggy, who he realized had fainted from the conflict. He realized that somehow, Buggy must have gotten them to safety. He immediately put him in his crib and realized how special he actually is. He made a new decision.

A few days past. Buggy was back on his feet and happily playing with Raptor Blaster, when he heard a voice outside, telling for Raptor Blaster to come out. Confused, Buggy asked his adopted father what was going on. He replied to Buggy simply saying, its time. He grabbed his favorite wire wrangler and gave it to Buggy. Even more confused he asked again. Raptor Blaster told him to tie him and to walk him to the strange people outside. When asked why, he only said it was time for a change. Still confused, he did what his father asked of him and escorted Raptor Blaster to the men outside. When they tried to take Raptor Blaster away from him, he began to resist. But Raptor Blaster calmed him down. He told him that he needs to go now, and pay for his crimes. These nice men will find a better home for him to live. Buggy argued that he was already in a nice home. But he eventually went with the men just as his father went away with the others. The authorities promised that the reward bounty for Raptor Blaster would go to Buggy when he grows older.

Ch 4

Rightly Reunited

Buggy was sent to a local doctor to check on the child’s health (considering he was being raised by a criminal of a different species, one that was actually very different then ones previously seen in the land). They witnessed first hand of the little kids strength when a group of bandits tried to rob the bank. Buggy dispatched all of them easily, and the people realized he was no ordinary toddler.

He was then transferred to a military complex near the capital for study. He was treated very nicely by the people there, but knew there was still something missing. He really missed Raptor Blaster, and wondered if he was okay. He spent many nights there dreaming of all the times he spent with his adopted Father.

Then one day, Buggy woke up, and there was someone there. Someone familiar.  As he wiped his eyes, he realized it was none other then Raptor Blaster. Reunited with his adopted father, he told Buggy what happened. He turned himself in in order to hopefully give Buggy a better home outside of the criminal lifestyle. He spent a while in jail waiting for trial. However, instead of being tried in major court, he was brought before the governing council of Merri. He explained his origins, crimes, and tech, and was givin a choice. Spend the rest of my life in jail, or allow both him and Buggy to be studied, allow me the chance to continue taking care of you, and take a more proactive role in life by being a special military bounty hunter and investigator. I choose the only choice that mattered. Happily reunited, they both took on this new lifestyle happily. Both their abilities were tested a sharpened from the training the military gave them. Soon enough, they were traveling all over and taking down criminals everywhere. His father continued to love and care for him and life was good.

A new case had opened up for Raptor Blaster however, one that would greatly change the game. Apparently Baron Bleak had been seen with a group of large reptiles, taking them into the mines near the border. Raptor Blaster realized this must be his old crew, and decided to try to rescue them with Buggy and defeat Baron Bleak. With their gear and items ready for a long journey, they both set off to find their old crew.


250 Mini Mags: While late in the game of bounty hunting, Raptor Blaster has been teaching Buggy how to shoot. The magnums use smaller stun shots with new experimental substance inside that allows the target to be more susceptible to suggestion. Unconscious targets knocked out by these can allow Buggy to use spiritual energy to invade the targets mind and gain useful information on the situation.

Spirit Stringer: A special wire wrangler tuned to Buggy. He can send spiritual energy through it to control it and wrap around enemies to restrain and contain them.


Spirit Smash: Charge fists with spiritual energy, for more power and speed.

Spirit Teleport: In extreme scenarios, he can teleport out of danger. Doing this places Buggy under a large amount of strain, and requires rest afterwords.

Spiritual Speak: Can tap into the spirits and talk with them. In murder cases, it can be very useful to discover the guilty party.

Spirit Speed: Tap spirit energy into his feet, making him run faster (as fast as Raptor Blaster) and kick harder.

Meditation: Meditating can allow him to enter to spirit world himself.

Spirit Sense: Can see the future or the past when he touches something. Must have been meditating beforehand.

Mind Melt: Grabbing an enemies head can allow him to put them into a lulling sleep, great for stealth and surprising outlaws.

Illusion Eyes: Buggy can lock eyes with enemies to make them see hypnotic illusions, great to confuse enemies.


His adopted father.


Tapping into the spirit world

His fathers stories

Toys (he has a small dog toy he calls Ghost).

Riding with his father.


Meeting others

Music played on his adopted fathers guitar (and his voice as he sings)


Abusers, similar to Raptor Blaster.

Evil spirits (he has to be careful when tapping into spirits. You never know what kind you might meet in the spirit world, or ones you may tap into).



Deadly force (also like his adopted father)

Cultists (for obvious reasons)

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