Character creation, Raptor Blaster

Character creation, Raptor Blaster

Raptor Blaster

Ch 1


 Raptor Blaster (real name Rex Terrance Raptor) originally came from a planet known as Soarus. This planet carried plenty of dinosaurs that were actually quite advanced brain wise. They were smart enough to build extremely advanced technology and built all types of space level tech within their planet (space ships were coming into focus at this period). However, as advanced as they were, they were not prepared for what would come to be known as, the comet.

Unfortunately, a massive meteor was on collision course for the planet. Despite their best efforts, they couldn’t even slow it down. Desperate, the high council on the planet decided to build as many space shuttle to evacuate as many people as they can. Many rockets were built and the citizens rushed through the stars, leaving their home world to be doomed by the impact. Raptor blaster was very young then. He spent a long time growing up in the shuttle. He came into contact with a group of young raptors, who would eventually be part of his crew (Roch, Rash, and Rocket). Time passed, and he was soon in the coming of adult age. The shuttle had finally found a hospitable planet to land and start anew.

But fate struck again, as their shuttle’s approach into the planet careened out of control, as their ships velocity compensater failed and caused the ship to crash hard into the planet. He had been in the work out area talking with his raptor friends during this period. He woke up realizing the ship had crashed. He and his friends were saved from the impact, as they all had been working on training their bodies on the ship (and during the commotion, they were at the back of the ship). Everyone else was gone.

They had made it to their destination though, and decided to head out to learn about the new planet. They found a little town, and decided to watch the people in it from distance (they didn’t know how well the local population would take to them). They realized that the planet was filled with species of different kinds, reptiles, overgrown bugs, hounds, all sorts of different animals they had only heard of in stories. They watched the townsfolk and learned that they were nowhere near as advanced as their race was. They were simple farmers, light industrial efforts, small towns, and it reminded them of stories they were told on the ship, about the times before they had such advanced technology. The planet was called, Roushin   (Ro-Shin). The country he was located on the planet was called, Merri

They decided that they might be able to blend in enough (as there were reptilian like) and tried to make a simple life here. They learned how to talk like them, act like them, and blend in with them. They built a small house around the crashed ship to live and hide it.  Unfortunately, they had no records and no documentation. Therefore, it would be impossible to be hired anywhere. One of his raptor friends, Roch (Ra-ch) came up with an idea. Crime was a big problem in this world. Thieves, murderers, and villains of all shapes and sizes roam the grassy plains all over. Let’s steal from them. No one is going to miss them… They would rob from villains all over the countryside.

Skeptical at first, it was eventually decided that this was their only option to make a living. So they started to hit up on criminals all over. They crafted weapons and items from the metal from the ship, and the files that survived on the computer. They combined this worlds technology with what was on their ship, creating sophisticated weaponry to attack villains. They believed that attacking villains would bring less publicity against them. Unfortunately, doing damage to criminal gangs and such is still a crime, and eventually, a large sum was placed on all of their heads (alive).

Ch 2

Buggy Breakout

They eventually heard of a possible heist that could go big. They heard from a informant that a house in the plains had a large room containing something valuable. However, it is quite well guarded. They decided to take point and hit up the joint. Things went well, they took out everyone in the way to the room out quickly and quietly with their 750 Master Magnums. They eventually came to a large room, shut by a special lock, made of metal. Rash quickly used his talons to pick the lock and they were in.

To their surprise, they found not valuable gold or treasures, but a baby fly (flys are bigger in this world). The odd thing is, this mansion was owned by a well known reptilian group, the Lizzars. There would be no reason for a baby bug to be here… They realized he must have been kidnapped. Why would they kidnap a baby bug though… To their dismay, an alarmed triggered by a guard behind let them know they were in and now they needed a quick escape. Raptor blaster, seeing as the kid may be of use, takes him out of the crib and carries him out the door. However, they were quickly surrounded, and it seem it would have been their end. To their surprise, the bug baby, who just woke up, flew out of his hand and beat up all of their opposition, allowing them to escape. The 3 other raptors saw this as a waste. Raptor blaster argued that he may be very useful (as he beat up a whole posse by himself). After much debate, it was decided to keep him ON THE CONDITION that raptor blaster becomes his caretaker. He agreed.

As you can guess, being his caretaker quickly allowed the two to bond quite well. He seemed to enjoy his time taking care of “Buggy,” instead of shooting up gangs (he also could easily serve as extra muscle during heists). He taught him basic communication, tieing knots, told stories about his home world, and fun games from it too. They grew quite close, and he started to question his choices on the planet.

Soon word came of a Insectoid known as the Baron Bleak. Known for his consistent gold robberies, they heard that he had a stash in a nearby farm house. Seeing the opportunity, they decide to take it on.

Ch 3

Child Choices

Things went south quickly though. Much more resistance then expected, and soon the group found themselves running for their lives. The enemies managed to injure the arms and legs of each of their group and soon Raptor blaster and Buggy were the only ones left running. As shots fired, buggy closes his eyes and focuses, and soon enough, they are back at their hideout unscathed.

He puts Buggy to sleep that night, but realizes that his friends are probably all dead. He is the only one left, and he couldn’t allow him to stay in a lifestyle like this. He didn’t want his adopted son to end up growing up into an outlaw. Buggy is unknown to the authorities, which means he couldn’t be put on trial (hes still a young child anyway. Cases don’t work like that here). He decides enough is enough. That night, he writes a letter to the authorities, detailing his location, and his surrender to them. He was going to turn himself in.

They arrived soon enough, and called for him to step outside the hideout. Buggy wondered what going on. He simply told Buggy to tie him with his favorite metal lasso, and to walk him out to them. Buggy didn’t know what to think, but agreed to do so. He was taken in and he waited for his fate. He hoped that Buggy would claim the reward on his head for escorting him out. He also hoped he could be put in a more stable home then what he could offer.

Ch 4

Reunited reunion

It seems fate would change again. Instead of being put on trial in locations all over, he was instead brought to a council of Merri. The governing body’s of the country had taken interest in his exploits. His gang of punks had actually taken down several gangs of high profile outlaws (unintentionally). They also realized that he was different then any other species on the planet. They decided to question him before trial.

Raptor Blaster, admitted to all crimes. He also told him about Buggy, and his origins about coming from another world. As you can expect, the council took a very high interest in him. It was decided. He would be pardoned for all crimes, and he could continue taking care of Buggy, ON THE CONDITION that he joins their military and allows scientists to study both him and Buggy, and allows them to transport his ship for study. When Raptor blaster asked where Buggy was, they informed him that they have relocated him to a military installation for further study. His affliction and strength are NOT normal. He agreed to the deal.

Raptor Blaster was taken to the military complex to be happily reunited with his young adopted son. He was put to work immediately, and he would be trained in combat further. They also trained him to be an investigator in major crimes in their country. He would become one one the country’s best bounty hunters and investigators in high profile cases. His exploits become well known in the country. The scientists at the base tested his prints, blood, physical and mental capabilities, and his technology. He continued his work happily, and finally found a way to coexist with the people of this world. All was good for a time. He had become a crack shot for military and investigative affairs and became a wonderful Father for Buggy.

However, something big came up. Quite some time later. He was called inbefore the council. He was asked to investigate a possible lead to a disappearance of several government officials. When he asked who the culprit is, it was none other then Baron Bleak. He was seen escorting large reptiles down below into the mines near Arasin (A-ra-sen). He realized it must be his old friends. Their still alive! They must have been forced to mine for his gang after the incident. With this new case in tow, he takes buggy out into the wilds, hoping to reunite with his old crew. If he can save them, maybe he can teach them to shape up…


750 Master Magnums: These guns combine Raptors crashed ship technology with the weapons seen on this planet. Extremely accurate with a low recoil and a high rate of fire, these shoot the following

Magnum Mags: Small laser blasts that cause significant kinetic damage and burns on the hit area. Can also hold the trigger focus a more charged beam that can completely penetrate multiple targets (after he was assigned to the military, he very rarely uses these bullets anymore. He was tasked with using these ONLY as a last resort, as the governing bodies of the country want to keep the negative publicity of death at a minimal).

Stun Shots: A small round ball containing special chemicals. Hits on targets would cause immediate numbness on the areas hit, meaning that the target will not be able to operate with it (shooting a hand would basically make the person unable to use their hand). Headshots will immediately knock out the target. Made to be a non lethal solution in fights.

Wire Wrangler: A special lasso made from the wires from their broken ship. It’s extremely durable, flexible, long, and can easily restrain groups of targets.


Speedy Sights: Raptor Blasters eyes can detect even the slightest movement. His accuracy is spot on and can take down large bulky targets with his good sight and aiming skills.

Talon Trouble: Raptor Blasters large talons can be used well in hand to hand combat. Military training has given him even further skills in hand to hand. He is much more skilled at incapacitating his targets after his training.

Tracking Tricks: Raptor Blaster has several advantages that help him with hunting down criminals. Being a raptor, he has an excellent sense of smell. He needs only a small object with a scent to track criminals from very far away. He trained his brain at the military to be able to use the scenes of where crimes happen to try to better understand the situation, and track the guilty party. His deductive reasoning is spot on, and usually can find targets and incapacitate them before they can cause any more trouble.

Likes: His adopted son, Buggy

Music (he is currently learning to play the guitar by one of his friends at the military base, a Salamander named Sneak. He also is actually surprisingly good at singing old western tunes)

Riding horses

Farming (during his time at the military installation, he learned from the people there on how to farm. He has a small space at the base where he tends to a small garden. Buggy likes sniffing the flowers and eating the grown vegetables)


Hunting criminals

Playing card games with the people at the base

Dislikes: Organized crime


Kidnappers (mostly due to what happened to Buggy)

People to high on themselves

Lethal force (pretty much after he joined the military)

People who look down on his precious adopted son, Buggy

Abusive characters


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