Category: Illustrator

Character creation, Valor Viper

Character creation, Valor Viper

Niko in his mourning glory

Ch 1


Valor Viper is a heroic snake hailing from the country of Sinaria. He started out as a archeologist. His life would change one day however, when he would meet an ancient being who he would later call friend. Now clad in a powerful magic armor, and equipped with a powerful staff, he could fight and protect the world from all sorts of evil. But how did this start?

It started about 2 years ago. Valor Viper (real name Niko Nile) was an archeologist hailing from the country of Sinaria. He had always been interested in the far past. Ancient civilizations, untold treasures, history of all sorts. He dreamed of looking into this as a child. He eventually graduated from school and made a wonderful life in archeology. He explored the ancients cities of his country and brought home many exciting treasures from his exploits. But there was something wrong.

Niko didn’t have any friends or relatives left. His relatives died when he was young, and Niko found it hard to make friends from his grief. He usually kept to himself in school, and was usually very lonely. He needed a friend. But he didn’t know where to start. Even with his finds, he still wanted to be able to share it with someone. Then his life would change one day.

Ch 2

Dangerous Discovery

Niko was commissioned to investigate what appeared to be some sort of completely destroyed structure near the coast of the country. It seemed to be just a pile of large rocks, but they believed there might be more there. He took the job with the hope of making some new discoveries.

He went to the site, and didn’t know where to start looking. But all of a sudden, he started to hear a voice from nowhere. In a soft, low spoken voice, it told him to come. He didn’t know what to think. Was his loneliness driving him crazy, or was the place haunted? But it then asked for help. Not knowing what he would get into, he tried to follow the voice. He followed the voice to what appeared to be group of very large rocks . The voice told him to dig. With his pic ax, he started to try to bust the boulders up. Sure enough, an opening soon appeared. Curious, he stepped inside to look around.

He found a magnificent display of different pictures and hieroglyphs throughout the chamber. It seemed to detail a story about a pharaoh. From what he could gather, there was a massive war between an ancient pharaohs forces and the forces of darkness. There seemed to be a duel deciding the final part. This pharaoh won, but for some reason, he seemed to be getting sick from something after. It seemed that the Pharaoh had died from the disease and was mummified. A story such as this would be an amazing find, one that would be recorded in history forever. He made it to the end of the chamber, which appeared to be a dead end. He however, hears the voice again.

Push the different stone, it said. Niko looked around and found a stone near the end that was of a different color then the rest. He pushed it in, not knowing what would happen. All of a sudden, the floor began to shake and a part of the wall rolled open, revealing a new chamber. In it contained a plethora of treasures and even better, an ancient book and a sarcophagus. He realized that this must be the tomb of the pharaoh he had seen on the hieroglyphs earlier. He wanted to see it for himself. He takes his crowbar and opens the sarcophagus. Suddenly as he prys it open, a pool of darkness spills out, scaring Niko. He looks inside, and finds an ancient mummified snake within it. The voice tells him, book. Realizing it must be referring to the solid gold book nearby, he looks into it. It was filled with all sorts of crazy symbols and such. Thing is, Niko could actually read it!

The book detailed of an ancient war between the snake pharaoh known as Sereph III, who battled against undead forces of a wizard known as Mycanos. With the armies clashing, Mycanos eventually challenged the Pharaoh to a duel to decide the fate of the kingdom. Sereph won, and seemingly defeated this evil once and for all. Such a interesting story, Niko thought.

However, he stopped reading when he heard what he thought was snoring. The voice then said “help him.” He rushed to the open sarcophagus and realized the mummy inside was alive! Amazed at this turn of events, he knew he needed immediate medical attention. He grabbed him, the sword and a strange glowing staff near the entrance to the tomb and rushed as quickly as he could to the hospital nearby.

This find shocked everyone inside and immediately an entire team of medical workers brought him into the intensive care facility. They started to unwrap him as Niko looked into the texts even further. It listed of something particularly troublesome. Apparently, Mycanos had one final trick up his sleeve and placed a curse on the pharaoh as a form of vengeance for his defeat. It would turn him into a creature of darkness and who knows what will become of him then. The ones closest to him decided to mummify him with enchanted wrappings and a sarcophagus that would preserve his body, keep him in deep sleep and keep him from aging. But Niko now realized that the creature he brought here may end up going berserk!

Ch 3

Ambient Armor

As the medical team unwrapped the last of his wrappings a surge of dark energy shot out, and Niko knew he needed to do something. He immediately took the staff ready to fight this ancient creature. As he grabbed it though, something miraculous happened. A light shined around him right as he grabbed it, and he seemed to have somehow transported into a ancient room within the old kingdom. There was someone there. A women going by the name of Sareena. Niko asked what was going on. She explained that she was the voice that led him to the tomb. She was part of the royal guard, and Niko was her descendant. When the undead army destroyed the kingdom, what remained of the people there were forced to flee beyond the sea to start life anew. He wanted to know more, but she explained there was no time. She would continue to guide him and asked that in return, he would protect the pharaoh. He agreed, with hope that there may be a shred of light still within him. She then explained that the staff he picked up was filled with both light and dark magic. It was used by the royal guard to transform the user into powerful warriors clad in armor to fight against enemies in the kingdom. It also had a more, interesting ability. The staff itself chooses its wielder, and it did indeed choose Niko. The staff itself will look into the mind of the wielder to look into its knowledge, capabilities, and technological knowledge. It will then adapt to that user to be able to fight at his maximum capabilities. In another flash of light, Niko seemingly exits this vision, and she tells Niko, she will always watch over him.

He opened his eyes, and realized what happened during that was actually happening in only seconds. But, his body felt stronger, faster, and metal. He looked to his right toward the mirror, and saw himself in a fantastic suit of armor, filled with tech from the time period. He turned back toward the pharaoh, who now was waking up. He readied himself, thinking he may have to fight him. To his surprise as the pharaoh opened his eyes, and simply asked questions in confusion. Who were they? Where were they? What happened to him? Niko thought for a moment, and realized that the darkness in him must have indeed fully bonded with his body. However, instead of killing him or fragmenting his mind, it instead changed him. He could feel the dark power off of him from the armor, but it seemed that the darkness could not fragment his mind due to the hibernative sleep. The royal court have unintentionally saved him. He saw Niko, and saw him with the staff, and asked “Are you part of the royal guard? What’s your name?”

Niko immediately put down the staff and the armor dissipated along with it. “I’m Niko sir. There is a lot I have to tell you.” The pharaoh replied “Well go ahead young one. Please tell me what has happened to me.”

Ch 4

Waking World

Niko explained to Sereph that he has been asleep for more then a thousand years. His closest followers had put him to sleep with the hope that the future world would be able to find a cure for his affliction. It seems that his affliction however, had fully bonded with him. The curse could did not affect his mind however, most likely due to being put into hibernation during the time. His kingdom was destroyed by the evil he faced long ago, and that the world has greatly changed during his sleep. Niko explained that he apprently is an ancestor of a warrior of the warrior guard, and wishes to help him now.

Sereph was saddened by the loss of his kingdom, but quickly became interested in how much the world has changed since he slept. He asked Niko about what the world is like now.

Niko explained to Sereph how the world has motorized vehicles, skyscrapers that pierce the clouds, new technology and medical care (as Sereph has been now exposed to), and the strange box showing stories and gladiator battles of the new age (aka, the television and football). He began to think that this new world he is now exposed to may actually be fun. Sereph wanted to hear more. He wanted to learn about the history of the new world while he slept. Niko told him about the new discoveries made, 2 wars, and important characters who changed the world. Sereph found enjoyment hearing these stories from Niko.

News of this amazing discovery made it to the government of Sinaria, who originally commissioned Niko to look at the ruins. A group of researchers from the science division of Sinaria were sent to the medical facility with the hope of learning more from Sereph about the past, his life, and how he feels about the new world he has now woken up in. They brought all the treasures from his tomb to his hospital bed and told him that they were his. When they asked what he planned to do to it, he said “give it back to my people,” (he would later create a museum to showcase the ancient treasures and when off duty, would visit and tell stories to the younger visitors).

Ch 5

Rash Raiders

News of this find eventually reached the ears of a group called the Raiders, who were a gang of thieves plaguing Sinaria. They heard of this incredible story through their channels and knew this was too good of an opportunity to pass up. They wanted to steal his treasures and take the old pharaoh hostage, knowing full well the government would pay ANYTHING for his safe return. They dressed themselves as hospital workers and came carrying a sedative. When they came into the room however, it seemed Sereph knew that they had evil intentions. He blasted the first group that came in with a dark energy blast. When a second group came in, Niko readied to fight and took down the rest with his staff. The group was taken into custody and Niko watched stayed awake the entire night while Sereph slept to make sure no one else came after him.

News of this amazing find hit news stories all over the world. Ancient civilizations, magic, treasures of extreme rarity, a pharaoh who should be gone, and his amazing abilities who managed to take down the raiders. Sereph was asked to come to speak before the new government of Sinaria. Hearing his stories, they eventually asked him to join the SIA (Snake Intelligence agency), to take on major threats to Sinaria and beyond. In return, they would help him adapt to the new world, and would allow him to keep all treasures for himself to do as he pleases. He agreed, on the condition that Niko could join him on his operations. They said he would have to be trained up, but Sereph replied that he could do it himself. Now going by the code name, Slither Snare, he trained Niko to be a powerful warrior on the force of good. With the sun/moon sentinel staff, he would prove to be a powerful force for good. Now known by the code name valor viper, he will show evil the force of ancient power. They are usually very careful to keep casualties from the battles to a minimal so that their enemies can be tried for their crimes. They will very rarely result to lethal force.

Gear: Sun/Moon Sentinel Staff: A staff filled with ancient magic. It allows him to dawn a special set of armor that adapted itself to today’s worlds technology. The armor is very sturdy, and can also turn black at nighttime for stealth incursions. The staff itself is very strong. It can be infused with light by pointing it toward the sun or darkness by pointing it toward the moon. Slither Snare can also infuse it with darkness

Sun effect: Quicker speed and reflexes. Staff becomes very hot.

Moon effect: Increased cutting power and range. Staff is infused with dark ice.

Cyber Cycle: Staff can be held upfront to create a motorcycle made from ancient technology. His primary use of travel with Slither Snare. Can drive across water.

Solar Singe/ Lunar Lock grenades. Grenades infused with light or dark energy that do the following

Solar Singe: Explodes into a blinding a blinding light to blind enemies, and will also burn them. Good for surprise attacks.

Lunar Lock: Explodes into chains of darkness that bind enemies. Also good for surprise attacks, but also capturing enemies.

Abilities: Sun Smasher, Moon Mist: Infused with light energy, he can slam the ground sending a pulsewave of heat energy forward. Good for large groups. With dark energy, he can slam the ground to create a dark mist to hide himself. The mist will also dampen sounds so he can sneak around the enemies confused in it and silently take them out one by one. His visor will detect heat signatures. Also good for large groups or quick escapes.

Sun Strike/Star Stuck: Can shoot a ball of energy from his staff. With the light energy, it shoots a very quick flaming ball forward, which when it hit an object or enemy, it will explode and separate into small blasts and explode again. Good for large groups and vehicles. With dark energy, the blast will create a sticky substance to restrain the enemies when it explodes. It will also cause the enemy to get sick and weaken from the toxins within, eventually causing unconsciousness. Good for capturing multiple foes.

Sun Spinner/ Lunar lights: Throws the staff at enemies like a boomerang. With light energy, it will track and hit multiple targets before returning. Good groups of targets at long distance. With dark energy, it can will release a fluid on targets hit that work as a neurotoxin. Subjects will go blind, feel immense pain and eventually lose consciousness. Good for singular targets and interrogations.

Sun Storm/Comet Chaos: With light energy, by spinning his staff, he can create a fire twister to either protect himself from attacks around him or send it directly at enemies. With dark energy, he creates a freezing thats send icicle shards in all directions, and reflects back projectiles back at his opponents. Good for defense and small groups.

Tech terror/Dark Dread: Defeating enemies creates a charge. When his armor glows, he can unleash a devastating attack based on his current element. With light energy, he gains super speed and can unleash a huge flurry of light energy strikes against his unfortunate foes. With dark energy, the entire area becomes pitch black and can unleash powerful freezing strikes against his confused foes. Good for crowd control, vehicles, and powerful enemies.

Likes: His best friend, Sereph III (aka Slither Snare)

History and archeology

Treasures and treasure hunting

Riding his Cyber Cycle

Ancient magic


Ghost stories


Learning new abilities

Helping others

Puzzle solving


Making discoveries




Terrorist factions and organized crime

Being unable to protect others despite his best efforts


Selfish people

People who take credit for others achievements

News channels (he feels the media is too negative and stretches the truth way too much, despite his rescue team being known on it)

Hockey (He feels all the new regulations against fights ruined the game).

Being alone

Character Creation, Slither Snare

Character Creation, Slither Snare

Slither Snare

Ch 1


A snake king found in a different time period. Filled with dark power, but uses it for good, he is a force to be reckoned with. But how did he get here?

It started a generations ago, in a kingdom known as Sinaria (Sigh-Nare-I-a), a desert region at the center of the planet known as Drease. Slither Snare (real name Sereph III) was a young snake whose father had just died, leaving the Kingdom in his hands. The kingdom, under his rule, flourished  as they built pyramids, monuments of all shapes and sizes, and bountiful with plenty of resources at their disposal. All was well and good for a time. During his reign he learned to swordfight and practiced whenever he had some time off. Training under his elite guard proved beneficial, as disaster would befall the Kingdom.

During the second year of his reign, a sorcerer known as Mycanos (My-can-os), saw the land as an opportunity for his army. Skilled in necromancy, he sent his undead warriors to try to take the kingdom from him and the vast resources around, which could be used for new spells. A year of fighting went on, and the battles resulted in the Sinarians were gaining the upper hand. Realizing the bad situation, the sorcerer decided to try something else to take the Kingdom.

He sent a vision to Slither Snare, challenging him on a one on one duel to decide who should rule the kingdom. If Slither Snare won, his forces would leave the Kingdom. If he lost, his kingdom and soul would be his. While his corsairs advised against this, he decided he didn’t want to endanger his people any more and accepted his challenge.

The two met in the arena in the kingdom, and fought a harsh battle. Throwing powerful spells at the great pharaoh king and proved to be a challenge to even get close to. Mycanos, charged up his strongest spell in a attempt to finish him. Slither Snare, focusing power into his blade, reflected the spell of his sword right back at Mycanos. He was defeated and dieing on the ground. But he wasn’t done yet.

Furious at losing this fight, he placed one final curse at Slither Snare, as he approached. He then fell for the last time. Slither Snare did not feel any different at the time.

About a week later, Slither Snare felt weaker, as he could barley keep himself awake. Turning to one of his spellcasters, Farrin, he hoped to get an answer. The answer was not good.

Ch 2

Snake Sleep

The final spell that Mycanos cast on him was slowly turning him into a creature of darkness. Once fully consumed, there was no telling what he would become. Every day his once green skin was becoming a dark blue. Despite his spellcasters best efforts, they could not remove his curse. Something needed to be done though.

A meeting was held by a group of his most loyal followers to discuss this bad situation. They did not know what to do. Then one of the followers, Slake, came up with a rather risky idea.

If they could not find a cure in this period, then perhaps there might be one in the future. Despite some protests, they eventually agreed on this plan. During Pharaoh Snares supper, they inserted sleeping potion into it. Right as he took a drink, it was lights out. They then quickly moved in.

They brought him into his recently built pyramid, and mummified him with silk that would have an incantation tied to it that will perfectly preserve his body without causing aging. They inserted him into a sarcophagus that was also enchanted to keep him in a deep sleep. They hoped that in the future, there would be a cure for the curse and could be administered to him when he wakes up.  They left ancient texts to describe what had happened and hoped that the light could shine upon him one day. The left in his tomb many treasures that he might be able to use in the future (including his favorite sword, Pharaoh Fang and a staff of the royal guard, sun and moon sentinel) and sealed the tomb behind them. They would announce to the rest of his followers that the curse had killed him and they would start over. They hoped only for his return one day in the far off future.

Unfortunately, a final disaster struck the kingdom. Mycanos’s undead warriors were given one final command before his death. Destroy the entire Sinaria Kingdom. The warriors marched the city, annihilating all buildings and killing everyone they could find. Despite their efforts, the royal guard could not stop this final invasion. They remaining populace in the royal city were forced to flee, and eventually the the entire kingdom was forced to flee in boats over the ocean as those beasts destroyed everything! They destroyed the temple Slither Snare was sleeping in, but luckily the room was so far beneath that the evil undead forces just passed over it after they destroyed the temple. With the temple just big rocks and rubble now, it seems that Slither Snare would spend the rest of eternity sleeping. The undead forces only stopped after the kingdom was gone. With their final command complete, the magic runs out and the all fall over, dead.

Ch 3

Time by Thousands

So thousands of years pass. A young archeologist snake known as Niko, was studying the ancient monuments within this old broken Kingdom (what was left of it anyway) Niko suddenly hears a voice nearby, telling him to come. Niko, curious as to what this voice was, follows it. After excavating some of the boulders, he finds what appears to be an ancient door leading inside the broken structure. The door was decorated with the picture of what appeared to be a large ringed seal with a magnificent sarcophagus in the middle. On the outer edges of the ring, were two smaller spheres that seemed to have a set of strange hieroglyphs in each. The voice is heard louder now. It tells Niko to open the door, place his hands on each of the outer spheres. Niko complies, and places his dark green hands on the spheres. A light begins to form under Neko’s hands and he quickly steps back. Then, the earth around him begins to shake, and the door seemingly slides open… He steps inside the underground structure, where a large array of pictures lined the corridors detailing an ancient battle and a snake pharaoh, who seemingly was lost in the battles (or so he thought), and makes his way to the end, guided by the voice, where there appears to be nothing but a large wall, with nothing on it. The voice then tells him to push a rock on the wall that was a different color. He complies and suddenly the pathway opens, leading to a magnificent chamber full of ancient treasures from the ancient civilization here. There were treasures all around a sarcophagus and an ancient text within the chamber.

Curious as to what might be inside the sarcophagus, he uses his trusty crowbar to pry it open. As it opens, a pool of dark energy spills out and dissipates, scaring and surprising Niko. The voice now tells Niko to look at the book. Niko complies. He reads the texts filled with ancient symbols, that he could somehow read. The book detailed that only someone that was part of the royal guard or family will be able to read this, meaning Niko is a descendant of the said civilization. All of a sudden, he thought he heard snoring. The spirit then tells Niko the pharaoh needs help. Niko rushed toward the sarcophagus, and realized that the creature inside was moving! It was alive! Taking the ancient book, sword, and the staff, he quickly left, carrying the unidentified mummy to a medical center to have it checked upon (though as he picked up the staff, he felt strange…).

Upon reading the texts detailing what might be inside, Niko started to think it might have been a bad idea to bring him here. He may be a big threat if the darkness had taken hold of him. As they unwrapped the silk around him, they saw black skin and and dark energy surge flowed from his body. Just a couple seconds after, Slither Snare finally woke up. Confused as to where he was and what was going on, he starts to stare at Niko. Niko takes the staff, prepared to fight this monster. As he took the staff, this time, he was covered in light and as the light dissipated, he wore a sturdy metal suit of armor. He turns to slither snare now. Slither Snare starts to ask questions. Who are all of them? Where is he? What happened? Niko realized what had happened however.

While he was sleeping inside the sarcophagus, the darkness must have fully consumed his body. However instead of turning him into a creature of darkness, it had instead gifted him with dark abilities and magic. The fact that he was asleep during this process had prevented his mind from fragmenting from the dark curse. There were no apparent side effects from it either. The medical team checked up upon him and placed him into the intensive care unit to learn more about his affliction.

Niko stayed with him the entire time. Slither Snare asked again what was going on. Niko explained it to him from what he has read in the ancient texts (and apparently information from the spirit of one of his ancestors). He was sleeping for thousands of years as his kingdom fell to the dark forces, and they risked everything only to save him. That Niko was a descendant of the royal guard, or even his distant relative, and he wanted to help him.

Greatly saddened by the loss of his pretty much everything he once had, he seemed to find at least some solace with his new friend. Slither Snare asked how much the world had changed while he slept. He told him about vehicles, massive skyscrapers, new technology. He was very surprised to hear all of it. He began to think that maybe living in this “new world” might not be so bad. A bunch of researchers for the new government of the country wanted to learn more about Slither Snare, his abilities, his past, and his reaction to what the new world is like. They brought all the treasures from his tomb and gave it to Slither Snare in his hospital bed, and asked what he planned to do with his fortune. He simply replied, “Giving it back to his people.” He would later create a museum and place all his ancient treasures within it to be seen by the world (he especially liked talking to young children about each of the relics and his past when he could be available there).

Ch 4

Raider Rumble

A group of punks called the Raiders had heard about this great find and wanted to steal the valuables and take slither snare as a hostage (any government would pay any price for his safe return. The information he has is priceless). They dressed themselves like hospital workers and slowly made their way the his room. He was watching the “strange picture box that shows stories,” at the time. They came into the room with a sedative in hand. Unfortunately for this punk gang, he could sense their evil intent as they approached, a side effect of his new powers. Niko suspected nothing at the time. Right as they approached him, Slither Snare shoots a blast of dark energy at them, knocking them all out instantaneously (he seemed to be able to control the dark power now). Another group of them came in, and Niko skillfully took them down with his staff. The group is taken into custody and Slither Snare decides to go to sleep.

News of this find hit everywhere, the ancient pharaoh stayed alive for this long, his lost kingdom, ancient magic, and his bravery for taking down the raiders. After a couple more days in the hospital, he was asked to come to the new government of Sinaria, to speak for them. After hearing Slither Snares stories, they decided that Slither Snare would be perfect to partake in dangerous missions for their country. They would help him get acquainted with the world and its technologies, and allow him to keep all of his treasure to do with as he saw fit in return for everything he knows and for help during very dangerous operations. He agreed only if Niko could come along. They said he would have to be trained up, but Slither Snare said he would personally train him. The Sinarian government agreed and gave him a place to call home at the base (with a touch of the world he used to know and the technologies available today). His dark powers proved useful in stopping dangerous terrorists from wrecking havoc all over the world. He now spends his time with Niko, playing sports, practicing swordfighting, watching TV, and of course, fighting threats to Sineria to bring peace. He has proven to be quite a force of good regardless of his darkness.

Gear: Pharaoh fang: His favorite sword. Made of metal infused with magic, it is unbreakable. Very good at deflecting shots and destroying melee weapons and guns. Can be infused with dark energy to extend its range

Shadow Stuck Grenades: Explosives filled with his own dark energy. When it explodes, it creates a large puddle of dark energy. Darkness causes dizziness and eventually unconsciousness if they are in it for a few seconds. Good for incapacitating multiple opponents.

Dark wrappings: The wrapping around his body can be infused with dark energy to make it fly at opponents and restrain them. Good for capturing enemies.

Terror Teather: A staff of dark energy can be trown near opponents, which dark energy will seep out, binding them, slowing them, and possibly knocking them out if they are exposed to it long enough. Good for small groups


Dark Devestator: Shoots a dark energy blast at enemies. Cna be charged to be bigger and more powerful. Good for ranged game

Snake Sense: Dark energy gives heightened awareness of people, surroundings, and intentions of people. Good for sneaking about and knowing who to trust. Also good for blocking bullets with his sword.

Dark Daggers: Shoots small dark daggers at enemies. Will cause dizzyness and unconsciousness upon hit. More then one can be thrown at once. Good for taking out small groups.

Smoke Struck: Can grab an opponent over the mouth and administer dark energy smoke to cause them to fall unconscious. Good for stealth

Force Fang: Biting into a opponent will cause dark enegy from the fangs to seep into the opponent, paralyzing them. Good to capture enemies.

Slithering Smoke: Can create a large dark energy smoke screen around him to make it harder to for enemies to breath and to make him harder to see. Good for quick escapes or when surrounded

Snake Stare: Locking eyes with a opponents eyes can allow Slither Snare to possibly control them (if their will is weak). Good to surprise enemies.


His friend Niko


Sports (especially Football)






Doing tricks and playing pranks with his dark powers


Magicians (his snake sense allows him to easily see how tricks are pulled off)

People calling him old

Dangerous characters


People who are downright rude about history

Online services (he can’t figure that out at all and always needs help using it).

People who waste time

Character creation, Buggy

Character creation, Buggy

Buggy (Buggy Boo Boom)

Ch 1


Buggy is an toddler fly coming from the planet of Merri. Now being taken care of by Raptor Blaster, he fights alongside him against the criminals of his planet. His story goes like this.

Buggy was born to a family of very rich industrial fly tycoons on his planet. He would have been quite rich on his own at the coming of his age. But fate threw in a curve ball there.

A group of criminals on the planet known as the lizzals, heard of the youngling. They are a group of cultist reptiles who were known to be into the dark arts of their world. They are criminals who have focused in dark rituals and based on the spirit realm. Each member has made a pact to study and open the spirit realm to gain power and wisdom. They took interest in buggy for several reasons. First, he was not a reptile. He was a fly. Attempting to force the spiritual energy through him might produce new abilities with connection to the spirit world. Second, he was just a newborn. Children would be more controllable and manipulable to spiritual energy. Finally, the gold and treasures found at their estate would greatly increase their ability to gain supplies needed for future rituals. It was decided by the Lizzals that this would be too much of an opportunity to miss out on.

When the parents were bringing the you bug home, the group ambushed them. Despite both the parents and the guards effort, each were mercilessly killed, and their items and son taken. They then raided their estate and burned it to the ground, leaving nothing remaining. With new funding and a new test subject at hand, they decided to immediately try their dark ritual on him.

Ch 2

Deep Dark

Putting the young bug into a lulling sleep, they performed a ritual that would allow the young Bug to connect to the spirit world, with hopes that it would increase his strength, endurance, speed, and fighting abilities. As the ritual continued, the young bugs skin turned from dark to green. Clearly something was happening. Eventually the ritual ended and the young bug woke up, confused. They immediately decided to test his abilities.

The ritual was apparently successful, as they realized that he could connect with the spirit world to gain strength, wisdom, and guidance. He could focus himself and even enter the spirit world himself. The Lizzals realized how strong the young bugs connection to the spirit world actually was. However, a complication rose rather quickly.

While the ritual had successfully made him stronger, faster, and more capable in a fight, it did not raise his maturity. It seems even dark rituals could not increase the brain or capabilities of the young bug (or so they thought). Seeing as this as a minor problem, they decided to just keep him locked up in a secure room where he would be able to slowly mature until it was useful to them. He spent nearly 3 months in containment with very little contact, making him unhappy.

Unfortunately for the Lizzals, they would face a bigger problem that would lead to their defeat, The Raptor Ravagers crew. They broke into the large estate the Lizzals called their hideout, knocked out most of their crew, and made it into the room where the child lay asleep. The child was sleeping at the time. They managed to pick the lock and get in the room, surprised to find the young bug within. With their greatest advantage at risk, they sounded the bell to alert that there were intruders at the estate. The raptor ravagers crew were eventually surrounded after trying to fight their way out, and it seemed that their end was near.

However, the little bug woke from his sleep at this point, and realized he was not in the hand of his captors, but Raptor Blaster. Seeing them as saviors, he realized they were in trouble. Charging his hands with spirit energy and focusing it on his captors, he beat down all of the lizzals there, impressing the Raptor Ravegers crew. While they did not want to take care of a child, Raptor Blaster took charge in adopting and raising the young bug. Calling him Buggy (even eventually giving him the pet name Buggy Boo Boom), they quickly grew very close together. Buggy’s connection to the spirit world made him useful muscle in the crews heists. Raptor Blaster helped him understand what it was like to not only live on his planet, but how he used to live on his.  Raptor Blastor taught him many things that would be useful such as tieing knots, communication, and made sure Buggy got everything he needed to stay happy. Buggy in turn, did his best to help his family however he could. Everything was good for a time. However, not everything in life goes right.

Ch 3

Spirit and Souls

The Raptor Ravagers herd of a hideout for notorious insectoid criminal Baron Bleak. Rumor had it that the estate contained a very large gold stash with very little opposition. Naturally, the Raptor crew decided to try to take it.

Things went badly. When Baron Bleak heard that they were attempting to rob them, he hired many hired guns to take them alive (he had heard of this strange raptor ravagers, who were different then any other reptiles on the planet, and decided he wanted them in his “forced,” work force). As they grabbed the gold in the storage many hired guns forced them on the run. Despite their best efforts, they could not outrun them, and soon the watched as several of their crew mates were taken down. Only Buggy and Raptor Blaster remained, and the enemy was gaining quickly.

Buggy was very scared, but and started to cry, but as he opened his eyes, he seemed to be in a different place. A bunch of insectoids were floating in a meadow, and one approached him. She told Buggy her name was Melody, and that she has seen this bad situation. She told Buggy she was his guardian angel, sent to help him in his time of need. While it seemed time was passing, she told Buggy everything was happening here a split second, and that he can spend much time here without time passing in the real world. She then told Buggy that he has the power to get them home, but it would require a great deal of effort out of him. He told buggy told hold his friends hand, and to focus his spiritual energy on his home. Think about the place he grew up in, every single detail, and focus his spiritual energy towards it. This would allow them their chance to escape. She told him that she would come back again and teach him more of the special energy within him. She then snapped her finger and buggy was back on the run.

Remembering what the spirit said Buggy grabbed Raptor Blastors hand. Then focusing on his mind he began to think about his home. They both then disappeared in a flash of light, leaving their pursuers dumbfounded. Raptor Blastor had realized that they had somehow made it back to their hideout, despite the chase. Confused, he then turned to Buggy, who he realized had fainted from the conflict. He realized that somehow, Buggy must have gotten them to safety. He immediately put him in his crib and realized how special he actually is. He made a new decision.

A few days past. Buggy was back on his feet and happily playing with Raptor Blaster, when he heard a voice outside, telling for Raptor Blaster to come out. Confused, Buggy asked his adopted father what was going on. He replied to Buggy simply saying, its time. He grabbed his favorite wire wrangler and gave it to Buggy. Even more confused he asked again. Raptor Blaster told him to tie him and to walk him to the strange people outside. When asked why, he only said it was time for a change. Still confused, he did what his father asked of him and escorted Raptor Blaster to the men outside. When they tried to take Raptor Blaster away from him, he began to resist. But Raptor Blaster calmed him down. He told him that he needs to go now, and pay for his crimes. These nice men will find a better home for him to live. Buggy argued that he was already in a nice home. But he eventually went with the men just as his father went away with the others. The authorities promised that the reward bounty for Raptor Blaster would go to Buggy when he grows older.

Ch 4

Rightly Reunited

Buggy was sent to a local doctor to check on the child’s health (considering he was being raised by a criminal of a different species, one that was actually very different then ones previously seen in the land). They witnessed first hand of the little kids strength when a group of bandits tried to rob the bank. Buggy dispatched all of them easily, and the people realized he was no ordinary toddler.

He was then transferred to a military complex near the capital for study. He was treated very nicely by the people there, but knew there was still something missing. He really missed Raptor Blaster, and wondered if he was okay. He spent many nights there dreaming of all the times he spent with his adopted Father.

Then one day, Buggy woke up, and there was someone there. Someone familiar.  As he wiped his eyes, he realized it was none other then Raptor Blaster. Reunited with his adopted father, he told Buggy what happened. He turned himself in in order to hopefully give Buggy a better home outside of the criminal lifestyle. He spent a while in jail waiting for trial. However, instead of being tried in major court, he was brought before the governing council of Merri. He explained his origins, crimes, and tech, and was givin a choice. Spend the rest of my life in jail, or allow both him and Buggy to be studied, allow me the chance to continue taking care of you, and take a more proactive role in life by being a special military bounty hunter and investigator. I choose the only choice that mattered. Happily reunited, they both took on this new lifestyle happily. Both their abilities were tested a sharpened from the training the military gave them. Soon enough, they were traveling all over and taking down criminals everywhere. His father continued to love and care for him and life was good.

A new case had opened up for Raptor Blaster however, one that would greatly change the game. Apparently Baron Bleak had been seen with a group of large reptiles, taking them into the mines near the border. Raptor Blaster realized this must be his old crew, and decided to try to rescue them with Buggy and defeat Baron Bleak. With their gear and items ready for a long journey, they both set off to find their old crew.


250 Mini Mags: While late in the game of bounty hunting, Raptor Blaster has been teaching Buggy how to shoot. The magnums use smaller stun shots with new experimental substance inside that allows the target to be more susceptible to suggestion. Unconscious targets knocked out by these can allow Buggy to use spiritual energy to invade the targets mind and gain useful information on the situation.

Spirit Stringer: A special wire wrangler tuned to Buggy. He can send spiritual energy through it to control it and wrap around enemies to restrain and contain them.


Spirit Smash: Charge fists with spiritual energy, for more power and speed.

Spirit Teleport: In extreme scenarios, he can teleport out of danger. Doing this places Buggy under a large amount of strain, and requires rest afterwords.

Spiritual Speak: Can tap into the spirits and talk with them. In murder cases, it can be very useful to discover the guilty party.

Spirit Speed: Tap spirit energy into his feet, making him run faster (as fast as Raptor Blaster) and kick harder.

Meditation: Meditating can allow him to enter to spirit world himself.

Spirit Sense: Can see the future or the past when he touches something. Must have been meditating beforehand.

Mind Melt: Grabbing an enemies head can allow him to put them into a lulling sleep, great for stealth and surprising outlaws.

Illusion Eyes: Buggy can lock eyes with enemies to make them see hypnotic illusions, great to confuse enemies.


His adopted father.


Tapping into the spirit world

His fathers stories

Toys (he has a small dog toy he calls Ghost).

Riding with his father.


Meeting others

Music played on his adopted fathers guitar (and his voice as he sings)


Abusers, similar to Raptor Blaster.

Evil spirits (he has to be careful when tapping into spirits. You never know what kind you might meet in the spirit world, or ones you may tap into).



Deadly force (also like his adopted father)

Cultists (for obvious reasons)

Character creation, Raptor Blaster

Character creation, Raptor Blaster

Raptor Blaster

Ch 1


 Raptor Blaster (real name Rex Terrance Raptor) originally came from a planet known as Soarus. This planet carried plenty of dinosaurs that were actually quite advanced brain wise. They were smart enough to build extremely advanced technology and built all types of space level tech within their planet (space ships were coming into focus at this period). However, as advanced as they were, they were not prepared for what would come to be known as, the comet.

Unfortunately, a massive meteor was on collision course for the planet. Despite their best efforts, they couldn’t even slow it down. Desperate, the high council on the planet decided to build as many space shuttle to evacuate as many people as they can. Many rockets were built and the citizens rushed through the stars, leaving their home world to be doomed by the impact. Raptor blaster was very young then. He spent a long time growing up in the shuttle. He came into contact with a group of young raptors, who would eventually be part of his crew (Roch, Rash, and Rocket). Time passed, and he was soon in the coming of adult age. The shuttle had finally found a hospitable planet to land and start anew.

But fate struck again, as their shuttle’s approach into the planet careened out of control, as their ships velocity compensater failed and caused the ship to crash hard into the planet. He had been in the work out area talking with his raptor friends during this period. He woke up realizing the ship had crashed. He and his friends were saved from the impact, as they all had been working on training their bodies on the ship (and during the commotion, they were at the back of the ship). Everyone else was gone.

They had made it to their destination though, and decided to head out to learn about the new planet. They found a little town, and decided to watch the people in it from distance (they didn’t know how well the local population would take to them). They realized that the planet was filled with species of different kinds, reptiles, overgrown bugs, hounds, all sorts of different animals they had only heard of in stories. They watched the townsfolk and learned that they were nowhere near as advanced as their race was. They were simple farmers, light industrial efforts, small towns, and it reminded them of stories they were told on the ship, about the times before they had such advanced technology. The planet was called, Roushin   (Ro-Shin). The country he was located on the planet was called, Merri

They decided that they might be able to blend in enough (as there were reptilian like) and tried to make a simple life here. They learned how to talk like them, act like them, and blend in with them. They built a small house around the crashed ship to live and hide it.  Unfortunately, they had no records and no documentation. Therefore, it would be impossible to be hired anywhere. One of his raptor friends, Roch (Ra-ch) came up with an idea. Crime was a big problem in this world. Thieves, murderers, and villains of all shapes and sizes roam the grassy plains all over. Let’s steal from them. No one is going to miss them… They would rob from villains all over the countryside.

Skeptical at first, it was eventually decided that this was their only option to make a living. So they started to hit up on criminals all over. They crafted weapons and items from the metal from the ship, and the files that survived on the computer. They combined this worlds technology with what was on their ship, creating sophisticated weaponry to attack villains. They believed that attacking villains would bring less publicity against them. Unfortunately, doing damage to criminal gangs and such is still a crime, and eventually, a large sum was placed on all of their heads (alive).

Ch 2

Buggy Breakout

They eventually heard of a possible heist that could go big. They heard from a informant that a house in the plains had a large room containing something valuable. However, it is quite well guarded. They decided to take point and hit up the joint. Things went well, they took out everyone in the way to the room out quickly and quietly with their 750 Master Magnums. They eventually came to a large room, shut by a special lock, made of metal. Rash quickly used his talons to pick the lock and they were in.

To their surprise, they found not valuable gold or treasures, but a baby fly (flys are bigger in this world). The odd thing is, this mansion was owned by a well known reptilian group, the Lizzars. There would be no reason for a baby bug to be here… They realized he must have been kidnapped. Why would they kidnap a baby bug though… To their dismay, an alarmed triggered by a guard behind let them know they were in and now they needed a quick escape. Raptor blaster, seeing as the kid may be of use, takes him out of the crib and carries him out the door. However, they were quickly surrounded, and it seem it would have been their end. To their surprise, the bug baby, who just woke up, flew out of his hand and beat up all of their opposition, allowing them to escape. The 3 other raptors saw this as a waste. Raptor blaster argued that he may be very useful (as he beat up a whole posse by himself). After much debate, it was decided to keep him ON THE CONDITION that raptor blaster becomes his caretaker. He agreed.

As you can guess, being his caretaker quickly allowed the two to bond quite well. He seemed to enjoy his time taking care of “Buggy,” instead of shooting up gangs (he also could easily serve as extra muscle during heists). He taught him basic communication, tieing knots, told stories about his home world, and fun games from it too. They grew quite close, and he started to question his choices on the planet.

Soon word came of a Insectoid known as the Baron Bleak. Known for his consistent gold robberies, they heard that he had a stash in a nearby farm house. Seeing the opportunity, they decide to take it on.

Ch 3

Child Choices

Things went south quickly though. Much more resistance then expected, and soon the group found themselves running for their lives. The enemies managed to injure the arms and legs of each of their group and soon Raptor blaster and Buggy were the only ones left running. As shots fired, buggy closes his eyes and focuses, and soon enough, they are back at their hideout unscathed.

He puts Buggy to sleep that night, but realizes that his friends are probably all dead. He is the only one left, and he couldn’t allow him to stay in a lifestyle like this. He didn’t want his adopted son to end up growing up into an outlaw. Buggy is unknown to the authorities, which means he couldn’t be put on trial (hes still a young child anyway. Cases don’t work like that here). He decides enough is enough. That night, he writes a letter to the authorities, detailing his location, and his surrender to them. He was going to turn himself in.

They arrived soon enough, and called for him to step outside the hideout. Buggy wondered what going on. He simply told Buggy to tie him with his favorite metal lasso, and to walk him out to them. Buggy didn’t know what to think, but agreed to do so. He was taken in and he waited for his fate. He hoped that Buggy would claim the reward on his head for escorting him out. He also hoped he could be put in a more stable home then what he could offer.

Ch 4

Reunited reunion

It seems fate would change again. Instead of being put on trial in locations all over, he was instead brought to a council of Merri. The governing body’s of the country had taken interest in his exploits. His gang of punks had actually taken down several gangs of high profile outlaws (unintentionally). They also realized that he was different then any other species on the planet. They decided to question him before trial.

Raptor Blaster, admitted to all crimes. He also told him about Buggy, and his origins about coming from another world. As you can expect, the council took a very high interest in him. It was decided. He would be pardoned for all crimes, and he could continue taking care of Buggy, ON THE CONDITION that he joins their military and allows scientists to study both him and Buggy, and allows them to transport his ship for study. When Raptor blaster asked where Buggy was, they informed him that they have relocated him to a military installation for further study. His affliction and strength are NOT normal. He agreed to the deal.

Raptor Blaster was taken to the military complex to be happily reunited with his young adopted son. He was put to work immediately, and he would be trained in combat further. They also trained him to be an investigator in major crimes in their country. He would become one one the country’s best bounty hunters and investigators in high profile cases. His exploits become well known in the country. The scientists at the base tested his prints, blood, physical and mental capabilities, and his technology. He continued his work happily, and finally found a way to coexist with the people of this world. All was good for a time. He had become a crack shot for military and investigative affairs and became a wonderful Father for Buggy.

However, something big came up. Quite some time later. He was called inbefore the council. He was asked to investigate a possible lead to a disappearance of several government officials. When he asked who the culprit is, it was none other then Baron Bleak. He was seen escorting large reptiles down below into the mines near Arasin (A-ra-sen). He realized it must be his old friends. Their still alive! They must have been forced to mine for his gang after the incident. With this new case in tow, he takes buggy out into the wilds, hoping to reunite with his old crew. If he can save them, maybe he can teach them to shape up…


750 Master Magnums: These guns combine Raptors crashed ship technology with the weapons seen on this planet. Extremely accurate with a low recoil and a high rate of fire, these shoot the following

Magnum Mags: Small laser blasts that cause significant kinetic damage and burns on the hit area. Can also hold the trigger focus a more charged beam that can completely penetrate multiple targets (after he was assigned to the military, he very rarely uses these bullets anymore. He was tasked with using these ONLY as a last resort, as the governing bodies of the country want to keep the negative publicity of death at a minimal).

Stun Shots: A small round ball containing special chemicals. Hits on targets would cause immediate numbness on the areas hit, meaning that the target will not be able to operate with it (shooting a hand would basically make the person unable to use their hand). Headshots will immediately knock out the target. Made to be a non lethal solution in fights.

Wire Wrangler: A special lasso made from the wires from their broken ship. It’s extremely durable, flexible, long, and can easily restrain groups of targets.


Speedy Sights: Raptor Blasters eyes can detect even the slightest movement. His accuracy is spot on and can take down large bulky targets with his good sight and aiming skills.

Talon Trouble: Raptor Blasters large talons can be used well in hand to hand combat. Military training has given him even further skills in hand to hand. He is much more skilled at incapacitating his targets after his training.

Tracking Tricks: Raptor Blaster has several advantages that help him with hunting down criminals. Being a raptor, he has an excellent sense of smell. He needs only a small object with a scent to track criminals from very far away. He trained his brain at the military to be able to use the scenes of where crimes happen to try to better understand the situation, and track the guilty party. His deductive reasoning is spot on, and usually can find targets and incapacitate them before they can cause any more trouble.

Likes: His adopted son, Buggy

Music (he is currently learning to play the guitar by one of his friends at the military base, a Salamander named Sneak. He also is actually surprisingly good at singing old western tunes)

Riding horses

Farming (during his time at the military installation, he learned from the people there on how to farm. He has a small space at the base where he tends to a small garden. Buggy likes sniffing the flowers and eating the grown vegetables)


Hunting criminals

Playing card games with the people at the base

Dislikes: Organized crime


Kidnappers (mostly due to what happened to Buggy)

People to high on themselves

Lethal force (pretty much after he joined the military)

People who look down on his precious adopted son, Buggy

Abusive characters


Custom Character Created, Stinger Spider

Custom Character Created, Stinger Spider

Stinger Spider is this guys name. He lives on a planet known as Bugkasian (Bug-kas-i-an), a planet filled with different bugs who have adapted to a more futuristic society, and work to protect it. He is a spider warrior in a metal adaptation rig armor (the armor adapts itself to the wearer, and will change based on who wears it. It fits on the stomach area and can turned on by will by the one using it), made to fight possible enemies against their planet.  He serves under the sole ruler of the planet, Buggonovic (Bug-gon-no-vec). No one has seen what he looks like under the armor, except the one who gave it to him, the great king. He’s currently serving in the spider force.

Abilities: The armor grants several abilities

Wire String: It can create wire sting from the mouth piece and the back to immobilize enemies or bring them closer to attack.

Palm Punchers: Arms can change into palms based on a unknown species who used to live on the planet, but disappeared (Hint: you and me). The result is better grabbing ability, and to carry out either punches with said ability, or turn it back into standard spider legs for a cutting edge blade.

Varied Visor: Visor can change between night vision, thermal, and sharpshooter (lock onto targets for more effective attacking strength).

Stealth Steppers: Armor emits no noise, and “stinger,” and visor can be set to low lighting on command.

Sting sapper: Wire string on back can be changed to instead work as a bee stinger to sap energy from enemies. It can also be extended to about 2 feet.

Personality: With very little to threaten the empire, he spends most of the time in his lab trying to perfect the designs for his armor. While off duty, he tends to take science as a means to relax a bit. Several technologies made within the empire have made it into everyday hands of others on the planet. He doesn’t make contact with other members of the bug force group, preferring to stay by himself. He is quite lonely actually, but fears for another mishap to happen with his experiments with not only his armor, but with his advances in technology for his King.  He is actually quite interested in the thought of life existing beyond outer space. He is also very interested in the previous lifeforms who lived on the planet, as their strange achievements in both architecture and technology have led to countless questions on who were they, what did they do, and how did they just disappear one day. He theorizes that they must have left the planet for some odd reason. But why. He hopes to one day explore more into this, and hopefully gain knowledge into exploring space.

Likes: History, Knowledge, Science, Reading, Exploring, helping others when needed, His only friend, Spider Shadowshot.

Dislikes: Hurting his peers, Misleading information, Defacers of ancient monuments and culture, fame and glory, Criminals.