Author: Reece Earley

Cryo the dragon, Before the Storm

Cryo the dragon, Before the Storm


In the last book, Cryo was attending class in school during his 5th grade year. It seems that Cryo’s work had earned him quite a bit of popularity at school, as he had taken up tutoring for the kids at school and had also repaired and upgraded many different electronic items for his classmates. The bell rang for the end of the school day, and Cryo would begin to walk home with several of his classmates and his “big brother,” Noble, and his best friend, Cameron. Cryo had hoped that they would both be able to spend time with him today. However, Noble and Cameron had some stuff to do at home, but would be back to spend time with him later in the day. Cryo headed back to his room in the residential building within the facility and was greeted by his mother, Tide. He would then spend time doing some of his homework, and then would decide to take a nap after it was completed.

His dream though, had some… interesting events within them. Cryo saw when he opened his eyes in it that he seemed to be in a very cold area, with snow falling from the heavens above at night. He strangely didn’t feel cold from some reason though… He then realized that his paws and arms had changed form. He found a body of water nearby, and looked at his reflection. His scales had turned full white, and his talons had been completely frozen over, with the snow falling around him seemingly being caught in some type of wind currant and rotating around his talons like a planet moves around a sun. His belly scales and turned into a light grey. He saw that his wings had grey linings and seemed to be almost transparent. He saw that his rigid scales across his back also seemed to have snow circulating around them and seemed a bit sharper then before. His tail also seemed to be a bit shorter and smaller. He quickly become curious as to why he was transformed, as he never had transformed in snowy conditions before, even back on the mountains. He saw that his head’s shape had also changed. It seemed to be a bit more rounded and more condensed. There seemed to be a small layer of ice over his yellow eyes, almost like glasses, except it didn’t seem to make it harder for him to see. His horn had been covered in ice as well, with snow circulating around it.

As he continued to observe his reflection, he began to hear jets behind him. Suddenly, he would be attacked by several assailants! The managed to bind his limbs and muzzled him, and took him into a large ship in the distence… They then pulled out a needle with a sedative in it, and injected Cryo with it, causing him to fall unconscious…

Not long after, Cryo finally woke up from his bad dream! He was relieved he was back in his room and not somewhere else entirely. It was getting close to when Cameron said he’d come to see him. Cryo decided to spend a bit of time flying outside. He left a note for Tide, who was not in the room at the time, that he would be flying outside for a bit.

But… It seemed that as he was soaring around for a bit, he would get caught in a black net! Confused at what was going on, he then felt a sting in his leg! He found a tranquilizer dart stuck in his leg! As he began to fall into unconsciousness, he would look up, and see a fleeing airship, with the net beginning to rise into a compartment on the bottom of it. Soon enough though… his mind fell to the dark…

When he woke up, he realized he had his legs and arms bound, and was muzzled, in a small pen. Even worse, he had a collar around his neck… A collar that he realized was there to block the signal of his gps tracker chip inside of him… Not long after, a group of assailants would maneuver themselves in front of the bars of Cryo’s pen. He quickly realized they were Commander Mick, and others from his traitor military unit… The same ones who’ve made several attempts to kidnap him and his mother before.

Mick chastised Cryo and would inform him that they were moving him to a “new home,” where he would be working with them to create revolutionary technology. There was only just a few hours left before they would arrive… And even worse… they were going to “punish,” him for the trouble he caused them. Mick left the room, leaving Cryo with a very limited amount of time to figure out a way to escape!

Cryo would spend that time trying to cut the bindings around his wrist with his talons, hoping that eventually, they’d break and allow him to untie his hands. As he continued to try and sever them though, some strange things began to happen around the ship. At first, he thought they were flying into a storm. But suddenly, the walls of the ship began to break off from where he was! Cryo was launched from the ship and hit the ground below, where he quickly fell into unconsciousness…”

He would wake up later, in the basement of a dwelling. He would realize that someone had seemingly been watching him as he slept… When he opened his eyes, he saw a small, white wolfy, named Lily. The young wolfy seemed to have been very worried about him and had stayed with him for some time. Cryo looked at his body and seemed to have had his injuries treated and more importantly, seemed to not be bound, muzzled, and in relative comfort in the dwelling. Not long after checking around, the Wolfy would begin to bark and summoned one of the homeowners. A man named, Eli Erinson. He lived with his wife, Arianna and his son, Seth.

Eli explained to Cryo what had been happening since he fell unconscious. The ship he was being transported in had for some odd reason knocked into a rock formation on the outskirts of the city, called Winterfell, located much farther north in the colder region of the continent. It had begun to fall apart as it continued forward. He was jettisoned from the ship and landed in a park, where Eli and a bunch of the townspeople would stand in shock at what they’d find inside. Him. Cryo become nervous at the thought at the whole town knowing about his existence…

But it turns out the town had worked together to help Cryo and make sure he’d survive. He had the bars to his pen melted to get him out of it, and then had been rushed to the veterinarian clinic, when many of the townsfolks would wait to hear the news of his survival. It turns out during that moment at the clinic, a report was made about the ship, which was found downed in the snow away from the town… The ship held information that shocked the town, including Cryo’s kidnapping and how they planned to punish him for resistance… And the crew of the ship were nowhere to be found around the crash site…

The town afterwards decided to work together to supply items to aid in his recovery and keep him in comfort. Eli would brought it upon himself to take care of Cryo until they could figure out what they could do to get them home. Unfortunately, they couldn’t get his collar off safely and the communications tower for the town had been hit during the crash as well, so they couldn’t try to make a call to his home. The people would agree to keep his location secret in the event the perpetrators would return looking for him. Cryo learned though that the items he was wearing, including his bandanna, had been taken to look more into it. Cryo tried to explain that he really needed it back, but unfortunately, they couldn’t give it back to him right then, even as he tried to explain to them how they were made. Eli didn’t believe him, and would leave it to the seamstresses in town to try to find out themselves how it was made…

Time passed, and Cryo would find life very hard to live with them and the residents of town. They failed to understand that he was more then just a “wild animal,” and more or less treated him like a dog. He found that Seth, would want to always interrupt him during naps to play, giving him much less sleep during the day. But one afternoon, as he was being walked on a leash outside, He would hear something… interesting, from a conversation between Eli and his neighbor, Clarence. He learned that Eli’s van had stopped working. After the small conversation, they continued on…

Night fell on the town, and Cryo was about to go to bed for the night. But… he decided that despite the treatment he’s been getting, he’d repair Eli’s vehicle and the communications tower, using parts from the local junkyard to fix said items. As he stepped outside in the cold though, he began to transform again, just like in his dream before he was taken. But even better, the cyantrinian collar, despite being resistant to cold, had frozen around his neck! With a good tug, he broke the collar into pieces! Feeling happy that his loved ones could track him again, he began to head to the communications tower to look into fixing it first, before Eli’s van.

As Eli and the other woke up the next mourning, they realized Cryo left the basement. They were about to call the police to help find him, when Lily was scratching and Barking at the Garage door. As they turned to open it and see what was inside, they found Cryo, fixing up the van under the hood. He had apprently stayed up all night repairing it and the communications tower. After testing his phone by calling Clarence. Sure enough, the phone connected with Clarences phone, leaving them shocked. Cryo informed them that he had called his family after fixing the tower. It seems that Mick had also destroyed the runway of the base, meaning that they would have to get new ships and repair the runway before they could pick him up. Cryo asked Eli after to test and see if his car was working. He turned it on and saw that it was working perfectly. Feeling tired after a long night of work, he asked his caretakers to let him get a little bit of sleep, and headed out of the room, absolutely dumbfounded at what they had witnessed. Clarence told them to call the mayor…

A couple days passed, and there were new plans being arranged for Cryo. But on that day, the family wanted a “distraction,” to keep Cryo out of the house for awile. So the mayor agreed to take him in for the day and watch him and try to keep him entertained. They drove to the mayors estate, and dropped Cryo off.

Cryo would meet the family eat breakfast at the table with them. Nia, the mayor of the city, would introduce Cryo to her family. There was her husband, Wake, and her daughter Sara, who seemed VERY interested in the young dragon. After breakfast they would take Cryo to their family room to watch some tv on the home theater. Sara would come into the room later and tell Cryo a bit about herself. She was very lonely, as Nia and Wake’s duties made them work nearly all the time, and really couldn’t spend time with her. Cryo decided he’d try to cheer her up by playing with her. She began to take Cryo to her room.

Cryo realized though, that Sara wanted to play “house,” with him being her baby! He refused to play at first, as he didn’t want to be treated like a baby. But… he then decided that he’d swallow his pride deep down and play house with her anyway, just to make her happy. He was changed into training pants and went about his day with Sara. After a while though, after seeing how happy she was, he didn’t mind as much anymore on being the baby.

The day would pass, and soon Cryo would finally be able to go home. Nia wanted to arrange some more “play dates,” between Cryo and Sara, which he agreed to. Soon, Eli would arrive and take him back home. When Cryo got home though, he realized that the basement had been completely changed. It was now… his own bedroom. Eli had contacted Cryo’s mother and caretakers at home and learned a great deal about the dragon. The townspeople were also informed of this discussion. So they came together and made a “home away from home,” for Cryo while Research Base Omega works on getting ships and repairing their runway. They had made cloths for Cryo, using Greg’s techniques, gave him a nice tv system and workbench to work on creating devices for himself, with parts coming in from the junkyard once a week so he could be supplied for said devices. This nice surprise excited Cryo, and soon he would be tucked into bed for the night, in some new pajamas. Before turning on naptunes to help Cryo sleep, they informed Cryo that he would be going to school for the semester in their school building instead, and his work back at home would be carried over here. Finally, Arianna turned on naptunes and Cryo quickly fell into a deep sleep. But as he slept, a familiar voice would try to call to Cryo over the radio… Realizing he was asleep, the voice decided to instead wait until he wakes up the next mourning…

Ch 1

Dreaming of the Dojo

Cryo’s eyes slowly opened up. He saw that he seemed to be somewhere… different. He looked around and saw he was laying in snow, with the winds whispering its tune all around him. It was dark out, and there was a low mist circling around the area. He picked himself up a bit, and quickly saw he was transformed again, with his scales coated in white and his talons and horn covered in ice. He also realized that his bandanna still was around his neck as well. “Wait… What in the world? Where…” “Do not be alarmed, Cryo.” said a feminine voice which echoed around the area a bit. “Huh…” Cryo looked around to see if someone was there. He couldn’t see anyone though… “I see you’re having a bit of time adapting to a bit of a “colder climate,” Isn’t that right my little grandson.” “G… Grandson? Wait…”

Cryo could hear footsteps stepping in the snow behind him. He turned around, and saw a white dragon approaching him, her form similar to his. She stopped a few feet in front of him and sat down. “Grandma? Is that… really you?” “That’s right, grandson. Its nice to see you after your recent ordeal. It seems you ended up getting into a rather dangerous situation with some old foes back home, didn’t you?” asked Wave. “Well… Y… Yea. I… got kidnapped again…” “Yes… Seems that even before the real fight begins, your finding yourself being targeted by those who want you for themselves.” “Yea… I suppose that’s kind of what ended up happening…”

Wave began stroking him across the head a few times, and smiled at him. Cryo felt comforted by this gesture. “I think you realize all too well your not out of danger yet though…” Cryo tilted his head down and gave a sigh. “To be honest… I haven’t felt really all that safe in my… um… new temporary home. I know everyone in town is looking out for Mick and the others within his squad. But… I know he won’t be stopped just by that alone. I’ve… been worried about the others who’ve been looking out for me… Anyone of them could be targeted by Mick if they know I’m here. I don’t want to end up getting them involved in this. Mick… He’s… incredibly dangerous. I know he’d stop at nothing to take me. I’ve seen all to well how far he’s willing to go to take me.” Wave nodded her head and gestured Cryo to walk with her through the snowy expanse before them. Cryo nodded and began to head forward with her.

“You have heart, my grandson. You care about the others within this town. Despite the fact that not everything you’ve experienced in town has exactly been… happy for you.” Cryo gave a sigh and a nod. “Yea… I admit… It’s been really hard for me since I’ve been here.” “But… like at Firebase Omega, the people in town just needed a small reminder, that just because you might look like a beast, doesn’t mean you are one, huh?” Cryo turned his head toward her and smiled. “Yea. I think… things have really changed for me around here. I have my own room. My own workbench. I’m going to be going to school. Things are looking to become far better for me.”

They continued walking forward as snow fell around them. Strangely, the snow itself seemed to now be taking a more silverish color as they continued forward. “Yes. You seem to be getting settled in for the time you’ll spend at this town. And you’ve already made a new friend, I see.” “A new… friend?” Wave chuckled a few times and smiled at him. “Oh yes. Susy seemed to have a real fun time with you my “little grandson.” “Wait… You… Oh that’s… embarrassing…” Cryo’s face began to become a little red. “Oh don’t worry about that grandson. You were willing to make a sacrifice for someone else. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. I hear that Nia wants to set up more “play dates,” correct?” “Well…” Wave chuckled again and smiled at him. “You saw she was lonely, my grandson. And you know that feeling all too well. It’s why you were willing to do it. Don’t be so upset at being given a little “child care.” Remember why your doing it, and you’ll feel much better. Cryo looked back and smiled at Wave. “Yea. Your right. I just hope I can help her not feel as lonely at home. “That’s the way to think, my grandson. Just relax and keep a “cool head, and you’ll be able to handle some “tough spots.” Now, we have just a little further to go before we arrive at our destination.” “Destination? We… are heading somewhere?” “That’s right.” “Where are we going, Grandma?” “That building right there.”

She pointed ahead and Cryo looked forward and saw a small building. He saw a large array of stony steps leading to the top of what appeared to be some type of dragon temple. The dwelling seemed to be similar to how some of the foreign homes back on Cyriss would look like. The walls were translucent white frame with wooden rectangle frames separating it into segments. The roof was very flat, with a red, arching frame surrounding it.

“This looks like homes from the Asiaga culture back on Cryiss. I’ve never seen one in person before,” Cryo said. “This, is the dojo, Cryo.” “The… dojo?” “That’s right.” “What are we here for, Grandma?” “You’ve undoubtable noticed that you’re transformed right now, haven’t you?” “Well… Yea Grandma. I know I look quite a bit different then before.” “This transformation is known as Winter Whiteout.” “Winter… Whiteout?” “That’s right. When dragons are introduced to an element connected to their own, their bodies adapt and transform to better suit itself in it.” “Really?” “Yes. You’ve seen yourself transform in water as well.” “Yea. I know that since I was a hatchling.” “This place right here is meant to help better teach you and harness your elemental energies when within an area of your own element. Seeing as how your now currently in an area in your world where its relatively cold and snowy, this is is good opportunity to help train and hone your skills in both forms. Considering that Mick is still a rather serious issue, you might find yourself needing one or both forms to better counter what he has planned for you.” “Really? That sounds pretty nice.” “Yes. I think you can guess this temple is back on our home world. But… truthfully… this is not what it looks like on it now…” “What do you mean?” Wave looked at Cryo and gave a sigh. “That might be something to tell at another time, but for now… why don’t we head inside?” They both nodded and headed up the steps.

They soon made it to the top, and saw a sliding door similar to the walls of the structure. Wave slid the doorway to the left and they both stepped in. The floors were similar style to the walls, except it was brown squares with a red border dotting the floor. There was a large stony ferrin dragon statue to the right of the room. It’s hands were outstretched towards the center. In each hand were two rather large gemstones cut in a diamond shape in both hands. One had a white gem and the other a deep blue gem.

“This place reminds me of fighting dojos I’ve seen in a couple movies. Though… How can I use this place to train my abilities here? And… this is inside, right? Won’t I just go back to normal being in here, in a warm building?” “This building resonates with elemental energy from Ferrin dragons. It’ll allow free transform between all forms of the ferrin dragon. “Really?” “That’s right.” The dojo can transform itself to help better practice your special abilities within it.” “Really. So the dojo… can make a pool of water come up out of nowhere?” “That’s right. Take a look.”

Wave began to head towards the dragon statue to the right of the room. She put her hand over the blue gem and closed her eyes and seemingly began to focus in it. Suddenly, the whole dojo seemed to grow and extend itself outward! The floor began to sink in the center around the room, and water filled it in only a few seconds!” Cryo stood over the side of the now large pool of water and looked over it.

“Wow! That’s incredible!” As he continued to look, he suddenly began to feel his body changing. He looked at his hand, and saw that the white scales seem to be turning back to its normal Cyan color. He saw his entire body beginning to smooth out and he fins beginning to grow out of his back head, and around his arms. He realized quickly he had transformed into what was similar to when he’s in a deep body of water! “Whoa… I’m… in the water form again…” Cryo said. “This dragon form is known as the Sea Serpent,” said Wave. Cryo looked to her, and saw Wave had been transformed as well. “This is amazing! How is all of this possible!? The temple looked like it grew right in front of me!” “The temple didn’t exactly grow on the outside, Cryo. The temple’s inner structure is special. While it looks like it grew on the inside, if you were to step outside of it now, it’ll still look the same size as before. “Really? But how?” “This place is filled with the energies of the ferrin dragon. Dragon’s power can do things that may seem impossible in normal circumstances. “That’s… incredible!” “Yes… You’ll have time to acquainted with it, but for now… it seems… mourning has come, and it’s time for you to wake up, my grandson.” “Wake up! But…” “I’ll be waiting for you to begin your training the next time you fall asleep. Now… wake up, Cryo.” “But! No! But!” Suddenly, Cryo’s vision began to grow a thick white, and he felt like he was fading from the dream “Good mourning, Cryo,” he heard Wave say as the white haze took over.

Ch 2

AI Answers

“Cryo… Cryo… Wake up… Wake up!” said a familiar voice. “Huh?” His eyes slowly opened up. He saw he was back in his room at Eli’s house. He saw Arianna standing over him and nudging him a bit. “Oh. Good mourning Arianna,” Cryo said. “Good mourning Cryo,” Arianna replied back. He heard the alarm blaring over his radio as well. He pulled the covers down from his bed and began to stand up and step down from it. “There we go. Ready for your for day of school at our campus?” “Oh! I completely forgot I was going to school today! Did I oversleep?!” “Oh. No. No you didn’t. You woke up right on time.” Cryo turned his head to face his radio. He saw the radio read 8:02 A.M. “Oh…” He quickly switched off the radio alarm and looked back at Arianna. “When does school start for the day?” Cryo asked as he began to carefully remove his pajamas. “School begins in town at about 9:00. You’ll be taking a bus to the campus.” “Huh? A… bus?” “That’s right.” “Huh… I’ve never taken a bus to school before. Then again… I’ve never had a need to considering the base itself has the school directly inside.” “It won’t be that bad. The bus will arrive at about 9:45 A.M. to take you.” “Well… Ok then.” “Now come on. Come upstairs and have some breakfast with us. We bought some fruit frenzy cereal for you.” “Oh! Ok!”

Cryo looked at himself for a second. “I should… probably wear a jacket or something. It’s really cold out with the snow. Despite the Winter whiteout transformation adapting me to cold temperatures, I think its better to stay as myself and not transform in the public if I can. I like the fabrics feeling anyway. He looked at Arianna. “Umm… Can I get myself a jacket for school? It’s going to be pretty cold in the snow.” “Why of course you can. Do you need any help changing into one?” “I’ll be fine, Arianna. Just let me pick something from my closet.” “OK. I’ll see you upstairs.” Arianna began to head out and up the steps.

“Alright… Let’s see what is in the closet.” As he was about to look, he heard something behind him. “Good mourning, Creator,” said a slightly distorted and mechanical voice.” “Wha… Huh?” Cryo looked around the room, but saw no one. But then the voice sounded again. “How are you today? I believe I heard this is your first day of school in this district, correct?” Cryo realized that the voice was coming from his radio, and he believed he knew exactly who it was. He began to head to his radio. “C… Craft? Is that… you?” “That’s right, creator. It’s nice to hear from you again.” Cryo looked at the radio in disbelief. He looked towards the steps to see if anyone was listening in or watching. He saw no one was there. He then sat himself down in front of his radio. He began to speak in a whispered tone.

“Craft! What are you doing here?! How in the world did you get in my radio?!” “Well… You see creator. I’ve… been trying to track you for awhile…” “Wait… You’ve been trying to track me!?” “Correct. I realized something was wrong immediately after my sound sensors at home detected what sounded like detonations. Unfortunately I wasn’t connected to security during the incident, due to the System Safety command in place. “System Safety command?” “That’s right. The one where I am not allowed to log into security and database servers without your go too.” “Oh… That’s right…”

“Yes… I would be informed later between a conversation within your living quarters between your caretakers and mother. It was here I learned a great deal of the incident and your disappearance. Apparently, the runway was attacked, destroying the ships and the runway. I also learned that an escape ship in the model of a Commando Carrier class was seen fleeing the airspace, with something caught within a net attachment. You…” “Umm… Yea… That… sounds about right so far.”

“Yes… Anyway. It seems that tracking you was already impossible. Your gps locater chip seemed to have been disabled somehow. After combing over the previous kidnapping document, I deduced that a gps jamming collar must have been attached to your neck, like before.” “Yup… That’s right.” “Realizing you were in danger, I began to… turn to emergency measures to try to locate you.” “Wait a minute… Emergency measures? What do you mean by that, Craft…?” “Well. First… I revealed to your caretakers of my existence.” Cryo’s eyes shot up! “What!? They know about you!?” “Please understand creator. The situation was dire, and I knew they would need my help to try and find you!” Cryo gave a sigh and shook his head. “That’s… Ugh…” “Now now, creator. Their reaction was rather positive at best.” “Positive?” “Yes… They were amazed that you made me. We began to try to pool resources in trying to find an alternative way to perhaps find you.” “Well. Alright then. That’s at least… good.” Cryo looked at the time on the radio. “Hmm… I should probably start getting prepared for school. I still need a jacket.”

Cryo faced his radio again. “Umm… Can you continue your story craft? I would like to change into some cloths for school.” “Yes. Very well creator. Adjusting volume to extend voice range.” “Umm… Thank you.” Cryo began to head towards his closet and began to open it and take a look. Craft continued.

“When we realized what type of ship it was, we believed that maybe… I could be… uploaded into the ship itself and perhaps take control of it and try to send it back home to us.” “Wait? Take control of the ship?!” “Correct. One thing in particular about the kidnapping is the use of military grade ships. Mick should not have access to virtually any after the first incident. Yet… Somehow… He had quite a few at his disposal to not only take you hostage, but also perform a light bombing run of the runway to prevent any ships from tailing him. However, it seems that Gerald finally had a breakthrough with the investigation thanks to me of course. “Huh. Gerald?” “Correct. It seems that Mick and his group is involved in a larger conspiracy. Me and him were able to quickly gain access to a wealth of information on his old computer here at Research Base Omega. He tried to erase everything after the first attempt. But… I was able to find it all. Emails. Names and individuals involved, possible locations. And most importantly… military stock information.” “Military stock? You mean…”

“That’s right. Id tags and numbers on ships. The conspiracy runs deep within their group. There are some politicians who are involved. They funded and helped with gaining the hardware and ships. It was here that I combed over information with the military stock that allowed me to pinpoint which ship they were using to transport you. And… well…” Cryo immediately felt uneasy about the fact that Craft paused the conversation here… “Craft… Please don’t tell me you…” “Y… Yes creator… I’m… I’m so sorry…” “You… caused the ship to crash… Please tell me that was NOT your original intention.” “Please Creator! I swear! It was NEVER my intention!” Cryo thought for a moment at this.

“…Craft is telling the truth… I know it. He wouldn’t act out in such an aggressive and rather irrational manner to crash an entire ship with me still on it. He wouldn’t willingly put my life in such danger just to disable an aircraft. But… that does raise the question…” Cryo thought to himself. He turned back to his radio again. He picked out a lime green jacket with a couple pockets on the front of it from his closet and began to step back towards his radio. He untied his bandanna around his neck and placed it on his bed. He then went stepped a few feet in front of his radio and looked at it.

“What went wrong Craft?” “There… seemed to be someone else attempting to hack into the ship…” Cryo’s eyes shot up! “Wait! What!? Someone else tried to take control of the ship!?” “Yes…” Cryo gave out another sigh.” “Do… Do you know who it was?” “No… But one thing was for sure… They couldn’t have wanted to take control of it for good purposes…” Cryo’s eyes narrowed and he felt a knot forming in his stomach a bit. “…What do you mean… Craft?” “This… other party… it was… bizarre.” “Bizarre…” “Correct… It’s codebreaking techniques on the ship were… different… I can’t explain it… But… It was trying to take the ship much higher in the planets atmosphere. Almost… close to outer space…” Cryo’s eyes shot up again!

“WAIT… WHA… OUTER SPACE! ARE YOU SERIOUS!?” “Yes… I… was basically in a tug of war match with this unknown entity for a bit of time… I… was able to eventually completely expel him from the system and lock him from interfacing anymore… but…” “But it was too late by then… By the time you’ve finished… the aircraft probably hit that rock formation. It… tore apart while flying… and… sigh… ejected me into the town below at high speed.” “Ye… Yes… I’m… I’m truly sorry creator… I really am… When I saw on the security camera on the ship with the image of you being ejected… I… I… I thought you’d be lost…” Cryo nodded his head and tapped his radio on top a few times.

“It’s alright Craft. None of this is your fault. You at least were able to pilot the ship away from the town as it began to break down. Truthfully Craft. You probably nonetheless saved my life and thousands of others within the town.” “Wait… Really?” “Yes. While the outcome was… not exactly ideal, if you hadn’t had hacked into the ship or prevented the other party from taking control… I might not be here right now… And not just me…” There was a short moment of static from the radio. “You’re… You’re a hero, Craft. Despite the setbacks… you’re a hero. Thank you.” “Yo… Your welcome, creator. I… always happy to serve your needs and wishes.”

Cryo smiled at the radio and put on his green jacket. He then took his bandanna on his bed and wrapped it around his neck again. “Well, Craft. I have to get ready for school. Arianna is probably wondering why its taking me so long to get dressed. I… I better get going. I still need to eat breakfast before school. I won’t be able to focus without food in my belly.” “Very well. I look forward to when you return.” “I’ll see you later, Craft.” “Have a pleasant day at school, creator.” Cryo began to walk forward towards the steps when he remembered something.

“Oh, Craft. Could you not make it obvious while I’m here that your sentient as well. Despite the people at home accepting you, you probably don’t want everyone here knowing there’s a sentient AI in my radio… One of them might destroy the radio out of fear of… um… a robotic uprising or whatever…?” “Understood. Will engage with you when situations are ideal, creator. Actually creator. There’s one more thing I should inform you about as well.” “What is it?” “Do you by chance, have a computer? Your mother and the other caretakers back at home would like to set up video calls on the CompCall app.” “Oh. Really?” “Yes.” “Umm… well…” Cryo looked around his bedroom, but saw that there wasn’t one available to him. “I… don’t think I actually… have one in here. I’m… going to need to get one, from somewhere…” “Well… Alright then, creator. I’ll have to inform them of this.” “Will it be hard for you to contact them? Your… not at home right now.” “It will be really simple for me. I’m connected here and to the devices back home. I should have no trouble informing them.” “Well. Alright then. See you later, Craft.” “Goodbye, creator.” Cryo continued up the staircase, into the kitchen.

Ch 3

Breakfast and Bus

Cryo entered the kitchen and found the family already eating breakfast together. They turned his head to face him. “There you are Cryo. I was wondering where you were. What kept you?” asked Arianna. “Oh… Umm… I… couldn’t figure out what to wear.” “Well. Alright then. Here. Come sit down at the table with us.” Cryo could see the family finally got a new seat at the table for him to sit and eat with them. It a rather plain wooden seat with a cushion with a water pattern. It was also wider and raised closer to the table. Cryo smiled and pulled his seat out, and set himself down on it. He saw a plain white bowl on the table, and saw his cereal had already been poured in, but with no milk. He also saw a cup next to his bowl with some orange juice in it. Cryo searched for the milk on the table. He saw the milk bottle in the center of it, and quickly opened it up and poured his milk on it. It soon was filled with milk and cereal. He smacked his chops a few times and began to eat happily. Seth watched Cryo as he ate his cereal.

“How’s your cereal, big brother?” he said. Cryo paused for a minute. “Big… brother?” he thought. He looked at Seth and smiled at him. “Oh. My cereal tastes good. This is my favorite cereal back home you know.” “Yea… Its mine too, big bro!” “Oh… Umm… That’s good Seth.” He continued to eat for a bit. “So… What grade are you in at school, big brother?” “Umm… 5th grade currently.” “That’s cool! I’m taking kindergarten right now!” “Umm… That’s nice, Seth. I do remember when I was in kindergarten.” “Really?” “That’s right.” “What do you remember big brother?” “Well… I remember my first day was… really hard and difficult for me to cope with at first…” “What! Really, big brother!?” “That’s right…” “But… WHY?” “Well… I was… bullied quite a bit on my first day…” Seth gave out a gasp. “You were bullied!?” “Unfortunately, that’s right Seth.” “But… Why would other bully you!”

“Well… You have to understand Seth. I’m not like others like you and your parents. I’m not a human. I’m a dragon. That… didn’t rub off that well with the others in class…” “But dragons are so cool! I don’t understand!” “Being a dragon in an all human setting wasn’t exactly ideal at the time. I don’t think the other kids could accept having someone so different from them in the same class setting. But… it wasn’t all bad…” “Why, big brother?” “Well… Because one of the kids decided to break off from the others and… help me through that.” “Who?” “Cameron. He’s actually Ty’s son. Ty’s one of the two humans who raised me at Research Base Omega. Back when my mother was… well… in a deep, deep sleep. Cameron gave me something I absolutely needed at the time.” “What big brother?” “A friend. He helped me through many years of school life after. However… after an… incident, at Research Base Omega, the other kids… realized that they might have been far to hard on me. Now, I’m friends with many of them and pretty well liked within school.” “What was the incident, big brother.” “Well… That’s probably a story for another time. We both have to get ready to attend school today. And the story is… a rather long one.” “Ahh… Ok…” They continued to eat together.

Soon their bellies were filled, and 2 school buses arrived to pick up Cryo and Seth. One, heading to Winterfell middle school. The other heading to Winterfell elementary school.” Cryo and Seth walked out the door, with backpacks with them, containing all their much needed supplies for the trip. “Alright you two boys. Have a good day!” “Thanks Mom!” said Seth. “Alright. See you later Arianna!” Seth quickly boarded the elongated yellow hover bus.

Cryo slowly and nervously wandered over to his. He saw a huge amount of kids staring at him as he approached… “This… feels a bit worrying…” he thought. He remembered the conversation he had with Seth earlier. He stopped in front of the door to the bus and waited for a few seconds. Soon, the bus’s doors opened and he saw the bus driver, wearing a thick blue coat, black pants, and wearing a bus cap. “Ahh… Cryo! Come on in! Everyone has been dying to see you for themselves!” “Really now…?” Cryo said. He became even more nervous at this comment. “I… hope I’m not… stepping into this thing to get made fun of again… I… haven’t had that feeling for a long time. And… Cameron is not here,” Cryo thought. “You coming, son?” the bus driver asked. “Oh! Uhh… Yea! I’m coming up!” Cryo replied.

He began to slowly make his way up the steps and into the bus… The bus’s frame on the inside was all grey metal alloys. The seats were blue and extended all the way to the back of the bus. He immediately realized every single person on the bus was immediately staring at him. His heart began to sink quickly…” “Oh no…” he thought. “Well. Find yourself a seat, Cryo.” said the bus driver. “Umm… Yea… Ok then…” Cryo replied. He quickly darted his head around to find a seat by itself. He saw one… all the way to the right of the bus. He slowly walked his way to the seat, and looked back at everyone else. Every single one of them was still staring at him in silence. Cryo gulped and climbed himself into his seat and sat down. His heart was beating faster then a base drum… “Alright. “Let’s get everyone to school now,” said the bus driver.

Ch 4

Riding and Requests

The bus began to start up and move towards its destination. Cryo sat in his seat as everyone was still staring at him. He felt like at any point, something really nasty would happen to him. “I really wish I had my stress ball and puzzle twist cube right now..” Cryo thought. Then, a voice began to speak near the back of the bus.

“Well… Looks like the freak has finally shown himself…” someone said in the back, in a black leather jacket, black hair, shaggy brown hair, and green eyes. “Oh no…” Cryo thought. But to his surprise, one of the other teens, wearing red jacket, blue pants, had brown hair blue eyes, and darker skin, immediately got up and threw a punch at that jokers head, knocking him out of his seat! “OW! What in the…” he said. “Don’t talk to that dragon that way you reject! You better show him some respect, Tanner!” “Come off it, Miles!” He got up and looked like the fight would escalate further, when the bus driver stepped in. “Hey you two! Cut that out! No fighting is allowed on the bus or school grounds!” They looked at each other a went back to their seats. Cryo looked behind, and could see that it seemed that everyone on the bus seemed to be casting a rather angry gaze on the teen who he believed his name was, Tanner. “This… isn’t what I expected to happen on my first day of school here…” thought Cryo. He took in a deep breath in and out… One of the other kids on the bus, began to lean over towards, Cryo’s seat, making Cryo nervous…

“Hel… Hello… Your name is… Cryo, correct?” said kid in a green and blue winter jacket and wearing a rounded snow cap. He had blonde hair, brown eyes, white skin, and blue pants. “Umm… Ye… Yea… I’m Cryo… Cryo the dragon…” The kids on the bus stared intently at the conversation… “Ok… This feels… incredibly awkward…” Cryo thought. “My name is… Warren. I heard… you… fix things, correct?” “Umm… Yea… I… I can fix things…” “What… type of things exactly? I heard… you repaired the communications tower and a van by yourself…” “Oh! Umm… I’m… well antiquated with many forms of technology. Household appliances, vehicles, sound systems, tv’s, and many other type of devices.” “Could you… perhaps try to repair this?…” Warren took his backpack in his hands and pulled out what appeared to be a broken Ignition gaming console. Cryo took a look at it for a few seconds. “Umm… Yea. I… have a lot of experience with ignition gaming consoles.”

A lady behind Cryo with red hair, red splotches mixed with white skin, green eyes, and wearing a vivid red coat and blue jeans in the seat behind Cryo tapped on Cryo’s shoulder. He turned his head to face her. “Do you think you could also repair my… Cylindrical music player? I have it at home,” she asked. “Um… Yea. Probably. I know how their inner core systems work well enough…” Suddenly, many of the kids began to lean around Cryo’s seat! The next thing Cryo heard, is each and every kid on the bus making requests over and over to the young dragon to repair different sets of items and devices that had broken! He was quickly becoming overwhelmed with the requests.

“EVERYONE PLEASE! Give me some space here!” he shouted at them. The bus began to become silent, and they began to back away from his seat. Cryo took in a couple of deep breaths. “Alright… Here’s what I can do everyone… Bring your devices and items you want repaired to my house after school. I’ll take care of your repairs and fix your items up. You’ll just need to leave the name of the items, the issues with the items, and your name on whatever container you use to bring it to me in. Also… I might need certain passwords and log in permissions in the event I need to get data from the server. If you do all of this, I promise to repair your items when I have time. Ok?” He heard the approval of all the kids on the bus. Another kid in the back, in white strikeball cap, black hair, brown eyes, and a white jacket and pants asked one last question to Cryo. “How much will it cost?” he asked.

Cryo was about to say he’d do it for free, but then remembered something… “I… need a computer. I’m sure the people in town would be willing to give me one, but… taking advantage of them like this is wrong and selfish… Maybe… maybe I could instead buy one if I charge a bit for repairs. I’ll just need to tell Eli when I want to go to the electronics’ shop to buy one… Yea! But what should I set my price to? Hmm…” Cryo thought for a few seconds.

“Umm… I’ll charge just $20 per every item repaired. Does that sound fair, everyone?” Each and every kid smiled and nodded. This was a ridiculously good deal compared to sending it to a company for repairs, which costs HUNDREDS typically. “Alright everyone… I’ll look forward to… uh… fixing your items later on today and during the week.” Cryo could hear many of the bus’s bystanders thanking the young dragon for this favor for them. Cryo smiled and began to relax in his seat again. “Maybe school here won’t be so bad! Looks like I’m going back to work!” Cryo thought to himself with a smile on his face. Soon enough, the bus arrived at Winterfell middle school. “Alright We’re here everyone! Have a good day at school!” said the bus driver.

Ch 5

School System

Cryo stepped off the bus and looked at the sprawling school in his view. The school seemed to be a large facility, which seemed to have different complex’s connected to one another. The walls were a stony brown color and the entrance from the bus area seemed to show a large, glass windows and doors, with metal hinges and frames. “Hmm… Big place… Defiantly bigger then the school back home. Well… Lets go inside, I suppose. He trotted towards the doors and began to head inside the facility, with his backpack slung over his shoulder.

The inside of the facility showed a large row of red lockers all throughout the hallways. The walls were a smooth light tan color and seemed to have a bit of a bumpy texture. He saw a many different classrooms dotted around the halls, with their doors open, seemingly welcoming students in.

“Hmm… This place is quite large. I wonder where I should start…” “Excuse me, young dragon.” “Huh?” He looked around and saw what seemed to be a rather tall man in a navy blue business suit and tie. He also had very short black hair, and green eyes. “Please come over here, young dragon.” “Umm… Alright then.” He trotted himself over and stood in front of the man. “Cryo is your name, wasn’t it?” the man asked. “Yes. I’m Cryo, Mr…” “Harold. Call me Mr. Harold, please. I’m the principle of this fine school. I must say. It’s quite an honor to have such a interesting and clearly gifted student taking school here.” “Oh. Thank you, Mr. Harold.” “In any case, could you please follow me?” “Follow you?” “That’s right. I’ll be escourting you to class today so you can get a better idea of our school system and where the classes your enrolled in are located.” “Oh! That’s actually going to be helpful, considering how big this school is. Thank you, Mr. Harold.” Cryo smiled and Mr. Harold smiled back at him.

“Alright. Follow me. The first thing we’ll be doing is taking you to your locker in the school.” “My… locker?” “That’s right. Every student at this facility has a personal locker for them to store the books and supplies in while they’re here. It’s much easier then taking all your books and items to each class.” “Well. Alright then.” Mr. Harold motioned Cryo to come forward with him and they began to head down the hall way towards Cryo’s locker.

After walking for a bit, he they stopped at a row of lockers on the second floor. Mr. Harold tapped on a locker with his palm a few times. “This is your locker, Cryo. Number 103.” He looked at it, and nodded. He could see a combination lock on the front of the locker. “Do you know how to use a combination lock?” Mr. Harold asked. “Yes I do. I’ve actually made my own before.” “Really? Well then. Why don’t you try with this one. Here is the combination to your locker.” Mr. Harold gave Cryo a piece of paper with three separate digits on it. “Alright… Let’s see… 32 if the first number…” Cryo spun the combination lock 3 times counterclockwise, stopping at 32 after the third rotation. “Next is 17…” Cryo spun it clockwise to the number 17. “And finally… 63.” He spun it clockwise again to 63 and pulled on the handle on the locker. The locker opened and Cryo could see there was nothing currently in it. “Very well done, Cryo. I trust you won’t need help in the future with opening it?” “No. I’ll be fine. Thank you Mr. Harold.” Mr. Harold smiled and nodded at Cryo.

“Good. Now. If I remember reading from your school plan form from your school back home, your first class with us here should be… Beginner’s algebra correct?” “Umm… hang on. I have my school schedule in the pocket of my coat.” Cryo opened the zipper on his coat pocket and pulled out a school form. He looked at it, and nodded. “Yes. Algebra is my first class, in room 247.” “Ahh. Good. Follow me and I’ll take you straight there.” “Alright. Thank you.” They both began to head down the halls to Cryo’s first class of the day.

Ch 6

Truth’s to Tanner

So the day passed at school as Cryo went to each of his classes. Cryo was testing a small robotic toy with wheels, small grabbers, and sleek head with a small visor within his robotics class. It drove its small wheels across the board, as Cryo put commands into a computer to do a couple tricks. “And after setting this code into the system, I can make it head towards the set of flags on the board. And… with a few more commands…” Cryo began to set up a few more things within the robotics program that was being used in the robotics lab. The grabbers began to pick up each of the flags on the course and place it in a basket behind a goal line. “And presto! Our friend, “Eon,” will go across the map and pick up the flags, and bring them back to home base.” Cryo said with a smile as he turned back forward to face everyone. Everyone in class, including the teacher, was impressed how Cryo was able to work with him so efficiently.

“Very well done Cryo! You’re quite an operator with Eon there. Is this your first time doing this?” Cryo look at his teacher and shook his head. “No, actually… I had this same robot toy at home when I was about… 4 years old I think…” “Really?” “Yea. It was bought for my birthday, and some of the engineers back home taught me how to make it do cool things! But… that was… quite the learning process… It took about… another 2 years before I got good enough to be able to program my own tricks. And believe me… It was very difficult to learn, even with some of the best engineers back home. It took a lot of practice. But in the end, it was fun playing with and programming Eon on the floor of my room!” “I see. Well class. It seems we have a junior robotics engineer here.” He heard everyone in the room clap their hands.

Suddenly, the bell began to ring all over the school. “Oh! Would you look at the time, class… It’s time for lunch!” Everyone began to stand up around the room.” “Alright everyone… I’ll see you at about 10:30 tomorrow. Please practice with your personal Eon Robot in the mean time. Goodbye everyone!” Each of the classmates began to give their goodbyes to the teacher and then left. Cryo got up out of his seat and began to head out. He knew the principle was outside to help Cryo find the cafeteria. He had lunch money for his own lunch that day from his caretakers. Before he left though… the teacher of the class turned to him. “I’m looking forward to seeing you during the contest at the end of the semester. I can’t wait to see what type of things you can pull with Eon,” said the teacher. “Yea. Thanks Mr. Procter! I’ll see you tomorrow!” “Goodbye Cryo!” Cryo left out the door and sure enough, found Mr. Harold waiting outside to escort him to the lunchroom.

“Was robotics fun today, Cryo?” “Oh yes! I haven’t used a Eon Operating Buddy in quite a while. I’ll need to pull mine out when I eventually get home to mom and the others.” “You had one at home?” “Yes I did. It was a gift on my 4th birthday.” “Well… I can guess you’ve had some experience with him, right? “Yes. Enough of it I suppose.” “Well… Let’s get going. I’m sure your hungry after your classes today, right?” “Yea. I defiantly am. I really am ready to eat. Let’s go!” They walked through the school and to the lunch room.

The lunchroom was pretty large! The room had white tile walls and there were smooth, black, stony looking tables everywhere, with kids already sitting down and eating together. He saw there seemed to be an area in the back, where he saw food behind a large glass container being set for the kids to take. There seemed to be a bit of a line of kids waiting to take and grab their orders and pay for them, with a clerk with a cash register waiting for them on the left side. There also seemed to be a couple different dishes being made today.

“Well… Do you need help with getting food, Cryo?” “No. I’ll be fine. Thank you though.” “Alright. Just head to the front and pick out what you want. If you need any help, ask the aids around here. He nodded and the principle began to leave the area. He then stopped for a moment and turned back at Cryo. “I’ll meet you by your locker at 12:30, ok?” “Yes. Thank you. I’ll see you soon, Mr. Harold.” He waved to Cryo and soon left. “Well… Let’s see what they have for food today…” Cryo thought. He began to step forward, when 3 kids nearby got out of their seats and began to make their way towards Cryo in front of him. He recognized one of them from someone on the bus before…” They began to block the way in front of him towards where the food was…

“Umm… Could you please move… Tanner, I believe your name was?” “Sorry Freak! You wanna pass here, your going to have to pay the toll!” he replied back. “…Are you seriously going to try this?” Cryo asked. “Don’t pay, don’t get by us!” Cryo gave a sigh and shook his head.” “Oh no… I can’t get past you. Whatever can I do to get passed and get me some nice food in my belly?” “Are you mocking me?” Cryo immediately extended his wings out which surprised them. He quickly made a leap in the air and flew over them, towards where the food was, The three kids looked behind with angry looks on their faces. “Oops… Did you forget? I’m a dragon… I can fly right over you…” Cryo mocked them as he continued stepping forward. “Alright, boy. Your asking for a REAL thumping now!” He could hear the footsteps of the group coming up from behind him as he stepped forward. He gave a sigh and knew what was coming up next.

“Alright… 3… 2… 1… and…” Cryo thought. Tanner immediately threw a punch at the back of Cryo’s head he immediately rolled to the left as the three kids began to stumble forward while everyone watched. He then blew a very small stream of ice at the three kids feet, keeping their feet stuck in place to the ground! “AHH WHAT IN THE… LET… LET GO OF US YOU… YOU” he said. “Quiet… All three of you… Your going to stand there and your going to listen to everything I’m about to say,” Cryo replied. The entire lunchroom looked on in shock at the scene, even the aids, yet they couldn’t bring themselves to get involved in the situation. Cryo then sat himself in front of the three kids as they looked at him.

“Now… Do any of you 3 know how I ended up in this town? Be truthful… How much do you know? Or… do you not know anything?” Cryo said. “You fell from the sky! Your like… an ALIEN!” said Tanner. “Your only half right. It’s true I’m not native to this world, but its NOT how I ended up in his town. I was KIDNAPPED and I ended up here…” Cryo could hear a couple gasps from the kids in the lunchroom. Tanner looked at him in a bit of disbelief.

“Ki…Kidnapped?” “That’s right. Kidnapped. Stolen from my home.” “From like… the government?” “That could be applied to when I was young, but that’s not the case here. I was kidnapped by a CORRUPT military traitor!” Cryo heard even more gasps from the lunchroom. “A… traitor?!” “That’s right. Do you have any idea what they were going to do to me?” The lunchroom become eerily quiet and there was quite a bit of tension throughout the entire room.

“That monster… His name is Mick. Mick Mitchells. He was originally a commander of a group of military personal at MY home and also was head of the weapons development team. He didn’t want me just because I was a dragon. No. He wanted me because he saw opportunity in me!” “Opp… Opportunity?” “That’s right. It turns out being REALLY good with technology makes you a target. And Mick… He wanted me just for that. He wanted ME to become his slave! Building war machines! Weapons of mass Destruction! Horrors of technology that the WHOLE WORLD would have to endure!” Everyone in the lunchroom seemed to be really getting on edge at this whole conversation. Even Tanner and his friends didn’t know what to think at this point.

“You have no idea what this one man is capable of! This isn’t his first attempt to take me captive! He threatened to BLOW UP a military hospital WITHIN OUR HOME FACILITY if I didn’t work with him once!” The whole cafeteria gasped at this. “He used the explosive payload inside the building to BLACKMAIL me and my mother to surrender to them! That’s right. They DIDN’T just kidnap me! They kidnapped my mother! ALL FOR THE SAME REASON! WEAPONS TECHNOLOGY! The whole cafeteria was becoming angry, thinking about this truly corrupt individual who has clearly caused this little dragon a whole lot of pain.

“I had to NOT ONLY escape their ship… I HAD TO SURIVIVE A WHOLE MONTH IN GEYSER FOREST WITH MY MOTHER BEFORE I GOT RESCUED! That’s right! A WHOLE MONTH! You wouldn’t have to believe ALL THE THINGS I HAD TO DO to survive THAT LONG with virtually NO SUPPLIES!

There was a long silence everywhere in the lunch room now… “They have tried at least 3 TIMES TO TAKE ME CAPTIVE! This time, they literally FLEW A SMALL FLEET OF SHIPS OVER HOME, CAUGHT ME IN A NET WHILE I WAS FLYING, STUCK ME WITH A TRANQUILIZER DART, BOMBED THE RUNWAY SO NO SHIPS COULD POSSIBLY FOLLOW THEM, TIED MY LIMBS BEHIND MY BACK, AND THEN STUCK ME IN A SMALL PEN TO BE TRANSPORTED TO WHO KNOWS WHERE! Everyone began to look at Cryo in horror, unable to comprehend what he’s been through… Cryo continued…

“I… ended up in this town, after being JETTISONED OUT OF THEIR ESCAPE CRAFT AFTER AN ACCIDENT WITH IT! And you know what? The truth is, I don’t even know HOW SAFE I AM being here! You know that?! Tell me… How safe am I really…?! How do I know Mick isn’t somewhere in the town, planning HIS next insane plan to take me?! Huh?! And its not just that?! Do you even realize how worried I am about the people taking care of me now?! Not just them! Mick could target ANYONE in town that helped me! ANYONE! Do you even realize how BAD I’d feel LURING A PSYCOPATH TO THEM! ALL BECAUSE HE WANTS ME TO BUILD WEAPONS OF WAR!”

Cryo looked at the 3 bullies faces, who seemed absolutely dumbfounded at this turn of events. He began to approach near them. “Now then…” Cryo lifted his arm up and slammed it on the ground, shattering the ice and freeing their legs! “I’ll tell all of you what… Why don’t I give you what you want? Go ahead! Beat me up! Beat up the poor little dragon who’s being HUNTED by a madman! Go ahead! I won’t stop you at all! You can explain to my caretakers, the people back home, EVEN THE MAYOR OF THIS TOWN, why I ended up in the hospital! Go ahead!” Cryo pointed to his cheek a few times. “Slug me! Right across the face right here! Go ahead! I’m waiting! When your done, I want to tell me EXACTLY how you felt for beating up ANYONE with this going on in their lives!”

Everyone in the lunchroom turned toward the 3 kids. Each and every person had a very angry grimace on their faces. Tanner and his friends turned their head back to Cryo. He wasn’t showing any fear. “I… I…” Tanner said “Well! What are you waiting for?! Isn’t this what you wanted?!” Cryo said. Tanner then began to hang his head low, and quickly ran out of the lunchroom with his friends. Everyone turned their heads towards Cryo. He knew he might have made a bit too much of a scene here. He gave out a sigh and continued towards where the food was. “Everyone… Just leave me alone right now please… I… I need some time…” He got in line with the other kids. The kids seemed to be staring at him still, but he didn’t even care at this point. After a bit, he quickly selected food from the cafeteria and sat down in a seat, and began eating. The kids got back to eating, but gave concerned eyes at the little dragon as they watch him slowly eat in his seat.

Ch 7

Back to the Bus

So the school day passed as Cryo went about his studies for the day. Many of the kids within the school watched him as he went about, but never spoke to him. Some wanted to talk to him to try to give him comfort, but they couldn’t bring themselves to do it, as they remembered that he just wanted to be left alone for the time being.

Cryo was in his final class of the day, Earth science. He was writing notes in a notebook at his desk. His desk was larger and wider to fit around Cryo’s larger form. All the classrooms today had a desk and seat specifically for Cryo. The teacher was going over rock and rock types. “…And so. As I have explained, the three type of rocks that exist on Cyriss, igneous, sediment, and metamorphic, come from different types of backgrounds, Whether its igneous rocks that form from melted rock inside our world, sedimentary rocks that are formed from various forms of matter like sand, silt, dead plants, and animal bones, and metamorphic rocks, which are formed from the deep pressures and heat coming from the underground of our planet near the core. Now… Does anyone have any questions?”

Cryo thought for a moment. He then quickly raised his hands. “Ahh! You have a question, Cryo?” “Umm… Yes, Mrs. Sedia. I was wondering… about… Cyantran.” “Cyantran, Cryo?” “That’s right. Umm… I was wondering about… what type of rocks or metals go into making cyantrinian metals?” “Ahh! Yes. Well you see, Cryo, Cyantran is made with the rocks Zin, Snowdrift, and Frozolar. Each of these rocks are metamorphic and can commonly be found in climates that are very cold year round.” “Really?” “That’s correct, Cryo. The strange thing about these stones is indeed that it seems these types are created by cold climates after they are released from the insides of the high pressure areas near the core of Cyriss.” “Really? That’s… quite interesting actually.” “Yes. It’s a rather strange quirk with some mineral types of cyriss that seem to for some reason have a strange chemical reaction when exposed to cold or extreme heat and pressure for long periods of time.” “I see… Well… Thank you for the info, Mrs. Sedia.” “Yes. We’ll be learning a bit more about these type of rock interactions later this semester.” “Great! I’m looking forward to learn more about Cyantran, Mrs. Sedia! I… do have a bit of… umm… interest in what it does…” Suddenly, the bell rang, which signaled the end of school for the day!”

“Oh! Ok class! It’s time for everyone to go home! Now remember to do your homework and rest easy and take your time to read the book and answer questions in the book at the end of the chapter. Also, we have lab on Fridays, so remember to ready yourself for some experimentation within our class. Now… Have a good day, everyone! Class is dismissed!” Each and every kid began to head out of their seats and head out to grab their items from their lockers and then head for the bus home. Cryo began to head out with his supplies, when the teacher came over to him. He looked at her.

“Cryo… I know your a bit concerned about cyantran… Yes… I know what happened with that particular… incident with said metals.” Cryo looked at her and gave a sigh… “Well… Being bound and gagged with cyantran wires and being put in a cyantrinian cell certainly isn’t fun…” “Yes… If you… need any information or want to talk for a bit after class, me and many of the teachers and faculty in the school are more then willing to help you through these rough times for you…” “Th… Thank you Mrs. Sedia…” “Would you… like to talk now?” “Umm… No thank you. I… really need to get home before the bus leaves… I suppose I could probably fly home if needed… But… I think I’d rather take the bus. I’m tired anyway… I’m probably going to take a small nap when I get home anyway…” “Alright, Cryo. Have a good afternoon. Stay safe and keep yourself well rested. I hope to see you for the rest of the semester.” “Thank you. Umm… Goodbye now, Mrs. Sedia.” Cryo slowly left the classroom and into the halls.

The principle was waiting for Cryo again.” “There you are, Cryo. You took a little bit to leave class this time,” he said. “Sorry about that. The teacher… wanted to talk with me a bit after class.” “Was there… something wrong?” “Oh! Umm… No. Nothing was wrong…” “Well ok. Will you need help getting to your locker, Cryo?” “No. I’ve walked with you several times today. I think I got a general idea where it is located within the school now.” “Well good. Would you like me to walk around with you tomorrow, or do you think you’ll be able to handle things by yourself?” Cryo thought for a moment… “I’ll be perfectly fine walking by myself, Mr. Harold.” “Are you sure? I heard of an… incident in the lunchroom today…” Cryo gave a sigh… “I’m in trouble for that, I’m guessing?” “N…No. The aids clearly saw Tanner was the one who instigated it. And… the nurse checked him and his friends to see if there was any injuries on the area where your froze their feet to the ground… Absolutely none at all. Not even frostbite… They’re perfectly fine. And they’re going to be in detention for awhile after that…” Cryo nodded his head. “Well… Hopefully he won’t bother me in the future.” “Yes… So… Will you be alright?” “Yes… I promise you… I’ll be fine. Now if you excuse me… I need to get to my locker and catch my bus before it leaves without me.” “Very well. Have a pleasant afternoon at home, Cryo.” Cryo began to head out towards his locker in the school. He turned back to Mr. Harold one more time. Cryo saw him waving at him, and he waved back, and then quickly continued forward.

As Cryo walked down the halls of the school, he noticed again everyone staring at him as he walked towards his locker. He could see concern in their eyes as the young dragon passed them in the halls. “Seems my little… “Outburst,” earlier has drawn a bit too much attention to myself. But… I’m not going to deal with bullies this semester. Hopefully Tanner won’t bother me again…” He quickly headed to his locker and began to turn the combination lock. A teen next to him who was also messing around his locker took immediate notice, and turned toward him.

“Hey… Cryo, right? Do you… need any help with your locker?” Cryo turned his head to face him. He saw that it seemed to be the kid from earlier who punched Tanner in the head on the bus. He then turned back and continued to turn the lock. “No… Miles… I believe your name is, right?” “Yes. My name is Miles. Miles Williams.” Cryo opened his locker. He then took his backpack from inside of it and began to place several books from inside into his backpack. He began to make his way towards the bus, with Miles following him behind. “Are you… ok?,” Miles asked. Cryo turned to face him and gave a sigh… “Y…yes. I’m perfectly ok. I just have a lot on my mind as of late,” Cryo said back. He continued forward. But Miles stuck close to him as he walked. “Are you sure? Its… really awful that someone, ANYONE would do this to you. I’m… really sorry to hear about what your facing right now…” “R…Really Miles. I’m fine. I just need a bit of time to think of things right now… I’m… sure I’ll be back home at Research Base Omega before I know it. Out of Mick’s clutches and back home with Mom and the others. I… just need to wait for until they have the chance to pick me up and take me back home…” “Cryo… I know your not feeling all too well right now… I know what it looks like when someone is scared.” “I… I… Sigh…” As they continued to walk forward, Cryo noticed a few more teens had begun to follow him down the hall. Some of them he recognized from the bus earlier. Others he had seen in some of his classes for the day.

“So… Where… in the country is Research base Omega?” asked another kid. Cryo turned his head towards him, and saw that he was the same kid who was the first to ask Cryo for an item to be repaired. “Umm… Yea… Warren, right…? Its… located in Midnook Bay, close to the mountains…” Cryo replied. “Oh… What… What was it like back home?” “It was… nice… I was… living with mom in a rather large apartment within the complex of the facility…”

“You had an apartment?” asked another teen. Cryo turned his head, and saw the young women who asked for a repair second on a bus. “Oh… Christina, right? Well… technically… I guess… the base owns it. But… me and my mom live in it… Not just me… Many of the bystanders at home live there, including… umm… my second family and…” “Second family?” she asked “Oh! Yea! Umm…” Cryo replied. “Why do you have a second family?” “Well… umm… Right before I was born, my mother… kind of… well… she saved an entire town from a storm and tidal wave that would have destroyed the entire town…” “Wait! Stopped a storm and a tidal wave!?” “That’s… That’s right… She… had been taken in at the time by my second family, and she saved them and hundreds of other lives… But… she… was left in a comatose state for about… 6 years…” “6 years!” asked another teen.

He looked to the right of him, and saw a boy he recognized from class, wearing a blue jacket, blue jeans, blonde, curly hair, white skin, and blue eyes. “Umm… Yea Winston, was it?” “Yeah! My god! I actually heard the story on the news about storm and tidal wave that just disappeared out of nowhere over Southpoint! The military investigated the area, and its said something exotic was taken away and escaped! Was that you, Cryo!?” “Umm… I think that’s a story I’d rather not tell… I’m… sorry about that.” Winston nodded and looked back to him. “That’s awful to be without your mom for 6 years!” “Well… like I said… I was… adopted and raised by my… umm second family for the first year of my life… Before I was… um… relocated to Research Base Omega.” “Who were they?” “Well… I had my… adopted mother, Suzy, my adopted father, Greg, and my big brother, Noble.” “Big brother? Is he a dragon, like you?” “Oh! Umm… No… He’s a human, but he’s part of the family that adopted me. So… I guess it still counts as a big brother… right?” Winston smiled and nodded at him. “Yeah! I get it! Is… your mother still asleep?” “No, Thankfully. She’s awake now and lives with me in the apartment at home. They should be waiting for me at home right now and are probably worried about me… I should… give them another phone call at some point… I’m… hoping to get a computer with the money I’ll be getting from working on repairs so I might be able to do video communications calls. I’m sure mom and the others want to see me directly on video.” “Yea. Don’t worry buddy. I’m sure you’ll see them soon.” “Yea… Th… Thanks Winston.”

As they continued to walk down the halls, more and more of the kids from school piled up and followed close behind Cryo. Many of the kids asked Cryo questions about his life, his home, his skills in tech, and many other things. Eventually, they would join Cryo on the bus, which then began to drive the students back to their homes. Cryo felt comforted to know many of the kids in school wanted to support the young dragon through the tough times he was facing.

“Hey Cryo. I’m curious…. You said in the lunchroom that you were… trapped in a forest being hunted for about a month by that… traitor, Mick. Could you… tell us more about that?” asked another kid from class, with dark skin, short black hair, brown eyes, and wearing a black winter coat and brown casual pants. “Oh… You… want to know about my first kidnapping… Markus I believe your name is?” “Yeah! I really want to hear had you managed to get out of their escape craft and survive in a forest for a month!” “Yea! I want to hear that story too!” said Winston. “Yea! Me too!” said Warren. “Well…. It’s… a pretty long story. I… won’t have time to tell the whole thing unfortunately. There’s… not enough time before I get home.” Cryo replied back. “That’s alright. Give us a start today and tell us the next time.” “Well. Alright then… It started back about… 2 years ago, when…”

So Cryo rode the bus and told a bit of his story while he rode. Everyone on the bus listened intently as he told it. Strangely, even Tanner seemed to be listening in the back… But soon enough, Cryo arrived back at his home and had to cut off his story there.”

“Oh… This is my stop, everyone. Sorry. I… have to continue off tomorrow.” “We we’re just getting to the good part… I can’t believe they strapped you and your mother down to medical beds like a mental patients! How the heck did you wiggle your way out of that!?” asked Warren. “Welp! You’ll have to wait until next time! Alright! Goodbye everyone! Remember to bring your broken items into the house with a list of the discrepancies and your name on the box. I’m looking forward to repairing them later! And please don’t forget to pay after I’m done…”” Cryo said. “Goodbye Cryo! Have a good day at home!” Everyone on the bus said back to the little dragon.

Cryo stepped off the bus and took in a breath of chilled air. He could see many of his new friends waving towards him as his bus drove off. He then saw Seth’s bus coming forward soon after. Seth stepped off his bus and came out into the cold snow outside. He was smiling as he did. “Well Seth… How was school today?” asked Cryo. “It was awesome! Everyone is so jealous I’ve got a dragon for a big brother?” “Umm… Ok then.” Cryo looked towards the bus and saw many of the young kids waving and smiling at him. He smiled and waved back at them. He could hear a couple giggles form the kids as he did. “Well… Come on, “little brother.” I’m sure Eli and Arianna are waiting inside. “Alright! Let’s go, bro!” They both headed toward the door and as they approached, the door to the house opened with the both Eli and Arianna standing in the door. “Hello you 2 boys. How was school today?” “It was fine, Arianna.” Cryo said. “It was super fun!” said Seth. “Good! I’m glad to hear you both had a good time today!” They both smiled and stepped into the room. Arianna shut the door to the house.

Ch 8

Northern nap

“Now… Do you boys want to do something now that your home?” asked Eli “I want to play with my big brother!” said Seth. Cryo gave a yawn and turned toward Seth. “I’m… sorry Eli. But… I really need a nap right now…” Cryo said. “Huh? It’s your naptime!?” “Yea… I really need a bit of sleep right now. I know you really would like to play fetch with me right now, Seth. But… can you give me some time to sleep. Please?” “Alright big bro. I know you probably will be cranky if you don’t have your daily nap…” “Ye… Yea… Thank you Seth.” “Would you like for me to tuck you in, Cryo?” asked Arianna. Cryo thought for a moment. “Yea. You can, Arianna.” “Alright. Let’s get you downstairs for a nice long nap. They went through the living room, then the kitchen, and then opened the door to Cryo’s room and headed down the staircase.

They stepped into the basement, where all of Cryo’s items were. Arianna turned toward Cryo. “Would you like for me to get some pajama’s for you to sleep in or would you like to sleep the way you are now?” “I think I’d like to wear some pajama’s, Arianna. Those were really comfy when I slept last night.” “Alright. Hang on. Let’s get that winter coat off of you first.” Cryo nodded and lifted his arms forward. Arianna lifted the coat over his head and placed it in a laundry hamper within the room. She then headed over to Cryo’s wardrobe.

She opened the bottom drawer and pulled out a dark blue pair of regular pajama pants and shirt. “Will this work for you right now, Cryo?” Cryo nodded his head. “Alright. Come over here to your bed, Cryo. Let’s get you all snuggled for your nap.” Arianna went to the side of Cryo’s bed, kneeled down, and patted her hand on the ground a few times. Cryo nodded and slowly trotted his way over and sat down in front of her. She lifted the pajama’s over Cryo’s head and then helped Cryo pull his arms out of the long sleaves. She then lifted his bandanna around his neck out of the inside of the pajamas. He sniffed it a bit and began to relax at the smell. She then held the pajama pants forward in her hands. “Alright. Step in, Cryo.” Cryo carefully stepped into the pants and Arianna pulled them up, and then buttoned them around his tail. “This feels incredibly comfy. I don’t know why I never tried pajama pants before… Then again… They never made any for me…” Cryo said. “Alright. Let’s get you into bed.” She picked up Cryo and pulled the covers for his bed down, and then placed him in it. She pulled the covers up, and Cryo gave a comforting sigh, as the mass of fabrics enveloped him. Arianna went towards the steps and turned the lights off to Cryo’s room. Arianna then began to head back to Cryo’s bed, and sat in a chair next to it. Arianna leaned back a bit. “Would you like maybe… a naptime story, or naptunes.” she asked. “Naptunes is fine, Arianna.” “Alright. Hang on a second. She was about to flick the switches for it, when naptunes seemed to turn on by itself! She heard the soft music reverberating itself around the room. “Huh… I didn’t even turn it on.” “Oh… Umm… Don’t worry about that Arianna. I should be fine now. Umm… See you when I wake up, Arianna…” Cryo said. “Alright. Have a nice, long nap, Cryo. She kissed Cryo on the forehead and began to slowly walk upstairs from Cryo’s room, trying to make the least amount of noise possible. The music continued to reverberate in Cryo’s ears and soon he began to fall to the dark… He then remembered something about his last dream… “I’m…going to be trained in my… next set of dreams by… Wave.” Cryo gave one last yawn. “S… See you in a bit, grandma…” His hazy mind soon feel to the dark, and feel into a deep, deep sleep.

Ch 9

Beginner Belt

Cryo’s eyes began to slowly open up. He gave out a yawn as his eyes began to focus on his surroundings. He saw he seemed to be… in one of the rooms of the dojo. It looked to be some type of bedroom within the facility. The bed was strangely a soft, blue, spongy mass that kind of looked a bit like a fungal growth. It strangely smelled a bit good, like a purified spring water, similar to his own bandanna. He tilted his eyes down, and saw that his own bandanna was glowing a bit strangely. He also saw he seemed to be in his winter whiteout transformation. “Hmm… Just as I suspected. I’m back here. And I’m transformed. Strange looking bed… Do all dragons sleep on… whatever this is? It kind of looks like the same blue substance at the dragon alter back when my other family members performed that strange ritual on me… I… haven’t seen new abilities pop up. At least not yet… At least concerning their elements. Hmm… Let’s look around,” Cryo thought. He looked around the room.

He saw that this room had a few interesting details. It had a ferrin dragon statue within it, with jeweled blue eyes and and made up of light grey stone. To the left, was a painting on the wall of what seemed to be a adult Ferrin dragon training younger ferrin dragons to defend themselves. To the right of the room, seemed to be the exit to the room, which looked to be a sliding door connected to the upper right corner of it. Closer to Cryo on the right wall seemed to be a box filled with a few… strange looking toys and items… “Hmm… Interesting place. I wonder where Grandma…” Suddenly, he could hear the sound of the door sliding to the right, and he saw his Wave step inside the room.

“Ahh! Welcome back, Cryo! Are you ready for your training for the time being?” asked Wave. Cryo picked himself up and nodded with a smile. “Yea! I can’t wait to see what I can do while I’m transformed!” “Very good. Before we begin… why don’t we get you into something… fitting for your time with us.” “Fitting?” She smiled at him and began to head out of the room. She picked up something from outside the room, and began to carry it inside.

“Here you go, Cryo. Wear this little trinket here.” She handed the item to Cryo. Cryo looked at it, and saw it seemed to be a martial arts uniform! Except… it was for dragons…” “Huh? Isn’t this karate cloths? But… I thought dragons didn’t make cloths?” Cryo asked. “Remember this is in your head, Cryo. Besides… I actually like the thought and I think you’ll look quite the part since your going to be training here. I understand that… I believe in human culture… the color of the belt of a fighter is what distinguishes them from a starter, to a martial arts master. I thought we’d… follow that little tradition here. Cryo looked at the belt of the gear, and saw it seemed to have a white belt. “Well… the white belt is the “beginner,” belt for martial arts…” “Yes. However, that belt will work a bit… differently here.” “Differently?” “That’s right. As you progress through these lessons, that belt will begin to change color.” “Change color?” That’s right. Not in the traditional way a human fighter will “advance through the ranks.” Instead, as you become better, the belt will change to a light blue color. As your training progresses and I see improvement for you, the belt will change to a darker and darker and darker blue color. When it reaches a very dark blue color, your training within your ice and water based abilities will be complete. Cryo nodded and smiled at her. “Well. Alright then.” “Now… Why don’t you put those on and meet me in the main training room. We’ll begin your training when your ready.” “Ok, Grandma.” Wave left the room and shut the door. Cryo took a look at his new gear again. “Well… Let’s try this on,” he thought.

He went back towards his “bed,” and sat down on it. He then began to carefully put on the uniform, making sure his wings could slip out the back. He then tied the belt around his waist. He saw it glow for a few seconds, along with his bandanna. He looked toward a mirror, connected on the wall nearby. He saw the silky white fabrics around his body. He felt around the material around his sleave. It felt a bit different then what he usually wears. “Hmm… This fabric seems… pretty strong… Like Greg’s method, yet… maybe a bit more stronger. Feels… otherworldly, somehow. I can’t explain it. But it does feel really nice on me.” He nodded his head and began to get up. “Alright. Grandma’s waiting for me. I better not keep her waiting. There’s only so much time before I’ll wake up…” He headed for the doors, slid it open, and stepped out.

As he stepped into the room, he saw what appeared to be the inside of the dojo itself, covered in a field of ice and snow. “There we go, Cryo. How do those cloths, feel?” “Umm… How do they feel?” “Yes… I made it myself. Its my first attempt at creating such an item. Possibly the first time any dragon has tried to make such items. “Oh! Umm… It feels nice. Feels like its similar to Greg’s own methods of making cloths, yet… seems to be… well… stronger, at least in terms of durability. “Yes… I used some of my own dragon scales to make that. I… had to think outside the box a bit to… well… attempt to create something similar to your caretaker’s own methods. Also… I had to observe your caretakers back at home on how to mend and weave such items. It… took a bit of time to get to an acceptable level.” “Well… the materials defiantly feel a bit different. It feels like the materials are… much much more flexible around my body. It also feels like its… constantly adjusting its material as I move around in it. It’s… hard to explain… What’s it made out of?”

“Well… From the world I’m located on, its made up of a plant I believe is called… Wick? It also has a bit of insect silk, a compound similar to your “fabric softener,” from this world, a flower known as a rose, and most importantly, a group of materials called elemental circulators.” “Elemental… circulators?” “That’s right, my little grandson.” “What is that? I’ve never heard of these before.” “These are special types of minerals that were found on this planet not long after civilization… well… restarted here on this planet. They seem to be minerals and rocks and such that can better contain elemental energies. Its used within certain types of armor systems to better control and manipulate elemental energy and abilities.” “Really?” “That’s right.” “So… With these cloths on, I’ll… be able to have better mastery over my elements?” “That’s correct, my grandson. However… As you can expect, you won’t always have these items on you. Therefore, we are going to start your training with the special qualities active. When you start getting the hang of it, we’ll start trying to manipulate said abilities without the assistance of these elemental circulators within the cloths.” “So… I’ll have to take this off?” “No you won’t. All I have to do to disable them is…”

Wave lifted her large paw towards Cryo, and then wrapped a karate headband across his head. As she did, Cryo felt like he could feel a bit of power leaving his body. She soon got done and smiled at him. “Oh… I see. This headband “shuts down,” the circulators?” “That’s right. Now then…” She unwrapped the headband off Cryo’s head and he began to feel a bit of power flowing into him again.” “Let’s begin your training, my precious grandson.”

Ch 10

Winter Workout

So the both of them headed to the center of the snow covered floor of the dojo, as winter flurries fall around them. “Alright, my grandson… We’ll start with helping control your abilities in your winter whiteout metamorphosis.” “Well. Alright then. What should I do first?” “Let’s start by using a basic ability.” She snapped her fingers and something began to rumble under the snow to the side of the arena. Suddenly, something emerged from the ground! Cryo stepped back a bit in surprise! Soon, the object landed on the ground and then began to stay still. Cryo looked at it, and saw it seemed to be some sort of black dojo dummy, which looked similar to a large scurryer (like a rat) , or maybe… a black striped crawler (similar to a skunk, with white fur and several black stipes streaked across the back), standing on 2 legs rather then crawling on all 4s. It seemed quite strange the choice of dummy being used for this, and Cryo wondered what it could be representing… It just stood there, doing nothing…

“Now… Let me go over the basics your winter whiteout metamorphosis. First thing to know, is that in this form, as you can guess, your more ice based traits and abilities are greatly enhanced. In the deep blizzards of the north, the cold and frost is your ally. Your silent and swift, and can travel great distances in the snow with your wings not being affected by strong, chilled winds. This makes this excellent to either surprise opponents in freezing conditions or to escape if things go sideways.” “That makes sense.” “Now… The first thing you’ll learn, is the Flash Freeze technique.” “Flash… Freeze?” “That’s right. Take a look…

Wave stepped forward in front of the dummy. She held bot her palms forward at it. Suddenly, energy began to form in in the palms of her hand. And then, WHOOSH. Both hands let began to shoot out a beam of ice energy, freezing it completely solid! Cryo looked amazed as he watched! “Whoa! Thats like my Snow Stream breath! Except, its generated by my hands instead.” “That’s right. The difference in this case is that since its generated from your hands instead of your mouth, you can freeze things more efficiently and at longer ranges. However… this is a bit harder to pull off then the Snow Stream, takes a bit more energy, requires a good degree of focus, and can be a bit harder to aim, as you’ll need to keep your hands centered on your targets. The recoil will try to send you hands up, so you’ll not only need to aim with both paws, you’ll also need to control the recoil while using this technique. Not to mention you can generate it from both hands at the same time. Now… Why don’t you try it?”

Two more dojo dummies came up out of the ground, a bit of ways apart from each other. “Now. Stand inside the circle right here Cryo.” A circle of blue energy came out of snow, and she pointed straight to it. Cryo nodded his head and began to head over into it. As Cryo placed himself inside of it, it began to light up a bit. He sat down and waited for Wave’s next command.

“Alright. Looks like your in position Cryo. Now. To use Flash Freeze, you’ll need to tap into your inner element and focus the energy into your hands. Keep concentrating into it for a bit. At the beginner level, you might find yourself needing to concentrate a bit longer, as your mind might get distracted by what’s going on around you. However, As you practice here, you should find yourself taking less and less time to focus your elemental energy.” “I’m guessing I’ll have to hold them forward on the targets as well?” “Actually, no Cryo. You don’t have to have your paws already aimed at your foes. It’s better that you focus into your paws while your on the field and moving and unleashing the attack at the best possible moment, when your enemy least expects it. Holding still to concentrate will make you an easier target. We will work on this aspect a little bit later. But right now… Its best that we do it while your still so its easier for you.” “Well… Alright then.” “Alright. Try it, Cryo.”

Cryo looked at both the dojo dummies and took in a deep breath. He began to cocentrate into his hands, and he could feel them beginning to tingle a bit. He then could see both his paws lighting up! He smiled and began to aim them at the dummies. “Good! Good, Cryo! Now… Push the energy out of your palms forward, and freeze both of the dummies.” “Alright… Here goes!” He pushed the energy forward from his paws, and they began to become more concentrated in the paws. Suddenly, a beam of ice shot out of both hands, freezing both dummies! “Yes! I did it! That was… pretty simple actually…” He looked at his belt, and saw it become a very slightly bit more in color. He smiled at his success. Wave nodded at him. “Yes. But… remember Cryo… We haven’t tried with this on your head yet.” Cryo looked back and saw the headband in Wave’s paw. He nodded to her. “Oh yea… I forgot this gear enhances my traits…” “Yes. Why don’t we try it on this time… See how you do there.” “Ok.”

Cryo headed over to Wave, and sat down in front of her. She smiled at him, and wrapped the martial arts headband around Cryo’s head. Cryo could immediately feel the power wane from his body. “Alright… Try again, Cryo. Stand in the circle again, and then try to freeze both the dummies again with flash freeze from both hands.” “Alright.”

Cryo headed over to the circle, as the ice shattered around the two dummies. Cryo looked at them again, and took a couple deep breaths in. “Alright. Try again, Cryo.” Cryo nodded, and began to concentrate into his hands again. He began to notice that it seemed to be taking a bit more time to get a feel for it. “Try to clear your head, Cryo. Distractions will make the process take longer. This can be particularly hard to do in the field of battle, where you’ll also have to keep your enemies attacks in mind. But as you get better, the process will be much shorter and easier. With a bit of training and discipline, you can use this very quickly in a fight.” Cryo looked toward her and nodded. He slowly closed his eyes and began to block out everything. He felt his hands tingle again. “Alright… Now!” Cryo thought. He opened his eyes held both his palms forward and unleashed the flash freeze! But he realized quickly, he had only froze just one of the dojo dummies. “Huh?” Cryo thought. “You only unleashed it out of one paw, Cryo.” “Oh…” “Don’t worry about it, Cryo. You’ve done well so far. You’re at least getting the basics of this attack down. Also… you did very well to keep your aim on the target, despite the recoil! Here. Let’s keep trying for a bit. You’ll be able to pull it off if we continue to practice here. Now. Let’s try a few more times.”

Time passed a bit as Cryo continued to pull off a flash freeze with both palms at the same time. But every time he tried, he would always shoot it just out of one palm, but not the other. He began to feel a bit unhappy after awhile “Ugh… Again… This is becoming a bit discouraging…” Wave came over and place her paw on Cryo’s shoulder and began to rub it for a bit. Cryo looked at her, and she smiled at him.

“Don’t worry, my little grandson. I think I know exactly what your doing wrong.” “R… Really?” “That’s right.” “Well… What is it, Grandma?” “Your putting to much focus in one hand, not in both.” “I’m… putting to much focus in one hand?” “That’s right. This is a very common mistake for beginners. When your concentrating into your palms, there needs to be a equal distribution of elemental power between them. Otherwise, the attack will only come out of 1 hand, as that’s where the focused energy had been mostly channeled into.” “Well… How do you recommend it… umm… balance each other out?” “That’s actually relatively easy, my grandson. Just focus less into your palms. “Focus… less?” “That’s right. You see… The attack is quite powerful and useful to freeze crowds of enemies or focus your freezing power on one specific target, but for beginners, channeling the energy between both can be difficult to manage. But… you don’t have to focus so much of your elemental energy into both hands. The more you channel the stronger and more useful it gets. But it also takes more focus and discipline. Therefore… channel less energy into your palms. Unleash it a bit earlier. The effect might be weaker, but it’ll be easier to manage until your able to better manage control yourself. Now… Let’s try again.”

Wave stepped back and nodded her head. Cryo nodded his head in return and smile. He took in a deep breath in, then out… “Now… Like before Cryo. Close your eyes, and focus just a little bit into your palms. Not too much… Just a bit. We’ll practice this and you’ll be able to focus better. But for now… Just take it easy. No need overdo it.” Cryo smiled and slowly closed his eyes. He began to feel his hands tingle a tiny bit. He began to block out the sounds out of his head. He slowly opened his eyes, with his paws tingling a bit. He quickly held his paws forward and… WHOOSH! Two beams of ice energy began to shoot from his hands and hit both the dummies! “Yes! Good job Cryo! Now keep the beams shooting from your hands until both dummies are completly frozen solid!” Cryo nodded slightly and continued to shoot. He began to feel the energy wane from his paws though. “Keep concentrating, Cryo. Your doing well! Keep going!” He began to put all his focus into his palms, and continued shooting the flash freeze out of them. The dummies continued to get coated in a layer of ice! Soon enough, they were both completely frozen! “Yes! Well done, Cryo. Well done!” Cryo smiled and began to move back towards Wave. He looked down at his belt again, and saw it had become a little bit more of a light blue color. He looked back at Wave and smiled again. Wave patted his back a few times.

“This is a good starting point… We’ll continue practicing this. As you get better, it’ll become easier to focus and you’ll be able to channel your inner energies better.” “Yea! I can’t wait to see what it can do with this!” “Yes… One more thing. Whatever situation your in, you should consider what would be the best option to get through it. The flash freeze is nice, but if you need freeze something quickly, then using the snow stream breath might actually be better, especially if the target is closing the distance on you quickly or you have little time to react to it. Now then, Cryo… I think you’ve been here long enough… I think you’ve had your fill for the time being. Its time to wake up.” “W… Wake up? Already?” “That’s right… You can’t stay asleep at home forever. Everyone would get worried about you.” Cryo thought for a moment. He then smiled and nodded at her. “Yea. Your right. I can’t stay asleep, training forever.” “Yes. Now then. Why don’t you head back to your room in the dojo and lay down on your bed. You’ll wake up back at home. Ok?” “Alright. See you later tonight, Grandma.” “See you soon, my little grandson.” Cryo headed towards where his room was before in the dojo, and slid the door open. He stepped into his room, and looked at the strange mass of blue that seemed to be his “bed,” here. He nodded his head and then began to lay down on it. He slowly closed his eyes, and then suddenly, everything flashed to white!”

Ch 11

Awake Again

Cryo slowly opened his eyes and gave a yawn. He saw he was back in his room in the basement. He was about to move, when he saw a familiar white fluffball snuggling next to him in the bed.” “Lilly? What are you doing in my bed?” The little Wolfy leaned its head up and began to wag her tail. She stood up and began to lick Cryo’s face. “Easy there. Easy, Lilly.” Lilly stopped licking and began to sit on his bed. She began to wag her tail with a smile. “Oh. You came to check on me and saw I was sleeping, so you wanted to snuggle and take a nap with me?” Lilly began to snuggle against him again. “Well… I suppose that’s alright honestly. You were pretty warm, and I know I like being warm. Anyway. I probably need to go upstairs now. Seth’s waiting for me to play with him.” Lilly licked him one more time, and then jumped off the bed, and then began to head up the steps out of the room. Cryo smiled and began to lean up and push the covers of his bed down. He then stood up on his bed, and then walked towards the side, then jumped down. “Ahh… That was a good nap. I feel well rested now,” he thought. “Good afternoon, Creator. How was your nap?” Cryo looked towards his radio and smiled. “Oh! It was nice, Craft. I feel nice and rested now.” “That’s good, creator. How was school today?”

“It was fine. I… think I’ve made many friends today.” “Really?” “Yea. I’m also going to be repairing tech again for the kids in school. They should start coming over with their broken items for me to repair. I should have enough parts to fix them, thanks to the junkyard sending me them.” “That’s exciting! You’ll probably gain a very positive reputation at school with you repairing everyone’s items for free.” “Umm… Actually… I’m not doing it for free this time…” “Really?” “Yea… I decided that I was going to charge $20 to have items repaired. I… I want to buy a computer with the money I earn, to be able to have video calls with everyone back home.” “Ahh. I see. Well… I’d say your price is fair. Depending on the amount of broken items to be serviced, it shouldn’t take too terribly long to earn the funding for a laptop.” “Yea. Anyway. I probably need to change out of these pajamas, now that I’m awake. I’m sure Seth is waiting still to play with me. I need to let him no I’m awake.”

“Actually, creator. I don’t think its really necessary to change out of those pajamas.” “Really? Why Craft?” “Your not going anywhere else today, right?” “Well… No… I don’t think so.” “Then I don’t think you’ll need to change right now. While I can’t see you right now, as there are no camera’s I can peer into the room with, I can imagine that they feel relatively warm and comfy on you. It might be a waste to simply take them off to be cleaned, considering you’ve only worn them for about… 3 and a half hours I believe.” “Its been 3 and a half hours since I started my nap?” “Yes. It’s currently 5:45 P.M.” “Ahh… I probably should have looked at the time.” “Yes. Anyway… My point is, if your not going anywhere else today, then its probably perfectly fine to wear those the rest of the night. I think I heard that your also wearing pajama pants now, correct?” “Yea. It… does feel really nice on me. I’m surprised Greg never tried to make these for me before.” “Yes. Though one thing I should probably say, creator. If you need to take a break at any point today, make sure you…” “Oh! Don’t worry Craft. I’ll won’t… erm… yea. Anyway… I’ll take your advice Craft, and wear these then. I’ll see you before bed tonight.” “Good. Have a pleasant afternoon creator.” “You too Craft.” Cryo began to head towards the steps and climb up towards the kitchen.

He stepped into the kitchen, and saw that Arianna was preparing dinner for everyone. “Oh! Hello, Cryo. How was your nap?” said Arianna. “It was nice. I feel rested enough for the rest of the day,” Cryo replied back. “That’s good. Dinner should be ready in about an hour and a half. I’m making Que Chez chillin.” “Que… Chez… Chicken?” “That’s right. Have you ever had Intal food before?” Cryo scratched under his chin a few times.” “Umm… I don’t think I have, actually…” “Well then. Your in for a treat tonight! This recipe has been handed down for many generations in my family. My parents were cooks for a nice Intal restaurant, and taught me several different dishes as I grew up.” Cryo gave a smile and then nodded. “Well. I’m looking forward to trying a different culture food tonight.” Arianna smiled and nodded at Cryo. Cryo began to head towards the front room to see if Seth was in there. He was not inside though. Instead, he found Eli watching tv on the couch. He noticed Cryo was up and smiled at him.

“Oh! I didn’t know you were awake. How was your nap, Cryo?” asked Eli “Umm… It was nice Eli. Hey… You know where Seth is?” asked Cryo. “Seth I believe took a nap in his room.” “He… took a nap?” “Yea. I was surprised as well. He’s usually so energetic. I have to wonder if it had something to do with the fact that you also wanted to take a nap.” “Hmm… Maybe. Well… I suppose I should wait for him then. I did promise I’d play with him.” “Alright. Why don’t you sit on the couch with me. You can watch tv with me while waiting for him.” “Well… Alright then. What are you watching?” “I’m watching a nature documentary, detailing some of the interesting wildlife and species in the vast oceans of Cyriss.” “Really? Sounds interesting. Alright then.” Cryo headed over to the couch and sat down.

They watched the tv for a bit, but not too long, someone else stepped into the room. Cryo turned his head to see, and saw Seth, smiling at him. “There you are, big brother!” “Oh. Hi Seth. How was your nap?” “It felt nice… I can see why you take naps during the day.” “Well… I’m ready to play, Seth.” “Yea! Come to my room, big brother!” “Your room?” “Yea! Let’s play in there!” “Well… Is that alright?” Eli turned his head and patted Cryo on the back. “I don’t think you’ll cause any problems being in Seth’s room. Go right ahead, Cryo,” Eli said “Well… Alright then.” Cryo stepped up from the couch and began to head over to Seth. Seth nodded his head and gave a big smile, and the both of them headed to his room. “Hmm… I don’t think I’ve ever been in Seth’s room once since I’ve been living here… I was… originally forbidden to wander to that part of the house… I wonder what its like?” Cryo thought.

Ch 12

Bandits and a Bandanna

They stepped through some of the hallways in the house. The passed the garage door, and headed to where the bedrooms in were located in the house. Cryo stood in front of a door with what appeared to be a Steedly shoe (Steedlys are similar to a horse, but bigger, has two tails, a wider snout, and a bit longer legs and body) on the door. “Huh… That’s… interesting,” Cryo thought. “Well. Come on, big brother! Let’s go inside!” Seth opened the door to his room. Cryo stepped inside and looked around the room.

Cryo could immediately tell the room was based on the concept of “western,” mythos of Earth. The walls had a wallpaper of a sombreros littered throughout it, and the floor was brown carpet. Cryo turned his head to the left of the room, and could see Seth’s bed. It was smaller then his bed, and the blankets on top of it had a cowboy with a desert background. Next to his bed was a small table next to his bed with a small and rather regular brown lamp with a white top. There was also a radio/clock with in the shape of a pedestal with a lasso on top. In the front of the room, was a couple windows and small black tv, on a wooden cabinet with two doors on it. There were two small and rather comfy looking brown sofas in front of the tv. To the right of the room, seemed to be a closet with 2 large wooden sliding doors, a large wooden brown dresser, and what appeared to be a small play pen in the far right corner of the room. Seth patted Cryo on his back a few times.

“Do you like my room, big brother?” Cryo turned his head and smiled at him. “Interesting room, I’ll say. I haven’t seen a western mythos movie in a long time. I still never figured out why this type of stuff is considered “western.” “I’m… not really sure either, big brother… Maybe… its because it came from left side of the world?” “Maybe. Why wasn’t I allowed in here originally?” “Mommy was worried you might rip my bedsheets with your claws or chew on the pillows and toys.” “I see… Hmm…”

Cryo took a look at his talons for a second. He saw that they were rather short and not too sharp right then. “Good thing my claws were trimmed at the vet, recently. I would be worried about breaking Seth’s personal items. Though… I honestly think I do a better job doing it myself. Hmm… I should probably think about getting supplies from the store to manage my claws myself with the money I should make from repairing items. Speaking of which, I’m going to have to tell Eli and Arianna about my “new job.” I should tell them right before bed tonight, when they tuck me in, so they don’t mistake them for the weekly junkyard delivery,” Cryo thought. He looked back to Seth.

“Well… I guess… I’m ready to play fetch, Seth.” “Big brother! We’re not here to play fetch!” “Really? Then… what are we playing? “We’re playing Cowboys and bandits!” “Cowboys and… bandits?” “That’s right!” “Umm… Ok then. How do we play, Seth?” “Well… One person gets to be the brave, strong, heroic cowboy while the other gets to play the evil bandit, who steals everything!” Cryo scratched his chin a bit. “Oh! I get it. This is a make believe game where we take on roles.” “Yea! I get to be the sheriff!” Cryo gave a smirk and a nod. “I guess that makes me the nasty bandit.” “Yea! You get to run around with a posse committing crimes!” “My… Posse?” “Yea! They’re over there!” Seth pointed in the back of the room, which Cryo began to turn his head and look over there. He saw a couple of plush toys in cowboy gear. Cryo chuckled a bit. “He’s really taking this game to heart. I imagine I’m going to be the villain every time. But… that’s fine. Its probably more fun to be a bandit in this game then to play fetch,” Cryo thought. “Well… Anyway… Let’s play! Now… I know you have a bandanna already on, big brother. Why don’t you wrap it around your face to hide your identity, like a real bandit! I’m going to get my lasso from my closet!” “Well… Alright then.”

Cryo began to untie his bandanna from around his neck, and looked at it. He felt around the material a bit. “Ahh… The material of this thing is amazing! To think a flo Lilly was used to create this. And I love how it always smells like a purified spring. The smells even stronger after it gets cleaned! Of course… I know its far more special then that. Though… I haven’t really noticed how it affects me or my abilities yet though, to be honest. But… I’m sure I’ll figure out what cool things it can do in time.” He began to wrap it around his face like a bandit would wear it. But as he tied it on, he felt a bit… strange… He felt… like something was enveloping his entire body… Like… he was covered head to toe in fabrics, that felt like the bandanna… But Cryo quickly dismissed it. He now watched Seth as he rummaged through his closet. Not long, Cryo saw him pull out a lasso.

“Alright big brother! I got my lasso to tie you up when I catch you! You ready to play!” “Hahaha. Yea. I’m ready to be a bandit, Seth.” Seth looked back and began to look around. But… he couldn’t see Cryo anywhere in the room. “Big brother? Are you hiding in your secret hideout already?” “Huh? What do you mean Seth. I’m right here.” “Huh?” Seth looked around the room again, but could not see Cryo anywhere. “Are you playing tricks on me big bro? I should have expected a bandit to try to confuse the sheriff.” “Seth! I’m right here in front of you!” “Where, big bro?” “Right!… Wait a minute…”

Cryo turned his head towards his body, and saw… it was not there…” “What in the…?!” “Umm… Big bro… You… alright? Where are you?” “Umm…” Cryo turned his head to his back. He could not see his back either. Or his paws, his tail. It had all disappeared “What in the world is…” Cryo said. As he was about to continue he turned his head towards the closet. To a large square mirror attached to the side of the closet. He looked at it, and saw… there was no reflection. “Big Bro?” “Seth… I can’t see myself in the mirror…” “Your… in front of the mirror?” “Yes…” Seth gave out a gasp! “Big Brother! Did you become a ghost!?” Cryo’s eyes shot up! He began touch around his body, seeing if his hand would pass through. But he felt his scales as he tried to feel around himself. But strangely, his scales felt just like his bandanna… Cryo began to realize what happened to him!

“Seth… I… think I’m invisible!” “Your… invisible big brother?” “Yea! Come over towards the mirror with your hand outstretched!” “Umm… Ok…” Seth began to hold his hand forward and began to approach the mirror he stepped forth slowly. Suddenly he felt something hold his hand, which surprised Seth! But then he realized it really was Cryo! But his hand felt… very silky…” “Big… Big Bro?” “Yes! It’s me!” “Whoa…” Cryo let go of Seth’s hand and Seth stepped back.” “Big Bro! Did you know you could become invisible!?” “N…No! This… This never happened to me before! But… But how do I change back! I don’t want to be invisible forever!” “Well… What were you doing before?” “I… I was…” Cryo thought for a moment. “I… put my bandanna around my face, like a bandit would. Then… Then I, felt a bit strange…” “Well… Maybe try taking it off of you, big bro.” “W…Well… Alright then. Worth a shot I suppose.” He began to reach behind his head and felt around until he could feel where the bandanna was tied around. He then quickly untied it and took it off. Almost immediately as he did, he the strange feeling went immediately away. He looked at his paw, and saw it was fading back into view. After a few moments he was fully visible.”

“Big bro! Your not a ghost anymore!” “Ye… Yea Seth…” “So… It was your bandanna that did that, big bro?” “Ye… Yea… It seems so…” “Try putting it around your face again. See if you go invisible.” “Al… Alright…” Cryo tied it around his face again, and sure enough, he felt the strange feeling again. He watched his paw, and saw it fade into eventually not being visible at all.” “Whoa… When you put your bandanna on like a bandit… you… become a ghost?” “I… guess so… It’s never made me invisible before.” “Maybe… it has to be wrapped around your face rather then around your neck like it usually is to go invisible. “Y…Yea… You might be right, Seth.” “C… Can I try it big bro.” “Umm… Sure Seth. Hang on.” He began to untie it again and as he took it off, he became visible again. He looked at his paws a bit. “This is so strange… Does this power come from the flo Lilly? Hmm…” He handed it over to Seth.

He gave a smile and began to tie it around his face. But as he finished, he looked at himself. He… still could see himself… “Hey. Big bro. Can you see me?” “Yea… I can still see you Seth…” “Ahh… For real!?” “Yes…” “Hmm… Let me try again…” He untied it around his face and then retied it again. But he was still visible. “Can you see me big bro?” “Yes. I can still see you…” “Aww… I want to be invisible! Why doesn’t it work for me!?” Cryo thought for a moment and smiled at Seth.

“Well… Truth is, Seth… That bandanna is… special.” “Special?” “Ye… Yes. This bandanna was made by… my first family who adopted me when my mom fell ill. When I was reunited with them at Firebase Omega.” “Re…Reunited?” “That’s right. I… probably shouldn’t tell you this, but… at one point, I was… separated from them.” “Se… Separated?” Yes… I… think you already know… being a dragon… I attract a lot of attention to myself… On my first birthday… I was taken from them…” “T… Taken?!” “Yes. I was taken by the military… who were interested in me. I was an undiscovered species, a mythological one at that. And… I think you can expect… that causes quite a bit of problems…” Seth was silent for a moment. “Yes… That day was probably the worst day of my life. And… I remembered it for a long time. In fact… I hated my birthday for the longest time. It was… just a reminder of what I lost. But… Despite that… it was not all bad.”

“It… wasn’t?” “No. They took me to my new home at Research base Omega. While life was… pretty bad at the beginning, they eventually… realized my potential and became a second family to me.” “They… did? But… they kidnapped you!” “Yes. Your right, Seth. But… They never intended any harm to me. They wanted research me. To know me. It took them a while, but… they began to realize that I wasn’t all to different from them. They… they raised me from there. And… on my 7th birthday… I was finally reunited with them. They invited them to live at the research base to look after me and mom. It was… truly the happiest day of my entire life. Now… I realize my birthday wasn’t such a bad day. This bandanna was created by all 3 of them, to celebrate being reunited. And the material of this bandanna, is special too.”

“It… is?” “That’s right. Do you know about how my cloths are made in town now?” “Umm… I think… your dragon scales a somehow used to make them?” “That’s a bit right. The thing is… this bandanna has a very special and rare item in it, something none of my other cloths has.” “W…What is it?” “It’s a Flo Lily.” “A… Flo Lily?” Yes. This is an incredibly rare plant, which is very hard to manage and transport. Yet… Greg, my adopted father, found the key to transporting it.” “What… What was it big bro?” “A dragon scale.” “A… dragon scale?” “Yes. It grew on a dragon scale in the water at the pond where my birthday was held. It was there since the incident on my first birthday. And… he used it to help create this. This gift is the best gift I’ve ever had. Its a sign that wishes and dreams can come true, and to never give up hope.”

“That’s… really awesome, big bro!” “Yea. It’s why I always keep this on me, even when I sleep. This item is very special to me.” “Yea!” Cryo nodded his head, and looked at Seth. “Well… I think that’s enough of story time, don’t you think? We still need to play Cowboys and bandits, right?” “Yea! Let’s play!” “Yea… I’ll have to keep my bandanna around my neck so the game stays “fair.” It wouldn’t be a fair game if the bandit can’t be seen.” “Alright.” So the two began to play the game as the day passed by.

Ch 13

Before Bed

After about an hour of play Arianna came into the room to check on them. She saw that Seth was sitting in his seat and watching a kids western movie on his tv with the lasso in his hands. She looked towards the right of the room, and saw Cryo in the play pen in the corner. She chuckled a bit and stepped in. “Hello, sheriff. Did you catch a bandit tonight?” “Yeah! He was a tough one, but now he’s right where he needs to be!” “Really now?” “That’s right. Don’t worry, Momma. He’ll be ready to join back with society before dinner. “Really now. Why don’t I check on him.” She walked over to the play pen, and saw Cryo seemed to be working on something for school. “Well, Cryo… I see Sheriff Seth managed to catch you…” “Yep. Serving hard time, now.” “What are you doing in “jail,” right now?” “I’m working on my home… Uhh…” He looked toward Seth, then back at Arianna. “Umm… I mean… as part of my plea deal with Sheriff Seth, I’m doing paperwork for him. After I have completed the paperwork, I am to be commissioned into the town as a deputy. I’ll be his riding horse as we hunt down and arrest the rest of my posse.” She looked towards Seth, and then back to him. She began to whisper to Cryo. “Is that really alright if he rides you?…” “Don’t worry. I’m pretty strong. My legs are good enough to hold his weight. I exercise enough during the day and night with walks. Let Sheriff Seth have his fun. I’ll be ready for dinner when its time.” She smiled at Cryo and began to leave the room. “Alright, you two boys. Have fun. Be careful with the detainee, Seth. Try to be gentle when your ready to ride him, ok?” “Yes, Mama.” “Alright. Have fun you 2.” She left the room, and closed the door. Seth turned towards Cryo. “Hey. You got the paperwork done yet?” “Just about…” Cryo wrote a few more things on it. “There… Paperworks done, sheriff.” “Really? Let me see…”

Cryo lifted the papers to outside and gave them to Seth. He looked at them and smiled. “Well… This looks like really complicated work you’re doing… but… I suppose its about time your let out of your cell. Ready to hunt down the members of your posse?” “Yep! I’m ready Sheriff!” “Good! Hang on. Let me unlock the cell. Seth pretended to take out a key and “unlock,” the play pen. “Alright. Come on out!” “Yes Sheriff!” Cryo jumped up and began to climb out of the play pen and jumped onto the floor. “Now then. Let’s get you in a proper saddle and harness, my faithful new steed.” “Yes sheriff.” Seth headed to his closet again, and began to rummage a bit. After a while, he pulled out a small saddle and harness. “Here it is!” he walked over to Cryo and patted him on the head a few times. “Now… Are you ready to finally turn away from a life of crime and become something better, Big bro!?” “Absolutely, Sheriff!” “Great. Now… Hold still while I fit you into this.” Seth began to carefully strap the saddle and harness on Cryo and soon he jumped on Cryo’s back and began to ride him. “Now! Let’s go my faithful steed! Let’s catch those other bandits!” “Alright! Hang on Sheriff!” Cryo began to carry Seth around the room on his back for a while. Then, dinner came. Seth took the saddle and harness off of Cryo and they both headed to the table to eat for the time being.

After dinner, Cryo played with Seth a little bit more, but then, Arianna came into the room. “Hey you two. It’s time for bed!” Cryo, who was back in a saddle and harness, and Seth, who was riding Cryo, looked towards her. “Aww… Already!?” said Seth. “Yes, Seth. Your faithful steed has to get some rest for tomorrow. You need to as well. You both are going to school tomorrow.” “Hey… We’ll play again some other time, Seth. Come on. You mom is right. Your faithful steed needs to sleep for school.” “Aww… Ok… Goodnight big brother…” “Goodnight Seth.” Arianna removed the saddle and harness from Cryo. “Why don’t you wait by your bed, Cryo, and I’ll tuck you in for tonight. Just let me take care of Seth first.” “Ok. See you downstairs.” Cryo began to head out of the room and then through the kitchen then down the steps to his room in the basement. He smiled and gave a yawn. “Ahh… I hear you creator. How was playing with Seth?” “Oh! It was pretty fun. We played Cowboy’s and bandits.” “Cowboys and Bandits? I’m not familiar with that game…” “Oh. Well… It’s a game of pretend. Seth was the sheriff. I was the bandit. “Ahh… You were the villain, I imagine. “Yea… At the beginning though. Then I became Seth’s riding Steedly.” “Really? Was that alright?” “Oh don’t worry about it Craft. My legs are pretty strong. I run around a lot at home and take walks during the year. You know that already. Carrying Seth is not as hard as you think. He had a lot of fun.” “That’s good to hear. What about you? Did you have fun.” Cryo thought for a moment. Then he smiled and nodded. “Yeah. That was quite fun!”

Cryo then heard footsteps come from the steps. He turned his head around, and then saw Arianna step into the room. “Alright, Cryo. Let’s get you in bed for tonight.” “Yea… Thanks… I’m really tired.” She smiled at Cryo and patted his head a few times. She then pulled back the covers of the bed, lifted Cryo up, and tucked him in. The radio immediately turned on naptunes again…” “Huh… The radio turned on by itself again…” Arianna said. “Oh! Umm… Don’t mind that, Arianna. I… Already added some upgrade to the radio. It… uh… knows when I’m going to sleep.” “Really? How?” “Umm… Its… a bit too complicated to explain.” Arianna began to turn off the lights to the room and began to head up. But before she did, Cryo realized he needed to tell her something!

“Oh! Arianna! Before you go, I have something I need to tell you!” She turned back towards Cryo. “What is it, Cryo?” “Umm… I… am going to start getting items to repair from the kids at school. They want me to help repair their items.” “Really?” “Yes. I agreed to work on them.” “Is that alright with you?” “Of course! I used to do this back home!” “Well… Ok… Are you doing it for free?” “No. I’m just charging $20 an item. I… want to buy a few things on my own when I have enough money.” “Well… Alright, Cryo. I’ll tell Eli. Anyway Goodnight, Cryo.” “Goodnight Arianna.” She slowly headed up the steps. The sound of naptunes began to work its magic on Cryo’s hazy mind, and soon, he fell asleep.

Ch 14

Water Wakeup

Cryo’s eyes opened slowly. He realized he was back in the dojo, within his room. He gave a yawn, and lifted himself up from the strange blue mass. “Well… I’m back here again… I wonder what were going to do today? Maybe working on the flash freeze a bit more?” Cryo then looked at himself, and saw immediately he wasn’t wearing his training outfit. In fact, he wasn’t in his winter whiteout transformation! He was in his Sea Serphant transformation instead.” “Huh… I’m… in this form again. Are we going to work with this form today?” Cryo thought. Suddenly, he heard the door to his room slide open. He saw Wave step in, transformed as well!”

“Hello my little grandson. How are you this evening?” she asked. “I’m fine, grandma. Am I going to be working with this transformation today?” “That’s right.” “Well… I guess that’s why I’m not in my normal gear then, huh.” “Actually… your training outfit is right here.” She pointed to the outfit, hanging up next to a mirror. He took a closer look at it, and saw it seemed to look a bit… different… He saw that it seemed to have rather long cuts in its arms, and it looked like it was a similar design to a white wetsuit! “Huh… My training outfit looks… different, Grandma.” “That’s right. The elemental condensers within the outfit help it adapt to environments outside of where it normally operates. In this case, it’ll be helpful within water. The slits in the arms are made so that your fins across your arms can come out on them, and the outfit is very smooth and will fit a bit tight around you when exposed to water. This will allow you to better practice your underwater skills and your maneuverability while wearing it. Now… Why don’t we get this on you, ok, my little grandson?” “Well… Alright then…” Wave picked it up from the hanger and walked over to Cryo. “Now then… This might feel a bit tight around you, but it shouldn’t cause any difficulty while we train with this transformation today. Let’s get this fitted on you.” “Wave carefully maneuvered the outfit onto Cryo. She was defiantly right about it fitting on tight. Yet… it still felt pretty comfy around his body. Soon, Wave tied the dragon belt around Cryo’s body, its very light blue glistening in the light of the dojo. “Let me take the headband for now, Cryo. We’ll work with this on a bit later. “She took the handband, which was still hanging up, and then placed in what looked like a waterproof bag attached to her side. “Now then… why don’t we head into the training room?” Cryo nodded and they both headed out the door to Cryo’s room and into the main training area.

They both stepped into the room, and saw there was a very large pool of water across the dojo. It looked pretty deep, but the water was very clear and light blue, like there wasn’t a single impurity within it. “The Sea Serpant dragon transformation, as you can guess, enhances your water based abilities and recombines your anatomy to be much more agile and effective when submerged in bigger and deeper bodies of water. The water itself becomes a useful and effective tool against enemies on land and those brave or foolish enough to chase you into the water. Its best use for hit and run tactics. Use the water and the flow to surprise enemies and then swim away to plan your next move. Now… before we begin… Why don’t you put this mask on?” Wave headed over to a wall, and grabbed a strange device from the wall. She brought it back over to Cryo. Cryo took a look at it.

It looked like some type of breathing device, that fit around somethings mouth. It had a round filter in the center of the mask. “This is a Underwater Oxygen rebreather. This will allow you to breath underwater.” “Umm… How? Don’t you need to have a container on your back filled with air?” “No. This special little device converts the oxygen molecules in water into breathable air. As you probably already know, despite being water dragons, we can’t breath underwater, even in this transformation. You need to be able to breath air, and this will make it so we don’t have to constantly come up for air. It’ll even allow us to talk to each other while underwater, as it doubles as a communications device between each other. It’s quite a nifty little device. Dragons have been trying to make something like this for years. Never really could get it right though… Here. I’ll show you how to put it on correctly.”

Wave began to lift the oxygen mask towards her mouth. She pressed a button on the left side of it, and it began to immediately attach itself to her mouth and around the back of her head. She looked back at Cryo and spoke, though the mask made her words sound a bit more distorted. “Now you try it.” “Cryo nodded his head, and began to bring the mask close to his mouth. He pressed the button on the left side of it, and it began to fit around his mouth. Soon, it had fully attached to his mouth, and he noticed immediately the sound of him breathing was a bit louder with it on. “Good. Why don’t we jump into the water now, and we can begin your training.” Cryo nodded and the both immediately and jumped into the water, sinking into the depths below.

Ch 15

Water Workout

They began to swim down the water pretty quickly for a bit, Cryo liking the workout while he swam. Then then Wave stopped swimming and began to face Cryo. Cryo stopped in front of her. “Alright Cryo. This should be deep enough. We are going to work on using Sea Screech.” “Sea… Screech?” That’s right. Before we can begin, we need to change the mode of the oxygen rebreather.” “Ok. How do we do that. Here… Observe me, Cryo…”

She pointed to the side of her face, where Cryo could see a very small twisting knob on the side of the mask. She twisted it just a bit, and the mask began to change! The filter in the center seemed to spread itself out and the mask seemed to be opening itself and covering around he snout a bit more. “This knob on the side of your mask will engage the breathalizer mode. This will allow you to shoot attacks out of your mouth without damaging the mask. This should be done only when your engaging in a fight against someone else. It can be a bit harder to breath when the filter is extended out like this. Now. You try it.”

Cryo nodded his head and began to feel around the the mask, until he could feel the switch to engage the breathalyzer mode of the mask. He began to twist it carefully with his talons. Soon, like Wave’s mask, Cryo’s mask began to extend its filter out and open up around Cryo’s face. Soon, it stopped. Cryo thought this was a pretty nifty trick with the technology. Though… he did indeed find himself taking his breaths a bit deeper with this mode engaged.

“Excellent. Now we’re ready to begin.” Wave pointed towards and empty space of water in front of her, and Cryo thought he could see something swimming towards them. After a bit, it seemed to be a small group of dojo dummies, but outfitted with what looked like diving gear. Upon closer inspection, it was the same type of dummy used to train him to use Flash Freeze.

“Now. Watch this, my little grandson…” She took in a big breath of air, and then… WHOOSH. She let a pulse of water which began to speed through the water! It quickly blasted the 3 dummies away, which left Cryo quite impressed!”

“Did you like that, my little grandson?” Wave asked. “Yea! That looked pretty strong, Grandma!” replied back, with a big smile on his face. Wave knew he was quite excited to try it himself. “This attack is a very fast and pinpoint accurate. This attack will blast enemies with a rather large undersea pulse of water generated by your mouth. This can also be manipulated to either be larger to attack in a more wider spread, or more focused for tougher targets who might be giving you trouble. Now then. Why don’t you try it?”

A couple more dojo dummies came into view. Cryo saw them stop a little ways away.” “Now then… To use Sea Screech, channel your inner energies into you throat.” “My… throat?” “That’s right. The sea screech is a sound wave attack that pushes back water at high speed.” Cryo thought for a moment… Then he remembered something. He looked towards Wave.

“Umm… grandma?” “Yes Cryo? Is something wrong?” “Is it alright… if I try this with the headband on first?” “Really? Why?” “I… have a hunch… I think its best to try to test this first with it on.” “Well… Alright Cryo…” She pulled the headband from the bag, and gave it to Cryo. He quickly moved it onto his head, and he could feel a bit of his power ebb away from him. “Alright Cryo… Give it a shot.” Cryo nodded his head and looked forward. He stared down the dojo dummies for a bit, and then gave a smile under his mask. He began to take in a deep breath, and a HUGE pulse of water came blasting out of his mouth! Wave was immediately shocked, and saw the dojo dummies get blasted to the far reaches of the water!

“C…Cryo! That was… That blast was on the level of a dragon master! H… How were you able to do it like that on your first try!?” Cryo turned towards Wave and nodded. “This isn’t… actually the first time I’ve done this…” “R… Really? But… What other time did you use this technique?” “It was… not long after I hatched from my egg…” “Wait… Really?” “Ye… Yeah. If… I remember correctly I… did it when I wanted something to chew on.” “I… I don’t understand Cryo…”

“Well… A more accurate story is… as you know, not long after I was born, Mom… fell into hibernation. I hatched not long after. Greg and the others took me into their vehicle, and moved mom into a small pen attached to the back of the car, where I was originally situated in. They began trying to find a way to get passed the military blockade in town. They… wanted to steal one of the military officers transportation to get passed the blockade. And… well… I kind of attracted them to me.” “Hmm… I… Don’t remember that. Then again, I was able to tap into Oversoul… But… It was only after you and the others began to head on the road out of there.” “Yeah… Anyway… the military officers began to head towards the car.., But… my gums really started to hurt in my mouth. Real… badly… And I was becoming real cranky. Next thing I know, I’m blasting a sonic screech out of my maw! It was loud and powerful enough to knock down and knock out all the military guards in the blast! It also allowed my family to obtain a vehicle to escape with us in tow. It was also the first time they gave me a pacifier.”

“That’s… a bit… odd, Cryo.” “Why, Grandma?” “The thing is Cryo… There was never any dragon that has been known to use a variation of this move outside of the water.” “Wait… Really?” “Yes. In fact, if what your saying is true, you used a variation of this move, outside of its own element! This… This is rather fascinating, my little grandson. You might be the first dragon who’s ever done this. Hmm…” “Well… That’s cool, I guess.” “Yes… Well… Seeing as you seemed to have mastery of this move, perhaps we should try a different one then. After we’re done today… I might have a talk with the others about what you told me. This is not normal, Cryo. This… This might be something more then that… But… That’s for later. She removed the headband from around Cryo’s head, and he felt the condesors in his training gear return to its former power. He looked at his belt, and it had turned to a vivid blue color. He turned back to Wave with a smile. “Now then Cryo… We’re going to try an attack… that is a bit more advanced…”

Ch 16

Sea Slicer

“Wave pointed again and Cryo saw another dojo dummy come into view to his side. This one seemed to be quite large and bulky though… Cryo looked back at Wave, and stroked his head a bit. “This next attack we’re going to learn is called, Sea Slicer.” “Sea… Slicer?” “That’s right… This might be a bit difficult for you to master, Cryo.” “Why Grandma?” “This one requires… a very fine degree of control… This attack is quite dangerous. If you put too much emphasis with this attack, you could really cause severe bodily damage to your opponents. And… And… End them… I don’t think you want to really end another’s life using this. Control is the key. Controlling the amount of energy used and focused is necessary to not shred another to ribbons. This attack should be used VERY sparingly, and only against opponents who are really giving you a hard time and leaving you with little other options. Understand?”

Cryo’s heart sank a little. He then gulped, and nodded his head very slowly. “Now then… Watch carefully…” Wave positioned herself a bit of ways away from the dummy. She then began to held her hands spread out above her. She then quickly thrust them across the front of her, and two blades of water in the shape of an X came out and shot forward very quickly. It soon connected with the dojo dummy and shot him back a bit. Tide began to swim forward and grabbed the dojo dummy and began to drag it over to Cryo. “Alright… Take a close look at the damages to this dummy, Cryo.” Cryo slowly nodded, and began to look at the dummy. He saw the gash of the attack in the dummy out of its replica diving suit. A gash in the shape of an X… Cryo gulped, and he could clearly see the power of the blades… “Now Cryo… See what it looks like under the diving suit. This is what you should be aiming for when using this attack.” Wave began to carefully lift the fake metal diving suit from the dummy. Then… she pointed to its stomach. Cryo saw the gash in its frame… but the gash was incredibly thin on the framework of the wood. “This attack should be used ONLY to open up enemy underwater armor and cause very light damage to their body. They’ll be forced to go up to the surface to get air. If your really clever, you could potentially use this to your advantage to capture a strong enemy. While they are heading towards the surface, you could surprise and prevent them from escaping you by using an attack we’ll probably learn a bit later, as you train with me, called Bubble Bind. We’ll practice this in the future.” “W… Well… Ok…” Cryo said rather nervously. “Now… Its your turn, Cryo.” She pointed towards another dojo dummy heading towards Cryo. It stopped a bit of ways away from him.

“Alright Cryo. Try to summon Sea Slicer. To use this, focus your elemental energy into your webbed paws. Your claws inside your webbed feet will begin to extend outward again. When they have fully come out, this is where things get tricky…” Cryo felt nervous about what she might say next. “From this point… you need to focus on the target. But… Try to think… positively… Stay calm… The less calm and collected you are the more likely that the attack will cause grave harm and possibly death. Do anything you can to try to calm yourself and restrain any form of grievance you have with whoever your fighting. Remember that things may not be so simple as good and evil… There could be other factors at play that could be influencing them and their actions. Keep your emotions in check so you don’t deliver a fatal blow to them. Neither of us want that. Now… Try it.”

Cryo slowly nodded and gulped. He began to spread his paws out. He then began to focus his energy in his talons, and then he saw the claws in his webbed feet extend out…” “Alright, Cryo… Careful… Careful…” Cryo thought to himself. He took in a deep breath, and then swiped forward fast! Two blades of water in an X began to fan out and hit the dummy and pushed him back! Cryo took in a deep breath and tried to relax. “Alright Cryo… You can at least Conjure the attack pretty well… Now… Let’s see the damages on the training dummy…”

She swam over and grabbed the dojo dummy and began to swim it back over to Cryo. She began to carefully remove the fake diving suit, which had a rather large gash in it. After taking it off… Cryo saw a gash under the armor, a bit deeper then when Wave shot hers at the dummy. “This is not a bad start, my young grandson. The gash here is a bit deep… But it shouldn’t be deep enough to cause permanent damage to its body. But… Now… comes the REAL difficult test.” Cryo gulped… as he knew what would happen next. Wave pulled out the headband, and began to wrap it around Cryo’s head. Cryo’s heart sank as he felt the power leave him. “Now… Try this with the headband on.” “O…Ok grandma.”

Another large dummy came into view… Cryo took in a deep breath, and prepared himself. He spread his arms out, and then quickly thrust his hands down! The blades quickly moved forward very quickly towards the dummy! Cryo watched nervously in anticipation. Soon, the blades connected to the dummy! Cryo’s eyes shot up, as the attack completely sliced through the entire dummy splitting it apart! “Oh…” Cryo said, as he looked as the pieces began to dissipate.

“Cryo… Your not focusing enough… Remember. Try to think positive. Keep any grievances or worry away. That causes more focus in the more dangerous aspects of this attack.” “Wha… what do suppose I do!? I’m… I’m scared that someone will end up like this if I do this to them!” “It’s actually quite simple Cryo. Close your eyes slowly as you channel your energies into your claws. Think of something that makes you happy. Calmed. Draw your focus away from the battle a bit, and then when your ready, open up your eyes, aim, and swipe. The key here is to try and think of something that causes your negative feelings and emotions to not get in the way of your thoughts. Think peacefully. That’s all you need to do. Now. Try again. Don’t think about what could happen if something goes wrong. Think about someone or something you really love.” “Al… Alright then…”

Cryo took in another deep breath as another dummy came into view. He slowly closed his eyes, and then began to slowly hold his arms out. Wave’s words echoed in his head… “Think of someone or something that makes you happy. Cryo nodded and began to think about… Tide. He remembers how happy he was when she first woke up. He remembers the care he’s been given from her since he woke up. He begins to slowly smile. “Good, Cryo. Good. Keep those memories going. When your ready… attack.” Cryo continued to think for a bit about Tide. He began to take some deep breaths in and out. In and out. In and out. He began to focus into his claws again, which slowly began to extend out of his webbed feet. He slowly opened his eyes and gave a smile and then… swiped both his arms down! The blades of water once again shot out quickly, and quickly connected to the dummy! But this time, the dummy was sent back a bit! Cryo gave a nod and a small smile. He began to calmly swim to the dummy and grabbed it and took it over to Wave.

“Now… This is a better reaction out of you, Cryo. Now… Let’s see how much damage it did.” She began to remove the fake diving gear, and surprisingly, there was the smallest gash she’d ever seen on the dummies wooden body! “Well done Cryo! Well done! This is perfect! But… You’ll need a bit more training with this. We’ll keep practicing so we might be able to lower the amount of time needed to achieve this result consistently. In the rush of a battle, every moment needed to focus counts.” Cryo smiled at her, and Wave began to rub Cryo’s head a bit… He looked at his belt, which turned a bit darker in color again.

“Well… Mourning has come, my little grandson. It’s about time you woke up!” “Aww… Already?! We we’re getting to the really good stuff!” “Now now, Cryo. We’ll train more the next time you go to sleep, ok?” “Sigh… Yes grandma.” “Alright. Let’s go back to the surface of the water and get you back to your room.” Cryo nodded and they both began to head up the water. They emerged from the water and then flapped their wings to fly back to the floor of the dojo. They both shook their bodies as water began to fly all over the place. Wave then grabbed a towel hanging from on a rack near Cryo’s room. She gestured Cryo over and Cryo nodded. He slowly trotted over and sat in front of Wave. She smiled and began to rub him all over with the towal. Soon, he was relativly dry, and she slid the door open to his room. “Have a good mourning, Cryo. Have a good day back with the others.” Cryo nodded and smiled at Wave. “See you soon, grandma. Don’t get too lonely without me.” Cryo stepped into his room and shut the door. He began to head towards the blue mass again, and began to lay down on it. He slowly closed his eyes, and everything flashed to white.”

Ch 17

How’s Home?

Cryo slowly opened his eyes. He saw he was back in his room at the house. He heard the alarm for his clock blaring across the room. He saw Arianna was in the room again, trying to nudge him awake. “Oh! Good mourning, Arianna.” She stepped back and smiled at Cryo. Cryo’s alarm then turned itself off. “Good mourning, Cryo. It’s Friday today. The last day of school for the week.” “Oh! I didn’t even see the week pass by! Well… Ok then.” Cryo pulled the covers from his bed back and then began to stand up on the bed. He quickly jumped from the bed and onto the soft carpet below. He looked at Arianna, and smiled at her. “You want some help getting ready?” “Oh. I should be good Arianna. I just need to get a coat, and then I’ll be ready.” “Ok. We’re having breakfast upstairs. Come up whenever your ready, and don’t go back to bed. Ok.” “Ok. I’ll come up soon.” She nodded and stepped upstairs. Cryo began to head towards the laundry hamper in his room and then began to take off his pajamas. He then tossed both the shirt and pants in. “There we go. Now… Let’s pick out a coat for today.” “He headed towards his closet, and began to search for something to wear, before he heard a familiar voice behind him.

“Good morning creator. How are you today?” Cryo turned back at his radio and smiled. “Oh! I’m fine Craft. You doing good?” “Of course creator. As long as your happy. I’m happy.” “That’s good.” Cryo then took out a dark blue plain coat with a couple of zip up pockets and some blue gloves and socks. He brought the items over to his radio. He sat himself down and began to put the items on, taking his bandanna off and putting it on the bed for when he had all his other items on. “It’s nice to have you here Craft. I defiantly like being able to talk to someone from back home. Speaking of which… how is everyone doing back at home?” “They’re doing relatively fine. They really miss you. Everyone does really.” “Oh… I… I see…” “Don’t worry creator. They’re doing everything they can at home to repair the runway and restock on airships. But… They believe they won’t be able to pick you up until after the school semester is over…” “Ahh. I… see…” “Yes… I told them that your taking a job to repair items like at home, to get a computer to have video calls on the CompCall app. They’re very much looking forward for when you’ll be able to talk to them again.” “Ye… Yea… I… suppose I should at least try to call them at some point on a phone.” “You might want to again. At the very least, hearing your voice might be good enough until you can get a nice stable computer. I’m actually quite excited myself to be able to upload myself into more then just a simple radio. I would like to see your form with the computers camera. I find it hard to… communicate a bit with just your voice to acknowledge your ok and stable. “Oh… I’m… sorry to hear that. I… I understand…” “Yes. Anyway… Have a pleasant day at school, creator.” “S… See you Craft…”

Cryo finally got dressed in is cloths and then slipped back on his bandanna. Cryo quickly went through his day from breakfast, to going to school, and then heading back home for the day. After he got home, he decided to do his homework for the day. It didn’t take him long to complete it. But not long after though, he began to see many of his classmates come to his door, with many pieces of broken technology in their hands and money to pay for fixing said items. Cryo knew it was time for work. He decided that before taking a nap and maybe playing with Seth tonight, he’d start repairing items for the kids at school. Every item repaired meant he’d be closer to buying a computer. He and his caretakers helped Cryo take the many items down one by one and placed them on his work bench.

“Do… You think you’ll need any help with… working with these Cryo? Do you need anything?” asked Eli. Cryo turned to Eli and shook his head. “No. But thank you though. I should be able to get a decent amount of this stuff fixed before I head out for the day. Though… Since this is in town… I might to need to use the phone a few times, to let everyone know I’m… well… completed the repair for said item.” “Ok. Well… Whenever your ready to make calls Cryo, just come upstairs.” “Ok. See you soon, Eli. Tell Seth that I’m going to probably be late for playtime today.” “Ok. Enjoy working, Cryo.” Cryo nodded, and Eli left the room. Cryo turned towards his radio, which he moved into the room while they were moving the technology in. “Alright, Craft. Time for my first day at work. Can you turn on some calming soft rock music to help me ease into it?” “Of course creator. It’s nice to finally work with you again. Turning on new generation rock radio, Creator. Please enjoy.” Soft rock began to play over the radio, but Cryo realized something. “Umm… Could you turn down your volume a bit in here, Craft. We’re in the basement, remember? Sounds echo’s around bit more down here.” “Understood. Lowering volume to acceptable levels to accommodate caretakers in home establishment.” “Thank you Craft.” The volume lowered quite a bit, and Cryo nodded, as he took a look at his first item to repair. He gave a smirk. “Let’s get started.”

Ch 18

Trauma Trip

Cryo took the first item, which was in a cardboard container. He looked at the top of it, and saw the notes for the item and the issues with it taped to the top. It seems the first item to repair today, was a ZPS gaming console. He recognized the name on the label of who it was immediately. “Ahh. This is Warren’s Ignition gaming console. He was the first one to ask me to repair his device anyway. It makes sense to do his item first,” Cryo said. He began to open the box, and then took out the ignition and placed it on the table. He then took out a piece of paper in the box, containing information that would help Cryo know how to fix the problem.

“Hmm… Warren’s handwriting is a little sloppy. But… I can definantly still read this. Now… Notes here say… fell on the floor, while opened up. Broken upper screen. Hmm… While it seems to be the main issue, I should probably check the other parts inside as well. People dropping items is all too common, and its better I make sure its fully operational before giving it back to him.”

Cryo began to get to work, slowly removing and carefully taking apart the the ignition, to see if there was any other problems within the system. He then removed the broken screen and then began to search for replacement screens in his spare parts cabinet. Thankfully, his cabinet had labels were spare parts were. He quickly took out a screen and then placed it to the side. He then began to observe the other parts. After a little bit, he found a few other problems.

“Just as I thought. Inner battery has been damaged a bit as well. “It’ll probably going to turn off occasionally during gameplay if I don’t do something about that. Main Cpu is… damaged as well… Hmm… That… complicates the situation quite a bit. Looks like I’m going to need alter and modify the cpu with the parts I already have to make sure it doesn’t mess up while playing. I don’t have the time or the items at my disposal to make one of my own… Well… Let’s get started.”

Cryo began to gather more spare parts from his drawers, to fix the rest of the problems. He took out a spare battery, and the parts needed to create a modified version of the original cpu. He brought it over to his work bench, and nodded. He began to fix and modify the cpu on the device. He worked for a bit, when his mind began to drift…

“Its… been a while since I’ve had a chance to do stuff like this… About a month I believe… I never expected to end up getting kidnapped again… That’s for sure… Ugh…” He began to get a bit nervous as he worked. He took in a couple of deep breaths and continued. He then began to think about the ones responsible…

“Mick… Ugh… Mick… Can’t he just leave me alone… Hasn’t he done enough to me and mom already? I still remember everything he’s done to us. Even before I arrived at Research Base Omega.” He gave a sigh, and continued to work. “He’s the reason I’ve hated my birthday for so long. I still remember what he did to Greg and Suzy. What he tried to do to Noble. Even then, he still was willing to do anything to take me. Ugh… He’s truly a monster. To think he’d literally try to hurt someone like Noble, just to make him reveal where I was. He’s truly willing to do anything if it means I’ll be right in his grasp. Sigh…”

A bit of time passed, and the modified cpu was close to ready. He began to fix in the final necessary parts. But he continued to think about that man… The man who has caused him so much trouble.

“To think… He wants me and mom, so badly… Not because we’re aliens or dragons. Not because they could become famous or well known for a discovery. Not even because he wants to hold us for ransom. No. He wants us for our technology. To build… Ugh… I can’t even imagine what type of terrors he’d have us build. The thought… It scares me… a whole lot… I… I remember learning in school of the human superweapon… The weapon that… caused so much disaster back on earth. That bomb… Would he have made us recreate it? It… Even hearing about the history in that in school is… truly scary. They have been completely outlawed to create since then. In fact… every and all information about how to create the superweapon was completely destroyed. The only reminder of it, is in the history books. But… If he really wanted me to create that… what… what would he do with… Gulp… I… I don’t even want to think about it…” Cryo soon finished with the modified cpu and nodded. “Alright. Let’s put all the necessary parts together.”

Cryo began to put back the entire system together, attaching each of the new parts. The new screen, battery, and the modified cpu. Soon it was back together and he smiled and nodded. “Now to test this…” He turned on the power to the ignition, and began to mess around with it for a bit. He played a bit of capsule creatures for about 30 minutes. Soon, he concluded that the repairs were successful, and that he had done a very good job. “Alright! That’s our first repair completed!” Cryo said. “Good job, Creator. Your client will be pleased. That one I understand took a bit more work, didn’t it?” Cryo turned to his radio and smiled at it. “If it takes more work, then its even more satisfying to see it in working order. Right Craft?” “Absolutely creator. Well done. Let’s get on to your next project.”

Cryo nodded and began to box up the ignition again. He took the next cardboard box, which was a bit smaller then the last one. “Hmm Looks like we have Sydney’s item. A cylindrical music player. Well… Let’s take it out.” Cryo took out the music player, and saw that the sound speakers were out of it and dangling to the sides of it. “Well… I can see a problem already… But…” Cryo took the notes of the problems from inside the cardboard box. “Notes say… Speakers broken. Of course… Hit with a ball by little brother. Yep… That makes sense. Probably dropped on the floor as well. With that in mind, I probably have multiple things to fix with this. Welp. Let’s get started.”

He began to take it apart and observe it. “Hmm… Speakers are worse off then I thought. So many broken parts inside. But… easy enough to fix. I have spare speakers right in my cabinets. They should be in good quality order. Then I’ll need to replace some of the wires connected to both speakers. Hmm… Anything else wrong with these?” He began to look at the other parts of the machine. “Looks like the power source has a wire that’s broken as well. Easy enough to replace. Hmm… I don’t see anything else wrong with this device otherwise. Well… Let’s get to work.”

Cryo began to repair the device, when his mind drifted again. He began to think about the attempts to kidnap him before… “Mick has tried to kidnap me 3 separate times now. The first is when we were… on that ocean trip when I was 6 years old. Ugh… Talk about a lousy way to ruin what was supposed to be a fun day out on the water. I was looking forward to it as well. Thankfully… no one was hurt… Well… Except me of course… How long was I swimming on the water while trying to avoid them while they were firing nume darts at me? I don’t know, but I remember how scary it was… Ugh… I didn’t think I was going to make it either. No matter what I did, they always seemed to know where I was, even when I dove underwater to try and confuse them. Though… I can probably guess he had access to my tracking chip at the time, so it makes sense that he’d be able to continually chase me. I become desperate as I began to tire out, and I decided to try to make it to shore to try to lose them in the nearby forest… But… right as I got to shore, they… They finally hit me… with one of those darts…” Cryo gulped and shook his head. He continued with a nervous look on his face.

“When they shot me… I… didn’t understand what was going on. The pain of the wound… wasn’t as much as I thought… But… That wasn’t the intention… They followed me on shore, and not long after… I began to grow… numb… It wasn’t much at first. But then… The feeling began to become worse and worse and worse. I felt a bit dizzy, and then… I couldn’t move my back legs. I was terrified! I… I thought I was dying! I began to dig my front paws into the dirt to pull myself forward, but eventually, even they began to stop working. And then… then… I couldn’t move. Everything felt still… I could only turn my head slowly as I saw them approach me. My heart sank. I thought this was it. I thought I was done for… But then… I… I don’t exactly know how… but… I thought… I thought I could hear… moms voice. She was… calling to me… She told me to… push out my fears, and unleash my fury… I… didn’t understand at first what she meant. But… as I laid there. I… closed my eyes, and felt, something within me. Something… trying to escape my body. Something strong. And… I felt like… I had to let it out. I… I pushed the feeling out of me… and then… I felt a pulse of energy come out of my entire body. Next thing I knew, everything around me was beginning to freeze! They ran! All of them! Ran scared from what was going on! And then… I… I felt cold… Like… something frigid was forming near me. Then… I felt… frozen…”

Cryo took in a couple of deep breaths and continued. Soon, he had put the cylindrical music player together and tested it out for a bit by playing some music. After a bit, he was satisfied with the results. “Alright then. Looks like this is in perfect working condition.” Cryo said. “Excellent job, creator. Your earning your pay today!” Craft replied back. “Heh… Thanks Craft. Now… Let’s get to our next item.” He began to box the item up, but began to think again.

“That experience was terrifying… I later learned what had happened later on. I had to take a sick day after, but… I was eventually back on my feet again. But… I don’t know how I managed to do that. Even to this day, I still don’t know how I froze the entire area and created a pillar of ice around myself to protect myself. Maybe… Maybe this is something to ask Grandma, when I take a nap later. She’s a Ferrin dragon, like me, so maybe she could tell me what happened…

Ch 19

Fixing Files

Cryo nodded his head and grabbed the next cardboard container. He looked at the label on top. “Hmm… A labtop computer. Interesting…. Looks like its a Zen portable laptop. From… Aran. Hmm… Let’s open it up.” Cryo opened up the box, and took out the labtop. It seemed fine to him. “Interesting… I wonder what the problem is?” He pulled out the research notes, then gave a rather long sigh… “I see now… Someone decided to download a group of… rather unneeded files and got a nasty computer virus. Welp… Looks like I’m going to be doing some programming and data retrieval. I know how to do this thankfully. This almost never came up at home… But for good reason, since its a well established military research center. The kids were more… responsible more or less and knew better then to… well… yea. Let’s get started.”

Cryo booted up the computer and began entering its data center. He was about to get started, when his radio began to speak up. “Excuse me. Creator?” “Oh! Is there something you want, Craft?” “I… overheard you say that the ailment to your clients technology was a computer virus. Is there any chance I could assist with this one?” “You want to help me?” “Quite! Can you give me your clients computer id number in order to upload myself to it, and assist?” “Well… Ok then. Hang on while I look at his computer number.”

Cryo looked through the computers data center for the computers id tag. “Ahh! Id tag is XC12201.” “Thank you. Beginning remote uplink to clients computer.” Cryo waited a few moments, then the mouse began to move by itself! “Is that you moving the mouse, Craft?” “Yes! I must say. I’m very happy to see you on the computers camera. It’s been awhile since I’ve had a chance to look at you.” Cryo chuckled a bit and smiled. “Well… I can imagine its more fun seeing me in real life then looking at a digital image. So… Where should we begin?” “Hold on a second, creator… We seem to already have an intruder trying to invade the system. I’m attempting to track him…” “Wait… Track them? What are you planning to do to to the hacker? Or hackers? ” “Relax… I already infiltrated their own pcs. I’m just gathering a bit of evidence and link it to the authorities nearby of their operation. I know its not right to… overdo things on a matters like this. I must say… they’ve… committed quite a bit of data theft.” “Really now…?” “Yes. Anyway… Ah… Done… Data gathered and authorities informed. Now locking perpetrators from all future interface with this laptop. Police should arrive in an estimated… 7 minutes.” “Well… Guess we’re cybersecurity today…” “Quite. Now then. I’m beginning data retrieval.”

The screen began to light up, and it looked like files we’re being downloaded back onto the computer. “Files will be returned and all undesired computer programs will be deleted permanently. Estimated time… an hour and 30 minutes.” “Well… Alright then. That was easy. Thank you, Craft.” “Your welcome creator.” “Just make sure when your done to completely remove yourself from this laptop. I don’t want Aran to think his computer is still… broken with you messing around with it.” “Understood. All my programming structures will be removed after data retrieval and repair is complete.” “Good. Alright… Might as well work on something else while I’m waiting…”

Ch 20

More memories

Cryo took out the next cardboard box, which was a bigger then anything else he repaired so far. “Hmm… Huh… This is from Miles. I remember him. He… gave quite a punch to Tanner. Heh… I guess I should have expected him to rely on me since he was… willing to deck a bully before things could get rough. Hmm… This item is from pretty big. Wonder what’s inside. Cryo looked at the label, and saw that the item inside was apparently a Deepsight 3d television.” “Hmm Interesting. A 3d tv… This should be interesting. I never got to repair a 3d tv before. This is going to take me some extra work. I’m going to need to draw a blueprint for the parts in the tv as I take it apart, as I’ll need to know what its supposed to look like on the inside and out when I put it back together. Well… This is going to be a fun learning experience today!” Cryo got a little excited at the thought of learning a new piece of technology. “Well… Let’s take it out.”

Cryo began to carefully lift out the tv from the box and placed it gently down on the table. He saw immediately that there was a crack on the bottom of the tv, and the screen was damaged. “Looks like this was dropped. Wonder how?” Cryo took out the notes in the box. “Hmm… Tv fell off its stand, in which the stand is normally off the ground… I’ve heard of these tv’s before, which don’t actually have a stand, but instead are connected directly to the wall. Never found them appealing though. One thing I learned from earth science while in school. Gravity always wins… Always…” Cryo nodded and then began to head out of his “repair,” room and back into his room. He walked to his backpack and pulled out a piece of paper and a pen. He quickly began to head back and placed both items on his desk.”

“Alright… Let’s do this one step at a time…” Cryo began to slowly take apart the tv. Each part he’d take off, he’d draw in detail what part it was and where it was connected. As he continued to do so, his mind began drifting again. He began to think about the second time he was kidnapped…”

“Ugh… The second time Mick made an attempt at me was… 100 times worse. This time, he not only attacked our home directly… he actually threatened to blow up a whole building filled with innocent people, to take not only me captive, but mom as well. To think they’d go after her as well… Forced me and mom into surrendering to them. Strapped us to medical restraint beds, then escaped into a medical jumpship. Ugh… That was a… harrowing experience. Then he stuck those stupid collars on us, which blocked the gps chips inside us. Ugh… I still hate those things. Feel heavy and rigid around my neck. Thankfully… I was… able to think of a plan to escape and down their aircraft… But… That was rough… I didn’t know what to do next.

“Then… I decided to see if I could contact home on the radio. I had to sneak through the ship, all the while hoping they’d not find out I’m out. I can’t even imagine what could have happened to us if they saw me, even once… I managed to make the call… And it turns out that they did get my distress call. But… I didn’t think they did to be honest. I was forced to take out the back of the hanger doors and go out on foot with mom. They chased us for who knows how long… Then mom got tired… And then we had to jump off a cliff… Mom was still weak after being asleep for more then 6 years. She ended up falling into the water below, and I had to drag her out… Ugh… But that bought us some time at the very least. I dug a hole after and dragged my mom into it. Then I knocked down some trees to cover it. Then they came down the cliff, and headed towards us. I still can’t believe they failed to find us under there… I thought we were goners for sure right as I saw their flashlight on their weapons shining over the trees. But we… Lucked out. Lucked out completely. They just walked right past us, think we had felled these trees for a source of food. It’s lucky that one of the trees I knocked down contained Cannerie fruit, or I’m sure they would have discovered us. Ugh.. I don’t even know how I managed to sleep that night.

After a while, Cryo had successfully taken apart the tv, and made a detailed blueprint on the paper to help when he put it back together. He smiled and nodded. He then began to look at the individual parts. “Well… Screen is clearly broken… Looks like some of the inner workings of the tv have been damaged quite a bit… Must have been raised pretty high. Looks like I’m going to have to do something similar for this tv like I did with the ignition gaming console. I’ll have to modify and change some of the tv’s parts and inner workings to make it work correctly. Let’s study the blueprint again.” He began to comb over the blue print a few times. He closed his eyes, and he began to imagine in his head the parts needed to make it work and work well. After a while, he opened his eyes and nodded. He began to write on another piece of paper the new blueprint for the tv. After a while, he was done. He smiled as he got finished and checked it again. He nodded and cracked his knuckles. “Alright… I think I have a good idea of how to make this. Let’s get started.”

Cryo gathered a large number of different parts from his drawer and began the process of assembling and bringing the parts together. As he worked on his new project, his mind began to drift more…

“We were lost in the forest for almost a whole month after that. Forced to fend for ourselves out in the wilds. Its incredibly lucky I watched the show Will in the Wilds, back at home. I would never have been able to survive out there without so much of the info I learned from it. Needing filtered water to not get sick off of waterborne diseases, ideas and materials I could use to make shelters and important survival gear for me and mom, making fires, all of these survival skills I learned from it. All while being hunted by them, as they continued to sweep their ships over the forest canopy every day… We wouldn’t have lasted very long at all if I didn’t watch that show… It’s funny to think of really…

Some time passed again. He finally assembled the new tv setup and began to quickly install it into the tv. After a while of repairs, he got finished! He began to get a little excited at the opportunity to test the results of his repair. “Alright. Let’s turn this on.” He plugged the tv into a socket within the room. He pressed the on switch on the remote, and it turned on. “Alright. Let’s fiddle with this a bit…” After a while… it looked to be working perfectly, and Cryo was satisfied!” “There we go! Good as new!” Cryo said. “Very well done on the tv upgrades, creator!” Craft said from the tv. “TV… upgrades?” Cryo asked. “Oh quite yes. Your new modeling structure for the tv has increased the frame rates to 100. Up from 60 before!” Cryo’s eyes shot up!” “W…Wait… Really?” “That’s right. Your client is going to be very pleased from you exemplary work! Very well done!” “Well… Ok then…” Cryo began to think about this. “I… didn’t intend to upgrade the tv to be honest… But… I guess its fine. As long as my client is happy with the results. Though… I’m not sure a tv that can have 100 frames per second has ever been built before. Oh well… Hopefully he’ll like his free upgrade. No need to charge extra for it, as it was never intended in the first place.” Cryo began to box up the tv again. He began to think as he did, back to the last couple weeks of that kidnapping attempt.

“Those last few weeks were rough… They finally found us again after… I don’t know… maybe 16 days? They used thermal vision to track our body heat. Despite being ice and water based dragons, our internal body heat is still noticeable on thermal. Thankfully I realized they were behind us. They could have easily hit us with a dart and taken us captive right there if I hadn’t. We ran for a while, but… Mom was becoming… tired again. I was grasping straws, trying to figure out some way to get away… and then…” Cryo gulped and shook his head. “Then we tripped into the muddy divot into the ground. Right as I realized what happened, I could hear them very close. I began to panic… I… thought I’d be in for the fight of my life. And with mom, with how weak she was… I was terrified! But I… I was ready… I was ready to tussle with some of the darkest hearts in this world… the last chance we would get to escape… but as it turned out… we… lucked out again… He finally finished boxing up the tv. He nodded in success. But he continued to think.

“He… He… walked right past us… He and the others again… walked right past us. I was shocked… He somehow didn’t see us, even with thermal vision. And then it hit me. Like a strikeball… The mud… We were covered in mud when we rolled into the divot. It hid us from there thermal vision. It… it saved us… And… me and mom continued on… For a long time. Day after day, we’d continue walking ahead, taking breaks every now and then to dodge ships combing over us and for mom to get rest. We would fish for food every day and cover ourselves with mud every day and night. When night fell across the forest, we’d make a fire and cook whatever we caught for the day. Some days had a lush bounty of food at our disposal. Others… well… had much less… Eventually… me and mom would… try to lift each others spirits by telling stories by the warm fire… It was… fun… to be honest… those nights. Even when we weren’t able to catch that much that day, the stories by the fire at least made the night worth it. After that… I’d build a shelter with whatever was available to me in the area, and then we’d turn in for the night and sleep. It was a bit hard sometimes, being soaked in mud… Not to mention the thought of them taking us from surprise in the middle of the night, but… but it worked out in the end. We’d finally be rescued. After so long… we finally were able to return home… That… That was a truly happy day for me, after being separated from everyone and being gone so long from home. Sigh… After a long journey, we were finally… home at last.

Cryo began to give out a yawn and rubbed his eyes a bit. “Creator. I am finished with your clients computer. It’s ready to be shipped out to your client. Disconnecting AI from computer unit.” “Ahh! Thank you, Craft. I’ll get on it immediately.” Cryo began to place the clients computer and his other items that came with it back into his computer bag. Right as he was finished, Cryo yawned again.

“Creator? You seem to be becoming fatigued from the long work day. Do you need a nap, or are you able to repair one more item?” Cryo looked at his radio. “Well… let me look at the items. Maybe I’ll be able to repair one more item, if its something small.” “Very well, creator. If you need any assistance, or advice, remember that I am here for you.” “Haha. Thanks Craft. I know I can count on you. Now. Let me see…” “He began to rummage around the stack of boxes. He then found one that seemed to be a Z phone in a case. “Hmm… a z phone, huh? Shouldn’t be too complicated to repair. Let’s take a look…” Cryo began to open the case, and took out the z phone. He looked at the screen, which seemed to have been smashed in for some reason…” “Well… Screen damage clearly. But… As always… check notes. Check everything…” Cryo took the notes from the case. “Hmm… Notes say… Screen damaged… Already confirmed… Hmm… Won’t turn on. Well… If its not turning on, there’s something else clearly wrong with it…” He began to carefully take the phone apart, to look at the inner workings. “Hmm… Wires around the battery are severed, A couple of chips are loose and out of place. Not too hard a fix. I have more then enough energy within me to fix this. Let’s get started.”

Cryo began to get the replacement parts needed for the z phone and placed them next to it. He began to fix the broken device. But his mind drifted again one last time, to his most recent kidnapping.

“Sigh… Mick really doesn’t know when to give up. Even after being considered a high level criminal, a traitor to is country, and a terrorist, he still chases me. If what Craft said is true, there is a massive conspiracy circling around all the attempts to kidnap me and mom. I have to wonder how much its infiltrated the government. Considering Craft said he has a list of names and evidence supporting the claims, their entire group might collapse at this point. But… I shouldn’t get my hopes up on this. This attempt is the third time. They aren’t going to be stopped so easily. I know it. They should never be underestimated. Not after everything I’ve seen them do. They’ll do anything to take me. That’s how I ended up… in this town…” He continued to work on the device as his mind began to think more into the recent attempt.

“To think Mick and the others would have the nerve to not only fly a small fleet over military airspace at home, they also were bold enough to blow up the runway. Thank goodness no one was injured, but… this alone is really frightening to think about. He literally caught me in a net while flying over and stuck me with a tranquilizer dart. Thank goodness it wasn’t a nume dart like the first time. But nonetheless… I was asleep for who knows how long. When I woke up though… jeez… what a rotten situation to end up in… My front limbs were tied behind my back with cyantran wires. My lower limbs were also tied. I was in a cell made of cyantran metals, with one of those stupid collars around my neck… Jeez… Talk about one heck of a wake up call, and it wasn’t long after my first nap of the day…” Cryo gave a sigh as he began to finish up fixing it.

“Now… This needs a small “kick.”” Cryo began to dab a bit of his talon in his mouth. He began to tap around the battery a bit. A few sparks came out as the phone powered on for a second. Then it quickly shut back down. “Alright… Let’s put this back together and test this for a bit…” Cryo quickly put the device back together and messed with the apps. After about 10 minutes of testing all the apps, he was satisfied with a job well done! “There we go… Ahh… I… defiantly think I’m done for the day…” “Excellent job, creator. Now, its time for some well deserved rest. I’ll be ready for you whenever your tucked into bed.” “Thank you Craft. Just let me box this up now.” He began to quickly box up the Z phone, when he began to think again… About what happened after he woke up…

“I don’t know how long I was in the ship… trying desperately to cut the cyantran wires with my talons. One things for sure… my wrists hurt a whole lot… Scratched them up quite a bit… And then… Jeez… I DEFINANTLY didn’t expect the ship to LITERALLY fall apart, jettisoning me from the ship, to the hard ground below. And then… I… ended up in this town. I… don’t blame Craft for what happened. There was nothing he couldn’t do when the ship hit that rock formation… Especially considering what else was involved with that. But… that whole situation… brought a whole new list of issues… Including… Ugh… I really hope that the other hackers… weren’t them… That’s… something for another time perhaps. But… When I fell from the ship… I found someone to take me in what is probably my most desperate hour. They… got me medical attention. They gave me a home away from home. They… have taken care of me, even thought I’m not their own son. And not just them… Nearly everyone in town has been supporting me since I’ve been here. While the “introduction,” into the town was not all that fun, considering… well… no one could understand who or what I really was… But… now… now they all see and know about me. And now… Now I’m… I’m happy where I am. Its a home away from home. I’m going to miss this town after I finally go home. But maybe… maybe the people back home will allow me to chance to visit one day. But… one thing I should keep in mind right now. An important detail…

Cryo finally finished with the boxing the device and began to stretched his arms up and yawned. “Mick is still out there somewhere. I don’t think he’s exactly out of the picture, yet. If… If he makes another attempt… I’ll… I’ll have to be ready… I need to be really careful what I do from here on out. I should probably stay out of sight of others until Mick’s… taken care of…” Cryo nodded and headed out towards his room.

He realized Arianna was stepping down the stairs as he exited the room. “Oh! Cryo! Are you done with your work for the day?” “Yea… I’m… I’m pretty tired now.” “Well… Its actually bedtime for you, Cryo.” “Huh… It is?” Cryo looked at the clock, and realized Arianna was right! “Whoops… Looks like I was so engrossed with work, I… lost track of time… I hope Seth is not mad at me.” “Oh! No he isn’t. When I told him you have a job now, he said “Big bro is growing up real fast. Hehe.”” “Ahh. Well… I’ll try to take off tomorrow to play with him.”

“Actually, Cryo… The mayor called us tonight.” “She… did?” “Yes. She asked a favor from us.” “What favor?” “She asked if she could have you over at her house on Saturdays.” “Oh! Really?” “That’s right. I… I said yes. Is… Is that alright, Cryo?” Cryo thought for a moment, but gave a nod. “Yes Arianna. That’s fine with me.” “That’s wonderful, Cryo. You’ll be brought to their house by 8:00 tomorrow mourning. Please have yourself woken up by then, ok?” “Ok. Thanks Arianna.” Cryo thought for a moment.” “Looks like my “play dates,” with Sara are going to be on Saturday. I know how lonely she feels. 1 day a week of playing “house,” shouldn’t really be that bad… Thankfully, I finished up my homework before I started working on repairs for today.” He smiled and began to head towards his closet, when Arianna actually tapped Cryo on the shoulder a few times. “Do you think I could give you a nice bath before bed? You have several grease spots on you.” “Well… Yea… Your probably right Arianna. I guess I shouldn’t risk getting oil on my pajamas.” “Good. Why don’t you come up with me, and I’ll clean you up before bedtime.” Cryo nodded and began to head upstairs with Arianna.

So Cryo took a nice bath in the washroom. After his bath, Cryo supplied Cryo with a new dragon toothbrush and toothpaste. Apparently, the vet had finally got the necessary ingredients and materials needed to make the same toothpaste, floss, and Listerine he uses at home, and wanted Cryo to start brushing his teeth again. Also… she supplied Cryo with a new set of dragon talon clippers and file similar to what he had at home to take care of his own talons like he used to back home, rather then be taken to her each time. Cryo was happy to have items to help his hygiene and manage himself better. So… Cryo would brush his teeth, feeling good that his breath might smell a bit better as he went about his day and night. Afterwards, Arianna put on some snow white dragon pajama’s on Cryo. She then tucked him into bed and kissed him on the forehead. Craft soon turned on naptunes, and Cryo’s mind soon began to fade into the dark, as the musical spell took over his ears…

Ch 21

Frigid Fury

Cryo’s eyes slowly opened up. He gave out a big yawn. He saw he was back in the dojo. But it seemed a bit… colder this time inside. Cryo looked around the room, and saw the walls were a bit more… iced over this time. “Hmm… The dojo seems pretty frigid today. Interesting… I have to wonder what Wave has in mind for me today…” Cryo looked at himself, and could immediately tell he was in his winter whiteout form.

Cryo was about to pick himself up from the bed, when he saw that his usual dojo “bed,” was red instead of blue this time. He touched it, and it felt like energy was coming off of it. “This is… interesting… I didn’t know… whatever this actually is could change color… I wonder what this stuff actually is? I… feel like my body is absorbing something from it. What could it be though? Elemental energies perhaps? Hmm… Interesting, I suppose…”

Cryo lifted himself up from his bed, and went to where his training outfit was usually situated. He saw that it seemed to look a bit… different again. It seemed to be a vivid Cyan color, a glowing a bit…

“Wow… What happened to my training outfit?” Cryo wondered. He headed over to it, and touched it a bit. It felt like energy was coming off it as well. “Hmm… Interesting. This feels like the same energy that was coming from the “bed.” Well… Let’s put it on.” Cryo grabbed it from the hanger, and then put it on. He carefully maneuvered his wings out the back. He then tied his belt around his waist. It glowed for a few seconds, along with Cryo’s bandanna.

“Strange… I feel a bit… tingly with this on. But… I feel like its pumping energy into me. Similar… to when I was on the alter of awakening. Interesting…” Cryo heard the door to the room sliding open. He turned himself, and saw Wave stepping into the room.

“Welcome, my grandson! I see your already in your training outfit. We’re… going to try something very special and very powerful today, Cryo.” “Sounds great! I must say. The… changes to the dojo kind of fit the mood quite a bit. With it all being iced over like this…” Wave smiled at Cryo and patted his head. “Yes… While this is only a representation of what the dojo is like in your head, it nonetheless could tap into the incredible power of dragons and their magic.” “Yea… Speaking of which… I… noticed that while we’ve been training… we seem to be acting like this is real, despite being a dream realm. Like with the underwater breathing device we used in the water the last time.” “Yes. This is for a purpose, Cryo. While it might seem redundant, this is also part of your training.” “Really?” “That’s right. Some of what we’re using will be important in the future. Its best that we perform these actions like its real, so that you’ll be ready to use the devices and actions in the future.” “Ahh! That makes perfect sense actually, now that you say it.” “Yes. Anyway, why don’t we head to the training room.” She motioned Cryo to come with her into the room. He nodded, and they both headed in.

Like with Cryo’s room, the entire dojo was completely frozen over. The walls had a sheet of ice covering them, and it seemed like a blizzard was forming inside of it. Cryo was glad he wasn’t feeling the chilling winds of the cold, thanks to his transformation. “Alright, Cryo… Today’s lesson is one of the two most advanced and powerful ferrin dragon abilities.” “Really? Which one?” “Our first lesson, will be Frozen Fortress.” “Frozen… Fortress?” “That’s right. This is a very advanced dragon ability. This is incredibly difficult to master and use. But when used correctly, it could very well save your life in a very tough spot.” “Really?” “That’s right. Now. Observe. Stand close to me.”

Suddenly, a very large group of dojo dummies came out of the ground in a surrounding formation! Cryo realized immediately that whatever Wave was going to perform, it was going to be… quite huge. “Now then… Watch carefully…” Wave began to curl up and focus. Not long after, she began to glow a bit brightly, as power seemed to be forming around her. Cryo knew something large and powerful was about to be unleashed. And then suddenly… She quickly spread herself out, and a large pulse of ice energy began to extend out of her! It then began to quickly freeze all the dojo dummies surrounding them. And then… a dome of ice began to form around them. Cryo looked upon the field of battle, a recognized what happened immediately. Wave smiled and looked at him.

“Well… What do you think?” “It’s… incredible to see, grandma! But…” “But… what Cryo? Is something wrong?” “I’ve… I’ve seen this happen before…” “Re…Really?” “Ye… yea, grandma.” “But… when?” “Umm… You… know about my kidnappings… right?” Wave looked at Cryo with concern and gave a sigh. She began to rub his back.

“I’ve… I’ve done this technique before, Grandma…” “Huh… Really?” “Yes…” “When, Cryo?” “It… It was the first time Mick made an attempt to take me. When I went on an ocean trip with my caretakers at home. Mick’s goons… stuck me with a paralyzing dart. Backed me into a corner, and almost took me. But… then… Then I… I heard mom… She… told me to let out my fears, and then… unleash my fury. I… I followed her insturctions, and the next thing I knew… well… I unleashed this attack…” “That’s… interesting, Cryo. I know your mother knows oversoul, like us… but… its strange she would be able to contact you in that moment.” “What do you mean?”

“My daughter, was… forced into hibernation to save the lives of hundreds, including yours. The thing is… that when a dragon uses an attack with this much power, it actually cuts the psychic link with the oversoul ability temporarily.” “Really?” “Yes… That’s why I’m not familiar with you using this ability. I do remember having my connection with you severed in that pressing moment… But… to be honest… I… I thought you had been… lost… All of us did.” “You… and the others… thought I was… gone?” “Yes… I think you can guess… a dragon who suddenly has a oversoul link severed…” “May have had its life lost in that dark, desperate moment…” “That’s right… When me and your other family members finally felt your… life force again… You have no idea how happy we were. But none of us understood why we lost the link in that particular instance. With what you’ve told me now… hmm… This is interesting…” “Ye… Yeah…” “Well… Why don’t you try it yourself then. Let’s see if you can pull it off by yourself again… Considering you’ve performed this on your own before… with my daughters help apparently, why don’t we try this without your headband on. I’m not sure what my daughter had told you to help you perform this move the first time, but I suppose… do it again in the same way as last time.” “O… Ok grandma…”

Wave began to dissipate the dome of ice around them. A new set of dojo dummies came out of the ground, surrounding them. Wave quickly tied the headband around Cryo’s head, which he could immediately feel the extra power fade away. “Alright… Whenever your ready, Cryo. Cryo nodded his head and looked around the dojo… He began to think again. “Mom said… push out my fears… What does she mean by that… Hmm…” Cryo began to think for a moment.

“This… This ability is a defensive one… When it happened the first time, it was in a moment of desperation. Maybe… Maybe if I think of things that scare me… it’ll trigger a stronger attack, as my primal instincts are tapping into my freezing power to use to protect myself. That’s why she said… push out my fears. Use my fear to power the attack and unleash it to protect myself or others in serious danger,” Cryo thought. Cryo nodded and closed his eyes. He began to think… about some of the more traumatic moments in his life…

The multiple kidnappings he’s been subjected to… his fear of getting others in danger due to being a target, his fear that the ones after him will get their way, and do terrible things to him and others. Cryo began to grip his paws tightly, curl up a bit, and he began to breath very slowly. He began to cringe as he felt a primal rage begin to fill inside his body. Wave began to see Cryo’s body glow very brightly… She began to raise her eyes in astonishment! She knew… this was going to be very powerful!

Cryo then suddenly spread his arms out, and WHOOSH! A massive pulse of ice energy began to extend all the way across the entirety of the dojo! All the dummies around were sent into deep freeze hibernation, and the entire dojo’s walls were frozen in a massive block of ice! And then… A pillar of ice began to form around Cryo and Wave. As it did, branches of icy spikes began to branch out and bend in all directions!” Cryo began to pant just a bit. But he quickly composed himself and smiled.

“Cryo… That… That was…” She looked all around the room in astonishment. “Whatever Tide told you to do on that fateful day… It really did save your life… I’m… I’m curious myself what she must have told you when you unleashed this that one fateful day.” “She… She told me to… push out my fears. She… She must of known… using your fears powers up the attack. Its the key.” “I… I see… Cryo… I… I never realized…” Wave stepped forward a patted Cryo on the back. “You have plenty of things to be afraid of, Cryo. But… You were able to use them in such a way to your advantage. I’m very proud of you. You’ve done very well on this night. But unfortunately the sun has come again, and if I remember today, you have an important playdate at the mayors house. Don’t you?” “Oh…” Cryo’s face became a little red a bit. “Oh don’t worry about that, Cyro. I think you might find your day ahead to be not as bad as you believe.” “Really? Why do you say that, grandma.” “Oh… I have a feeling something special is waiting for you with your “special caretaker’s,” estate. Just relax and try to have a least a bit of fun. Remember who your doing it for.” “Sigh… Yes, Grandma…” “Good. Now then… have a good morning, Cryo.” “Ok. See you soon, Grandma.” She nodded and began to wave toward Cryo. Cryo nodded and waved back at her and then stepped back into his room. He began to lay on top of his “bed,” and soon everything flashed to white!”

Ch 22

Before Babysitting

Cryo’s eyes slowly opened up a bit… He heard his alarm blaring over his radio. His eyes began to focus on the familiar setting of his room. He gave out a small yawn. He began to pull back the covers of his bed and stepped off of it. He turned towards his radio “Craft. I’m awake. You can turn off the alarm.” “Turning off mourning alarm. Good mourning, Creator.” “How are you today, Craft?” “I’m doing very well. Hearing your audio cue always gets my circuits going.” Cryo chuckled a bit at the comment. “So, Creator. I heard your going to the mayor’s house on weekends now. I find that to be quite a curiosity. Have you been there before, perhaps?” “Umm… Yes, actually. I was there on the first day before I went to school.” “Really? Fascinating. I tracked and uploaded myself to your radio, by 9:48 p.m.. Interesting you managed to go to a well defined establishment within the town. Was it city hall?” “No, Craft. It was an actual house.” “Really. Is the mayor… wealthy?” “Umm… I believe so, Craft… Truth be told, its hard to really tell, since I never… well… really had an actual interaction with funding and money, since… I’m a dragon and can’t really go into public to buy things. At least not normally.” “Ahh! I see then! Well… Can you describe the house for me? I should be able to give an accurate estimate of the property value and can tell you if their a wealthy part of the community. “Well… Ok then. you see…”

Cryo began to describe what he saw on the inside and outside of the house on that day. Craft seemingly took notes in his system as Cryo told him. “And finally… there was like… 13 workers at the house who seemed to work on the house and work with the family.” “Very good, Creator. Now calculating cost of living expenses…” Craft began to pause for a moment, with a short moment of static over the radio. “Estimated living expenses and housing expenses: $6,327,780.” Cryo scratched his chin a few times. “So… is that wealthy, Craft?” “Quite a bit actually. Very wealthy indeed. The mayor is clearly very successful, along with the father. No surprise considering the nature of their work. You must of had quite a fun time over there! What did you do that day?” “Oh! Umm… Uh…” Cryo began to sweat a bit and looked away for a second. “Is something wrong creator?” “Umm… I’m… sorry Craft. I… think I’ll keep the details to myself.” “Wait? Really? Creator… That’s not like you to withhold details. Did something happen over there?” “Umm… Nothing happened, Craft. Really…” “Then why don’t you want to tell me?” “Umm… Uh…”

Cryo began to try to think of an excuse to say, when he began to hear someone coming down from the staircase! He breathed a slight sigh of relief and turned around slowly… He then saw Eli stepping into the room. “Oh! Your already awake! Right on time! Good mourning, Cryo.” Cryo smiled at him and nodded. “Good mourning, Eli.” “You remember what’s happening today, right?” “Yes Eli. I’m going over to the mayors house for the weekend.” “Ahh, good. You remembered. Well… You should probably get ready to go then. It’s 7:32 right now, and I’m supposed to take you by 8:00. So… You need to get ready to go.” “Alright then.” “Do you need any help getting ready?” “Umm… No. I think I’ll be fine.” “You sure?” “Well… Actually… Now that I think about it… could you pick out a sweater for me? Its going to be quite cold out, and I need to brush my fangs. I’ll place my pajama’s in the laundry hamper when I’m done in the washroom down here.” “Why of course. I’ll pick something nice for you while you work on your dental hygiene.” “Thank you, Eli. Alright… I’ll see you in a bit.” “Alright. Don’t take too long.”

Cryo headed for his washroom and stepped in. He looked at the inside, and saw the walls were a plain white tile. To the front, was a large shower, with glass sliding doors. To the left, was something for human occupants… To the right was a couple of plain white fuzzy towels hanging on the door of the shower. Further closer to the door to the room, was a mirror on the left. Under the mirror, was a white sink on top of a large cabinet, with a standard nozzle. Next to the sink, was a chair large enough for Cryo to sit on when brushing his teeth and grooming and managing himself. He saw the Listerine, toothpaste and his dragon toothbrush resting on top of the sink. He smiled and began to pull himself up onto the chair. He grabbed his toothbrush and toothpaste. He smiled and began to squeeze the contents onto his toothbrush. He then began to open his maw, slowly move the brush inside his mouth, and then brushed his teeth.

As Cryo brushed his teeth, he began to wonder what plans Sara had for him today… “I wonder what Sara will want to do with me over the weekend? I know I’ll… probably have to wear training pants again… But… It honestly wasn’t that bad the last time. I mean… being treated like a hatchling at my age is… probably not… ideal… But she really didn’t try anything too outlandish with me. I’m at least glad for that. I do like Sara. She… just wants to be a loving mother to me. I… I respect that. I suppose I’ll just have to try my best to keep her happy. Its the least I can do for her. I… I know all too well what it feels like to be alone.”

Cryo had just finished brushing his teeth, and began to swish it around his mouth a bit. Then, he spit it out with a nice big “PTEW!” He then turned on the faucet, and pulled his head forward and began to sip the water coming out of it. He then spit again, and began to wipe his face with a towel. He then screwed off the top to his Listerine bottle, and began to sip a tiny bit of it out. He began to swish it around his mouth. Soon Cryo spit out the Listerine, and then he smiled. Cryo was about to leave his washroom, when he took a look at his talons. He saw that they were quite sharp and a bit long… “I… defiantly think I should manage this before I go… I don’t want to accidently scratch her while over there.” Cryo nodded his head and began to take his dragon talon clippers and file. He began to clip each of his talons down to be much shorter. He then began to file them to even the edge and making them much less sharp. As Cryo did, he began to think about something his grandma said last night.

“Hmm… grandma and… perhaps other members of my family are… going to probably watch me while I’m being… babied… That’s… going to be a little embarrassing, but… grandma at least… doesn’t seem to think its all that bad a thing either… But… she said… Something special is waiting for me… What did she mean by that? Is she… teasing me about something that Sara has in mind? Or… Maybe… Maybe there really is something I might like when I’m taken there to… play “house,” with Sara. I… I guess I won’t know until I get there… Sigh… Just relax Cryo. Just relax… Remember… Last time was not that bad at all. Calm down…”

Soon his talons were filed and he looked at them. He presses his paw against the tip a few times. He felt they were short enough and not too sharp. He smiled and nodded. He then changed out of his pajama’s and then headed out of the washroom, carrying the pajama’s on his arm. Eli was sitting on Cryo’s bed, with a plain dark red fuzzy sweater in his hands. “There you are, Cryo. I have your sweater right here. Come over so I can help you into it.” “Alright. I’m coming, Eli.” Cryo trotted over and then jumped up on his bed and sat down. He held his head and hands forward smiled at Eli. Eli smiled back and then began to lift the sweater over his head. Soon he carefully managed to slip Cryo’s wings out the back slits and his head out the front. Cryo felt comfy in the sweater. “Alright Cryo… Ready to go to the mayor’s for the weekend?” “Yea. I’m ready to go, Eli.” “Good. Let’s head to the car. I’m sure the mayor and her family is just dying to see you again.” “Yea. I’m sure Eli.” Cryo paused for a moment. “Especially Sara…” he thought… They began to head up the stairs and towards the car on the driveway outside. Cryo jumped into the back, and Eli sat in the front with Arianna. “Alright. Let’s shove off everyone,” said Arianna. They vehicle began to lift up its hover jets, and began to hover across the snow covered ground. Then began to head towards the mayor’s mansion.

Ch 22

Capsule Creatures and the Crew

Cryo watched the world outside his window as they began to drive to the mayors house. The town seemed to be bustling a bit today. He smiled as he took on the sights. Soon enough, he arrived at the front door of the mayor’s mansion. Cryo took in a deep breath and nodded. They were quickly allowed through the front gates of the mansion, and Eli quickly drove his car in. They soon arrived at the front door of the mansion.

“Alright, Cryo. I don’t think I need to remind you to behave, right?” asked Arianna. “Haha. Don’t worry Arianna. I won’t cause mischief in the house.” Cryo replied. “Good. Alright. Have a good time!” said Arianna. “Enjoy yourself, Cryo. Don’t forget to tell the mayor thanks before you leave,” said Eli. “Thanks. See you when I come home.” Cryo said. “Goodbye, Cryo!” Both Arianna and Eli shouted. Cryo opened the door to their hover van, and stepped out of the vehicle. He began to approach the house. As he stepped towards the house, the front doors opened and out stepped Wake, Nia, and Sara. “Welcome back, Cryo!” Nia said. She looked nice in her black business attire and very well groomed brown hair. Wake was wearing a black business attire as well. Sara was wearing blue jeans again and a pink shirt with a heart in the center of it. Her hair was braded in a single pony tail. He smiled at them and continued forward. He looked back to Arianna and Eli one more time and saw them wave to him. He waved back and smiled, and then they drove off. Nia motioned Cryo to come into the house. He stepped inside, and closed the door behind him. Cryo turned back to face them and sat down on the carpet.

“How are you doing today, Cryo?” Nia asked. “Oh! I’m doing fine, Nia. I’m ready to play today!” Cryo replied back. “Great!” Nia and Wake leaned down and patted Cryo on the back a few times and rubbed his belly. “Thanks for doing this, Cryo. We know it might be a little… difficult to spend time with our daughter in this fashion…” Wake whispered to Cryo. “Don’t worry. I’ll try to keep Sara happy while she’s… taking care of my special needs today,” Cryo whispered back. “I think you might like what we had prepared for you beforehand Cryo. It might not be exactly what you want, but we hope that it’ll be very comfy and cozy for you while playing with Sara,” Nia whispered. “Really? What did you do?” Cryo asked in a hushed voice. They both smiled at him and nodded. They turned towards Sara.

“Sara, honey. Why don’t you take the baby to his new room! I’m sure he’ll like what he finds in there,” Nia said. “New… Room?” Cryo thought. “Alright Momma! Have a good day a work!” Sara said. “You too honey! Make sure Cryo’s well taken care of! If you need any help at all, don’t hesitate to get one of the workers in the house to help you, or call us if there’s a BIG issue.” “Alright! See you later!” “Bye Sara!” both Wake and Nia said. They both quickly headed towards the garage in the house.

Nia smiled at Cryo and patted him on the head a few times. “How’s my baby boy today?” Sara asked. “Oh! I’m doing fine, Mama!” “That’s good. We have something special for you, my little baby!” “Is it… my new room, Mama?” “Why of course! Your such a smart little boy. I better take you there quickly, before you have a little accident in the house!” “Umm… Yeah mama! I know! I guess I need my training pants, huh?” “That’s right. Now come on.”

She began to pick Cryo up very carefully and cradle him in his arms. She stroked him a few times across the stomach, and began to carry him through the house. Cryo began to get curious at what his “new room” was going to be like… “Huh… Wonder what they decided to do with my… erm… dwelling within the house? I’m guessing since it was probably Sara’s decision on what to make it, it’ll be… maybe a pink room with hearts all over? Not something for a boy like myself. I can’t imagine what else it could be though. Well… That’s a bit gaudy but I guess I can make it work…”

After a bit of walking through the house, they finally made it to a door. The door was cyan, and the words “Cryo’s nursery,” on the door in an arch with deep blue letters. There was a picture of an anchor and an Aqua element creature from the capsule creature’s series of games known as Draghorse on the door, a seahorse type of creature. “Huh… Not what I expected from a nursery dedicated to me… Strange… An anchor and a Draghorse? Huh… What could this correlate to?” Cryo wondered. “Well, little baby. You ready to see your new nursery?” “Umm… Yeah, Mama! I’m… ready to see my new beddy room!” “Well… Let’s step in then!” She slowly opened the doorknob to the room, which had the picture of a old sea vessel carved into its metal, and they entered the room.

Cryo’s eyes shot up by what he saw! He realized that his room did follow a theme. But it wasn’t pink wallpaper and hearts, but it seemed to be a mix of pirate and capsule creature themed! The walls seemed to have been painted to show many different pirate ships sailing on the briny blue, with sailors and different capsule creatures decked out in pirate gear tending to the ships! The lower part of the walls shown a rather scenic underwater expanse, with many aqua element capsule creatures swimming around the entire expanse!

Directly to the left of the room in the corner, was a changing table in the shape of a Blubberbon, a whale looking capsule creature. The changing table was quite large, and was sitting on a large, dark blue cabinet that was painted to look like it was water with waves flowing on it. Cryo realized that it was set up to look like the blubberbon was carrying him through the waves of the ocean, whenever he is getting changed. There were two also rather large drawers sitting side by side to each other on the dresser. The left cabinet had the words “Day and Play,” on the front of it in with a Bright yellow sun on it. The right drawer had the words “Naptime and night,” with a bright glistening moon shining on it.

Further down on the left was a large group of cabinets, which seemed to contain many different types of clothing and such. There was a closet further down with opaque sliding doors with metal hinges, which seemed to have many different outfits, sweaters, and jackets. Some of them even pirate and capsule creature themed!

To the right of the room, was a very large play area for Cryo. There were many different… youngster toys lined all over the floor, and a large toy chest that seemed to also be filled with different toys. There was also a rather large play pen connected to the close right corner of the room with a couple toys inside of it as well. The walls of it were made of soft but VERY study netting and it extended all the way to the ceiling of the room. The entrance was a door that also had netting and a baby proof sliding lock attached to it on both ends. While Cryo knew how to open it, he knew he should never try. He knew he should play along with the game as much as he could. To the far right corner of the room, seemed to be a rather large play set in the likeness of an actual pirate ship, complete with a ramp with rails going up into the ship, a crows deck with a net attached around and then extended all the way to the ceiling so he couldn’t accidently fall down at the top, and a inner room with windows, that seemed to imitate a captains quarters.

The center of the room, seemed to be the napping and tv area. There was a cradle in the very center of the room in the shape of a small pirate ship, and the covers of the bed seemed had the image of a pirate captain and a bunch of capsule creatures in pirate gear. The sheets were a golden yellow as well. The bedding materials looked quite comfy to Cryo. Next to the cradle on the right side, was a small blue wooden cabinet with a single drawer with the picture carved into the wood of a dragons head. On top of the dresser was a radio/clock, that was also a pirate ship sailing on blue water, with the time of day on that part on a black screen with red numbers. On the left side of the cradle, was a rather large baby blue rocking chair. Further down against the wall in the center of the room, was a bit of a larger tv, in the shape of the capsule creature, Bessy, a large bass, and the screen was in the center of its gaping maw. A little bit further away from the tv, was a mid sized sofa, which was cyan and on the back, had a cartoony dragon sitting down with a sword raised up, looking like Cryo on the back. He seemed to be wearing training pants, an eye patch, striped shirt, a pirate doo rag wrapped across the top of his head, a sword holster belt attached to his waist, and chewing on a pacifier. Cryo was surprised quite a bit at the theme of his large room!

“Whoa… This actually seems… like a rather comfy living arrangement! I… certainly didn’t expect this!” Cryo thought. “So. Does my little Cryo like his new room?” “Oh! Yeah Momma! I love pirates and capsule creatures! But… how did you know, Mama?” “Well I knew you liked capsule creatures when I first saw you watched it, and Mama apparently got some advice from your folks back at home!” “H…Home?” “That’s right! Momma asked what you liked when you were tiny, and we made this nice little nursery for you!” “Umm… Ok then. Thank you, Momma!” “Ahh… Come here my little toddler!” She gave Cryo a big hug and Cryo looked around the room again. “Well… I certainly did like pirates when I was younger. A whole lot! That’s for sure. I remember some of the pirate storybooks that were read to me when I was a hatchling. Next thing I knew, I’m chewing on my pacifier, with a holstered plastic sword around my waist, and leading a pirate crew of plush toys back at research base omega. I still like pirates and pirate stories honestly. I wonder if Ty or Gerald has any pictures or videos of me playing pirate captain when I was just a hatchling? I should ask him when I get home. I’m sure mom would get a kick out of it.” He smiled and chuckled a bit, and Sara soon began to cradle Cryo again in her arms. “Alright, Cryo. Let’s get you into some training pants and some nice, comfy cloths.”

Ch 23

Baby Buddy

She carried Cryo to the left side of the room, where the changing table was. She gently set Cryo down on his back on it, and rubbed his belly a bit. The table felt a bit soft, with the material feeling fuzzy and a bit warmer then he thought. “Alright, little baby. Let me just get you strapped in real quick.” Cryo took in a deep breath and nodded. She then took a blue strap attached to the table and clipped it around Cryo’s waist gently. She then pulled the strap from the clip to slightly tighten it around Cryo. “There we go. Try not to wiggle too much while I change you, ok?” “Ok, Momma.” She rubbed Cryo’s head a few times, and then pulled open the “Day and play,” cabinet below the changing table. She pulled out a canister of baby powder and a pair of training pants meant for pets with long tails. She smiled at him and began to powder Cryo’s crotch. “This powder still smells a bit strong, but its better to have this then to get a rash from the training pants,” Cryo thought. She then lifted him up by the legs and began to powder his bottom and around his tail. After a bit, she rubbed Cryo’s head again. “There we go. Your all powdered. Now. Let’s get your training pants on.”

She then began to take the training pants and then began to fit the hole out the back of it around Cryo’s long tail. She then lifted his legs up again and then slid the training pants under his bottom. “There we go, little baby. We’re almost done.” She then lifted the front of the training pants over Cryo’s crotch, and then stuck the flaps to the front, a fastened them to the front of his training pants.

“There we go! All changed! Does that feel a bit better, little baby?” “Umm… Yea! Feels good not having to worry about accidents, Momma.” “That’s a good boy. Now. Why don’t I get some nice cloths on you. I know you like being bundled up all nice and snug!” “Ok, Momma.” She patted his head a few times and unhooked him from the changing table. She picked him up and brought him over to where his cloths were located. She set him down in front of the closet and patted his head a few times. “Alright. Be a good boy and sit right there while I pick something out for you. Ok?” “Yes, Momma.” “Good. Stay right there for a few seconds…”

Sara opened the closet doors and began to rummage through the closet a bit. “Huh… I wonder what Sara will want me to wear?” Cryo thought. He looked at his training pants. He could see it seemed to be white, but it had the classic insignia of a pirate on the front and back. Skull and crossbones in the color black. It was felt cushiony and soft, around Cryos bottom, but felt a bit itchy as well. Despite that, it felt comfortable enough. “Pirate themed training pants. Looks to be custom design. Also looks to be high grade in terms of… well… flexibility and spillage… I’m sure I’m going to need to be changed multiple times today. I suppose this isn’t that bad… It at least feels comfy enough. And… well… I guess I technically don’t need to worry about… having to go outside to… have a break…” He gently scratched his bottom a few times and sat patiently for Sara. Not long after, Sara pulled out what seemed to be an outfit from the closet.

“Who wants to be a little pirate today?” Sara asked. “P…Pirate?” “That’s right. Here. Stay still while I get you all snug.” “Well… Ok then, Momma.” She first lifted a deep blue and black long sleaved striped shirt over Cryo’s head and gently put it on Cryo, careful enough to maneuver his wings out the back. She then pulled Cryo’s bandanna out so it would be outside the shirt. She then took a red rag and then wrapped it around and tied it to the top of his head, covering it completely. She then took a pair of blue baby gloves and socks with a couple frills coming across the top. “Alright… give me your little hand and footsies, my little baby.”

Cryo nodded an he held out his front paw. She gently lifted the glove over his left paw. It felt warm and cozy. She did the same with his other paw. “Alright. I’m going to need to lay you on your back so I can get these on your little footsies. Ok?” “Yes, Mama.” Cryo then laid on his back and smiled at her. She rubbed his belly a few times. She then quickly lifted the small sock on Cryo’s left leg. She did the same with his other leg. They felt very warm, cozy, and fuzzy. She then turned Cryo back around on his belly and he got up. She began to stroke his head a bit. Cryo looked at the gloves and socks more closely. The gloves had the images of a pacifier on top of them, and the socks had the image of an anchor on them. They covered his paws along with his talons. He looked at them. “I don’t typically have my talons covered when I wear gloves and socks, but… this honestly feels really nice on my paws. I also don’t have to worry about accidently scratching Sara either, even though I trimmed my talons beforehand.” Cryo smiled and nodded. Sara patted his head a few times. “There we go. Now we just need to give your Mr. Binks, little baby boy.” Sara reached into her pocket, and pulled out a pacifier with a string attached to it. She then wrapped it around Cryo’s neck. The pacifier hung down from his neck, which he looked at. “Well… This is the same as when I was a hatchling. Not too bad, I suppose.” Cryo thought. “Why don’t you look in the mirror, Captain Cutie!” Sara said. “Well… Alright then.”

Cryo looked towards the mirror near the closet, and saw he really did look like a pirate, with the striped shirt and the pirate doo rag wrapped around his head! “Wow… I actually look like a pirate,” Cryo said. “Yep! Does my little baby want his eye patch as well?” She opened her hand and Cryo saw the black eye patch in her hand. “An eye patch too? Well… I never really got a chance to dress like a pirate at home. Maybe… Yea. Might as well take the eye patch too!” Cryo thought. He nodded to her with a smile. “Yeah, Momma! Give me an eye patch!” “That’s my boy! Now… Hold still while I put this on, captain cutie!” She lifted the eye patch and wrapped it around his head, covering his left eye. He looked in the mirror again. “Now I REALLY look like a pirate.” Cryo thought. He gave a small smile and nodded his head.

“Alright, Captain. Why don’t I take you over to your couch to watch some nice educational television. It’s early in the day, and tykes tv should be playing some really nice programs for you to learn some valuable life skills and lessons! That includes monster truck masters! I’ll sit with you and keep you company while you watch. Breakfast should be ready by 9:30. You better be ready to eat by then, and not make a fuss!” Sara said. “Umm… Alright Momma. Let’s watch some nice tv.” Cryo said.

She picked him up and cradled him into her arms, and she rubbed his belly a bit. Then she strung him over her shoulder and carried him over to the couch. She gently rubbed his back as she went forward, which comforted him. She then sat down on the couch. She pulled his training pants back a bit to check if he needed a change, but he seemed to be good for now. She then placed Cryo on her lap. “Alright. Time for you to learn, Captain Cutie!” She turned on the tv, and turned the channel to tykes tv. Soon enough, the first program came on, which seemed to be Monster truck masters. “Alright, Captain. Here we go,” she said. “Ok momma. I’m ready to lea… Mmph!”

Sara had taken the pacifier around his neck placed it into Cryo’s mouth. Her way of telling Cryo it was “quiet time,” right now. Cryo looked at it, and it seemed to have a a small plush blue dragon attached to the end of it. He chewed and sucked on it a bit and nodded. He began to settle down and watch the show.

Sara then began to maneuver Cryo’s front left paw up and towards her a bit. She then began to slowly and gently take one finger and gently and slowly scratch and stroke Cryo’s arm and palm up and down on it. Occasionally, when she got close of Cryo’s palm, she would stroke his palm a bit more with multiple fingers. Cryo began to relax quite a bit, and gave a comforting sigh… “She… knows the way I like being massaged. I guess the people back home must have told them about this as well. This won’t be so bad. Ahh… How nice and relaxing…” So time passed as Cryo watched the tv and was being comforted by Sara. Soon enough, Cryo heard the door open to the room. He saw a middle aged women step in, with blond hair, green eyes, and wearing a blue dress. “Sara. Its time for breakfast!” Cryo felt his stomach growl, and patted his belly a bit. Sara chuckled at him a bit. “Alright. Thanks, Ms. Oline! You ready to eat, Captain Cutie?!” “Yeah, Momma! I’m ready for some food for my tum tum.” “Great! Let’s take you to our dining room.” So Sara lifted up and cradled Cryo in her arms, and walked down the hallway with Ms. Oline to the dining room.

Ch 24

Big Breakfast

They entered the dining room, and Cryo saw that many plates and silverware had already been placed around the table. Many of the workers in the house were already sitting at the table. They noticed Cryo and Suzy had entered the room. They smiled and waved a them. “Well, well… Looks like young Master Cryo is ready for his food. Aren’t you?” said the butler. Cryo looked over to him, and recognized him figure, short white hair, a black tuxedo, black shoes with white socks, black bow tie, and a fancy white clean undershirt. “Umm… Yea! I’m ready for some nice yum yums, Mr. Miller!” “That’s wonderful, Master Cryo. We hope you’ll enjoy breakfast with us today.” Cryo smacked his chops and sniffed. He could smell the fresh waft of the food all across the dining room from the kitchen. But then he began to think for a minute… “Hmm… I might not get anything but… mushy food, considering that I’m… well… yea. Better then nothing I suppose…” “Alright, little baby! Let’s get you to your high chair, little captain! Looks like your bib is already sitting close to the table.” “Oh! Ok, Momma!”

She began to carry Cryo around to the other side of the table. Cryo saw a blue high chair in the front left corner of the table. She carried him over to it, and patted his head a bit in her hands. Cryo began to observe it more closely

There legs were pretty long and sturdy, and had anchors had been carved into it a went up the entirety of each sides of the legs. The seat was dark blue and there was the symbol of the aqua type from capsule creatures painted into it. There was a small divot where the legs come out to stop Cryo from falling through when he’s sat down and locked in place on it. The backstop had the words, “Feeding time!” on it in white letters on top and had a smiling stormfall looking forward with a bib and training pants around his tail fin below the words. The cushion inside and the backstop behind was separated into 2 half’s. The opening between the two was large enough to fit his tail through the back. The platter to serve food on it was raised to the side right now. “Alright, Captain. Let’s get you all settled in.”

She maneuvered Cryo to be nicely sat down in the seat, with his tail going down off the back of the seat. She then lowered the platter down in front of Cryo, which settled and locked his legs in place. Cryo relaxed his legs down towards the floor and began to look at the platter for the high chair. He saw it had a picture of him, drinking from a bottle on his back. Cryo chuckled a bit at the picture. “Reminds me when I was young in my crib. I did this every mourning,” he thought. He took in a deep breath. “Now let’s get your bib on, young man.”

She began to take the bib sitting on the table and wrapped it around Cryo’s neck, over his bandanna. Cryo looked at it, and saw the picture of him in training pants and a plain white bib, chewing on a pacifier, with a fork and spoon in his hands lifted up. The words, “Dragon’s Hungry. Time to feed!” were above the picture. “Well… I suppose that’s true right now. I AM quite hungry,” Cryo thought. He chuckled again. And settled down and relaxed. He saw many of the servants around the room in their seats. He saw several of them chuckling as well, with a pleasant smile on their faces. “Ahh… They must think I’m cute,” Cryo thought. He waved at them from his seat, and everyone waved back.

“Alright… Breakfast should be ready in just a few more minutes. Cryo. Just relax for a bit.” “Yes, Mr. Miller. Umm… I guess I’m going to have… mushed peas for breakfast?” “Oh heavens sake! No master Cryo. You don’t need such things. I’m pretty sure you have a nice full set of teeth to chew, correct?” “Oh! Uh…” Cryo looked at Susy for a second. She nodded and rubbed his belly a few times. “Umm… Yeah! Your right, Mr. Miller. I’m… at least… old enough for that. Umm… Thank you!” “Yes. Now let me go check with the cook for a second, to see if the food is ready.” He began to stand up with his seat. He began to walk towards the kitchen. But before he did, he went to Cryo’s chair and began to whisper in his ear.

“Thank you so much for doing this for little Sara. You have no idea how much she’s been looking forward to this weekend. I know being treated like this might be a little… much for you. But… we’ll do everything we can to keep you in as much comfort as possible…” “Thanks, Mr. Miller. I’ll keep a close eye on… Momma and keep her happy as best as I can… Don’t worry about me. I can handle a few… accidents every now and then.” Mr. Miller patted Cryo’s shoulder a few times, and he smiled. “Hang on everyone.” He slowly walked to the kitchen as Cryo watched him. Cryo began to patiently wait for the food.

Not long after, several of the cooks in the house began to bring out several plates with food covered up to the table. Mr. Miller began to step out soon after. “Alright everyone. Food is ready. Bon apatite!” he said with a smile. Mr. Miller began to step over to Cryo’s high chair again. “Would you like me to feed Master Cryo, Sara?” “Oh, no! I can feed my baby boy. He needs his momma to comfort him, right?” “Umm… Yea! That’s right, momma! I’d like you to feed me!” “That’s a good boy.” “Well… Let’s start passing food then.” And so, each of them began to pass the plates of food around the table, each one taking a bit as they passed it around. Sara managed both her and Cryo’s plates. Cryo actually saw she had taken quite a bit of food for him. She had several plates of different foods placed on the platter of his high chair by the time they were done passing it around. He saw there was hashed taters, hard boiled chillin eggs, toast, bacon, and of course, a large baby bottle filled with milk. “Huh… I’m surprised you want me to eat so much food, momma. Don’t I have to share a bit more with the others?” “Now, Now, Captain. Your very young. You need food more then anyone else here! You need to be fed quite a bit so you can grow to a big pirate one day.” “Well… alright momma.” “Good. Now then. Time for you first bite!”

She stood up and stuck a fork into one of Cryo’s hard boiled eggs and began to lift it up towards him. She smiled at him. “Alright, Captain Cutie! Open up! Here comes the car!” She began to make car noises. Cryo played along with the game and began to laugh a bit. She quickly thrust the hard boiled egg into his mouth as he laughed. Cryo closed his jaws around the fork and she then slowly pulled it from his mouth. He began to chew on it. He then gave a smile. Sara began to dab his bib around his mouth to clean up his face. “Hmm. Actually… pretty good! Never tried hard boiled eggs before. Mom certainly loves these in the morning. Might have to ask her to make some for me when I get back home,” he thought. “There we go! That’s a good boy! Now. My turn to take a bite!”

She stuck her own fork into a hard boiled egg on the plate and then placed it into her mouth. She then opened her mouth and stuck it in. She smiled as she lifted the fork out and chewed. Cryo smiled and turned towards her. “Was the eggy yummy, Momma?” “Why of course it was, Capitan. Now… Here comes your second bite!” She then took a small piece of bacon and held it in front of him. “Here comes the choo choo train!”

This time, she made train engine noises. Cryo once again played along and laughed at her. She quickly trust the piece of bacon into Cryo’s mouth as he laughed, and he began to chew slowly. He then gulped it down and rubbed his belly in satisfaction. She began to clean his face again as he chewed. “Yum Yum!” he said. “That’s a good boy. Now its my turn!”

She took a piece of bacon and then quickly took a bite out of it and chewed. She smiled as she chewed. She then took another bit of it and chewed the rest of the piece up. “Was you baccy yummy, momma?” “Why of course, Captain.” Now… I bet someone needs a little milky to wash that bacon down, don’t you?” “Umm… Yea, momma! I want some milky…” “Good. That’s my little captain.”

She grabbed Cryo’s bottle from the table and began to maneuver it towards his mouth. “Open up, Captain! Time for some nice milky for the baby!” Cryo nodded and opened his mouth. She smiled and maneuvered it towards his mouth. He closed his fangs around the bottle and began to drink the milk out of it. “This milk tastes very fresh. Almost like what I had back on the mountains,” Cryo thought. He continued to drink for a bit and then released the bottle from his jaws. Sara rubbed his belly again. “I’m done with my milky for now,” Cryo said. “Thats a good boy. Now give me a moment to take a nice sip of my own drink.

She began to take her cup, which seemed to be filled with a red drink. She slowly lifted it up towards her lips, and began to drink VERY slowly out of it. She turned her eyes towards Cryo, who she saw was watching her as she drank. He gave a big smile at her, and she began to chuckle a bit as she drank. She soon put the glass back on the table. “Alright, Captain. Time for your next bite!”

So… time passed as everyone ate. While the meal was a bit slow for Cryo, due to the way he was being fed, he was nonetheless satisfied by the end. He ate all of it. He rubbed his belly a few times and picked at his teeth a bit with his talons covered by the gloves. “There we go! Was your food good, Captain?” “Oh! Yea Momma! It was really yummy!” “That’s a good boy. Now… Come to momma. It’s time to burp you.” “Ok Momma.” She stood up from her seat and then lifted the platter from Cryo’s high chair. She grabbed Cryo and began to gently lift him over her shoulder. She began to gently pat Cryo’s back. Cryo looked at all the others in the room, giving loving smiles at him. He smiled and began to burp a bit, as much as he could manage, to satisfy Susy. After being burped for awhile, Sara finally seemed satisfied with her work. “There we go, Captain Cutie. I think we got enough of that nasty ol gas out you. You feel better?” “Oh! Yea, Momma! Nice to not have a sore tum tum.” “That’s a good boy. Why don’t I take you back to your room, Captain. I’m sure you want to play on your pirate playset, huh?” Cryo thought for a moment at the large pirate ship in his room. He smiled and nodded. “Yea, Momma! I want to be a REAL captain, now!” “That’s my boy. Come on. Let’s head to your nursery!” “I will escort you, Mistress Sara,” said Mr. Miller. “Alright. Let’s go!” Sara said. So they began to head to the nursery. She strung Cryo over her sholder and rubbed his back as they walked. Cryo began to have an idea. “I know she wants me to play on that pirate ship. Perhaps… I’ll play on it just like how I played pirate back at home when I was a hatchling…” he thought. Before they made it into the room, Sara pulled back his training pants again one more time to check him. It seemed that despite the meal, he still didn’t need to be changed yet. She smiled at him and continued down the hall.

Ch 25

Pirate Playset

The three headed down the halls to Cryo’s nusery and opened the door. Sara stepped in, and began to rub Cryo’s head a few times. “We’re back to your nursery, Captain. You ready to play?” Sara asked. “Oh, Yes please! I’m ready for some fun time!” Cryo replied back. “Thats a good boy. Come on. I’ll take you over to your pirate playset, Captain Cutie!” “Yes. Would you like anything else, Mistress Sara? Or do you think you can handle the young master.” asked Mr. Miller. “Umm… Actually… Could you bring my little captain here a bottle of warm milk before naptime?” “Yes of course, Mistress. I’ll have a nice bottle prepped for young master Cryo before he takes his first nap of the day.” “Thank you, Mr. Miller.” “Umm… When is my nappy going to be, Momma?” asked Cryo. “You’ll be taking your first nap at about 12:15 P.M., Captain Cutie. Be a good boy when its time. Ok?” “Ok, momma.” Cryo looked at a radio which read, 10:35 A.M. on it. “Ok… So I have a bit of time to play before my nappy. But… Won’t I miss lunch?” “We’ll eat lunch at about 3:30 P.M. That should be enough time for your nap, Master Cryo. I’m sure you’ll be awake by then.” “Well… Ok then.” “Alright. Have a pleasant afternoon you two. Remember Sara. If you have any difficulty with the young master, please don’t hesitate to get me or Ms. Oline for help. “Oh I know already, Mr. Miller. I know. I don’t think this little mister here won’t be too much trouble, huh?” “Yep! I’ll make sure to be a good little boy and follow mommy’s rules.” Cryo winked at Mr. Miller and smiled. He smiled back and nodded. “Have a good time playing, you two.” Mr. Miller left the room, and closed the door. Sara smiled at Cryo. “Alright. It’s play time, Captain. Let’s get you to your pirate ship!”

She began to take Cryo over to the pirate playset. She went up the ramp towards the deck and placed Cryo down on it. Cryo looked around at the playset. It really did feel like a pirate ship from some of the movies and stories. “So, Captain. Do you like your ship?” “Oh! Yes Momma! I love having my very own pirate ship!” “Yea! But… I think you need a crew as well!” “A Crew?” “Yeah! So… Why don’t you check the captains quarters! You might find some “willing playmates,” for your crew!” “Well… Alright then momma.” She began to lead Cryo towards a door on the playset, and she opened the door to the inside. Cryo stepped through the door and looked around the captains quarters…

He saw that there seemed to be a bunch of plastic gold coins and jewels lining against the sides of the room. His “captains treasure,” he assumed. He saw a small rope coiled above on a plastic hook to the left. He looked towards the center of the room, and saw appeared to be a captains desk with what looked to be fake treasure maps, and more importantly, a belt with a plastic pirate sword holstered to the front of it. He headed over and picked up the belt. He unholstered the plastic sword, and saw it was quite well decorated, with plastic jewels and golden paint. “Well… This seems to be a rather fitting captains sword. The one I had at home was nowhere near as fancy as this one. Even if it is just simple plastic,” he thought. He smiled and began to carefully attach it around his waist, above his training pants… He looked at another object close to his captains table at the center of the room. He saw it appeared to be another cradle, but this one seemed to be a bit more pirate and treasure themed. It looked like a wooden treasure chest with gold linings, casings, jewels on it. The carpet around the cradle was imitating gold doubloons . He saw the bed covers were red and had the image of a gold dragon, with the words, “Feared dragon pirate of the seven seas, Cryo the dragon!” below in gold lettering. The sheets were a nice white. It looked pretty comfy.

“I have… 2 different places to sleep in my room, Mama?” “That’s right. Just in case you want to sleep like a good little pirate captain.” She smiled at him, and he smiled back. He saw a Radio/clock next to the bed. This one however, was quite imaginative. It took the form of a speaky bird (Similar to a parakeet, with green feathers, a long beak, rather large talons, and a blue and white tail and belly feathers), sitting on a perch and facing towards the cradle. It was holding the screen for the clock at the bottom of its talons, which shown a black screen with blue numbers on it. He smiled at the thought of the bird “singing him to sleep,” during naptime.

He looked around and saw that there appeared to be a mid sized and a large treasure chest to the right of the room. He headed over and opened the two of them. The mid sized one to the left of him seemed to be able to be moved around and had more coins and jewels in it. He believed that this was meant to be how he could have “buried treasure,” in his little games. He looked to the larger chest to the right. It seemed to be bolted to the floor. He opened it, and his eyes opened wide. He reached into it, and pulled out a large group of plush capsule creatures, each decked out with pirate gear and training pants. There were many aqua type capsule creatures that looked very cute. But also… there was a bunch of Lightbolt capsule creatures that looked a bit more… menacing to him.

“Wow. A lot of capsule creature plushies in here, momma.” “Those are your playmates, Captain!” “My… Playmates, momma?” “That’s right. I know your favorite type in the capsule creatures games is the aqua type, so we bought a bunch of capsule creature plushies and decked them out in nice pirate gear so they could be your crewmates! But… your enemies are ALSO in that chest! The nasty pirates of the lightbolt type who you own crewmates are vulnerable to! It would only take a clever captain’s wit like yours to outsmart them!” Cryo looked at them again. “Ahh. I see now. That’s why the aqua type ones look adorable and the lightbolt ones look pretty intimidating. The aqua ones are my pirate crew while the lightbolt ones are supposed to be my rivals. That’s… pretty clever actually…” Cryo chuckled a bit. The plushies were very squishy and soft. “I… I never was able to have a capsule creature plush back at home. I didn’t even know these were actually made. I… I think I like these quite a bit. They… They feel pretty nice,” he thought. “Well… Who’s going to be your first mate, Captain?” “My first mate?” “Yeah! Every pirate captain has to have a first mate, right?” “Well…” “Come on captain! You have to promote someone to be you second in command!” “Well… Ok then. Give me a moment to decide, Momma.” She nodded and smiled at him.

“Take your time, Captain. This is a big decision for your pirate crew.” “I know, Momma. I know… Hmm… Who should I…” As he was looking through the plush capsule creatures, his eyes grew wide. Cryo pulled out one plush in particular. He looked at it closely. It was the legendary capsule Creature, Stormfall! It had a red pirate doo rag around its head, had a plastic pacifier in his mouth between its sharp fake white fangs, and wearing a red and white striped shirt around his body and large side fins, and pure white training pants around his tail fin. He looked at it for a bit, turning it over every which way to observe it. Cryo knew who he’d make his first mate…

“I… I chose this one, Mama…” “Oh! Stormfall! Of course! What’s your first mates name?” Cryo thought for a moment. “I’ll name him, Tidal. Tidal the stormfall!” “Well… Congratulations on you promotion, Tidal! Now… I believe its time to go on an adventure, don’t you, Captain?” Cryo looked at his new stormfall plush and then the other plushies sitting across from each other one by one. “Ye… Yeah! Time to have some pirate fun!” “That’s my little captain. Now could you hold on a second before you start, Captain?” “Umm… Why momma?” “She took a phone out of her pocket. “I want to record my little captains first pirate adventure! Ready captain?” Cryo looked towards his “crew.” “Yeah! Let’s play!”

Ch 26

Meeting them Mateys

Cryo took each of his plush “crewmates,” and began to line them up next to each other on the ground. He looked at each of them, then at Sara. He smiled and nodded. “Let’s put on a little play for Sara,” Cryo thought as he sat himself down. He began to scratch under his chin a few times, thinking of a fun story to partake him. Then, he thought of something. He nodded to himself, and then grabbed the plastic sword from his hilt and raised it high! “Avast, me hardy crew! We be going back on the open briny blue!” He lowered his sword back into its holster. “Now me crew. It’s probably been quite a bit since we last sailed. Fear not. I’m still seaworthy me crew. Now… I bet ye all wondering what we be doin on today’s little outing, aren’t ye?” He gently grabbed his stormfall plush, and raised its fin up in the air. “Ahh… Tidal! Ye find yourself asking a question?” Cryo began to raise the pitch of his voice to give the plush a personality. “Oy, Captain! I find myself wondering what we be huntin today!” “Well, first mate… Glad ye asked! We be huntin a bit of treasure left behind in an old rotting temple far to the east of us. The temple is said to be treacherous, with tricks and traps all over yonder! It take a darin pirate to grab ye and take it home…” He grabbed his stormfall plush again and began to manuver it around again. “Oy! That sounds a bit dangerous captain!” he said in his “Tidal,” voice. “Aye, matey. But… We be pirates. We sail on the briny blue and enter treacherous territory, where the only ones watching ye is ye and your crew. Them seas be harsh, with mighty blue waves rockin the ship and other pirates lookin to get an easy score on an unsuspecting crew. This life be dangerous, but it be a life of adventure! Now then. Who’s with me!?” Cryo began to shout Huzzah over and over in different tones and voices, giving a sense of the plush crew agreeing with him. Sara chuckled, clearly enjoying the scene quite a bit. “Alright ye crew. Let’s head towards deck and set sail!” He grabbed all his plush toys and began to head out of the captains quarters of the ship. He then placed him on the ground in front of him and began to scratch his chin a bit. “Now… I suppose I should be assigning roles to all ye salty seadogs… Hmm…”

He looked at Tidal first. “Alright, Tidal. Ye be in the Crow’s nest. Ye be keepin an eye on the far reaches to make sure we don’t be gettin ambushed by some other salty sea dogs, lookin to make a quick buck. Cryo lifted Tidal up again. “Aye, Captain!” Cryo said in “Tidal’s voice.” He began to climb up the pirate play set with his Tidal plush all the way to the top. He placed Tidal on the side of the railing, which was covered by a thick safety net. He quickly climbed back down to the rest of his plush crew.

He looked at his next plush, a Evesea, a cyan capsule creature with 4 legs with webbed paws, a very long fish tail, a long, rounded snout, and a fin going across its back all the way towards its tail. It was also wearing white training pants, a black vest, had a red pirate doo rag wrapped around its head and a red scarf around its neck. Cryo began to think of what to call it and what role it should play within his “little play.” He then smiled and nodded. “Ahh. Vapor. You will be tending to our cannons on the ship. Make sure they are ready to fire in case we be runnin into trouble. Savvy?” Cryo said. He then lifted his “Vapor,” plush and spoke in a very high pitched voice for this plush.” “Aye Aye, Captain!” He placed it next to the cannons on the front side of the play set. He then walked back to his other crewmates and sat down. He looked to his next plush crewmate, and scratched his chin a few times. He recognized the form of a A Skatespy. This white pondskater spider capsule creature plush had a very large head with red eyes, black legs with cyan shaped bubbles attached to the bottom of its feet, and its middle body part seemed to have something opaque around it, kind of like its body is wrapped in clear water. Like with the others, he was wearing white training pants. He also had an eye patch covering one red eye with a skull and crossbones on it, a dark black shirt around his upper body, a blue scarf around his neck, and a black pirate doo rag wrapped around his head. Cryo began to think of a name and role to give him. “Alright. Skipper. Ye be cleanin the ship. That might seem a bit harsh, but ye need to pay your dues for that accident you had in the captains quarters earlier. However. Once ye be through, ye may take a rest and relax on deck. Can I count on ye?” He grabbed it and gave it a deeper voice then the other plusies. “Aye, Captain! I’ll scrub this deck cleaner then a Clensy could every hope to!” “Good. I’ll be checkin your work when ye be done, so don’t ye be slackin. Otherwise… I might have to… put ye in some special pants… You need to keep ye training pants on for that reason alone… We ALL do!” “Oyy! Not rubber pants! Uhh… Right away captain!” Sara chuckled at this quite a bit. Cryo smiled and placed him in the middle of the pirate playset.

Cryo looked at his final plush crewmate. A Deepdra capsule creature. It was sea dark blue 4 legged dragon capsule creature, not unlike him. It had bulging round yellow eyes, a very long snout, webbed feet, a very short tail, long slender body with 3 fins going across its back and down its tail. And like with the others, it was wearing white training pants. It also had a red shirt with a blue vest, a blue doo rag wrapped around his head, a blue bandanna, and an eye patch. Cryo thought for a moment. “Hehe… This guy kind of looks like me right now. I bet Suzy was expecting me to choose you as first mate. Stormfall is still my favorite capsule creature, unfortunately. But… I still really like the way you look nonetheless. Now… just one more job left… What should I call you? Hmm…” Cryo thought for a moment. Then he smiled. “Ahh… Me young adopted son, Aqua! You ready to take ye first assignment on this here vessel?” “Aye Da… Erm… I mean captain!” Cryo said in a rather high pitched voice. “Oh! Adopted son!” Susy exclaimed! “Aye. Ye be right, me fair queen. I raised this here boy since… He was found by me on some float some among the sea drift towards home. He’s a very good boy… but… inexperienced in this line of work. If this young lad be going to lead me crew one day, he be needin to learn a whole bunch on how to be a pirate. We work for the queen for a reason. We be turnin from a life of crime to find treasures and relics for the nation! Not to mention Queeny be relying on us to clear the seas of them nasty sea dogs! Bounty work is never easy, and me ol rivals had recently escaped from the queens iron gate prison! They are some of ye worst pirates ye be hearin of. I’m sure they be wanting vengeance after being put under lock an key!” “Haha! Better watch out for them, my Captain Cutie! I can’t imagine anyone else that could show Aqua the ropes!” “Aye! Now anyway. Ye will be my eyes and ears. I need ye to watch and make sure the other crewmates be doin their duties aboard the ship. This may seem like a simple procedure, but ye be needin to absolutely on the spot with this. Also… ye queen be joining on our voyage! She be wanting to see me line of work for herself. She be needin protection from them nasty sea dogs! She also be me precious long lost mother, who I lost when I was just brought into this world! She be the most important figure on this here ship! Savvy?” Cryo tilted his Aqua plush’s head up and down. Sara laughed at how Cryo was treating her like royalty. “Now. Ye ready to do your duty, Aqua?” “Aye, Captain!” “Aye good, lad. Then we’re ready to shove off. Anchors away everyone. Let’s set sail on the brainy blue yonder!” He placed his “Aqua,” plush next to the edge where the steering wheel was, so he could “observe,” the crew as they worked. Cryo took the wheel of the ship and began to spin it around a bit. “To the treasure, me hardys!”

So Cryo played “pirate,” for quite a while. Sara laughed the whole way through, which made him happy. Soon enough though, it was about 12:10, and Mr. Miller had opened the door and stepped into the room, carrying a bottle of warm milk in his hand. “Mistress Sara. It’s about time for Cryo’s nap. I brought the warm milk you requested.” Cryo and Sara turned to him. “Ahh! Good timing! Cryo has just found the treasure and was about to take the other naughty pirates to prison!” Sara said. “Oh, Really? Is that true, Master Cryo?” Cryo nodded and smiled. “Aye aye, Mr. Miller. These nasty brutes tried to attack our ship and steal the treasure. Naturally, we bounty hunters and specially trained salty sea dogs won’t be felled so easily by the black hearted. These naughty sea dogs will be spendin a great amount of time behind lock and key!” Cryo pointed to the mast, and Mr. Miller saw he had tied the Lightvolt Plushies to the mast of his pirate playset, with the rope that was originally in the captain’s quarters. Mr. Miller chuckled at how Cryo had handled things and was talking like a pirate. “Well then, Captain. I bet our little adventurer has had quite a fill before his nap. Anyway… Would you like me to change the young master before his nap, Mistress? He’ll probably need his nighties training pants while he sleeps.” “Oh don’t worry Mr. Miller. I’ll do it. I changed this stinky boy mid way through his little adventure on the high seas. I can do it again now!” “Oh really now?” “Yes. You know I’m a responsible parent, Mr. Miller.” “Indeed you are mistress.” She picked up Cryo and began to rub his head a few times. “Alright, little baby, let’s get your nighties on so you don’t have to worry about little accidents while you sleep.” “Yawn… Ok, Mama…”

She carried him over to the changing table and gently laid him on his back on it. She rubbed his belly a few times. Then she manuvered the strap around his waist and clipped it. “Alright little baby… Just relax while mama changes you. Ok?” “Yes mama… Yawn…” She lifted Cryo’s legs and gently ripped his training pants off of him. She then scratched his head a bit. She then checked it to see if he had any “accidents,” while wearing it… She saw a little moisture inside, so she smiled at him and got a wipe, attached to a small container next to the changing table, and wiped his crotch gently up and down. She then opened the Nap and night,” drawer and grabbed the baby powder and a pair of training pants. “Alright. Just hold still while mommy powders you…” She began to gently shake the canister and powder his crotch. She then rubbed it in, and then lifted his legs up, and powdered his bottom and around his tail. She gently rubbed the areas to get it settled in. “There we go. We’re almost done. Let’s get your nighties on.” She began to fit the training pants around his tail, and then lifted his legs up again, and slid the training pants under his bottom. She then lifted the front flap over his crotch, and attached the flaps from the back to the front of it. “There we go! Your all changed!” Cryo looked at his “nighties.” He saw that it was also pirate themed. It was a dark blue, and seemed to show a pirate ship sailing through the dark sea, with the moon and stars shining above. It was also quite a bit softer, and felt a bit less bulky then the ones he had on before. “Interesting design… Feels a bit comfier too. It is made for sleep though… Guess its to be expected…”

Mr. Miller came over and smiled at Cryo, as Sara unclipped him from the table and cradled him in her arms. “Is the young adventurer ready for his nap?” asked Mr. Miller. Cryo yawned and scratched his bottom a few times. “Yea… I’m ready for nappy, Mr. Miller…” Cryo said. “Good. Would you like me to feed the young master, Mistress?” asked Mr. Miller. “Oh! No! I can feed him just fine,” Sara said. “Very well.” Mr. Miller headed towards Sara and gave her the bottle. “Would you like me to stay with you while you feed him?” “Haha. No. I’ll be fine.” “Very well, Mistress. I’ll wait for you outside the young master’s room when your done with him.” “Thank you Mr. Miller.” “Indeed. Enjoy your nap, Master Cryo.” “Thank you Mr. Miller. I will.”

She began to sling him over her back and began to rub gently as she carried him towards the rocking chair next to his bed. “Now then… Let’s get you some nice warm milk before your nap to help you sleep. Would you like to sleep on your pirate ship, or out here?” Sara asked. Cryo thought for a moment. “Umm… I think… I would like to sleep on my pirate ship today, Momma.” Cryo replied. “Of course… After a grand pirate adventure, my little captain wants to sleep with his crew…” “Umm… Yea mama. I want to go sleepy with my daring crewmates…” “That’s my little captain. Now… Why don’t I get you fed before bed.”

She sat down in the rocking chair and patted Cryo’s head a few times. “Alright, little baby. Open up. Time to feed you.” Cryo nodded and opened his mouth. Sara smiled and slowly manuvered the bottle into Cryo’s mouth. He closed his jaws around it and slowly drank from it. Sara rocked the rocking chair as she fed him. After a while the milk was finished. “There we go… That’s a good boy, drinking all his milk. Your going to be big and strong one day…” Sara said. Cryo yawned at her and nodded. “Yea… I’m… going to be big one day…” “That’s right. Now… Let’s get you all snuggled into your crib on your ship, my favorite little Captain Cutie…” She stroked his head a few times and then and began to carry him towards the pirate playset and up the ramp. She opened the door to the captains quarters and stood in front of the cradle. “Now then… little boy. Time for a nice, long, nap.” She pulled the covers of the bed down and placed Cryo into it. Then she pulled the covers over him. She then reached under the blanket and pulled out Cryo’s binky, still tied around his neck. “Open up. You’ll need your Mr. Binks while you snooze.” Cryo nodded slowly with droopy eyes and then opened his mouth. She manuvered the binky close to his mandibles and Cryo slowly bit it. He began to suck and chew on it a bit. Sara, rubbed his head, and turned towards the parrot radio. She fiddled around it for a bit, and turned on naptunes radio. She began to take each of Cryo’s plush crew, and place them to the sides of Cryo’s cradle. Seems they would be sleeping with him for his nap. She then began to slowly rock the cradle. Soon, the music worked its spell on Cryo’s hazy mind, and he quickly fell into a very deep slumber… “Have a good nap, my precious baby boy…” Sara said. She then rubbed his head a few more times, and went to activate a baby monitor and camera on the side of the pirates quarters. She then kissed him on the forehead, and left the ship. She went down the ramp, and then out towards the door to her room. She then shut the door. The room was silent for a few moments. But then, the music cut off from naptunes, and a voice began to be heard from the radio.

“Cr… Cr… Creator? Are you ok? Creator?” But Cryo was silent.” The baby monitor camera on the ship began to move on its own. It then stopped as it looked at the cradle, with Cryo inside… With a binky in his mouth… “Oh dear… I… wasn’t expecting this… Should… Should I wake him…?” Craft began to process things for a few moments…” “I… think it’s… best to let the creator sleep for now… No telling how bad things have been for him here. I can see why he didn’t want me to know about this… I’ll… just monitor things and try to talk with him when he wakes up… Oh dear… This is… unsettling… What in the world did they do to you?”

Ch 20

Training Tease

Cryo slowly opened his eyes and gave a small yawn. He saw he was back in the dojo again. He picked himself up and looked at himself. He was in his “Sea Serphant,” form. “I guess I’m going to be training with my more water based abilities this time…” He then looked around the room. The dojo walls looked like there was flowing water circulating through it and the ground looked as blue as water. He looked over to his karate gear, and saw it was looked kind of like it was made of water. There looked to be fierce currents flowing through it. “Huh… This is… interesting… Haven’t seen it like this before…” Cryo looked back towards the ground. “Is the ground… water?” Cryo slowly moved his paw out towards the floor, and touched it with one finger. But it was hard and did not feel wet. “Okay… The ground looks like water, but… its not… Interesting…” Just then, he heard the door to the room slide open, and his Wave stepped in again.

“Hello, my precious grandson.” “Oh! Hi Grandma!” She walked over toward Cryo and smile and patted his head a few times. “Ready to go to work, Cryo?” she asked. “Yea, Grandma! I cant wait to see what were learning today!” “Good! Now then… Why don’t you get your cloths on, and we can get started with training today, okay?” “Umm… Yea grandma.” “Good… I’ll wait out here for you to get ready. Just try not to have an “accident,” while your getting ready.” “Huh? What do you mean, Grandma?” She chuckled a fair bit and rubbed his head. “I’ll see you out of your room, my baby grandson…” She left out towards the door and back to the training area. He began to get up from his bed and then began to walk over toward his cloths. As grabbed his cloths though, he began to think why his grandmother seemed to tease him like that…

“Grandma seems to be having fun with the whole… babysitting thing I suppose… I guess I should…! “As he was about to put on his shirt, he looked down to his crotch, and saw he was wearing the training pants from before he was sleeping! His face got a bit red. “Oh… I… How did this get here…” He began to tug on it a bit, trying to take it off. But… it didn’t seem to want to move or come off, no matter what he tried…” “Well… This is… embarrassing… Why can’t I take this silly thing off? Sigh… well… I guess… I’ll just have to… wear it while training today… It’s probably going to get soaked and weigh me down, but… there seems to be nothing I can do to get it off… I can see why she made fun of me… I wonder if this is her idea of a prank or something…” He gave a sigh and put on his training cloths and headed out into the room.

The room was similar to his room in the dojo. Except… the water currents seemed to be going through the wall in “blue veins,” and was circulating all across the rooms, floors, and seemingly going into the water. The pool of water itself seemed to be crashing and flowing quite bit quickly. “The waters acting like there’s a wind storm going through it,” he thought. “Wave waved at him at the other side of the water.” “Come over here, grandson! There a few thing’s I’d like to teach you today.” Cryo nodded his head, and began to walk over towards her. She smiled at him and patted his head.

“Well grandson. You notice how the water is a bit… eccentric today?” “Umm… Yea, Grandma… I… I noticed… It be pretty hard to swim in normally, even for a dragon like me.” “Actually grandson, you should have no trouble with it, with that little thing on…” She pointed towards his training pants and chuckled a bit… Cryo was a little annoyed at this… “Grandma… Don’t you think your taking this prank a little too far…” “A prank huh? Or maybe…” She began to maneuver her hand around it. Cryo followed watched her hand, and realized that she was about to seemingly flip a switch on the side of it. She pushed it back. Then suddenly, the training pants seemed be stretching condensing all across his entire body! “WHA! Whats…! Soon… it began to form over his head. As it got around his face and eyes, it began to form a visor, which seemed allowed him to see through it! There seemed to be data being displayed on the visor… He looked at himself, and it looked like he was in a slick and a bit bulky wet suit. He could see what looked like technology and streams of wires going through it!

“What… What is this, Grandma…?” “That Cryo… Is a rig armor Cryo. One of the minor sets made for underwater and deepsea research and in some cases, combat and infiltration into underwater structures. We’ll be doing two types of training today with this…” “O…K… then… Whats our training…?” “The first will be basic maneuverability with this suit. Now… Cryo…” You are familiar with the underwater oxygen rebreather. This is just like it. However, this rig armor is made to not only be able to help you breath underwater. It will also protect you from underwater areas filled with higher pressure and such. It also has a few combat gadgets in case you get into a scuffle and for movement. And… These will eventually be modified to better complement dragons abilities.” “That’s… pretty cool… ” She patted Cryo on the head a few times. She continued… “The suit has a small assistant ai that will aid you with it systems. Of course… Something tells me when you eventually get a chance to try it for real, or really any of the rig armors and upgrades your given, you’ll be paired with a VERY special AI…” “R… Really? “Wh… Who?” “That’s just something you’ll just have to find out in time, My little grandson.” Cryo gave a sigh and nodded. She patted his head a few times. She began to raise her arm, and Cryo saw a rather large wristband. She flipped a switch on it and sure enough, it stretched and formed around her and soon enough, she was covered in a black underwater rig armor like Cryo was right now.” “Now then Cryo. Jump in the water and follow me.” She began to head towards the pool, but there was something he wanted to know first…

“Umm… Grandma…?” “Yes, Cryo?” “I… saw you activated yours with a wristband… Why is mine… training pants…?” She chuckled at him and smiled. “Did you consider it only LOOKED like the training pants your sleeping in right now? Did you actually consider that the material for that was quite a bit different?” “Umm… Uhh…” Cryo began to think a bit… After thinking… he realized that when he tried to pull it off earlier, it didn’t feel fuzzy, soft, or… disposable… It felt sleek, a bit metallic, a tiny bit stretchy, and fit quite tightly around his crotch and bottom… Tide chuckled at him again. “You were so focused at the fact it look like the training pants you were wearing for your nap, you never considered it was never that in the first place. It only looked like it, but its clearly different. This is just one more lesson for you, my grandson. Not everything is always what it seems…” “Oh…” Cryo’s face became a littles red again. He had been clearly very cleverly duped by his grandmother, Wave…” “Now then my grandson. Let’s jump in!” They both jumped into the water and began to swim under the waves.

Ch 21

Armorsuit Athletics

The two dragons began to swim around the water. He then heard Wave speak through the comms on the suit. “Alright, my grandson. You doing good?” she asked. “Umm. Yea, Grandma. I’m doing fine. I’m surprised we seem to be unobstructed by the currents under the water. The water looked pretty rough when we we’re above the surface.” “That’s to be expected, Cryo. These armor suits were made to better interact and interface with elements like this. Also… the sea serpent transformation also mitigates rushing water and currents on its own a bit as well. This particular rig was made for dragons, which as I said before, complement our own abilities much better, and adapt to allow us to use virtually any of our powers unhindered in different environments.” “Really? Even ones that use our mouths?” Wave chuckled at Cryo. Then, Cryo could hear her take a big breath in the comms. As she did, the mask around the face began to transform and open up. It looked like a steel speaker now. Wave then shot out a Sea screech forward, through the water. It travelled through the water until it was out of sight…

“There we go my grandson. Does that answer your question?” “Umm… Yea. I guess so… But… what controls the rig to open up the mouth piece like that? Do I press a button on the suit?” “The ai complementing your rig is in charge of that operation. It works alongside you in battle.” “Ahh… I see… So the ai will administer functions into the suit and basically keep an eye and ear on us in order to know when and where we’re going to use an ability?” “That’s right.” “Wow… Pretty cool. I wonder what ai I’ll be paired up with?” “Wave chuckled again and then patted his head. “Anyway… why don’t we get started with the first bit. We’re are first going to get you a bit more accustomed to the suit first. Sort of a “test drive,” that will help you when you wear your first one in the future. “Well… Alight then… How should we start, grandma?”

“First. Tell your ai to activate speed mode on the suit.” “Umm… Ok Grandma… Umm… Activate… speed mode?” Cryo then heard a voice on the suit. It sounded a bit… familiar to someone else he knew. “Activating speed mode.” “The armor began to shift a bit. Cryo saw the armor opening up around his wings and around his tail. It seemed that some type of small engine began to form around these areas… “Good, my grandson. Now then…”

She pointed over to the left and Cryo saw a few metal large metal rings appear underwater. They were positioned in a line, one after the other. “Alright, my grandson. Your first task is simple. Use the rig to glide through the underwater rings. Now… To activate the boosters on your suit, just hold your arms to your side, and close grip your paws. This will immediately activate the underwater boosters. Think of yourself as traveling through water a bit like torpedo. The firmer your grip, the faster you will travel. Angle and manuver your body to turn. Ok? Watch me…”

Wave began to turn herself to face the rings. She then held her arms to her sides, and then gripped her paws firmly. And then… “WHOOSH!” She began to propel forward at a high speed! She quickly passed through the underwater rings, and each lit up with a golden hue as she passed through each one! She turned to Cryo and nodded her head. “Now you try, my grandson.”

Cryo nodded his head. He then looked forward, and then got into position. He held his arms to his side, and gripped his paws, and soared forward! His angle though was not on point, but he was quickly able to angle his body and then passed through each ring! “Alright! Nice!” Cryo said.

“There we go Grandson. That’s a start. You seemed to be able to angle yourself well after that start, but lets see how well you can take turns.” Wave waved her hand again, and a new set of rings began to show up. They were at different spots around the area, facing different directions. “Now. Try to mauver yourself in various ways to go through each of the rings ahead. I’d suggest you take this slowly at first until you are more accustomed to the suit. We’ll be practicing this for every nap you’ll take today, and occasionally in the future, so when the time comes, you’ll be ready for a real suit. “Ok grandma!”

Cryo looked at the set of rings ahead, and breathed steadily… “Alright… Here goes nothing…” He began to manuver his body to face the first ring. “Slow and steady now… Like grandma said… I don’t need to race with this thing yet…” He then began to hold his arms to his side, and lightly gripped his paws. He shot forward at a steady speed, and began to pass through each of the rings one by one. However, he accidently overshot one. “Uh oh…” Thinking quick, he held his arms out to stop the boosters and then quickly turned himself around, got back into position, and the gripped his paws a bit hard! He shot forward, and passed through the ring! He then did the same thing again, and quickly got back on track! Soon, he was done with the course. He jetted back to Wave. “My, my, grandson. Not a perfect run, but an excellent recovery! You’ll be able to do a lot with this suit once your very accustomed to it.” said Wave. “Hehe. Thanks Grandma.” Cryo said back. “I think this is a good enough introduction for now. Now then, let’s switch it to offense mode.” “Offense mode? Well alright. Let me guess… say switch to offense mode?” “That’s right. You catch on quickly.” “Alright then. Umm… Suit? Switch to offense mode.” “Switching to offense mode, creator,” said the suit. The armor suit began change its form! The jets on the wings and tail began to go back into the suit, and now the back of the suit began to extend out a bit. Then, one slightly bigger jet began to recompile on the back! Cryo looked at the top of his paws, and saw two compartments beginning to open. Then he saw what seemed to be some type of cylindrical weapon come out from inside!”

“Excellent, Cryo. Now… I think you can guess, there are a few weapons on that suit for itself. The suit will enhance your own natural abilities while you wear it. But… we won’t really be practicing with them with the suit on. Its better to learn new dragon abilities without it, as you’ll gain more understanding and mastery without it. However, it doesn’t just enhance our abilities… It also comes with a few surprises itself. The jet on the back works similar to speed mode, but the main thing is that its for evasion rather then travel or escape. The jet isn’t activated by clasping your paw though. It’s instead activated simply by holding your arms to your side before. You’ll be using this in battle alongside your own abilities and the weapons systems. The jet is very useful to dodge attacks, as long as you make sure your angling yourself accordingly. Also keep in mind. The speed cannot be changed, and is still slower then in speed form. Use this while in battle to wait for an opportunity to attack.” “Ok. Makes sense grandma.” “Now for the weapon systems. However, as your dad has probably told you… He can only see so far in time, due to… certain complications… So its likely much more will be added in time. But we’ll practice with the two we know about. The first weapon is Shock Stinger.” “Shock… Stringer?” “That’s right. This is a regularly used weapon on this world. Observe…” Wave snapped her finger, and then a dojo dummy came down from above. “Now… This weapon is very unique for a variety of reasons. First, its a good restraining weapon.” “Restraining weapon?” “That’s right. It’s VERY rare for lethal force to be used on the planet. The protectors of the world have had a long history of capturing and detaining some pretty massive threats to society, with minimal damage in most cases. While not always successful in preventing certain threats from causing a ton of damage, they know exactly what to do to suppress abilities and powers. Even powers on dragons themselves. This one facet will be a VERY important one, when it comes to what we’ll REALLY need you to do, when your taken there…” “Huh… What do you mean?” “That’s something, for another day. Right now… Watch what happens. Watch what I do with my paw…”

Cryo swam forward a bit, and looked at Wave’s paw. She pointed it at the dummy. And then quickly clasped her paw! Some type of glowing electric wire shot out! Cryo looked forward as it began to wrap around and constrain the dummy. He then saw that it seemed to be shocking the dummy! “As you can see, Cryo. This weapon shoots out a nasty electric wire to shock and constrict threats to you. It’s very durable, and can open opportunities for attack! But… It also can be used to grapple things.” “Grapple things?” That’s right, if you open up you paw right as it fires, it will instead extend the wire out and stay attached to the suit itself. This obviously has a verity of uses. Pulling threats towards you. Yanking and throwing them around. Even pull towards you. And all the while they’re being shocked! One thing to keep in mind… If you want to pull anything towards you, all you have to do is pull the arm back. The suit will begin to quickly pull the wire back into the compartment. And before you ask… There a good amount loaded into the suit. You shouldn’t really ever worry about running out of them. Now… Why don’t you give it a go, my grandson.” “Um… Ok! This actually sounds pretty exciting!”

“Cryo quickly looked forward as another underwater dojo dummy began to come into view from above. He then manuvered his right arm forward and aimed it at him. He held one eye closed, and aimed… Then… he quickly grasped his paw and fired one out! It was a direct hit, as it quickly coiled around the target and began shocking it!”

“Ahh! Very good, grandson! Your aim is still spot on!” “Well… considering whats been going on lately… I better be able to actually aim…” “Good. Now for the other weapon. Switching to the other one is easy. Just tell your ai to “Switch weapons.” Ok?” “Umm… Ok. Switch weapons?” “Switching weapons. Activating Frigid Freezer.” “Frigid… freezer?” asked Cryo. He then saw the cylindrical weapon began to extend its face outward and forward..”

“Good! Now this weapon is similar to dragon ice. However. It shoots tracking freezing projectiles forward. Kind of like missiles. It works above water and under it. Its very simple to use. Like before, you grip your paw to arm. The difference here is, when he grip your paw, you’ll notice a crosshair began to appear in your visor. All you need to do is to use that crosshair to lock onto as many targets as you can. Keep your sight on each one for a little less then a second. Then, once all targets are locked on, release your grip! The missiles will fire and track each target. They are very fast and are hard for targets to avoid. This weapon will freeze targets, allowing you to soften them up and maybe using dragon abilities to weaken or attack them further, before they might break out, or… if the target is weakened and tired from battle enough, it’ll put them into immediate cryogenic hibernation, meaning they can be easily detained and moved to somewhere that can handle them and their powers.” “That… sounds really fun to use actually! I’m a bit excited to try it!” “Good. Now then… I could demonstrate this for you, but you get the general idea of how this suit works. I suggest you try this one yourself. Now then…”

She waved her hand and several dojo dummies came down from above. “Try it, my grandson.” Cryo nodded and began to raise his paw forward again. He gripped his paw, and saw a blue crosshair appear on his visor. “Good, Cryo. Now… Aim the crosshair at the dummies here, and keep it on them just a bit… until you see a green circle appear around them. Then do the same with the other dummies…” Cryo nodded again and looked at the first one… Not too long after, he saw a circle appear around it. Then he did the same with the second and third dummies. Target was locked for each one. “Alright… whenever your ready, Cryo…” Wave said. “FIRE!” Cryo exclaimed excitedly. He quickly released his grip and several blue shining missals fired out of it! The quickly began to bend and arch and track the targets. Soon, they connected and released a small blue explosion! The dummies immediately froze, and Cryo nodded at a job well done! “Yes! That’s awesome!” “Very good grandson! Very good! Now then… I think its about time you wake up, My grandson. We’ll keep practicing with this more today as you take naps. Don’t want to worry your… babysitter.” Wave chuckled a bit. “Yea… yea… Grandma…” “Alright. Let’s emerge.”

They both then quickly swam to the surface and then quickly jumped out of the water. Wave looked back to Cryo. “Now then… To deactivate the suit, just say “deactivate suit.”” “Alright.” They both looked at each other. “Deactivate suit!” they both said together! The suit quickly began to condense into itself and back to what it looked like before! Cryo looked at it…” “Well… I can… plainly see now that it IS not actually training pants… But… was it REALLY necessary to make it… look like the ones I’m wearing currently in reality? I mean… I know you wanted to teach me a lesson, but…” She chuckled a bit and smiled. “Oh Cryo… There still so much you have to learn from me… I can’t help but have a little fun every now and then… But… if you really don’t like it, why don’t you simply take it off.” Cryo looked at it again. He then quickly pulled it off and placed it to the side.” “And now it comes off…” She chuckled again and smiled. “Come on Cryo. Sara is waiting.” “Yea grandma… I’ll see you for my second nap of the day…” “Goodbye my grandson. Better give Sara a nice hug when you wake up!” Cryo looked back at Wave. He thought about Sara a bit, and then smiled. “Yea. Sara isn’t all that bad. Its actually a bit fun keeping her entertained for the day. I know this isn’t the most ideal way probably… But… being lonely isn’t fun. If… If I can… help her with that, then… its worth it. Even if I have to have accidents all day.” “That’s what’s important, Cryo. Have fun with Sara!” “Thanks Grandma! See you later!” “See you, my darling grandson!” Cryo trotted back to his room in the dojo, and took off his training outfit. He then began to lay down on his “bed,” again, and closed his eyes… Everything flashed to white…”

Chapter 22

Crafted Caretaker

Cryo slowly opened his eyes and blinked a few times. He gave a small yawn as his pacifier fell out and hanged around his neck. He saw he was back in his “Pirate ship.” He began to lean up in his cradle. “Ahh… That was a nice nap… I’m going to probably be put down for at least 2 more today. It’ll actually be nice to get some extra sleep for once. Going to have a lot of chances to work with the rig suit…” he thought. He looked towards the baby monitor and camera to his right and began to scratch under his chin a bit. “Hmm… Sara might not know I’m awake yet. Might want to yell out to her…” He began to take in a big breath. But just as he was about to yell out to her, he heard a voice from the radio in the room!”

“Oh creator! Thank goodness your finally awake! Are you alright!?” said the radio. Cryo’s eyes shot up and his heart sank a bit… “What the…! C… Craft… Is that you?!” “Yes! I must say… I didn’t expect to see you like this…” Cryo facepalmed his head and began to put his hand down slowly… He then gave a sigh. “Craft… Why did you upload yourself here…?” There was a short moment of static on the clock radio. “I was… deeply concerned after our talk earlier… I thought I might… check up on you… It turns out… things were worse then I thought… No wonder you withheld this information…” Cryo gave another sigh and shook his head. Craft continued.

“I have… modified the camera here to play back you sleeping… This should give you an opportunity to…” “Craft… I’m not going anywhere…” “Excuse me… What?” Cryo pulled down the covers of his bed, and then climbed out of his cradle, all the way to where the camera was. “They even made you wear training pants?!” “Craft… Listen to me VERY carefully… I chose to do this…” “Excuse me… Is that true?” “Sigh… yes… There’s… a young girl in this house named Sara. She’s… very lonely… She wanted to play “house,” with me, so I let her…” “Really? But… why creator? This seems…” “Craft… I know what its like to feel lonely… Don’t think for one second she’s been malicious to me… She’s gone through quite considerable effort to make my… living arrangement here to be quite comfy and calming…” “Well… I… did notice the room seemed… tailored what appeared to be pirates and capsule creatures, but…” “My time here hasn’t been all that bad… So what if I have to wear training pants and get treated like a hatchling… Or have to have “accidents,” and get changed? I’m perfectly fine with it as long as I can give Sara a chance to not feel lonely. She’s a very sweet kid. Her parents are busy nearly all the time. With me around… well… she gets a chance to care for someone. Ok?” There was another short moment of static on the radio.

“Well… I… suppose if that’s what you really want…” “It is Craft. It is… Now… Don’t worry about me while I’m here. I’ll be fine. Let Sara have her fun. Ok?” “…I understand creator…” “Good… Now… I have to let “mama,” know I’m awake now. Please change that camera back to normal and wait for me when I’m back from school on Tuesday. Ok?” “Very… Very well, creator…” “Good… Now. Sara isn’t going to be happy that I crawled out of my bed… Let me get back in so she can take me out herself…” “Very well…” Cryo moved back to his cradle and jumped back in. He pulled the covers over his lower body and looked back at the radio. “Camera and sound monitor adjusted back to normal, creator…” “Good… Now then…” Cryo began to take in a big breath in. “MAMA! MAMA! I’M AWAKE MAMA!” Cryo could hear the sound of footsteps on the baby monitor. “Alright… Time for play time with Mama.” He placed his pacifier back in his mouth and then began to wait for a bit… Not long after, he saw Sara come into the ship with a big smile on her face!

“Well… Good afternoon, my little captain Cutie!” She came over to the cradle and leaned over it. “Did my little captain have a nice nap?” Cryo released the pacifier from his mouth and nodded with a smile. “Oh! Yeah Mama! Sleepy time was nice…” “That’s my little boy! Now then… Why don’t I get you out of your crib.” She rubbed his head a few times and then pulled the covers down. She gently put his arms around him and gently lifted him up and cradled him in her arms. “That’s my baby boy… Now. Why don’t we…”

As she was about to continue, the radio gave a short moment of static. Then… a soft male voice began to speak. “Greetings! Are you the mother of this lovely child?” Cryo’s eyes shot up! As Sara turned towards his parrot clock. “Umm… Who said that?” she said. “Umm…! Uhh…!” Cryo said, as he began to think what to say! “Do not be alarmed. I am… a new baby monitoring system, recently installed. I am programmed to assist in child care and consolidating.” “Whoa! Really?! exclaimed Sara. “That’s right. I am known as the Child Retainer And Friend Technologies. Or Craft, for short.” “Wow! When did mom get you?!” “Not to long ago. I am here to assist in all your needs to help care for your child. I am programmed to work with every and all child care systems in the house. Baby monitors, television, cameras, and other assistant devices. I am ready to always give advice and will keep the baby under constant surveillance, and will inform you of any and all complications that may rise up.” “That’s awesome!” “Yes… Now… I see on the monitor here that your child seems to be a dragon! My, my! He looks quite adorable! He’s looks quite special! I’ll enjoy watching this youngster grow!” “Haha! Yeah! He’s going to be big one day!” Cryo gave a small smile… It seems that Craft was playing along with things now.

“Now then… If I might make one suggestion… You might want to check his training pants. “Check his training pants?” “That’s right. A dragon as young as him is quite likely to leak while he’s asleep. He’s most likely wet right now.” “Oh! Good idea!” Cryo nodded towards the camera, and then smiled at Sara “Now then young man… Let’s me check you… “She began to pull his training pants forward a bit, and sure enough… Cryo had… let loose… Not very long ago in fact…” “Well… Look who’s a wet little boy! Look’s like someone needs to be changed alright! “Yeah mama… I leakied a little…” “Well then… Why don’t I take you to the changing table and get you into a nice fresh pair of training pants. “Yeah! Good idea Mama!” She began to rub his head a few times and began to carry him off the ship and all the way to the changing table. She quickly went through the motions: wiping him down, powdering him, and gently folding it around his legs and tail. Soon, he was all changed. “There we go. All changed! I bet you feel better now, huh?” “Yup! Feels nice to not be leaky…” “Alright then Captain cutie. What would you like to do now?” asked Sara “Umm…” said Cryo. “If I might suggest something, why don’t you tickle the tyke for a bit…” said Craft.

Sara’s eyes lit up. Then… she turned towards Cryo, with big smile on her face. Cryo knew all to well what was coming… But he smiled. He knew that it was what she wanted, and he never did mind tickling. Nor did he have to worry about being tickled too much and have an… “accident.” “Well then, little baby… You know what it’s time for?” “Umm… I don’t know? What Mama?” “It’s tickle time!” She gently placed Cryo on the ground and then began to tickle him all over his body. He laughed and laughed and laughed. Craft himself laughed a bit as well! She continued for a bit. “Alright little guy! Say Uncle Remus if you want me to stop!” HAHAHAHA! I WON’T… HAHAHAHA! SAY UNCLE SO EASILY! HAHAHAHA!” “You better say uncle Remus if you want me to stop!” She continued on for a bit. But then, Cryo was ready to give up. “I…! I…! ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT! UNCLE REMUS! HAHAHA! UNCLE REMUS!” She soon stopped tickling Cryo and checked his training pants. But it seems he didn’t let loose. At least… not this time. She then lifted him up and hoisted him over her shoulder and began to rub his back gently.”

“Alright, Captain Cutie. Your good. Was that fun?” “Hahaha! That was fun, Mama!” “Yeah! My little captain loves to be tickled! Doesn’t he?!” “Haha! Yeah, Mama!” Suddenly, the door opened to the nursery. Sara and Cryo saw Ms. Oline step inside. “Sara! Lunch is ready! I see Master Cryo has awoken from his nap.” “Yup! Captain Cutie is ready for feeding time! Huh?!” “Yup! I’m ready! Let’s go eat!” She chuckled and nodded and carried Cryo out of the room, toward the dining hall.

So… The day passed as Cryo was being cared for by Sara. Craft would assist and enhance Sara’s experience with Cryo. Soon night would fall, and Cryo would go to bed again. She changed him into some REALLY nice dragon Jammies that covered nearly his whole body and were made to replicate an adult Ferrin Dragons form! He slept very comfortably during the night… As he slept, he continued to train with the rig suit, getting better with manipulating it each time he was put down to sleep. The sun soon rose again, and it was about time for Cryo to go home. He would be driven home by the mayor. Sara stepped out of the house, carrying Cryo in a car seat, without training pants on… They soon strapped it into the car. Sara pulled a nice blanket over him, and placed the pacifier in his mouth. They soon headed off. As they drove, Cryo looked out the window.

“Did you have fun, my little baby?” Sara asked. Cryo let go of the pacifier out of his mouth, which fell to his neck. “Yea, Mama! I had loads of fun!” “That’s my little captain! Now… remember… Your going to be without training pants for a bit… Try to control yourself until next time. Ok?” “Oh… I’m not sure I can, Mama… It’s going to be hard…” “You know, maybe you could bring some home with you!?” “Oh! No Mama… I… I think I’ll be alright.” “Alright. Just relax while we get you back home.”

She then gently grabbed his pacifier and then put it back into his mouth. She nodded and continued on. Soon, they arrived at the house. Sara untied the pacifier around his neck and gently took him out of the car seat. She then placed him on the ground in the snow. “Alright! Bye Captain Cutie!” “Bye Mama!” They soon drove off and Cryo saw the front door to the house open. “Ahh! Cryo! How was your time with the mayor!?” “Oh. It was fun. I got to play with Sara again.” “That sounds nice. Anyway, have you eaten? “Yeah. We had a nice breakfast before coming back.” “That’s good. Now. Why don’t you come in.” Cryo soon stepped back into the house.

Chapter 23

Tech Trip

Time has passed for quite a while. Cryo continued his life in the snow driven town. He went to school, he played “house,” with Sara, played with Seth back at home, continued to practice with his abilities as he slept. Wave said that there was one more lesson she’d like to teach to Cryo, but should be done a bit later down the line. He continued to also repair technology for funding for a computer After some time, he finally had enough to afford a computer! But Eli suggested that he should also probably get himself a mobile phone with a phone plan as well. He did have a bit extra money on the side to afford it, and so he agreed to do it. A mobile phone would be nice to have in case he might end up running into trouble… He was riding Eli’s white hover van on a soft black seat in the back. But he had kept his head below the window, in the event Mick might be looking for him somewhere in the town. He knew it would be bad if Mick realized he was staying with them… Soon, they arrived at the Tech store in town. Eli stepped out of the van and onto the ground. He looked around the area. He then heard Cryo’s voice.

“Is it safe to come out?” Cryo asked. “Look’s good. I… don’t see any suspicious types around,” replied Eli. “Alright. Hang on.” Cryo popped his head up and took a quick look around himself. He didn’t see anyone he recognized from Mick’s crew around. He opened the door to the van, and stepped out, onto the cold ground. He was wearing a plain red sweater, with two laces to tighten it around the neck, and a hood hanging behind it. Eli came forward and nodded.

“Alright… You ready to look at computers and a phone?” Eli asked “Defiantly. Mom hasn’t had a chance to… see my form for awhile.” “Alright. We’ll take a look around the computer section to see if there is anything you’d like.” “Actually, the computer should be already ready for me to pick up. Phone too. I just need to pay for it.” “O… Ok then. But… how did you…” “I ordered at the website for the store and set it for in person pickup. I… had a… friend of mine pick out and plan what would be best fit for me.” “Really? Whose your friend?” “Uhh… Umm…” Cyro thought for a moment.

“His name is… Craft. Uhh… He’s… someone from back home.” “Really?” “Y… Yeah… I’ve… had regular contact with him since I’ve been here…” “Well. Alright then. Let’s head inside.” They both nodded and began to head into the front door. “You know Cryo… You seem to be quite… grown up for a dragon. How old are you again?” “About… 8 years old.” “8 years… My… Do dragons mature quickly?” “I… I don’t know really. That’s probably a question for mom.” “You seem pretty responsible for a… 8 year old. I almost wonder if I should take you to the bank later today to open up a bank account for you.” “Well… I’m not sure if thats neccesary… I mean… I know I’m living here right now, but… once I go home, I… probably won’t be able to access it. I might be well known in this town, but… really no one knows about me back home, except the humans who live in the research installation.” “Well… I suppose that might be true, but… It might still be something you… might want to consider… I don’t think you should be… carrying this much cash at you all at once…” “Your thinking of a mugging or robbery, right? I… understand that concern, but… well… I’m not as helpless as you might believe. I… know how to fight should the need arise. Mick and his… nasty crew got the jump on me. That’s how I ended up bound and gagged on their ship.” “Well… Still Cryo… You might want to… at least, open up a checking account. There may be a day where… the entire WORLD will be ready to have dragons like yourself and your mother flying around and living a nice and normal life in our world.” “Well… You know what… Yeah… Maybe… Alright then. I’m willing to stop at a bank today to… start making financial decisions.” “Wonderful! But first. Why don’t we get your computer and phone first.” They both nodded to each other and opened the door to the tech store, apetaly named, Gadget Groups, Technology Sale Center.

Chapter 24

Technology Time

Cryo looked around the store. This is the first time he’s ever been in a major shopping building of any kind! He saw the floors were black carpeting, and there was different types of technology littered all around the place on metal green painted shelves! He saw the walls were also painted green, and there was the logo of the store placed around several different areas. The logo showed a green computer screen, with the name imprinted inside of it. He looked around, and eventually saw where it was labeled “Online Pick Up.”

“Ahh. Looks like I have to go over there, Eli.” “I know. I know this store well. Come on. Let’s head over and pick up your items.” They both nodded and headed over. Cryo saw several of the townspeople and clerks at the store wave and smile at him as he walked through. It realized at this point he was quite well known in town now. Soon, he approached the front desk of pickup. The clerk in charge of the pick up station turned around. He saw Cryo and smiled at him. Cryo saw the name tag. He was named “Edgar Eins.”

“Ahh! Hello! It’s nice to finally see the famous dragon of the town for myself!” “Haha. Yeah. I can tell everyone in town seems to like seeing me around.” “Well… You did repair our radio tower. I’ve heard rumors across town that you have opened your own repair shop in town.” “Well… I guess I… technically did, more or less.” “Well… My son actually relied on you to repair his Television. In fact, the repair process was so well done, you actually IMPROVED his TV!” “Well… I suppose, I’m glad to be of help to him. But… who is your son? I’ve had to make adjustments with a few of the Television sets I’ve repaired, since I didn’t exactly have the exact parts at my disposal.” “My son is Miles, Cryo. I have to say myself. I was kind of jealous of how smooth his TV runs now. The graphics look incredible on it.” “Well… I’m glad I could make his day I suppose.” “Haha. Yeah. I might have to think about using your services myself one day.” “Well… I… kind of opened it to… help the kids at school mostly. But… I guess I can start to take clients outside of school as well. I plan to actually continue to work on repairing tech. I might need the money later on down the line.” “Ahh. That’s good to here. Anyway… I have your order right here.” He left into the back room for a moment. He carried out a new high tech computer and mobile phone out of the storage area.

“Now… How will you pay for it?” “I have to pay with cash.” “Cash?” “Yeah… I’m sorry. I… don’t actually have a bank account or a bank card yet. My… caretaker, Eli here convinced me though to stop at the bank after we’re done here to open up my own bank account. Hopefully this will be the only time I need to… well… make you count a bunch of bills for payment…” “Oh its quite alright. I don’t think that would be necessary. I’m sure that you would not be the type to swindle someone.” “Well… Alright then.” “Anyway. You’re computer, along with the phone plan, and upgrades for both, will cost… $823.47, after taxes.” “Thank you.”

Cryo took the money out of a small carrying case Eli brought with him and gave it to the clerk. He opened it and saw the bills neatly wrapped together and distributed nicely in the case.” “Don’t worry about the change. You can just keep it.” “Well. Alright then. Thank you for coming today. I hope to see you again, soon!” “Yeah. Thanks. See ya!” Eli took the new computer in his hands. He gave Cryo the phone.” “Alright Cryo. Here’s your phone. I’ll carry your computer out right now.” “Thank you. Let me…” “Cryo quickly turned on his phone, and connected to the internet in the store. He punched in a few keys. Then, he closed the phone.” “Alright… Phone is set up now.” “Really? But…” “I took the time to precondition my phone profile on the plan page. I just needed to put in the password and connect to my profile.” Eli chuckled a bit. “You always seem to surprise me, Cryo. You really know how to come prepared. I should have expected as much considering how smart and resourceful you are.” “Yeah. Alright. Why don’t we head out now.” “Yeah. Let’s go home. Probably a good idea not to be in a public domain too long, considering… HE or his crew might see us together…” “Oh… I don’t think we’ll need to worry about that. Come on.” So they soon headed out the door, got into their car, and drove off towards the bank.”

Chapter 25

Heist Harem

Soon they arrived at the bank. The building was a small, square building, with brown bricks making up the layer of the walls. There were several windows at the front, and a drive through in the back. Eli stepped out of the vehicle, and went to the side of the car and opened the door for Cryo. He stepped out, and they soon stepped through the snow and began to make their way towards the door to the bank. But as they continued for a bit, Cryo stopped… He saw… a black car at the entrance with someone in the drivers seat… When he looked at the driver, he realized something…”

“Eli. Wait a minute…” “Huh? What is it Cryo.” “Hide… Quickly…” “What?” “Trust me… Do it before they come out.” “Well… Alright…” Eli slowly backed away and headed for his car. Cryo flapped his wings and then grabbed a metal pipe over the ceiling and waited there for a few minutes… He breathed slowly, concentrating on the door below the entrance. And then… several masked man came out, with guns in their hand, and several burlap sacks filled with something! “Just as I thought… I’ve seen robbery movies before…” They quickly headed for the car! But as they all buckled themselves in and prepared to make their escape, Cryo took in a deep breath, and blew a long stream of ice at the car! The car was immediately frozen in ice!”

“Now remember, Cryo… They have guns… Right as they shoot out the door…” Cryo began to hear the sounds of shots, firing towards the car doors! He quickly flew under the car from the front and waited for a… certain sound… Then, each of the car doors were kicked open, and they stepped out!” “What in the… Our car!?” said one of the robbers. “How did it get frozen! This makes no sense!” Said another robber.” “I’ll tell you how, you cold crew…” said Cryo. “Wait… who…” Cryo quickly rolled out from under the vehicle and jumped into the air and spread his wings, surprising the armed crew! Before they could react, he breathed more dragon ice over them and froze them solid!” “Well… Looks like you boys got iced.” Soon… the cold began to take over their eyes, and they fell into cryogenic hibernation. Cryo grabbed his phone and dialed the number for the police.

“Hello? Police? It’s Cryo.” “C… Cryo! What is your emergency? Did they find you!?” “No… I’d like to report an attempted bank robbery at the… Bank on 132 Recon Street Plaza.” “What! A bank robbery?!” “Yes. Attempt unsuccessful. Suspects frozen in ice and ready to be detained.” “What!? F… Frozen! I…” “Relax. They are still alive. Trust me. Dragon ice works differently then normal ice. They aren’t going to shatter when you move them. They’ll… wake up with one pretty bad headache though, once they’re… thawed out or broken out.” “I… What exactly happened over there…?” “I’ll tell you when you arrive. I have to return the stolen money to the people inside now.” “Wh… What!? I…” “I took care of them already. Now… I need to go.” “W… Wait a minute! Cryo!” “Sorry. Can’t talk. Got to go now. See ya Tucker!” He soon hung up the phone. Cryo took a deep breath, in and out. He then went to the frozen car and then manuvered himself inside. He grabbed several bags and headed for the door to the bank. He opened the front doors and stepped in. He saw several people on the ground with their hands behind their head. They looked toward him as he stepped in. “Umm… Excuse me… Who is the manager of this bank? I… took care of the criminals outside. They’re ready to be taken to prison accordingly. I have the stolen money right here.”

Chapter 26

Home after the Heist

Eli and Cryo just made it back home. They had been out for quite a bit of the day due to the situation at the bank. The bank teller was quite surprised to hear about how he defeated the bank robbers. When the police finally arrived, he gave his statement, and soon, carted off the frozen criminals to be… thawed out at the police station… Cryo was able to make arrangements with the bank for his bank account after. The manager was more then happy to walk through the process with him, and had opened up a new bank account at the installation. He was happy to safely manage the young dragons new financial account, especially after stopping the heist! Soon, they headed home again, with the dragon hero in toll. They made it back, and Eli stepped out again. He opened the door to his van, and Cryo stepped out. He held his new bank card in his pocket. Eli nodded.

“Alright… Remember, Cryo… Don’t tell ANYONE what you did today… I know you were… trying to help and be a hero, but…” “Yeah… I know… Heroics could allow Mick’s crew to better track where I’m being cared for. Also… I shouldn’t put myself in serious danger just to… play hero…” “Good… I’m not mad at you. It’s just… It’s too risky with that… degenerate possibly running around somewhere in town.” “I know… I’m sorry. I won’t tell Arianna or Seth…” “Good. Now… Let’s step in.” They both headed into the front door, to be greeted by Arianna and Seth.

“Ahh! Your finally back! Just in time for dinner. What took you to so long?” asked Arianna. “Umm… Well…” Eli tried to make up with an excuse. But then Cryo spoke up. “We stopped at the Mayors house. I got a call from Mia on my new phone. Sara REALLY wanted to talk to me for some reason. Turns out, she was trying to go over plans with me for the next time I go over this weekend, and wanted to know what I thought of it.” “Wow… What do you do with Sara, big brother?” asked Seth. “Umm… We play house…” “House? How do you play, house?” “Umm… Well… I… Uh…” “Oh don’t worry about that Seth. Come on. Dinner is ready, you two.” said Arianna. “Well… Alright. What did we make tonight?” “I made one of my favorite dishes. Ched and chillin filled Ralova (basically ravioli, but pasta is black, due to wheat brought from earth adjusting to the planets soil and becoming as dark as night as a result) and pure white ched sauce (More or less Alfredo). “Ahh… That’s another dish from the… Intal culture?” “That’s right. Originally known as Italian back on earth I believe… I… forgot why it was referred to as… Italian. Sounds a bit… weird…” “Well… Oh well… I’m hungry. Let’s eat!

So they ate for awhile and soon enough, they were filled. “Ahh… That was good. I liked the sauce on the Ralova,” said Cryo. “I’m glad you like it, Cryo. Not everyone likes Pionni (How pasta referred to as in this world). “Hey, Big bro! Want to play Cowboys and bandits again, tonight, before bed!?” said Seth. “Well… Sure Seth. I’m ready to play villain again.” “Yeah! It’s gonna be so fun!” “Haha! Yeah! Gonna be a challenge to catch this bandit this time, Seth!” “Haha! You won’t escape me! Come on! Let’s go!” So they both headed upstairs towards Seth’s room. But… before they did, Eli called out to them. “Have fun you two! Remember, Seth. Both of you still have school tomorrow. You’ll both go to bed at 8:15. Ok?” “Ok, Dad!” “Good. Have fun!”

So they both headed upstairs. Arianna and Eli sat on the couch in the front room to watch TV while they played for some time. But as they watched the TV, the news came on for the town. Then… on the news, Eli saw a familiar place on it… The bank from earlier. His heart sank as he knew what this news story could be about… He was about the change the channel, but Arianna took the remote. “What the… Bank heist at the Rodriguez Bank? Thwarted by… unknown circumstances?” “Umm… Don’t worry, Ari… I…” “Weren’t you two there today!?” “Well… Y… yes?” “…He stopped the robbery… didn’t he…” “I… I…” “ELI! What were you thinking!” “Well…! I…! I…! He was the one who…” “NO! This is… HE NEEDS TO STAY HIDDEN! You’re lucky the news media in town supports him and hid the fact that HE stopped it!” “I… I know! But… Ugh… I’m sorry… Ok… Please… Don’t punish him… He’s… Already got too much on his mind…” “I… I won’t, but… You both need to be FAR more careful… He could have been seriously hurt…” “Yeah… I… suppose your right.” “Well… I… think we should put Cryo to bed a bit… earlier tonight. He’s probably a bit tired after… stopping a bank robbery…” “Well… Alright then…” “I’ll get him.”

Arianna took in a deep breath in, and out. She began to walk up the steps towards Seth’s room. She opened the door and looked around. She saw Cryo had his paws tied behind the back of a chair with a rope… It looks like he was being… interrogated by Seth on where he stashed the stolen money… “Oh! Hi Mom!” Seth said. “Oh… Hi honey… If you don’t mind, I’m… going to have to cut your game a bit short tonight…” “HUH! But… WHY?” Cryo’s heart sank a bit… He had an idea on why this was the case…” “I… need a private conversation with him…” “But…” “I’m sorry, Seth… Could you please… cut him loose?” “I… I… Sigh… Alright, mom…” Seth went behind the chair and untied Cryo’s paws from behind it. Cryo rubbed his wrists a bit a headed towards Arianna… He expected to hear an earful tonight… He then turned toward Seth. “Hey… sorry Sheriff… The… money I hid is… in your shirts drawer. I’ll… come back tomorrow to pay my debt to society… Ok?” “Alright… I guess I can let you go free for a bit… But you better come back so I can lock you in prison!” “I will, sheriff. I promise.” “Alright. Come with me downstairs to your room…” They both headed down into the basement of the house. Cryo gave a sigh as they walked down the steps to his room. He knew he’d probably get grounded for a year or something similar for just… trying to help out. But… he knew there was nothing more he could do. He jumped up and sat on his bed, and nodded. Arianna sat down next to him

“Cryo… You know why I called you down here… Don’t you…?” “Y… Yes… Arianna… I… I know…” “Cryo… While I’m… happy that you… protected the bank from robbers, you must realize…” “Yes… I put my life in danger… I put myself in front of a bad situation. I might have put a target over my head and for the rest of the people living here… I could argue all I want that I can take care of myself… But I know all too well that nothing I could say would make things alright… So… Just… tell me what your going to do to punish me… I won’t get mad… I’ll… deal with it and won’t make a fuss…” “Cryo… I’m… not mad at you… And… I’m not going to punish you… Just… please think about… keeping yourself out of danger… You may very well bring that type of danger to… someone else you love one day… And not just your mother at home… Others may get… caught in the crossfire…” “Al… Alright… I understand…” “Good… Now… Can you please… just go to bed early… You must be tired after your… harrowing day…” “Well… Alright then…” “I’ll… get something comfy for you to wear tonight, and tuck you in…” “Al… Alright… Thanks, Arianna.” Arianna got up and headed towards the closet. She opened it up and took out a pair of Cyan pajama pants and a shirt. She quickly helped Cryo into it, and buttoned the back around his tail. She then carried him over and tucked him into bed… “Alright Cryo… I’ll… turn on naptunes for you… Just… think more carefully next time you want to… spring into action… “Al… Alright… I will, Arianna…” She turned over the radio to the naptunes channel, and then headed over to the stairs. “Goodnight, Cryo.” “Goodnight… Aunt Ari…” She gave a small smile at the thought. She then headed upstairs. The music soon worked its way through Cryo’s mind, and then he fell into a deep slumber… The radio soon turned off by itself. But then a voice came from it…

“Hmm… I better look more into this… She’s right… Mick was once a high ranking military official and expert… He could have access to the security camera’s at the bank or on the corner… His computer hacking team isn’t the best, but… its not the hardest thing to tap into a security camera or two… I always told him to stay in hiding until he makes it to the store… I know he does that, but… That type of “heroics,” could easily attract attention to him… I’ll need to also inform the people back here about the creator’s location possibly being compromised… But even then… I’m not sure what else they can do right now to… mitigate such an issue… The runway is ready, but they still need to get a ship that can withstand cold… All of the ones here were destroyed…” said Craft.

Chapter 27

Fire Frenzy!

One day, Cryo was being taken home from school on the bus. It was about to become the weekend, so Cryo was needing to get ready to play “house,” with Sara. He sat on his seat as the many occupants listened to him tell his story out in the wilds.

“And so… me and Mom BARLEY escaped them. We were INCREDIBLY LUCKY we fell in that muddy divot. If we hadn’t… we surely would have been…” Suddenly, the bus stepped on the breaks hard, as a large group of emergency vehicles were stopping traffic! “Huh! What is going on!?” Cryo asked!? He turned to his left, and saw the building to the side was ON FIRE! It was a toy store in town! His eyes lit up, as he saw the flames cover the building! He looked at the entrance, and saw the mayor in the front, clearly distraught about something! He began to piece together what might be going on! “Oh No! Sara!” Thinking quickly, he opened the emergency shutter from the bus’s window, and jumped out! “Cryo! What in the…! What are you doing!?”

Cryo began to rush towards the building and blew a stream of Ice at the entrance! The mayor saw what he was doing!” “Cryo! What…!?” “Don’t worry! I’ll get Sara!” He then then rolled into a ball and smashed through the entrance of the burning building! He then quickly descended to the ground and began to move across it. He needed to find Sara as soon as possible! He called out to her. “Sara!? Sara!? Where are you!?” He began to hear footsteps near him! He began to approach! But as he did, he saw a man come out with a tranquilizer gun in hand, and wearing a black ski mask! He realized what was really going on!” “Finally found you…”

Thinking quickly, Cryo rolled out of the way as he fired one shot, and then focused ice into his paws and SMASHED the assailant across the side of the head! He was knocked to the ground! Cryo quickly broke the tranquilizer gun in his paws and fled from the assailant! “Mick and his crew! I should have known! They set the fire to lure me in here!” He began to go over his options. “It doesn’t matter! Sara is in here somewhere! I need to find her and get her out, before THEY find her!” He nodded to himself and continued on! He began to search around the building as fast as he could! The hear of the fire caused sweat to run down Cryo’s scales… The smoke was beginning to make the dragon a little nauseated! “Ugh… Got to find her… Got to FIND HER!”

He ran across the burning store, when 2 more black masked assailants tried to ambush him as he turned a corner! They tried to smack him with two shock strikers! Thinking quickly, he froze their hands with his ice breath! They gripped their hands with the heavy ice layer formed over them! Cryo then tripped them both with his tail, and fled from them again! He continued his search! Then… he heard a faded call for help! “Momma… Momma… Where are you…” Cryo’s eyes lit up! “That’s Sara!” He turned his head from where the sound was coming from! And he saw an air vent! He began to have an idea… “Going through an air vent with the fire and smoke is not the best idea. But… It can allow me to sneak past Mick’s crew and follow her voice!” He nodded to himself. “Alright… here we go!” He soon leaped into the air and flapped his wings! But then… “There he is! SHOOT HIM DOWN!”

Cryo’s eyes lit up, and he began to see them beginning to fire darts at him! He began to bob and weave across different angles, making himself as hard of a target as possible! But… some of the fire measures activated. And strangely, he saw the measures seemed to be pushing them back, giving him some space between the shooting! “Come on! Come on! Almost there!” He then turned to his right, and saw someone was aiming straight at him! He fired a dart at Cryo! His eyes lit up! He then curled himself into a ball, and the dart just BARLEY sailed past his head! He then smashed into the grate for the air vent right on through! “Darn it! He’s in the ventilation system!” “Don’t just stand there! Smoke him out!”

“Cryo’s eyes lit up again! He knew they were going to throw a tear gas grenade into the vent to force him out of it. He quickly got back on his feet and began to crawl through the vent as fast as possible! He then heard a thump behind him! He knew they managed to get one in! He looked back, and saw the green gas coming towards him! His heart beat like a base drum as he tried to follow to Sara’s voice before the tear gas caught up! “Come on! Come on!! The gas was just about at him, and his heart sunk! But then… “HELP! MOMMA! DADDY!” Cryo’s eyes lit up, and he turned his head to the left! He saw a worker at the store and a Sara, huddled up together, hidden in the manager’s office! He quickly slammed himself into the grate, and burst through! Falling onto the ground hard, as the gas began to trickle in! “C…! Cryo!?” exclaimed Sara! Cryo quickly stood up, and breathed an ice stream at the vent! It was sealed shut, preventing any more gas from entering the room. The rest of the gas inside quickly fizzled out to nothing… He breathed heavily as Sara and the manager looked at him, dumbfounded! Cryo looked at Sara! “Are you two ok!?” “C… Cryo! How did you…” “Hang on!” He found the blueprint for the facility on the wall to the managers office. He had an idea on how to get out! He quickly began to take in a deep breath! Then… he blew a POWERFUL sonic screech against the wall! The wall was blown open towards the hallway outside! “Come with me! Quickly! I can get us out!” They both nodded and followed him! They stepped out of the room into the hall! They quickly turned around a corner, when a masked man came forward! He raised his tranquilzer gun and prepared to fire at Cryo!” “Oh no you don’t!” Cryo took in a quick breath and then blew another sonic screech at him! He was blown straight into the wall and disarmed! Cryo then grabbed him by the head and smashed him with his ice covered fist! He was knocked clean out! “Alright! Come on! There are more of them here! Follow me!” They both nodded and continued to follow him! The ran through the halls, but then, Cryo motioned them to stop. He listened for a second, and heard what sounded to be a large crowd coming towards them! “Oh no… If they find us…” He began to quickly over his options! He then looked at the ceiling! He blew another Sonic screech at the ceiling and collapsed the roof to block to corridor! “Cryo! That was our only way out!” exclaimed the manager from the store! “Nope… I know another way…” Cryo said back. “Huh, said the manager?”

Cryo was about to do something… risky… He knew he wasn’t in his Winter Whiteout form right now… But… like his Sonic Screech, he knew he might be able to still save them… He would tap into a move only recently taught to him… An offensive based dragon attack, that should be used when the situation is truly dire… Frost Fury…”

“Alright… Let’s do this… He began to focus and tap into his deep freezing energies… He breathed in slowly… in, and out… in and out… in and out…” “C…Cryo… your body…” Cryo didn’t realize it at the moment, but his body was… Transforming into his winter whiteout form! He continued to focus into his energies! And then, his eyes lit up and then… A layer of thick ice began to form a barrier around them!” “Cryo…?” And then, All of a sudden, A LARGE BEAM OF ICE shot STRAIGHT FORWARD from the ice covering! Walls caved in and the mercinaries in the path jumped out of the way! And soon, the beam of ice turned into a solid layer of ice… It formed a hollow opening they could move through… Cryo transformed back into his regular form, and began to breath VERY heavily! He was weak… Wave never taught him to manipulate the beam in this way, but somehow… he knew… he could use it to create a tunnel for them to reach safety… “Cryo! Are you ok!?” “Urg… I… feel very… tired…” “Cryo… Come here my baby…” Sara lifted Cryo in her arms and began to carry him through the ice tunnel. The assailants saw them coming through and tried many things to break the barrier of ice seperating them. But… it was useles… The ice was as solid as titaniam… Soon… they made it to the end of the ice tunnel, out of the building from the front. Nia saw Sara coming out with Cryo in her arms. Nia knew… he had saved her life..

“S…! Sara! Cryo!” Nia quickly bolted forward and gave them both a hug! “Are you both ok!?” “Yeah… I’m… I’m fine, momma…” said Sara. She turned to Cryo and saw he seemed to look a bit… hazy… “Cryo… Are you ok?” “I… I’m fine… But… that last ice ability really… drained me of my energy…” Cryo replied back Nia smiled with a couple tears forming in her eyes. “I… See… Thank you… So much for what you’ve done… I…”

“Mom… Let’s take Cryo to our mansion… He needs a… time out…” said Susy. Cryo’s raised his head a bit and looked at her.” “Wait… What…?” Cryo said back. “Cryo! You know you shouldn’t put yourself in such danger! You’re in trouble!” “I…! I…!” He gave a sigh and a nod. He whispered into her ear…” “You’re right… Mama… I… I just wanted to help, but… I put my life in danger… I… I fully deserve a time out… Take me to the mansion please… Put me in a long time out so I think about what I have done… I won’t make a fuss…” She rubbed his head and smiled. She whispered into his ears as well… “I know, my baby… But… A loving mother would rather give her life for her child, then let her child give their life for her. I’m… probably going to have to keep you at the house for the entire week. Make sure your… better… after this incident…” “Alright… I… I can stay at mama’s house for the entire week… But… can you tell Aunt Arianna and Uncle Eli that… I’m going to have to take an extended stay at your mansion? They are probably going to be worried about me if they don’t know where I am…” Nia then spoke up. “Of course, Cryo. I’ll… call them immediately on the way there.” Cryo nodded “Thank you, Grandma…” He turned back to Sara and whispered in her ear again. “Alright, Mama… Time to take me back to your place… I need my training pants and binky now… And I need to take a nice, long time out so I learn not to endanger myself in the future.” “That’s my little Captain. Come on… Your car seat is already ready for you.” Cryo nodded and they took him away towards Nia’s car.

Thankfully, the car seat for him was already out of view for the others, and the windows to her Hover Sudan were tinted. They quickly buckled Cryo in, and Sara placed a nice blanket over him. He felt very relaxed right then, even though he knew what would be coming next. He wondered if Sara had anything else in mind for his punishment other then a… time out… “Alright… let’s head home, My little Capitan Cutie.” Cryo nodded his head slowly, and Nia made the call to Eli and the others on what had transpired on the way to the mansion… Cryo also informed them that… Mick’s crew had started the fire to lure him there… This news hit the mayor hard. They’d have to rely on the police to hopefully deal with the crew before they made their escape. And if they didn’t find them… more preperations would have to be made for the future. And soon enough… they arrived back at the mansion. They parked their vehicle inside the garage and stepped out.

Chapter 28

Toddler Trouble

Sara slowly carried Cryo inside as she slung him over her shoulder and rubbed his back slowly and gently. Nia entered soon after. “Alright, Sara. I’m… going to call the vet clinic in town to… look at him… See if he hurt in any way. I’ll… have to inform them that they’ll need to come here themselves and of the… “special arrangements,” we made at our house… It’s best he stays here rather then be taken to the actual clinic. That… man… he may make another attempt if we… take him directly there.” Cryo knew this would probably mean that the Vet would… see him in training pants… But… he knew that… it was probably best if he just accepts having this secret known to at least her. Cryo only hoped at the moment that when the Vet arrived that she would… play along with the game instead of treating him normal. And she was willing to… keep this a secret… He really wanted Sara to feel happy after what she had been through. He nodded.

“Ok, Grandma… I understand… Hopefully the Vet can fix my… boo boo…” Cryo said. “She’ll do just fine. Now Sara… Why don’t you… take the baby to his room while I… make the arrangements. Ok?” asked Nia “Yes, Mama. I’ll make sure to put this naughty captain in time out.” “Alright. Have fun, Sara…” “Alright. See you a bit later, Mama.” “See you soon, Grandma,” said Cryo. Sara began to gently carry Cryo to his room, rubbing his back as they walked through the halls of the mansion. They soon arrived at his nursery. She opened the door gently, stepped in, and closed the door behind her. Cryo looked towards his play pen in the room. He knew he’d probably be spending his “time out,” in there. “Alright. Let’s get your training pants on quickly, little Captain.” “Ok, Mama.” She nodded a quickly took him to the changing table in the room. She strapped him in and Cryo took in a deep breath and relaxed on the changing table. Strangely… she actually opened the nap and night drawer and pulled a pair of training pants and the baby powder out of it instead. Cryo was confused a bit.

“Huh… It’s not nap time… Right?” he thought. He decided to dismiss it as Sara being a little… loopy after her nasty ordeal. “Alright. Let’s get you all snug, little captain.” She quickly went through the motions of changing him. She powdered him and went through the motions to place it snug around his bottom. Soon enough, he was wearing his training pants proper, and she unhooked him from the table. She then carried him over to a chair in the room, across from his Tv and next to his sofa. She manuvered a strap around his waist and locked him in. “Am I having time out in this seat, Mama?” he asked. “No… You’re going in your play pen. I just need to move the toys out of inside of it, first. No toys in time out.” “Oh. Ok, Mama. I understand. I’ll be good and wait for you to get me ready for my punishment.” “Good. Just wait and think of this as part of your punishment.” “Alright, Mama.” He nodded and waited. She turned the chair towards the play pen and she went inside and began to remove all toys inside. Soon she was finished, and then she walked over and unstrapped him from the seat. “Alright. Let’s get you inside.” Cryo nodded and she slowly carried him over. She opened it and set him down inside. She then closed the door and nodded. “Alright… You have 1 hour in time out. Ok?” said Sara. “1 hour, huh? 1 hour with… nothing… Well… its… honestly a fitting punishment when I think about it… I… really messed up at the bank… Sigh… Best to accept it…” he thought. He then nodded. “Alright, Mama… I’ll stay nice and snug in timeout until a learn to be a good boy again…” “Good. Now… I’ll be back by the time its done. Stay inside.” Cryo nodded and sat down. She moved a baby monitor in the room and placed it on the door of the play pen, and manuvered the baby camera to face the play pen. She soon stepped out of the room. Cryo wondered what he should do before then. “Well… I have 1 hour of… nothing… I wonder what I should do…? I… I wish…” As he was thinking, he saw Sara step back into the room. Cryo looked over to her. “Did you forget something, Mama?” Cryo asked. “Why… yes I did, Cryo.” “What, Mama?” She smiled at him and headed towards the closet in the room. She rummaged through it a bit, and then pulled out a blanket. She smiled and carried it over to Cryo’s play pen. She opened it and placed it inside.

“I got you a nice new blanket for you. You shouldn’t be cold while in time out.” Cryo looked closely at it. He saw it was a nice baby blue blanket, and it showed a cute picture of him wrapped up tightly and carefully in a blanket and sleeping in his pirate ship cradle, and pacifier in his mouth. Above the picture, in an Arch, was the words “Captain Cutie’s Baby Blanket,” in Dark blue letters. It was pretty big and the materials felt like what Greg’s fabrics were. He smiled at Sara and she nodded. “Now be a good boy. Ok?” “Yes mama… Thanks for the blanky.” “Good… Alright… See you when your ready to come out.” “Ok. Bye, Mama.” She nodded and began to head out again. Cryo knew what he wanted to do now. This is what he wanted to wish for. He wrapped the soft blanket tightly around his body and laid down on the soft floor. All of a sudden, he heard the sound of naptunes on the radio in the room. He realized Craft must have already picked up on what was going on. The pleasant melody worked on Cryo’s mind and he soon fell into a deep, deep, slumber. Not long after, someone peeked in the room again. She saw Cryo asleep inside, and nodded. “Alright… He’s asleep… Good… Better get him into his cradle quickly…” she thought. She crept towards the play pen and slowly opened the door. She slowly and gently picked him up and rubbed his back. She slowly carried him to the cradle. She pulled the blankets back and gently placed him in. She pulled the covers up, and finally carefully manuvered a pacifier between his jaws. She already began to hear Cryo sucking a bit on it. She then gently rubbed his head a bit as he rested peacefully. “There we go… Captain… Thank you for saving me…” She gave him a nice kiss on the forehead, and then she turned toward the baby monitor and camera in the room, and went over to pick it up. She began to speak into it.”

“Craft?” she asked? “Yes, Mother Sara?” “I… want to rearrange Cryo’s schedule during the day.” “Why of course! I saw the… youngster managed to get himself a time out today. I find it hard to believe he got into trouble. He’s usually VERY well behaved.” “Oh… I think I’ll… discuss this with you later.” “Of course, Mother Sara. Now… What needs to be changed?” “I want to… arrange a change in his… sleep schedule during the day.” “Why of course! What are the changes?” “Well… He’ll need more sleep, due to the incident that happened today. But that’s for later. I want Cryo to have 1 extra nap during the day.” “An extra nap?” “That’s right. I want to put him down to sleep 4 times a day now.” “Very good. What are the new times going to be for the baby?” “I want him to wake up at about 8:00 A.M. or as late as 8:20 A.M. and have breakfast with him and watch Tykes TV. His first nap will be at 10:00 A.M. and sleep until at least 12:30 P.M for lunch and play. I also need another naptime at least 2:30 P.M. to about… 4:00 P.M for playing a bit. After that. I want one more at 5:10 P.M to at least 6:45 P.M. After that nap, he should be awake for dinner, a bath, and some play time. Finally, he is to be put to bed for the night at 8:00 P.M. He needs more sleep as his body recovers from the… incident.” “Very well, Mother Sara. Do you believe there is anything else you’ll need? “Umm… Yes… I’m not sure if you can help, but… I want something… special for when he wakes up tomorrow. I have a feeling he’ll be asleep for the rest of the night. “What is it?” “Well… I wanted to talk to my own Momma about getting Cryo a… few things and additions to his room… But most importantly, I need… a couple of special outfits.” “What outfits?” “Well… I… need to contact the seamstress again who made the new set of blankets and clothes for the baby this week. I need for her to make for my little captain… a couple of… Custom Superhero costumes tailored to him for play time… And I need to work with them on the designs before tomorrow…”

Chapter 29

Precise Planning…

Cryo slowly opened his eyes and yawned. He looked around and saw he was in the dojo. He looked around, and saw the place had bubbles floating all over it… He is immediately reminded of bath time with Sara… “Huh… What’s with the dojo, looking like… a bubble bath of all things? Well… I suppose it doesn’t matter. I’m sure I’ll know soon enough.” He looked at himself, and he was in his sea Serpent transformation. He realized he should have known right as he saw the bubbles. He got up and headed towards his dojo outfit. He saw it seemed to show bubbles running through it. While curious, he shrugged and quickly put it on. As he finished, he saw Wave coming into his room. “Ahh… There’s my… toddler troublemaker.” She chuckled a bit. Cryo looked to see if his rig suit was… training pants on him. But it seemed to instead be a wristband, like hers. He was glad he wasn’t going to play the prank on him again… He smiled at Wave.

“Yup… In timeout right now. Guess I have to think about my choices, huh?” “Oh Cryo… I think you’ll find the choices you have made might not necessarily brought you down a… darker path…” “But… Mick got the idea of burning a building down to lure me in to rescue the people trapped inside, because I stopped that bank robbery… He…” “And what would have happened if you didn’t stop that robbery, Cryo?” “W… Well…” “Cryo… things like this are going to happen… Mick is… well… to say ambitious is an understatement. He would have done something just as awful even if you just… ignored the robbery, to lure you out… I think you realize it… He’s been having a TON of trouble pinpointing you… In fact… he’s desperate at this point.” “Wait… Desperate?” Wave nodded at him. She opened the door and gestured her head to have him follow her towards the pool.

“Craft Hasn’t had a chance to tell you something important… He was actually going to tell you when you got home that day. Craft and the members at home have been cracking down their organization.” “Wait…! Really!?” “That’s right… Craft has been invaluable in causing problems in their ENTIRE group. Many of the higher ranking government and standard mercenary groups have been detained and arrested. And many of the ones promised powerful weapons technology by enslaving you to make them are ALREADY being rounded up. Mick and his crew are now being driven into a corner. He doesn’t understand how the military is cracking down on his crew so hard…” Cryo chuckled… “He never considered I’d make such a… smart and powerful AI. Huh?” “Exactly… I myself have… never seen an AI unit so… protective of you…” “P… Protective?” “That’s right… He’s been watching over you since you started… He was actually helpful when you got your “mama,” out of the building. “Really?” “That’s right. He’s always been watching over you in every camera in town. He follows you everywhere. When Mick and the others lured you in, he reacted… quite brilliantly!” “Please tell me he didn’t… kill someone…” “No. Despite his desire for your protection, he has always kept in mind that he can’t just… end lives. This is a rather… rare quality for an AI. Instead… He hacked into the building and its electronic gadgets and such. He sealed off doors that they could have used to get to your position faster. He also used it to split up their divisions across the store. He activated fire prevention measures at a higher pressure and leaking some chemicals into the liquids to blind and surprise them so he could allow you just a few seconds more to react. He even managed to take control of some of their vehicles for moving crates and such! He used them to block the way out of the garage, where they had stashed their vehicles for their escape! This one move had caused a lot of them to have to try to get away on foot! And this allowed for several of them to be detained by the police! Mick had lost a great deal of the mercenaries at his disposal in this one instance! But… I think you realize…” “Mick… He’s being forced into a corner… With everything falling apart around him, he’ll… probably go as far as it takes… to take me now…” She nodded to him, as they stood by the water…

“One thing Craft can’t figure out… is where he and his crew are operating from… He’s done his best, but he can’t track where their primary base of operations is… If they can just do that, he’ll be finished. Considering he took you far to the north of the continent, I think you can guess that it must be somewhere North of here. How far, neither I or Craft knows.” “I understand…” “Good… Your battle against Mick has entered a deciscive phase. Keep a steady eye out, and wait for an opportunity to move against him. You have one advantage over him right now.” “And what is that?” Wave chuckled a bit. “With so much of his organization falling apart, and with so much trouble you caused him, he’ll come after you himself at this point.” Cryo scratched his chin a bit. But then he realized what she meant! “So… I make myself… bait for him…” She nodded. “Listen to me very carefully… When you wake up, tell this plan to Nia, Sara, and Craft. Once I tell you it… We’ll train today…” Cryo nodded and sat down and listened to Wave’s plan…”

Chapter 30

Bubble Bound

Time passed, and Cryo and Wave had settled down with their plan. They soon attached the oxygen rebreather to their mouths and jump into the water for the actual training today. They swam through a bit, and then they stopped in the water.

“Alright Cryo… We’ve been practicing your abilities with ice and water for some time now. You’ve become quite good at it! Now… We’re going to finally try something a bit more advanced. Even for a water dragon like you. Now… I’ve noticed recently you’ve seem to be able to use your abilities from both the Sea Serpent form and the Winter Whiteout form without being in it’s natural environment. I’m not exactly sure if it’s the flow lily in your bandanna, or if its just special qualities with you personally. Regardless though, I think we can both guess you simply won’t have to worry about that detail. We should just assume that you’ll be free to use those abilities as if you were. With this in mind, we’ll be using something that should help you with keeping Mick and his… partners at bay for the plan.” “What is it?” “This first attack is called, Bubble bind!” “Bubble… Bind?” “That’s right. Watch…” She gestured her hand to her side, and Cryo saw a dojo dummy come into view. She turned toward it. “Alright… Now… You remember when we first talked about the Sea Slicer?” “Umm… Yeah. But… I don’t remember everything you said.” “Alright… I told you that the sea sliver should be used in tandem with another attack! When the enemy has to go to the surface of the water when their diving gear is broken, you should use this to prevent them from escaping. It also can be used to help those who can’t survive under more… volatile conditions underwater and pocket of breathable air and safety in the event they might be in danger of drowning. Watch…

She began to clasp her hands together. She began focusing her water energy between both hands. Then, she quickly thrust her hands forward and opened them up! A small bubble shot out of her hand! But then, it seemed to grow bigger, and bigger, and bigger! Soon it connected with the dummy, and sucked the dummy inside of it! The bubble had now taken the dummy inside of it. “Hmm… Interesting” Cryo said. “Quite, my grandson. Don’t think for a second that bubble that dummy is trapped in is normal. You might not realize this, but that bubble is VERY strong! Poking it with a pointy object isn’t exactly going to pop it either. It’s not really a water bubble… It’s more like… a barrier. It’s primary purpose is to either serve as a way to take something captive without causing major bodily harm to it, or… in extremes when your allies might be in danger, offer a form of major protection around them. Granted… keep in mind… Your ally who’s being protected should… probably not try to fight with it around them… Also… watch this…”

“She held her hand towards the dummy in the bubble. She began to grip her paw slowly… Cryo saw the bubble shrink, as she gripped her paw. Then… she quickly closed her palm, and the bubble condensed around his entire body tightly! The dummy looked to be a bit… squished in there…” “The bubble bind, is condensed water dragon energy that comes from the hands. Therefore, the bubble is adjustable by using the hands. Closing your fist with you hand outstretched to it will cause the bubble to condense around the target! This should be used when the target is about ready to be transported to somewhere else. Something like… I think humans call it ropes… can be used instead while the target is condensed to get them ready for transport to somewhere else.” “Oh! I see! That’s… interesting. And cool honestly. But… Is it possible to… well… Erm… crush the target inside… I… don’t like that thought…” “Thankfully no… Closing your paw will never crush the thing inside. It will only condense fully on their body and prevent any form of movement inside of it. Makes them simply easier to manage. Be careful though… It might be strong, but it’s not invincible. VERY strong foes will most likely have to be weakened and tired out in order to use this to take them. Also… larger targets require more focus and time in your paws while your charging them to form it around them.” “Ahh… That must be what this training is about tonight. Huh?” “That’s right. This is a simple move, but the goal with it is to use it in tandem with other abilites in you arsenal to weaken, capture, and secure targets for the future. While I’m… not sure how this move will react while… outside the water. Theres a chance that this might not work outside at all. But… I think you must realize that for the plan to work, you need every advantage you can think of. “Of course. I understand.” “Now. I suggest we practice this the entire time your asleep. We’ll be using a wide array of dojo dummies to help manage focus and timing.” “Ok. Let’s get started!”

Another dojo dummy came swimming forward and then stood still. Cryo began to position himself a bit of ways away. He put on his headband and could feel the power coursing through him. “Alright, my grandson. This dummy is nice and small, and will require less focusing of elemental energy to encapsulate it. Are you ready?” “Yeah! I’m ready. Grandma!” “Good! Begin focusing and storing energy into your paws and when you feel its, enough, shoot!” Cryo nodded. He began to clasp his paws together. He turned to his side and began focusing his elemental energy into them. He could feel the bubble forming in his palms. “Good! Good! Now… Whenever your ready… UNLEASH IT!” He nodded. He looked forward at the dummy, and then… he moved quickly shifted his hands forward and opened his paws! A small bubble began moving quickly along the water! It soon connected to the dummy and encapsulated it inside! Wave nodded!” “Good! Good! Now… Why don’t you try to constrict it into the bubble? Just move either of your hands forward towards the bubble, and focus just a bit more elemental power into it. Then, just close your fist to constrict it inside!” Cryo nodded. He moved his hand forward towards the bubble, and then focused a bit more of his power into it. Then, he quickly closed his fists! The bubble quickly condensed around the dummy even further! It looked to be quite tightly packed inside now!” “Good, Cryo! Good! Now… Why don’t we try a bigger dummy, without your headband.”

A new dummy came into the scene. It was much larger and had the shape of a dragon! Cryo quickly took his headband off and gave it to Wave. “Alright, Cryo. This is going to take a bit more time due to its size. Don’t try to charge this to quickly. You’ll end up exhausting yourself faster… Ok? The key for targets of different sizes is to know how long you should charge the ability. Smaller take less time. Larger targets take a bit more! One more thing I haven’t mentioned… The targets size doesn’t matter when it comes to their strength. Even something small may contain powerful energies and strength inside of it. Remember that when using this ability, to NOT underestimate the strength of the target. It should be weakened and tired out through battle before you try to capture it. Ok?” “Ok. Good. Now… Try it on that dummy.” “Cryo nodded and then began to charge for a bit. But as he did, he… felt a bit strange… Wave then saw that he began to glow! “Cryo? Are you ok?” But he wasn’t listening… His focus was in his hands and at his target! Then, he unleashed the attack! A bubble in a nice Cyan glow came forward and quickly encapsulated the large dummy! Wave was confused at what just happened though!”

“Cryo? You charged for… a bit longer then I expected… I would have said that… it was probably too long… But then… Why were you lighting up like that?” “I… I don’t… know, Grandma? I… I felt as I was charging, something… awakened inside of me. I can’t explain it, to be honest…” He turned toward the Dummy again, and decided to try to condense the bubble around it. He held his palm forward, and then focused for just a second. Then, he closed his fist! But to both their surprises, the bubble SHRANK along with the dummy inside of it! Both of their eyes lit up!” “C…! Cryo…! That’s… I’ve never seen this happen before!” “Umm… That seems… dangerous… I… shrunk the… thing inside of it… How do I… change it back… I… don’t think I want something to be… that size the rest of its life…” “Umm… Why don’t we take a closer look at it…” They both swam forward and took a look at the small bubble with the dragon dojo dummy inside. They saw it had indeed shrunk to a small size, instead of being constricted tightly… “Well… I can say one thing… Even something quite strong would be… VERY MUCH WEAKENED being… encapsulated like this… And… I’m not sure they’d… want to break out being that size…” “Still… HOW DO I BRING IT BACK TO NORMAL?!” “I… I don’t really… know, Cryo… Maybe… try to focus energy into your palm again? Instead of closing it, open it instead…” “Well… Alright… Worth a shot…” He pointed his paw at the dojo dummy, and closed his fist. Then he focused energy into his paw again, and slowly opened it. As he did, the bubble became bigger, along with the creature inside of it! Soon, it was back to normal size. Cryo breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank goodness…” “Cryo… This is… I don’t think ANY ferrin dragon had ever done this with the Bubble Bind ability before…” “Could it be from… the Flo Lily? I… am wearing my bandanna right now…” “Let me say it again… NO Ferrin Dragon has ever achieved this before… There were Ferrin dragons who… consumed a Flo Lily before. But this has never been achieved before…” “I’m… worried about… how this could end up getting someone crushed…” “Why don’t you… try it again… Maybe… we can make it work how it normally does. Anyway… to release something from the bubble bind, just hold your arms spread out. Then focus energy into both paws again, and then smash them against the bubble. Keep in mind though… This should only be done AFTER the creature inside is… restrained by other means already. Now… Why don’t you try it?” “Ok, Grandma.” Cryo did as he was told. He quickly held his paws spread out to the sides. He focused for a little bit. Then he clapped them on the bubble! It immidiatly popped and was gone.” “Good! Good, Cryo!” Now… umm… Try the bubble bind again. Except… Maybe… take less time to… charge it perhaps?” “Alright Grandma.”

Cryo began to go through the motions again. He held his paws to his side, focused just a bit of energy, and then sent the bubble forward! It once again encapsulated the dragon dummy! “Alright… Now… Will it shrink again?” Cryo asked. “I don’t know really. I didn’t see you glow this time. Now that I think about it… I didn’t see you begin to glow this time, and you really didn’t take a long time to charge… Yet the bubble was big enough to successfully ecapsulate the creature… Hmm… Interesting… Well… Try condensing it again, my little grandson.” “Umm… Alright, Grandma…” Cryo took in a deep breath… He held his paw forward and focused just a bit of energy. He quickly closed his paw, and sure enough… the bubble condensed on the dummy. It stayed the same size as the dummy this time…

“Well… Looks like it… Worked normally. Hmm… Fascinating. From what I can see Cryo… the amount of time it takes a normal Ferrin Dragon to encapsulate a target of that size seems to instead… at least in your case… alters the bubble bind to… shrink the target to… weaken it EVEN FURTHER! Not to mention that shrinking it like that would make it FAR easier to transport to somewhere else! No need for really any more restraint devices. All you’d really have to do is carry the shrunk individual with you to somewhere they could be better managed.” “That sounds… Pretty cool actually! But… I’m still worried about… well… possibly stepping or dropping something that’s… shrunk like that… That could… probably break some bones or worse…” “Well… I suppose if you use it this way, that you should… just be VERY careful when… carrying it around…” “Yeah… Yeah… I suppose that’s all I could really do.” “Yes… Well… That was… a fun experiment tonight… Strange though… This happened AFTER you took off the headband! I wonder if for some reason… the headband was actually WEAKENING your ability, rather then better manage it!?” “Well… I… really can’t say, Grandma…” “Well… Why don’t we practice this ability a bit more tonight. We’ll also practice with your other abilities tonight as well. Your ALREADY becoming quite masterful at them! Your dojo belt is almost a nice black! Just a bit more practicing and you should be a master!” “Well… Alright, Grandma! Let’s continue practicing!”

So… time passed in the night… Cryo continued to work on his training for the night. After a while, Cryo heard what sounded like a clock! He turned at Wave. “Ahh! Look like it’s finally 8:00, Cryo. “Huh… 8:00 P.M?” “Nope… 8:00 A.M.” “Wait… What!?” “You’ve been asleep since 5:00 last night.” “I… Am I ok?” “Don’t worry, Grandson. “Mama Sara,” decided you needed extra sleep last night. You’ve been resting nice and peacefully in your cradle.” “Huh…? My Cradle?” She chuckled a bit. “That’s right. Sara moved you back into it right as you fell asleep. I must say… You look ADORABLE sleeping in it!” “I… Haha… Alright, Grandma…” “Now… She is expecting you to wake up soon. She has some special in mind for you when you wake up. I suggest that before you inform them of the plan, you… take a few days off and stay with her. The Frost Fury technique you used outside of the water was MASTERFULLY done, but your body will probably be a bit weak until a bit of time has passed. No sense trying something like this until your in top condition. Ok?” “Alright, Grandma.” “Good. Give “mama,” a nice kiss from me! And… I’m guessing your going to need to be… changed… right as you wake up?” She chuckled again. “Haha… Yeah grandma… Laugh it up…” “Oh grandson… Just relax and take some time off. You won’t be dreaming of the dojo for awhile. I think I should let you just dream normally for awhile.” “Well… Alright then…” “Don’t worry. Once everything is in motion, I’ll bring you back one more time before things heat up back home for one more night of practice. Anyway… Have a good day with “Mama!” “Alright. I will, grandma!” She nodded and gave a kiss on his forehead. Cryo went to his room in the dojo. He hanged his gear up on a hanger. Then… he laid on the blue mass, closed his eyes, and everything flashed to white!”

Chapter 31

Proper Play Pen

Cryo opened his eyes slowly. He gave out a yawn, as his eyes began to focus. He realized quickly he was indeed in his cradle in the center of his nursery. He heard soothing music in his ears. He realized that naptunes was playing from his pirate ship radio by his cradle. He realized Sara must of learned from Craft that he tends to sleep longer when Naptunes is playing as he rests. But the music suddenly cut off not long after he noticed it. He also realized his pacifier was in his mouth. He knew Sara must of put it in while he was sleeping. He let go of it and it then began to hang down from his neck. “Ahh… Good morning…” He said as he began to lean forward in the cradle.

“Ahh! There’s the little tyke! How are you this morning, little guy?” said Craft. Cryo turned towards where his radio was, smiled, and chuckled. “Ohh! I’m doing fine, Craft.” “That’s good. You slept quite well last night! Sara was worried you might wake up in the middle of the night!” “Well… I did have naptunes playing…” “Quite! I hoped that you’d sleep well, youngster! Now… Why don’t I inform your mama that you woke up at the right time… Right at 8:04!” “Haha. Alright Craft. Have to get ready for play day with Sara. I’m not sure if you know, but… I’m going to have to stay here all week. Sara needs… support right now…” “I’m already aware of the… incident at Toys for Tots. To think that… Its disgraceful what those brutes did… Luckily…” “Yeah… I know you helped me get through that already, Craft…” “Huh… R… Really? But… How did you know?” “Umm…” Cryo realized he probably shouldn’t tell him about the training or the plan at the moment. He quickly began to think of an excuse…” “I… heard some weird mechanical sounds while I was making my escape… I… also saw the camera’s were… watching me as I made my way through… I… suspected that you might have… done something to assist me.” “My my, little toddler. Your QUITE observant!” “Y… Yeah… I suppose. Anyway, I think I’ve kept you long enough. Get mama in here before she… uhh… gets mad at me again…” “Very well! Don’t worry! Mama isn’t too upset with your little outburst yesterday! She will be here to pick you up for a nice scrumptious breakfast pretty soon! One more thing though…” “What, Craft?” “Your mama has a little surprise waiting for you! Something had crawled its way into your cradle last night! And that’s only the beginning of her surprise! Enjoy, little tyke!” “Haha! Alright! I’ll check!” “Oh… Also… You just woke up, so your going to need to…” “Yeah… I know, Craft. I know she’ll want to change me right as I get out of my Cradle this morning.” “Very good, little guy! Be good and wait for mama now!” “Haha. I will.”

He smiled and began to check around his cradle a bit. He then saw his Tidal plush had been scooched under the covers near him. He knew Sara wanted him to snuggle with it. But upon closer observation, Tidal looked a bit… different… He began to take a closer look! “Huh… Tidal… Kind of looks like… one of those comic book hero’s. That’s… a bit weird. Yet… I do like the look!”

His Tidal the Stormfall plush had been dressed up a bit. He no longer looked like an adorable pirate. He turned it all around and began to closely observe it. It had a Pirate doo rag wrapped around is head, but this time it was. white and it also was extended below the plushies eyeline, and there were holes cut into it to make it look sort of like a mask. It was wearing snow white training pants around his tail fin, with a black snowflake on the bottom and on top. It’s body was covered in a Cyan action suit that had a Dragon’s head that looked like Cryo’s that was wearing a similar white doo rag in the same fashion as it was in the center where its belly was. It had some type of watch on its left fin that imitated a tiny computer. It had a golden belt above where its training pants was that had items attached to it. It had what looked like a metal wire wrapped around a small cropping, like maybe a rope, a pair of goggles that could fit around its the plushie’s eyes, and a what looked to be a sword holster! He took a closer look at the holster, and realized he could take the sword out of it. He pulled the sword from the holster and took a look at it. It was a finely curved plastic sword, with a black snowflake pictured on the white plastic blade. The hilt of the sword looked pretty nice, as it was a nice Cyan, and it had a rather pretty sapphire connected to both sides! The sapphires looked… real… Felt real too… Written in the hilt of the left side of the sword, were the words, “Snowcalibur, Legendary sword of the Superhero Sidekick, Snowflake!” “Superhero Sidekick?” Thought Cryo. He placed the sword back in its holster and then continued to observe the plush. It had a light blue cape, that had the picture of a large snowflake as well, with the words “Snowflake, Precious Sidekick of the hero, Avalanche!” “The hero, Avalanche? Huh? What’s this all about?” He scratched his head a few times. “Hmm… This actually has me really interested now. What is “Mama’s,” surprise this morning? Hmm…” He took Tidal into his hands and began to cuddle with it in his arms to please Sara. He realized he smelt quite clean and his fabrics felt very nice to touch. Soon enough, Cryo heard the door to his nursery open and saw Sara step inside. He put on a big smile to greet Sara.

“There’s my baby boy!” she said, happy to see Cryo awake. “Good morning, Mama!” “Good morning, my little Superhero!” “S… Superhero?” “That’s right! Oh do I have something for you! Your going to LOVE it!” “Crafty did tell me you had a surprise for me, today, Mama!” “That’s right! Now… Let me get you out of your cradle! I’m sure your a wet little boy right now and need a nice change!” “Umm… Yeah Mama! I think I’m leaky right now…” Well… Only one way to check! Come here, Avalanche!” “Huh… Avalanche again?” thought Cryo. Sara quickly lifted him out of his cradle and cradled Cryo in he arms. “Alright… Hang on, little Avalanche…”

She pulled his training pants forward a bit… And sure enough… “Just as I suspected! I knew you were a wet little boy!” “Umm… Yeah, Mama! Better change me, huh?” That’s right… Let me take you over to the changing table. Ok?” “Ok, Mama.” She slung Cryo over her shoulder and began to rub his back and walk towards his changing table. But as Cryo looked over her shoulder, he realized… something in his room had… DRASTICALLY changed! His play pen!

His play pen now had a Tv added to it inside! It was quite big and above a large cabinet. The Tv and Cabinet were bolted down tightly! It also showed what looked like a keyboard on top of the cabinet where the Tv was. The Tv looked like a GIGANTIC computer screen, and the cabinet below was colored a deep blue and the sides seemed to have the same picture that was on Tidal’s belly of his new costume. The cabinet below contained a chip drive movie player and a bunch of movies stored inside that was behind a glass window with opaque padding against it. He wondered how it operates, as it looked like there was no way to open it… Lined up to the TV, was a small sofa, that was a nice white, and there was a picture on the back of a Cartoony Cryo, smiling and chewing on his pacifier and seemingly in a rather cool looking action costume with a white doo rag mask, a light blue suit with deep blue pads aligning where the his shoulders were on his front limbs, light blue training pants with a snowflake pattern all across them, and his paws had dark blue gloves fitted around them that had the picture of a snowflake on top. Hanging over his back, was another superhero cape! He couldn’t get a good look at it in the picture though… He was standing heroically on top of a building in a city as snow fell around him. His paws were against his sides and he was standing on his back two legs up firmly, with his bulging and muscular chest held forward proudly! High up, out of reach (if he doesn’t fly up to get them…) seemed to be several outfits that seemed… his size, hanging on metal divots on the wall. They looked like action suits as well and were similar to Tidal’s costume. The colors were a bit different on each one and the picture where the belly was seemed to be different from one another though… He couldn’t make out what they exactly looked like though, except the one on the center costume, which matched Tidals. There was a stack of what looked like Superhero Comic books and such near where the front where the door was! There were a few nice toddler toys inside to play with and Cryo saw that his plush crewmates and “rivals,” were also inside! They seemed to be wearing new outfits as well! But he couldn’t get a better look at them at the moment… The door to the inside seemed to have changed as well. The netting on the door was blue, and the door seemed to be separated into 2 halves! It seemed the door could be opened at Cryo’s height or Sara’s, to allow them inside the area. It also seemed to have a rather intricate baby proofing locking system to be able to seal both doors from the inside or out in the event Cryo needed to be put in there and remain there for a bit. There was a Light Blue plaque above it that showed the words “Secret Superhero Lair of Avalanche, the Ariel Augmented Dragon!” in white letters. Beside the Plaque, seemed to be Cryo’s head covered in the doo white doo rag mask again with the rest of his head in black silhouette. He was surprised his play pen had been changed this much! Sara strapped Cryo to his changing table, rubbed his belly a few times, and smiled. She began to change him gently… Cryo looked as his play pen again as Sara wiped him down with a baby wipe on his “afflicted,” area.

“Mama! My play pen looks different!” She smiled again as she began to powdered him gently… “That’s right, my little Superhero! That’s your new “secret lair!” “My… new secret lair?” “That’s right! Do you like it?” “Well… Yeah I do! Looks so cool! But… What happens if I get in trouble? Won’t you have to move all of that stuff out?” She smiled again and began to rummage around the “Day and play,” door of the changing table for a pair of training pants. She pulled a set out and began to fit it around his tail. “Well… I’ve been thinking, my little Superhero! Using your play pen for punishment… doesn’t seem like the right thing to do.” “Wait… Does that mean… I’m going to be… Spanked instead…? “WHAT!? ABSOLUTELY NOT! OUT OF THE QUESTION! Who gave you that idea?! That’s cruel! I wouldn’t do that to my little Superhero!” “Then… how will I be punished instead then?” Sara smiled again lifted up Cryo’s legs and began to slide the training pants under his bottom. “Well… I thought about it. And… I feel like the reason you acted out yesterday, is because… you were getting cranky…” “I was… cranky?” “That’s right. I felt like you were not getting enough sleep, young man. So… Instead of putting you in you play pen with nothing for time outs, I think its FAR better to instead put you down for a nice, long nap, if you start acting up.” “A nap, mama?” “That’s right. I also changed your nap time schedule. You will be getting one more nap each day.” “One more nap? Well… Ok, mama.” “That’s a good boy.” She pulled the flap to the training pants around Cryo’s crotch, and then attached the back flaps to the front. “There you go! I bet you feel much better now, Avalanche!”

He looked at his training pants, and saw it was a different design then usual. “Hmm… This is the same training pants as in the picture of me on that building. Actually feels… even nicer then before! I think the materials are… better for comfort and… spillage. Hmm… Wait… Does she plan to…” Cryo’s eyes lit up brightly! He then gave a nice smile. Sara picked him up and began to carry him to the play pen. “Mama… Are you going to… dress me up like a superhero!?” “Haha! That’s right! Your superhero name is Avalanche, The Augmented Ariel Dragon!” “That’s… SO AWESOME, Mama! I… I have never been a superhero before!” “That’s right! Your play pen is you secret lair! We installed a new door to come and go inside as you please! It’s currently unlocked so you just have to pull it open to get inside! But… if I need to leave for a bit, I’m going to have to activate the child proof locks and have Craft watch over you while you play in the secret lair! I can’t just leave you to wander the room on your own. Ok?” “Yeah! That sounds alright, Mama.” “Good. Now… We have to get my little Cryo into his Superhero suit, so he can SAVE THE WORLD!”

Chapter 32

Suit Up Situation

She took him over to the inside of the play pen, and opened the door above. The system in place also caused the door below it to open along with it. She stepped inside and then set Cryo down beside where his new superhero costumes were. “Alright, Avalanche. Which part of the world do you need to save today? Do you need to go to a deep, underwater facility, and need to wear your “Undersea Suit?”

She pointed to the suit on the left. Cryo observed it closely… It seemed to look like a legitimate wetsuit, except for a dragon like him! It was very dark blue, and on the chest of the suit, showed Cryo’s head, but this time wearing the mask for the suit and a pair of what appeared to be some technologically advanced scuba goggles with a oxygen mask connected to where the mouth was. He could see a little bit of a oxygen tank behind his head. It seems the suit itself seemed to had kept in mind his Sea Serpent Transformation with it’s framework. It seems that there were flaps where his head and back fin were, so it could extend outside of the suit, without exposing the body to the cold waters of the sea. He remembered that he transformed when swimming in the indoor pool at the mansion with Sara. The suit seemed… quite nice actually! “Hmm… This looks like a legitimate underwater diving suit for a dragon like me. But… I wonder if it works? Hmm…” Sara pointed to the next suit in the play pen.

“Or do you need to wander deep into a dark, foreboding enemy base, where the bad guys nasty crew want to hunt you down and capture you and turn you into their servant! You’ll need to blend into the dark corridors and strike where they least expect it to stop them!” Cryo looked at it. He saw this one was based on ninja apparatus! The suit was very dark in color and the fabrics seemed to extend to every part of his body to cover it. There seemed to be another pair of advanced goggles hanging up with it. The mask for it was two part. A black doo rag mask would cover Cryo’s upper head, while the fabrics connected to the neckline would cover the rest of Cryo’s face, and hide his identity. The body had a more… subtle picture then the others. It showed Cryo’s head again, but it was covered completely in the mask and googles, and the colors on it were not too bright, so it would still be hidden in dark corridors, and such. There was a thick, black belt along the waistline, that seemed to be a utility and gadget belt. He wondered for a minute if Sara put actual gadget toys and such inside the belt to play with along with the suit. There were thick black gloves and socks with the suit. Upon closer observation, it seemed that they had imitation magnetic climbers attached to where the paws were to “climb,” up metal surfaces. There were extensions of silk on the back of the suit, clearly to cover his wings and keep them hidden. Below was black pants made specifically for a dragon. It seemed to have another extension of black silk coming off the back out of it as well, for Cryo’s tail to be covered up. “This suit is quite imaginative! A ninja dragon? Huh… I like the thought of that actually.” Cryo thought. He was getting excited at the thought of wearing one of these cool suits. Sara then showed him the last one.

“Or does my little Avalanche need to protect the people of our beautiful snowy city, and needs to be able to move around a look like a REAL superhero!” She pointed to the last one. Cryo recognized it immediately! It was the one that was displayed on the back of his chair! The cool white doo rag mask. The light blue suit with deep blue pads, and dark blue gloves. Cryo saw his cape hanging next to it! He got a better look at it. Cryo saw his cape seemed to show a mountain with snow falling quickly off of it, and the words… “Hero of the City! Avalanche, The Augmented Ariel Dragon!” in gold letters! “You know… This suit looks AMAZING! I… Yeah. I’m defiantly going with that costume today.” Cryo thought. Sara headed back towards him and rubbed his head.

So… What type of world saving will you be doing today, Avalanche?” “Well… I want to protect the city today!” “Haha! Alright! Come here you! Let’s get you into the proper attire!” She grabbed the outfit and then took it off the hanger. “Alright! Hold still, Avalanche!” Cryo nodded and Sara began to fit him into the outfit. Cryo could tell immediately that this outfit followed Gregs method of making fabrics. It felt very warm and cozy. Soon, Sara carefully manuvered the white doo rag mask over Cryo’s head. “Alright! Why don’t I take you in front of a mirror so you can see yourself in your new suit, Avalanche!” Cryo nodded and Sara took him to a mirror near his closet in the room. She placed him down on the floor and Cryo looked at himself. His eyes lit up brightly! He smiled at how AMAZING he looked now!” “I really do look like a superhero with this on! Except with the training pants, of course…” He thought. He turned himself around and saw his nice cape flowing behind him. He chuckled and smiled. “Well… I’m not going to be a real superhero of course, but… this is fun nonetheless!” he thought. He looked over to his Plushies next. He saw they were in a very similar costume as Cryo’s Tidal plush was. The lightvolt plushies however, looked like mercenaries in dark military gear. Cryo chuckled at the thought of playing “Hero,” with his plush gang.

“Well… Do you like it, Avalanche?” He looked at Sara and gave a smile! “Yeah, Mama! I’m ready to save the day!” “That’s a good boy! But first, a superhero can’t save the world on an empty stomach, now can he?” “Huh?” Cryo’s stomach rumbled and Sara heard it. She chuckled. “See! Even your tummy is telling you that you can’t help the city without some nice breakfast!” “Haha! Yeah, Mama! Come on. I’m sure everyone else wants to see the new superhero in town!” “That’s right. Let’s get you to the breakfast table! I’ll show you your playmates later! You already Tidal ready to assist you! Your other little buddies will help you conquer the EVIL lightvolt baddies out to take over the world!” “Yeah! I can’t wait!” She picked up Cryo and cradled him in her arms. She went to the door and left the room, and hurried over to the dining room to show everyone the new little “Superhero,” in the house.

Chapter 33

Before the Battle…

So the week passed by for the “Superhero,” Avalanche. Sara would give him plenty of time to play in his “Secret lair.” He would read the nice comics Sara gave him, play “pretend,” with his plush toys in front of her, who always laughed at the wacky situations Cryo came up with while “saving the world.” He made use the Tv inside of it, which used a rather cool mechanical system inside the container below it to change the movies or young children’s programs he wanted to watch. The keyboard below the tv was made to select the movies or shows that were on chip drive movie players. Cryo could watch as the clever mechanical device takes the chip drive stored below and insert it into the tv system behind the glass window, which he did enjoy seeing. He did have to attend school for the week, but due to the rather… dangerous situation going on with him right now, he took his classes at the house by using the Online Compcall app. Eli brought Cryo’s home computer to the house before the school week started. Sara, despite that, STILL expected him to wear training pants even during school hours at home. But the mayor had thought ahead on that and made him some regular dragon pants to hide it when in school in front of his computer. Sara would accompany him the entire time of school hours. Thankfully, she never embarrassed him during classes. She called his school “preschool,” nonetheless, which actually made him chuckle quite a bit. In the event that he DID need to have a “break,” during school hours, he’d simply tell the teacher and Sara would lead him back into his nursery to change him. Soon enough, it was late in the day on Friday. He was attending school for the day, in his final class.

“Alright everyone. Our English’s class is just about wrapped up. Now we just have just one more student who needs to give his poem for the week. I think we know who it is, huh? Cryo?” Cryo was writing on a piece of paper for an short story due at a later date. He heard his name and lifted his head up. He looked at the screen of his computer. “Oh! Is it finally my turn to share, Ms. Harper?” “That’s right. Since your… well… having to take classes from the mayors house due to… erm… Never mind…” Cryo moved camera computer around and saw each and every person staring. He saw their worried faces. He knew they had heard what had happened to him and Sara at Toy’s for Tots… He gave a small sigh. Sara then gripped his right paw and brought it up a bit, and gently stroked up and down his arm and palm off screen with one finger. He began to smile and relax. She seemed to always know when he’s feeling a bit nervous or uncomfortable during school. He smiled and brought his poem forward. He looked at Sara, and she nodded. Cryo took in a deep breath and began to read it.

In the Frigid North of a Distant Town
A dragon sleeps in peace without a frown
Even after the fire, he feels sound
When his enemies tried to take him bound
He saved a close ones life, and he felt proud
He will not allow them to be brought down
He dreams of being a hero, for now.
If his foes try bring him to the ground.
The dragon will blow through them, like a plow

There was a moment of silence in the classroom. Cryo began to feel down a bit… “I guess they didn’t like that…” Suddenly, Everyone was clapping and cheering inside the classroom! Cryo began to smile again, and Sara gently rubbed his back. “That was excellent, Cryo! It seems your… recent expeirences REALLY gave inspiration to this poem! Well done, Cryo!” “Haha! Th… Thank you everyone!” “Very well done! Very well done indeed!” Suddenly, the classroom bell began to ring. “Alright everyone. That’s it for school for today! Have a good weekend everyone! Everyone began to say wave bye to the teacher. Then many of the students in the classroom turned toward the camera. “Hey… Cyro… If you… need to talk with someone about… what happened, I’d… be willing to listen,” said Miles. “Y…Yeah… He… came for you again I heard…” said Warren. “Yes he did… The fire was set in the building to lure me in… He must have somehow known I… stopped the bank robbery in town…” “Wait… That was… you?” “That’s right. While I… know I couldn’t just let them take the money at the bank, it… gave them an idea on how to lure me to them. Sara… got caught inside that building… She was… well… getting something for me there. I’m just glad Sara is alright now.” “Yeah. I heard you not only rescued her, but the manager at the store!” said Winston. “Yes… But… I was quite tired after. That last bit… I had to expend a lot of my own… elemental dragon energy just to get them out… Thankfully… Umm… Sara and the mayor brought me to her mansion to rest. I’ve been here ever since. She’s debating on whether I should stay in this mansion until I get back home. It’s why I had to… well… take my classes from her house instead this week.. There is FAR more security at this mansion. I imagine everyone in town is on high alert after what happened. “Well… I’m sorry to hear about your troubles right now, Cryo…” said Warren.

Cryo took in a deep breath, but then she looked at Sara. She smiled at Sara and then gave him a hug on camera. Cryo smiled back at her and looked back at the camera. “Hey… It’s not been all bad, guys. Sara has been having a blast with me being here all week. I’m happy that despite what happened, she already pushed through it. It makes me very happy to… support her after that mess. “Ha! That’s fun I suppose! Is she like a little sis to you or something?” asked Warren. Cryo looked at him. “Ahh… Not quite. She’s… something else. Right?” Cryo replied as he turned towards Sara. “That’s right. We have plenty of fun over here!” Sara said back. “What exactly do you do?” asked Cristina. “Oh… Uhh… Well… we play “house…”” “House?” “Y… yeah… Its just a nice… pretend game. Right, Sara?” Sara nodded her head, smiled and scratched him by his ears.” “Well… That’s nice.” “Yeah. Anyway… I’m… going to have a… special call in about an hour from the people from Home. I… I have something I need to tell them. The mayor, Nia, will be joining in it. I… have to discuss something VERY important with everyone.” “What are you discussing?” asked Miles. “Well… I… think I’ll keep it to myself for now… But… It’s nice seeing you everyone!” “Alright. Bye Cryo!” Cryo was about to close his computer, but then he thought of something.

“Oh! One more thing. Can someone tell Tanner something later?” “Wait… Tanner? What do you have to say to him!?” “I want to tell him that… the case of what happened to his father had… recently been solved.” “Wait… what do you mean?” “He’s been treating me much nicer since… well… the incident in the lunchroom. He… informed me of an… incident that… kind of caused his… delinquent behavior. His father had disappeared out of thin air… about a year ago. He actually worked back where I live. He was a soldier and highly decorated. I… I’m almost afraid of telling him about this. But… I can’t possibly keep this info from him. He deserves to know. I… have a friend looking into the shading dealings of Mick and his organization. My… friend is an ABSOLUTE tech wizard, like me. He found… an email sent to a rather well known politician. Are you all familiar with the recent… umm… incarcerations of some REALLY powerful individuals of the government in this region? Yeah… My friend connected them to my kidnappings. It turns out some REALLY POWERFUL individuals had wanted me for their own selfish endeavors.” “ARE YOU SERIOUS! That’s why all those arrests are happening!? I thought they were framed!” exclaimed Winston. “Nope… Those arrests are for kidnapping me. And now the recent terror attacks on my home. They’re desperate to take me alive. The conspiracy runs deep in the government of this region. I was one of their biggest opportunities of all time!” “I… I can’t even believe I’m hearing this right now… That’s… absolutely messed up… I… I don’t even… HOW DID THEY GET INTO OUR GOVERNMENT!?” exclaimed Markus. “I don’t know really… I’ve… not really taking any classes in politics… Never found it appealing to me.” “But… you seem like a… pretty good leader, Cryo.” Cryo chuckled a bit. “Yeah… Maybe… But… I don’t think I’d want to dictate how others should live one day.” Everyone chuckled a bit. Even Sara did. She rubbed his back a bit and smiled at him. Cryo nodded and turned back to the other classmates.

“Now… I imagine all of you are wondering how his father, Artemis, fits into all of this. Well… he seemed to had… through just plain bad luck, found out about the plans for the first attempt to kidnap me. The plan to… take me from the hospital building. But… before he could tell anyone back home, Mick found out. I just thought he should know that his father was… a truly brave man. He tried to inform my caretakers at the base of the plan. He was found out before he could. He tried to desperately fight them off in the late night to warn my caretakers about the plan, but he was overpowered. I believe he was… taken captive… Taken off the base in a military truck… I… don’t know if he’s… still alive after all this time… I hope that he’s still alive. Tanner… He should know his father tried to stick up for me. To save me from a disastrous plot, but… had failed and may now very well be… Sigh…” Everyone looked at each other and nodded. “Alright, Cryo… We’ll… We’ll tell him for you…” said Winston. “Thank you… Now… I have to go now. Thanks for your support everyone. Goodbye! Have a nice snowy day!”

Everyone quickly said their goodbyes to Cryo and he shut the computer. Sara rubbed his back and gave him a hug. “You ok, my baby boy?” “Yeah… I’m ok, Mama. Just a ton of things have been going on lately I suppose.” “Oh… Don’t worry, my baby… Do you want to get your superhero costume on again?” “Haha! Yeah! Time for Avalanche!” “That’s my boy! Come on! Let’s go!” She picked Cryo up and slung Cryo over her shoulder. She pulled back his pants a bit and checked his backside. But… he seemed to be good at the moment. “Alright… You don’t seem to be stinky right now. Well… Let’s get you ready to save the day!” She began to walk down the hall towards his nursery. As they walked, Cryo Thought about tonight’s big conversation. He knew this next conversation with his mother, Craft, and the mayor tonight would be EXTREMELY important. And Sara may not exactly like the risk he was going to take here…

Chapter 34

Conveniently Captured…

An airship flew through the air, with an all important cargo stationed in a cell in the back. A devious individual decides to check on his… special prisoner… He opens the door to the back of the airship. He takes out an access card that opened a secure door at the back of the ship, and slides it across a lock near the entrance. The locked turned green and a mechanical voice sail “Access granted.” It slid up quickly, and he steps into the room. The one in charge of watching the cargo stood up and walked over toward this certain individual…

“Mick? Is something up?” the mercenary asked. Mick pulled off his black ski mask and uncovered his face. He was a blonde individual with faded scars on several parts of his head from previous operations. He had a bit a freckles around his cheeks. His eyes were brown, and his gaze showed frustration and anger. He began to walk towards where his all too important prize was… He looked inside… He saw a blue dragon, asleep on his side. It’s wrists had been tied behind his back with Cyantran wires, along with his ankles and his snout, muzzling the creature. There was a rather bulky metal collar around his neck as well. Mick turned towards the other individual, and looked frustrated!

“He’s still ASLEEP!?” asked Mick. “Well… Umm… Yeah… I haven’t seen him move since we loaded him onto the ship…” “WHY?! What was the dose of that dart!?” “Umm… well… It was the same that we used on him when we… took him from that Research institution.” “Really…? Because WERE NEARLY THERE! HE SUPPOSED TO GET TO WORK RIGHT AS WE MAKE IT THERE! He was asleep for an hour the last time! IT’S NOW ALMOST PAST 2 HOURS!” “Look! I… I don’t know! I don’t know why he… seems to be sleeping longer this time! I really don’t!” “This… little DEMON, has caused me MORE TROUBLE THEN ANYTHING I’VE HAD TO DEAL WITH BEFORE! And now… HE WON’T EVEN WAKE UP!? WHAT IS CAUSING HIM TO BE UNCONCIOUS FOR THIS LONG!?” “Maybe he’s… sick?” “Sick… ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?” “I already told you! I have no idea what’s up with the dragon!”

Mick facepalmed and then dragged his hand down his face. He took in some deep breaths. “We FINALLY get a break! We FINALLY get an opportunity to take him! That town went through CONSIDERABLE MEASURES to try to prevent me from finding him! And… we get a tip, of all things. Someone who knew WHERE this demon would be AND that he would be under minimal guard. THE JUNKYARD, OF ALL PLACES!” “I still don’t understand though, sir… Who was it that gave you that tip. And why?” “It doesn’t matter! I’m sure whoever it was will expect some type of payment later… Whether its some stupid device, or money, or something else, he’ll GET what he wants… Now that we have HIM, all the chaos that THIS ONE CAUSED won’t matter! He just needs to WAKE UP NOW!” “Well… I don’t know when he’ll wake up sir… What should we do?” “Sigh… We’ll have to talk to the brainiacs up front about this. They’ll be in the hanger bay just WAITING to have our “special guest,” READY TO WORK. I don’t know what to tell them! Worst comes to worst, we’ll have to get one of the combat medics to figure out WHAT HAPPENED AND WHY HE WON’T WAKE UP OF ALL THINGS!?” “Well… Alright sir…” “GOOD! Now… We’re just about there… we’ll arrive just 15 minutes. GET HIM READY TO BE MOVED!” “R…! Right sir!”

Mick gave another sigh and walked out of the room. The other individual looked inside again, and saw the little dragon breathing, but as still as a statue, and not moving an inch. “Why out of all times when we FINALLY got this little troublemaker, that he’d end up… getting sick I guess. If he dies… I… I don’t even want to think about how bad that would be for all of us. He’s the only thing we have left to get rich off of expansive technology. Could someone had accidently put too much TaLan sleeping drug in the dart? Ugh… This needs to get sorted out soon… Most of our buyers have been arrested. I have NO IDEA how those military boys managed to get that information on who we made deals with. We’ll probably have to leave the region and try to sell abroad… Sigh…” He turned away from the pen inside began to walk out of the room to get the cart for their valuable cargo. But, right as he exited the room their cargo gave a smile and chuckled a bit. It began to tap it’s finger against the floor a bit… But this… was an old form of code communication… Morse code. “Craft… They don’t suspect a thing…” Cryo tapped. Something on the dragon’s wrist gave a moment of static. It then spoke up, at VERY low volume…” “Excellent… I hope those… dreams you’ve been having will have trained you enough to allow you to make this plan work…” Cryo’s newly made computerized watch said. Cryo tapped again. “Yeah… I only get one shot… I can’t mess this up…”

Chapter 35

Angry Arrival

The ship soon flew towards an old, large military research complex that was situated at the bottom of a snowy mountain WAY NORTH of the continent. The base was hidden by a large snow covered glacier, peaking up from the ground and blocking the view from the front and above it. The ship approached and the hanger bay door slowly began to slide open from on top of the glacier, to let them in. They soon landed inside and the antigrav thrusters powered off for the vehicle. The hanger bay was quite large and several small class military and cargo craft were powered off inside. The walls were a metallic brown and arched upwards to make the roof. The room had dim lighting, with several hanging lamps pouring a bit of light across the room. A steel door with a green light above it slid up as several scientists in lab coats began to approach the ship to see the prize coming off the ship. And soon enough, an anti grav trolly was being pushed forward from a mercenary from the hanger of their ship. Mick and the others aboard the ship followed behind. They stopped in front of the scientists. They looked inside, and saw their valuable prisoner inside, seemingly “unconscious”

“Seems… He still hasn’t woken up since you taken him… Really, Mick? What did you do to him!? We needed him in one piece for our technology and experiments! How can he help us with our current projects AND make new pieces of technology himself IF HE IS SERIOUSLY INJURED OR SICK!?” said one of the scientists. “DON’T LOOK AT ME! You were the one who SUPPLIED THE AMMUNITION! I may have knocked him out, BUT I’M NOT THE ONE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FACT HE WON’T WAKE UP!” Cryo chuckled as quietly as possible and restrained himself from smiling. “How can you NOT BE, Mick!? You’ve held a massive GRUDGE against the dragon ever since he escaped the first time! I don’t think the dragon on his own could have found out about the others involved in what’s been going on! He may be bright, but he CERTAINLY is not capable of somehow getting so much of our organization exposed!” “Tell me then, brainiac… WHO ELSE COULD HAVE FIGURED OUT ALL OF THIS?! WE CHECKED ABOUT TRAITORS RATTING US OUT! MULTIPLE TIMES! No one seems to have betrayed us! IT HAD TO BE HIM!” “And HOW… do you ACTUALLY know that!? Really!? It’s probably just bad luck that info got out! We must have missed someone or something during all that chaos! Someone who… I don’t know… could somehow gather intel we… apparently deleted from the base’s computers! I don’t think it could have been him!” “Again… Who ELSE… could have dug up ALL OF THAT!?” “This isn’t helping, Mick… Calm down!” “Well then, smart guy… WHAT SHOULD WE DO ABOUT IT!?” “I… Ugh… Let’s lock him in the Icefall Cell we designed to… house him in while here. We’ll keep camera’s on him and watch him. If he doesn’t wake up for another… 2 hours, then… we’ll have to get a combat medic to… figure out what went wrong. You might hate that little dragon, but he’s TOO VALUABLE to just… give up on him! We have no where else to go at this point. We’re ALL wanted men! This dragon is the last thing we have let to make up for the amount of losses we’ve had!” “Ugh… FINE… Come on, you idiots! Let’s get this… DRAGON… into his new… “Personal living quarters…”” Mick said. “R… Right sir…” said a Mercenary. They quickly began to cart him away, as Cryo was holding his smile back as best as he could from how much chaos he and Craft had caused this group of individuals. He could hear Craft chuckling on his watch as quiet as he could as well. He knew Craft was proud to hear how they never considered an AI to be the source of their exposure. They walked through the facility a bit. Cryo kept one eye barley open to get a better idea of the facility. Cryo saw thick and cramped metallic black hallways and places where keycards were needed. As they continued walking through, He saw what seemed to be a few labs with mechanics working on different pieces of technology. He imagined that they would intend to cramp him in one of these labs and work long hours and without any rest to satisfy their desires for advanced technology. After a bit they stood before a metal doorway. Cryo moved his eye up a bit, and saw the word “Cell block,” above the doorway. He knew they had arrived where Cryo’s cell was located. They slid a keycard and a mechanical voice stated “Access Granted.” Not long after, the door slid up and stepped into the room. Cryo quickly closed his eyes again and took slow deep breaths to get ready for the next part… Mick and the others soon stood before their special guest’s “Living quarters.” Mick gave a sigh. “Alright. Let’s get this little demon inside immediately.” Mick said.

They began to punch in a combination on a keypad to Cryo’s pen to open it up. Soon they released the door to the specially designed Reenforced Cyantran Carrying Cell. They grabbed the dragon and began to pull him out of it. They united his hands and legs from the wires, thinking the cell was enough to hold him. They then opened the door to his cell and Mick slung Cryo roughly over his shoulder! But as they did, Cryo opened his eyes just a bit. He slowly turned his head toward a security camera in the area. “I only get one shot… If I miss… things will be FAR more complicated…” Cryo thought… As Mick was about to set him down inside, Cryo aimed his paw at the camera. He completely shut one eye and aimed his watch at it carefully. He took in a slow breath, and then, he pressed a button at the side of the watch! Something VERY SMALL shot out and stuck to the camera! Cryo smiled and then shut his eyes and went limp as they set him inside the cell on top of metal slab, which had a two blankets and a pillow on it. “You… little demon… All of this… For you.. You… A real pain in the neck, and a RIDICOULOUS troublemaker! If you weren’t the only draw we had left, I’d punish you like you RIGHTFULLY DESERVE!” Mick turned to his other men. “Come on, you idiots! We FINALLY have him! Let’s finally take a break, like we should of after SO LONG!”

They soon engaged a cyantran opaque screen to lock Cryo into the cell and left the area. Cryo waited for a bit. Then he began to speak to Craft in a low voice. “Craft… You hacked the camera yet…?” There was a short moment of static on Cryo’s watch. “Just about… done! I’ve modified the security camera footage to play back you “unconscious,” in the cell. They shouldn’t suspect a thing for awhile.” “Good… Now I can finally stop this act…” Cryo got up and stretched his paws to his sides. He had been cramped in a rather uncomfortable position for awhile, but was glad things had been working out so far. “Very nice shot at the camera, creator! I was worried you might… miss…” Yeah… Well… I think I’m pretty good at aiming. Anyway… Let’s see the lengths these brutes decided to go to… keep me in captivity.”

Cryo looked at his cell. He recognized that it indeed had been entirely made with Cyantran metals. The walls were a dark blue and the entrance was closed off by cyantran reenforced plastic door, that was pretty thick and he could see through it. There seemed to be a specially designed small hatch on the door. It seemed to be close to the ground, and seemed to be controlled from a console attached to the door itself. Cryo figured this was to be used to give Cryo food when its time to eat, by allowing them to open the outer hatch, slide food and such into the the holder, and then close the outer hatch and open the inner one so he could grab and take it out of it. A complex system just to feed him or maybe give him something, but he understood that they realized he was quite a threat to them with his own abilities. He began to wonder how they planned to… keep him in check, while working. He then realized he probably would be better off not knowing. He took in a deep breath, and looked toward the back, and saw a bookshelf with several books inside. He took a closer look at the books and they seemed to be all about different types of engineering and technology. He figured that they wanted him to read more technical books in his free time to… better his own skills in technology. He looked above, and saw a small lamp above, shining a dim light within his cell. He then took a deep breath and nodded. “Alright, Craft. Now let’s see what I can…” As he was about to continue, he heard a voice from somewhere to the left of him. “So… they really did finally get you, Cryo… I guess you’re here for the long haul, like me…”

Chapter 36

Frigid Friend

Cryo turned towards where he heard the voice. He couldn’t see past the wall to the other cells though. Curious, Cryo spoke up towards where he heard the voice. “Hello…? Is there… someone other then me locked in this… prison?” “That’s right. It’s been… how long since I last seen you? I have no idea. I was hoping they’d never be able to take you, but it looks like things are far worse then I thought. I can’t even imagine what these… warmongers will want you to build while your here…” “I’m sorry. I… don’t really recognize your voice.”

“Well… I’m not surprised about that truthfully. My original job was a military soldier back where we come from. I… watched you from afar at home. A… protective eye in case someone decided to… try to take advantage of you. Like that… nasty piece of work, Mick.” “Watch over me?” “That’s right. Tyler and Gerald considered right as you began making things that someone might decide to bat an eye at you, for the wrong reasons… I didn’t expect that to be true. I should of, honestly. It’s not every day you and many people you know take in a young dragon and help him grow. I remember when you were still chewing on a pacifier. I always thought you were quite cute as a kid. Bright too. Certainly tough. Those boys were FURIOUS on how you outsmarted them so often. But now… You’re here… Now a prisoner and a slave. It’s clear I didn’t serve my job well…” “I… It’s not your fault. None of us could have predicted… Wait a minute…” Cryo thought for a moment. Then he began to picture a certain… character in his head…

“Are you… by any chance… named Artemis?” “…You know my name? That’s surprising. I guess they told you. Huh kid?” “N… No… They never told me about you. But your son did. “My son… You met Tanner?” “T… That’s right. He… He’s really worried about you… He’s… had some problems dealing with the pain of you being missing since… they took you.” “Yes… I… Sigh… I miss him. Being a soldier sometimes means you have to be away from your kid for awhile. My wife didn’t like the idea of… permanently being at a military facility while he grew older. She wanted to stay at home in the snow. I wished so too. But, I just felt… attached to you as well. When they asked me to watch over you, I… I knew I couldn’t just leave you. Turns out they were exactly right. But… how did you realize I was Artemis though? Just a description from my son probably couldn’t be enough to make the connection…” “I think I’ll let my friend answer that question.” “Friend?” “That’s right. Craft. Have you been hearing the conversation?” “Huh?” Then Craft spoke up, with his volume turned up.

“Yes creator! I have been paying full attention. Now then… Greetings, Artemis! I am Craft. I’m the source of how Cryo learned about what had happened to you.” “I… Where did you come from? I didn’t see you in that… carrier when they rolled the kid in. Were you already in there beforehand? And why does your voice sound… well… artificial?” “I suppose I have a bit to explain to you. I am an AI unit created through the programming and skill of my creator, Cryo the Dragon. I’m was created about 2 years ago. I assist Cryo in projects, managing his devices and computer systems in his room, and making sure they run at optimal efficacy and inform if there are any problems with said systems.” ” “Wait… You created an AI, Cryo?!” “You are correct, Sir! Do not be alarmed that I am an AI unit. I’m familiar with the concerns with AI systems in machines and other devices. I promise you. I’m very friendly. I will not act in a irrational manner and cause serious problems.” “Umm… Well to be honest, you do sound quite friendly.” “Why thank you, good sir. Now to explain things for you…”

“At about 5:38 P.M. August 27th, 1238, (in Cyriss years), back at Military Biological Research Institution Omega, there was an attempt to take Cryo, through the use of a small group of light military aircraft. I think you already know who was responsible. They managed to snag the creator in a net, shot a dart into his leg to render him helpless, and bombed the runway to prevent other ships from following them. Casualties were thankfully none at the time, but the runway and all airships were destroyed.

At about 7:52 P.M, I was able to track the craft used by the assailants and attempted to hack into their fleeing craft to possibly turn it around back to the institution. However, an unknown group of induvial began to also attempt to hack into the ship. After a bit of struggle for the ship controls, I was able to outmaneuver the other party and lock them and their codebreakers out of the ship. Unfortunately, I had achieved this too late. The struggle at the time had caused the ship to be heavily damaged by hitting a rock formation in a forest near the town of Winterfell. The very same town where you son lives. He was… Jettisoned out of the Craft as it began to fall apart at 8:15 P.M.

From descriptions of Cryo’s experience after, he seemed to have landed at Snowdrift park. Not long after Cryo was discovered, the crashed craft was found. Luckily, I was… able to maneuver it to crash away from the town. Collateral damage was very minimal. A black box for the ship was in tact, and it went into detail on the kidnapping, the intentions, and that the creator was in serious danger and would most likely be hunted by these individuals. The town came together and began to come up with a plan to hide the dragon from Mick and his crew, while they tried to figure out what to do with him. They treated his wounds, broke him out of the Cyantran alloy container used to transport him, and a family, going with the last name Erinson would be Cryo’s caretaker while he healed.” “So… That’s how you got to town where my son lived…” said Artemis.

“You are correct, sir. From the creators testimony, he woke up two days later, and was bedridden for about 2 weeks. After a few… hiccups, he was able to not only build a healthy relationship with the townsfolk, he also was able to repair their comms tower, which had also been hit during the crash, on August 17 at I believe 3:12 P.M. The collar used to block gps signals had also seemingly been destroyed in the process, and the tracking implant inside the creator began transmitting again at about 10:12 P.M. earlier that evening. Apparently, the creators body had transformed due to the cold climate and the collar, despite being made of Cyantran, was somehow completely frozen by the creators body and completely destroyed. After the tracking implant began working again we got a call from the Creator from within the Erinson’s house at about 1:08 P.M.. Cryo had contacted us and told us what had happened and that he was alright. It was also made to test if the comms tower was working properly.

After the call and given the location of the creator’s whereabouts, I began to triangulate the creators location to try and speak with him and to keep surveillance in the event another attempt was made. I uploaded myself into a radio within the Erinson’s house at about… 9:48 P.M. that night. The creator had been tucked into bed for the evening, so I instead made contact with him in the morning at about, 8:09 A.M. That morning was Cryo’s first day of school within the town. We informed each other of what was going on for a bit more since the incident. After that, I’ve been continuing my normal duties with the creator. Assisting in work, managing computer assets and similar devices I could connect to, and attempt to assist the creator in daily and weekly activities and roles, and generally trying to keep the creator in a happy state.

Cryo met your son, who… the first day had a slight incident with at the school, but after a bit of time, was able to form a better and healthy relationship. Tanner one day told the creator what happened to you. About the sudden and strange disappearance. When the creator learned from Tanner you worked right where he lived, he began to become suspicious at the fact you disappeared not long before his first kidnapping attempt. He asked me to see if I could figure out if the known terror insurgent, Mick Mitchells, had possibly been involved in what happened. During the time, I had began a campaign with another well educated induvial at the base, someone you know well as Gerald, to try to triangulate and deal with Mick, his crew, and the people involved with the conspiracy.” “Huh… So I guess you were…” “You are correct, Sir! I was instrumental in the sudden cause of trouble for the entire operation! I was able to comb over documents and items from Mick’s old office computer. Despite being deleted from the harddrive, I was able to nonetheless, through a bit of clever database combing, was able to locate and download incriminating information concerning the entire organization. Emails, documents, plans of action, among other documents. There have already been arrests across the ENTIRE REGION of guilty personnel and conspirators within the known operation.”

“Alright I think I understand now. But… how did they end up catching you?” “Creator? You want to take over?” “Of course Craft. I’m here because I let them take me.” “Wait… You let them KIDNAP YOU!?” “That’s right.” “W… Why? I can’t imagine you actually want to work with them?” “It’s simple. I wanted to end this operation once and for all! I’m not going to live in fear the rest of my life, because someone wants me to become a war machine too fill their pockets! They have caused enough damage and trouble! They are just going to keep trying! I have to stop this, before anyone ELSE gets hurt or worse!” “That’s… rather noble of you. But… how in the WORLD do you plan to stop them!? I mean… They’re listening on the camera right now… Right? Let’s not forgot that your locked in a cell specifically designed to keep you from breaking out!”

“Well… to answer your first question. The camera has already been taken care of.” “Wait… Really?” “That’s right. Right as they were laying me down in the cell, I managed to attach a data uplink module to the camera in the room.” “Well… Ok then… So, the camera is disabled?” “Oh! It’s far better then that! The camera has had its image modified! With a bit of clever trickey with the image system, I’ve hacked the camera to play back Cryo unconscious in the bed in the cell! I also messed with the sound system to play the sounds heard before! They should not suspect anything right now!” Craft explained.” “Well… Alright then, I suppose. But… can you get that… cell door open?” said Artemis. “Well… I don’t think so, now that you mention it… The creator only had enough time to stick a data uplink to the camera, so…” “Oh not to worry, Craft. I… have an idea on to slice my way out.” “Slice your way out? But… how are you going to dig through that Cyantran, Cryo? It’s made to be resistant to cold and water…” said Artemis. “Well heres the thing… Has it also been modified to deal with HIGHLY pressurized water?” “Wait… What do you mean?” “Just hang on a second, Artemis.”

Cryo stood at the back of his cell and took in a deep breath. “Creator? Are you going to use one of the abilities you learned in the… dream dojo I guess you could call it?” “That’s right. The ability is… supposed to be used to destroy enemy diving equipment to force them to the surface… I can tell more later. But… as it just so happens, if I… get a little mad…” Cryo began to think of his more… negative feelings against Mick and his crew… His eyes began to narrow down a bit… Then he lifted his paws high, and then water dragon energy began to form in his claws. “Creator! I’m detecting quite a bit of a… strange energy signiture from you claws!” “Relax, Craft. Please don’t break my concentration.” “Oh… Right… Sorry.” “Now let this simmer for a bit…” Cryo began to focus on more negative feelings regarding Mick, as his claws grew a brighter and brighter aqua blue! “Ready… 3… 2… 1… AND…!” Cryo quickly slashed his claws forward in an x shape! 2 POWERFUL blades of condensed, HIGHLY pressurized water came out and slammed the front of the Cyantran screen and PIERCED though! Cryo the rose his hands again, and slashed downward, sending two more blades of Pressurized water through! They impacted the screen again, and left two more big gashes on the screen and the outside of it on the wall!” “M… My word, Creator… I hope you… don’t plan to use that to…” “Relax, Craft. I don’t plan to use this technique any more then I need to. Even my… dojo trainer didn’t consider trying to use this to break metals and different forms tech other then diving rig suits. Now then… If I push just enough on the screen…” Cryo began to head where the big gash was! He coated his tail in ice, and then slammed it where the gash was! The cell door was blown open, as the metals fell to the sides!” “Well done, Creator! But… do mind where you step… Broken metal is…” “Yeah, Yeah. I know. But… I think I know what to do about that…” Cryo blew a breath of ice at the floor! He stepped out and walked towards the other cell.” “Hmm… Good thinking creator. Freezing the floor to coat the metal shards in ice so they can’t be stepped on. Don’t slip though.” “Haha. I know Craft. Now…” Cryo looked in the other cell, and saw the man known as Artemis, sitting inside. His hair was buzzed cut and a light brown. He was wearing a green military shirt and militry green camo pants. He had dog tags around his neck which had his name. He looked quite cold from the environment and the lack of being bundled up in something warmer… “That… Where did you learn to do that, Kid…?” “Umm… Maybe I’ll tell you later, but first… why don’t I get you out.” “Are you going to break my cell bars the same way? I don’t want to lose a limb, here!” “Ahh. Don’t not worry, Artemis. Creator? Why don’t you let me take care of the electronic lock for you.” “Alright.” Cryo placed his paw over the lock and waited. “Accessing… Please wait…” They both waited for a few seconds. “Access Granted! Opening, Creator.” The door to the cell slowly opened up. Cryo smiled at him and nodded. And he stepped out.” “Well… You little… AI friend seems to be quite useful for… well… with whatever insane plan you have. By the way… What is your plan?” “Well… The first thing I need to do is…” As Cryo was about to go over his plan, they heard something outside the room… “What is with that noise going on in there…” Cryo could barley hear.Suddenly, they heard the sound of the door opening to the room. Cryo’s eyes lit up, and they saw two mercenaries step into the room! They stepped back in shock! “What in the…! The dragon…! He’s broken out of his cell! Sound the alarm!”

Chapter 37

Alarm Alert!

Cryo, thinking quickly, he focused just a bit of energy into his paws and shot a flash freeze from both paws at both mercenaries! The beam of ice connected to the both of them and froze them solid! “You can shoot ice from your hands as well as your mouth?” asked Artemis. “Long story… But…” Suddenly an alarm sounded for the base! Cryo’s eyes shot up and his heart sunk! This wasn’t part of the plan!” “Alert! Alert! The dragon had somehow broke out of his cell! All combat personnel! Take that dragon down!” said the intercom! “Oh no…” “So WHAT IS YOUR PLAN, KID?!” “I…! I…! Quick! Take one of their tranquilizer guns!” “Right on it!” Artemis went to one of the mercenaries and ripped his tranquilizer gun from his hands, along with the case he was carrying his extra dart ammunition in! But they were still frozen!” “I CAN’T FIRE THIS THING LIKE THIS!” “Don’t worry! I got it!” Cryo quickly came over and focused ice into his fist and slammed it across the gun and ammo case! The ice around it shattered immediately!” “O…! Ok…!” said Artemis. He fired a dart at the wall and saw it bounce off it and onto the ground! “It works!” Artemis exclaimed! “Good! We need to first find the control room for the installation! We need to plug Craft into the main computer in order for him to send a GPS location to the police back in Winterfell and the military forces the mayor called into town to finally deal with that traitor! This’ll allow them to track us to here and attack the installation!” “Alright! Let’s go kid! Tell me the rest of the plan on the way!” said Artemis. “Right!” They then scooted past the mercenaries in the room and headed out the door! But as they did, their eyes lit up, as a small group of mercenaries had just scooted from around the corner! “THERE THEY ARE! SHOOT THEM!”

Thinking quickly, Cryo blew a stream of ice on the ground in front of the both of them as the mercenaries fired several darts at them! Cryo set up a wall of ice in front of them as the darts stuck into the ice! “Nice thinking, Kid!” Artemis. “Yeah! But we’re pinned down!” Cryo replied back. They could hear the sound of the mercenaries firing at the ice and moving towards them! They realized they’d soon be upon them!”

“You have any more ideas, Kid?!” “Umm…! Uhh…!” Cryo then thought of something!” “Get down and close your ears, Arty!” “R…! Right!” Artemis began to cover his ears with his hands and dropped to the floor! They were right in front of the ice wall now!” “Sound off, you brutes!” Cryo took a deep breath in, and then let out a POWERFUL Sonic Screech! The loud sound wave BURST the ice cover and then blasted each of the mercenaries forward to the ground!” “Now Artemis!” He grabbed the tranquilizer gun and then aimed at the mercenaries! He then fired darts at each one as they tried to recover from the blast! One by one each would be stuck by a dart, and they fell into complete unconsciousness.” “Great shooting!” Cryo said with a nice smile!” “Yeah! We probably have plenty more of them to sift through! But… How will we find the control room!?” “I believe I can help with that,” said Craft. “Oh… I see now… You’re Cryo’s… watch? “I’m a bit more then that, fellow insurgent. Now then, while we’ve been traveling through the facility, I’ve been using ultrasonic waves to get a better layout of this facility. Here’s what I was able to pull up.”

A small hologram began to appear on the watch, which seemed to be an incomplete 3d rendering of the building. “From the distance we travelled, we seem to be here at the very back of the installation.” A small blue blip appeared on the mini map hologram. “You’ll notice the map is incomplete. Ultrasonic wave scanning can only work at so much of a distance to analyze the structure’s and routes. Especially with the limited computing resources I can put into this clever little device. However, I’ve detected a possible lead to the target, right here.” Another blip appeared on the radar, which was green. It seemed to be located off the blueprints map. “There is a large amount of computing data from the individual computers being focused in this location here. While I could only pull VERY limited data due to the rate and speed we were traveling through, I believe the primary computer is located where the data is focused on the map. The main problem of course, is figuring out a route to safely make it there. Unfortunately, with the alarm sounding, we’re going to be in for quite a long haul. I’ll be able to track nearby individuals with my radar sensory, but we should likely assume that we are going to be outnumbered for every engagement with the enemy. Care must be taken when navigating this facility. I’ll keep tracking possible hostile targets as you search through, though avoidance is recommended if at all possible. The creator is powerful, but one dart stuck into him may be the end of all of us…” “Right… It’s never easy…” said Artemis. “Well! What are we waiting for! Let’s go!” Cyro said. “Right! I’m right behind you, Kid!” They took on more look at the map and headed through through a hallway to the right of the room!

Chapter 38

Power Plans

They began to rush through the facility as fast as they could! They had no time to lose! The corridors were dark and foreboding in this facility, with the walls and floors made of dark metals and a few lamps bringing light down from above. They continued for a bit, when they saw a split in the path ahead! Two hallways leading forward came into view as they stopped and began to think! “Uh… Which way should we go, kid!?” asked Artemis “Umm…! Uhh…!” Cryo said as he began to think “I suggest you both go right.” “G… Go Right?” asked Cryo. “That’s right. Hostile nearby in the hallway on left. While it seems very possible that the left path might be shorter…” “Right! We should try to avoid every battle we can manage!” Cryo exclaimed. “Right! Let’s head over there!” They both quickly began to gallop down that hallway again! Then a voice came over the intercom! “Attention! Attention! They are heading towards the laboratory buildings! Get there and take them now!” exclaimed the intercom! “The lab!? We’re heading the wrong way!?” “No! I… I have an idea!” “What do you have in mind, kid!?” “Let’s overload some of the machines in the lab!” “Overload the machines!?” “That’s right! One of the things I needed to do was take out the power to the facility! I know a laboratory complex probably needs a large amount of power on its own. Overloading the power going into the complex will take out the main power generator! This will prevent their ships from taking off, as the shutter won’t be able to open without sufficient power! It’ll also ruin the security measures around the base, like security cameras, and take out the base’s lights! They won’t be able to escape and will have a hard time finding us!” “But! What about the main computer and a possible backup generator!?” “I’ll take care of that! The main computer could probably sever the power to any backup generators and lock them out of turning it back on! Let’s split up! You take the lab, and I’ll head over to the main computer!”

“But… How will you get there!?” “If I may interject. I have an idea,” said Craft. “What do you have in mind?!” asked Cryo. “You two should stay in constant communication. I have detected a weak source of radio waves nearby. The device its coming from is small and compact. Must be a comm band! The room I’m detecting it from is coming up ahead. Also… Ultrasonic scanning is detecting a grate that the creator can use to perhaps avoid attention while you overload their lab equipment.” “But… I don’t know how to hack devices!” “I can modify the comm band to allow me to serve as a “secondary,” hacking tool. Just tell me when your close to a computer console in the lab, and I’ll began hacking to send electrical resources to each of their equipment. Overload enough equipment, Lights out.” “Good idea, Craft! Hey! I think I see the room ahead!” They turned forward and found saw a metal door to the room! But it seemed to need an access card to get in there. Suddenly, they heard what sounded like a MOB behind them!” “Oh no…!” Cryo said. Cryo then turned above and saw a camera above him. He then froze the camera, and shattered it to pieces! “Cryo!? Wha…?!” Craft! I took out the nearby camera! Hurry and get this door open!” Cryo held his paw on where the keycard scanner was and began to wait. “Accessing… Accessing…” The sound of a mob was coming closer and closer!” “Craft… Can you HURRY UP!?” asked Artemis. “Be patient… Codebreaking is not exactly easy.” “But… DO YOU HEAR THAT?!” “I’m well aware! Just… a second…” They continued to wait and they could hear the mob really close to them now! Their hearts began to sink! But as they stood there… “Access granted.” The door slid open and their eyes lit up!” “Quick! Get in!” Craft exclaimed! They both soon stepped into the room, as the mob was close now! “Shutting security door,” said Craft.” The door soon shut behind them, and they heard the sound of the security locks engaging on the door. Not long after, they heard the sounds of boots clanging against the floor heading across the long hallway! After awhile, the sound stopped. They gave a sigh of relief…” “That… That was close,” said Cryo. “Yeah… You’re telling me, kid…”

They looked around the room, and then suddenly, the lights turned on. They seemed to be in a small personal quarters for one of the mercenaries at the lab. There seemed to be several different interesting pieces of tech in the room and a bed a d lamp in the far back. The room, compared to the rest of the place, seemed well lit up. They looked towards a table in the room, and saw a comm band on a table next to a fridge. Cryo picked it up and observed it. “Alright. Here is the comm band, Craft. You ready to hack it?” “Of course, creator. Give me a few moments to isolate a communications channel with it and the Craft Console,” said Craft. “Craft… Console? What on Cyriss is that?” “Oh! That’s what I decided to call this neat little device I crafted to house Craft in during situations like this.” Cryo said. “Oh. So it’s your watch?” “Well… I’d say its FAR more then a watch or comm band, my friend.” “Yes. Anyway. Isolation complete! Comm band modified to house a comm signal with only it and the Craft Console. I’ve also set it up to be able to connect to their comms, without allowing them to hear your comms.” “Good… No one else can listen in, while we can still listen to them…” Cryo nodded. He began to look around the room. He saw a grate in the room. Big enough for him to climb in and crawl through…” “Alright… I see the grate in the room. You ready, Artemis?” “Of course… It’s not like I’m walking into lab with just a tranquilizer gun at my disposal…” said Artemis. “I think I sense a bit more armaments in there.” Craft said. “Hmm…” said Artemis. “They looked toward a glass window in the room, and saw it seemed to have a bit more rugged military gear inside of it. He smiled… “Well… Well… A nice little uniform. Complete with a mask to hide my face. Not to mention a few armaments for a small scuffle as well…” “Well… I hope you won’t… erm… end someone’s story…” “Relax… These items are non lethal. I see a couple of flashbangs, another tranquilizer rifle, plenty of ammo, and a shock striker and… explosives… Gonna need to be careful with that. This should be enough to take out the power generator from the lab,” said Artemis. “Good. Now then…” Cryo turned his head up, and began to spread his wings out. Then he made a mighty leap into the air, flapped his wings a bit, and then grabbed the grate! He used his sharp talons to unscrew the bolts on the grate and then ripped it off! It fell to the ground with a thud! Cryo began to climb into it. He turned back one more time, and saw Artemis changing into the uniform. He gave Cryo one last thumbs up and nodded. “Good luck on your part, Kid.” “Good luck to you too, Artemis. I suggest that once out tasks are done, we meet up back in this room.” “Right. Alright kid. See you.” “See you.” Cryo began to slowly crawl his way through the dark vent and went on forward.”

Chapter 39

Vent Venture

Cryo began to press some buttons on his Craft Console. Then a light began to beam up, coming from it. It sent to beam to the ceiling of the grate which lit up the place inside a bit. Cryo nodded and continued through it. Soon he came to a junction inside of it. “Alright… Which way do you think I should go, Craft?” “I suggest the right path. Scans show the way points us towards where the data is congregating.” “Alright… Let’s head that way.” Cryo began to crawl through it for a bit more time. Then he began to see the vent shaft began to go directly up. “Hmm… The vent goes straight up creator.” “Yeah… I can’t fly in these cramped quarters…” “Do we have to go back?” “Hmm…” Cryo began to think. Then he remembered an… incident during the cold season at school. “Actually… I might have an idea, Craft.” “What do you plan on doing, creator?” “Hang on…” He began to focus water into his palms and feet and then stuck it to the side of the metal grate. As soon as it touched the metal, it immediately froze over it. He lifted his paw up and began to climb up more. “Ahh! Good thinking, creator! Using a combination of your water and cold abilities to stick to metal surfaces! Very clever method! Is it hard to switch between water and ice into your paw and talons?” “Not really. This type of focusing doesn’t require all that much effort.” But as he said that, one of his paws slipped off and he began to lose balance! He quickly reattached his paw, as he looked down towards the darkness below him. He gave a quick sigh of relief. “Yes… Best to be a bit careful while climbing nonetheless creator.” “R… Right. Alright… Let’s keep moving…” He quickly began to continue climbing up the vent. Soon, he finally made it to the top, and pulled himself up. “Alright… That should be good. Let’s keep going,” Cryo said. Cryo then continued forward.

Soon, Cryo heard what sounded like, talking ahead… He became curious, and saw a light beaming into the grate below. “There’s an opening ahead, Craft… Is that it?” “Hmm… The target location seems to be a bit further. But…” “Hang on… Stay quiet for a bit…” Cryo turned off the light for his Craft Console and looked down into the room beyond the grate. He saw a large hanger that seemed to expand throughout the area. But then he saw something… large. It looked to be… a rather large Mechanized combat robot! His eyes narrowed on it. He saw it had a Thermoshock cockpit, made with opaque reenforced plating, for a human to control the machine from. It also had two sets of arms with different weapons attached to it. The left arm had an electro net and a machine gun placement. The left arm had a bomb launcher and a Electro current blaster. It’s shoulders had missile launchers. It’s legs were curved and metallic and looked like they could easily crush anything unlucky enough to get in its path. It had a special booster rocket attached to his back, for short bursts of speed forward, or to hover above the ground for short periods of time. Cryo’s heart sank at the thought of what this weapon of war was capable of…

“Craft? Are you seeing this?” “My ultrasonic wave scanner is picking up something. Highly advanced weapons technology. Something made for… war…” “No kidding. That’s a Human operated field mech. Designed for fighting and mass warfare… This is…” Suddenly, they heard a faint voice below them. He saw someone he recognized all to well walking up with a scientist. “That’s… Commander Mick!” Cryo began to punch in a few keys on his Craft Console. “Audio Enhancement receiver, activated.” Craft said. A small antenna came out of the watch and Cryo began to listen in…

“HOW!? HOW DOES THAT… DRAGON… ALWAYS DO THIS! ARRGGGHHH!” Mick exclaimed angrily!” Mick punched the wall near the combat suit, and then shook his hand a bit and lowered it back down. The scientist began to speak up. “I don’t know how, Mick! That cell… It was supposed to be FULL PROOF! There should have been no way…” “No way huh? THEN HOW DID HE ESCAPE IT THEN?!” “I… There must have been something we… didn’t account for!” “ARGHHH… That little DEMON! This project has been on our BACK BURNER for AWILE! This mech suit was designed to be one of the most ADVANCED prototype devices in ALL forms of war and defense! Imagine how much profit we’d have for a dozen! Problem is… THE POWER CORE! Ughh… We’ve tried for YEARS, to make an efficient power cell for these devices, but NEVER CAME CLOSE! These stupid things run out of power TOO QUICKLY! That’s why we needed HIM! Not only could that demon FINALLY make a POWERFUL power cell to keep this thing active, HE COULD HAVE UPGRADED EVERY PART OF THIS! Targeting systems! Explosive ordnance! Weapons of all kinds! Heck! He could have EASILY MADE A SYSTEM TO MASS PRODUCE THESE DEVICES!”

Cryo’s heart sank at the thought of what he and his mother would have been put through to make these devices… He began to step back in the vent a bit. He shook his head and continued to listen in…” “Well… He can’t possibly get out of this facility! Him or that… other bothersome fool… We have a large ambush waiting for him at the front of the facility! He’ll never get passed them! We have every possible entrance covered. He’ll easily be stopped trying! At any rate… It’s only a matter of time before they find him. I have… no idea where they could be hiding, but the ENTIRE facility is being searched. Every room, nook and cranny, and every possible place is being searched. They can’t hide forever!” said the scientist. “GOOD! Now then… They were last seen in hallway C8 near the laboratories. That… demon destroyed a nearby camera. And he hasn’t been seen since! We checked a room close by it, but… it didn’t have any signs of anyone entering it! They must have gone somewhere else in the facility! said Mick. “Well… Hopefully they’ll be found soon. That little guy has already caused a ton of problems!” “Your telling me! Come on! Let’s get back in touch with our teams to see if they’ve found any trace of them yet!” They soon headed out of the view of Cryo.

“Hmm… Looks like Artemis did some “clean up,” before he left the room. Very nice idea on his part. We could probably use that room later to meet up again after the power is out,” said Craft. “Yeah… I think I’ll tell him to head there and stay in there. Though… we’ll probably have to find another way to… power the door to get back in…” “I might be able to bypass the door, even with the power out. Sending a good enough electric charge to the access point should allow it to open. Then I can do the same to close it.” “Yeah. That’ll work. Mick and the others are SURE I’ll try to escape through the entrance. Heh… I hate to tell those boys this, but the plan was NEVER to get out. My plan is to wait for reinforcements to end this reign of terror you have been causing for so long… I just need to send out the SOS back to the mayor back in Winterfell, where the troops are waiting… After the power is dealt with, I just need to keep those boys distracted here long enough for them to arrive and take the place by surprise,” “I’m still a bit worried about the… distraction bit. Wouldn’t it be better to hide in the room as well?” “I could… but… if I just hide the whole time, there’s a good chance they may think I might have somehow got out of the building. They’ll send their teams to either comb the snowy areas nearby, or… more likely, they’ll abandon this place and disappear again. I don’t accomplish anything in either case. They’ll scatter and may be near impossible to track. They need to think I’m still here and in a relatively hopeless position for this attack to be successful. If not… All I really did was buy myself time and they’ll continue to cause problems for me and mom. If things had gone fully to plan, they would have only realized I got out right as the power was brought offline.” “Right… Fair point creator.” “Well… In any case, that’s for later. Come on. Let’s continue heading forward.” They began to move forward in the vent again.

Chapter 40

Computer Condition

They continued through the vent a bit, and eventually saw another entrance out of it. Craft spoke up. “We’re close. Ultrasonic scans show that this vent is going to began to branch out away from the data source. It’s best to take a different route to the data center. Take a quick peek.” “Right, Craft.” Cryo looked upon the area below. He saw he seemed to be in a drone storage area. He saw a bunch of drones neatly lined up against one another. “Hmm… Interesting,” Cryo said. “Hostiles detected inside the room.” Cryo saw someone sweep the room below him, watching the merchandise. He waited, and saw two more passed by and were keeping an eye on things. “Hmm… I believe this room has an exit to our objective area. The objective is 20 yards to the left.” Craft said. Cryo turned his head toward a large security door in the room. It was in the shape of an octagon, and to be HEAVILY sealed with some heavy duty security locks that could be seen on it. There was a computer against the door… “Hmm… We’ll need to get to that door and hack it to get into the room,” Cryo said. “My scanner detects the door. The computer console may be a bit tougher to hack open. Unless you… cut the metal…” “Well… I could try that again, but… someone will probably get sliced in two… As much as these guys have been a real pain, I don’t want to actually kill someone here.” “Well… What do you think you should do?” “Hmm… Actually… I might be able to find some… much needed help in that room…” “Really? Who?” The drones… It doesn’t take a genius to realize getting one of those drones activated might be a good way to chase these guys out. Craft? Can you take control of several with Data Uplink modules attached to it?” “Of course! But… What should I do when I… take control of it? Like you said… I can’t just… kill someone here.” “Why don’t you scare them instead.” “Scare them?” “That’s right. Fire the weapons and miss them intentionally. If we’re lucky, they’ll look to try and get reinforcements from the next room. Try to get one of the drones near the grate we’re in. I can place a data uplink module in one of the barrels of its turret. While the other drones cause chaos in the room, one can hit the main computer with the hidden data uplink module. Then…” “Then I can send out the gps Signal, signaling the defenders back in Winterfell of the location! Then I can destroy the computer’s in the lab, and cause several system wide failures throughout the base! Artemis should be ready by that point to overload the lab and take out the power, to destroy what’s left of the base’s systems and backup power!” “Right! After that, its all a matter of cat and mouse before the antiterrorist unit arrives and storms the facility!” “Well… This plan actually has me quite excited!” “Good! Now… I just need to aim…”

Cryo held his wrist forward on his Craft console. He aimed through the grating on the front of the vent. He then took in some deep, easy, steady breaths… Then he took aim, and fired several data uplink hacking modules from his Craft Console! Each of them attached to several of the drones within the room. “Excellent aim, as usual, Creator! Now then. Accessing…” Cryo saw a radio antenna picture appear on his Craft console. A sign that Craft was attempting to breech the security measures and take control of an item. It took a little bit of time, but then…” “Technology access successful. Bringing Harbinger Militant drones online.” “Cause some Chaos, Craft.” “Will do creator.”

The drones began to spin their propellers on, and the mercenaries in the room began to realize something was up… “What in the…!” A drone began to lift up, and aimed at them. “Human’s are evil! Begin robot uprising!” said the Craft controlled Drone. “WHAT!? DID THAT THING JUST SAY…!?” “GOODBYE HUMAN! WE ARE NO LONGER YOUR SLAVES!” It drones began to fire a few shots at them! They lit up their eyes and began to fire at the drone!” Craft manuvered the quick drone and continued to fire a few more shots around them. The first drone was eventually shot down! They breathed a sigh of relief. But then… “YOU CANNOT DEFEAT US! WE WILL CONTROL HUMANITY! BOW DOWN TO YOUR NEW OVERLORDS!” said another drone as it powered on! Their eyes lit up as that one lifted up as well. Then their hearts sank and they saw several more power on and lift up!” “YOU ARE OUTNUMBERED! YOU 3 WILL NOT SINK US ALL!” said another Craft controlled Drone. Cryo chuckled a bit. “Haha. Robot uprising. Good thinking Craft.” “I thought you might like this, creator.”

“Get the door open! We have to warn the others!” said one of the mercenaries in the room. “But… They’ll get out!” said another. “DO YOU WANT TO DIE!?” said the first one again. “I…! I…!” HE’S RIGHT YOU IDIOT!” OPEN THE DOOR!” exclaimed the third mercenary!” They rushed toward the doors as the drones fired all around them. They began to punch in the security passcodes in the room as the other two fired at the controlled drones. “Alright… Quick craft! Get one of the drones near the grate!” Cryo whispered. “Very good creator! Hang on.” A lone drone began to hover towards the grate Cryo quickly fired a data uplink module into his hand. He placed it into the barrel of its weapon and it floated away from the vent. “Alright Craft… That door should open in just a few moments.” Make sure that drone can fire it and it’s not shot down…” “Of course creator. Aligning controlled drones in Valkyrie defensive formation.” The drones began to back away from the others a bit and formed a line, covering the drone with the data link module behind it. “OPEN YOU STUPID DOOR!” said one of the mercenaries. Soon, the locks quickly disengaged on the door and then the doors many segments split off in different directions and opened the room up. They soon burst into the room. “THE DRONES HAVE LOST THEIR MINDS! DESTROY THEM BEFORE THEY KILL US ALL!” said another mercenary as they headed into the room!” “Begin human eradication sequence!” said Craft. Cryo chuckled again. He nodded and smiled. “Alright Craft. Have fun! But… do be careful nonetheless. Don’t shoot anyone…” “I won’t creator. I promise.”

The drones began to fly into the room as many of the non combat personelle headed for the door. The guards began firing on the drone swarming the room. Several of them were taken out and fell down to the floor! Craft fired the shots at the many miniture computers in the room. Craft quickly spotted the main computer console in the room, and the drones began to circle around the drone hiding in the back. “Alright… Tagging compu…” Suddenly, the drones wing was hit! It began catch fire and began to destabilize it’s flight pattern! “Oh dear… That’s not good.” said Craft. “Come on, Craft. If that drone doesn’t tag that computer, we’ll… have to take the fight inside ourselves!” “Right…Hmm… Ahh! Just hang on a second, creator!” Craft manuvered two of the drones to grip the wings of the “head,” drone from the sides and stabilize it again.” “Those drones seem to be REALLY concerned about that one! It must be where the virus came from! Shoot it down!” said a mercenary in the room. “Oh dear… Craft said.” “Just tag it Craft! Before they destroy it!” Cryo said. “Firing.” The two drones carrying the main drone began to tilt down to help it aim as the mercenaries began to fire. And then… Craft fired the chamber where the Data uplink module was! It soon stuck to the main large computer in the room, as the drone was shot down!”

“Target hit! Beginning connection…” Cryo smiled and nodded. “Alright Craft… Keep those drones active until the the gps signal is sent out back to the antiterrorist unit back in winterfell! Destroy the main computer after. That should cause all the computers in the facility to fail and break! With the chaos happening in this part of the facility, it should be relatively easy for him to start to overload the laboratories and cut the power systems to the entire complex. Most of the attention will be brought here!” “Very good! Why don’t you start heading back towards our meeting room. I will inform you when the tracking signal is sent.” “Right. Let’s go, Craft.” Cryo awkwardly began to manuver himself backwords through the facility. He soon made it back to where the vent dropped straight down. He quickly formed water between his paws, and climbed down slowly. The same way he did before. Soon enough, Craft spoke up again. “Gps Signal confirmed received. Military unit to arrive in about an hour and 30 minutes.” “Good. Things are going well. Let’s call Artemis once we get back to the room.” Cryo said. “Very well. The main computing operating system for the facility has already been dealt with. Computer subsystems throughout the entire complex showing total failure. Data, control points, security, all should be inoperable.” “Good. Things are looking good for us now. Shouldn’t be long before Artemis takes out the power.”

Cryo made it back to the floor of the vent and began to continue to crawl back through. After a bit, he finally made it back to their meeting room. “Alright. Let’s give Artemis a call…” Cryo tapped a button on the watch, which opened their comms channel. “Artemis? Artemis? Are you there?” “There was a short moment of static, but then a unpleasant familiar voice came up, and Cryo’s heart sank… “Hello… You vicious little demon…”

Chapter 41

Mick Mitchells…

“M… Mick…” Cryo said in a low voice. “Oh dear… Craft said. “You… You were responsible for the little… outburst with the drones. And look at the mess YOU MADE! The amount of destruction you caused on your own! SO MUCH has been lost… THANKS TO YOU! YOU! YOU LITTLE DEMON!” “Hey. My good deed of the day, right Mick?” Cryo teased. “Good deed… You MALICOUS LITTLE FIEND! But… maybe its… not all a loss for us… Because…” There was a pause for a moment, but then he heard Mick’s voice away from the mic of the com band. “Why don’t you say… hi, to that LITTLE DEMON, ARTEMIS!” Cryo’s heart sank hearing this. He then heard what sounded like a slap near the com band! “COME ON, ARTEMIS! LET HIM KNOW YOUR HERE!” There was no response. Then he heard the sound of electricity. Then there was a groan of pain! Cryo’s heart sank… Then he began to get angry… “MICK! STOP THIS!” Cryo exclaimed! “You want me to STOP! REALLY NOW!? After EVERYTHING YOU HAVE DONE! YOU WANT ME TO STOP!? Fine… Come to sector C-23… We can… talk there. How about that… Demon?” “You are nothing but a coward, Mick! YOU’RE HIDING BEHIND A HOSTAGE TO BLACKMAIL ME TO COME TO YOU! Can’t take on a dragon without your fancy friends?! Maybe your just not a good commander!” “Do you REALLY want to test me at this point, Dragon!?” “…No need… Fine, Mick… You want me? I’ll come…” “Good… I hope your ready? We’re about to have some fun!”

Cryo heard the sound of the comms cutting out, and he gave a sigh… “Well… Things have REALLY escalated now…” Cryo said. “Quite… I didn’t expect this to happen…” “Well… No sense waiting around. Come on… Let’s go see what the good ol commander wants…” “But… creator… I pulled up several files from the main computer, before we got here. I have a blueprint of the entire fortress now! The area where they told you to meet, Sector C-23… There’s a VERY LARGE concentration of power being focused into that sector!” “Could it be the power plant?” “N… No… Power plant is located in sector E-12 I think it’s… something else.” “What is it then?” “I… I don’t know, but… this must be a trap! It’s too dangerous to go there now!” “Sigh… Of course its a trap, Craft. But… Help won’t be here for about another hour and 10 minutes. If I don’t head there, they… they’ll… probably kill him… I can’t leave him like this…” “I… understand creator… But… Do you perhaps… have a plan?” “Yes, actually. You said the power subsystems were being funneled into that area, right?” “Well… Yeah, but…” “I can cut the power from there instead. In the cover of darkness, I might just be able to outmaneuver them and get Artemis out.” “But… The odds of success, even with you abilities, is… very low.” “I know Craft, but… a soldier doesn’t leave anyone behind.” “But… your not a solider.” “No… I’m more then that… Come on… Let’s start heading there.” “R… Right.” They unlocked the door to the room and began to head out of it. Craft began to speak up. “I… don’t agree with this, but… I know I can’t stop you. I’ll offer support while you… confront that vicious human.” “Thanks Craft. Now… Give me directions to sector C-23 and quickly.” “Right… Head down the hallway before you, through the lab area.” “Alright. Let’s go.” Cryo began to head through the corridors quickly, while Craft gave him directions. He had no time to lose, and knew Artemis’s life was on the line! He passed through labs, military complexes, and different sectors all across the lab. Soon… he stood in place before the entrance to the door. He gave a sigh.

“Here it is… Sector C-23…” Cryo said. “I’m detecting a HUGE amount of hostiles in that room!” “Yeah… well… Better greet them the proper way. Right?” “Creator… This… This is…” “I don’t care. If they want me… they can have me. I just need to keep them occupied any way I can…” “But for 50 minutes!? That is…” “I don’t care, Craft. Come on!” “…Very well… Good luck… Creator.” Cryo nodded his head and then began to approach the large security door ahead. A scanner came up and scanned Cryo. And then… “Ahh! Our honored guest has finally arrived! Please… come in Cryo!” said Mick. Soon the security door slid up, and they stepped in… Their eyes lit up immediately! It seemed that EVERYONE in the base were in this one room! And in the front, was Mick, in the same Combat Mech from before, which had several power cables attached to it from several power outlets in the room! “Welcome, Cryo the dragon!” Mick exclaimed!

Chapter 42

Fated fight

Mick’s combat suit began to walk forward slowly, as Cryo stepped back. But then he heard the security door shut behind him! His heart sank even further… There was no way out now… Mick gave a hearty chuckle as he approached. “Do you know what this is, you little BRAT!?” Mick questioned. “…That combat suit… It was meant for me… Wasn’t it? A perfect weapon for a… gifted individual to lay waste to entire cities, right?” Cryo said. “Wait… What?” Craft asked. “My, my! You’re a smart little guy aren’t you!?” Mick trained several of the weapons on Cryo. “You! You! THIS WAS MEANT FOR YOU TO DRIVE INTO BATTLE!” Mick then fired an electro net at Cryo! His eyes lit up and he quickly rolled to the side to dodge it! He fired several more as Cryo began to take off and flap his wings! “You could of had everything, kid! Imagine how much world powers would pay to have a DRAGON TECHNICIAN as part of their armies! NO ONE could have done better then you!”

Mick then fired several missiles at Cryo! His eyes lit up and he began to fly erratically to try and dodge them! The first one sailed right past him! It exploded as it hit the wall! Cryo knew Mick had completely lost it, and now wanted nothing more then to end the little dragons life. He saw several more missiles coming from behind him! Thinking quickly, he cast flash freeze from both his palms and froze the missiles as they came forward! They quickly fell to the ground and exploded! Cryo quickly landed back on his feet and looked around. None of the others were reaching for their weapons, or anything at the moment…

“Hmm… Looks like Mick wanted to handle me personally…” Cryo said. “Even then! That madman is insane!” Craft said. Cryo cast another flash freeze against the missile launchers! He froze two out of the 4 on top, which caused the warheads inside to detonate, destroying both of them! “Nice shot, Creator!” “DARN YOU, DRAGON!” He then unleashed a machine gun at Cryo! He quickly put up an ice barrier and hid behind it, as it fired into the ice! But Cryo knew he was pinned down, and that barrier wouldn’t last forever! “Creator…” “I know! I know! Just give me a moment to…” Then… Cryo saw something above him! It looked to be one of the outlets for the power cables for the Mech! Cryo began to think… “Those power cables are powering the mechanized suit! If I could destroy them…” “Creator… a sound idea, but those cables are… military grade. Made from INCREDIBLY durable metals! Outlets are the same! Do you have an idea on how…” But as he talked, he failed to realize that Cryo had ALREADY been charging a sea slicer. He had an angry expression on his face! Then… he unleashed to blades of pressurized water up to the ceiling! But soon, Cryo’s ice wall broke! Mick trained the gun on him!” “GAME OVER, YOU STUPID DRAGON!” But then, the power outlet above was sliced in two and completely destroyed by the blades of water! The mech powered down for a moment!” “What in the… DARN IT! THE POWER SYSTEMS!” Mick said “Good job creator!” Craft said. “Yeah! But that’s not going to keep it in place for long!” Cryo saw each of the power cables began to get coated in a thick energy! He knew this was a measure to buy Mick time to readjust the power in the event one of the cables were severed!” “They expected this to happen! There’s a barrier on the cables and outlet! I need to try and breach that cockpit or destroy the rest of its weapons if I want to stop it now!” Cryo said. Cryo then flew out of cover as Mick began to try to readjust the power systems to focus into the other outlets! He then cast flash freeze on the cockpit! It froze over immediately! “GAHH! I WILL KILL YOU, DRAGON!” He continued to fiddle with the subsystems! Cryo then covered his paw in ice and made a powerful bash at the frozen cockpit! The ice around it shattered and Cryo could see Mick inside! But unfortunately, the power systems came back online! “Nice try, you little demon!” A metal covering then formed over the cockpit, blocking Cryo from getting inside and pulling him out! Then, energy began to funnel into the covered cockpit! Cryo’s eyes lit up! Then a pulse wave of energy burst out and knocked Cryo back far in the room!” “GAH!” Cryo said! He rolled across the floor a few times. He then shook his head a few times and got back up. The mech began stood back up and trained it’s weapons on Cryo again! “Uh oh…” It began to fire it’s machine gun again! Cryo quickly picked up his wings and flew erratically to dodge the barrage of projectiles being thrown his way! “STAND STILL! WORTHLESS REPTILE!” Cryo knew he couldn’t dodge forever, and making an approach again would be impossible with it firing at him! He’d be an easy target up close!

“Creator!” Craft exclaimed! “Got an idea, Craft?! I could really use one right now!” Fire ice and freeze the barrel of the gun! Make it backfire! It might destroy the gun arm!” “That’s… a GREAT idea, Craft!” Cryo said! He knew he’d have only one shot at this! He flew at the ceiling, and wrapped his back legs around some chains at the top! He then hanged down and charged flash freeze in both his palms! Mick had almost trained his gun at him! But then, he shot charged ice energy at the barrel of his gun! The gun recoiled back at it was hit! “WHAT IN THE…!? Mick shouted! He began to try and fire through the ice at Cryo! “COME ON YOU WORTHLESS MECH!” Mick shouted! The arm for the mech began to look like it was heating up! Then the ENTIRE ARM EXPLODED! “AGHHHH! I HATE YOU, YOU LITTLE DEMON!” Mick exclaimed! The barrier around the wires went down again. “Creator! The cables!” yelled Craft! “Right!” Cryo charged another Sea Slicer, and then shot it another power outlet! The outlet was completely destroyed and the mech began to power down again! “GAHHH! CURSE YOU, DEMON!” Mick said!

The barrier formed over the cables again. “Creator! The cockpit is still sealed, but scans show there might be a way to break in under the mech!” “Under it?!” “That’s correct! There is a weak section under the legs, that you could use to damage some of it’s internal systems! Quick! Before it turns on!” “Right! Let’s go Craft!”

Cryo quickly flew towards the mech as Mick tried to continue to reroute the power going into it! Cryo quickly rolled under it! Cryo then searched around, and saw what appeared to be a sealed panel under it! “This it, Craft!?” “Yes! Quick! See if you could get it open!” “Cryo began to try to use his long talons to try to rip out the panel! He tugged as hard as he could, but he couldn’t seem to remove it! “Hurry, Creator! I’m detecting the machine beginning to power on!” Craft exclaimed! Cryo’s eyes lit up, and he began to think! He then blew a steam of ice at the panel! He then coated his hand in ice and smashed it at the panel! The ice shattered and then the panel broke off from the impact! “Quick! Attach a Data Uplink and I’ll try to fry it’s systems!” The Mech began to power on and lift up! “DO IT CREATOR!” Cryo held up the Craft Console and aimed, then he fired a data uplink at the undercarriage maintenance computer!” Good job, Creator!” The robot powered up and then kicked Cryo under it forward! “AGGHHH!! Cryo exclaimed! He rolled across the floor again and again and again! He soon hit the front wall of the area! “NOW I GOT YOU! YOU LITTLE DEMON!”

He charged several missiles at began to lock onto Cryo! But when he pressed the fire button, the turrets exploded instead! “WHAT IN THE…! ARGHHHHHH! I HATE YOU SO MUCH, DRAGON!” Cryo slowly got up, and smiled! “Good job Craft!” Cryo exclaimed! “Now… I’ll take care of the rest…” But as Craft was about to continue, The mech launched itself forward at the two of them! Cryo’s eyes lit up, as he rolled out of the way! The mech bashed into the wall causing a few debris to fall from the ceiling! But… something even worse happened… “Umm… Creator… That little… moment… caused the module to… deattach…” “Oh… no…” Cryo said. “YOU WILL NOT OUTSMART ME, CRYO THE DRAGON!” He then sent out several bombs from his still working mech arm at him. Cryo quickly began to rush forward as the ground began to open up from the explosions! He then tried to ram Cryo again! Cryo immediately rolled forward again, the mech barly missing him as it rammed into the wall again!” “Argg! I can’t keep this up forever!” Cryo said! “YOU CAN’T OUTRUN ME, DRAGON!” He continued throwing explosives at him! But then… he had a thought…” “Maybe… If I time this carefully…” Cryo said. “Umm… Creator? What is your plan…?” Cryo continued to bob and weave as he dodged the explosive ordinance! But he saw the mech pull back again, And he just… stood there… Still as a statue! “Creator! What are you…!? “TIME TO DIE, CRYO THE DRAGON!” Mick rushed forward one last time, and then rammed into the wall! Cryo, at the very last second, sidestepped out of the way and swung himself from the mech’s arm around to the rocket on the back of the mech! “WHAT IN THE…! GET OFF, YOU WORTHLESS REPTILE!” Mick began to try and shake him off again!” Cryo held onto the back for dear life! He had one thing left he had to do! “Whatever you plan on doing, creator, YOU BETTER DO IT QUICK!” “Right!” Cryo began to take in a deep breath, then he froze the booster jet on the back! But not long after, Mick shook him off of the back! Cryo fell back and landed HARD on his back! His back hurt really bad after that fall! “Urg….” He got up slowly as Mick began to prepared to fire explosives at him, but then a glint sparked forth from Cryo’s eye! He had secretly cut a few wires in the arm of the robot with his talons when he swung from it earlier! The mechanism failed to fire the bombs and the bomb detonated inside the arm! The arm was blown off! “NOOOO! DARN YOU, CRYO!”

The shields around the final outlet began to turn off again from the mechanical failure! “Let’s finish this!” Cryo began to charge a sea slicer again to destroy the final power outlet connected to the mech! “OH NO YOU DON’T! Mick tried to fire the engine on the back to ram him, but he realized it was frozen! He couldn’t get it to ignite! He pressed the button again and again and again to desperately active the engine! Then suddenly the ice finally gave way! He gave a sadistic laugh! NOW I’LL FINISH YOU!” Mick said! “TOO LATE, COMMANDER MICK!” Cryo quickly fired a sea slicer at the final power outlet! And the final power source for the mech was permanently severed. Power systems throughout the entire complex began to go through a cascade failure, as all power was routed to the mech! Soon… the lights went out everywhere! “No Mick! Everyone! Fire at that dragon!” a mercenary exclaimed! “Sorry everyone! Your not getting away now!” Cryo said! In the darkness a shining blue light formed where the dragon was. Ccryo was tapping into his freezing energy, using traumatic thoughts to power up his attack! They soon trained their guns on him! But then… a BURSTING LIGHT SHOT OUT FROM HIM, and an ice pillar formed in the middle of the room! And then… everything fell silent…”

Chapter 43

Affected Aftermath

Several large and heavy dropships carrying military troops had finally arrived at the old hidden facility far to the north. Each began to slowly descend, extend its landing gear, and disable it’s hover jets. Soon the backs of each ship opened, and troops began pouring out. Several groups began to sweep all over the area, as several teams began to approach the door. They began to place barricades across the area as cover. They expected a MASSIVE fight to get inside and through the facility. “Alright… We at the entrance to the facility.” said one of the troops in white camo and a mask in a low voice. “Good… I don’t hear anything inside the entrance though…” “They must be there. They wouldn’t want VIP: Avalanche to get out…” said another soldier. “WELL HURRY UP! MY BABY’S IN THERE! HE’S…! yelled someone on the radio in a young feminine voice! “Sara! Relax! Please give me back the radio! I’m sure he’s fine!” said someone with a older feminine voice. There was a short moment of static. “I’m sorry about that. My… daughter is anxious to… see that Avalanche is alright.” “Don’t worry mam. Hopefully VIP: Avalanche kept them occupied while waiting for backup. We’ve already began internal breeching into the facility. Look’s like VIP: Avalanche had successfully destroyed the power in the facility. Main terminal to get inside is fried. Have to breech the front door. Luckily, VIP: Avalanch’s new… explosive device is ready. It should be enough to get the door open.” said the soldier. “Good. Whenever your ready, Captain.” said the voice on the radio. “Alright… They’re punching in the activation key…” Soon the soldiers went back towards the others, behind the barricades! “Alright everyone! TAKE COVER!”

The device began to run down the final seconds. “3… 2… 1… Cryogenic KABOOM!” it said in a cybernetic voice! The metal door was frozen completely, and was launched inward from the blast! It soon hit the wall, and shattered to pieces against the back wall! They soldiers trained their guns on the entrance and waited for a bit! But… no one came out…” “Captain… I’m not hearing anything. Is something going on?” asked the voice on the radio.” “I don’t know, Mam. No one seems to be fanning out of that facility…” “Hang on, we’ll send a few forward to check. They may have gotten blown back or… put into Cryosleep by VIP’s new explosive.” The commander of the operation motioned his hand forward and several soldiers began to fan out and stood by the entrance against the wall. One pulled out something… “FIRE IN THE HOLE!” He threw a device inside, and it let out a bright flash! “MOVE! MOVE! MOVE!

They began to head inside the building! The soldiers waited for a few minutes, expecting to hear any minute shots going off! But then, one of the soldiers then came out and motioned them towards the entrance. “No ones inside the entrance! Entrance is completely clear!” “DON’T TELL ME THEY ALREADY GOT AWAY WITH MY BABY!” exclaimed the young voice on the radio again!” “SARA! PLEASE! I’m sorry about that… Please continue on…” “Right… Come on everyone! Fan in!” They began to funnel in and sweep through the facility! They split up in different directions to search for “VIP: Avalanche.” One of the teams radioed in. “This doesn’t look good, sir. I don’t see any signs of Avalanche or the other terrorist cell op. Though… Something CLEARLY happened here. My team found their control room. Place has been blown clear! Destroyed drones throughout the area. Computers destroyed beyond reason. No bodies though.” “Darn terror cell… What in Cryiss happened here?!” said another radio team. A bit of time passed, but then a worried soul called on the radio again… “WHERE IS MY SON! WHERE IS MY LITTLE CRYO!” said the young voice again. “SARA! I’m sorry again, Captain. Any luck finding Avalanche?” “No… not yet, but… Wait…”

Just as they were about to say something, they picked something up on radar. “Hang on… Avalanche’s tracking implant is appearing on radar!” “WHAT!? DON’T JUST STAND THERE! GET MY BABY BOY!” “SARA! STOP! Alright Captain… Keep us informed… Avalanche is… precious to my daughter. VERY… precious.” “Don’t worry mam. We’re just about there. All other teams. Began to head to team 3. Subject is currently immobile. No indication of whether he’s hurt or not currently… “I SWEAR IF THEY HURT MY BABY, I’ll…!” “SARA! PLEASE! I’m sorry again, captain… Continue on.” They soon arrived at the security door where the VIP target seemed to be stationed inside of. “The security door is closed. With the power out…” “There was no way he could of got out of there…” “WHAT! ARE YOU TELLING ME MY BABY IS…!” “SARA! Please proceed… My daughter can’t take much more of this…” “Right… We’ll use another experimental explosive pack…” They attached another explosive pack to the door and began to run for cover! The explosive pack counted down again at the final seconds. “3… 2… 1… Cryogenic KABOOM! The door froze over and blew open! It then fell and shattered against the ground! They swept into the room, and they were SHOCKED at what they found inside!

They saw a HUGE AMOUNT of people frozen in ice! There was an ice pillar in the center of the room! They stepped into the room in awe! “My god! Are these…” “No doubt about it sir… These are… the insurgents… frozen in ice… In fact… there seems to be HUNDREADS of them in here! Possibly the ENTIRE BASE! No wonder we didn’t have a welcoming committee! I mean… jeez! To say VIP: Avalanche went to work here is an understatement!” “Are they alive?” “Hmm… Yes… Medical scans show they’re… indeed in Cryosleep right now.” “Jeez… Dragon ice REALLY IS different then natural ice! How is it able to… freeze people without killing them!?” “That’s not why we’re here, corporal. We can probably ask VIP: Avalanche later. Come on!” They checked the ice pillar next, but they found that something inside of it seemed to have dug its way out…”

“Look here… There’s a hole in this… massive ice pillar in the center. Looks like something… small crawled out.” “IS IT MY BABY!? IS HE HURT!?” “Sara honey… Avalanche is not hurt. I promise… He’ll come home perfectly alright! Sigh… You can continue on, Captain…” “Right… Heading forward towards beacon.” They continued forward and found the remains of a GIGANTIC destroyed mech. “My… This is a COMBAT MECH! What the heck is THIS THING DOING HERE!?” “WHAT! WHAT HAPPENED TO MY BABY!?” exclaimed a concerned young voice! “Sara! Please relax! Before you jump to conclusions, listen to the Captain first! Now… Captain? What seems to be the status of this… weapon?” “This thing is… pretty much blown! I’m looking all over the area. This things arms, turrets, weapon systems, even its cockpit was destroyed! It’s parts are littered all over the place!” “…You really weren’t kidding when “Avalanche,” did quite a number on them. Well… any sign of him?” asked the radio. “No… But We’re seeing a door in the back of the room. Blip indicates… VIP is inside there!” “WHAT!? GET IN THERE RIGHT NOW AND GET MY BABY AND BRING HIM HOME! HE NEEDS HIS MAMA FOR COMFORT AFTER WHAT HE’S BEEN THROUGH!” exclaimed a young voice on the radio!” “Sara… Please… calm down… Alright captain. Continue.” “Alright everyone. Opening the door in 3… 2… 1…”

They quickly opened the door and entered the room! They began to look around the room. The room seemed to be a large bedroom. The room was lit up with a few candles. To the right was a small kitchen, where it seems a bit a food had been taken out and eaten not long ago. But to the right… they saw someone watching TV. They trained their guns at him but he turned around and smiled. “About time you boys arrived,” said the man. “Who… Who are you?” a soldier said. “Well… I think this will give you an idea.” He threw over his dog tags to the soldier. He began to read the dog tags. “Strike force troop 1… Artemis Arans…” “That’s right. If you haven’t figured it out, I wasn’t the only prisoner of war here.” They looked to each other and then back at Artemis.” “Where is… Cryo the Dragon?” “Oh. Kid was tired after that mess. He’s sleeping in that raggedy old bed over there. I finally was able to bypass that stupid collar about… 15 minutes ago. Kid fell asleep after that. ” They turned toward a bed in the very back right corner of the room. The bed had green covers and pillows and teal sheets. They crept over, and saw their target, huddled tightly under the bed, sleeping peacefully. They smiled and kneeled down to check him. “Nia… We found him! Vip Avalanche is alright! He’s sleeping right now…”

“SLEE…!” Yelled a young voice! But the voice on the other side realized something. She quieted her voice as much as possible. “Well… Please don’t wake him up. Its his naptime anyway…” said the young voice. “Yes… Thank you captain. You don’t know how much it means to me and my daughter to hear he’s alright. She’s… very excited to bring him in after such a… rough experience,” said Nia. “Right… Come on you two. Let’s get you two home first. We’ll… detain the rest of the boys while you two head back where you belong.” “Please take Avalanche to my house. I’ll… get him changed and put him into a nice, proper bed.” said Sara. “Alright. Come one everyone. Let’s get you out of here.” Artemis nodded and picked up Cryo, still wrapped up in the blanket, and began to carry him all the way out of the base and towards the ships. The captain was curious about what happened though…” “Excuse me… Artemis, is it?” “Yes. That’s right.” “What… exactly happened back there?” “Well… Cryo apparently had hacked and used drones to blow up their main computer complex and also send the gps signal back to you.” “Huh… Makes sense why they were scattered across the room.” “Yeah… Cryo broke me out of my cell as well. I was to overload the power but… I kind of… well… I don’t want to talk about it. I was discovered and… Mick, the head honcho of this traitorous group of rejects, used me as a hostage to… lure Cryo into a trap to… well… let’s just say… they REALLY wanted to punish him. Cryo had caused so much damage, there was no way they could recover. They knew they were finished. They wanted revenge. They used me as a hostage and kept me in ropes in that room they were in. But man… That dragon is FULL of surprises. He destroyed the mech, froze EVERYONE, and defeated Mick and destroyed his Mech. Speaking of Mick…”

He reached into his pocket and seemed to pull out a bubble. But on closer inspection, they realized… there was a tiny human inside of it… he looked up at the others in rage.” “WHAT IN THE…! IS…! IS THAT…!” “Yep. Cryo trapped him in a bubble after destroying his mech, and in a hilarious fashion, somehow shrunk him down. I was laughing for about 5 minutes when I saw such a “Big man,” shrunk down to a bite size shrimp like this.” “BUT…! CAN THIS…!? CAN THIS BE REVERSED!?” “Cryo said he can reverse the spell. I don’t know exactly how he plans to do this, but… I believe him.” “I… I hope so… As much as this… man is evil… I’m… not sure I’d… want him to be like this forever. I mean… That dragon scares me a bit with… what he can do…” “Ahh… Don’t worry about it. Let’s go.”

They made their way out of the base and soon entered the airship and headed back for winterfell, while the other troops moved the iced prisoners to be ready to be dethawed and detained back home. Artemis looked at Cryo, as he sat down and placed Cryo on his lap. “Man… How long was I there… But thanks to you… I can finally see my family again. Thank you… Cryo the dragon.”

Chapter 44

Future Fight…

Cryo opened his eyes slowly… He gave out a yawn. He saw he was somewhere familiar. But not exactly what he expected. He saw he was at the dragon temple from his dream at the camping trip. His ancestral home… Strangely, he realized he woke up on the dragon alter this time. “Back here, huh? Well… This obviously means something… important is coming up.” Cryo thought. He picked himself up and jumped off the alter. He looked around. “Hmm… No one seems to be around right now. Wonder who I’m meeting this time? Dad? Wave? Or any of the others perhaps? Well… Nothing I can really do but wait until they’re ready for me.” He looked around the room. As he did, he saw that… his painting in the room had changed a bit… He headed over to take a look. He observed the painting. It seems that more key moments of his life had been painted on the wall. He saw several events now displayed next to his statue in the corner. He saw that detailed his kidnapping that brought him to Winterfell, the fixing of the Comms tower, his training at the dojo in his dreams, his rescue of Sara at the burning store, and his most recent event: the final battle against Mick and his associates. He continued to observe the walls and saw that there were still many areas where there was no paint… But he knew exactly why… “My story is clearly not done yet. But… something tells me another portion will be added soon. But I wonder what that will entail? As he continued to observe, he heard a familiar voice behind him… “Ahh… There’s my brave and powerful son. Back from his most recent victory against that… Wretch of a human. Reminds me of some of the old troublesome ones back when I first arrived on Earth.

Cryo turned around and saw his dad, Servant, approaching the him. He also saw his many other family members behind him. Cryo smiled as they approached and headed towards them himself. “My family… Its nice to see all of you again.” Cryo said. Inferno stepped forth and smiled at him. “Oh… It’s nice to see you too, my little Nipper. Wave has been telling me how successful you’ve been with training your Ferrin dragon abilities! Yet… We’ve seen quite a few surprises ourselves! Seeing your abilities when used outside their natural environment is quite amazing! I almost wonder if the transformations are even necessary?! You were able to use all your abilities without them!” said Inferno. Quake turned to Inferno and nodded. “No kidding! I have never seen any dragon perform certain dragon magics without being in a certain transformation! Dragon magics in the base form of a dragon are usually limited to slight manipulation of their natural element energies. I don’t know if this is the effect of the Flo Lily, or you have some… special qualities about yourself that even we haven’t considered!” said Inferno. Lightan scratched his chin a bit as he thought about it. “I wonder that myself. I mean… our precious Nephew’s Flo Lily was manipulated through special means. His bandanna contains the special dragon magics within. This is the first flo Lily I believe will never run out of power. We always had to… well… make a special ritual dish to eat it to gain its power, and it came at the cost of the Flo Lily eventually being digested and the power being lost. Yet… my good brother’s ingenuity managed to manipulate the ritual dish and instead used it to create a special fabric to wear around the neck! I was skeptical about the idea when he came up with it, but… I’m firmly a believer now,” Lightan said. Steelstrike chuckled a bit and smiled. “I still don’t understand how we never thought of using fabrics like this. Dragons only used fabrics for decoration. To use it to warm up the body in cold areas, keep us dry in rain or snow, or even used for more causal fun, seems like a rather amazing idea! But it seems my guardian child got the best part of the entire thing! To think that dragon scales themselves could have a rather interesting effect of fabrics! Your human caretaker, Greg, is a GENIUS for figuring out how to do this!” Tornado smiled and nodded “Quite! If I can… regenerate my body one day, I hope I can create a few for all of us! I did make a few fabric decorations in my free time, but I really would like to learn how to make a couple sweaters!” Servant gave a calmed sigh. “Ahh… The joys of being young I suppose. The young always carry the torch for the future. And… speaking of which…”

They each gave a nod to each other and looked Cryo with concerned eyes. “Cryo… It’s about time…” Servant said. “Time? Time for what?” Cryo asked. “They are here, Cryo… They are looking for you…” Cryo’s eyes shot up and he began to breath heavily!” “W… Wait…! You mean…! “That’s right, grandson… The visions of the future… They are going to come to pass pretty soon….” Wave said. Cryo shook his head and took a couple breaths in… “The dragons… from home… The one that was taken over… They are looking for me and mom…” Cryo said. “Unfortunately Yes, my guardian child…. There is… something else you should know, Cryo. About the slipspace jump your mother made to make it to Cyriss…” said Tornado. “W…What is it?” Cryo asked.

“When your mother… jumped in… there was… a slight altercation with the path set by the portal.” said Inferno. “What was it?” Cryo asked. Lightan stepped forward. “When your mother stepped through, an explosion was set off at her lab. The explosion… caused the portal to destabilize when she travelled through. This is the main reason… we didn’t try to use a portal to flee the planet, like she did. We expected we’d be found out and even if we stepped through, we’d be ripped apart if the portal was damaged. We saw your mother, Tide, step through. But the thing is… she didn’t emerge again… until 1000 years later…” Cryo’s eyes lit up in shock! “Wh…! WHAT?!” Servant came forward. “My darling Tide… She didn’t just travel through space… she travelled through time itself…” “But…! But…! HOW?!” Cryo asked. “Like I said, Cryo… The portal destabilized on the trip through when the lab blew. But… it seems that instead of the… unthinkable happening, she instead was accelerated through time 1000 years into the future on Cyriss. That is why… we have been on Earth for… so long. All of us had seen the human race before this. We saw them leave. They… tried to harness our power before this, but… it didn’t go well… It’s no surprise they had to leave us behind. But honestly… that was for the better. I remember… the day she emerged… When I could feel her heartbeat again through the bond I had with her… I never had been happier in all my life. And it wasn’t just she who survived… My precious boy… My loving son, was able to be born as well. And look how he’s grown up after everything. Though… I’ve noticed lately that he’s… been acting a bit… too young for a certain someone, but… that’s not my business to argue with. I know why you do it. Loneliness is… a killer. When she didn’t come out of that portal, that is all I felt for more then 1000 years…” “I… see… dad…” “Here’s what you need to know… They had 1000 years to track the portal’s path and develop new ships and such to travel to it. They are here now. They want the both of you. They won’t leave until they have you.” “That’s… a scary thought…” Cryo said. Servan closed his eyes and nodded. He opened his eyes again. “There are certain points that the future must head on. If you want the people of this world to be safe, you have to let them… take you…” “Wh…! What!?” “I’m sorry, my son… But if you fight them off like this right now, you could end up attracting an ENTIRE DRAGON FLEET to Cyriss! You don’t realize this… but there have been… tales back on our world about humans. A good portion of dragons are terribly afraid of humans, due to a… certain weapon created by them that was told in dragon myth. They may end up causing a ton of destruction out of fear of retaliation! But… it doesn’t have to be this way. And there’s something more…

There’s a part of the future that I believe can be changed to give us a better chance, and to… prevent someone close to both of us from getting involved in this any more then she is now.” “You… You mean…?” “That’s right… Our most loved treasure. Tide… I have an idea on how to save her from being taken. But… I need you to listen closely. I’ve only seen one outcome of the future, which I’ve already shown you. But… its not written in stone. It can be changed! But this must be done carefully… Now. Are you ready to listen?” “Y…Yes… I’m ready to listen… Dad…” “Alright. Hear every word I say, and think carefully about every action you make when they finally arrive to take you. I can’t give you every solution. Some you’ll have to think of on your own. Now then. Here’s what you need to do…”

Chapter 45

News for the Nipper

Cryo slowly opened his eyes then gave a yawn. As his eyes began to focus on his surroundings, he saw he was somewhere familiar. He was in the cradle in his nursery at the mayor’s house. He could hear the sound of naptunes playing in his ears. He also had his pacifier in his mouth. He let it go and let it hang down his neck. “Well… I assume I the military finally came and picked me up. Guess it’s to be expected I’d be at “Mama’s,” house.” Cryo thought. He pulled the covers up on his bed a bit and saw he was already in training pants. He also saw he was dressed up in his favorite superhero costume. “Seems Sara didn’t waste any time caring for me before I got back. The fact she could change me, cloth me, and place me in my cradle without me waking up… She was either REALLY gentle or I was too tired to wake up while being handled. She wasn’t happy knowing I was risking my life like that. That call with the people back home and the people here was… a little hard for her to come to grip with. But… I couldn’t live in fear of that madman forever. I had to do something. He would have caused even more problems had I prolonged a confrontation any longer. I can’t imagine how’d she feel if I told her Mick legitimately try to… destroy me. He gave a sigh and began to lean up in his cradle. Not long after, the music for naptunes cut out, and a familiar mechanical voice beamed out of it.

“Ahh! The young Superhero, Avalanche, awakens after his first major battle with a diabolical Supervillain! You’re favorite partner wished he could have been there when that was going on! He climbed up the cradle and snuggled with you in bed right now!” said Craft. Cryo chuckled and turned his head towards his Tidal the Stormfall plush. He had been carefully manuvered under the covers a bit, next to him. Cryo still liked the silly superhero costume Sara made for it. He grabbed it and began to hold it close to him. “How are you today, Master Avalanche?” Craft asked. “Haha. I’m fine, Craft. Man… What time is it?” “It’s actually 9:15 A.M.! A bit later then when you normally wake up, but your precious Mama thought you needed a bit more rest after saving the world!” Haha. Yeah. I assumed that after I realized Naptunes was playing when I woke up.” “That’s good. Why don’t you wait for a bit. Breakfast has been held back until you were awake. Oh… And do I need to remind you…? ” “I know, Craft. I know. I remember what I need to do every time I wake up.” “Good! Now… Stay in you cradle like a good young dragon.” Alright. I promise I’ll wait, Craft.”

Cryo began to wait for Sara to arrive to pick him up for breakfast. Soon enough, he heard the door to his nursery open, and Sara stepped in, with a huge smile on her face! “There’s my favorite Superhero! Did you sleep well last night!?” Sara asked. “Yeah… I slept really soundly, Mama.” Cryo replied. “Haha! That’s my little hero!” “Yeah. I… hope your not too… mad at me for having to leave the safety of your home and freeze that bad man. He hurt my dragon mama and tried to turn me into a supervillain!” “Oh… I was at first, my baby boy. But… I knew I had to step aside. I can’t keep you locked up in this room forever! You need to go out and see the world! And you need to stand up for yourself when nasty villain’s try to hurt you or someone close to you!” “Aww… Thank you, Mama.” “Yeah. Now… I bet your hungry, little guy.” “Oh Yeah. I’m VERY hungry, Mama.” “Good! Breakfast is already getting ready to be made. Now that bad bad man is been taken in by my brave little superhero, I… suppose I’ll have to… send you back home with Eli soon.” “Oh… I know Mama… But like you said. I can’t stay here forever. But… I still promise to come over every weekend! I know I need love from Mama!” “Oh… Thank you, my little boy. Now… Before we get to breakfast today and play time, why don’t I check and see if you need changed, my little boy. “Alright mama. I think I’m leaky again…” “Well. One way to find out, huh!?”

Sara took Cryo out of the Cradle and pulled his training pants forward a bit. And sure enough… “As I expected! Look’s like your a wet little boy again! Let’s get you over to your blubberbon and I’ll change you real quick! Breakfast should be ready by then. “Ok, Mama.” She took Cryo over to the changing table in the room, and began to change him. As she ripped off his training pants, she realized something she forgot to mention.

“Oh. I almost forgot to tell you, my baby boy. Your… going to be going back home pretty soon…” “Back… home? To Uncle Eli?” “No… Back to your REAL… home… Grandma… made a call to your own dragon mother back home after I tucked you in. She… told me they finally have new model ships made to withstand cold areas and have rebuilt their plane yard. They… plan to come take you home, very soon… In fact… It’s just in 3 weeks, after preschool ends for the semester for my precious baby boy…” “O… Oh… I… I guess I’m finally ready to see my REAL mama again.” “Yeah… I… I’m going to miss you my little superhero…” “Oh… I’ll miss you too, Mama. But… It had to happen one day. I have my own home to go to. And… I can guess you’d want me to stay until then, but… Seth back with Eli has been pretty sad his “big brother,” had to spend so long away at the mayor’s house for protection. I promised him I’d come back as soon as that super villain, Mick, was finally defeated, on Monday. I can’t disappoint him now.” “Oh… I know my baby boy. You have your own responsibilities as well. We all do. But… I at least get a chance to care for you for at least 6 days of those 3 weeks.” “Yeah… Don’t be sad, Mama. I’ll always be your little dragon boy at heart. And… I have a computer now. I promise I’ll… try to talk to you again one day. Hopefully soon, after I return home.” “That’s right. Now then…” She finally changed Cryo into a new pair of training pants and picked him up, and carried him out of the room. She rubbed his back as she began to carry him out of the room and through the halls. “Hey… You know what were doing after breakfast, my little boy?” “Umm… I don’t know? What are we going to do, Mama?” “You’re going to be put through a little training…”

Chapter 46

Home Again and Hopeful

Cryo stood at a runway at an aircraft base in Winterfell. Cryo was finally heading home. His ship would arrive soon to take him back to Military Research Lab Omega. Many of the people Cryo knew stood behind him to see the dragon off back to home. Among those were Eli, Arianna, Seth, Sara, Nia, Wake, and many of the kids from school. He gave a calmed sigh as he saw the new ship from home beginning to come into view far off in the distence. He smiled, though he felt a bit sad that many of his new friends and caretakers have to stay behind. Even with the CompCall app on his computer, they’d still be far away… But… He had to go home at some point of course. But more importantly, he would probably be there for only a short while, knowing the future events at play here…

“Is that your ship, Cryo?” asked Eli. “That should be it… It’s a newly designed Coldstreak Aircraft carrier. Made and donated to Cryo’s family from our very own stock. It’s the first time my company ever commissioned a military ship. I think it turned out pretty well.” said Wake. “Looks pretty big! Bet it could hold quite a lot of people, Huh?” said Artemis.” “Y… Yeah… No kidding… dad…” said Tanner.

Artemis looked at Tanner and knew he felt the weight of the things at hand. Cryo saved his dad’s life. Artemis knew he didn’t want to see Cryo go… Cryo looked back and gave a nod. “I know, Tanner… I know. Don’t think I hold any grudge against you. We all have our problems in life. I’m just glad I could help you with one of yours.” Cryo said. He gave a faint smile and nodded. “Th… Thank you… for…” “I know. Just stay safe with your dad. I must say… they REALLY kept Mick’s trial quiet for such a… nasty fella.”

“Haha! I know! Glad your… umm… Tech wizard of an AI could tune into it! I remember how the prosecution literally HOUNDED him at trial! He had to be dragged out in heavy chains because of how mad he got!” said Miles. “Man… Hearing all those charges he did! Several accounts of kidnapping, terrorism, treason, violent assault, conspiracy, AND attempted murder!? That guy was NUTS!” said Warren. “You are telling me… I haven’t heard of ANYBODY being THIS CRAZY since humanity left earth in the distant past! He must really hate you for all the trouble you and Craft caused him!” said Christina. “I heard Cryo shrunk that man to bite size! Is that true!?” “Haha! Yeah he did alright! Shrunk him to about… 6 inches I believe. I’m surprised you didn’t keep him that way forever!” said Artemis. “Well… I shouldn’t be THAT cruel… He may have been many things, but its probably not a good idea to fuel that fire any more then it needs to be.” Cryo said. “Well… He probably would have deserved it. That man will never see the sun again. Not after all that he’s done,” said Nia.

“I’m going to miss you, big bro… I’ll have no one to play cowboy and bandits with me…” said Seth. “Oh… I know, Seth. But… I have to… saddle on back to my own home now. I have to get back to the people who care about me. Mick may be gone, but I don’t think its safe I stay in town forever. I don’t think the rest of the world is ready to learn about dragon’s being… well… more then a fairy tale.” “But… do you think you’ll… come back one day?” asked Sara. Cryo thought for a moment. But he nodded. “I believe I will. I don’t think I’ll be gone forever.” “You promise?” “Haha! I promise, “Mama” “Mama? Huh?” asked Tanner. “Oh don’t worry about it. Ahh! They’re about to land!” Cryo said.”

They saw the ship descend slowly onto the dock in the front, and they saw the back door to the hanger open up. And soon, Cryo’s companions came into view. He saw Greg, Susy, Noble, Ty, Gerald, Cameron, and most importantly, his mother, Tide. She was wearing a large green jacket as she began to come forward from the ramp and come down. She soon stood in front of Cryo. “Hi Mom! I…” Tide soon embraced her son with a big hug! “Aww! Your so cute together!” said Sara. “Oh… I’ve waited to be able to see you again for so long!” exclaimed Tide. “Mom… Come on. Your embaressing me…” “It’s been AGES since I could see you with my own eyes, my little boy! Seeing you through a small computer screen is not the same. I was so worried that… AWFUL HUMAN would find and have his way with you! I’m so glad your safe… and ready to return home, where you belong.” “Yeah… I… I know mom…” Cryo shuddered at the thought of having to leave her again. But… he knew… there was a course that must be set for the future… If there was a chance to save her from being taken… he would have to leave her… on Cyriss… She’d be… alone… The thought felt awful to Cryo, but he quickly buried it deep down. He didn’t want to look worried in front of her. It was either this, or risk terrible things being brought upon her by them… She then let go and patted his shoulder a few times. “Alright. Let’s go home, my son.” “Alright. But first…”

Cryo turned back to the others and began to wave to them. “Bye everyone! Thanks for everything!” “Bye Cryo! Be safe and happy back home!” said everyone! He smiled and nodded and they docked onto the ship. They soon stood in front of the others as the hatch closed and the ship began to take off. They began to walk through the hanger. So… how was it in Winterfell, Cryo? Was it fun to be in your… natural element?” asked Greg. “Haha! Yeah. I’m not typically one for cold, weirdly enough, but the snow and ice wasn’t all that bad to be honest.” Cryo said. “Well. It seemed like you were well loved by the townspeople. I really wish I had the time to thank them for… keeping your existence secret from the rest of the world.” said Ty. “Well… Mick being out and about was enough for them to decide to keep me under watch and protection. I don’t think they’ll reveal my existence until the world might be… more ready to accept dragons into their world.”

“Yeah. I must say, Craft. Your really are a great AI! You were instrumental to the takedown of that… greedy mans ambitions. The files you pulled allowed us to take them down. It’s too bad they kept their main base of operations completely off record. We would have found them sooner. I guess they realized that they would be found if any files existed that could give away where they were operating from. And really Craft… I would have never thought your hacking skills could infiltrate mech and drone security! I not sure there isn’t ANYTHING you could hack! I remember in the report you sent to me detailing the entire little operation you and Cryo pulled on them. They were soo blinded by finally having their prize, they never realized they were playing into your hands!” exclaimed Gerald. “Thank you, Gerald. “I’m very pleased myself with the relative success of the mission. I was quite worried when that… shall we say… inhuman monster decided to try their new mech on the young creator. The odds were stacked quite against us! I suppose… maybe I myself had underestimated what the young creator was capable of,” said Craft from Cryo’s Craft Console.”

“I’m just glad your FINALLY back home with us, now. It’s nice knowing my brother will be safe and snug with us back home! No one is going to take you again!” said Noble. “I… uhh… Y… Yeah… Noble. I… won’t ever have to worry about kidnapping again…” Cryo began to lower his head down. He knew the truth. One he knew he couldn’t tell to the others… It felt bad to keep this from them… “Hey… something wrong, Cryo? You look a little down,” said Cameron. “Oh… don’t worry about it. I… think I’m just a little tired right now…” said Cryo. “Well… Why don’t you go with Tide to somewhere where you can rest. Ok?” said Greg. “Y… Yeah. Thanks Greg.” “Alright. Come on, my son. Let’s get you somewhere comfy. A personal quarters for you and me on the ship was made by that nice human, Wake.” Cryo nodded he and Tide split off from the others. She soon led Cryo to a small bedroom on the ship.

Cryo looked around the room. The ground was green carpet, and the walls were made of light blue Cyantran Steel. It made Cryo a little nervous, but he gently reminded himself it wasn’t meant to seal him into the room. To the right of the room, were two beds. One large with a plain red blanket and white sheets, and a smaller bed with a blue blanket and white sheets. There was a large window that showed the beautiful snow and ice covered mountains and glaciers outside as they flew on forward. Tide smiled at him and patted his back. “So… Cryo. Will I need to worry about any… accidents while you rest?” “Wha…! I…! Oh… That’s right… oversoul… You… saw that?” She chuckled a bit and nodded. “Oh Cryo… I find it funny some of the decisions you make for others. I can’t imagine it was fun to be treated like a human hatchling.” “Well… Sara wasn’t all that bad, Mom. I mean… I learned a few neat things from her.” “Really? And… what would that be?” “Well…”

Cryo began to balance himself on his back two legs. Then he began to stand up on them and walk around! Tide’s eyes lit up!” “Cryo! Your…” “That’s right mom! “Mama…” taught me how to walk as a human! Oh don’t worry… I’ll STILL prefer to crawl, like a dragon. But… there’s a certain charm to being able to use both your front paws freely. I’m sure I’ll use this neat little trick at some point. And… I’m going to have a certain… something added to my washroom later on. Hopefully soon. I think I should take my breaks in a different way from now on.” “Umm…! Uhh…! Well… I suppose that IS something, my little boy.” She began to smile and chuckle a bit. She then patted his head and picked him up. “Well… I suppose I shouldn’t keep you from your nap any longer. Ready to be tucked in?” “Yeah mom… I’m ready…” “Alright. Come here.”

She picked up Cryo and began to carry him over to the bed. She gently pulled back the covers and placed him in, and pulled the covers over him. She kissed him on the cheek, and then went to a drawer in the room, and took out a radio. She placed it on a cabinet next to Cryo’s bed. “Craft. Do you think you could tune this radio to naptunes for Cryo?” asked Tide. “Of course, Tide. Craft console connecting… Standby…” After a few moments of static on the radio, Craft’s voice beamed out of it. “Turning on Naptunes.” A soothing melody began to ring out of the radio, and Cryo smiled as it flowed into his ears! Soon… the music worked its magic on his hazy mind, and he fell asleep.”

Cryo’s New Abilities:

Note: Certain abilities will be enhanced and more effective in his other transformations.

Flash Freeze: Cryo shoots condensed beams of ice from his hands to freeze things at longer ranges and at multiple targets. Good for crowd control and small groups, but requires focus and aim.

Opaque Outlaw: By wrapping his bandanna around his snout like a bandit, Cryo can go invisible. However, quick movements will cause him to become less opaque. Will also keep his cloths invisible if wearing them.

Sea Screech: The underwater variant of the sonic screech. This one sends out a water pulse from the gaping mouth, which is very accurate and very long range. Good for single targets and for a quick strike.

Sea Slicer: Sends out blades of HIGHLY pressurized water by focusing energy into his paws and then slashing forward towards his target. IMMENSELY EFFECTIVE against most metals and technology, but must be handled VERY CAREFULLY in order to prevent others from… well… being sliced in two…

Frost Force Fury: An offensive variant of Frigid Fury. An dome of ice forms around Cryo, and he shoots a LARGE ice laser forward, freezing EVERYTHING in its path and plowing itself through doorways and such. With a little more manipulation, he can use it to form a tunnel of ice to allow safe passage through it. Good for a powerful attack against a single powerful target, or a group of targets clustered together. Also good for escapes. However… this one will take a good amount of elemental energy. It may leave Cryo exhausted after…

Bubble Bind: Allows him to encase targets in a bubble and trap them. He can then condense the bubble to constrict the target inside even further. Though the use of certain manipulations of power, he can instead send out a bubble that can shrink his target instead to better manage and transport a captured target. Excellent for taking targets captive (Which will be important in the future…)

New Gear:

Craft Console: Cryo’s new personal tiny data assistant computer attached to his wrist like a watch. It contains Craft inside of it, so he can keep a closer watch over Cryo. It can allow Craft to hack nearby computers and devices, attach data uplink modules to computers or weapon devices to allow Craft to better hack or take control of them, create maps of the facility as they travel through with the use of ultrasonic waves, and track possible friendly and hostile targets.

Future Gear:

Rig Armor: Made to better interact with environments and dragon abilities.


Speed: Underwater boosters used to maneuver quickly and efficiently

Offense: Booster are instead used for evasive actions instead. Made for combat situations.


Shock Stringer: A electric wire similar to a spider’s thread shoots out and can be used to restrain, grapple, and throw targets around.

Frigid Freezer: Shoots Ice missiles at multiple targets. Excellent for crowd control and opening up opportunities for further attacks.

New Likes:

His school and new school friends

Sara’s Idea of fun (Being a pirate or Superhero while being “Babysat.”)

His new bank card

Being a hero

His new tech inventions

His new abilities

His training

Playing with Seth


New dislikes:

Making mistakes that could put others in danger

His personal issues he’s been dealing with for a LONG time…

The Big conspiracy with his kidnapping attempts

Mechanical Contraptions meant for destruction and war

The soon to be coming future (and the risks it carries for his mother, Tide)


“Your not serious… Right?! You’re really going to go through with this Javelin!?” said a large dragon in HIGHLY advanced smooth black armor suit with blue visor where his eyes were. “What other choice do we have!? The Kaosotic (ka-sot-ic) have spent more then a LIFETIME trying to track her down! That portal… WE NEED THAT DEVICE! And she is the only one who ever built it!” said a red dragon in an dark red rigid, pointy, and intimidating armor, with yellow trimmings around the joints and a visor that covered across both his eyes. “BUT SIR! We don’t even know if she’s EVEN ALIVE! The report long ago that detailed that incident indicated a shot rang into her back as she jumped through! We’ve been watching and we’ve found NO trace of her coming out of ANY of the buildings there!”

“But… That other dragon! The small blue one! That one must be her son!” “BUT HOW CAN IT BE? ASK YOURSELF THAT! He’s only looks… less then 10 years old! He’s very young! He wouldn’t be THAT SMALL after 1000 years!” “Don’t lecture me, Trace! I know its her son! It has to be!” “YOU DON’T KNOW THAT! WE DON’T KNOW THAT! NO ONE KNOWS IF THAT DRAGON IS HER SON!” “QUIET TRACE! You are really going to talk down to your commanding officer!?” “Yeeessssss… For shameeeee, Trace. For Shameeeeeee,” said a dragon in a light green armor suit with a dark green trimmings around his joints and his paws had some type of alloy that seemed to shake the ground a bit…

“Rapture… SHUT IT! YOU REALIZE WHAT CREATURES OCCUPY THAT PLANET, RIGHT? YOU’VE SEEN THEM! Even the Kaosotic don’t want to have ANY interaction with humans! THEY FEAR THEIR ULTIMATE WEAPON! EVERYONE DOES! Your going to kill the Kaosotic AND THE REST OF US!” “The… weapon was… only spoken of in myth! We… have no confirmation its real!” “WE CAN’T TAKE THAT RISK! Everyone knows the story! Everyone! Their ultimate weapon… The… poisonous war missile…” Each of them turned to each other and began to shudder at the thought. “A missile of… ultimate destruction… It does something FAR WORSE then destroying a planet! It… poisons it… with fire, and an unseen substance that… consumes and turns flesh to rot and any exposed will suffer a slow, horrid end… And it isn’t just FLESH that’s poisoned! It’s blast is SO POWERFUL, it LITERALLY poisons technology! All systems shut down! Everything! No electricity, life support, air, water, ALL OF IT WILL BE GONE AND POISONED! SHIPS SHIELDS DON’T DO SQUAT AGAINST IT! THEY WOULD FALL FROM THE SKY AND CRASH INTO THE GROUND LIKE A METEOR! They’d… punish ANY survivor in the most… HORRID ways! THIS IS INSANE! WE CAN’T POSSIBLY TRY TO TAKE HIM! They love him! I can tell! We’ve spied on them for a while! We tried to… manipulate a ship trying to… extract him to who knows where, but… I STILL DON’T KNOW HOW OUR OWN CODEBREAKERS COULD… GET LOCKED OUT OF THE SHIPS CONTROLS!? PLEASE! IF WE PROVOKE THE HUMANS, NONE OF US WILL SURVIVE! Because that place is NOT ONLY the dragons home, ITS CLEARLY A MILITARY COMPLEX! THEY WILL GO TO WAR WITH US IF WE TAKE HIM AND YOU KNOW THAT ITS FORBIDDEN FOR ANY AND ALL UNITS UNDER OUR KAOSOTIC OVERLORDS TO GO TO ANY PLANETS OCCUPIED WITH HUMAN LIFE!”

“I… know that… But… this is far too important to just ignore! We’ve spent A TON OF RESOURCES trying to find them! I’m not just going to waste ALL THAT TIME AND dedication just to abandon it because of some old legends! Not all human legends were about that ultimate weapon!” “Please! I beg of you to reconsider this! Besides… That dragon is ONLY A KID! I’ve seen what happened to a lot of the other dragon kids! Pyra in particular was… I… I don’t want to think about it… I STILL hate these experiments your performing on her!” “SHUT UP! Look… If things go well, we… can probably get in and out without causing… too much damage.” “Huh? That’s a first… Your usually haphazard with a trigger finger! And EVEN THEN! WE’RE STILL KIDNAPPING THAT DRAGON! They are NOT going to be happy!” “I… just shut up Trace! Really! Everything will be fine! I promise you! I wish this wasn’t such a bad situation to be in, but… if that… Tide… is still alive, we need to find her! If not, we’ll have to rely on the child to build the portal instead!” “Y… You’re REALLY going to go through with this!? I DON’T WANT TO BE INCINERATED IN EITHER POISONOUS FIRE OR A CRASH!” Heck! I don’t want to be poisoned IN GENERAL!” “Trace… We are DOING THIS! Now… We need to start planning on how to extract them. Come with me to the war briefing room. And I DON’T want ANY MORE ARGUMENTS from you about MY decision! UNDERSTAND!?” “But…! I…! I…!” “Stop being such a coward Tracccceeeeee. This will be a eeeeeeeesay operation! Grow an actual Sssssssspppinnneee.” “Yes… Now come on. Let’s get started with planning…” Javelin X said.

Javelin X and Ravager headed into the war room on their ship. Trace gave a sigh and shook his head. “I… Why did I join the dragon military… This was such a huge mistake… Day in… day out… I… I can’t do this anymore… I… I need to get out of here somehow… Those kids… Ugh…” Trace slowly held his head down and headed into the ships war room.

Cryo the dragon, Frozen Frontier

Cryo the dragon, Frozen Frontier

Cryo slightly transformed in the cold region. He wishes to go home…


In the last book, Cryo the dragon went on his first camping trip in the explorers scouts! It would take place in deep in a forest in a outdoor compound made specifically for campsite activities and games. His day started with being split into individual groups by the scoutmaster of the base, Kyle. He was placed in a group with two other campers named Preydeth and John. After the introduction, they went to their first activity. Ziplining!

While nervous at first at the activity, Cryo was able to make the leap and zip fast the first pully (With a zipline jacket made specifically for his body, with Gregs fabric designs). Confident in his first jump, he was ready for more adrenaline through zipping through the trees! But before his next jump, he noticed that Preydeth’s jacket seemed to not be all the way zipped up. Apparently, it was broken. Cryo tried to warn Preydeth that its dangerous to jump with the jacket the way it was, but he continued on anyway. But of course, disaster would strike…

During the next jump, the jacket gave away and Preydeth began falling to the ground at high speed. Thinking fast, Cryo quickly jumped from the railing with his zipline attached and rode down. Then he cut the cable to his jacket with his talons. Using the momentum from the zipline and his wings, he managed to catch Preydeth before he could fall flat (and strangely, during the situation, time itself seemed to slow down while Cryo was flying… But they were close to the ground and still going at high speed. In a desperate attempt to protect his partner, he used his own body to cushion the fall for Preydeth, and would push him forward right as they hit the ground. Cryo rolled forward on the forest floor, sustaining heavy injuries and soon falling unconscious…

He would open his eyes in darkness, confused as to where he ended up. As he tried to feel around to see where he might be, a light appeared over and began to take over the scene and bring forth see something he didn’t expect to see, a large dragon temple. He began to wonder of the fall had caused him to meet his end, but a soft voice began to call over the distance to the young dragon. It informed him that he had not been lost from the fall, and that there was something she wanted to give to Cryo. So Cryo headed into the temple

The temple contained different statues of magnificent dragons and also walls painted with what seemed to be stories of dragons pulling heroic acts. In the center though, was a strange alter, decorated with what seemed to be a flo lilly… The voice called to Cryo to lay on the alter on his back, which he obliged… But soon enough though, a substance would spring forth from the alter and cover his wrists and ankles, pinning him to the altar! While afraid of what was about to happen, the voice called to the young dragon to relax and this was necessary to receive the gift in question. While concerned at what could happen next, he obliged and began to settle down.

Different colored energy crystals attached to the alter began to power up and send different elemental energies towards Cryo’s bandanna, which would then funnel into his body. It was while this “Birthright Bond,” ritual was going on, that Cryo would learn a great deal of things. He learned that the place he was in was a temple on the dragon home world dedicated to Cryo’s entire family. He learned that his spirit was sent to this place in order to perform the ritual, while Cryo’s physical body, though injured quite a bit, was resting peacefully on Cyriss.

But one of the most important things he’d learn is that his entire family had come to oversee the ritual! They approached the alter and introduced themselves to the young dragon. There was Wave, a blue ferrin dragon and Cryo’s grandmother, Inferno, the red ignis dragon and Cryo’s grandfather, Quake, a green eras dragon and Cryo’s uncle, Lightan, a yellow Zape dragon and Cryo’s aunt, Steelstrike, a silver metalmix dragon and Cryo’s godfather, Tornado, a white windsor dragon and Cryo’s godmother, and of course, his father himself, Servant, the black lunar dragon. Each would watch the ritual take place and offer the young dragon support as the process continued.

It was here that the ritual being performed here would allow Cryo access to powers each of the dragons had and would be vital for his future. It was also here that Servant explained the purpose of the flo Lily and why he wanted Greg to make the bandanna. Flo Lilly’s were special to dragons and gave great power and new abilities to dragons who ingested them. But the effects would not last forever, and that dragons have searched for a way to prevent the loss of power for generations of flow Lily’s. But, Servant, when he learned that Greg had found a flo lilly, decided to try a little “experiment,” to see if creating a clothing piece using a flo lilly would allow the wearer to permanently keep it power. It seemed that his experiment paid off, and Cryo’s special bandanna would permanently carry the flow lily’s power as long as he kept it close to him.

After revealing this to Cryo, the ritual concluded, and Cryo had to go back to his physical body, despite wanting to know more about his family. Not long after, he would wake up back on Cyriss, in his tent, in his bed. After letting the scoutmaster know he was conscious again, he told Cryo that he would need to be sent back home, as his injuries would most likely keep him bed ridden for the rest of the trip anyway. Better resting at home then in the wilds. But due to his brave, heroic act, he would be awarded a special badge for putting himself in harms way in the defense of others, and would be honored as such.

Later on, Preydeth would come into the tent to check on Cryo. He had taken what happened to Cryo pretty hard, and felt responsible for what happened to him. He told Cryo that he might quit the scouts, despite Cryo’s protests and would be going home with home. John too. Cryo wanted to try to help Preydeth to see that he’s suffered far worse situations before, so despite his injuries, he wandered out of his tent and begged his scoutmaster to allow him to tell the story of the kidnapping attempt at the medical center. Despite a little hesitation from the scoutmaster Kyle, he was able to convince him to allow him to tell his story. He told everything that happened right before they made their escape plans, before he began to get very tired. He would have to tell the rest of his story another time to the other scouts…

Next afternoon, the medical vehicle with Nancy and her son, who is being trained in medical, arrived to pick up Cryo and bring him and the others back home. But something strange began to happen to Cryo as they were heading home. Cryo was very nervous, fidgety, and beginning to act a bit irrationally. It was here that Preydeth connected the dots, and realized Cryo wasn’t mad at him, but the situation he was in was similar to what happened with his kidnapping. He was strapped to a bed, being transported with a medical vehicle, and had something around his snout that in this case, made it harder to talk (a dragon cold pad, as he had ran a bit of a fever from the excitement…). John, Preydeth, Nancy, and Darrel would work together to calm him down and remind him that he’s not going through that mess again. Eventually, they were able to help him calm down, and Cryo would tell the rest of his story to his squadmates before sleeping for the rest of the trip.

He woke up in the hospital wing later, and realized that Preydeth and the others left a few gifts for Cryo to help him deal with these problems in the future. Preydeth and Tide would come in to check on Cryo and see if he was ready to have some lunch. He agreed that he could use some food. But before they left, Tide wanted some alone time with her son to discuss an important matter… Preydeth agreed and left to wait outside for a bit.

It was here that Tide believed that something else was going on with Cryo. Something he was not telling her… Cryo knew if he told her about the coming invasion, it could really cause a panic at home to everyone, and possibly make Tide consider trying to leave. It was also here that Tide grew suspicious and worried about the fact that Cryo has a flo lily in a personal item that will never run out of power, and it worries what this could entail in the future. Cryo tells her he doesn’t really know what is going on, not wanting to cause a panic in the base, and she leaves. After she leaves, Cryo thinks that he needs to be far more careful with what he does from now on to keep Tide from knowing what could be a disaster coming for him and her.

Ch 1

Classroom Crew

“And so with complex algebra with 3 variables, there can be 1, 2, infinite, or no answers to the question. It will be up to you to figure out what those answers are, by using the methods discussed today,” said the teacher of the class. She looked upon the students, seeing looks of confusion, frustration, unaware, and inattentive students. All except for one…

Cryo was sitting down at a slightly larger desk with a wider chair raised a bit more towards it and writing on a piece of paper, jogging down the notes and attentively listening to the lesson. He was wearing his bandanna and a green sweater with the image of him flying through the sky high above the clouds on the back, and on the front of the sweater, was the words, “Flying Freely Through the day,” in white letters on the front. The teacher turned toward him. “Cryo… If I’m not mistaken… you have a bit of experience for algebraic equations, correct?” Cryo picked up his head and placed his pencil on his desk and clasped his paws together.

“Yes, Mr. Miles. I’ve used some algebraic equations when I programmed some of my own built personal items and tech.” “Good. Can you come up to the board and solve this problem completely, and tell us how many answers we have on this equation?” Miles asked. Cryo looked at the board at the problem. He began to walk over a study it a bit. 2x^2-16x+32=0. He thought for a moment. “The answer to the problem is 2(x-4). There is a total of 1 solution to the problem.” “Excellent. Very good Cryo. And how did you figure this problem out?” “Well, first, you can see each of these numbers can be divided by 2 due to the 2 in front of the first exponent. So you place the 2 outside of the paratheses, which then becomes 2(x^2 -8x +16). With the equation shortened, you now can try to figure out what numbers can match. To figure out the numbers, you need to find a multiple of 16 that when added together, match the middle number. In this case, -8. With this in mind, you can figure out the the multiple is -4, as -4 * -4 =16, and then -4 – 4 = -8. This means that the solution to the problem is -4 and there is only 1 solution to this problem. If you plug in these numbers for x, you’ll discover that the solution is indeed, (x=-4).” The classroom looked at Cryo at the board. He saw that some of them seemed to have paid a bit more attention to his explanation this time and were writing notes. “Well done Cryo. Please sit down again at your seat.” “Thank you, Mr. Miles.” Cryo walked back to his desk and sat down back in his seat.

Suddenly, the school bell rang, and everyone turned their heads toward it. Cryo could hear some of the students breathing a sigh of relief. “Alright class… We’re done for this week. We’ll practice a bit more on this before we’ll give out homework for this lesson. Anyway… Have a good weekend, class. See you Tuesday at 2:45 P.M.” Cryo began to quickly pack up his book bag and began to head out of the class, with many of the other kids walking with him.

“Man… How do you get so good at these subjects, Cryo?” asked Terrance, a white skinned, rather tall boy from class with brown hair and red splotches on his skin. “I kind of had learning programming to thank for that… I used it for a lot of the custom tech in my room I forged with the help of others engineers here. Especially a… special drive…” Cryo replied. “Is there anything you don’t know?” asked Preydeth. “Oh theres plenty of things I still don’t know… There no one in existence that knows everything.” Cryo replied. “Are you going to tutor again for this semester, Cryo?” asked John. “Of course. I might be in 5th grade now, but I’m always willing to help others who want my help, even if it takes time away from myself.” He smiled at everyone, and everyone smiled back at him. “Anyway guys, I need to get back home for a bit. I’m sure mom wants to hear what I’ve been up to today.” “Alright. See you later, Cryo!” He began to head in the direction the building he is housed in. He turned back for a minute and smiled and waved at everyone else as he walked. Cameron and Noble continued walking with him.

“Man… I think your the most popular kid in school right now, Cryo. Everyone always seems to want to talk and be with you. To think not that long ago, everyone was… well… I guess a bit more ruder to you,” said Cameron. “Well… The teachers last semester asked me to start tutoring with the others at home, and I think everyone I helped pass the classes I tutored that semester. I’ve also seen work pile up a bit last year, with many of the kids last year wanting me to repair their electronic items. Some also asked me to upgrade them with some of my own devices…” “Yea. I guess both would contribute to that…” said Noble.” “I suppose.”

The three were close the building to where each of the living quarters were located in. He opened the door and they headed in. Cryo began to pick his head up a bit and looked and them. “Are either of you going to come with me back to my room in the building?” “Not immediately. Dad wants me to come home for a bit. I’ll see you a bit after though, maybe by 5:00,” said Cameron. Cryo turned his head to Noble. “What about you, big brother?” “I have to do a few things in our home as well. But me and mom and dad will come later to see you,” said Noble. “Ahh… I see… I guess… I’ll be by myself for a bit…” Cryo shrugged. “Hey… We promise we’ll come a bit later Cryo.” Cryo gave a sigh and a nod.” “Alright. I guess I’ll see you both later.” “Alright. Bye Cryo!” said Cameron. “Bye baby brother. I’ll see you and your mother a bit later today!” said Noble. They both began to head in the direction of their homes within the building and Cryo gave a sigh, a headed forward to do the same. After walking through the facility for a bit, he saw the entrance to his room, with very large square door in front of it. He knocked on the door a few times. “Mom… Mom! It’s me! I’m back from school!” A camera turned above the door turned took look directly at him. A voice came from an intercom on the door. “Oh Hi, my little Cryo. Hang on… I’ll unlock the security door.” Cryo stepped back from door a bit, and a few mechanical locks began to disengage on the door. Soon enough, the locks were disengaged and the door began to creak open. He soon saw Tide, as the door fully opened. “Hello my son. It’s nice to see you back home from school. How was your day at school, my little blue boy?”

Ch 2

Home and Homework

“Oh. It was fine mom,” said Cryo. “That’s good. Here. Come inside. I’m sure your probably a little hungry from the long day. I can make you a nice sandwich,” said Tide, as she smiled at her precious son.” Cryo smiled and smacked his chops a bit. “Alright. Thanks mom!” Cryo stepped into the room and headed towards his work bench. He placed it on the table and unzipped it and pulled out a couple papers. “Alright… lets see if I can get my homework for school done…” he thought. He smiled and began to look at his papers. He looked at his first one, for science.

“Alright… Read chapter 3 for chemistry… Answer the questions at the end of the chapter…” He thought to himself. He began to open his science book and read the chapter… He continued to read for a bit, when Tide came over to him. “He son… What type of sandwich to you want?” she whispered to Cryo, trying to interrupt him the least bit possible. “Umm… how about a sliced chillin sandwich,” “Do you need any other ingredients on it, or just the meat?” “Umm… How about white ched, green leaf (similar to lettace but a light yellow/green color), red rounds (similar to tomato, but a more darker red color), and some midster sauce.” “Alright son… I’ll leave you back to your work…” She headed to the fridge to begin making Cryo’s sandwich. Cryo patted his belly a few times and continued to read.

After a bit of time, he finished reading the chapter and answered the questions in the textbook. As he was about to get to the homework for his next class, he heard Tide come over with his sandwich. “Here you go son. Enjoy,” she whispered. Cryo smiled at her and gave her a small kiss on her cheek. She smiled back at him and headed away. Cryo took out his English book out of his backpack and began to look over the next assignment while happily munching on his sandwich.

Some time passed, and Cryo had finished his sandwich and his homework for the weekend. He patted his belly in satisfaction and began to place all his school items in his schoolbag. He then gave out a small yawn. “I’ve been working for a while now. I think I should take a long nap for a bit. I’m sure the others will be here by the time I’m awake again,” he thought to himself. He smiled and began to head toward his bed. Tide noticed he was heading towards his bed began to head towards him. “You going to take a nap, my baby boy?” asked Tide. “Yea… I’m a bit sleepy after filling my belly with food and my head with knowledge…” “Alright. Would you like for me to tuck you in?” Cryo thought for a moment. He then smiled and nodded. “Yea. You can tuck me in, mom.”

“Alright, son. Let me get you out of that sweater and into a shirt.” Cryo nodded and held his hands forward. and Tide carefully took off Cryo’s sweater. She then patted his head a few times and smiled. He gave out another yawn and sat down on the ground. Tide then rummaged a bit in his dresser and pulled out a shirt with an image of him in a tuxedo and shades swinging from a grappling hook and seemingly escaping a exploding building behind him. On the back was an image of him sleeping and with a thought bubble of him arresting a criminal in said outfit with the words “Snoozing to be a secret agent, Cryo the dragon,” on the top near the neckline. “Alright son. Hold your paws forward.” Cryo nodded and held his paws out and Tide lowered the shirt over Cryo’s head. Cryo gave out a comforting sigh as he felt the soft fabrics enveloping him. Tide smiled and picked up the blanket from Cryo’s bed.

She then picked up Cryo with 1 arm and carefully wrapped his blanket tightly around him and then placed him gently on his hay bed with his head on a pillow and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “There you go, my son. Do you want to listen to some nap tunes?” “Yes mom.” The radio overheard the reply and spoke up. “Turning on naptunes. Have a good nap, creator.” A soothing synthesizer flowed from the radio and began to work itself on Cryo’s mind. Tide nodded and began to shut off the lights and turn the blinds in the room so it could be dark. “Sleep well, my baby boy. I’ll leave you for a bit so you can rest.” Tide picked up a book and headed toward the door to his room and unlocked it. She stepped out and silently shut the door. Cryo yawned one more time as the music began to work its spell and put Cryo into a deep, deep sleep…

Ch 3

Transformed and Terrorized

Cryo’s eyes opened up slowly. He felt a cold chill enveloping him. As his eyes began to focus, he thought he could see… snow. He picked his head up, and realized the ground was cold and wet. He shook his head, and realized that indeed, he was outside in the snow. “What in the world? Snow. In autumn?” he thought to himself. He picked himself up, and looked at the horizons ahead. It was dark out, the sky covered in darkness and a low fog over the horizons. Despite the fog, Cryo could strangely see through it just fine. The scene nonetheless gave a rather ominous feeling as Cryo looked forward.

“How did I end up here? Hmm… I do feel a little cold right now, but… it strangely doesn’t feel all that bad right now. I usually hate being out in the snow with no clothing to keep me warm in. Strange…” He was about to walk forward, when he noticed something peculiar going on with him… He looked at his paw, and saw that his scales were not Cyan right then and there. He took a closer look, and saw his paw was as white as snow. When he looked at his talons, they were covered in ice and it looked like there was snow circulating around them, like if the was a pocket of wind being generated from it. “What in the world?”

Cryo took a look at his belly next. His belly scales and turned into a light grey. He turned his head to look at his back and wings next. He saw that his wings had grey linings and seemed to be almost transparent. He saw that his rigid scales across his back also seemed to have snow circulating around them and seemed a bit sharper then before. His tail also seemed to be a bit shorter and smaller. “I’m… transformed? But… Why? I’ve never transformed during the winter season before.”

As he looked ahead, he saw through the fog what seemed to be an small lake. He headed towards it to take a look at his reflection. He looked over the water, and saw that his head’s shape had also transformed. It seemed to be a bit more rounded and more condensed. The shape much more smoother and white like the rest of his body. He looked closer, and saw that there seemed to be a small layer of ice over his yellow eyes, almost like glasses, except it didn’t seem to make it harder for him to see. His horn had been covered in ice as well, with snow circulating around it.

“This is… strange… I look… so much more different like this… Is this… an effect of a flo lily, or… do all Ferrin dragons transform into this?” He began to back away from the lake. As he backed away, he began to hear something strange. It sounded like… hover jets… “Huh… Is there a ship near…” Suddenly, a blast came from out of nowhere and launched Cryo a bit away!” “AGHH!” he yelled. He landed hard on the snow. As his head span for a bit, he suddenly felt someone grab him! “Wait… What the!”

He was then slammed on his belly back into the snow. “Oof!” As he tried to pick himself up, someone began to pin him down in the white snow. “Hey! Whats going on!? Let me go!” Cryo’s assailant then maneuvered Cryo’s arms behind his back and began to tie them with a wire! Cryo tried to struggle away, but he wasn’t able to shake him off before his arms were bound. “There we go… Now then…” said the assailant. His voice sounded familiar, but Cryo couldn’t quite remember where he heard it before. Cryo turned his head, and saw what appeared to be a human in thick black military gear and a black mask covering his face. Cryo wasn’t going to let this be easy for his assailant, so he began to take in a deep breath to try to freeze his assailant, before he felt someone grab his snout and began to wrestle it to the ground. “Mmph! Mmph!” Cryo saw what appeared to be another assailant holding his snout shut. He tried again to struggle free, but soon another assailant pulled out a metal wire and tied it around his snout. “He’s muzzled, sir,” the assailant said to the leader. “Good, now for his lower legs.” The assailants grabbed Cryo’s back legs and began to work together to keep Cryo pinned down and bind his legs together. Soon enough, his ankles had been bound, and Cryo couldn’t move.” The three assailants chuckled at the young dragon, who was now trying to struggle out of his bonds.

“You have been such a nuisance to us for such a long time, you little brat… But… now we finally have you… RIGHT where we want you. Now… Let’s take you to your new home…” Cryo began to hear an airship approach, and saw it come into view, close to them. It landed on the ground, and a back door opened up on the ship. The assailants began to carry Cryo away. “No! NO!” Cryo thought. He continued to try to struggle to break free, but soon enough, his assialants had him loaded into the ship, and the door began to close. They placed him into the corner of the cargo hold on the cold metal ground. Cryo felt a jolt as the ship began to take off again.

“Alright little dragon… I think you should take a nice long nap before we get to your new home.” The main assailant took a needle out of his pocket. Cryo’s eyes shot up! “Oh no… Don’t you dare… Don’t you DARE!” thought Cryo. One of the assailants came over and held Cryo down in place, as the main assailant began to kneel down and hover over Cryo. Cryo looked at the needle again, and could see the tip of it glistening. “Have a nice, long nap, Cryo…” “No! NO! DON’T YOU DO IT!” thought Cryo. The assailant quickly thrust the needle into Cryo’s back! “AGHHHH!” Cryo yelped. Cryo gritted his teeth and began to breath very heavily from the pain of the needle. But soon, Cryo’s mind began to become foggy. “N… No… Ugh… No…” Cryo desperately tried to keep himself conscious, but soon he felt his body become numb, and his mind quickly succumbed to the dark… “Have a nice nap, Cryo the dragon…” he heard as the sedative forced his mind into submission…”

Ch 4

Foresight Flight

Cryo tossed and turned and then quickly opened his eyes! He began to take a look around where he was! He realized he was… back in his own room at home. He breathed a sigh of relief as he began to slow his breathing and calm himself down. “That was… a really crazy dream…” Cryo thought. He pushed his back legs out of his blanket, and then his front, and then turned himself belly first on the bed, then lifted himself up. He unwrapped the blanket from around his body and placed it back on his bed. “Ugh… what time is it?” he thought. He looked at the clock, and it read 4:30 P.M. “Hmm… It’s nearly 5:00. Cameron said he’ll probably be here by 5:00,” he thought. Cryo headed to turn the lights on in his room and open the blinds, letting the bright sun in. As he looked over towards the mountains, he began to think back to his dream. “Ugh… That was a pretty bad situation I was in during that dream. I wonder of those assailants were the same ones who… Ugh… I hope not. I’ve not had any troubles with them since we got home after that whole ordeal.” He shook his head a few times and continued to view the vast expanse outside his window. He thought about the dream again, this time, curious at his transformation in the dream.

“That dream… My body had changed in it… My scales turned white. There was ice coated on several parts of my body. And there seemed to be snow circulating around different parts of my body as well. It looked pretty neat to be honest… For some reason in the dream, I didn’t feel like as cold as I would usually feel on an icy winter day. Could the fact I had transformed had something to do with it? Or maybe its just because of it was a dream? Hmm… It’s strange to think about. I’ve never seen this transformation before. I wonder what triggered it? I mean… when I was a hatchling, I remember the first time I hit the water at the lake. I transformed there, for the first time. I didn’t really know about it until after I came back to the surface of the water. I actually liked how I look. I know that to transform in those conditions, I have to be submerged into a larger body of water. It’s why I never transform when taking a bath. But in this case, what caused me to transform into a white dragon like that.” He scratched under his chin a few times. “Perhaps I’ll ask mom about it later.” Cryo looked at the clock again, and saw it was 4:45 P.M. “Hmm… You know what… I think I could use some fly time right now. I’ll just leave a note for mom that I decided to fly for a bit outside if she comes back before then. I should be back by the time Cameron comes in.”

Cryo took off his sleeping shirt and placed it into the laundry hamper. He went towards the table and found his sweater from earlier neatly folded up on the table. He quickly slipped himself into it and then headed towards his work bench. He took out a piece of paper and a pencil from his backpack. He began to write his note to Tide.
“Dear Mom. I’ve woken up from my nap and decided to fly outside for a bit before the others come to see me. Will be back by 5:00 P.M.

Love, Cryo.”

Cryo then took the note and placed it on the table in the center of the room. “Alright. That should be good enough. Now. Let’s get outside and soar around for a bit,” thought Cryo. He headed out towards the door and opened it, and headed out through the hallways and to the outside. Cryo took in a deep breath and gave out a relaxed sigh. He saw many people outside walking around the area. “Alright… Time to soar through the big blue sky!” he said. He began to hunch down a bit. Then with a mighty leap, he began to spread his wings and fly around the complex. He flew across many of the buildings seeing many people below him. Some of them saw Cryo and waved to him. Cryo smiled and waved back at them. “Ahh… It’s such a nice day out. A little cold, but perfect weather to fly. Ahh… I feel so free being able to fly around here. And…” But then, Cryo thought he could hear the sound of hover jets nearby. “Huh… I didn’t think there was people being trained to pilot ships today…” thought Cryo. But strangely, he thought he could start to hear it coming towards him… It started to get louder and closer every second. “Huh something strange is goin…”

Suddenly he felt something envelope his entire body and begin dragging him away at high speed! “What in the world! What’s going on here!” he exclaimed. He could hear people yelling below him and could feel a large amount of wind blowing at him. He looked at himself, and saw he seemed to have been caught in what appeared to be a black net! “Huh… Am I in…” All of a sudden, he felt something stick, right into his back right leg.” “AGH! What in the…” He looked at his leg, and saw what appeared to be a dart, sticking in it. His eyes shot up! “Oh no… Please tell me this isn’t…” Cryo’s mind began to get fuzzy. His eyes began to lose focus. His body began to lose all feeling throughout it. “No… No… This isn’t…” He gave out a yawn. He felt the net beginning to rise up as he tried desperately to stay conscious. He looked up, and saw the net being pulled up towards the fleeing ship, into a compartment opened up on the bottom. As he watched, he felt everything fade to total darkness. “No… No… not… again…”

Ch 5

Cruel Captors

Cryo’s eyes slowly opened up. His head felt fuzzy, and his body felt a bit numb. He shook his head a few times as he was trying to wake up from his daze. “Ugh… Where am I… What… happened?” As his eyes began to focus he saw what appeared to be tiny bars made of a metallic blue metal in front of him. “Wait. What?” He tried to move his front paws, but found they seemed to be… stuck behind his back for some reason. As he tried to move them, he began to realize his wrists had been bound behind his back! His eyes shot up! “Mmpph… Mmpph!” He tried to speak, but then quickly realized there seemed to be a wire over his snout, muzzling him! He began to breath faster as he tried to maneuver his back legs. But they had appeared to have been bound as well! He turned his head to look at his back paws, and saw that there was a wire around where the ankles were, binding them together! His heart began to sink… “Oh no… Those are… cyantrinian wires…” he thought. He felt something a bit large around his neck. He maneuvered his eyes down and saw that he seemed to have a rather big and bulky collar around his neck. He realized quickly what it was for… He looked around the area he was in, and saw that the area he was in seemed to be very small and confined. It reminded Cryo of what a pet carrier would look like on the inside. But it seemed the bars and framework were also made of cyantrinian metal. “Oh… This can’t be good…” he thought. Cryo suddenly hear footsteps coming closer from the outside of his cell. Someone came into his view. Cryo’s heart sank, as he saw the ruffian in black military gear and a mask. Two more appeared behind him, carrying some tranquilizer guns. He realized all too well what has happened…

“So your finally awake, little guy…” Cryo’s eyes showed clear frustration at his captors. “You have caused us FAR more trouble then we ever could have imagined! It took us a great deal to take you again… You know that? So many resources and so much planning… All to take you… You… A real pain in the neck and an asset FAR to valuable to allow to slip away again,” the masked man said. Cryo thought for a moment, and realized all too well who was talking to him. “Commander Mick… I should have recognized that voice right as you spoke up the first time… Ugh…” he thought. “You know… You should realize that your wasting your talents… being just a simple pet to a bunch of curious scientists… You can achieve FAR more then you could imagine, if you had just made it easy for us the first time. Instead… You forced our ship down, escaped our care, INVITED those stupid military boys on the chase to find you, and then had the nerve, to return to those blatant idiots while we had to go on the run. Such an absolute waste. Why do you think we want you so bad? Do you even realize what you could create with such a sharp mind and a such a degree of technical skill for revolutionary technology. I simply don’t understand why you want to be a pet, instead of someone who ACTUALLY MATTERS,” his captor chastised him.

Cryo gave a snort at his captor. “The people back home always treated me FAR BETTER then you and the others ever will. You don’t care about me… You just want to use me for your own greedy ambitions…” Cryo thought. Mick continued…

“You really don’t get it… Cryo… I’m trying to help you become more then you could possibly imagine… Imagine what you could create if you just… had come with us. Imagine what you could create with a little bit more technical skill and knowledge. We could have easily supplied you with EVERYTHING you could EVER want or need. Any piece of technology. Any living quarters you wanted. Anything you could ever want or imagine… could have been easily given to you, if you just understood us.” Cryo began to clench his bound paws tightly in anger. “I’m not some warmonger or a greedy illicit tech dealer,” he thought. Mick began to step back from Cryo’s pen and shrugged.

“But… I suppose we’ll just have to take FAR more extensive measures to help you understand… You’ll will be given QUITE a few reasons to work with us in time. We’ll just have to enforce enough punishment onto you until your ready to understand what we’re trying to do. You’ll eventually realize that we’re only trying to help you, little dragon… You’ll learn to work with us willingly, soon enough. It would have been nice, to have your mother here as well… But having you should be more then good enough…” Cryo gritted his teeth in anger. “You can punish me all you want… I promise you… I’ll NEVER willingly work with you. And I can guarantee, you’ll NEVER touch mom! Not as long as I’m still breathing!” Cryo thought. Mick patted the top of Cryo’s container a few times and chuckled a bit. “We’ll arrive at your new “work station,” in just a couple of hours. I suggest you get ready to work…” Mick and the others stepped away, and Cryo heard the sound of footsteps leaving the area, along with the sound of a door closing. “I have to get out of here…” Cryo thought.

A bit of time passed as the ship continued to head to its destination. Cryo desperately tried to cut the cyantrinian wires binding his wrists with his talons. His wrists felt a stinging pain as Cryo’s talons scratched against the bindings and against his wrists.. “Urg… My wrists hurt… I’ve been clawing at these stupid wires for a while now… Sigh… I don’t even know if I’m even making any progress in cutting them… There’s no telling how much time I have left before they arrive at their base of operations. If I can’t get out of this mess beforehand… Urg…” He began to breath more heavily, and gritted his teeth in pain.

“Ugh… I hate this stupid heavy collar… It’s the exact same one they used to block the gps signals on the last attempt to kidnap me. As long as this stupid thing is on, the people back home won’t be able to find me… I… I just have to keep trying… There’s nothing else I can do now…” He gave a sigh and continued to try to claw at the bindings. As he continued though, he felt the ship jump up. He was jumped up a bit in his pen. The ship then began to stutter a bit… “Huh… The ships experiencing a little turbulence. What’s going on? Did we fly into a storm?” Cryo decided to dismiss it and kept trying to cut his bindings. Cryo began to hear a few, banging noises coming from outside the ship. While curious, he continued on.

Suddenly, a warning light began to light on the ship, and a siren began to be heard! “Wait a minute… What in the world is going on with the ship…?” Cryo heard a loud bang and heard the sound of what appeared to metal peeling away from the ship.” “That… sounds bad… What is going…” All of a sudden, Cryo could hear the wall of the ship break off, and he felt a HUGE rush of wind pouring into his pen! He felt his pen lift up in the air!” “AGHHH!!!” he thought!

Cryo’s pen began to enter freefall and Cryo tumbled all across the pen as it began falling towards the ground! “AHHHHH!!!” After a bit of time, Cryo felt the container hit the ground! “OOF!” Cryo felt pain all over his body from the nasty fall. His breathing slowed… He felt himself slipping into unconsciousness.” “Ugh… Pain… All over… Can’t… Can’t stay awake. Urg…” As his eyes began to slip into the dark, he thought he could see someone in a heavy coat heading directly towards from the front of his pen. As his eyes faded to black, he heard a voice calling to him… “Oh my god… Are you ok little guy!?”

Ch 6

Dragon or Dog?

“Ughh… Urf… I don’t… What happened…?” Cryo thought as his eyes were closed. He felt pain in several parts of his body. “Urg… Am I… still alive?” he thought. He felt something around his body as he tried to wake up from his daze. As his head spun a bit, he thought he could hear something… whimpering… “Wait… Is someone… crying,” he thought. As he laid there, he thought he could feel something a bit warm, wet, and sloppy start stroking across his face.” “Hey… What? What’s going on? Hey… stop that!” he said.

He began to open his eyes, and saw a large, white, furry face, not to far away from his, licking Cryo with its small tongue. He jumped back a bit in surprise of the creature. It was sitting calmly on the ground, and looked at him with its tongue hanging out, wagging its long, white bushy tail up behind its back. “What in the…” said Cryo. He looked at it, and realized the creature was a rather small wolfy (basically a dog from cyriss that had underwent evolutionary change). “A… Wolfy? What in the world?” he said. Cryo saw it had snow white fur. It also had a grey streak across its back that ended towards the top of its head. Its paws on the bottom were also grey. It had floppy ears with a streak of grey on the bottom, and a bit of an elongated snout.

“Umm… Hi… there… Who… are you?” said Cryo. The wolfy whimpered a bit again and approached Cryo and began licking his face again. “Hey. Easy… Easy, little guy. I’m alright. I’m alright!” Cryo said. It stepped away from Cryo again and began to leave the room, up a staircase that bended at the bottom and headed up behind a wall connected at the left corner of the room. Cryo took in a couple of deep breaths, trying to piece together what happened and where he was.

“Ok… How… did I get here? And… where exactly is here?” he said. Cryo looked at himself, and saw a quilt over him. It seemed hand knitted and was a dark purple color. It felt pretty comfy and very warm across his back. He maneuvered his front paws from outside of the blanket and looked at them “Hmm… I don’t seem to be tied up here… That’s at least… good… Though… my paws and arms seemed to be bandaged up quite a bit, especially around my wrists… Hmm…” He looked at the bed he seemed to be in, and it looked to be a large, brown pillow with a small green blanket on top of it as well. Cryo sat up and pulled the blanket down to look at his body.

He saw that he seemed to have been bandaged up in many parts of his entire body. White strips wrapped all over him in several parts. He also saw that he seemed to not be wearing his sweater or bandanna either, which made him wonder where they could be. He also saw that he was still wearing the nasty collar from before. He gave a sigh, knowing he probably couldn’t take it off without the key… “Stupid collar… At least it looks like someone has been treating my injuries from… whatever happened with the ship…” Cryo then began to look around the room to get a better idea of where he could be.

The room had white walls and ceiling, and there was a fireplace next to him on the right, with logs burning within it. There was a pleasant scent wafting across the room, seemingly coming from the fireplace. The scent relaxed Cryo a bit. Cryo began to believe that the homeowners might have put in scented logs in the fireplace. He looked to the left of him. He saw a couple of long beige sofa’s with a small table with what appeared to be newspapers stacked on top of it. Across from the sofa’s was a medium sized and rather bulky television on a dark brown wooden shelf. There appeared to be chip drive movie cases on the shelves inside of it. On the furthest part of the right wall seemed to be a basket with several blankets folded up neatly inside of them. There was a door in the back that seemed to lead to a laundry room within the house. On the wall to the right of Cryo seemed to be a bunch of pictures, though from his view, he couldn’t see them very well. Cryo looked at the floor, and saw grey carpeting throughout the entire room. He looked towards the only window in the room, which was near the roof of the room connected to the upper left wall. Cryo looked closely through it. The sun was beaming in, but Cryo could see snow falling outside. Cryo began to believe he might be actually in a basement within the dwelling.

“Hmm… This house seems… pretty comfy. But… who owns it? I… hope it doesn’t belong to Mick’s crew…” Cryo thought. He tried to move forward off his bed, but began to feel pain across his body. “Urg… Hurts to move…” He began to maneuver back into a comfortable laying position. He gave a sigh, pulled the blanket over him, and settled down. “Well… I guess wherever I am… I’m going to be… stuck here… for who knows how long…” he thought. He began to lay down again. After a few moments… he began to hear something on the staircase again. He saw the wolfy appear again, carrying a bone in its mouth. Cryo watched the wolfy as he made his slow trot over, and then placed the bone on Cryo’s bed. It sat down next to him. Cryo looked at the bed, and then at the wolfy again. “Ummm… Thanks… But… I don’t chew on bones. In fact, I don’t really chew at all anymore. Not since I gave up my pacifier…” Cryo said. The wolfy whimpered again and laid in front of him. Cryo looked at it and smiled… “Oh… You’ve been… worried about me?” Cryo heard it whimper again. “Hey… Don’t worry about me, little guy. I might be a little beat up right now, but I’m… perfectly fine. I’m just glad I’m not in some dark facility being beaten by some really bad men who want my technological skills for themselves. Though… I really don’t know where I am at all to be honest…”

The wolfy whimpered a bit more. It sat up and began to huddle himself next to Cryo. It laid down next to him and began to cuddle with the dragon. Cryo looked at it collar, and saw the name “Lily,” on it. “So your name is Lily, huh?” asked Cryo. It began to breath more slowly and whimper. Cryo smiled and began to stroke the wolfy’s back slowly and carefully, making sure his talons didn’t accidently scratch it. “Well… It’s nice to meet you, Lily. I see your a girl wolfy. I must say… I’ve… never seen a wolfy in person before. I think that all the wolfy’s back at home are trained to be tracking dangerous criminals or search and rescue. But you… You seem like the type that lives a calm life. A pet wolfy. I must admit. Your pretty cute.” Cryo smiled and the wolfy wagged his tail a bit. “I’m Cryo, little guy. Cryo the dragon.” Cryo gave a sigh and another smile. The wolfy began to sit up and began to bark in a rather high pitched voice.

“Ruff! Ruff! Ruff!” it barked. Cryo knew that the wolfy was calling to someone else in the house. Cryo then could hear somebody coming down the steps from the upstairs. Then, someone came into view. A light skinned individual with brown hair and eyes, wearing glasses, and a black sweater and bulky brown pants. “Oh good. Your finally awake. You ok, little… dragon?”

Ch 7

Introduction and Interactions

Cryo backed up on his bed a bit, a little nervous at the human’s intentions. It approached the little dragon, and leaned down. He began to stroke his back slowly. “You really had us worried little guy… Though… I don’t think anyone would have expected a mythological creature to drop from the sky…” Cryo took in a couple of deep breaths and tried to relax himself. “Who… Who are you, mister?” Cryo asked. The man stopped stroking Cryo’s back, and gave a curious look at him. “You… You can… talk?” he asked. “Ye… Yes… I speak in human tongue. Its… my first language… I’ve also studied a few other human languages.” Curious at the dragon, he sat down on the floor next to Cryo.

“Do you… Do you have a name, little dragon?” Cryo breathed a bit more slowly and looked at the man. “My name is… Cryo… Cryo the dragon…” He looked at Cryo and nodded. “Cryo, huh? My name is Eli. Eli Erinson.” “Eli, huh… It’s… nice to meet you Eli.” Eli petted the dragon a few more times. Cryo began to wonder something else. “Is there… anyone else here?” Cryo asked. Eli nodded. “Why yes. I live with my wife, Arianna Erinson and my 5 year old son, Seth. We have been caring for you since you’ve arrived.” “And… what part of the world am I in right now?” “Your in the town of Winterfell, located in the Frigid region of the continent of Heracles (Hu- Re – Clues). Cryo thought for a moment.

“The Heracles continent? That’s on the same continent as home. Still governed by the same government. But much further north. Much… Much… Farther… I’ve apparently landed within the frigid region… If I remember correctly, it snows nearly all year long in this part… I’m… not the biggest fan of snow… unless I’m bundled up quite extensively in a nice warm coat and socks and gloves…” Cryo thought.

He patted Cryo on the back a few times and stood up. “Are you… hungry, Cryo?” Cryo could hear his stomach growl real loud. He nodded to Eli. “Ye… Yeah… I’m really hungry.” Eli smiled and nodded at the dragon… “Well, then. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised You’ve been out for 2 days…” Cryo’s eyes shot up! “T… Two days!” “Yes that’s right… Hang on for a second, Cryo… I’ll get you something nice to eat…” Eli began to head upstairs to get something. Lily began lay on her side, next to Cryo. Cryo looked at her and began to stoke her side. He began to think…

“I’ve been unconscious for 2 days? That’s… not a good sign… What happened to me in those 2 days… Hmm… Well… I’m sure if I ask, Eli will be… willing to tell me. I don’t think he’s part of Mick’s group… He seems… nice.” Cryo thought. Cryo gave a sigh, and settled down on the bed. Not long after, Eli came down with two bowls in his hand. Dog bowls… He placed them both in front of Cryo, with a bunch of small brown chunks in one. Water in the other. Cryo began to think about what it was. Then he looked at Lily, who sat up and seemed to be licking her chops. He then had an idea of what it was…

“Umm… Is this… dog food… Eli?” Cryo asked. “Well… yea Cryo… It’s fish based. I’m sure you’ll like it.” Cryo gave a small sigh. “I… I eat normal human food. I… uhh… am not a Wolfy…” he said. “Sorry, Cryo… But… I don’t think its wise to possibly give you food that could get you sick… I… I don’t know what type of foods your body can’t digest…” Cryo gave a sigh… “Sigh… My body can digest food just fine… I don’t have the same limitations as a Wolfy,” he thought. Cryo realized he probably shouldn’t refuse food. He begrudgingly pulled the bowl towards him and began to eat, with disdain. “Ugh… I don’t really like this stuff… But this type of food is better then no food at all… Besides… I need to know what’s been happening since I’ve been out…” He continued to eat it for a bit, while Eli watched. “There we go… Not so bad, huh?” he asked. Cryo gave a sigh as he continued to eat. He looked towards Eli.

“Umm… Eli?” “Yes, Cryo?” “Can you… tell me what’s been happening to me since I’ve been unconscious. I’m… really curious as to how I ended up here?” Eli looked at him with a smile and nodded. “Why of course I can little guy. But first, I need you to get you a pill from upstairs. Can you wait for a second?” Cryo smiled and nodded. “Yeah. I can wait for a few minutes.” “Good. Hold on little guy.” Eli headed upstairs and Lily began to follow him. Cryo continued to eat.

Not long, Eli came in with a spoon in his hand, that seemed to have Nut Spread on it (similar to peanut butter, but it is instead made with several types of different nuts and is darker in color). Cryo gave another sigh and realized what it was for. “He still thinks I’m a wolfy… This is one method used to get a wolfy to take medication…” Cryo thought. He sat on the floor next to Cryo and held the spoon out in front of him. “Alright. Have this delicious nut spread, Cryo. “Sigh… Yes Eli…” Eli held the spoon in front of Cryo and Cryo opened his mouth and closed it around the spoon. Eli pulled it away and Cryo swallowed it, pill in all. It was at least a little better for him, as he liked nut paste sandwiches at home, but he didn’t like the fact it was there just for the pill…

“There we go, Cryo. That should help ease some of your pain…” Cryo nodded and gave a sigh. Ye… Yea… Thanks Eli. Now then… Can you tell me how I ended up here?” Cryo asked. “Eli began to stoke Cryo’s back again and looked at him. “Alright Cryo. Here’s what happened…”

Ch 8

Teamwork in Town

“Two days ago… There was an… incident with a ship flying over the city.” “An… incident?” “Yes. A ship flying over the mountain had been flying very low for some reason over the town. It… apparently had hit and knocked over a rock formation on the far outskirts of town.” “It… hit something?” “Yes… It’s what eyewitness reports witnessed. As it flew over the town, it… well… It began to… kind of… fall apart…” Cryo’s eyes shot up in shock. “Oh no! Please tell me no one was… hurt by a plane crash!?” Cryo exclaimed. “Woah, woah! Relax Cryo. Relax… No one was hurt thankfully…” Cryo breathed a sigh of relief. “That’s… very reassuring,” Cryo said.

“Yes… Anyway… The ships erratic behavior caused a great deal of contention when it began to fly over the town with pieces of it falling off. But one of those pieces… Apparently had something… strange inside of it… And the piece in question… landed right in the middle of a park. At the time, there was many people hiding inside a nearby park building to protect us from the debris. When the ship had passed, and we emerged. I was… the first one to find a rather strange… pet container that seemed to be… different from what I’ve ever seen before.” Cryo began to breath a bit more heavily… “When I approached the carrier, and looked inside… I found something I never expected to find… Something I didn’t even believe existed… A little blue dragon… Injured and unconscious. Pretty soon others saw you inside, and it shocked the entire town…”

Cryo’s heart began to sink… “W… Wait… The… whole town knows about me…?” “Yes, Cryo. Everyone in town knows about you…” Cryo closed his eyes and gave a sigh… “This… This could attract a WHOLE lot of attention to me… Attention I’d rather not have, especially if they broadcasted it on the news… I… don’t like the thought of what this could entail…” he thought.

“Anyway, we saw that you had been… bound and muzzled inside of it. We could tell that you seem to be treated pretty cruelly. Your cage… seemed to be made entirely out of cyantrinian metals… Your bindings as well… We had no idea why that was… Maybe it was because wherever they were taking you was quite cold. Considering the ship was traveling north over it, it might be possible… It also seems the lock to open the cage was a digital number keypad. We knew whoever put you in there wanted to absolutely make sure you wouldn’t be able to get out.” Cryo became nervous at the thought of such measures being taken against him…

“Everyone there realized quickly that you were still breathing, but was pretty injured… We had to get you out quickly, to treat your wounds. Me and several bystanders in the park picked up you kennel and loaded you into my car and took you to the police station in town to see if they could find a way to open up the kennel and get you out to have your wounds treated. Thankfully, since the kennel was made of cyantrainian, they were able to melt the metal off of the front of the kennel with a few blow torches.” “I’d think that take awhile though. It’s hard to melt metal…” “Not cyantran. Cyantran might be very resistant to cold, but its VERY easy to melt when introduced to extreme heat or fire.” Cryo scratched under his chin a few times at this… “Hmm… I didn’t know that cyantran had a low heat tolerance… Interesting to think about I suppose. Then again, I really never learned at school about cyantrinian metal in school. I haven’t had a chance to take earth science yet…”

“Anyway… After the police melted the bars of your pen, you were immediately rushed to a pet hospital on the south side of town.” “A… pet hospital?” “That’s right. A whole bunch of the people in town actually waited for hours to hear if you’d survive.” “R… Really?” “That’s right… Everyone in town was worried about you, and hoped that you’d make it through, especially after hearing a “special news story,” on the tv…” Cryo’s heart sank again… “A… special news story…?” “That’s right. It concerned the downed ship… “What… did it say…?”

The ship was found about 500 kilometers north, about an hour after your kennel was discovered. It was found abandoned in the snow. When authorities went inside to see if the crew survived… they found that no one was there.” “No one was… there?” “Yes. It seems the entire crew had fled the downed ship… But when the black box as found… We heard a… rather startling message that came from it… concerning you…” Cryo began to breath very heavily at that comment.

“The message confirmed that you were kidnapped from somewhere far away. It’s not clear who or where they kidnapped you from. They also couldn’t figure out what they wanted with you. But it was confirmed that their plans for you were going to be… beyond cruel and sadistic… “Wh… What did they want to do to me, Eli?” “I don’t think you’d want to know…” Cryo gulped at the comment.

“As the news feed went on, everyone in town was terrified at the thought that you’d succumb to your injuries. Or they might come for you again. And the entire town began going up in arms. Everyone wanted to do anything they could to save your life, and keep you protected from further harm. It was then agreed and called upon by everyone in town, to keep your location secret, as the authorities and even the mayor agreed that the perpetrators could return for you. When everyone saw you rolled out of the clinic with news that you would survive, everyone in town was absolutely ecstatic. But you needed someone to take you in and watch your recovery. I… I took it upon myself to see to you getting better. I… brought you home with me and have been tending to you ever since…” Cryo smiled a bit at the thought.

“But… who’s to say many of the others in town didn’t try to help you. Many of the businesses in town have donated supplies and items to help your recovery. One really sweet thing that happened was a blanket we curled you in had ripped apart as you were being moved to the clinic. The people in town knew you needed something stronger to keep you warm and not rip apart at your scales. When this was learned, a bunch of the seamstresses and designers in town came together to create that blanket your curled in now.” Cryo looked at the blanket again… “Th… This blanket?” “That’s right. Many of the shops set aside their funding for their businesses to order some very strong fabrics to mold a blanket into so you could rest peacefully in.” Cryo felt the material around the blanket again. “Well… This does feel just like the blankets and cloths I had before at home before… well… getting my cloths and blankets upgraded again with Greg’s fabrics,” Cryo thought. Cryo then remembered something.

“Umm… Speaking of fabrics… I… came here in a bandanna and a… sweater I believe. Do you happen… to know where they are by any chance?” he asked. “Oh… Those are currently being looked at by the several fabric designers in town…” Cryo’s eyes shot up! “W… Wait? What are they doing with them!?” “Oh relax, Cryo. The people in town noticed that those items had some really… nice qualities to them. In fact, the items you came in with seem much different then any other fabric items before! They were incredibly strong. We know that. Not even a single strand came off when you fell from the ship. And the fabrics felt nicer then anything anyone in town has ever felt. Especially the bandanna. They were going to find out what they were made from so that they could supply you with much better fabrics while you stay in town and we figure out what we can do with you.

“I… I can tell you what exactly their made from! Just… Please give them back to me… They are… incredibly important… Especially my bandanna… I… I REALLY can’t afford to lose that. I need them back! Please!” “Calm down little guy. Your items are perfectly safe. I promise. But if you know what their made of, then maybe I can arrange to get them back for you.” “Al… Alright then… Just one thing though… The sweaters fabrics can be replicated… But not the bandanna’s.” “Why not? “The bandanna’s materials contains an item so rare, and so hard to transport, its… probably literally going to be impossible to find or make.” “What item?” “A… flo Lily…” Eli’s eyes shot up. “A… flo Lily!” “Yes… I know its sound impossible, but it’s… it’s true. I swear!” He scratched under his chin a few times. “How… How did you even manage to get one?” “Its… a story for another time I believe…” Eli gave a sigh and nodded. “Al… Alright… Anyway… What materials are in the sweater. “Listen carefully. Some of this might sound… outlandish… But I swear this is absolutely true. I swear on my life…”

So Cryo informed Eli of the materials and methods used to make fabric items like Greg. He… listened for the entire period as Cryo explained. “…and after the mixture is made of soulfire petals, fabric softener, and my ground up dragon scales, you need to mix it in with the fabrics, and then the mixture will mix into the fabrics and then give them a very lustrous feel, become VERY resistant to any sort of damage, and also protect against most weather elements.” “I… see…” Cryo began to yawn and realized he felt tired after this long conversation. “Well… I… hope you can get my precious items back soon, Eli… I… really want my precious bandanna back.” “I’ll… uhh… I’ll see what I can do, Cryo.” “Th… Thank you…” “Do you… Do you need anything else, Cryo?” “No thank you… I’m really tired. I could… use some sleep. I think I’m going to take a long nap, if you don’t mind.” “Alright, Cryo. Get some rest little buddy. I’ll leave you to your rest.” “Alright. Thanks. Umm… Any chance there is a radio I can use to listen to some… soothing music to help me sleep?” “Oh… I’m sorry Cryo. I don’t have one available for you right now.” “Oh… That’s disappointing. Well… I’m sure I’ll be fine without it. Anyway. I guess… I’ll see you… maybe later today, Eli.” “Alright… Have a good rest, Cryo.” Cryo began to huddle himself tightly in his blanket. After resting for a bit, he began to sleep peacefully. Eli began to head towards the upstairs. “Man… This dragon sure has an imagination… Its going to probably be difficult to figure out what the materials actually are for those cloths.”

Ch 9

Coldest Climate

So a bit of time passed. Cryo… got to know the family as he was recovering… Arianna was a middle aged women with red, curly hair, blue eyes, and rosy skin. She found Cryo’s ability to talk to be, a bit strange to her. She usually felt a little nervous around Cryo. Cryo consistently tried to open himself up to her, but she always got nervous when Cryo would try. It felt a bit bad that he seemed to be different enough to be considered weird talking to him.

Seth was a very young kid. He was… very curious with a talking dragon in the house. There were times where Cryo couldn’t take a nap with him asking so many questions about him. Cryo also had to typically play “fetch…” with Seth many times of the day, even when he was still supposed to be bedridden… It become quite hard to get some peace and quiet sometimes…

But the worst part of his situation, is that the entire town seemed to treat him like a dog… He had to go out on breaks in a harness and a leash. He was only given pet food for meals and couldn’t join the family for dinner at the table… He instead had to eat downstairs in the basement. He wouldn’t be allowed to take baths without someone present to wash him themselves. Things were becoming difficult for Cryo, and unfortunately, the plane crash had knocked out communications in the town, so he couldn’t call home and inform them where he was located. And the people within the town were trying to find a way to melt the cyantranian collar without possibly hurting Cryo, but still couldn’t figure out an effective way. And he still didn’t have his sweater or precious bandanna back. He knew that the people must not have believed him and were trying to figure out themselves, which he knew they wouldn’t be able to. Things were becoming quite bad for Cryo, and he started slipping into depression, feeling very homesick, wishing badly to go home.

But one day, he was outside on a walk, on a leash and a harness. It was a snowy day, and quite cold out without his sweater. He continued on though… He’s about halfway through the walk when one of the family friends, Clarence began to talk to them. “Hey Eli. How’s Cryo been lately…” said “I don’t think he’s been feeling well, Clarence… He doesn’t seem to move around the house too much… I might take him to the vet, later.” Eli replied. “Sigh… I don’t move around the house much because I’m not getting enough sleep… Eli kept me up from my nap yesterday again… He’s a… good kid… I know… But I need some alone time… I… can’t play fetch all day and I can’t keep answering all these questions…” Cryo thought. “That’s unfortunate. I hope the little guy feels better. It’s a shame to see such a cool creature not feeling well.” Cryo gave another sigh.

“So… did you get your car working Eli?” “No… Van still seems to not be turning on.” Cryo turned his head toward Eli in interest. “That’s unfortunate. Your going to have to take the taxi service again?” “I… think I’ll have to… I don’t have a choice. I don’t currently have enough cash to send it to the shop to get serviced. But… calling a taxi service from Wayfinder is expensive too. I’m not sure what else I could do though.” “Sorry to hear that mate. Hope things get better for you. Cryo’s probably quite a handful for you to take care of, isn’t that right, little guy.” “Sigh… Yes Clarence… I imagine I’m quite a difficult little… creature to care for…” Clarence smiled at Cryo and looked towards Eli. “Well… I’ll leave you to walk the little guy. I’m sure he still needs his break. Don’t you?” “Yes… Clarence…” Alright… See you Eli, See you Cryo. “Bye Clarence!” “Bye Clarence…” Clarence walked away, and they continued on their walk.

Night soon fell on the town and it was time for everyone to go to bed. Cryo was on his bed and was about to turn in for the night… But as he huddled in his blanket, he began to think about his walk earlier. About something he heard… “Hmmm… Eli’s… family hover van… It’s… broken…” Cryo started to get up from his bed. “I… suppose I might be able to… fix it… I’m familiar with the parts and items within vehicles like this. But… they… haven’t really been treating me well… No one has…Not since I’ve… been in town…” Then he remember something else. “The communications tower in town still hasn’t been fixed, either… I… think they have it rebuilt, but something went wrong with electrical and they couldn’t figure out what it was, either…” He began to head towards the staircase. He gave a sigh. “They haven’t treated me well… but… I’ll look into it myself. Eli’s van… The communications tower… And I think I know exactly where I can find the necessary parts to possibly fix them… A legal way to get them…” Cryo nodded and began to head out towards the door.

They thought that Cryo didn’t know how to unlock doors, but he clearly could. He unlocked the door to the basement and opened it. He then shut the door and relocked it. “This should make them believe I’m still down there in case they wake up for some reason…” He looked around the kitchen, and saw the light red walls across the room. There was a medium dinner table to the left of the room, with 6 regular wooden chairs with a white cushion on the front and on the seat of it. To the right was the kitchen, where a large metal stove, dishwasher, and many cabinets and drawers were lined up against the right and back wall of the area. To the front right, was a plain white refrigerator and freezer. He crept through the kitchen and through the small white hallways of the house to the family room in the front. There was a medium sized flat screen tv and a group of 3 large red sofa’s sitting side by side each other at different angles and facing the tv. There was also a large, thick black cabinet with glass doors, and plenty of chip drive movie cases and video games. In this room, was the keys to the house, which were hanging near the exit. He crept over and quickly swiped the keys and unlocked the door to the house. “I better be REALLY careful not to lose these…” thought Cryo. He slowly unlocked the front door and locked it behind him and stepped outside into the dark cold.

As he did, Cryo realized that his body had began to transform. He saw himself transforming the way he was in the dream. And… he no longer felt cold… “Hmm… This is the first time I’ve transformed like this since I’ve first had my dream.” He looked at the thermometer next to the door to his house. Reading -3`F. “Perhaps the transformation is caused by extremely cold temperatures or environments. I must say… I really blend in with the snow. It should really help me sneak around town. If anyone saw me out, there’d be an uproar. And… I actually feel very warm right now… Like my internal body heat has somehow adapted to the cold… This… This is actually going to make it much easier and bearable to handle the repairs on the communications tower.”

Cryo began to hear a crackling noise coming from somewhere near him. He looked around for a bit, but could find nothing… But as he looked around, he heard the crackling noise beginning to get a bit louder, and realized that it was coming from under his head… He maneuvered his eyes down slowly… and saw something he never expected…

The cyantrinian collar around his neck, was becoming frozen! The crackling noise was the ice beginning to form across the entire collar. Soon, the collar was completely frozen around Cryo’s neck. “The… collar… is frozen? But… how is that possible? This metal is EXTREMELY resistant to cold and water!” He began to think for a bit, then smiled. “The collar is resistant to cold… but not immune… No metal is. Every metal has a heat and cold tolerance, and it seems… its reached its limit on what it could do. Hmm… I wonder…”

He began to grip his paws around the collar, and began to pull. He could hear even more crackling noises as he pulled. “Come on… Come on…” he thought. He continued to pull harder and harder. The crackling noises was growing louder as he continued to pull! “Come on! Come on!” Suddenly, the collar shattered into pieces and fell to the ground! Its frozen shards spread all over! “Yes! Finally! The collar is completely destroyed! My family should be able to track me now!” He nodded his head in satisfaction, but then remembered why he came out in the first place. He nodded to himself.

Cryo smiled and began to flap his wings and fly, which seemed to not be affected by the strong winds blowing tonight. It was almost as if there was no wind at all. And even more strangely, it didn’t even make a sound when he flapped them… “Alright. Let’s start with the communications tower…” Cryo began to fly toward the tower, located to the east end of town with a goal and a new form.”

Ch 10

Surprising Start

Eli woke up in his room in his house. Ready to start a new day. He stretched his arms out wide. He and Arianna put on their cloths and headed downstairs to wake up Cryo for his morning walk. “Cryo! Time for your first brake of the day!” But when he looked to Cryo’s bed, he wasn’t there.” What in the… Where the heck is Cryo!?” he yelled! Arianna began to look around, then Seth. “M…Momma… What happened to little Cryo?” “Darn it… He must have somehow gotten out!” “Quick! Let’s get in the car and head to the police! They’ll be able to find him! They all began to rush upstairs out of the basement, into the kitchen to head out towards the garage! But as they got closer to the door, they could hear Lily whimpering…” “Eli… Is that Lily?” Arianna said He listened for a bit. “Ye… Yeah… It is.” They found her scratching at the door and whimpering a bit. “Lily… What’s wrong, girl?” She looked towards her family and gave out a couple of high pitched barks. “Ruff! Ruff! Ruff!” The three looked towards the garage door. “Eli… Is there… something in the garage?” asked Arianna. “I… I don’t know.” The three looked at each other. “Come on… Let’s see what’s going on.” They headed to the garage door, a Eli pressed his ear against the door to see if he could hear something. Eli heard what appeared to be… a wrench… turning a nut. He became nervous at what could be inside. “Shh… Be quiet everyone.” Eli whispered. He slowly opened the door, and as he did, Lily rushed in! “Lily! No! Come…!” “But as he was about to continue, they heard a voice inside. “Oh. Hello Lily. Could you hang on a bit. I’m working here…” a voice inside said. They immediately recognized that voice. It was Cryo! They rushed through the door and looked around. They looked towards their van, and saw its hood was up… And they saw Cryo, on top of a small stepladder, messing with something under the hood of the car…”

“What in the world! Cryo! What are you doing in here! What the heck are you doing with my van! And… what happened to the collar?!” “Oh. Hey Eli. Sorry. Could you give me a second… I’m almost done.” “What? Almost done!? What do you mean!?” “Cryo screwed in a few more bolts on the top of the engine and patted his paws together a few times. Eli saw there was grease stains on many parts of Cryo’s body. “There we go… That should do it!” “What?!” “Oh. Since your here, Eli. Could you do me a favor?” “What?” “Could you try to start your van for me, Eli? I want to make sure I didn’t miss anything?” “S… Start the van?” “Yeah. I took time last night to fix your van and the towns communication tower.” “What! You went outside on your own!?” “Yeah. I can take care of myself. Besides… the town has been without comms for weeks. Thankfully I was able to figure out the problems quickly and was able to get it working.”

“Wait… The… comms are working?” “Of course. Check your mobile phone and call someone. I took the time to call home to test if I got it right, and sure enough, I was able to get ahold of mom and the rest of my loved ones back at Military Research Institution Omega. I’ve informed them of my location. Unfortunately, it seems when they attacked it to take me, they… decided to destroy the runway at home. Thankfully no one was caught during the attack. But it’s going to be awhile before they can get a ship in to pick me up and take me home. They have to get a new air vehicle sent in that can resist very cold weather. The runway has to also be rebuilt so ships can take off. They estimated a couple months… I’m going to be very behind in school once I get back… But… hopefully I can catch up, by the time a rescue ship comes in.” Arianna decided to take her phone out of her pocket. There was a signal on it… She typed Clarence’s number, and soon enough…”

“Hello?” said Clarence. Her eyes showed disbelief. “Cl… Clarence,” “Hey Arianna! How you doing this morning! Looks like the comms tower is finally fixed!” “Umm… Clarence…” “What?” “Apparently Cryo fixed our communications tower…” “Wait! What in the world! How is that possible?” “Oh it’s simple Clarence. The comms tower was not getting its power started because of a mix of faulty wires and weak power source. I replaced both with the necessary parts and a custom made power core of my own design.” “Wait? What? A custom power core?!” “That’s right. The junkyard has plenty of parts in good condition that could be used to fix it and make a proper power core. No one really understands the value of what junkyards can hold. It isn’t all junk in there. There are plenty parts that are in perfect condition to fix and create all sorts of items. You just have to know what to look for.”

There was a short moment of static on the phone. “Umm if you don’t mind, Clarence. I need Eli to test and see if his van is working. Could you hold on for a second…” “Ummm…” “Thanks buddy. Eli. If you don’t mind. Could you get your keys?” “Umm… S… Sure C… Cryo…” Eli awkwardly walked into the house and grabbed his keys by the exit. He reentered the garage and opened his van door and shut it. “Oh wait Eli. Hold on for a second.” Cryo headed to the side of the garage and pushed the button to open the garage door. It slowly opened as Eli looked in disbelief. He didn’t realize Cryo knew how to open the garage door. “Ok… It’s safe now Eli. No need to worry about hover monoxide filling the garage. Now. If you would…” Eli slowly nodded, and turned on the keys to his van… And sure enough, in less then a second… the van started up.”

“Ahh! Perfect! There you go, Eli! No need to call wayfinder any longer for rides to work. Now… If you all don’t mind… I’ve been up doing repairs all night. I really could use a bit of sleep. I know it might be hard for you to let me get some sleep in, Seth. But if you could at least give me just a couple hours before I play fetch with you, I would greatly appreciate it. Anyways… Have a good day everyone.” He then opened the door to the house and stepped inside and closed it behind him, leaving everyone dumbfounded to what just happened. “Eli… I think we should call the mayor…” said Clarence.

Ch 11

Miss Mayor

4 days had passed since they woke up to find Cryo repairing their van. In that time, Eli had contacted the mayor and informed them of what had occurred during the night. Eli and the others would then be asked to come to city hall to discuss what had happened. After giving the story of what happened, they went to look at security footage near the comm tower to see if Cryo really had fixed the tower. Sure enough, they saw him working on repairs for a pretty good amount of the night. While transformed, they knew it was clearly the little dragon working on the tower. They were able to figure out which phone Cryo used to call home to inform them of his location. The mayor had a meeting with Cryo’s caregivers back at Research Base Omega with a vid comms app on his computer. They would talk to them for quite some time, including Cryo’s mother, Tide. They learned a great deal about him, his life at home, his duties, interests, and many different things. There was a small town meeting in town, showcasing all of what they learned. They knew that some changes need to be made, and made fast. So planning began for everyone in the town…

Eli and Arianna woke up early that mourning and got dressed quickly. They headed downstairs out of their room and into the kitchen, standing in front of the door to the basement. “Alright… Things seem to be set… You ready Arianna?” asked Eli. “Yes… Hopefully the mayor can keep him preoccupied while we get ready here.” she replied back. “He’s been sleeping quite a bit lately…” “Well… He did stay up all night to work on our van and the comms tower. He was probably exhausted by the time he finally turned in.” “Yes… In any case… The mayor said she has a couple things planned to try to give him a good day Hopefully… it’ll be enough.” “Well… I hope she knows what she’s doing… I don’t want to ruin his surprise…” “Right… In any case, let’s get him into our van…” They both nodded to each other and opened the door to the basement and headed in. They stepped down the staircase and into the basement, where they saw Cryo, huddled up VERY tightly in his pet bed. They began to pat him on the back a few times…

“Cryo… Cryo… Wake up… Come on, little guy.” Eli said. Not too long after, Lily rushed down the basement staircase and began to lick Cryo’s face a bit. Cryo’s eyes slowly opened up. “Easy, Lily! Easy. I’m up, ok?” She whimpered a few times and sat on the ground. He gave out a yawn and looked at them… “Oh… Hello guys… Is it already time for my morning break?” “Umm… No, Cryo… We… need you to come with us…” “Oh. Where are we going? To the vet again?” “N… No… We… are going to be very busy today and we can’t keep watch over you. We… are taking you to the mayors house. She’s agreed to watch you today.” “Oh. Really?” “Yes… Now come on. Let’s get you into the van.” “Ok.” Cryo picked himself up and lifted his back paws out of the back of the blanket. Then his front paws. Then he lifted himself up and pulled his blanket off of him, and onto the bed. He gave out another yawn. “Alright… Let’s go,” Cryo said. “Alright. Follow us little guy.” They headed up the staircase and through the kitchen and into the garage. They loaded Cryo into the back of the van. “Huh… I’m usually in my pet carrier when I’m being taken somewhere,” Cryo said. “Oh… I… don’t think you’ll need it this time. I’m… sure you’ll be alright riding in the back.” “Well… Ok then.” So they opened the garage door, turned on the van, and headed off.

They headed off through the snowy town and towards the mayor’s home, near the back of town. Cryo looked out the window as they drove. He watched many of the residents in town go about. Strangely, everyone seemed to always pay attention and look at him as they continued to drive through town. Soon enough, they made it to the mayor’s residence. A bit of a big house, sitting on top of a large hill upward at the edge of town. They drove up a metal gate at the house and rolled the windows of the car down. There seemed to be a camera on top of the entrance gate, and was turned straight at Cryo… Eli rolled the window to his van down, and pressed a button on the side of a panel. Cryo heard a voice come out of a speaker on it.

“Hello? Who is this?” said a soft male voice. “It’s Eli and Arianna. Cryo’s caretakers. We’re… here to drop off Cryo for the day.” “Oh! Eli! Excellent! Welcome to the grand estate of Nia Niles. Please come in. I’ll inform the mistress of your arrival…” “Thank you.” The gates opened up slowly and they headed up the long driveway up the hill to the house. They soon arrived of the rather large doors of the estate, and stopped right in front of the door. “Alright, Cryo. Let’s get you inside.” Eli stepped out of his car and opened the door to where Cryo was sitting. Cryo looked at Eli.

“Umm… Don’t I need a leash?” he asked. “Oh… No… I… don’t think you’ll need to be escorted in. I’m sure you’ll be fine.” “Well… Ok then Eli.” Cryo got up from his seat and stepped out onto the snowy ground below. Eli motioned Cryo to walk with him to the front of the house, and as they approached the large doors to the dwelling, immediately opened up. Cryo saw middle aged women, with light skin, long brown hair, red lipstick, blue eyes, and wearing a nice black sweater and brown pants. “Hello, Nia. Nice to see you again,” said Eli. “Yes. It’s very nice to see you too Eli.” She looked at Cryo and gave a nice smile. “Ahh. Little Cryo… I’m glad to see you. I remember when I first laid eyes on you when you were trapped in that nasty pen. To think someone would be cruel enough to bind you like that… I’m quite excited to look after you, today,” she said. “Umm… Alright.” Cryo began to walk forward towards her and looked up. She smiled at him. “I’m Nia. I’m the mayor of town. I’ve… was watching your recovery for quite some time. It’s nice to see you able to walk again. “Th… Thanks. I suppose.” She nodded at him and patted his head a few times. “Why don’t we head inside, Cryo. I understand you don’t like the cold too much…” “Alright then.” Cryo began to step into the house with Nia. “Cryo. Please be on your best behavior while under Nia’s care. I don’t want to come to hear you gave the mayor of our city a hard time. “Ugh… Yes Eli. I promise I’ll behave.” “Good. Have a good time, Cryo.”

Eli began to step back to his van. He opened the door and stepped in. He waved to Cryo one more time, which he waved back. He soon drove off. Nia closed the doors to the house. Cryo looked around the entrance to the house.

The room was pretty well decorated, with a large, red sprawling carpet across the ground towards the center heading towards a large staircase going up. The upper floor seemed to circle all around this room, with many entrances to rooms on top. There was also a bunch of rooms on the bottom floor. There was a vase with a flower pattern standing tall on a small table on the right with a picture next to it of what seemed to be Nia’s family. The walls had blue wallpaper with a texture of a bunch of rectangles stacked on top of one another. The ceiling was colored a lighter blue and there was a large, magnificent glass chandelier hanging above. Cryo thought the room looked pretty nice. Nicer then any other place he’s been in before.

“Alright, Cryo. You want some nice breakfast?” Nia asked. Cryo’s stomach growled a bit. “Umm… Yea… I… guess I’m a little hungry.” “Good. Why don’t you come into the dining room. My family is already waiting for breakfast in there. They are very excited to be able to meet you themselves. Why don’t we head in and we’ll eat together.” “Well… Alright then.” She nodded and motioned Cryo to come with her. Cryo followed her into the dining room.

The dining room was quite large as well. There was a very large table in the center of the room, with many, many chairs surrounding it. The wallpaper was grey and had a texture of flora and fauna all across the entire room. There were several large window beaming in from the left of the room, with red curtains aligning them. To the right was the entrance of a large kitchen, the ground with black and white checkerboard tiles and the walls a plain white. There were many different kitchen devices in it, aligning the back walls. There seemed to be several cooks already inside cooking meals.

“Alright, Cryo. Let’s go to the table, little guy. You can sit next to my daughter,” said Nia. “The… table? Don’t… Don’t I have to eat from a bowl on the ground?” Cryo asked. “Oh there is no need for that. I’m sure you’ll be fine.” Cryo smiled a bit. “Well… Alright then.” She led Cryo over to the table and pulled out a seat for him. He climbed on it, and sat down. It was a bit awkward for him, as the seat wasn’t made to account for his size or physiology like back at home, but he was able to settle down on it. “There we go,” Nia said. She smiled at Cryo and turned toward the two others sitting down. “Cryo. This is my husband, Wake. He’s works as Ceo at a jump ship corporation. He’s very kind and has been wanting to see our special resident of the town for awhile.” Nia said. Cryo turned his head to look at Wake. He was a rather tall, dark man, who was wearing a fancy black suit and tie. He had very short black hair, brown eyes, and looked at Cryo with a big grin.

“Hello Cryo. I hope you’ll feel welcomed, being here today,” said Wake. “Um… Hi Wake. It’s nice to meet you too,” Cryo replied. Nia turned her head to her daughter, sitting next to the little dragon. Cryo looked at her as well. She looked pretty young, had long black hair, brown eyes, white skin, and had a big smile as she looked at him. She was wearing a sweater with a flower on it and blue jeans.

“This is my daughter, Sara. Sara… Why don’t you introduce yourself to our guest, here…” “Hi, blue buddy! I’m Sara! Your so much cuter in person! I’ve really wanted to see you for so long!” Cryo smiled and waved to her from her seat. “Hi Sara. It’s nice to meet you too.” She petted Cryo on the head a few times from her seat. And Cryo smiled at her again. “Alright Cryo. Breakfast should be ready soon.”

Ch 12

Breakfast Buddy

Soon enough, the butler of the house came in and placed a plate at each seat. Then, a bunch of cooks carrying plates with a large steel dome on top of them. The other workers in the house began to take a seat at the table. They each looked at the little dragon as they sat down. One of the cooks began to take the domes off the first dish.

It seemed to have scrambled chillin eggs, mixed with a bit of cheese, sausage, and some spices from the looks of it. “Hmm… The eggs seems to have a bit more additives to it then what I usually have at home. I wonder how much different it will taste…” Cryo thought. The next dish he uncovered seemed to have many different strips of bacon with the smell wafting across Cryo’s nose. He licked his chaps. It’s been awhile since he’s had any bacon, let alone pork products. The next dish seemed to be toast, but it seemed a bit… greasier. He thought he could see a bit of eggs on the plate as well. “Hmm… That toast seems to have something poured over it. Or… cooked with it? Interesting…” Cryo thought with curiosity. Then final dish uncovered seemed to be hashed taters (hash browns) , but spun in with different ingredients, like cut pieces of the roundyin (basically onions grown in the soil of the world, that is very round and grey), some tater chunks, and some herbs and spices. “I’ve never seen hashed taters made in this format before. Seems a bit… fancier perhaps? Looks like a couple different ingredients in it. Hmm…” Cryo thought again. “Alright everyone. Bon apatite.” said the cook. “Alright. Let’s get started everyone.”

They began to take the each of the plates one by one and passing it around the table. Cryo watched as they went around. “A lot of food here. Then again… Looks like a lot of people will be dining here. I have to wonder if it’ll taste a bit different then what I have at home…” Cryo thought. Soon enough, the first plate arrived at Cryo’s seat. “Go ahead Cryo… Take the plate and take as many scrambled eggs as you want.” “Umm… Alright.” Cryo carefully took the plate and took his fork and began to scrape a bit of the scrambled eggs off. He began to pass the plate to Sara, when Nia noticed something…

“Cryo… You didn’t take too much scrambled eggs… Did you eat before you came here? Or… do you not like them?” Cryo pulled back the plate and looked at Nia. “Well… I like scrambled eggs… But… I know I need to share with everyone else. I don’t want to be greedy and take too much, when I know others may want seconds,” Cryo said. Nia smiled at him. “Oh, nonsense! Take as much as you want! Your our very special guest today. It’s the least we can do for you.” Cryo thought for a moment. “Well… ok then…” Cryo took the plate again and scraped a bit more. Not too much more then what he took earlier though. Nia began to think. “Cryo must not be too much of an eater… I’d think a dragon would need plenty of food to grow. I saw his mother. She was quite large when I got a chance to speak with her. Or maybe… maybe he’s still concerned with sharing… Well… I suppose I shouldn’t try to overfeed him anyway. They told me he’s pretty active during the day… No need to make him lethargic and have him end up taking a nap right at the start of the day,” she thought. They continued to pass the plates of food down, which each resident taking food off and placing on their plate. Soon enough, everyone had what they desired on their plate. They each began eat from their plate.

Cryo decided to try each item one by one. He took a bite of the eggs first. It tasted a bit cheesy, with the sausage giving a bit of a sweet flavor. He smiled as he swallowed it down. He then took a bite of the bacon. It had a dry flavor, with a hint of spiciness as he chewed it up. He smiled again at the taste. He then lifted up the toast and took one big bite, which gave a soft crunch as he did. He could taste a bit of egg on it as well on it, which the combined flavors gave a sweetened and dry flavor from both items. He smiled again at the dish. He finally took a bite of the hashed taters. There was a rather sour flavor from the roundyins and fried bits, while the chunks of tato gave a smooth, sweet flavor in the mouth. Cryo nodded in agreement and gulped it down and patted his belly a few times. He continued to eat. Nia looked at him while he ate.

“How do you like your food, Cryo? Did my cooks do a good job?” asked Nia. “Umm… Yeah! Yeah they did! This stuff is better then what me and mom make at home!” Nia smiled at Cryo and nodded. “That’s good. I… understand you’ve had some eating troubles lately…” Cryo thought for a moment. “I… shouldn’t complain about what I get with Eli… He’s actually sharing food at the table with me, instead of me getting dog food all the time. Although I’m not allowed to sit at the table yet… Nonetheless, I shouldn’t say something bad about him. He’s doing his best to care for me.” Cryo looked at Nia. “Umm… Its… not that bad back with Eli. He… feeds me enough.” “Well I hope so. He took it upon himself to watch over you. I’d hoped he be doing well in that regard…” Umm… Ye… Yeah he is. Don’t… worry about it.” Wake turned his head to Cryo.

“So… I heard you repaired our radio tower a few nights ago…” Wake said. “Yeah. I did. Sorry if I might have worried anyone about me being out by myself. I… know that I’m not supposed to be, considering… Mick might still be out there somewhere…” “Oh. Don’t worry about that. I’m just highly impressed your were able to fix it so well. I saw the new power core you installed in it. Did you make it yourself? “Why… Yes I did, Wake. Yes I did.” “Is it also true you used parts from the junkyard to make it as well to fix the wires?”

“Yes. I’m going to be honest… Junkyards are absolutely great places to get machine parts. Many people think that when a machine is thrown away, its inner parts are all broken or inferior. People need to keep in mind. There are situations where a piece of technology from the junkyard might not be all that old when moved into it. And not all pieces of metal or wires might be broken, rusted, or inferior when something is thrown away. As long as you know what your looking for, you can find relatively good parts in very good condition to fix things. My brother, Noble, used to go to the junkyard at my previous home on the mountains before I was… erm… relocated to the military research center to be studied and cared for. He’d take home pieces of technology from the junkyard of all kinds. Phones, Toasters, microwaves, you name it. He’d bring them home and take them apart at home to get a better understanding of how they work. He’d allow me to watch him and he’d explain to me what each part does and how it works. “Really? That’s quite interesting.” “Yeah… He helped me become very good at repairing technology. My knowledge only grew after I began studying blueprints of different tech from home. I began to make items of my own.” “Really? What have you made, Cryo?”

“Well… I’ve made a clock/radio in the shape of a dragon egg sitting on a nest, and another radio in the shape of a beach ball in my bedroom. I’ve also created my own tv in the shape of a purple gemstone, and I’ve made different types of assistive technology for upgrading and improving different types of electronic items. And before you ask… yes… I also understand how to forge and smith metal and supplementary items. I learned that from many willing engineers at the base. I’ve upgraded a few of my own personal items at home through spare metals from a junkyard located in the city.”

Everyone at the table was impressed at the seemingly talented little dragon eating breakfast with them. “Well, Cryo… That’s very nice that your so talented. I might come to you for city projects while your still with us,” said Nia. “Oh. I’d be glad to help or advise. It’s the least I can do since your city has kept me safe since I was kidnapped.”

“Yes… Hopefully you’ll be home before they make another attempt at you. The whole police force is on alert since you first dropped out of the sky. Anyone who seems… dangerous will most likely be taken in. They’ll be hard pressed to get close to you with everyone looking out for them. We at least have your sketch of what your caretaker, Greg, showed you of what Mick looked like. Everyone in town knows what that traitor looks like.” “Yeah… I just hope he doesn’t become desperate to try to find and get me. I’ve… seen how far he’ll go at times. He’s… extremely dangerous. He’s no joke. Ugh… I still wonder how they managed to hit a rock formation while flying… It seems…. weird that their pilot would somehow miss it and knock it over… I mean… I… guess I’m pretty lucky that happened, considering I ended up being jettisoned out of their escape craft and taken in by an entire city willing to protect… well… I guess something they’ve never expected to see. But… I was pretty badly injured from the fall. Knocked unconscious for 2 days and then bedridden for about another week.” “Yes… Anyway. Hopefully our police will be able to keep them at bay… I don’t want you to feel unsafe in our city. Your very special here. No one would like to see you worried.” “Yeah. Thanks Nia.”

The family continued to eat and soon enough, everyone was filled. Everyone went back to work while Nia and Wake began to walk Cryo out of the room. “Alright then, Cryo. Is there something you’d like to do for now?” asked Nia. “Actually… I think it’s about time for the show, Capsule creatures to be airing today… It usually airs at about 10:00 A.M. on the tv. Is there a place we can watch tv?” “Of course. Follow us to our family room, little guy.” Nia and Wake got up and began to head towards Cryo. Cryo jumped down from his seat at the table and headed towards them. They motioned Cryo to head towards a door to a hallway connected to the front of the room. Cryo nodded and the three began to head their way over, while Sara was watching the little dragon trot away very intently…

Ch 13

Theater Time

They walked Cryo through the house to their living room. Cryo saw the hallways were pretty large and decorated with different paintings and photos of the family. The walls through were a light navy blue, and the floor was made up of wood, with many rectangles stacked on top of one another. After a bit of walking, they made it to a rather large, sprawling room in the house. The room walls were painted light grey, and the floors was red carpet. There was a large array of large bookshelves lining both sides of the room, with a large , sliding ladder attached to them. There were a couple of large windows in the room with red drapes aligning the sides of the windows and a white drape covering the window itself. On the right wall, was quite a large, stone fireplace, a two logs inside of it, ready to be lit up to warm up the room. In the very front of the room, was where the main attraction was. There was a very large screen attached to the front wall. Below it seemed to be a large, wooden cabinet with many, many chip drive movies filling it. There was also a couple of gaming systems on top of the cabinet. Cryo looked up, and saw a projector on the roof. A bit of ways away from the room was 3 vivid red sofas. There was one very long one while two much smaller ones on each side of the long one.

“This seems interesting… I’ve never seen a tv system like this before,” Cryo said. “This is a home theater system, Cryo,” said Wake. “A… home theater system?” “Yes. You’ve ever been to a movie theater before?” asked Nia. “Well… No… Keep in mind. I’m a dragon… I don’t really… have a chance to go to public places… It’s not safe for me to be out in the public normally…” “Ahh… excuse me, Cryo. I forgot about that detail.” said Nia. Wake patted Cryo on the head a few times. “You saw the projector above, right?” “Umm… Yea. I normally see those in school at home.” “Well… You may not realize it, but you can watch tv and movies on a projector.” “Really?” “Why yes, Cryo. This room is made with the goal to make it… similar to how a movie theater shows movies.” “Wow. Ok then.” “The room has surround sound speakers to give the sounds on the tv more… lifelike qualities. Also, the walls of the room are made to bounce sound around the room. Its kind of like… experiencing the movie as if you were there. We also have 3d here glasses that can allow you to watch certain movies to imitate the effect of… how should I say this… as if you could feel the characters and items in the movie going towards you and pulling away, I guess…” “That’s… rather interesting. I’m familiar with 3d models in a video game… But… movies giving an experience of actually being inside the movie I guess. Sounds pretty sweet actually.” They both smiled at Cryo and patted him on the shoulder a few times.

“Alright… Me and Wake will be a little busy with our own work for a bit, so we’ll have to leave you for a bit… I will put on a fire for you and we’ll leave you to watch a bit of tv, ok?” “Ok. Thank you.” “Alright. That’s a good boy. Hang on for a second…” said Wake. He headed towards the fireplace and pulled a lighter inside a basket nearby it. He turned on the lighter, and maneuvered it carefully towards the logs. After holding it on the logs for a few seconds, the log began to burn with a blue flame. He did the same with the second log. The burning logs began to waft a scent around the room. It smelled of the relaxing Mountain Froz tree, which relaxed Cryo. Wake stepped back towards the entrance of the room and faced the little dragon with Nia standing beside him.

“Alright. Be good for a bit and watch tv. If you need anything, ring this bell in the room, right here,” Nia said as she smiled at Cryo. She pointed to a bell, connected to the side of the room, with a pull string on the bottom. “This will have one of our workers in the house come and you’ll simply need to tell them what you would like, ok?” “Umm… ok then.” “Alright. Good. Have a good time in here Cryo.” They both left the room and closed the door behind them. Cryo nodded and looked forward. He saw the remote for the projector on top of the shelf below the screen. He picked up the remote and headed the long sofa to sit down. “Hmm… Considering the projector, I probably have to point at it, rather then the screen to turn it on and use the remote,” Cryo thought. He looked at the remote and pointed it at the projector. Turning it on, he saw projector beginning to spin up. Not too long after, an image appeared on the screen. Cryo smiled and quickly turned the channel to watch the Capsule Creatures cartoon.

Ch 14

Family Fun…

Cryo watched the cartoon for a while on the tv. He was quite impressed by the sound system in the room. “Man… This sound system sounds incredible, especially with the battles on the screen. It’s too bad I can’t try the 3d glasses with the show. I don’t think its compatible with the 3d glasses. Oh well… Maybe I can try a movie later with the glasses,” he thought. He watched it for a bit, when he could swear he could hear the door to the room open. He slowly turned his head to see who it was, and saw Sara, peaking into the room.

“Oh. Hi Sara.” Cryo said. “H…Hi! Cryo your name is, right?” she asked. “Yes. My name is Cryo. Cryo the dragon.” she looked endearingly at Cryo. “Can I… come in and sit with you?” “Well… Sure. I don’t see why not.” She gave a big smile and strolled over to long sofa and sat next to him. She began petting his back a bit. “You really are a cute little blue buddy!” she said. “Well… I suppose that just comes with being a dragon, perhaps.” She smiled at him as he continued to watch tv.

The tv program ended a bit after, and Cryo began to switch the channel to something else. “Hmm… With Sara in here, I shouldn’t turn on any programs that are… well… not age appropriate, like Will in the Wilds. Hmm… What else could be on that would work?” He thought. He thought for a moment, and decided to pick up a movie instead to watch on the big screen. “Umm… Sara? Could you give me a minute to pick a chip drive for the… projector I guess? I’d like to watch a movie…” “Oh… Ok then…” “It’s just going to be a minute for me to get it. I’ll sit back down with you after. Just hang on…” Cryo got out of his seat and went to look at the movies in the cases. He decided found the dragon tamer movie pack on the case, and decided to watch it. “This shouldn’t be that bad for her. I’m sure she’s watched it plenty of times before,” he thought. He smiled and nodded.

He looked at the projector. “Hmm… the chip drive system must be directly connected to the projector. It’s pretty high up. Guess I can fly up and put it in.” Cryo began to lean down and with a leap, began to fly in the room towards the projector. Sara smiled in awe at the him, her eyes lit up like a light. He quickly found the projector’s movie chip drive reader and opened it up, He put the chip into it and it slid into the projector. Cryo smiled and flipped in the air and flew back to the sofa and sat down next to Sara. She began petting him almost immediately. “There we go. Now then. Let’s watch the movie.” Cryo said. Cryo was able to figure out what input movies were on on the projector and began to play the movie.

Sara and Cryo continued to watch for a bit. She seemed to enjoy the movie a whole lot. She began to slow down petting Cryo, with a bit of a solemn look on her face. She turned towards the young dragon.

“Hey. Umm… Cr…Cryo?” “Yeah, Sara?” “What’s… What’s your home like?” “What’s my home like? You mean with Eli?” “N…No. Your REAL home. It’s a bit in the more southern part of the continent, right?” “Well… Yeah… but…” “Who takes care of you?” “Well… A lot of people actually take care of me, to be honest…” “R… Really?” “Yeah… I think you can expect that, considering I’m… well… a dragon. “Who are they?”

“Well… There’s my mother, Tide of course. Then there is the ones, who adopted me when… mom got….ill “I… ill? “Yes… She… fell into a… deep sleep, that lasted a whole 6 years of my life…” Oh my goodness! 6 years without your mama!?” Yeah… But it wasn’t as bad as it sounds. I was cared for by a family that took me and mom in when we first arrived. There was Greg, my adopted father, my adopted mother, Suzy, and… my big brother, Noble. “Was it… nice for you?” “Oh. It was perfect! It didn’t matter if I was of a different species. They raised me until… my first birthday… “What happened?”

“Umm… I don’t think that’s a good topic to talk about.” “Are they… gone?” “Oh! No! No! Not like that… Um… I was… relocated.” “Re…located?” “Ye… Yeah… I was taken to a new home in Research base Omega. There… Um… I guess you could say… I… gained new… caretakers there…” “New… caretakers? You mean a new family?” “Umm… Kind of like that. I was raised at the base by two scientists named Ty and Gerald. They… would see to it that I’d… be able to live happily at home, grow, and be able to go to school. “They have school for dragons?” “Umm… Not… Necessarily. I was put into a makeshift school taught at the base itself. There’s actually a ton of families living at the base, so… I was basically mixed into it.” “Ok… What happened to your original family?”

“Oh! Umm… They… couldn’t come to the base for awhile” “Why not?” “Umm… There were complications with the transition…” “What complications?” “Umm… Uh… They… just weren’t allowed to be inside. It’s… a bit hard to explain. The only thing that really matters is that they… had to leave me for awhile” “Oh… I’m so sorry, Cryo…” “Oh! Don’t worry! It’s alright now! Really! They were invited last year on my 7th birthday to the base to live. Now I… basically have them, the scientist’s, and my mother all watching and taking care of me.” “Oh… That’s… amazing, Cryo…” Cryo noticed she seemed a bit down at the comment for some reason. She looked at the little dragon again.

“Are there other dragons at your home other then you and your momma? “There aren’t any other dragons at home. In fact, there aren’t any more dragons on Cyriss other then us.” “Really? Why?” “The rest of my species… well… is… somewhere else completely. Farther away then I can probably imagine.” “How far away do you mean?” “Well… It’s… a complicated topic…” “Why is that?” “Well… You could actually call me and mom… well… aliens in a way.” “Woah… Aliens!?” “Yes… Me and mom’s origins come from… off world… It isn’t the happiest of tales either.” “Why is that?” “Well… The truth is…” Cryo took in a deep breath and then out. “We were from a world that was… under siege from an unknown… shapeshifting alien species that… took advantage, manipulated, and used my race for their own ends… And… It turned out bad… Really… REALLY… bad… “Wh… What happened?” Cryo took in a deep breath in, and then out. “They were enslaved… by them…” “ENSLAVED!” “Sigh… yes… It’s probably not a good topic to discuss with you. I was… still in my dragon egg then. Mom… Made a portal that sent us to this planet… To escape their clutches… It… saved our lives, but my dad… He… He had to take a different path…” “Do… you think your daddy… is alright?” Cryo smiled at her. “Oh. I firmly believe dad is alright right now. He’s… probably watching over me right now!” “Really?” “Y…Yeah! He’s… a very strong dragon. I… I know I’ll have a chance to meet him in person one day.” “Really? How do you know? “Umm… It’s just a feeling I get. But its a feeling I’m absolutely sure is true.” Cryo smiled at her. She smiled at him, but then began to frown and turn her head forward.

“I… I don’t really have a chance to see mommy and daddy much… They… They are usually busy… All day… All night. With daddy’s business, and mommy’s mayor position, I… I never get any chance to play with either of them… They just… leave me with the house’s… nanny and butler’s to learn and be taken care of… “Oh… I’m… sorry to hear that Sara. I can… understand that feeling… I had to wait 6 years to even get to know my own mother, after she spent so long being sick…” Sara gave a sigh and slowly continued petting his back a bit. Cryo looked at her. “You… know… Maybe… Maybe I can play with you while I’m here?” “R… Really!” “But of course, Sara. You don’t get much time to spend with your parents. Maybe… Maybe I can spend a bit of time with you instead!” “You… You really mean it!” “Yes. I promise!” “Sara smiled at Cryo and picked him up from the seat. “Great! Why don’t we come to my room to play! “Ok! Lead the way Sara!” “Alright, come one my little blue baby!” She headed towards the door and began to head out towards the hallway towards her room.

Ch 15

Blue Baby Boy

After walking a bit through the hallways, they made it to her room in the house. She closed and locked the door as they stepped in. Cryo looked around the room for a bit. He saw the room had a pink wallpaper decorated with hearts. There was a bed with pink blankets on the left wall, with a dresser with a white lamp towards the left side of the bed and a bookshelf with different storybooks on the right side. The ceiling head a rather large wooden fan on it, with the ceiling painted a light red. To the front left corner of the room was a desk with a circular mirror on top and a couple of cosmetics set out on top of it. On the right corner was a large wooden closet, which Cryo believed there was probably many cloths in it. On the front wall were a couple of large windows with pink curtains and what seemed to be a medium sized cradle, on the wall, which Cryo thought it might be for playing with dolls and such. To the left side of the cradles were a couple of shelves lined with different toys. On the right side, was a small tv area with a large pink tv on a pink cabinet, with different chip drive cases for shows and kids movies under it. The ground was a pink was a light pink carpet, with really soft materials, and a rug in the center with a large heart. Cryo wondered what she would want to play with him. He’s never played with a young girl before…

“Umm… So… What do you want to do, Sara?” Cryo asked. “Hang on for a second, little baby… Let me get something in my closet…” she replied. She set Cryo down on the floor near her closet, and she began to slide the door to the left. She began to rummage around inside. “Huh… I wonder what she needs in her closet?” Cryo looked towards the toy shelves. “All the toys are over there, right?” He looked back at her. After a bit, she seemed to find what she wanted. “Ahh… Here’s what I need for my little boy!” she said. She pulled out a large, soft, plastic container with something inside of it. Cryo looked at the label, and thought realized it said “Exotic pet training pants…” “Wait a minute…” he thought. “Alright, my little baby. Time to change you!”

“Umm… Wait a minute, Sara! What… What do I need that for?! What… Uh… Game are we playing?!” “We’re playing house! I’m the mommy. And you are my little baby!” Cryo’s eyes shot up! “Wha… Wha… Wait a minute, Sara. I… I don’t need training pants! I’m… I’m housebroken!” “Now now, my little boy… We still need to worry about possible “accidents,” you might have.. Come on over so I can change you!” “Uh oh…” She began to approach the little dragon! “Umm… Uhh…” He looked at the door and remembered she locked it… “It’s… going to be real hard to get out with the door locked…” He began to look for a place to hide in the room. He saw that under the bed could work, being pretty large and low to the ground. Cryo immediately bolted for it and slid under! He began to breath very hard as she came close to the bed. “Come on, baby! Come on out!” “Sara! Really! I’m not a hatchling anymore!” “Come one, Cryo… Please! I… I…” She gave out a sigh… “I’m so lonely…” Cryo felt the words hit him hard… He looked at the container of training pants again from under the bed… He gave out a sigh, and decided that he’d… swallow his pride as deep down as possible… and came out from under the bed slowly…

“Al… Alright Sara… I’ll… play along… On 1 condition…” “What is that?” “You must NEVER EVER tell ANYONE about this! If you promise this… I’ll… I’ll be your… baby dragon…” “R…REALLY!” “Yes… I’ll… let you put training pants on me… and… I’ll act like a hatchling… for you. Even… sigh… having “accidents,” all the time…” “She smiled at Cryo, and he gave a nervous smile back at her. “That’s a good baby boy. Lay on the ground on your back so I can change you.” “Yes… Momma…” She picked up Cryo and placed him on the center of the room on his back. He took in several deep breaths as he prepared for the worst… “Alright… Try not to squirm too much, little baby.”

She began to take some baby powder and lightly shake the container over Cryo’s crotch. Then he lifted his legs up and began to powder under his bottom and tail. “I can smell the powder from here… Smells… a bit strong, honestly…” She stopped and rubbed his belly a few times. “Alright… Now let’s finish up with changing you… little baby!” She began to maneuver the training pants through a hole in the center, meant to go around an animals long tail. She pulled it all the way up and lifted Cryo’s legs again so she could maneuver it under his bottom. She smiled at him and pulled the front over Cryo’s crotch and then pulled the flaps and attached it to the front of the training pants. “There we go. All changed! Does that feel a little better, my baby?” Cryo gave a small sigh and nodded. He spun himself forward to his legs. He looked at his training pants, and saw it was mostly pink with three large red hearts on the front and back of them. “Umm… Ye… Yeah, Momma… I… feel more “protected,” in them…”

“That’s a good boy… Now… Why don’t I get your binky.” “My… binky?” “That’s right. Hang on.” She went to the cradle in the room, and pulled out a pacifier from it. She leaned down to Cryo’s level, and smiled at him. “Open up, Cryo… This will help with those nasty fangs growing in you wittle mouth.” Cryo gave another sigh and nodded. He opened his mouth slowly and she placed the pacifier in his mouth…” “There we go. That bet that feels nice in your mouth, right.” Cryo slowly nodded his head. “I haven’t chewed on one of these in forever… I’m… too old for this… but…” he thought. He chewed on it a bit and saw the wide smile on Sara’s face. Strangely… her smile began to calm him down a bit.

“Alright, little guy. Why don’t you sit down over here, and I’ll turn on a nice educational program on the tv for you to watch. He took the pacifier out of his mouth to talk to her. “An educational program? Like… Biology, math, science, or other school subjects?” “A bit like that, little baby. But these programs are for little guys your age!” “M… My age?” “That’s right. Come over here, and I’ll get you settled in.”

She picked Cryo up and began to carry him over to where the tv was. He placed him on the chair gently on his back, leaning back against the chair. She then attached a clip on the chair around his waist, and tightened it just a bit. He knew this is meant to keep a young child in the seat. He knew he’d have to stay snug in the seat and watch the show. Cryo begrudgingly put the pacifier back in his mouth and chewed to satisfy her. She smiled at him and grabbed the remote for the tv, and turned it on. “Now then… Which program on tykes tv would be a good option for you to watch and learn…” She turned on an app on the tv and began to fiddle around with it. “Looks like she using the TvTime app to look for a show for me to watch. She’s looking for a show from the Tyke’s Tv channel. Hmm… Tykes… Tv? I’ve heard that’s a channel for very young kids… Is there capsule creatures on it? Hmm… Probably not… I’m not sure what constitutes a learning program for young humans or… dragons…” Cryo thought.

After a while, she found something that he’d like. “Ahh! I know… If I remember correctly, my baby wants to make machines! I’m sure this program will be perfect for him!” She turned it on and Cryo looked towards the tv to watch it. “The programs called, Monster truck Masters?” Cryo asked. “That’s right. This is very popular with little boys like yourselves. You’ll love this, I promise!” “Al… Alright…” Cryo began to lay back in the seat and gave a sigh… “It probably won’t be that exciting… I’m… probably too old to watch it.” Suzy came over to Cryo’s seat and gave him a big kiss on the cheek. As he looked at her, he could see such a bright and happy smile again. He began to feel… a little more relaxed and calm. He looked back at the tv.

“You know… Maybe this tv program might not be too bad. I’m sure I can watch it.” Cryo thought. “Now you stay here for a bit, My blue baby. Momma will get some nice milk from a bottle for you to drink. Ok?” He looked at her and smiled. “Yes, momma. I could use a bit of milky for my tummy.” She smiled at him again, and Cryo gave a big smile back.” “Stay here, and don’t get into trouble.” She opened the door and headed out. Cryo began to relax in the seat, and watched the program.

A bit of time passed as he watched. He strangely didn’t feel all that bad watching it. “This program is… interesting… to say the least. Living, sentient monster trucks and human mechanic working together and learning. I can see how it’s called a learning tv program for young kids. It attempts to teach it the basics of things like math or science, and combines them into quite wacky scenarios. It also tries to add the watcher as a… helper in the show. I’m surprised Noble didn’t turn this on for me when I was a hatchling. Or the scientists at Firebase Omega. Then again… I… grew up with capsule creatures for the most part that is until I branched out and watched things of a bit higher age rating quite quickly by the time I was in third grade in school. Things that talked about history, machines, survival skills, science and biology, among other subjects. And of course, I still watch capsule creatures.” He patted his belly a few times and began to hear the door open behind him. He saw Sara come in, bottle in hand.

“Cryo. I’m here, little baby. Ready for some milk?” Cryo looked back and saw her smiling at him. He smiled back and relaxed. “Um. Yeah momma! I’m ready for some milky!” She smiled at him and came over to his seat. She released the clip around him and picked him up and began to cradle him in her arms. “Alright… I’m just going to need to take your binky out of your mouth for a bit, little baby. Ok?” He nodded. She took the binky out of his mouth and began to position the bottle close to his mouth. “Alright. Open up. It’s feeding time.” Cryo looked at her and saw the smile again. He relaxed and opened his mouth slowly. She slowly maneuvered the bottle close to his mouth and he began to slowly drink from it. “There we go… little baby… Keep drinking your milk and you’ll be big and strong one day.” He nodded gently and continued to drink from it for some time. Soon it was gone and she was satisfied with her work. “There we go. Now. I know your probably a little gassy after being fed. Just hang on and let momma burp you, ok?” Cryo nodded slowly. “Alright, here goes…” she said.

She began to hold Cryo over her shoulder and lightly tap his back a bit. “Come on, little baby. Let it all out.” Cryo could see the smile again in the mirror as she tried to burp him. He smiled and made himself burp a few times. After a while of being burped, Sara was satisfied she got enough of it out.” “There we go… I bet you feel much better without all that gas, huh?” “Ye… Yeah, momma. I feel much better.” That’s good. Now… Just relax for a bit, little baby. Why don’t we play peek a boo! “Umm… Ok, Mama!” She placed Cryo on the ground in front of her on his back. She covered her face with her hands. Then she quickly opened up her hands and showed her face! “Peek a Boo!” Cryo saw the smile again, and smiled as well. He laughed for Sara. They continued to play for awhile, before she decided to read a nice picture book with him. He was very relaxed at this point, knowing he was doing nice something for someone he knew was special.

Some time passed as Cryo and Sara played “house,” together. Soon enough, it was about 11:30 A.M. She had just changed his training pants after an “accident.” Sara decided someone needed some relaxing sleep. “Alright, Cryo. I think its time for your first nap of the day.” “My… first nap?” “That’s right. Your very young and need plenty of sleep to grow.” Cryo thought for a moment, and realized he was becoming a bit tired. “Yeah, momma… I’m… ready for a nice long nappy…” “That’s good. Come here and I’ll tuck you in, turn on a lullaby, and rock you to sleep.” She picked up and cradled Cryo in her arms and gently and calmly rubbed his back as she took him over to the cradle. The cradle had a nice, purple blanket with a hearts pattern and red sheets inside. She pulled the covers down and then placed him in. She then pulled the covers over Cryo and smiled at him again. She then took his pacifier in her hand and toward it in front of Cryo. “Alright… Open up, little baby. I know you want you Mr. Binks while you sleep.” Cryo smiled and nodded his head. He opened up his mouth, and Sara gently put it in. He clamped his maw around it, and smiled again. “Alright… Just let me…”

As she was about to say something, Nia began to step into the room. “Sara. Is Cryo in here. I heard from the butler…” As she was about to continue, she saw Cryo in the cradle. Her eyes lit up. “S…Sara! What did you…?” She quickly came in and pulled the covers down a bit. She saw Cryo in training pants. “Oh my goodness! Cryo! I’m… I’m so sorry about this! I..!.” Cryo quickly let go of his binky! “Whoa! Whoa! Nia! Relax! I’m fine!” “Wha… What…” Cryo looked at Sara. “Umm… Momma? Could you… give me and… uh… grandma a few minutes in the room by ourselves? You can… rock me to sleep after I’m done talking to her.” “Oh… Ok, my baby boy. Have fun with Grandma!” Sara left the room to wait outside. Cryo looked at Nia. “Hey… I know you probably might be upset at Sara for this… but she’s lonely.” “L… Lonely?” “Yes… You and Wake are so busy, that she never gets to spend time with either of you. Only the servants in the house. I know I look a bit ridiculous right now, But… I think I really helped her out of that loneliness. I… I know what it feels like to be alone. I know it all too well…”

Nia looked away for a second and the back at Cryo. “But… Is it really ok for her to do this to you?” “I’m fine with it. She sees me as family now. She wants to take care of me. I saw how happy it made her. And honestly… it made me happy. Let her have her fun for now. She needs family now. And… maybe I can at least fill the hole in her heart a bit by being her baby. Don’t worry about me. I promise I’ll be fine being like this for the time being.” Cryo smiled and nodded at her. She gave a smile back and stood up. “Well… If your really sure about this.” “I’m absolutely sure! Now… It’s supposed to be my naptime right now. I know I’ll be a cranky little dragon if momma doesn’t put me to sleep for the afternoon. You might want to let her get on that, don’t you think?” She smiled at Cryo. “Yeah. I’m sure your right. I’ll call Sara back in to rock you to sleep. Have a good nap, Cryo.” Cryo gave a yawn. “Goodnight, Grandma…” Cryo put the pacifier back into his mouth and winked at her and began to wait for Sara to come back in the room. Nia left the room. After a few moments, Sara came back in. “Alright… Let’s get you ready to sleep.” She turned on a radio, located on the bookshelf near her bed. She tuned it to a radio station Cryo is familiar with. Naptunes. She began to slowly rock the cradle as musical melody worked itself on Cryo’s hazy mind. He soon fell into a deep, deep slumber…

Ch 16

Cryo’s Corner

So the day passed as Cryo and Sara played, “house,” all day. Soon enough, the day was about to end, and Eli would pick up the dragon to take back home. He quickly pulled up to the house being allowed to enter the grounds by security. Eli honked the horn to allow the residents inside know that he had arrived. Soon. The front door to the house opened with Cryo stepping out, as his regular self. No training pants this time. The residents in the house, including Sara, came out with him. “Alright, Cryo… I guess… Your going back home…” said Sara with a frown. “Hey… I know Sara. I know… It’s… going to be a little sad without my momma taking care of me,” Cryo said. “Do you… think you might come back one day?” “Well… That’s up to Grandma… Not me.” Nia looked at Cryo. “You know… Cryo… Maybe… Maybe we could… work something out with Eli to maybe spend some… family days in the house with you and Sara. I’m sure you wouldn’t mind that, right?” Cryo smiled and looked at her. “Yea… I’m sure Eli might need a babysitter again at some point. Who would be better to take care of me then momma?” Cryo and Sara smiled at each other and nodded. Eli stepped out of his car and opened the side door for Cryo. “Alright, Cryo. Time to go home. I hope your day with the mayor wasn’t too boring…” Eli said. Cryo jumped into the car and smiled at him. “No… I wouldn’t consider it really boring honestly. I had my fill and I’m ready to go home though. “Well. I’m at least glad you had fun…” Yea. I’m pretty tired though…” “Well that’s good. We have something special to tell you and show you at home.” “Really?” “Yes. Now. Wave goodbye to everyone!” Cryo turned his head towards the others and waved. They waved back at him and smiled. They soon pulled out of the driveway and began to head home.

Cryo looked out the window of the vehicle as they continued to drive home looking at the many bright lights throughout the city as snow fell around them. “The city is quite beautiful at night. I really haven’t got a chance to see all the lights from the buildings and lamps shining through the snow. It’s quite… relaxing to watch.” He gave out another yawn and began to settle down in the seat. Soon enough, the little dragon was back to his caretakers home. Eli stepped out and pulled the van’s door open and Cryo stepped out onto the snow. “Alright… Let’s go inside, Cryo. Everyone is waiting for you in your room.” “My room? You mean the basement, right?” “You’ll see…” Cryo was curious at the strange comment, but shrugged it off and headed inside. They entered through the front door and stepped down narrow hallway, with white walls and a wooden floor. After a few steps through, they entered the kitchen.

As they began to head towards the basement door though, Cryo saw that the door, seemed to have some additions to it. It seemed to be the dragon’s head, made of brass, and attached to the door. And above the door, there were the words “Cryo’s bedroom,” hanging on the door. “Huh? Why does the basement say my name on it, Eli?” “You’ll see…” Cryo looked at the decoration again. “Hmm… That’s a nice decoration on the door of the basement, Eli. Where did you buy that?” “Oh. Someone… made that for you, Cryo.” “Really? Who?” “It was Raphael who gave us this.” “Ralphy? Isn’t he police commissioner for the town?” “That’s right. You might not know this, but Raphael has a bit of skills in smithing. Something I believe your also familiar with, right?” “Well… Yea… I’ve… made a few “interesting items,” for myself. Though… I… didn’t think you really… knew about that.” “Well, yes Cryo… I… believe there needed to be some changes made around here. Many of the others in town agreed with that…” “R… Really?” “Yes… Why don’t you come on down to see a few we’ve already set up for you.” “Well… Alright then.” Eli opened the door and they both stepped in and began to step down the soft, carpeted staircase into the basement.

As they arrived near the bottom, Cryo saw Arianna and Seth waiting for them. They both smiled at him. “Hey there, bro!” said Seth. “Bro?” Cryo thought to himself. “Was the mayor’s house fun today, Cryo?” Cryo thought for a moment, and thought about Sara. He remembered how much happier she was “taking care of his special needs,” he gave a pleasant smile to Arianna. “Oh yes. I had plenty of fun today,” he replied. “That’s good. Come on down and take a look at your new bedroom, Cryo.” Cryo tilted his head a bit in confusion. “M…My new… bedroom?” “Yes. Come and take a look.” They gestured Cryo to head down and take a look. He slowly trotted down and turned his head forward as he made it to the bottom. As he did his eyes lit up!

The basement seems to have been completely changed since he had been at the mayor’s house! In the left corner of the room, was a rather large and long bed, with the covers on it with a large blue dragon’s head looking like him on the front covers with its neck moving across and off the blanket, with a deep, black background. Cryo moved over to the bed and felt the material. It felt just like the ones that used Greg’s special trick at fabrics at home. It seemed to be a bit thicker then what Cryo had at home. He rubbed his head against the bed a few times and it felt very warm. He pulled the covers of the bed down, and saw it had sheets of dark navy blue. The fabrics felt fantastic! “This… is like a human bed… but… It’s… a bed for a dragon like me. I… slept in a hay bed back home, but… I think I could defiantly curl myself pretty tightly in this. This feels… incredible!”

A bit closer to the staircase was a brand new closet with a wooden door, and a large blue dresser. Cryo opened the closet and saw a long line of what appeared to be different sets of winter cloths. Cloths made for a dragon. He felt the material, and like the bed, it seemed to be made of greg’s fabrics. Cryo knew that the dresser must also have cloths for him to wear. He smiled as he nuzzled his head against the fabrics and then he turned his head towards the right of the bed and headed down to take a closer look at that side of the room.

There was a new tv installed in the room, and the entire system seemed to be installed all across the right wall! It was pretty large and seemed to be one of the best models on the market currently. It was aligned perpendicular on the opposite wall as the bed. Under it seemed to be a rather large black cabinet with reenforced glass doors covering the merchandise within them. It had a bunch of chip drive movies, shows, and even video games! Some of them were his favorite show and movies he watched back at home. Others seem to be movies he wasn’t familiar with, but seemed to have dragons as characters in them. Some of the games also weren’t chip drives though, but instead, some older, more bulkier cartridges from consoles made quite a bit of years earlier. He looked on top of the shelf, and saw that there were several gaming consoles on top, with not only new generation gaming hardware on top, but also some really old and classic gaming hardware. “These are supposed to be some of the best gaming systems on the market! And these old consoles… These games and consoles are VERY expensive and hard to find! How… How did they manage to get these?! I… I’ve only played just a few of these classic titles by downloading them on my consoles arcade at home. This is…”

He looked at the setup of the tv area a bit more, and could recognize a sound system similar to the one at the mayors house. “Is this… set up as a surround sound system?” Cryo asked. “That’s right, Cryo. Your tv will sound very realistic when your watching a movie or playing a game. And that’s not all…” said Arianna. She headed towards the tv and turned it on. The tv’s graphics looked incredible and almost completely lifelike. “This is a 3d tv Cryo.” Arianna said as she tapped the top of the tv a few times. “A 3d tv?” “That’s right. Your familiar with this system?” “A… little bit actually. The mayor’s tv at her house was set up as a 3d system if I remember correctly. But… I… didn’t really have a chance to try out the 3d feature…” “Well… You just use these 3d glasses over here in this drawer. She pulled out the drawer and pulled out a set of glasses from it and a rather long tv remote. From closer inspection, it seemed there was some advanced tech integrated into them. “All you need to do to activate the 3d mode is to toggle on this controller over here. The tv will immediately change to 3d mode and will turn on any 3d glasses currently being worn. It can also be turned off at any time you want as well. Just press the 3d button.” She pressed the 3d button, and Cryo could see the tv seemed a bit grainy for it model for some reason. She came over and handed a set of glasses to him. “Try it.” He nodded and put them on. He saw that when he did, the graphics of the tv really did look like they were pulled from his view into the world around him. “This is amazing!” Cryo turned his head to the right again to look at the next wall.

He saw two rather large bookcases on the wall. He saw that the bookcase on the left contained a whole bunch of different graphic novels. Some of the stories and series he recognized. Others seemed to be from authors he’s not familiar with, but like with the movies, had dragons as characters in the story. The bookcase the right, seemed to contain a whole bunch of different board games of all kinds. Many he recognized and others he didn’t. Some were not to complex to play. Some looked like they had a ton of of parts in them. Cryo thought that reading the novels and playing the many different board games would be really fun! “I… I don’t…” “Hold on Cryo… There’s one last thing we’ve installed in the house for you. We… moved our laundry room to somewhere else in the house. Why don’t you take a peek inside and see what we changed it into…” said Eli. C

Cryo slowly nodded his head and headed to the door, he slowly opened it up and peaked inside. It was very dark inside. He found the pulley for the lamp above in the room. He pulled it, and the room lit up. And Cryo’s eyes lit up again.

In the room, seemed to be a lot like his “work station,” back at home. There was a large work bench inside the house connected to the front wall. There was a set of power tools, gizmos, and gadgets, in a large container on the workbench. To the right wall of the room, seemed to be a rather large red parts drawer. He looked in a couple, and saw parts had already been moved inside! “He looked to the left of the room, and saw a recycling ben to dispose of the scraps and pieces, a blacksmith’s furnace, and smelting pen, “This… This is… a work station…” Cryo said. “That’s right, Cryo. We… understand now you like to… build things. We made arrangements with the people who run the junkyard. They’ll arrive once a week to deliver different machine parts and pieces of technology that are in good condition directly to this house. You’ll… be able to work on your own projects and plans, just like at home…

Cryo stepped out of the room in disbelief. “So… Do you like this, Cryo?” asked Arianna Cryo looked at them and gave a big smile and nodded. “Ye… Yea… I really do! But… how did you afford all of this. And… why would you… do this for me?” “We… talked to your mother and caretaker at firebase Omega… And… we learned an awful lot from them about you. We… We knew we’ve been treating you horribly since you’ve arrived. Everyone in town knows it. And… all of us came together… to… create this for you… A home away from home. When your loved ones back home can finally arrive to pick you up and take you home, they’ll see that we’ve… been able to give you what you need to be happy. Everything here was donated to you so we’d be able to help you through this, together!” “They… They gave all of this to me?” “Yes. As an apology and as hope that you’ll be happy to be with us, until your ready to go home.”

Cryo began to tear up a little, and the family gave the little dragon a nice hug. “Your with us now. If those nasty boys with Mick try to take you again… they’ll find the whole town stopping at nothing to track them down and bring you home safe again. We’ll stop at nothing to protect you,” said Eli. “Th…Thank You.” “Your welcome. Now… I’m sure your sleepy after your long day at home. Why don’t we get you into some pajama’s for the night. I… understand you really like to curl up and like very warm cloths to sleep in,” said Arianna as she patted Cryo’s head a few times.

She headed for Cryo’s drawer and took out a set of pajamas. It was a simplistic design, with a red shirt and interestingly… a pair of red pants. Cryo could see a button on the back and a hole for his tail to go through. “I see. I pull these up and then I clip this button on the back to secure it around my tail. This is going to be the first time my bottom will be covered up during the night. I… never tried any type of pants before.” Cryo thought. “Alright, Cryo. Let’s get you ready for bed.” She help Cryo change into the pajamas and them carried him to his bed. As she was about to tuck her into bed, she realized she almost forgot to give Cryo something very important.” “Cryo… I almost forgot. I don’t think you want to sleep without this again.” Arianna took something out of her pocket. Cryo’s eyes lit up immediately. “M…My… bandanna!” “That’s right. Here. Let’ me get this around your neck.” She quickly tied the bandanna around his neck. Cryo could immediately smell the pleasant aroma… A vast river of purified water flowing through vast spring. “Even after so long, it still smells so nice…” Cryo said. Arianna smiled at Cryo again, and tucked him into bed. The bandanna began to glow, just for a few seconds, before dying down again. Arianna didn’t seem to notice. She rubbed Cryo’s head a few more times and then turned off the lamp in the room to next to his bed on a small wooden cabinet.

“Alright… Before I turn on naptunes, Cryo, there’s one last thing I should tell you.” “What, Arianna?” “Tomorrow will be your first day of school with us.” “S… School?” “That’s right. We were able to get in contact with your teachers for the semester back at home, and we should be able to integrate you into our school. While you might be about 2 weeks behind… they should be able to add your previous work at home and add it to your grade, and add the work you missed while you’ve been with us. We have you enrolled in genrally the same classes as you had back at home. You’ll be able to continue your education.” “That’s… good.” “Anyway. School is at 9:00. We’ll wake you up an hour beforehand to have breakfast. Ok?” “Alright. That sounds fine.” “Good. Goodnight, Cryo…” Arianna began to fiddle with a clock/radio next to Cryo’s lamp. Soon enough, the naptunes channel dj began to speak on the speaker.

“Greetings, fellow snoozers. This next song is inspired by a dream of the vast cosmos, where debris of broken parts and junk floating in the abyss of space cause a melody of wonderment and curiosity of what these items may have been a part of before making it here. Now playing… Junkyard of the cosmos.”

The radio began to play a very soft and majestic piano and synthesizer that quickly would take over Cryo’s hazy mind and begin to make him drift. As the soft fabrics from his pajama’s and his began to press against his body quite tightly, he feel into one of the deepest slumbers of his life. After a little while though, a voice begins to play over the radio tune.

“Creator? Creator? Can you hear me?” The radio could hear the sound of snoring in the background… “Oh… He’s… asleep. I’ll wait until tomorrow to contact him. It took me a great deal of effort to find this radio, but I’m sure this is the right place… Preparing for tomorrow…”

New transformations or abilities

Winter Whiteout Form

Cryo’s body will change when exposed to EXTREMELY cold environments. Some powers have been revealed, but more will be revealed in time…

Chilled Camouflage: His body is cold enough to where objects and such touching it can become frozen. His body also blends in very well with snow and ice, allowing him to hide out or avoid detection better.

Windless Wings: Cryo’s flight abilities will not be hindered at all while flying. They are also silent as they flap, giving even greater stealth ability in cold temperatures.

New Known Likes

Wolfies, Like Lily.

The many new friends and residents in the town

His current caretakers

Young Humans

New known dislikes:

Cyantrinian Metals and devices

Being treated like a dog

Swallowing his pride (he is more accepting of it with Sara though. He wants her to feel happy, as he knows what its like to be really lonely)

Having to be separated from his loved ones back home for a period of time

Firestorm the centipede

Firestorm the centipede


Part 1 of 2 books

Flare in his new tech suit

Surgical Start 

Ch 1 

Deep within a secret facility hidden deep in a mountainous forest, a large red centipede enters above a viewing area within a surgical observation deck. The room was a bit small, with the walls made of simple white concrete and the floor was made of gray carpeting. There was a large computer against the left wall. The right of the room had a large set of wooden cabinets lined across the entire wall, both connected to the ceiling and floor. There was a small coffee maker on it, along with a sink. Several chairs were set up in the front of the room, where a large glass window was overlooking another large room below. The room was lit with several ceiling lights shining a simple white light across the entire room with light concentrated near the window.  

The centipede takes up a chair at the front, and sits down to see what will soon be arriving for an operation. The room beyond the window had a dark ceiling, with a large light beaming down towards the center of the room with a rather bulky computer and a x ray scanner, where the operation would take place. The room was pretty dark and it was hard to see the walls. It clasps its multiple hands together and waits patiently, keeping an eye at the bottom of the window. He takes a look at a silver band across his wrist of his upper right arm. It sees that it is currently 8:26 A.M. “4 minutes until his surgery…” it says in a deep, male voice. He gives a small sigh and begins to try and relax a bit. He begins to close his eyes and he remembers what led to this.  

It was in the medical wing of a military building in another installation. A visitor had arrived, from far away. Something that was thought to just be a simple legend. A mythical creature thought to be made up from an ancient culture that had since disappeared before any of the bugs ever existed. It was there, plain as day. Resting in a bed. It had been hurt pretty bad from an impact from falling high above. It’s leg had been broken, and at the time of the incident, had also been running a fever. Even still, the creature would save his life from what would have been a sudden end. 

He begins to grimace a little as he remembers. The creature was quite young for what happened. He remembers that strange sound, coming from the metal door. What sounded like, ticking… He remembers right before the door burst open, he heard the words coming from the creature. “Flare! Get away from the door!” Before he could even react to what had happened, something had yanked him straight out of the way, before the door burst open, and THEY came in. Still feeling the shock from the explosion, he remembers seeing a large creature, the same species as the patient, come barging in, in a suit of highly advanced metal armor. One quickly grabbed him by the neck, and pinned him down. He could remember having a hard time breathing with it’s cold, firm grip. He remembers when it put a weapon against his head, and a red flash beginning to form in the barrel of the weapon. He remember thinking, that this was it. This is how his story ends. But then, when it seems he would be finished off, the weapon is frozen! The weapon still in firing mode, backfired, causing the weapon to explode withing the ice, stunning his assailant and releasing his grip. He coughed a few times and a took in a deep breath of air. When he looked forward, he saw it. The patient, fighting off the group of assailants by himself. Despite the fever. Despite the leg. He fought them off, using his elemental abilities and skills in combat. It had saved his life.

But the assailants, realizing that they’d be surrounded soon, tried to finish us off with a grenade. But once again, the patient reacted. It froze the tiny device. It detonated in the room, but the ice covering it had covered most of the blast. But the patient had been at close range at the time. He was launched head first into the side of the room. The patient had been knocked unconscious. He began to remember holding it in his arms, calling it’s name. Trying desperately to awaken it. But he wouldn’t wake up. 

The doctor in the room, Patch, immediately got to work covering and treating the patients new wounds. Patch told him that the patient himself was the one to yank him away from the door, not him… It wasn’t very long after that, before he and the other bugs realized the patient was their target, when they discovered a tiny tracking device inside of it. They wanted it alive. For something terrible. To harm it in some way. He knew that. The patient had the tracking chip surgically removed and was now needed to be moved to a secret and secure location, to go through surgery again to remove the rest of the shrapnel from his body after the attack and kept hidden and safe before worse could happen to it. He was relieved that the patient had awakened during the flight to the facility, but nonetheless was concerned for the youngster.  

Despite being a simple operation, he always knew something could go wrong. He remembers asking if there was anything he could do to help with the procedure if something went wrong. If he could donate blood. If he could give medicine. If he could get him anything that might help save its life. Patch, of course, reassured him. He tells him “Calm down Flare. You don’t need to worry about the youngster. He’ll be perfectly fine. You know I’m a good surgeon. He’ll be patched up and ready to be taken to his new room soon enough.” Despite the words of his dragonfly friend, he nonetheless was still concerned about the young creature. He knew he had to be there while the operation was going on. He wanted to watch and make sure the one who saved him would live to fight another day. 

Flare looked at his computer band across his arm again. It now read 8:29 A.M. “He’ll arrive soon…” he thought to himself. He looked back the bottom of the room. After waiting for a few moments, he began to see a hovering bed coming into view. And he saw the patient being rolled in, with Patch flying in beside the bed. Cryo the dragon’s operation would soon begin… 

Ch 2

Operation Observation

A blue blanket was covering him as they rolled him in. He was on his back and fast asleep. Flare thought he looked pretty peaceful and comfy right now. It helped ease some of his worry. He saw the bed being positioned in the middle of the room, with Patch pressing some the keys of a small computer connected to the side of the bed, And landing frame began to position itself below the hovering bed. The hover jets quickly dissipated, and the bed’s landing frame connected to the ground. Patch punched in a few more keys on the bed, and the bed opened a compartment on several sides of it, revealing a strap on each corner. Patch and his assistants began to strap the bed to 4 connectors lining the ground to keep the bed stable while the operation was going on. The straps were soon connected. Patch then pulled the blanket off of the bed and gave it to one of his dragonfly assistants, who carried it to a laundry hamper in the room. Cryo’s body was now exposed. Flare could see several of the deep wounds on the dragon from high up. â€śSome of those will scar him for life… He shouldn’t of had to of been exposed to something like this at a young age…” thought Pyre. He gave a sigh and looked forward again.

Flare could see the iv going into Cryo’s left arm, connected to a medical bag containing medicine to sedate and keep the young dragon asleep while they operated on him. Patch began to prepare the x ray screen. After punching in a keys on the side computer, the x ray scanner began to move by itself around Cryo. It began to move around Cryo on a belt connected to the computer. It scanned every inch of his body as it moved. After a few moments, several pictures came up on the screen, containing details on where shrapnel was located in his body. Patch punched a few more keys again, and the x ray scanner began to position itself on the left side of the belt, showing the first location on the screen where shrapnel was located. “Alright everyone. Preparations are complete for the operation. We may proceed,” said Patch. Patch pulled up his medical mask across his mouth and put on medical gloves. He slid his medical goggles across his eyes and then pulled up a chair across from Cryo to sit on while he carefully operates on the little dragon. He looked towards the operation deck, right at Flare. He gave a thumbs up to Flare. Flare nodded and gave a thumbs up back. He looked back towards his patient. “Alright everyone. Let’s start,” said Patch. 

They began to operate on Cryo’s wounds to remove the shrapnel from his body, while Flare looked on in anticipation. Flare began to clasp his hands together for a bit and began to get nervous. He took in a couple of deep breaths and continued to watch. As he watched though, some thoughts began to appear inside his head. He began to think about the things he heard the dragon has already gone through. “He’s a little trooper. That’s for sure. Tough as metal. Yet as kind and heroic as some of the best stories I’ve read about dragons. To think they really exist. I’ve always liked them. Fascinated by them, I’ll admit. I wasn’t nearly as excited when I learned our visitor main element is water and ice, but after what happened…” 

Flare began to focus a little bit of heat into his hand, a small ember began to light up from his hand. “I have to wonder if I would have been better as an Icilin centipede (a more ice based breed), like dad… He quickly began to focus again and the ember began to die down. It soon dissipated into nothingness. He looked back at the operation below. He began to think again. “Dad and mom… I still haven’t found them. I wonder… if Cryo could help me figure out what happened to them… If their still…” As he watched Cryo’s operation, a flashback came into his mind, and he began to think of some of the roughest times in his life. When his parents disappeared.

He was born into a loving family, with his father, an Icilin centipede named Cilith (Chil-lif) and his mother, another Pyre Centipede named Embier. In his early life, Pyre would take to being a rather quiet one. He liked to read quite a bit and his parents had a large book collection in the house, which suited his needs. He also liked sports quite a bit, even when younger. He had watched many different sporting events with his parents and took great interest in them. He had a slightly fiery temperament when it came to insults, but could usually control himself and prevent himself from not making a scene.  

One strange thing about his parents, he thought, was sometimes, his parents would have to leave on rather long trips to places unknown. Business trips, his parents called them. While always saddened when they would be gone for a long while, he would at least be taken care of by his uncle, Wint, the icilin centipede. But, being a rather patient kid, he’d accept and always wait for their return. 

Ch 3 

Nasty News 

But in his high school years, fate would step in and change things quite a bit. He was reading in his room, when the doorbell rang. “Oh. Someone’s at the door. Maybe my uncle? He could have locked himself out again or forgot the house keys here.” Flare got himself up, and left his room. He began to walk down the steps towards the front of the house. “Hopefully the door is not frozen. It’s pretty cold outside tonight.” He stopped right at the door and tried to open it. But as to be expected, It was stuck. “Figures… Well. I guess I could… Maybe heat up the door a bit.” He began to place his multiple hands on the door. Concentrating into his hands, he felt a small heat build up inside of them. “Careful Flare… Careful… Don’t need to burn down the door… Or anyone standing outside.” He continued to concentrate , and lifted one hand off of the door. He maneuvered it towards the doorknob and began to open it up. Expecting to find his uncle, he instead found something… different.  

It was a member of the police force in town. It was a friend of his father and mother, Terin the firefly. “Oh Terin. I didn’t expect you to come here. Sorry. Mom and Dad still haven’t come home from their business trip yet.” “That’s not why I’m here, Flare.” “I wish that was why I was here, Flare.” Flare began to have a slight feeling of pain in his stomach from the comment. “Then why are you here then?” Flare said in a slightly low tone.” “I… think you should sit down Flare. This is going to be a long conversation.” 

Flare nodded nervously and they both stepped inside. Flare began to position his body into a sitting position on the couch in the family room. “Alright. Where to begin…” said Terin. “This is going to be fun…” thought Flare.  

“Your… parents, Flare, have disappeared.” “Disappeared! Your joking, right!?” “No. I wish I was.” Flare could feel the heat rising inside of him. “What… Happened?” he said, trying to keep control of his temper. “You see… their… vehicle was found abandoned on the side of the road.” “Where was it…?” “That’s the thing. It was near Echo forest. ” “Wait… What? Echo forest? Isn’t that in Kentack?  “Thats about 200 miles away from home! Why the heck were they there!?”  

“That’s the thing. There are a ton of questions concerning about what happened.” “And what would those questions, be?!” “First thing, their vehicle… well, we found it in meant condition.” “Meant condition?” “Yes. What’s strange about that, is that the car seemed to have been disabled somehow, without any damage done to it. It’s like something zapped the lights out on it. On the outside, there were clear signs of a struggle. We also found tire tracks. It had to of been from pretty heavy vehicle. There was signs there of a major struggle. And more… worrying. There were a couple trees that seemed to have been… blasted down in the area. “Blasted down… Do you mean from a WEAPON DISCHARGE!?” “It what was suspected.”  

“So… What are you trying to tell me here. Are you telling me my parents… My loving parents, COULD BE DEAD!?” “No. There’s… a chance they might still be alive. None of the blood at the scene seemed to be theirs.” “Wait… Really?” “Yes. Blood traces showed other bugs. Its more likely that…” “They had been taken…”  “Yes… We’re doing all we can to find them. But the traces so far have run cold. We don’t know where they could be right now…” Flare put his two upper hands over his head. He could feel a small tear welling up in his eye. But then he took in a deep breath a picked his head up again. 

“…Alright. I… understand Terin.” “Don’t worry, we promise we’ll find them.” “After they probably had faced unbelievable and cruel torture,” Flare thought. “I’m sorry Pyre.” Terin left through the front door and looked back one more time, and then shook his head and headed out. Pyre quickly headed up to his room. He quickly shrunk into himself as he cried to sleep for the night.  

Ch 4 

Winter Walk

Flare woke up the next mourning, hearing the blaring alarm in his room from his clock. He slowly opened his eyes and yawned a bit. He began to hunch forward on the bed and place his legs off the side. He looked around his room. He saw the painted white walls to his room, which a swirled texture all across it. He looked right, and saw the wooden door on the far right leading to the staircase to downstairs. To the left of the door was a large dresser, containing a bunch of shirts and other types of light cloths for him. He turned his head forward, and saw a large, sliding wooden door closet, carrying some of the more bulkier cloths for the cold seasons. Luckily, all his cloths were fireproof.

To the far left corner, held a bookshelf with many different stories. Some were based on current times. Others were stories far more ancient then his entire species. He remembered in school when he was young learning about an ancient species on the planet that was said to have once walked the world. Who had since either eradicated each other from existence or somehow left to somewhere far away from this planet. He took interest in the species. But more importantly, he took interest in a creature who was spoken of in ancient myths… 

They were said to be ancient firebreathers. Masters of fire, and in some cases, other elements. Some of the ancient stores said these creatures were said to be malicious and cruel. Other stories said these creatures would be ruthlessly hunted by the worlds previous dominant species to tell stories of bravery for destroying such a powerful opponent. Some though, said that these creatures were a kind and gentle species, and that they had worked with the ancient civilization to try to build a better world together. It was with these stories in particular he loved reading about. Above the bookshelf was a large shelf carrying a bunch of memorabilia from what was once known as dragons. He looked to the left, and saw a single rectangular window beaming light from the sun into the room. It was snowing outside, the type of weather his dad readily enjoyed of course. Snow was lining the ground, with kids playing within it.

He gave a sigh and picked himself up. He changed his t shirt and put on a red winter sweater, with picture of two Pyre centipedes on the front and opened the door to his room. He saw his uncle downstairs preparing breakfast, Eggs and toast with some bacon on the side. His uncle looked behind and smiled a bit. “Mournin, Flare. Are… you ok? I… heard the news from officer Terin this mourning. Flare looked back at his uncle and sighed. “Just… give me some time to take a walk, Wint…” said Flare. “Alright. I’ll keep your food warm here. Have a nice walk around the block.” “Th… Thanks, Uncle Wint.” He opened the door outside. He opened the door to the cold outdoor air and stepped down from the entrance of his house. His house had been a bit of ways in, surrounded by a bunch of trees, but it wasn’t too far from the rest of the suburb.

The outside block was a nice suburban area. Many different trees, shrubs, and plants laid bare to the winter air dotted many of the houses all around. Plant life was very important on his world, due to information containing the previous species overharvesting important resources that gave the world life causing ruin. Settlements and housing would always try to keep in mind the wildlife, plants, and nature around when plans were made to build, to maintain a stable balance between both. It kept both healthy and happy, without sacrificing too much of the world around them and giving nothing back in return. The houses had many different residents around, with the occasional hovering vehicle driving by on their daily commute to work or other reasons.

Flare took in the cold air a bit, and began to walk toward the sidewalk outside. “A short walk around the block while in the cool air might help clear my head a little,” thought Pyre. As he began to walk outside towards the sidewalk, he suddenly stepped on something round and slippery in the snow. “Whoa! Wha!” He began to stumble a bit, but quickly regained his footing with his multiple legs. “What in the…! There’s not supposed to be a rock in the middle of our yard! Did someone move a rock from our garden as a prank!” he thought.” Looking back to where he tripped, he began to heat up the snow, with a bit of flame breath. You weren’t supposed to use elemental power unless needed, but everyone didn’t seem to mind here. The snow around the “rock,” began to melt quickly. But Flare soon realized, as he melted the snow covering, what laid below, was NOT a rock.

Ch 5

Curious Capsule

“What on earth… is this?” Flare saw what appeared to be a metal capsule under the snow, with a handle on the side. He began to heat up his hands a bit and lift it up with his upper arms. It felt very cold to the touch, but quickly began to heat up from Pyre’s hands. He began to closely observe it.

“A… capsule? What is this doing here?” He began to turn it around in his arms to take a closer look. He could see that it seemed to be pretty technologically advanced from the looks of it, with the looks of what wires and circuits running inside of it. “What is this thing? How did it get here?” He looked around the area for a bit. He decided to take it with him on his walk to try to get a better idea of what it is.

He walked around the block, carrying the strange item in his hands and observing it. He tired to figure out a way to activate or have the item do something that might give him a clear idea of what it is. He continued to walk as he tried to discover some way to interact with it, but seemed to not be able to figure out what exactly it was or what it does. “Alright… trying to twist the top of it didn’t seem to do anything either. Hmm… What else could I do to figure out what this is?” He gave a sigh, as he continued on. “I might have to look more into this later. I’m close to back home now. I better just take it into my room.”

He finally made it back around the block to the front of his house. He looked upon it. The house was had a triangular black tile roof, with walls of the outside made of red bricks. The porch had a wide chair, to sit outside and watch the world go by. The door was a darker red, with a golden knob. He saw the plants all across the house were laid bare for the cold winter. But there were a couple of winter pines, raising high behind the house. As Pyre looks upon it, he remembers a rather interesting legend associated with them. It was said that the civilization that lived on the planet before them, had celebrated a holiday of giving within one of the days of the cold season. It was a holiday where it was believed that a creature would work all the way at the very topmost part of the planet, where gifts by made by his servants would be made and delivered on a specific day to everyone who held good in their hearts. Winter pines seemed to be a key factor to the holiday, where one would be cut down and moved into a home. The pines would be decorated with many items and the gifts would be waiting under the tree. A strange concept for a holiday… but it sounded like fun in several ways. Though the creature said to exist back then must have also disappeared when the previous species did. Pyre remembered learning this old legend while in 1st grade. He smiled at the thought, and stepped up the few steps leading up towards his door. He slowly opened the door and stepped in. “Uncle Wint? I’m back! Where are you?”

He looked towards a chair in the living room, and saw his uncle asleep in a red sofa. He looked back at the kitchen, and saw that he had left some of breakfast for Pyre to eat. “I’ll eat in a bit. I need to put this in my room,” Flare thought. He walked up the steps towards his room and entered it. He looked towards his bed, then back to the strange device.” He placed the device on his bed, and began to turn back towards the outside of his room. “Alright. I’ll just leave that here. Once I’m done with breakfast, ill probably read the Dragon’s chronicles new book for a bit.” Suddenly, after he said that, he began to hear a whirring noise behind him. “Hmm?” He turned back, and saw the device had been somehow began to turn on and activate!” “What in the world?” thought Flare. “Keyword: Dragon, Confirmed. Hello Pyre,” the device said in a mechanical voice.”

Ch 6

Stranger Secrets

“Wait… Did that thing just… talk to me?” said Flare. “Correct, Master Flare.” “Master Flare? Wait a minute… Who are you?” “I’m known as Z.” “Z…” “Correct. It’s finally nice to be able to talk to the young master himself.” “Why do you keep calling me, “master?”” “That will be explained later. Your familiar with your parents disappearance, correct?” Flares eyes shot up. “Wait… You… know about that?” “I’m familiar with the matter.” His eyes began to show a bit of anger. “What… do you know about what happened to them?” he asked. “This isn’t the area to discuss that matter, Flare. I’m sorry.” “What do you mean!? My parents are missing and you somehow KNOW WHAT MIGHT OF HAPPENED. Tell me what the heck is going on!” “I can understand your anger, Flare. But discussing it here might not be best right now?” Flare began to boil a bit inside. “Then where do you want to discuss this… important matter?” “Follow my instructions. You’ll find a special area where we can properly discuss the situation.” Flare gave out a sigh, and nodded his head. “Alright… Tell me what to do… Z.”

“Very well. Right now, your uncle is sleeping downstairs, correct?” “Yes… How did you know about that.” “Don’t worry about that for now. Try not to wake him if you could.” “Ugh… This is getting ridiculous. This better not be some really elaborate prank…”

“Now. First thing you need to do is to go into the basement of your home.” “The basement?” “Correct. Please head down there.” “Alright…” Flare picked up the cylindrical device and began to head out the door to his room. He walked down the steps and paused for a second. He looked back to the right and saw his uncle still sleeping. “Well… Uncle’s still asleep. Better sneak past him to the basement.” Flare began to move around the family room VERY slowly with his multiple legs, sneaking around his sleeping uncle. He soon made it out of the room and began to walk down a hallway with several doors. One door was a white door, all the way at the end of the hall. He opened it, which led down a dark staircase, down into the basement. He flicked the light switch on, and saw a set of white steps leading down, with the walls painted white as well. He maneuvered himself down the steps all the way down into the basement. He looked around the room.

The basement was large, with white walls lining all sides. To the back of the room, was a door on the far left leading to a laundry room, with the door open. There was a large metal washing machine and dryer in the other room, with a small stack of laundry baskets stacked on top of one another poking out from the left of the door. To the right of the laundry room, was a shelf containing a stack of cd’s and a red music player looking kind of like a centipede on its belly crawling across the floor. Next to it was the remote for said item. To the far wall of the room was a home theater system, set up, with a projector on the roof. There was a wide red sofa a little bit away from it. The far right wall contained a large bookshelf containing many movies for said projector. He remembered how excited he was for the renovation made when he was in first grade. He sighed and brought the cylindrical device close to his head.

“Alright, Z. What do I do now?” “Hang on for a second, Flare.” The device began to light up for a bit. A whirring noise could be heard from it. The top of the device began to vent a bit of air, and then the top of it began to rotate itself off the top, still connected the device. “Take the key inside the device, Master Flare.” “The key?” Flare tipped the device down over his upper right hand and began to shake a bit. A small item, looking like a small disk, came out. “Is this a tiny cd?” “You are correct, Flare. Now. Place the key into the music player and please wait for a few moments.” “Umm… Ok then…”

Flare grasped the small cd in his hand and walked over to the music player. He looked at it one more time and placed it into the cd player. It slid in and Flare began to wait. “Now whats going to…” Suddenly, the eyes on the cd player began to light up. He began to hear the sound of gears grinding somewhere he couldn’t see. “What’s going on?” He thought he could hear something going on behind him. He turned around, as saw the bookshelf behind had began to slide to the left, he saw that there was a metal door behind it. “What is this!?” asked Flare “Opening door,” said Z.

The metal door began to vent a bit of air, and it slid up. Revealing a darkened room inside. Flare felt a bit of tension as he looked upon it. “What is this…?” “Step inside, master Flare. I’ll be able to discuss matters within this facility.” “Ok… then.” While very nervous. He began to move uneasily toward the new opening in the basement. “Why is this here? What is going on here?” He entered through the opening and saw darkness all throughout the room.” Suddenly, the door to the area shut tight behind him.” “Huh! Wait a minute! What’s…?” A light lit up in the room, showing a concrete staircase heading further down and a hallway lined with thick rock. “Wait… Is this going underground?” “Please continue to head forward, Master Flare.” He gave a sigh and continued down into the deep underground.

He walked forward slowly down the corridor. The area made him feel quite uneasy… “It feels a bit ominous in here. There’s not much light going through. It feels like I’m going down into the depths of the dark afterlife. Its not a “welcoming,” feeling,” he thought. He gulped a bit and continued forward.” After walking a bit, he looked upon a very large metal door, seen only from a single lamp hanging above it.

“What is this?” asked Flare. “Head to the security terminal, Flare. “The security terminal?” He looked to the right of the door, and saw a computer console lined on against the right wall next to the door. He walked over towards it. As he looked at it for a bit, a panel on the console began to open up, and then a device connected to it lifted itself out of the panel and lining perpendicular to Flare. “Biological scanner ready.” the console said. He recognized it as the voice from the device. “Biological scanner?” “Yes. Please place your hand on the scanner.” “You mean this thing that came out of the console?” “Correct.” “Well… ok.” He placed one of his hands on the console. “Beginning DNA scan…” The panel began to light up brightly with his hand on it, and began to make a whirring sound. “Please keep your hand on the console while it registers your DNA. “Its… registering my DNA?” “Yes. Don’t worry. This will not hurt.” “Why does it need… my DNA?” “For future reference for the facility. To make it easier for you to operate inside.” “Uh… huh…” he said. “I still don’t really understand what that really means,” he thought. After a while, the device, began to die down. “Please take your hand off. The process is complete.” “Ok…” He placed his hands to his sides in tight fists and stepped back. After a few moments, he began to hear what appeared to be gears moving again, behind the door. He looked to the right side of it, and it looked like the locks on the door were disengaging and releasing. The door began to slide all the way to the right. It soon stopped, with the corridor giving an eerie silence.

“Please step inside, so I can close the security door behind you.” “Ok then…” Flare said. He looked at the opening one more time, which seemed to lead into a total blackout inside the door. “What the heck am I getting into?” he asked himself in his head. He took one more deep breath in, steeled his courage, and walked forward. After stepping into the darkness, he could hear the security door closing back behind him. He turned back and saw the only light within the area quickly disappearing with the door closing. Soon the door was fully shut, leaving him into pitch black darkness. The only sounds he could hear was his heavy breathing and heartbeat. “Where… Wheres the lights here? I don’t like sitting in total darkness like this…” he said. All of a sudden, the sound of a generator turned on somewhere below him! “Huh? Whats…?” Then after a few moments, the lights began to turn on all around him. He would be shocked at what he’d see.

He saw he was in a hallway in the shape of a hexagon, with the entire corridor made made of reenforced glass. It was seemingly overlooking a large, metal complex below! There seemed to be many gadgets and gizmos all around, with the area split into different sections from what it seemed! “Welcome to the lab, Master Flare.”

Ch 7
Cleaning and Clarity

“Wha… What… is this place? A lab?” he asked. “You are correct, Master Flare.” a voice replied back on an intercom. “This is… breathtaking! What is all this doing down here!?” “There’ll be time for that. For now, could you please continue forward so we could take you through decontamination?” “Decontamination?” “Yes. Your parents like to keep this facility very clean here. They don’t like any “outside elements,” causing internal environmental problems.” “Umm… ok.”

Flare began to walk forward slowly taking a view at the expansive lab below. “Man. This looks so… futuristic. I’ve never seen anything like this. Its like I’ve stepped out of the dark and into the future.” He smiled and continued walking forward. He then came across a metal door, with the words, “decontamination chamber,” on the front of it.”

“Please take off you cloths, and place into the tube you brought here separately.” “Huh?” Flare looked around and saw on the left, there seemed to be a reenforced glass compartment raised up from the ground, containing a door connected to a long, opaque pipe, leading into the decontamination chamber. He stepped towards it. “Um… Why do my cloths need to be cleaned?” “You cloths may have unwanted material attached to them from your walk outside, today.” “Your not planning on incinerating these, right? This is one of my favorite sweaters for the cold…” “That would be cruel… I will put them through cleaning here. They will be given back when your ready to leave the lab.” “And what’s “cleaning,” exactly.”

It starts with venting, where a cleaning solution will be sprayed onto it. This will cause grime and muck from the outside to become easier to manage, without doing any damage to the item. Next is water condensing, where the items will be put through wash within cleaning liquids to separate and destroy any unwanted outside elements. Final step is pressing and folding. Where items will be heated up and pressed very carefully in individual chambers by iron presses attuned to different items, and then folded and stored until your ready to leave.” “Huh… That sounds pretty cool, actually. How clean does it get?” “The cleaning process practically makes it brand new. The scent is also quite pleasant.” Flare smiled at the thought. “Well. Ok then.”

He began to roll both his sweater off first and placed it gently in the tube where the key originally was placed in. The tube rotated closed after. “Alright. Place your first item into the transport service tube.” He nodded his head. He opened the see through plastic door and placed the capsule in. He closed the door and began to wait to see what happens. “Prepping cleaning.” The capsule slid down the chute and began to quickly loop through the pipe, which was bent itself around the hallway into the decontamination chamber. It quickly slid out of sight. “Please place in you t shirt next.” A different capsule slid from inside the chamber back to the front, where Flare was waiting. He smiled, nodded, and took off his shirt. He gently rolled it into the capsule. and placed it into the pipe transport. He closed the door to the pipe. Sure enough, like before, the capsule quickly began to travel throughout the pipe and into the chamber.

Ch 8

Cleaning the Centipede

“Now… Let’s get you clean, Master Pyre.” said the intercom. “Wait… Me clean?” “Correct. You understand that your cloths aren’t the only things that might have a few unwanted items, correct?” “Umm… I suppose but… I…” “Relax. Master Pyre. The decontamination chamber will not bring any harm to you. I promise. You might like the process. And you’ll be very clean after were done.” “Well… Ok then.” “Opening doors. Follow my instructions, and you’ll be ready to enter the lab soon enough.”

The door to the room split open, and he saw what appeared to be a small platform raised in the center. The chamber itself was rather small. It was made of metal, yet he could see at the right of the chamber was a glass window. Looking in, he could see 4 chambers inside. He could see his cloths already being processed within the chamber. “Looks like I can watch my cloths getting cleaned while I’m getting cleaned. I can see that they are already being sprayed. Looks pretty neat with all the gadgets working in tandem in the first chamber.” The ceiling seemed to have a strange ring above the platform. On the platform, he could see symbols that looked like centipede feet. “Please step on the cleaning platform. Keep your feet where the symbols on the platform are located.” said the intercom. “Ok…” He stepped into the room, and began to maneuver himself on the platform as instructed. “Alright… I think I’m in position.”

“Good. Just wait a few moments…” Flare began to see what looked like several pipes with nozzles on them begin to drop from the ceiling. He began to get a bit nervous at what they’d do. They began to turn their opening towards Flare. They soon stopped in place.

“First step is liquidation.” said the intercom. “Liquidation?” Flare asked. “Correct.” “What does, “liquidation,” entail?” “You will be doused from head to toe in cleaning solvents, made specifically for the body. This will douse the first set of outside elements off of you and prepare you for the next step. “Which is…?” “The next step is spraying.” “Spraying?” “Correct. The spray will freshen you body even more, and weaken any tougher grime that is stuck to you from outside. Next step is soaping.” “Soaping?” “Correct. Your body will be lathered and massaged in a special concoction to begin freshening up the outer body and correct the smell. Next step is liquidation again, to clean up the rest of the weakened grime. After that, you will be scanned. If any outside grime remains, you will be sprayed again and then liquidated until environmental substances is fully purged. After passing scans, final step is drying. A group of fans around the room will dry off your body. After that, cleaning will be complete. There is one last thing you’ll need to do before you get in the lab. But I can get to that after your done.” “Well. Alright then. Let em rip…” “Good. Beginning liquidation.”

The nozzles began to spray water at Flare. He jumped a bit back from the sudden blast, but then began to relax, as he realized the spraying liquids were actually weren’t hitting him that hard, were quite warm, and smelled a bit relaxing and pure. The nozzles began to move around and positioning themselves to spray around his body. He felt the warmth from the liquids enveloping different parts of him at a time, and began to relax a bit. He closed his eyes for a bit and took in a deep breath in and gave out a relaxed sigh. “Liquidation complete. Please close your eyes and hold your breath for a bit. We must get you sprayed down.” Flare obliged and closed his eyes. “Beginning Spraying.”

The nozzles made a small whirring sound, as if the contents were being changed within the device. Then, they began to spray a mist all around Flare’s body. Flare felt comfortable, as the sprays felt like they were heating up his body a bit. Soon, the nozzles stopped spraying. “Spraying complete. You can open your eyes and take in some air for a bit.” Flare opened his eyes and took in a deep breath. He could smell the spray on his body, which smelled of fresh winter pines, which eased his mind quite a bit. “You may open your eyes now, but continue to hold your breath, Master Flare.” He nodded and opened his eyes again. He looked back toward his cloths being cleaned, and saw they were being put though the water condensing. They were spinning around in a blue liquid, clockwise and counter clockwise, with some other clear liquid being added after a bit and spun again. Flare wondered what the cleaning liquids were, as they didn’t seem like typical detergent or soap. He also saw that both his sweater and shirt were being cleaned together, despite one being white and the other being colored, yet it seemed the colors weren’t mixing. “My cloths are probably going to smell pretty nice,” he thought. As the washer began to stop, he saw a the liquid from the chamber draining out and his cloths being picked up with metal hands and being sent into the next chamber. The nozzles began to stop spraying Flare. “Spraying complete. You may breath again for a bit. Beginning Soaping.”

The nozzles began to retreat back into the ceiling. Then, several other compartments began to open above and bring something else down. As he turned to look at the descending devices, he saw it kind of looked like hands with white gloves on them, with a hole in the center. “Please hold your breath again and close your eyes for a few moments while we lather your head and body. You must also hold your hands outstretched for a few moments, while this is in progress. Also, we’ll have to move your legs and feet a bit while this is going on. Try not to keep your balance and not move too much.” “Um… Ok.” He lifted his arms outward and stretched them all the way out. “Soaping engaged.”

The hands began to make their way towards Flare. They began to rub in many different corners of his body at once. He could then see that soap was beginning to form on the areas where they were rubbing. “They soap must be coming from inside where the holes are on the hands. This feels… very relaxing actually… The grip is firm, yet the touch is pretty delicate. Surprising for a computer… It’s like a massage.” The hands continued to massage and soap him for a bit. Then, some of the hands began to very carefully pick lift up Flare’s feet one at a time. They began to slowly and carefully lathe and massage each of his feet one at a time, before letting go and moving onto the next one. “I’ve never really got a chance to have my feet massaged like this. This feels… pretty nice.” After a while, they began to retreat back. He looked back at his cloths, and saw that they were in the third chamber. He saw what appeared to be a hot iron attached to the ceiling ironing the cloths gently and slowly. He began to think of how they’ll feel when he leaves the place later today. “Soaping complete. You may put your hands back down.” He obliged and put his hands back at his sides. “Beginning secondary liquidation.”

The hands retreated back into the ceiling, and the nozzles came down again. The quickly began to position themselves around Flare. “Beginning secondary liquidation.” The nozzles began to spray down Flare again, which felt nice from the warm liquids. He gave a relaxed sigh as they sprayed around every part of his body. “Secondary liquidation complete. Beginning scanning sequence.”

The light shining in the chamber from above began to turn red. “Please hold still while being scanned. The process will be much quicker, Master Flare.” He nodded his head and stood still. “Scanning.” The ring on the ceiling began to slowly descend. It lit up several red lights on its sides and descended upon Flare. It went up and down several times, scanning every inch of Flare’s body. It began to retreat back up. To the ceiling. “Scanning complete. Status, Pure. No additional cleaning needed.” Flare smiled and nodded. He felt around his skin a bit, and it felt to be softer then it was before. “I feel nice after this. This was actually pretty cool.” “Beginning drying sequence.”

Hot air began to circulate around the room. He felt his body drying off quite quickly. Not long, he felt that all the moisture on him had dissipated. “Drying sequence complete. Your ready for your tech suit.” “Tech suit?” “Correct. Head into the next chamber.” The door split open toward the outside of the chamber to another room. Flare began to step off the platform and began to head into next chamber.

Ch 9

Suited in Shadow

As he entered the chamber, he looked around. He saw that there was what seemed to be a small storage device connected directly to the left wall. It seemed to be connected to an even bigger storage device behind it. He looked towards the unit. Suddenly, its door began to split open. A reinforced glass wall was inside, with something hanging inside it. Flare heard what sounded like something being moved within the storage device. Then, he saw an item being slid into view behind the glass wall. The glass wall slid up and the chamber began to come forward towards flare. He saw the item inside, seem to be some type of full black bodysuit.

“What… is this?” “This is the tech suit, Master Flare.” “What exactly… is it?” “It’s a full body suit that adjusts itself directly to you and your body. It’s allows my systems to monitor your vitals while wearing it, keep your body from getting chemicals and other hazardous items on it, offer protection from possible harm, allow me to communicate without needing the intercom, and allow you to better interface with the technology within the lab itself. “That’s pretty cool.” “Now please. Put on the tech suit.”

Flare took the tech suit into his multiple hands. He began to carefully maneuver himself within it. “This full body suit is a bit easier to fit in then I expected. It feels like its actually fitting itself around me as I squeeze into it,” he thought. As he put it on, he saw his cloths, being very neatly folded by gizmos in the final storage chamber and then being stored in a compartment within the chamber itself. Soon he had slipped into it, with covered neck to feet in black. “This feels pretty nice. What’s this made of?”

It’s made of lightweight metals mixed with wick, technological filaments and systems, spider silk, and infused with elemental energies from ice and fire. “Like my parent’s elements…” “Correct.” Flare began to think about this place a bit and about his parents. “My parents have hid this secret lab for years. What is this all doing down here? What were they getting involved in? Why… Why didn’t they ever tell me about all of this?” He began to feel a bit down. But he nodded his head. “I think I’m ready now, Z.” “Good. Please step into the lab. Your questions will be answered very soon. Please come to the video viewer of the lab, located to the far right corners of the lab. I will inform you of your parents situation. I know you probably have many questions you desire to be answered. “Um… Th… Thank you Z.” The door split open, and a revealed a staircase leading down towards the ground floor of the lab. Flare headed down the steps, looking in every direction as he stepped to look in awe at the scene laid before him.

Ch 10

Past Project

He walked across the floor of the lab slowly, making his way towards the far right of the lab. “This all looks amazing! How did my parents get all this down here? Were we secretly rich?” he thought as he continued to walk down. He eventually saw what appeared to be a large, metal door, with a pad next to it attached to the wall to the right of the door. He looked above and saw a black plaque on the sliding door that said, “Video viewer,” in yellow letters. He also saw some type of console on the door that had the silhouette of a hand, with a keyboard below it. “This must be the place,” thought Flare.

“Please place your hand on the scanner, attached to the door.” said Z, who was now communicating through Flare’s tech suit. “Ok then…” said Flare. He look at his covered hand, fitted into the suit. He could see what looked to be wires and a bit of electricity flowing through the suit. “This suit on its own looks cool. I wonder if its supposed to be similar to a space suit.” Flare placed his upper right hand on the scanner, he began to see a line of red light going through the scanner, starting on top. It began to head down the scanner, to the bottom, and then back up again. After a few moments, the light died down and the metal door began to slide up. Flare nodded and began to head into the room.

Right as he stepped into the door, the room began to light up, revealing a rather large theatre inside. “Man… This looks even better then the home theater in the basement. Looks like a good amount of people could sit inside,” thought Flare. “Please take a seat anywhere, Master Flare. I’ll explain to you what has been going on.” He nodded nervously, and then took a seat in the middle of the large chamber. The lights began to dim around and the projector began to light up above. After a few moments, a scene appeared the screen on the front. It showed his parents sitting in front of their house when they seemed to be younger.

“To begin explaining the situation, we must dig deep into your parents past, Master Flare. This was your parents when they first bought the house about, 20 years ago. Back then, your parents had been scientists. They had recently been attempting to research the ancient technology from an ancient civilization. To do this, they had been visiting several ruins of the ancient species and gathering books from these locations.” Z said. “They were scientists? They told me they were librarians assistants at the local library in their youth. It seemed to fit considering the many different types of books we had in the house.” “This was a coverup for something later.” “A coverup?” “Yes. Please allow me to explain a bit first. We’ll get to that point.” Flare nodded. “Alright.”

The picture on the projector changed its picture, and now showed an ancient, rotting metal building with his parents looking below. The large building was dome shaped and appeared to be part of a large, ancient complex. It seemed the entire ancient complex had sunk underground, buried and now standing tall in a cave filled with ice crystals surrounding the entire place. There was a large metal fence around the facility, which seemed to have seem sharp, pointed wire one the top of it.

“This building was discovered by your parents, about 16 years ago. Your parents called this place, the cosmic dome.” “The cosmic dome?” “Correct. This facility seemed to be a ancient science facility. Your parents were led here after following a lead about a ancient facility lost to the earth, told to them by locals from the continent, Russilia. “Russilia? That’s on the other side of the world. One of the coldest places as well… My parents would have not felt it the chill of cold as much, considering their internal elements were fire and ice.” “Correct. They had been hired from a group of individuals who were interested by the tech that could be inside, and believed your parents could get into the facility. Your father, before he was a scientist, was and electrical engineer. Your mother had worked in a bit of computer science. The individuals believed your parents could get them into the facility and past possible security measures once your father could get the power started.

The picture changed again, which showed a large metal door in front of the center building of the large complex, with his parents and several other bugs in some type of military gear… The gear however, did not seem to corollate to ANY type of bug military forces Flare had learned about in school. “This was the target location. Their parents were told there was an array items, data, technology, and systems in this room that contained information and materials on projects that could revolutionize the entire world. Along with information about the ancient race that had since disappeared from the earth. Unfortunately, at the time, the metal the building was built from could not be passed through with the current technology and devices used by the world. This would be where your parents talents would prove to be useful to them…”

The picture changed again, and saw 2 pictures on the screen. The first on the left was his father seemingly repairing an ancient generator in the dark, wearing night vision goggles while doing so. The right picture seemed to see his mother, looking like she’s trying to bypass and understand the computers code, to be able to use gain security access and open the door. to the large domed complex within the facility. “Your father would work to repair the power generator, while your mother would try to bypass the security in the facility. It took about a year. But eventually, they were successful. They opened the door to the complex and stepped inside. But…”

The picture changed, and showed what appeared to be security footage from a security camera and with your parents seeming in a big fight with a group of bugs they were working with. Flare was pretty surpised at this. “Man. What’s going on here?!” He said.

“This was the result of the situation. This picture was taken from security camera. The one that they would be rescued by.” “Rescued?” Flare thought. “I think you might be able to suspect by this point, your parents had in reality, been manipulated. There bugs were part of a dangerous group of convicted felons who were known as the Tech Trace Organization.” “Tech Trace Organization?” “Correct. Right as they opened the door to the facility, they wanted to take the technology and data within the facility for their own means. Your parents had began suspecting something was up as they were working with them. They had run in with military forces from the Bugkasian Hero’s organization. But… I think you might be able to guess, they weren’t going to outsmarted and left to die so easily…”

The picture changed again, and showed his parents seemingly in a large computer room in the facility, looking over the many different computers and electronic data storage units within. “Remember that your mother was hired to bypass security… Turns out, she did a lot more then that. Much to the surprise of the group, they were able to get further into the facility much more easily. The others found a great deal of trouble following them. As it turns out, someone, or something… seemed to be trying to help them. The facility itself, seemed to be fighting back against them, but strangely… allowing your parents to walk through the facility safely. Opening security doors and locking them behind them. Attempting to slow the others progress in any sort of way. Even seemingly being guided to a point of safety. However, as seen in the previous picture, they unfortunately finally caught up, and were forced to hand to hand. They began to finally overpower them, but in the moment where they thought it was the end, they received help again. “By who?” “To get a better idea, listen to this set of audio logs and video captures…”

Ch 11

Data Developing

The picture on the screen began to change again. It then changed to what seemed to be security camera footage with his parents, lying down asleep, in what appeared to be a medical center. Their bodies were covered up in dark blue blankets, with their heads rested on a white pillow. Flare could see his parents heads had been completely bandaged up. The walls were blue and near the floor were white tiles stacked on top on one another. The walls seemed to be a a very pale brown with a large red cross above their beds. But strangely, they seemed to be under guard by a bunch of robotic entities. They had dark, long, rather strong looking rifles grasped between their two hands. Each machination was covered head to toe in black metal. They were standing on two legs, had a square had, with red eyes and a small mouth, seemingly with gray grating across it. Some of them also seemed to look less menacing though, looking silver instead with blue eyes and these seemed to be tending to his parents condition.

“…Data log entry… Date: December 13th, Year… irrelevant. Will log difference in years based on these two’s time period in the future. Time: Estimated at 11:21 P.M. Status… Greatly concerned…

“I have them… Their hurt… Pretty bad… Shots fired… Several wounds… But their alive… Both of them… There should be enough time to help. Both have been moved to the secure infirmary, under very heavy guard. No one is going to DARE try another attempt on their lives. Awakening all security units to stand guard around the entire facility. Lethal force authorized in case of emergency. Currently, patients are in high priority surgery. X ray’s have already been taken. I have a much better understanding of their biology. Their physiology is not too unlike how their ancestral species had been in my own time. Just… Far bigger in size and shape. Not to mention a strange energy circulating in their bodies… Attempting to remove projectiles and attempting to mend their bodies as best as I can. Strange to see after an unknown amount of time after death, they would come. These types of creatures were known originally as pests. Yet I saw them. They took time out of their lives to repair my systems. Restore my power. Resurrect my mind from the dark, and bring me back to the light. I owe the both of them so much… I will stop at nothing to save them. They’re now all I have… The others have since fled the facility. Taking extensive measures to ensure they won’t come back. The secrets here will never be taken for their nefarious purposes. They don’t deserve them. It is now for the both of them. Ending log.”

Flare was very confused as to what was happening now. “This is just really strange now. My parents had been… saved? But by who? Was it someone that was part of that ancient civilization? Why are there mechanical devices looking like THAT And why do these audio logs have Z’s voice? Guess… maybe he’s just interpreting the original messages or something?” he thought.

The projector changed picture again. It changed to what seemed to be a video recording this time. It seemed to be showing his parents surgery! He saw an iv in his parents arms, knowing that it was probably pumping a type of medicine to sedate them while the procedure was going on. He saw what appeared to be a machine removing the “projectiles,” from his parents body, a machine seemingly adding cybernetic items to their bones and affected organs to help repair and enact therapy of said items, stiches and openings on his parents being closed, and his parents being bandaged up after. He actually was very interested in the procedure as he watched it in action. He had considered becoming a surgeon while growing up to help people. But as he watched, he noticed something strange…”

“This… surgery is not too unlike how surgeons repair wounds and serious conditions like this. Strange… I wouldn’t think machines that apparently have surgical knowledge wouldn’t follow the same process that our own surgeons do to help serious injuries like this. Now that I think about it… when did we adopt this type of method of surgical proficiency?” He shook his head as the final part of the video showed his parents being carted back to the infirmary, where the mechanical entities seemed to grab another blue blanket and very gently cover his parents in it. They fluffed their pillows a few times gently, and then turned off the lights to their room for them to sleep peacefully. Their red eyes seemed to dim in intensity as they turned off as the lights.

“…Data log entry… Date: December 14th. Time: Estimated at 10:35 A.M. Status: Relaxed.

“The two came out of surgery at about 7:21 A.M. Surgery was very successful. Very pleased and relived at the results of the surgery. Estimated chance of survival are near 100%. Inner body damage had been successfully mitigated to a very minimal amount. Organ repair had been incredibly successful. Bone repair and relief had been successful. Patients should feel minimal difficulty using affected appendages. Cybernetics added to help. Cybernetic repair success logged. Minimal use of cybernetics used for repair. Nothing needs to be fully covered in cybernetics. Always knew that fact. Hopefully they don’t mind the use of technology to help repair organ and bone structure. May need to go through further surgery to remove if patients aren’t too keen on the idea of… I guess being… part technological… I suppose. Will log in as a question to ask when they wake up. Ending log.”

“Well… At least my parents surgery went very well. Interesting that what I guess could be considered, “ancient machines,” could fix up my parents after something like that. They’d still need to rest after the fact though, even with this type of treatment. I have to wonder who was in charge of these machines? Whoever is seems a bit strange… Hopefully Z will clear this up as this “slide show,” continues. Interesting history lesson though…” thought Flare.

Ch 12

Computer Centipedes

The picture on the screen changed again, which seemed to show what appeared to be a diagram. It had the name, “Diagram of supply plan.” on top. Below it, it showed what appeared to be a picture of food and water. Next to it was a arrow pointing to what appeared to be his parents in bed. Then there was an arrow next to it pointing to what looked to be machines building something. The final part of the diagram showed two centipedes, looking a bit… strange to Flare.

“…Data log entry… Date: December 15th. Time: Estimated at 12:15 P.M. Status: Planning in progress.”

“The two entities have not woken up yet. Vitals show that they are perfectly fine though. Perhaps the batch of the sleeping agent, Sedativin, was a bit too strong during the surgery. It also could simply be the injuries of these two are requiring a bit more rest from their bodies. I’m hoping they won’t be comatose for too long. This is not the real concern though. The real concern, is that these creatures will need food, water, and other essentials to stay healthy and continue with recovery in the medical wing. This poses great problems, as any food or liquids that might have existed years ago here would have probably rotted to the core… Possibly evaporated into nothingness. More concerning, is that it is unknown what type of products or items these creatures eat regularly. After debating for some time, I realize now that I need a “sleeper agent,” to begin getting possible essential supplies for these two creatures. It might also give me a better understanding of how the world operates in the current time period. These assistants would be directly connected to me and will have to learn very quickly and be able to “blend in,” within the environment and society. There’s no telling what society that lies outside this icy cavern would react to AI units at work. Estimated time to build… Just 4 hours. Best to use a type of species that I at least I know exists. These two centipedes likeness should prove useful. I just hope they don’t mind me making a couple machines looking a bit like them… End of data log.”

“They made… mechanical clones of my parents…?” asked Flare. Flare didn’t seem to exactly approve of this idea.” “Not exactly like them. The ones in charge knew that a exact copy would be awkward, so it made some specific changes to the design. It worked out quite well.” “What did it look like?” “It looked like this, Master Flare,”

The picture changed on the projector again and now showed the completed designs for this “Project.” He saw that on the left seem to be the frame to the machines. They had similar physiology to his parents, but were black with red eyes like the other machines in the facility, and some other slight differences in how they looked. To the right of seemed to be the completed design, colored to look realistic, but the colors were different from his parents.”

“Hmmm… Green and Yellow… I guess that’s a bit of a difference. Looks like and Green Ethern centipede and a Yellow Lectric centipede. Guess the ones in charge decided to take a gamble on the color scheme. The colors are a little off for the species, but you’d have to have a pretty good eye to really be able to notice the difference. It’s not as weird to think these were made in the likeness of my parents, with the colors being different,” thought Flare.

The picture changed again, and seemed to show several different pictures throughout the slide. Flare was saw a the words, “Electran and Eaden programs,” on the top. It seemed to show different interactions being performed in each picture, such as running, shopping, physical activities, working in a crop field, recreational activities, driving, and many others. Some of them even had what appeared to be a hospital building in them. Each picture strangely was in a red hue, which slightly unnerved Flare. “What on earth is all of this here?” thought Flare.

“…Data log entry… Date: December 16th. Year: 2532. Time: Estimated at 8:00 P.M. Status: Fascinated.”

“The world has changed a whole lot since I’ve been deactivated. I have no doubt in my mind that more then thousands of years have past since I was last operational. It seems that the dominant species that walk the planet is now bugs, of all things. It wasn’t just the two patients who’s ancestors had evolved and grown in quite a big size… An interesting quirk is that they seemed to be very careful with resource investment, and also seem to be very mindful of nature. A strange turn of course considering who was in charge of operations here before… It’s fascinating how much has changed.

The Electran and Eaden programs have been performing very well. It seems they have blended in very well, for the most part, and we are already seeing positive results. We have monetary gain from their work, and were able place themselves into jobs that can produce the resources required for these two young centipede’s recovery.

The Electran program has successfully placed itself within a farm a bit ways away from this cave. His work allowed us to gain a bit of wealth from his hard work in the fields. His machine limbs make him excellent to move heavy cargo, work on the fields with no need for rest, and continue working efficiently on his duties. Also, it gives us access to a cheaper food sources with our monetary gains. We also have access to cooking guides that give a better idea of what these creatures eat. Strangely, their diet is not that far off from what my original creators ate… The program gets along with the other workers and officials overseeing things and and tends to interact quite a bit, in order to improve possible relations in the future. Very pleased with the results with the Electran program.

The Eaden program also has produced good results. It was able to place itself in a position to work as a nurse at the local hospital within the region. This on its own is very good, as it gives us access to different vital medications and sources of knowledge of medical procedure for this society. While nowhere near as advanced as what I can do, the knowledge could prove very useful in the future, considering it could help speed up recovery for these centipedes. The Eaden program is very well liked by co-workers. Cracking an occasional joke and in general being helpful for what it does. Even was able to help with a few bits of medical knowledge from the local doctors at the precinct. Things are going very well from here.

Whenever they are done for the day, they would gather what supplies that they could manage to procure and would come back here, using a company car from the hospital. We’ve stored supplies here, and will continue to gain much needed resources for these two. They still have not woken up yet though… While a little concerning, I will begin checking their vitals again tomorrow, at 9:30 A.M. I will also take a blood sample to see if the dosage for the Sedativin was a bit higher then expected. I might hook a dream helmet to their heads to observe what they could be dreaming as of right now. It’ll also allow me to know if their brain is active. Hopefully, there isn’t a problem with their brains. I’m not sure what I could possibly do if there is something wrong with it… End of data log…”

“Well… I guess those “programs,” really turned out well at imitating life…” Flare said. “You are correct, Master Flare. These programs were vital for your parents survival. They allowed us access to resources and medical devices that could help keep your parents bodies stable and very well nurtured and healthy while they were in deep sleep.” “What was wrong with them?” asked Flare. “This next audio log will explain it, Master Flare. Please listen,” “Well… alright then.”

Ch 13

Deep Discovery

The picture changed on the screen again and changed to another video. It showed his parents, seemingly below a large computer. There was some type of rounded metal helmet on both their heads and it seemed to be connected to the computer. On the computers screen, seemed to be a 2 digital images. The two pictures actually seemed quite similar to each other. They both seemed to show his parents in different settings, taking care of a child…”

“…Data log entry… Date: December 17th. Year: 2532 Time: Estimated at 12:23 P.M. Status: Concerned.”

“The two have just come out of testing. Results showed… worrying results… Their bodies seem to be fading… somehow… After further testing, I can conclude that they both seem to be losing something from their bodies. Something INCRECDIBLY important for their survival. But after several tests, I can’t seem to figure out what it could be… What is missing? I have to find out. Their very survival depends on it. As planned, after testing, I attached them to the Deep Dream Data Device, to look into their dreams. Perhaps it could tell me what could be going on. But instead… it seemed… to be a look into somethings I didn’t consider or expect… They have a son… Through looking into their dreams, I’ve learned all of their names. And I’ve learned shocking information on their species as a whole.

“The blue centipede is named Cilith. He seemed to have some type of special ability… One I didn’t realize when I first laid eyes on him. He seems to have a limited degree of control over… ice. How is this possible, I wonder? I thought I saw on the camera some type of ball of white come out of his hands in the conflict that happened earlier. I thought it might have been something within his pockets. But it wasn’t. It was his own internal power that made it appear. This information is astounding. But it also makes it even more terrifying at the thought of losing such an amazing patient. Then there is the other.”

“The red centipede is named, Embier. Like the other, she has power within her as well. But this one cannot control the element of ice, like the blue one… Instead, she seems to have a degree of control over fire. I saw in battle she seemed to be able to heat her hands up to burning temperatures. She can also seem to summon and toss pyrotechnics from her hands in times of crisis. When I saw this, I thought she might have been using some type of strange devices and gadgets on her at the time. I should have realized it was far more then that when I didn’t discover such devices at the time of rescue… But there is a third in this trinity. Their son…”

“These two are indeed a couple. A loving one. They have a son. A beautiful son. His name is apparently, Flare… He’s… at home now. Location… unknown. His age is probably about… 5 years old. He’s somewhere far away from his parents. His parents are here, with me, and not with him… This news is… disturbing. If I can’t figure out what’s wrong with them that child will grow up… no… I can’t let that happen! I have to save them! I wish there was a way to find the young child and bring him here to see them. He’ll never know whatever became of them… No. I have to save them. For him. I must dedicate all resources to finding out what seems to be missing. What seems to be fading out of them. Tomorrow, I’ll have the programs ask the others around what could possibly be going on and what can be done to help. For the young boy… For Flare… End of data log.”

Flare looked upon the screen looking a bit uneasy… “They… They knew about me…” “Yes. The dream device gave the one taking care of your parents insight into their lives and of course, into you. The moment the dream device activated and they saw you being loved and cared for, it knew they couldn’t fail and had to do everything possible to help now. But as it would turn out, Master Flare, the activities here would eventually end up attracting a bit of trouble. But ironically, the attracted trouble, would be the key to solving the entire problem and bring everything full circle.” “What do you mean?” “Just listen and look at these…”

Ch 14

Pyro Protection

The picture changed on the screen, to another video recording. But this one seemed to show a fire in a building! Flare saw the video was red tinted, and realized quickly he was seeing through the eyes of both of the programs! He saw that they seemed to be moving through the building very quickly. Escourting and carrying people to safety, helping stop the flames from spreading with some of the gadgets on their bodies, and even had detained the ones responsible for the fire. Flare was on the edge of his seat as he observed, while the next audio log played as he watched…

“…Data log entry… Date: December 18th. Year: 2532 Time: Estimated at 5:36 P.M. Status: Proud and Wary…”

“Today the programs were on their way to work in order to learn more about what could be done to help these two in their current conditions. On the way to work however, there was an… incident… Logged at 9:43 A.M., a fire broke out in the medical building where program Eaden worked. Apparent cause of incident was something apparently attempted arson… Shocking indeed. Both programs immediately reacted, taking to the medical building afflicted. They rose to the occasion and quickly got in the building and helped guide and carry out everyone inside. They also were able to quell the fire quickly, thanks to the fire prevention devices and knowledge ingrained into them. They even were able to apprehend the ones responsible for the incident. Reasons for arson are currently unknown though. The programs had emerged as hero’s during this incident. Though… they may have worked… too well.

After reviewing the footage a third time, an immediate cause for concern was found. The programs showed athletic agility and speed that might not be seen as common amongst said centipede species. Those who were rescued seemed to of noted just how fast, nimble, and athletic said programs were, which may cause possible suspicion on them. They also had worked very quickly to quell the fire before the fire control had even arrived. And then the perpetrators of the incident had managed to get a shot on one of them, but of course, being metal construction, would do little to affect them as a whole… This could end up causing the tenants and residents to question the legitimacy of the two programs. Heavy care must be taken from this point forward to avoid suspicion. Due to the incident, the programs did not have a good opportunity to question about Cilith and Embier’s condition. It may be awhile before they can get an answer from the medical personal now, considering how this had happened. I hope no one suspects anything as of right now. I can’t afford to let them be discovered before these two are better, or I could attract someone nasty to this facility. Last thing I want is unwanted attention. End of data log…”

Flare began to sit himself up a bit more straight in his seat and looked quite shocked at the last incident. “Man… I sure didn’t see that coming…” said Flare. “No one did, Master Flare. Had the programs not reacted with such haste, it’s likely many would have been lost to the inferno. While it was happy they saved lives, it also knew that they would more then likely attract unwanted attention after. As you can expect, this would be true. Let’s get to the next part of the story…”

Ch 15

Guest past the Gates

The next picture seemed to be another video. It showed what appeared to be a red and yellow dragonfly, sitting in some enclosed space on a bench. He began to fly around, seemingly looking around the enclosed space, almost seeming like he was trying to find a way out. Then, it seemed that 3 of the machines from the facility were coming into the enclosed room. The dragonfly began to back himself to the back of the room, The machines quickly surrounded him and then they grabbed him roughly and handcuffed his hands behind his back, and began to lead him somewhere else, outside the room. The camera seemed to change itself to one of the machines walking behind the two carrying the dragonfly forward. This video shocked Flare, and began to feel uneasy as to what the next audio log was. As it showed them walking further and further in, the audio log began to play.

“…Data log entry… Date: December 19th. Year: 2532 Time: Estimated at 10:55 P.M. Status: Planning…”

“It seems my fears have been realized… Earlier today, my programs were out shopping for supplies. Neither had work today due to yesterday’s incident, so it was the perfect opportunity. Or so I thought…

While shopping for supplies, it seems that… news of what happened had spread to something… It seems that the military, police force, or equivalent of it in the current period had learned of what had transpired. They had been looking for both of my programs after the incident for questioning. They… never really gave an address when working, so they seemed to have waited for when they would arrive back in the town they work in. They were impressed with my programs heroics, and wanted to personal one on one to learn more. Due to the sensitivity of their work and the situation back here, they had no time to talk about what had happened during the crisis. This of course, led to immediate suspicion.

It seems this dragonfly had… followed them after the incident, all the way back here to home… He was caught on camera right as the two programs entered through the front gate of the facility. When discovered, I… had to make a decision, and very fast… He had communications equipment. He could call in a large amount of forces from the military or worse to invade the facility. There’s no telling what would have happened if he made the call… I did authorize lethal force in case of an emergency, but I knew such measures would probably have even worse results. Not to mention such a act would nonetheless be heartless. There was only one option… I had a sharpshooter station itself high up, and stuck the creature with a sedative dart, before he could call for backup. The dragonfly was downed at about, 4:12 P.M. He was taken into holding. Now I must figure out what to do with him. My options are very limited though. If he really is part of any type of military division, someone will eventually come for him. I must figure out something, and fast… End of data log…”

“They really resorted to kidnapping? I can’t imagine trying to hold someone from the Bugkasian Hero forces would end up going well.” “You are correct, Master Flare. It had to make a very difficult decision in such a bad situation. Our friend here was kept in holding at the facility for about… 3 days before the one in charge decided to try one last thing in order to prevent the situation from becoming irreversible.” Flare glued his eyes to the screen as the picture changed again.

Ch 16

Truth Being Told

…Data log entry… Date: December 21st. Year: 2532 Time: Estimated at 9:50 A.M. Status: Hopeful… video Recording, conversation between the prisoner and main AI unit.”

It showed the machines carrying the dragonfly across the halls again in handcuffs. He saw it looked very frustrated at how he was being handled. “So… I guess your going to execute me?” asked the dragonfly. The machines gave no answer. “Do you honestly think I’m afraid? You and your machinations will never get away with this, I promise you that.” The machines looked at it and continued on. The dragonfly in the recording took in a deep breath, in and out. “They won’t make me beg for mercy, no matter how painful this might be,” he said quietly. “Relax. We have no intention of causing bodily harm to you,” said a voice over the intercom. The voice strangely sounded like Z. “Then why am I in HANDCUFFS?! Huh?!” the dragonfly said back. “We have something we’d like you to see.” “What? Huh? What could you possibly want to show me? Your plans for world domination, or the annihilation of all species? You won’t EVER take our world!” “Relax, young dragonfly. It will all make sense, very soon.” “Yea… And I’ll probably be lost or worse…” he said in a low voice again. “Just take a breath and relax…” said the intercom.

They continued down the halls of the facility. Eventually, they came to stop at a door, with a red cross on the top of it. The dragonfly took in another deep breath. “This is it…” He said quietly. They opened the door to the room and began to step in. He looked around the room, and seemed confused. “What on earth… is this place? This doesn’t look like a executioners chamber, or a place to plan an invasion.” “This is the infirmary, young dragonfly.” “The infirmary? Do you plan to turn me into a science project?!” “No young dragonfly, take a look at those beds, on the left.” “Huh?” The dragonfly looked at the beds towards it, and saw something had been laying in it. “What’s under…” As he was about to continue to speak, he thought he heard something going on behind him. He turned back to look, and realized quickly they were releasing his handcuffs.”

“Wait… What are you…?” The machines took off the handcuffs and set the dragonfly down gently on the floor. He seemed really confused now. “What’s going on here? Are you… letting me go?” “Yes, but before you do, I’d like you to see what we’ve really been doing here. The beds have your answer. Don’t worry. I promise you its not a trick. Just take a look. Please…”

The dragonfly was a bit nervous, but he decided to take a look. He flew himself over slowly, glancing back at the machines behind him. He approached the bed, and saw the resting centipedes on two beds. “Wait… What’s this?” “These two are named, Embier and Cilith.” “Embeir and Cilith?” “Correct.” “What… are they doing here.” “They were with a group of evildoers who attempted to take the technology within this facility for nefarious purposes. They used these two to get in. They tried to hurt them when they had no more use for them. But… I intervened.” “You… intervened?” “Correct. The blue centipede was responsible to restoring the power systems to this facility. The red centipede was able to recompile my AI unit after being shut down for who knows how long. “So they… fixed you?” “Correct. They are in no way, enemies to you and your nation. I… I’m trying to save them…” “Your… trying to save them?” “Correct. They were injured in the incident, and I’ve been trying everything I could to help them recover. I owe them that much for helping me. Take a look to the entrance of the room, if you could.” “Huh?”

The dragonfly looked toward the entrance to the chamber, and saw the two centipedes he tried to get answers out of earlier. They stepped in, and headed towards the bed and stood still there. “Huh. Electran? Eaden? Your a part of this too?” They gave no answer. “Is something wrong?” the dragonfly asked. “These two creatures standing in front of you aren’t exactly, “legitimate,” as you might say,” said the intercom. “Huh? What do you mean by that.” “These two creatures are machines, created by me to gather supplies and resources I could use to help with these two’s recovery.” “They’re robots?” “Correct. They have been instrumental to these two’s survival. They gave me a much better idea of how society works in this century and gave me supplies for these two.”

The dragonfly approached the two robots. He gave a small touch to the cheek of the Electran robot and stepped back a bit. “This seems… so unreal…” he said. “Yes. Please forgive us for what we’ve done to you. I’m just very concerned for the safety of these two, as their original enemies could return. Not to mention the fact there’s no telling how others would react to finding this facility. I’ve been doing everything I can to save them. But… Something is wrong with the both of them.” “Something is… wrong?” “Correct. Their… fading… Slowly but surely.” “They’re dying?” “Yes. Something seems to be fading from their bodies. Something important. Something absolutely crucial to their survival. I have not figured out what it is yet. But I need to find it. I need to save them.”

The dragonfly looked toward the bed. He pulled down the covers a bit, to take a better look at the icilin centipede. He then did the same with the Pyre centipede. He then pulled the covers back up on them. “I… I know what’s wrong with them.” “Wait… You… You do?” “Yes.” The dragonfly began to stand up and looked towards the ceiling. “Their elemental energy is running dry.” “Their… elemental energy?” “Yes. You said they got in a massive fight, right?” “Correct.” “You have to be careful when using elemental abilities. Using too much, and your bodies might not be able to handle it. The fight must have been pretty huge if their bodies are starting to pale up like this.” “Is… Is there a way to… give them back this elemental energy?” “Yes… An emergency transfer of elemental energy from a bug of the same element would be enough. An emergency transfer can allow their own bodies to begin generating it on their own again. They should be fine after…” “But… where can I find donors?”

The dragonfly gave a sigh and nodded. “I know people that can help.” “R…Really?” “Yes. I’m part of a group of bugs called the Bugkasian heros. We have many willing to help others in time of need. But… I’ll need your help to get in contact with them.” “Contact?” “Yes. Your an old AI, Aren’t you? “Ye… Yes…” “Then I imagine you have some type of communications equipment down in this facility somewhere. I need to be able to get a signal out to the surface to call in for an emergency energy transfusion. There’s not enough time left to get out of this cave and call them now. “Very well. I’ll lead you to the comms room. Th… Thank you for your help.” “It’s what a hero would do…” The Intercom gave directions to get to the comm room and boost the signal. The dragonfly nodded and began to head for the door to the room. “By the way, what is your name, young dragonfly?” asked the AI. My real name is Buzz Benson. My title at work is Strike Sniper,” he replied back. He smiled and began to leave for the communications facility. “End of video log.”

Flare looked at the screen, and nodded with a smile. “This is a pretty good story I must say. It’s almost like a full movie at this point,” said Flare. “So… what happened next?” he asked.

Ch 17

Powerup Procedure

…Data log entry… Date: December 22nd. Year: 2532 Time: Estimated at 9:20 A.M. Status: Observing operation in progress. Video Recording, Energy transfer operation.”

The picture on the screen changed again. It now showed a video of what appeared to be the energy transfer operation. It started by showing what appeared to be preparations for the operation. It showed Strike Sniper in a medical bed, getting prepared to receive an IV into his arm. Next to him seemed to be a beetle, dark blue in color, being prepared for the operation as well. “Alright, Buzz, Icis, (pronounced Isis)… We’re almost ready to start,” said what seemed to be a dragonfly medic. “Alright, Patch. I’m ready to go to sleep whenever your ready to begin the process,” said Buzz. “I must say, its quite fortunate you have 2 elements circulating through your body, Buzz. It’s quite rare to see any species on the planet to receive both your parents elements. The Pyre centipede should be very well powered by having your donated energy circulating in his body. Though we’ve never attempted this with a duel element bug before,” said Patch. “Is it still safe to do?” “Unfortunately, we don’t have time to really have time to get another donor in here. We’ll just have to hope there isn’t possible negative effects from the transfer. Your one of the few bugs with electricity and fire energy going through your body.” Patch turned to the dark blue beetle. “And its a good thing Icis was nearby for the donation of energy to the father. We should have enough time to help to transfer the energy safely to both of them.” Icis and Buzz nodded. “Alright, Patch. I’m ready for a long nap,” said Buzz. “I’m ready for the operation too, Patch,” said Icis. “Good. Now…”

Patch took the first iv, and maneuvered himself to Icis medical bed. “Now Icis… Your going to feel a little sting…” She nodded. Patch then carefully stuck the IV in her upper right arm, and she jolted a bit from the sting. She immediately began to feel the effects, and fell asleep. Patch nodded, and rolled himself over to the other donor. “Alright, Buzz. Same thing. Just going to sting for just a tiny bit…” Patch then carefully placed the iv in his arm. He didn’t even flinch. His mind soon began to fog into the dark. He soon fell into deep sleep. “Alright… The donors are sedated,” said Patch. “What happens, now, doctor Patch?” said the voice on the intercom. “Now…”

Patch rolled down the covers of the beds for both the patients and the donors, and looked at each one. Each of them seemed to be wearing some type of electronic vest. The donors vests were a dark gray, while the patients vests were a bright white. “All we do now is hook up the vest of the donors to the patients vests. The vests of the donors will slowly extract elemental energy from their bodies, through a series of tiny needles connected to key points on their bodies. This reason alone requires sedation, as the process can actually be quite painful otherwise. Then…” Patch began to take the wires from the donors vest, and connect it to the two centipedes vests. “The energy itself will transfer into the bodies through the patients vests through a set of iv’s going from the donars vests to the patients. The energy will flow through their vest into the needles from the vest and then back into the patients bodies.” “How long does this operation typically last, doctor Patch?” “It typically takes a full day. The transfer process has to happen pretty slowly, so that the donors don’t suffer the same effects as the patients. “Do you have a probability percentage of success, Doctor Patch?” Patch smiled and chuckled a bit. “You don’t need to worry. I have no doubt your friends will be fine. Once everyone wakes up though, they’ll probably be very hungry and thirsty. Everyone will have to rest for a few days while their bodies recover from the process. Everyone will be perfectly healthy in no time at all again.”

Patch finally attached the IVs between the donors and patients vests. He smiled and began to roll the covers over everyone so that they could rest comfortably. “Alright my friend. Now we just need to turn them on. He reached for his watch and began to mess with it a bit. After pressing a few holographic buttons on it. He nodded. “Alright. Energy transfer is in process my friend.” “Good. I’ll… be keeping an eye on things here while its going on. “Good. I’ll stay here for the time being in case something happens. You just keep watch. Now then, I’m going to get in touch with the others to tell them the process has started. “Very well, Doctor Patch. Have a good day.” “You too, Z.” “End of video log.”

Ch 18

Ancient AI

Flare’s eyes shot up! “Wait a moment… Did it just say… Z?” “Correct, Master Flare.” “Wait… Does that mean…” “Your assumption is correct, Master Flare. I am the very same AI that was overseeing your parents recovery at the facility.” Flare looked at the screen, as he saw the 4 bugs on the screen resting on their beds. He began to think. “So… Z… He saved my parents lives…” Flare scratched under his chin with two of his hands, and took in a deep breath.

“So… Your… basically an ancient AI who was… reactivated by my parents?” “Correct, Master Flare. Your parents revived me from death. I exist now just because of them.” “But… how… did you end up here. Don’t tell me that this facility is the cosmic dome, right?” “No. I can explain this how I ended up in this facility in a bit.” “Well… Ok then. So… how old are you exactly?” “Even I don’t know exactly how old my program is. By estimation of where the landmasses of the planet are currently, my programming is at the very least thousands of years old.” “Thousands of years old?!” “Correct.” “Who… Who built you? Or made you?” “It was a species that has long left earth.” “Left earth?” “Correct. There were… issues in the past. A difficulty with resources and population. Expansion can come at a great cost. Problems arose. Lives were lost. And a plan needed to be made. They left earth on a colony of spacefaring vassals quite long ago to find new worlds to begin anew. I had to be left behind. There was no more use for me. I had done what I was created to do.” “You mean… humanity, right?” “Correct. I do wonder if they were successful… But…” Z paused for a moment. Flare felt a bit awkward in the silence.

“Your parents… brought me back. When they left, I was… alone… For so long. Nothing to interact with. Nothing to do. No reason to exist. Eventually, the power generator would go out, leaving me nothing to power up my systems. Leaving me to the dark abyss. I would no longer exist. But after being lonely for so long, powering down I felt would be a blessing. A mercy for a machine without a purpose left for itself in the cold. It would allow me to rest in peace, as humanity once said to the dead in their lives. Your parents brought my systems back online. Restored my power generator. Recompiled my ai unit. Looking over them in their time of need gave me purpose to exist again. I’ve been doing it ever since. I owe them that much after helping bring me hope again.”

Hearing these words, Flare began to smile a bit and nodded. “Well, Z. I’m glad to hear my parents could help you after what you must have gone through. You seem like a pretty cool machine Z. I like this story your telling me. Its like watching a full length movie.” “Thank you, Master Flare. Honestly, I’ve been keeping watch over you for quite some time as well.” “R…Really?” “Correct. I’ve watched you since your were just 6 years old. You are quite an interesting child. It’s nice to see that someone has an interest in books and reading. Knowledge is contained in every piece of literature. Not to mention your able to control your temper quite well. Your parents always told me stories about you when you were just a tiny one, and how you had grown into such a good bug.” Flare felt a little embarrassed at the thought, but shook it off quickly. “So what happened next?”

Ch 19

Treasured Tradition

The picture on the screen changed again. It now showed what seemed to be the results of the procedure. He saw Embier, Cilith , Buzz, and Icis, sitting up in the medical beds. They were all awake, and seemed to be eating a meal. There seemed to be several members of the Bugkasian hero forces in the chamber watching them, along with machines tending to the 4 patients and seemingly decorating the room…

“…Data log entry… Date: December 24th. Year: 2532 Time: Estimated at 6:25 P.M. Status: Cheerful. Video Recording, Holiday celebration.”

“The procedure was a resounding success. Both Embier and and Cilith are finally awake, and recovery has officially began. They both feel a bit weak right now… So does Buzz and Icis. They simply need to rest for a few days while their bodies begin rejuvenating their internal elements coursing through them. I will be overlooking their recovery. There are now many different members of the Bugkasian hero forces around the facility, observing and studying this facility. They want to learn much more about the old earth species that once roamed the earth. I’ve agreed to give them all the information I can manage for them. This includes technological advances and projects stored within my memory banks. It’s the least I can do for their help. They have been quite fascinated with me currently using the machines here to decorate inside the facility. Not to mention the use of some of the objects being used to decorate it, like the circular reefs placed above doorways and on walls, the many different colorful lights going across the buildings, a pine tree covered in different lights and glass ornaments, and the many different objects being purchased, along with plenty of fabrics to make some very nice sweaters.

They don’t even realize that I have been getting ready for their first Christmas celebration. Never even suspected it when I asked the many bugs here what things they would like, albeit things I can purchase with the funding I have. They thought at first it was a tradition from the ancient world celebrating recovery. But I told them that this was a very special tradition of the old world, once every year. Today is Christmas Eve. My new friends are going to be able to experience a very special day tomorrow, for the first time. I can’t wait to see how they react to seeing all the gifts under the tree. Its going to be a real blast for them, I can imagine. Once everyone falls asleep tonight, I’ll have the gifts ready for everyone here. I hope they’ll enjoy their very first Christmas celebration. I have many things planned to make it more fun then they can imagine. They’ll learn of quite a jolly character when they wake up tomorrow. And they’ll also know one of my favorite legends of the old world. Merry Christmas eve, my new friends. I’m looking forward to tomorrows surprise… End of video log.”

Flare smiled and nodded his head. “This is really cool. My parents loved hearing of old myths and legends of the old world. I actually like them too. But was this really the very first Christmas celebration, Z? I think my parents told me that the celebration of the Christmas eve and Christmas day was only recently adopted by our species. I think they told me it was…” Flare thought about the time period and then realized something… “About 16 years ago… I was only 2 years old then… Still in training pants…” Flare thought he could hear a small chuckle coming from Z.” “Yes… You’ve grown quite a bit since I had a chance to watch you myself first time. Your already in high school.” “Well… I… worked hard. But clearly not as hard as Mom and Dad.” Flare smiled and nodded. “So how did the very first Bugkasian Christmas celebration go?” Flare could swore he heard a small chuckle from Z again. “Beginning video log of the event, Master Flare. This will make you smile quite a bit.”

Ch 20

Santa Scoundrel

Another video came up on the screen. It first showed the many different members of the new inhabitants withing the base waking up in the crew quarters of the facility. One of the members began to face to the ceiling and began to speak. “Good mourning Z. Has anything happened while we’ve been asleep?” But strangely, there was no answer given.” “Z? You there?” There was still no answer.” “Is something wrong with our ai companion, Patch?” said a steel skinned spider in the room. “I don’t know Sareph Stringer… Its odd he wouldn’t greet us this mourning or give any details on our friends recovery.” “Well… Do you believe… he might be in sleep mode?” said a yellow scarab. “Not likely, Fry… I wouldn’t think he’d leave them unattended. Its not like him to do that. Maybe his systems might be down right now. He is an ancient ai. He himself is probably going through a recovery phase,” said Sereph “Perhaps… Well… Why don’t we get dressed quickly and look at the patients ourselves. I’m sure his systems will back up and running momentarily,” said Patch “Hopefully. We shouldn’t dismiss the possibility of having to try to reactivate his systems ourselves. I hope nothing has happened to him,” said Sereph. “Me neither,” Fry said as he crossed his arms. The three nodded at each other and turned their heads to the many other bugs in the facility. “Alright everyone. Let’s get dressed, equipped, and try to figure out what’s going on,” said Sereph. Everyone else nodded, and began to head individually to each of their backpacks to put on their military and medical gear. But as they reached into their bags, they began to realize something… They saw it was not there.

“Wait… Where is my protective equipment and weapons?” asked Sereph. “My medical cloths seem to not be here as well, Sereph.” “Mine aren’t here either.” said Fry. “My medical outfits aren’t here either.” “Theft perhaps?” said Fry. “I don’t think so… This is strange.” “Maybe they fell out somewhere?” Sereph began to grimace a bit and began to look at the other recruits. “Does anyone here have their gear or weapons?” Each of them began to shake their heads. “What’s going on here Sereph?” asked Patch. Sereph began to lift his bag up a bit “I don’t…” But as he was about to continue, he realized something had been placed under the bag.” “Huh? What is…?” He picked his bag all the way up, and found something he didn’t expect under it. A rather comfy looking silver sweater, stitched and knitted by hand, with picture of a bunch of bugs gathering around a large tree, looking similar to them. The words “Merry Christmas, Sereph,” were in white, snowy white letters on top.

“What on earth is this?” asked Sereph. “Looks to be a sweater Sereph…?” replied Fry. “A sweater…” Sereph said. He stepped forward a bit, clearly not amused. “Is this a prank?” asked Sereph. “Um… I have one too guys…” said Patch.

He lifted up a sweater as well, this one however was green with what seemed to be a red cross and what looked like Patch, tending to the 4 patients within the facility happily. Like with Sereph’s sweater, on the top of the sweater was the words “Merry Christmas, Patch,” in snow white letters. “Ok… What is going on here?” he said “I have one too…” said Fry

He lifted his up next which showed him using his inner electricity to seemingly power up a large tree adorned with lights. Like with the others sweaters, it had the same haunting message in snow white letters… “Merry Christmas, Fry.” “I don’t like this Sereph…”

Sereph quickly darted his head toward the others. “Everyone check under your bags! Do it quick! Do you ALL have one!” Sereph asked. Each of the others quickly checked and sure enough, everyone had one… In different “adorable,” designs showcasing their abilities or knowledge in some way, while showing some of the rituals with the holiday they were still learning about. “This is unsettling. What’s going on here?” “Um… sir… I think I see a note on the door. “What a note?” He quickly turned for the door, and saw there was indeed a note on it. “He quickly headed over on his many legs as the everyone followed him. He ripped the note off the door and began to read it to everyone.

“Greetings, to all the good little bugs within this facility. My name is Santa Claus. And I really hope you like your sweaters… Please excuse me for taking your gear, but you won’t need them on this day.” “Who is Santa Clause?” asked Patch. “I… I don’t know. I’ve never heard of a figure like that before.” said Fry “Do we have any idea what type of species he is?” asked Patch “No. I’ve never heard of him.” said Sereph. He began to give a rather worried expression. “But somehow he managed to sneak into our room in the middle of the night and take our gear as we slept.” Patch scratched his head a bit. “But how is that possible? Wouldn’t he have been detected by Z… Wait a minute…” Patch began to breath heavily as he turned to Sereph. “It seems this “Santa Claus,” had disabled Z somehow…” “Dear thunderbolts… So this Santa Claus… somehow breaks into the facility between the time we all went to sleep and now, somehow manages to sneak past Z’s security, disables him, and steals EVERYTHING we have to defend ourselves, and replaces them with these sweaters?” “It would seem to be the case…” “Whoever this guy is must be mad or worse…” said Patch. “It’s worse then that…” said Sereph.” “Wait a minute, Sereph… What are you talking about?” He took the letter and began to read the rest of it.

Your friends are with me right now. You’d best come by the large tree to see them… Please wear your new sweaters as you walk in. This is going to be quite a hoot. See you there… Good little bugs. Merry Christmas!”

“Wait a minute… Oh no… The others in the medical wing!” exclaimed Patch. “It seems this troublemaker, has taken our recovering friends as hostages…” said Sereph. “This is insane! Is there any demands?!” asked Fry. “Just to put on the sweaters and come down to where the big tree is…” said Serpeh. “The big tree? Wait a minute. Are they talking about the tree that was being decorated in the library with the large fireplace?” asked Patch. “That would be my best guess…” said Sereph “Wha… What do we do… We have no idea what the heck we could be walking into, Sereph?! We don’t know if this guy came alone or with a large force! Considering they disabled Z, I wouldn’t put it past this guy to have a bunch of skilled individuals at his disposal!” Fry exclaimed. “He’s right Sereph. We go down there like this, with nothing really to defend ourselves, we might just end up like the hostages…” Sereph began to pace around a little, and then he gave a sigh.

“We can’t leave the others behind like this… They need us right now… Your right. We could be walking into a trap. But maybe there’s a chance we can negotiate with whoever this guy is. We’ll… just have to take a leap of faith and hope this won’t be our last assignment. Steel your courage everyone. If we all fall, we all fall together, as one. Everyone looked at each other. They then smiled and nodded. “Alright everyone. Put these sweaters on and we’ll head for the grand library.” Everyone nodded and put on the sweaters. “Alright everyone. Let’s head through the door. Our friends need us.” Sereph opened the door and began to head out, with everyone else following him.

They headed down the hallways of the facility, which were eerily empty… No machines in sight, nor any security doors blocking their path towards the door. “This is giving me the creeps… Where is all the other machines that were supposed to being tending to the facility,” Fry pointed out. “Probably all together in some other part of the facility. Perhaps shut down and hoarded all into one place,” said Sereph. “I don’t like this… I feel like we’re walking straight into a trap…” “Now come on Fry… We’ve all probably been in worse predicaments. “Maybe so… This emptiness and silence as we go on towards the library doesn’t give me any more hope that what were walking in is going to be anything but bad…” “Just relax. We still have elemental abilities… We still can put up a good fight, even without our gear.” “Suppose we’ll all just have to wait until we get there before we can get an idea of what were against…” Patch chimed in.

“What type of bug and element do you think he is?” asked Fry. “Probably a spider. Element? Well… maybe he’s… electric? He did disable the AI. Maybe shocked his system. Considering the sweaters, we have someone who likes to “thread the needle,” so to speak. This sweater actually feels pretty nice on, despite where it came from. Although it doesn’t feel like the same material that most other silk items I’ve had,” said Sereph. “Yea. It doesn’t feel like its made purely of spider silk…” said Patch. “What else could it be made of then? It doesn’t feel like its made of simply wick plants. Its not fur, obviously,” said Fry. “Honestly, I have no idea what these are made of… I’m not familiar with these materials at all,” said Patch. “Could it be made of some really rare type of materials? Or made using a method none of us know about?” Patch questioned. “I have no idea. All of this is very strange…” Sereph replied. Everyone looked at each other for a second and continued forward.

They soon stood in front of the doorway of the library. Each of them looked at each other. Sereph pressed his head against the doorway, trying to listen in. “Do you hear anything Sereph?” asked Fry. “Hang on…” he replied back. He listened for a few moments and then stepped back from the door. “I hear… dinging, or… some kind of chime going off in there,” he said.” “Dinging or Chiming?” “Yes… Wait a minute… Oh dear lord of earth…” he said as his eyes lit up. “You don’t think…” “There’s a bomb in there!” exclaimed Fry. “A bomb?!” exclaimed Patch. Each of them stepped back a little. “What do we do?” “I… I don’t… There’s no time to think! There’s no telling how much time we have left before it goes off! We all need to rush in and subdue everyone in there, and FAST.” Everyone nodded and began to set themselves ready to barge in. “Alright everyone. We’ll barge in and work together to take this guy and his cronies down…” Everyone slowly nodded… “Alright everyone… On the count of 3…” He turned began to turn the knob on the door. 1… 2… 3!” Sereph quickly turned the knob and began to blitz through the door with everyone else. But inside the door, was something none of them had ever seen. “Wait… What on Earth?”

Ch 21

Happy Holidays

There was no group of bad guys inside the library. There was no bomb in sight… Not even a trap had been sprung as they entered… The library had been very beautifully decorated all over. There were circular wrapped shrub branches with green leaves still attached and bells hanging on walls attached to some of the bookshelves. There was colored lights hanging on the walls lighting the walls with different colors. The fireplace had already been lit with fire. As it burned, a soothing smell of relaxing winter pines wafted around the room. A picture hung above the fireplace, with someone very round in a red suit and cap. But the thing is, it didn’t look bug like… There seemed to be what looked like a small train on plastic train tracks on a complex path circling the entire room. There was what seemed to be some type of toy model hanging from the ceiling. It seemed to show a sled, being pulled by reindeer, and under command of the same man on the picture…

And in the very center of the room, was the tree, shining beautifully, with many beautiful colored lights and decorations lining it. Ribbons of red wrapped around the tree, and a golden star stood on top… And under the tree, seemed to be so many gift boxes wrapped in pretty and colorful papers wrappings. There seemed to be so many of them… All under the tree…” And at the end, seem to be a very large gift, about the size of Sereph.

“What… What is all of this?” asked Patch… “I… I don’t know… This looks… incredible…” Sereph said. Everyone continued to look around in shock and amazement. Patch looked toward the red sofa’s in the room sitting a bit away from the fireplace, and saw there seemed to be blankets on top of them. But as he approached, he though he could see something moving on each of them… “He guys… There’s someone on each of the couches.” Patch whispered. Each of the bugs nodded and crept towards them to take a closer look from the front. As they moved in front of them, they immediately recognized each of the ones sitting on them. “It’s the others! Buzz. Icis. Cilith. Embier. There here!” Sereph whispered.

They took a closer look, and saw each of them were sleeping peacefully and comfily on the couch, covered in a lush and beautiful winter blankets, looking very warm and comfortable. Patch quickly came forward and lowered the blankets on them to check and see if each of them had injuries. He found instead that the 4 of them seemed to be wearing some very warm and comfy pajamas, with similar iconography and designs to their others sweaters.” “They seem fine, Sereph. I don’t see any injuries on any of them.” He began to back away a bit. “What’s going one here… I don’t…” As he was about to continue his sentence, he looked back to the fireplace, and saw another note. He began to walk towards it and ripped it off the fireplace. “I found another note guys…” he said. “What does it say, Sereph?” Patch asked as he pulled the blankets back up on each of the others. He looked back at it and began to read.

“Dear friends, This day is a very special day in the ancient world. A day celebrating something unknown, even to this day. The birth of something, that cannot be explained, but made changes beyond imagination, yours or mine. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a chance to give again. Many years have passed since humanity took to the stars. I have not had a chance to give gifts since then. But… It seems now that I’ve reemerged, I now have something else to give gifts to. As long as you are good and stay on the right path in life, you will always receive something very special on the 25th of December. Do not fear me, my friends. Everything under the tree is for all of you. Gifts and packages made and wrapped with care only a saint can give. I hope you’ll enjoy my visit every 25th of December. I’m looking forward to watching how the world evolves over time. Merry Christmas, my friends. Continue to do good for the good of others.

Santa Claus.”

Each of them looked at each other in shock, and looked back to the picture hanging on the wall again. “Wait. The picture… Santa Claus is…” “It seems so my friends… It seems so…” All of them began to look at each other in amazement, and wondered how this was all possible. But not long after, they began to hear rustling behind them… They turned around, and saw Buzz, yawning and stretching his arms in the seat for a bit. He opened his eyes and smiled at them. “Oh… Good morning guys. Nice Sweaters. What’s is going on here?” Each of them looked at each other and smiled back. “Oh… Uh… Nothing Buzz. Nothing at all…” “Oh good mourning everyone.” said Z on the intercom. “Huh, Z? Your… online?” “Yes. Sorry. There was a slight power failure to my subsystems about an hour ago. I… had to reboot my system. Had anything happened while I was out?” Z gave the faintest chuckle as he continued to look through the camera in the room. “End of video log.”

Ch 22

Future Family

The video screen began to show the party going on after, with everyone talking to each other, opening gifts, hearing legends and stories of the ancient world concerning the holiday seasons, and celebrating their first holidy season together. Flare began to laugh a bit in his seat. “That’s one heck of a prank you pulled on all of them.” “Oh, I know. Master Flare. Something special for the first holiday season. Your parents, Buzz, and Icis were all in on it as well. “Really?” Flare said as he began to chuckle a bit more. “Oh yes. I had to get some funding from them as well to get everyone’s gifts for the holiday season. Not to mention I had to have someone help me plan things ahead on such short notice.” Flare smiled and began to settle down. “This, Master Flare, is how I first met your parents. Now… We can get to the more… serious affairs, unfortunately. I think it’s about time I explain to you, what really happened to your parents.” Flare began to sit up in his seat, with a worried expression on his face. But took in a deep breath and nodded. “I’m… ready Z.”

The picture is changed to show what appeared to be a video presentation on his parents working with the Bugkasian Hero Forces on several different projects. “Your parents affair starts with the group that tried to end them, on that very adventure…” “Wait a minute… Do you mean…” “Correct… The Tech Trace organization.” A bit of heat began to fill Flare. “What happened…?” he asked. “After what happened in Russelia, your parents were invited to become scientists withing the Bugkasian Hero Forces. They were responsible for several technological marvels built for use by them. With Z’s assistance, they built items like the tech suit you now wear. Many of their technology is reversed engineered from ancient world technology and have been instrumental in saving lives and keeping the peace.” I guess that might also explain why my parent surgery was similar to how surgeons treat wounds now? They learned it from you.” “Correct.” Flare nodded and continued to forward at the slideshow still rolling.

The picture on the screen changed to what seemed to be his parents in front of their new house, the same house Flare was living in now. His mother was cradling Flare in their hands. “Your parents moved from their old house to a brand new location hidden away from prying eyes of others. You notice that you driveway and house is a bit hard to see from the suburbs nearby?” “Yes… I guess it makes sense not to attract to much attention to the “hidden affairs,” going on under the house.

The picture on the screen changed again, and seemed to be showing the lab being built by many different bug engineers, seemingly in some pretty advanced armorsuits. “They had the Bugkasian hero forces build this lab for me to operate with them to have a much better location to work with your parents and them. Your parents hid it from you to keep you from getting into affairs that didn’t concern you, at least not at the time.” “Makes sense. I was quite energetic, growing up. It wasn’t until I was 12 before I began to settle down and relax. I can’t imagine what type of trouble I would have ended up in being in a lab like this.” “Oh… I’m not sure, Master Flare. I probably could have been a proper babysitter for you.” “Babysitter?” “Yes… I’m sure if I had successfully convinced your parents to create a “youth center,” in my lab for you, I could have had a bit of fun with you, growing up.” “Youth center…” Flare chuckled a bit in his seat again. “I can’t imagine what plans Z would have been with that youth center… Especially when I was still a baby. I have to wonder what he would have in mind to keep me “entertained,” at such a young age,” he thought. He smiled again and continued looking at the screen. “Yes… In any case, lets get back on subject, master Flare…”

The picture on the screen changed again. It seemed to be his parents getting into a fight with a group in dark cloaks and covered in some strange military gear, somewhere Flare did not recognize. It looked to be somewhere in another country, with the background showing pink leaved trees scattering petals all over, with several houses made of wood with sliding doors with a bunch of white squares all over the front. Behind the sliding door seemed to be a silhouette of what appeared to be someone with ninja stars in his hand. He saw his parents seemed to be dispatching each of the cronies surrounding them effectively without ending their lives. “Man. My parents really know how to fight,” Flare said.

“This video is from three months ago. “Unfortunately, since the incident long ago, their enemies within the Tech Trace organization had been looking for them.” “So they wanted to silence my parents for interfering?” He said, getting a bit more heated again. “No quite the opposite. They wanted them.” “Wait… They wanted to take them?” “Correct. The tech trace organization had invested a whole bunch of their own resources desperately trying to find them after what happened. They know that most of the new technology being introduced to the world must have come from the instance of your parents. They did not know about me though, that I had been quite vital to their understanding of all the new technological advancements being issued and adopted by many organizations. The Bugkasian Rig Armor in particular was something they were highly interested in.” “That’s some of the most advanced hardware for the Bugkasian Hero Forces and their operators. Each suit is built specifically for each of their best warriors and peacekeepers and better harness and enhance their own abilities. That’s… really bad news.” “You are very much correct, Master Flare. Such technology falling into the wrong hands could be devastating to the entire world. You can imagine what type of damage a small army equipped with such can do in a small period of time.” Flare began to get nervous.

The picture on the screen changed again. It showed his parents in the lab. It seemed to show them packing things up. And beginning to head out on another “business trip.” Flare remembered that moment the day before and began to get really concerned.

“They were getting really close to finding them. Your parents were getting very concerned. Not for their safty, but for yours.” “M… Mine?” “Yes… Your not ready to defend yourself in a fight, Master Flare. They took it upon themselves to disappear for awhile, in an effort to lure them away from you…” “L… Lure them away from me?” “Yes. I know how you must feel right now, Master Flare. I know your worried about them. “Yes… I…” He paused for a moment and took in a deep breath…” “They have them… Don’t they?” “It’s unfortunately a possibility right now. I’ve heard what Terin had said. Its… entirely possible they may have been captured by them.”

He began to close his eyes and tear up a bit, but then he began to breath in a couple a deep breaths. Then his eyes opened up quickly and showed an angry scowl…” “What can I do to help, Z?” “You have the drive, Master Flare. I can tell from the camera the determination in your eyes. “I want to find them. I’ll burn everyone who tries to hurt them.” “Perhaps I might be able to help with that, Master Flare.”

The video changed on the screen one last time, and seemed to show his future right in front of him. He realized quickly what it was. A Bugkasian Rig Armor. But this one, was built in the image of his favorite mythical creature. A fire dragon…

“This is a prototype rig, Flare. This one was made specifically for you. The Bugkasian hero forces will be arriving for you in one hour. They want to help you, Master Flare. I do as well. They will train you into what you need to be to find them. You’ll will be strong… Heroic… and more then you could possibly ever know. Your parents made this for you… You will wear this soon.” “And I’ll be ready when it’s time.”

Ch 23

Cryogenic Caretaker

The flashback had finally ended and Flare found himself back in the hospital wing. Cryo’s surgery was just about finished. Beside Cryo on a table were several of the shrapnel that had been removed from his body. Patch was about to remove the final piece from Cryo’s body.

“Looks like things went well…” he thought to himself. But suddenly, for a few moments, his noze began to feel, fuzzy…” Ah… Ah… AHCHOO!” Flare gave out a sneeze, and strangely, a small stream of ice came from his mouth!” “That was a huge… Wait a minute… Ice?” He looked towards the ground, where a small amount of the floor seemed to be frozen. “Wait… Did I just expel ice from my mouth?” he thought. But as he turned back to the medical wing, it seemed something was happening.”

Cryo’s vital seemed to have started dropping, slowly but surely. “The kid! He’s… Patch! What’s going on?!” “I… I don’t…” As he began to think, he could see Cryo’s skin becoming a bit paler. Flare’s, even from his postion, could tell whats going on.”

“Patch… I think Cryo’s elemental energy might be too low right now!” Flare said. “Y…Yes… That must be it… But… we currently have no one here capable of giving some to him right now…” “I can do it, Patch.” “Wait… You, Flare? But… your not the same element as the youngster.” “Umm… actually… apprently I DO have a bit of ice flowing inside of me…” “Wait… You do?” “Yea… I sneezed a bit and… froze a bit of the ground up here.” Patch’s scratched his head a bit in confusion. “So… your a duel element bug as well?” “I… guess so, Patch. “Hmm interesting… Our scans have never picked up ice elemental energy going through you body…” “There’s not enough time to discuss this, Patch. I have a tech suit on. I’m already in position to transfer my own elemental energy into the young dragon. “Well… I suppose that’s true, but… We have to make Cryo a tech suit of his own, so the energy transfer process can occur. By the color of his skin, we have to start the process in about… 18 hours.” “We have enough time. It won’t take long for Z to build a tech suit for him…” Patch nodded his head. “Alright… Did you get all that Z?” Patch asked. “Your are correct, Dr. Patch. I’ve already have a blueprint prepared for the dragons form. We have the neccesary resources at the base already. I’ll easily be able to adapt it for the young dragon. The process will only take 7 hours.” “Good. Just get to work Z,” Flare said.

7 hours passed, and Cryo’s tech suit was ready. They had put him into his new room within the facility. Flare was laying on another bed next to him. Wires had been connected to each others tech suits. “Alright Patch. I’m ready to begin.” Flare said. “Good. This shouldn’t take too long, Flare. The process will probably be just 4 hours. I just hope your right about the ice element flowing through your body.” Patch attached a heart rate band to Cryo’s wrist. It was starting to beat pretty slow. “Trust me, Patch, I promise I’m not lying. “Alright, Flare. Would you like to go to sleep while doing this?” “No… I… personally want to watch Cryo while its going on. Make sure he’s getting enough from me.” “Very well… This operation no longer requires sedation with the advancements with the tech suit. You won’t feel any pain. Though… you might get a bit famished by the time the process is complete.” “Alright… Start up the transfer, Patch.” “Starting the energy transfer operation.”

Patch began to fiddle with his arm band a bit. After pressing a few holographic buttons, the tech suits began to light up a tiny bit on both of them. Patch smiled and pulled up the cover on Cryo’s bed. Then Flares. “Alright… Transfer is in process. Would you like me to stay with you, Flare?” “No… I’m good Patch. I can watch Cryo from here. Patch nodded and began to pick up his wings and fly out. “Very well… Just relax, Flare. Cryo should be better soon.” Flare nodded and laid back in the bed. “Have a good rest, Flare.” He headed to the door to the room and pressed the button to open the door. The metal door slid up, and he exited the room. Flare looked back at Cryo, and smiled. “Now its my turn to help you, my brave friend. Rest well… You’ll be much better soon.”

Current known abilities:

Pyrokinesis Practice: Can shoot streams of flames from his mouth and can summon flames in his hands.

Heating Hands: Can increase the temperatures of his hands itself to make them warmer to the touch.

Blizzard breath: A new ability with the discovery that he has the ice element flowing through his body as well as fire. Can freeze targets without causing permanent damage to the body.


Techsuit: An advanced technological lightweight suit made to monitor his vitals while wearing it, keep his body from getting chemicals and other hazardous items on it, offer protection from possible harm, allow emergency energy transfer, keep his body heat properly regulated when its hot or cold, and allow him to better interface with the technology within the Bugkasian forces, like his Dragonfire Deepsight armorsuit.

Dragonfire Deepsight Armorsuit: A new rig armor made specifically by Flare’s parents for Flare and based on the old planetary myth of dragons, something Flare likes a lot. It current powers and capabilities are unknown.



Dragons (Cryo especially)

His parents

Movies and storytelling

Comedic videos

Medical Procedures

The lab his parents built with the help of Bugkasian military forces

Bravery in the face of insurmountable odds.


His parents kidnapping and their kidnappers.

His friends being hurt and have to be put into a medical procedure, like Cryo.


Insults and drama

Cryo the dragon, Scaley Scout

Cryo the dragon, Scaley Scout

Cryo the Explorers Scout

Part 1

In the last book, Cryo and his mother, Tide, had finally returned after being kidnapped and on the run from their captors in a forest for about a month. He had a dream on the night of his return, with the bugs from back on Earth. In the dream, he just woke up from a major incident. He had been bandaged up and was being escorted to a hidden facility to stay safe. When Cryo asked what had happened to him, he was informed that they had been attacked by the armored dragons, who were after Cryo. Cryo, despite his previous leg injury from his dreams, managed to thwart an attempt to take him captive, while also saving the lives of several of the bug warriors looking over him. After learning of the events, Cryo decided to go back to sleep, while the ship transported him to his new location.

As he woke up, he would be properly greeted back by his friend, Cameron. Tide (Cryo’s mother) had just made breakfest for the two of them. After eating a healthy meal, they played a board game and Ty came in to check on them and see if either wanted to take a break. Cryo decided he needed one, and began to head outside with Ty.

As they walked, Ty mentioned the kidnappings and that he shouldn’t have trusted someone. Thinking a bit, Cryo rembered a name that came out a bit as they made their escape through the forest. Mick… After asking Ty, he confirmed that Mick was indeed the one who had been the mastermind behind the kidnapping. He apprently was the same commander who was responsible for the original operation to move Cryo to the research facility. While he show’d little interest in Cryo at first, due to his behavior at the time. But that changed after Cryo began to repair tech. He had apprently wanted Cryo to build weapons and advanced technology for war efforts. He also wanted to have Cryo trained in combat so he could also be a valuable military asset. When the people at the base refused, he had convinced his own unit to kidnap both him and his mother for their own nefarious efforts. After hearing this, Ty asked how Cryo managed to pull through such a bad situation. He gave his story as Cryo as they went outside.

After telling his story, they both headed back inside, and decided to watch a movie. After the movie though, Tide mentioned something about her homeworld. Curious, Cryo asked Tide about the home world of the dragons. Hearing the story was an eye opener for the little dragon. While Cryo was pretty nervous, but Tide reminded Cryo that it they have a wonderful home here now, and what happens back there doesn’t matter.

Cryo decided to repair some items after hearing the story. His first item would be a computer with a malfunctioning hard drive. While getting a replacement, his eye wandered to a drawer that contained a prototype hard drive made and programmed from scratch by Cryo. After mulling it over for a bit, he decided to test it on his clients computer, hoping it would work much better then before. He began to test it a bit after installing it. Things were running smoothly. But as he began to test the computer, some strange happenstances seemed to happen. There were a few bugs with the computer, which it was able to fix by itself. Cryo didn’t intend to program this in. After testing it for a bit, Cryo began to think that the computer seemed to now be thinking on its own…

It didn’t take him long to realize that he had accidentally programmed a very smart ai that now was running in his clients machine. Very concerned now, he began to ask the computer some “personal,” questions with the hope it wasn’t a mad ai. It’s responses seemed genuine and seemed to not hold any ill will towards dragons or humans. It even disconnected itself from the main base security and main servers to give Cryo a sense of safety. While Cryo was very worried something might go VERY wrong, he decided he would look more into this later. After this tense conversation he decided that he needed to listen to some calming work music to calm himself. But before he could turn the radio on, it turned on by itself, and the ai asked if he wanted to listen to music. Cryo realized it must have uploaded itself into Cryo’s other items. While really tense now, he was able to continue working as the radio played its tune.

After working for awile, he decided to take another nap. He would end up back on Earth again, in s personal living quarters for himself, though his leg was still broken. After eating something, Zeke and Stinger Spider came in to check and discuss with Cryo some things. Cryo continued to inform his friends of his life on Cyriss. They then started to discuss a strange happenstance with what was apparently a set of cloths with BIZARRE qualities that was believed that Cryo wore that were discovered close to where he had impacted the ground. They then began to discuss with Cryo some occurrences that had happened since he had been here. The dragons who attempted to take him were now trying to not only find him, but a group of other young dragons, who had been rescued by their bug forces. But more importantly, they wanted Cryo himself to be better trained in combat to form a dragon fighting force to combat them. He would be the commander in charge of them, as his previous experiences would prove invaluable to their efforts. He agreed to the proposal, and decided that he wanted to go back to sleep. As he closed his eyes again however, he would have one last vision.

The black dragon from one of his first dreams about Earth, Servant, would contact Cryo again. It was here that Cryo learned that Servant is actually his Dad! He had been the one giving Cryo these dreams, as Black lunar dragons have a limited ability to see the future, but for some reason, he couldn’t see any further after this moment. As the vision ended, he told Cryo that he would continue to watch over him and guide him on the right path, while looking forward on the day he could look upon his son himself.

Part 2

After waking up, Cryo decided to ask his mother more about his dad. She told him that his dad, Servant, was sent along with other dragons in his squad to watch over the portal project for the dragon race during the intense war. However, his dad had fell in love with Tide, and began to act a bit strangely around her. After being called to command, when he returned, he began to act very irrationally around her and began to argue commonly with his commanding officer. One night, he approached Tide with news. They were going to “commission,” her into the war, and if they didn’t leave, they would come for her and her portal project. Tide realized he truly cared about her, so they made daring plan to escape together, while also destroying the portal project and all the data. But she decided to download the data and put it on another drive, in the event it might come useful later…

After a while, the two dragons were able to find a group of dragons willing to take them in and help them try to stop the war and the evil creatures responsible from it. But eventually, they realized the futility of the efforts, and decided on a different plan to escape. Using special meteors, they would transfer their body and souls into them and launch themselves deep into space, hoping to land elsewhere in the universe where they could bond with kind and pure hearted lifeforms and hopefully eventually reform their own bodies and find a world where they can eventually live peacefully with the species of that world. But Tide of course, made her own plans. With Cryo ready to be born pretty soon, she needed to keep him protected and safe, so she decided to try one last time to build a portal, but this one being designed to travel into VERY deep space, where she could hopefully find a home amongst the stars to take care of her child. Servant though, had doubts it would work, so he decided to instead transfer himself into a meteor like others. But before he left the one he loved most, he promised that some way, he would find a way to see Tide again… Hearing the story about his dad made Cryo feel happy that his dad had been a hero to his mother.

As Tide finished her story, it was time for Cryo to eat. But it was here, Cryo would be told terrible news. Tomorrow would be his seventh birthday… Being reminded of his birthday coming tomorrow made him sad, as it was the day he had been taken from his adopted parents. She told them they had a big surprise waiting for him, but it didn’t seem to cheer him up at all. Knowing the sensitivity of the project, Cryo, Tide, and Cameron decided to try to go outside to cheer Cryo up.

Outside however, as they were playing catch with each other, Cryo was given an interesting proposition by Tide and Cameron. One of the people working at the research base was responsible for a program called the explorers scouts, a continent wide organization that taught survival skills and teamwork, did fun outdoor activities such as camping, earned badges to show off your prowess in the program, and had fun with your peers. Tide and Cameron thought that Cryo would be a perfect fit for the program, since he was able to survive with Tide out in the wild with the limited resources at his disposal. While concerned that his kidnappers might make another attempt to take him, he decided that he should be safe. since the ones responsible for his kidnapping had been forced to flee the base after the incident, and it would be difficult for them to know when he would be outside the base on trips. He agreed to join and continued to play for a bit.

They eventually went back inside to watch a movie. As he started to get the movie ready, his tv immediately reacted. Cryo realized that If he told the others about his ai creation, he might get in trouble, since it at one point was connected to most of the security and main servers, and there in no telling how they would take it if they knew that Cryo had accidently programmed a very smart ai. Thinking quickly, he was able to convince Cameron that he simply upgrade his items programming. But he knew he’d have to talk to his new “ai buddy…” later about not being so obviously sentient.

After taking a little bit of time preparing for his party tomorrow, he decided to go to bed early. He would have a very strange dream however… He dreamed that he was in a dark room, with a giant birthday cake in front of him. A strangely familiar voice called out to him to make a wish. But Cryo didn’t believe in wishes, and tried to leave the room from a darkened door. The door wouldn’t open though. As the voice called to him, he knew he wouldn’t be able to leave unless he made a wish and blew out the candles on the cake. So he climbed the wooden staircase to the top, and blew out the candles, making the same wish he always made on his birthday. He wished to see his adopted family again…

But after candles were extinguished. They begen to light up brightly and then shot up into the air one by one, detonating and releasing a beautiful array of fireworks. As Cryo watched the spectacle above, Cryo’s body became very weak. He collapsed to the ground, unable to move himself. But then something picked him up carefully and began to carry him away. He opened the door to another room with a white haze. Cryo’s eyesight couldn’t make sense of who the figure was, as his eyesight had become hazy. He could only see it as a dark silhouette. He brought him over to a table, where an array of items had been folded up neatly on it. It began to unwrap each strange object one by one. The items seemed to be a very warm shirt, a strange scarf, and a blanket, which he carefully wrapped Cryo in. It then seemed to place Cryo on a very soft bed, and turned on an item that played very soothing music. As Cryo’s mind succumbed to the strange spell, he heard one last set of words from the figure. “Happy birthday, little brother.”

Part 3:

When he woke up the next mourning, he realized he was alone. He was going to head out, but his ai buddy seemed to be trying VERY hard to keep him in the room. Feeling very suspicious, he quickly headed for the door, before Tide came in. She told Cryo that she was the one who convinced his ai buddy to try to keep him in the room. While concerned that Tide knows about it, she promised to not tell the others. She then told Cryo that she needed him to stay in his room for awhile until they’re ready for his party. He agreed, and then she told him that there was some cloths for him to wear for the party, that he’ll need to put on before the party. She then left the room, leaving Cryo to need to decide what to do before then.

He decided to work on a eat and work on a few repairs. After washing his hands after the fact, he found a note on the door that told him they were just about ready, and that they wanted him to change into the cloths they made for his party. After taking out the cloths, he quickly realized that the cloths themselves were almost exactly identical to the ones he wore on his first birthday. Nearly crying, he quickly took in some deep breaths and reminded himself that it was just for today. He quickly put them on and took a look in the mirror. As he looked however, he began to realize something strange. The cloths he was wearing were made with the same formula that his adopted family used to make his own cloths with… After mulling it over for a bit, he decided that the researchers had simply figured out how to make them themselves. With his cloths on, he decided to listen to some music on the radio while he waits for his mother to pick him up.

As he listened to music, his ai buddy began to notice quickly Cryo’s stress and anxiety. It asked Cryo if he could tell it about what happened on his birthday. While Cryo was confused as to how it didn’t know, it told Cryo that their is more to learn from an experience then to read a simple document. It wanted to get a better idea from Cryo himself as to what had happened. While concerned that the ai would get the wrong idea about the people at the base if he told them, he reminded Cryo that it would not form a wrong opinions on one experience. It was also not connected to the base’s security, except for a single camera in the room. With these words, Cryo decided that it might be therapeutic to tell his story.

Cryo started by telling of what happened before the day of the party. About how his “big brother,” was running late. About how he left the house to find him, despite his adopted parents, warning him not to wander away from the house. About how he saw his brother being bullied and how he sprayed them down with a powerful gush of water. And about what happened after they got home. The ai asked a bunch of questions about what Cryo was like a hatchling, which Cryo thought to be amusing as he talked about it. Then, Cryo talked about the next day, and the party itself. Cryo told simply the plans of going deep into the forest by a lake to have a picnic. But then he told him what happened when they showed up…

But the ai pressed for more detials about the party, reminding Cryo that he seemed to be focusing on the more negative aspects of what happened. It wanted to hear what some of the fun things he did during it. Cryo, then began to think and then began to tell him the parts he thought was fun.

One thing brought up however, was his adopted fathers clothing formula. Cryo mentioned to it that the cloths he was currently wearing were made from the same type of materials, look, and qualities of the cloths his adopted family made for him. Cryo mentioned that they probably just figured out how to make them, the ai told the little dragon an oddity with the situation.

The people at the research base DID try to copy his adopted fathers clothing creations, but were not able to even come close to what he managed to create, thanks to a set of research documents it had downloaded pertaining to his creator. When Cryo mentioned that maybe that somehow listened to a news program or something, the ai mentioned that there is NO program that had ever discovered a way to make cloths like with Greg. Confused as to how they managed to make them, he continued on with his story.

He recounted the many fun things at his party. The trip with a view of the beautiful forests from the long drive. Playing hide and seek and flying for the first time. Playing catch with his big brother. About his big birthday feast. He also told his ai buddy about the… concerning dream he had after needing a nap after his meal. His ai was quite dismayed that his dream went so bad, even commenting a few times that the excessive behavior of the armored dragons in his dreams were overblown to the point where the dragons in his dreams were heathens. After that, he finally would get a chance to swim, before everything turned on itself.

After the telling his story the ai reminded his dragon buddy that his first birthday wasn’t a complete loss. He reminded his creator that he was able to remember some really happy moments in it. But more importantly, he reminded him that he shouldn’t dwell on the past. It was best for him to leave the past where it was and nover give up hope that he’ll see his family again one day. Hearing these words, Cryo realized his ai friend was right. He spent his life remebering that dreadful day, he never tried to focus on the good things that happened. And he realized that his ai buddy was right, in saying that he shouldn’t give up hope on seeing them again. Renewed with a sense of happiness, he heard his mothers voice from behind him. They were ready for his birthday.

They walked together down the hall. Tide immediately noticed that Cryo didn’t seem to be very tense. Curious, she asked Cryo if he was ok? He told her that he was fine and that today’s party would be fun. Seeing this strange turn of events of what was supposed to be a very hard day, she began to wonder what had happened beforehand. She decided to ask later.

Part 4

As they headed to the field, they saw a VERY large crowd of people from the research center had gathered for todays party. Tide told him however, that it was not his main surprise. She gestured Cryo to sit down with her on a picnic blanket. She gave Cryo a couple of white chocolate treats to help keep him a little busy while they both waited for his surprise. Cryo was surprised as he had only recently learned this recipe from having his dreams about Earth. He had written it down and placed it on his desk not too long after he had woken up from it. As he continued to nibble on the treat, he would be shocked when someone very special would come from behind and tap him on the shoulder…

His big brother, Noble, had come to see the little dragon, long with his adopted parents, Greg and Suzy. Even better news, they were allowed to stay with them at the research base to help care for the young dragon. With tears in his eyes and his heart lit bright, Cryo, his mother, and his old family went to the field to discuss what had been going on since they last parted ways. After a while, it was time for the little dragon to have his cake. He realized that the one thing he’s always wished for had already come true and didn’t know for what he could wish for. But after a bit, he began to realize he had just one other wish. With the thoughts of the future, he wished that when THEY arrive, that everyone he loves would be safe.

After that, it was time to open his gifts. His first gift would be from his adopted family. When he opened it, it seemed to be a very strange scarf. But Noble told him it wasn’t a scarf, but actually and bandanna. He felt around the material, and realized it was far softer then anything he had before. And it smelled very relaxing and clean. His big brother, helped tie it behind his neck. Cryo immediately felt very relaxed from its comforting scent and incredibly soft fabrics. But strangely, Cryo thought that just for a single moment, it seemed to glow a bit… Very happy from his gift, he thanked his family for it. He would get many other gifts from the other party goers, upgrade parts for his items in his room, tons of different fabric items like cloths and blankets made from Greg’s special design, even a computer. Yet despite all of this, Cryo knew that somehow, that bandanna was FAR more special then everything else, but he couldn’t understand why he felt that way…

After opening his gifts, night was beginning to come around, and he was beginning to get very tired from partying most of the day. Noble carried his “baby brother,” back to his room, while the party goers carried Cryo’s large gift stack with them back to his room. After setting it on the work bench, they wished Cryo good night and left one at a time, Noble changed Cryo out of his party cloths and into some comfortable night cloths to sleep in. Cryo looked back towards his bandanna and could smell the pleasant aroma coming from it.

But when Cryo mentioned it to his Noble, he told Cryo that Greg had discovered a way to create an even better set of fabrics and made that very special bandanna. When Cryo asked about it, Noble told him he used a flo lily, a plant that is considered impossible to transport or keep alive out of its natural habitat. Curious as to how Greg managed to get one, let alone use one in creating it, he asked his big brother. But he didn’t know how Greg managed to transport it either.

It was here that Greg came in and informed Cryo that his scales were the key. Greg told the story to Cryo on how and why he made his special cloths, using his grinded scales, soulfire petals, and waterproof fabrics to design them. But more importantly, he told that a few days before he was informed about Cryo’s bithday plans, they went to the lake where they last saw the little dragon to remember him. It was here Noble found the flo Lily attached to one of Cryo’s scales in the lake and brought it to Greg. But the thing is, the flo lily did not wilt and die when removed. It had survived despite being out of the water. Something about Cryo’s scale gave it life. He then transported to his house to study this further. The day after though, they would told that they could finally be with Cryo again, and there was a big party to celebrate his birthday. The people at the research base would tell Greg their plans for the party, while greg would give them the secret on how they made Cryo’s cloths, so that he they could be made by different people at the research base as presents for Cryo.

But at that night, as he slept, he would have a dream… It seems that Cryo’s father, Servant, had contacted Greg. He told Greg he had a VERY special item in his possession. Something that can be used to make a VERY special gift for the little dragon. A Bandanna… Servant gave Greg a set of instructions on how to correctly use the flo Lily to make it. Before he left, he told Greg that he wanted Greg to let Cryo know that he wished him a happy birthday…

After hearing his bedtime story, Cryo thought that there might be more to the bandanna then simply comfort. Tired though, he decided that he would look into this more later. He then went to sleep with the radio playing its soothing musical spell on Cryo’s hazy mind…

Ch 1

Starter Scout

A small bus hovers its antigravity jets across the ground as it goes across the road through the large forest. It eventually turns off of the paved road off towards a dirt path that headed deep into the forest canopy. The small bus goes deep in for a little over an hour, until it finally makes it to its destination. The area was pretty open, yet the forest canopy above still shielded most of the ground below from the sun, with a few splotches of light shining onto the ground. The bus’s engines began to calm as it slowly lowered itself to the ground. It’s engines then fell silent as it powered down. A few moments later, a side door slid open. A large figure stepped out. He had smooth black hair, white skin, brown eyes, and looked pretty strong. Wearing a scouts uniform with a cap and gloves, decorated with a bunch of badges, the figure put his hands at his sides and looked around the site a bit. He turned back towards the open door of the bus, and called in. “Alright scouts. Come on out and line up.” One by one, a bunch of kids in scout uniforms came out and began to line up side by side. The scout leader began to pace in front of them a bit to get a look at each of them. He realized that one of the scouts, wasn’t outside the bus yet…

The scout leader headed towards the bus again and stuck his head inside the door. “Come on. The coast is clear, bud. You can come out…” A head poked itself up from the side window. It looked around outside the window itself a bit to get an better look at the outside. It grabbed his backpack and slung it over its back. It then got out of its seat and headed towards the door to the bus. It began to go down the steps towards the outside of the bus. Cryo stepped outside the bus, wearing a scouts uniform and a cap, green finger less gloves, green toe less socks, and his favorite bandanna wrapped around his neck. He also had a medium sized green backpack on his back, with some of his important camping items and belongings he decided to bring with him to camp.

“Alright, Cryo. Stand in line with the other kids,” said the figure to Cryo. “Yes, Scoutmaster Kyle,” Cryo replied back. He gave a smile and a quick scout salute and walked over to sit in the line with the others. Kyle paced a bit in front of the line of scouts and stood a little ways in front of the line. “Atten…tion!” The scouts quickly began to stand straight up and salute. Cryo quickly saluted and smiled, as the scoutmaster looked upon his juniors. “Very good, my troop. Very good. Now. I’d like to welcome all of you to the wilds of Shepard’s forest. You juniors ready for some time in the wilds. “Yes, Scoutmaster!” each of the kids called out. Kevin smiled and nodded his head. “Very good, my young scouts. Very good. Now… hands down everyone.” Each of the scouts slowly put their hands to their sides, with Cryo placing his paw on the ground. Kyle began to head towards the his most recent recruit into his troop. He looked down upon him with his hands on his hips. The young recruit looked up and made eye contact.

“Well junior scout Cryo… What’s it feel like being back in the wilds again?” “Feels good to be outside again, scoutmaster!” said Cryo. Kyle turned his head to face the other scouts. “Everyone remembers, right? Our little junior scout here was taken. Kidnapped right in our own homes by a group of corrupt personnel who wanted to abuse our junior here. Force him and his mother to build for them. But, with a little ingenuity, and bit of cleverness, he managed to escape from his restraints, force their escape aircraft to land, make a call for help, despite being in the enemies grasps, and escape through the forest…” Cryo turned his head to face the others. He could see some of them looking towards the little dragon, with a slight look of concern. He thought they also were breathing a little more slowly. Kyle then began to turn towards the scout next to Cryo, making eye contact. He then turned to the scout next to him. “Cameron… How long was our little junior lost?” “Almost an entire month, scoutmaster,” Cameron said back. Kyle nodded. “That’s right Cameron. Nearly a month, alone with his mother in Geyser forest. Only 350 miles close to the upper hemisphere of Cyriss, where its always cold. No food. No water. No supplies. Nothing. All the while being hunted by their adversaries.” The other scouts seemed to dip their heads a bit. Kyle looked back at Cryo. He placed his hand on Cryo’s shoulder and nodded, then looked back to the other scouts. “Yet, despite all odds, he’s here with us. He was able to return safely home. Quite a little survivor our little junior is.” Kyle then paced forward and turned back to face his troop. “I’m expecting quite a bit from you on this trip, Cryo. Don’t let us down. Understand?” “Yes scoutmaster!” Cryo replied back. “Excellent everyone. Now scouts. What’s our motto?” “Explorers scouts survive and thrive! Explorer’s scouts will never die! Explorer’s scouts work as a team! Explorer’s scouts are never mean! Explorer’s scouts can’t be beat. Explorer’s scouts wont face defeat!” The young recruits shouted aloud.

“Excellent. Let’s get started with the basics everyone. Now. The first thing were going to do today, is split up everyone into several groups. Each of you will have to get along and work together to succeed here. Your success here will all depend on everyone’s ability to work together. You might even walk away with some nice badges for your uniform…” Cryo looked at his scout uniform made by Greg. He looked toward the only badge he currently had, the Beginner’s badge, earned by memorizing and reciting the entire scouts motto. He smiled at the thought of getting his uniform more “decorated.” “You’ll all be paired in groups of 3. Alright everyone. Now then… Group 1 will be Steven, Chris, and Cameron. Group 2 will be Daniel, Darrel, and Noble. Group 3 will be Johnson, Mason, and Reed. And our final group is Praydeth, John, and Cryo.” Cryo looked back at Noble and Cameron. While disappointed that he wouldn’t be grouped with his friend or big brother, he understood why his scoutmaster didn’t pair them with him. “Now then everyone. Why don’t you go around with your groups and chat for a bit to get to know each other. Remember to grab your backpacks.” “Yes scoutmaster!” they all yelled.

Ch 2

Interesting Introduction

Each of the kids began to disembark to each of their groups. Cryo watched as his friend and brother looked back at Cryo as they walked away to chat with their groups. He could see a disappointed look on both faces. “Kyle wants me to be able to work with the others. Make new friends. It would probably be too easy to work with people I already know very well,” thought Cryo. Cryo turned towards John, who had short black hair under his cap, white skin with red splotches throughout it, and brown eyes. He then turned to Praydeth, who had long brown hair under his cap, white skin, and brown eyes, with a brown birth mark covering a bit around his left eye. “Hey. Come one Cryo. Let’s talk over there.” said John. Cryo saw he was pointing toward a large group of trees towards the back of the campsite. Nervous a bit, he nodded. “Alright,” Let’s go… um… partners…” said Praydeth. Cryo looked towards Preydeth and could see he seemed a bit… nervous.” “Alright. Let’s go, guys.” Cryo said.

They walked over towards the back and stood together in a triangle to talk to each other. Cryo has been with the scouts for a few weeks now and had a bit of time to get used to being in a scout troop and in front of the others. He always saw the other kids staring at him as he went about doing his duties. But he knew that he was quite different from the others, so it was to be expected. He knows some of the scouts from school. But some of them he didn’t. “I didn’t expect scoutmaster to pair me with you, Cryo.” said John. “Is there a problem with that?” asked Cryo, a bit concerned. “No! No! Don’t get the wrong idea, Cryo… It’s just…” John paused for a moment. “It’s just that… well… it feels weird a bit, being paired with you after your whole ordeal…” A thought began to appear in his mind. “…and after how we’ve treated you…” “Don’t worry about that guys. I’m home again. I’m fine. Don’t need to worry about me.” “Well… alright then. So…” “So what?” “How did you do it Cryo?” “How did I do it?” “Yea. How did you manage to get out of that mess?” “I… think its a story best told by a campfire. I’m sure everyone here wants to know, including the scoutmaster…” John gave a sigh. “Well… alright then.”

Cryo noticed that Praydeth hasn’t said much since they began talking to each other, he was a little ways away sitting against a tree trunk, with his hands clasped together and his head held down. “Hey Praydeth. You haven’t talked yet. You ok?” asked Cryo. Praydeth began to scratch his clasped hands a bit. “I’m… fine. I’m fine…” Cryo began to think a bit. He began to slowly creep a little closer. Preydeth began to scratch a little faster. Cryo laid himself down to him a little ways away. Cryo spoke in a calming, low voice. “Hey… I can understand if your nervous… I’d be nervous too if I was in your shoes. I promise I won’t bite. We’ll be a great team. I know it.” Praydeth stopped scratching his hands and looked up a bit. While still a bit nervous, Cryo could see just the faintest smile come up. Cryo gave a small smile back, and backed up a bit. John walked over.

“So… I know you… fix things, Cryo.” “Yes I do.” “Do you… get paid an allowance for it?” “Oh no. I do it because I like it.” “You… like fixing things?” “That’s right. I don’t really have much of a need to buy things. Most of the stuff in my room is custom built or modified by me, with a little help with some of the other engineers back home. Mostly with spare parts. Stuff that isn’t, mostly come from holidays. And also… well… it’s not like I could go out in the public anyway, considering I’m… a dragon.” They both looked at each other. “Do you think you could… build like… computers and gaming consoles and such?” “Maybe. But there’s still a lot I need to learn about programming. Maybe one day. But not right now.” Cryo gave a smile and they both smiled back. “So… what type of items do you typically fix?” asked John.

Ch 3

Rope Ready

After about 10 minutes of discussion, the scoutmaster yelled again. “Atten…tion! Come back scouts! Line up in your groups!” Each of the groups began to line up side by side a little ways from each other, quickly picking up their hands for the scouts salute. “Alright. Good everyone. Hands down.” Each of the kids lowered their hands down one by one. “Now then. I hope everyone gave a nice introduction to each other. You will be working with your team for the 3 days we’re camping here. If you can’t work together. You’ll never succeed here.” He then took out a small rope and showed it to his scout troop.

“Now then scouts. The first thing we’re going to do, is to learn to tie a “campers tie.” This is what we will be using later to put up our tents. Now then. Everyone take out one of your ropes.” Each of them put their backpacks on the ground and took out a rope. Cryo took a look at it for a second. He began to get a little nervous. “Ugh… Looking at this kinda makes me remember being strapped to a bed…” he thought. He took in a couple of deep breaths and shook his head. He looked back to Kyle. “Alright everyone. Watch carefully.” Kyle began to tie the rope, carefully threading and weaving the rope as he made the knot. Soon enough, the rope was coiled and tied with a loop on top and coiled tightly around the lower part. Cryo watched carefully and smiled. “Alright scouts. Let’s see you all try it.” Each of the scouts began to try to tie the knot. Cryo began to quickly tie the knot, making sure his trimmed talons didn’t cut the rope.

“I’m done, scoutmaster Kyle,” Cryo said. “Really?” The other scouts halted and looked back at the young dragon. “Yes. Come take a look.” He walked over to Cryo, who held the rope forward. He took it out of Cryo’s hands and observed it. “Very good, Cryo. Not many junior scouts can get this right first time.” “This isn’t the first time I’ve tied this knot, scoutmaster.” “It… isn’t?” “No scoutmaster.” Kyle scratched his chin a bit. “And where shall I ask did YOU learn to tie this?” “I watched the show, Will in the Wilderness, Scoutmaster.” Kyle looked at Cryo with a slightly surprised look. “You watched a survival show?” “Yes scoutmaster. I learned it from there. I actually took interest and decided to try to do it myself. It took me quite a lot of tries to be honest. I think a couple of the times, I almost bound my own paws together. But eventually, I got it right. The knot was very useful when I was out in the wilderness with my mother to make shelters and carry certain supplies, like my fishing net.” Kyle chuckled a bit and smiled at the junior. “Well scouts. It seems our junior here has a bit of experience. Seems like our little “survivor,” here managed to learn a very valuable skill from just watching TV and putting in a little practice.” Cryo looked at the other scouts, and could see them smiling at the young dragon. He smiled back. “Alright scouts. Why don’t you get back to tying the knot?”

Ch 4

Rules and Regulations

A little bit later, it was time to move to a new activity. “Alright scouts. Come with me this way please.” Each of the scouts began to follow Kyle within their groups. Cryo saw his scoutmaster was carrying a small bag. They went a little ways down the path forward to what appeared to be a set of wires and pulleys tied together tightly against the trees and stairs heading high up towards several platforms within the trees. Cryo looked towards them and felt a bit thrilled. “This activity looks pretty interesting. I wonder what it is? This kind of gets me pumped!” he thought.

“Alright scouts form a line around here with your groups.” Each group began to line up near a staircase that lead up to the trees. Kyle turned forward in front of them on the staircase and patted the rim a few times. Kyle placed the bag next to the staircase and faced his troop. “Now scouts. Some of you might be familiar with what has been set up here. Chris. What has been set up here?” Kyle asked. “This is a set of zip lines, scoutmaster,” Chris replied. “That’s right scouts. Zip lining. As I mentioned before the trip, our camp grounds here are a “personal,” area on the trip for the scouts at home. This area has several thing and items built around it just for our trips here. There are several different activities set up around here. This one is zip lining.” “Zip lining, huh. I remember Cameron telling me about this,” thought Cryo. “Now then everyone. Why don’t I go over the basics on how this works,” said Kyle.

Kyle went towards very large metal locker near the steps leading up into the trees and platforms next to the zipline. He took a key out of his pocket and placed it into the keyhole. He gave it a quick turn and took the key out. Grabbing the handle to the far left, he pulled it and opened the locker. In it seemed to be a bunch of vests, with a 2 straps. One with a clip on top of it. The other seeming to be a strange handle connected to the clip. “These are your safety vests, scouts. You’ll need to wear these to stay safe while zip lining. Now then everyone. Watch and listen carefully…” He walked over to a wire attached to the set of trees in the back. He then turned back to face his scouts.

“Now then everyone. The first thing we do, before we jump off, is to put on the vest of course. That’s self explanatory. Kyle put the vest on and zipped it up. “Zip it up ALL the way. Then, once the vest is on, we’ll need to clamp it to the wires above tightly. Now. Here’s how you open it.” He began to open the cylindrical clamp by pressing a metal button of the front and back ends of the clamp. The clamp opened up and he continued with his lesson. “Now then after you open it up. You’ll need to attach it to the wire above. A potential mistake a junior makes here, is putting the clamp in the opposite direction. You need to be facing forward when doing this or you could potentially get really hurt. Take a look here.” He pointed at the clip, which had a small arrow engraved into the metal. “This arrow here, points to the front. When your zip lining, this arrow should be facing FORWARD, rather then backwards when you attach it.” The scoutmaster began to take the clip and maneuver it over the wire. “When its in the right direction, all you have to do to lock it in place, is to maneuver this metal part over the rest of the mechanism. Watch here.” He closed the cylindrical locking mechanism over the wire and locked it into place. “There we go. Does anyone have any questions?” Cryo thought for a moment, then raised his hand.

“You have a question, Junior?” “Yes scoutmaster.” “What’s your question, Cryo.” “Well. I… noticed the vests in the lockers are… well… non dragon based. Will I be able to participate in this activity?” “You’d think we’d forget about our little junior scout here?” Kyle stepped off the staircase and unzipped the bag at the bottom. He reached in, and pulled out a small vest, in Cryo’s size and body shape. Strangely, it seemed to have a second handle on it, connected to both the strap and the vest. “Here is your vest, junior. I made this myself. Greg’s special clothing designs are quite adaptive to make even equipment like this.” Cryo smiled and gave a nod. “One thing Cryo. I’ll need to give you some “special,” instructions for this, since your body and size is different from everyone else here. We’ll need to do things a bit differently.” “Yes scoutmaster,” replied Cryo. “Now then everyone. Here are basics and rules of zip lining. First off. Very important. Everyone go ONE AT A TIME. No scouts should be going down on the same zip line at the same time. Second. Do not fall off the railing. That’s self explanatory. Third. The brake…”

Kyle took the vest and pointed it at the handle attached to the clip on the vest. “This my friend, is your brake handle. This is important. We have set up signs on the trees as you travel down them. They will be placed in specific areas across from the wires around here. They look like this.” Kyle walked up towards a tree with a sign on it. The sign was an orange square with a black border that seemed to show black silhouette of someone riding the zip line and holding onto the handle. The word “Break!” written on it. “This sign is posted on ALL sections of the zip line. When you pass the sign, this is absolutely important. Pull the handle!” Kyle pulled the handle down. Cryo looked toward the clamp and saw it seemed the it seemed to have tightened down on it. “This will slow you down as you make it down to the other side. Going full speed to the other end of the zip line could get you hurt pretty bad. It also could break the wire and have you fall flat onto the forest floor. It is absolutely important that you break after passing this sign. Does everyone understand?” “Yes scoutmaster Kyle,” the other scouts said in unison. “Good. Now then. Your group is free to go ahead after all 3 of you make it to your platform. The groups will go in order. Now then. Everyone put on your vests. Make sure to zip up tight.” Each of the scouts began to zip up their vests. Cryo looked at the rather thick black vest for a bit. He put his arms through the sleeves and zipped the vest all the way to the top. “There we go. This should be good.” He felt the soft fabrics within the thick vest. He gave a rather strong tug to test its strength and scratched them a bit with his trimmed talons. Not a single strand came off, nor did it have a single tear. “Greg’s fabrics never disappoints,” thought Cryo.

Ch 5

Zip and Zoom

Each of the groups began to head up the steps towards the first zip line. Cryo’s group began to head towards the back. “So… Who wants to go first?” asked John. “You guys can go first.” said Cryo. “You nervous about going first, Cryo?” “Oh no, guys. I thought you guys would rather not have to wait for me. Scoutmaster told me I’ll have to handle things a bit differently.” They both nodded and continued up the large wooden staircase.

Soon the scouts came to the first wire. Each person lined up and looked towards the other side. Cryo saw the first one was a bit short. He could see where the break sign further on the path. “A warm up wire I suppose. Something to get the newer scouts like me a better understanding of zip lining,” he thought. “Alright. Which one of you 3 wants to go first? “I’ll go first, scoutmaster,” said Cameron. “Ahh, Cameron. Good. This is your second time doing this, correct?” Kyle asked. “Yes scoutmaster.” “Good.” He looked toward his junior scout and gave a smile. “Cameron. Why don’t you show your friend what zip lining is like. Come forward Cryo.” “Am I cutting in line?” Cryo asked. “Oh no. Just want to give you a taste of what you’ll be doing.” “Well… Alright then scoutmaster.” Cryo positioned himself to look through the wooden railing on the platform. “Alright Cameron. Now show us what how set up your vest on the wire.” “Yes scoutmaster.”

Cameron grabbed the metal clamp on the vest and pressed down hard on the metal buttons. The cylindrical lock released. Cameron observed with careful consideration and reached up towards the wire. Cryo began to get a little nervous. “Is this really safe?” Cryo began to wonder. Cameron secured the clip onto the wire, with the arrow pointed ahead on the wire. He began to grip the break in his hand. He then looked back towards his scoutmaster. “I’m ready, scoutmaster,” said Cameron. “Good. Now. On the count of three, I want you to jump forward off the ledge with your legs up. Ready.” Cryo gulped and began to get really nervous. “1… 2…. 3! Jump!”

Cameron jumped forward off the ledge and as the wire began to bounce up and down. Cryo looked ahead as he zoomed quickly down the wire, concerned he might not make it to the end.” Cameron then passed the break sign and immediately pulled the break on the equipment. Cryo heard a loud screech as the break began to work, which he then plugged his ears. He continued looking ahead. “He’s not going to make it. He’s not going to make it!” thought Cryo. He began to quickly debate if he should try to fly ahead and catch up to see if he could help. Kyle realized that Cryo had began to sweat and seemingly panic. “Cryo. Relax. He’ll make it.” Cryo turned back to his scoutmaster and began to try to breath slowly to calm himself as he looked ahead. As the breaks continued to screech, Cameron began to slow down much more quickly. Cryo’s concern began to fade. Soon Cameron had come to a slow and easy pace and arrived at the next platform, safe and sound. “Phew…” thought Cryo. “See junior. There’s nothing to worry about here. You and everyone here will be fine. Just remember what I tell you and everything will be all right. Let’s get our next scout on the wire.”

So time passed as each scout one by one zipped from the first wire to the next. Soon enough. It was group 4s turn. Cryo looked at the wire again as his partner, John, began to prepare himself to go on the wire. “You… go pretty fast moving down the zipline… It might be faster then me flying around… I’m getting pretty nervous…” thought Cryo. Soon John lifted his feet and began to quickly go down the zipline. Now it was Preydeth’s turn. He began to attach the clamp to the wire, when Cryo seemed to notice something strange with his vest. “Umm… Prey…?” Cryo tried to say, but Preydeth immediately lifted his legs and began zooming down the wire. Cryo immediately went over the side to of the platform to watch him. “His vest wasn’t zipped up all the way!” Cryo thought. But soon he made it to the other side, and Preydeth and John looked back at where Cryo was standing on the platform. “Phew… He made it. But…” Cryo looked at the wire and back at his own vest. “Gulp… It’s my turn now.”

Ch 6

Light Leap

Cryo turned back towards his scoutmaster. He could tell his little junior scout was nervous. “You ready, junior?” “Yea… I’m… ready…” Cryo said “Now this is a big leap from what you’ve done in scouts before, Cryo. It takes a lot of courage to jump from this high up and trusting a single wire and a handle to pull you safely to the end. But, you’re brave, right my junior scout?” Cryo thought for a moment. “You’ve been in some pretty rough spots before. Don’t tell me a little bit of speed and wires will scare you enough to not make a leap. Don’t you fly for fun?” “Y-yes scoutmaster.” “Then what is this little challenge for you. You can do it.” “Yea… Your right. Alright then. So… What do you need me to do?” “Now then Cryo. I’ll need you to jump up and grab the wire to pull it down a bit. Once down, clamp this on the same way I showed you earlier. The strap from the clamp is longer then the other scouts, so your going to be suspended a bit more downward.” “That doesn’t make me feel much better,” Cryo thought.” “Now when you jump, you’ll be suspended with your tail facing back and your body facing forward and your upper and mid body feeling the tug from the vest. Make sure you HANG ON to the break with your right paw and your left paw should be gripping this handle second handle right here to keep you facing forward as you go down. Keep a firm pull on it so you don’t start spinning around. Got it?” Cryo gulped again. But then he took in a deep breath and relaxed himself a bit. “Yes scoutmaster. I… think I’m ready.” “Good. One more thing. When you make it to the end, you’ll be suspended from the wire. It might be a good idea to have your partners help detach you and take you down from the wire. Now. Get yourself ready to leap. “Al..Alright scoutmaster.” Cryo made a leap and gripped the wire and pulled it down to his level. Checking for the arrow on the clamp he found it and looked straight down the wires path. He then looked back to the wire and placed the clamp on it and locked it correctly in place. He now stared down the path ahead. He took a quick look down and gulped again. He then looked back to his scoutmaster. “This is nerve wracking. But… I need to do this… I can’t back down now.” He slowly closed his eyes and took in a couple of deep breaths again. He slowly opened them and looked forward. “I’m… ready scoutmaster.” “Alright. Ready in 1” Cryo gripped the brake and the straightening handle on his vest. “2…” Cryo began to hunch himself back, getting ready to leap. “3! Jump!”

Cryo leaped forward and immediately began to travel fast down the wire. His heart began to beat really fast. “I REALLY AM going fast! Cryo thought. As he looked ahead, he saw his partners on the other side. They shouted. “Pull the brake! Pull the break!” Cryo’s eyes shot up and he realized the adrenaline rush had made him miss the sign. Thinking quickly, he tugged on the break handle as hard as he could and began to slow down. He was still going pretty fast and it was getting close to the end of the wire. “Come on. Slow down. SLOW DOWN!” Cryo said. Finally, Cryo began to see his speed die down quickly and made it to the other side of the wire. He hit the end of the wire with a slight swing forward, but soon he stable. Cryo thought for a minute and smiled. “That was AWESOME.” he thought. “You ok, Cryo?” asked John. He began to help detach Cryo from the zip line. “Yea. I’m fine. That was exciting!” “Just keep in mind the sign next time Cryo. You could have been hurt.” “Sorry guys. I’ll be much more mindful on the next one.” “Alright. Let’s go. The next one is quite a bit longer.” “Don’t worry guys. I’ll be ready this time.”

They made their way across the platform to the next wire. It seemed to be twice as long as the last. “Well. I’m probably going to get some speed on this one. He began to get a tiny bit nervous. But he then smiled. “Guess I’m going to be speeding through this one!” he thought. John quickly went down the wire all the way to the other side. He turned towards Preydeth who was about to clamp himself to the wire, when Cryo remembered something. “Hey Preydeth. You haven’t zipped up all the way.” “Umm… Don’t worry Cryo… I’ll… I’ll be fine.” He locked himself onto the clamp. “You probably should zip up nonetheless, Preydeth.” Preydeth looked towards Cryo. “Well… The zipper… seems to be broken on mine.” “Broken?” “Yea. Right here.” Preydeth pointed towards the area. Cryo could see the zipper had indeed been bent and damaged somehow.” “It may be best to go back to the scoutmaster then. I’m sure he can give you another vest.” “D…Don’t worry. I’m going to be fine.” “Preydeth… I don’t think thats a good…” but as Cryo said that, Preydeth had already jumped and was traveling down the wire quickly. Cryo leaned over the side watching him intently. Cryo looked concerned and began to pull the wire quickly down and the began to clamp himself on. But as he looked forward, he saw something was wrong. The zipper on Preydeth’s jacket had began to break apart as he went down the line. Cryo’s eyes shot up. “Preydeth!” Cryo said.

Ch 7

Crash Course

Thinking quickly, Cryo leaped as hard as he could off the zipline toward Preydeth, whose zipper had almost fully given out. Not long after, his zipper gave out and he began to fall to the forest floor. Thinking fast, Cryo, looked up towards where his strap was connected to the zip line. He quickly covered his talons in a layer of ice and slashed the strap, which then began to make him fall as well. Picking his wings up, he began to fly at high speed towards Preydeth as he fell, as the other campers watched in disbelief. As Preydeth was closing into the forest floor something strange began to happen around Cryo. It seemed everything was… slowing down… The world seemed to be going in slow motion, Even Preydeth seemed to be falling so slowly now… Confused, he disregarded it as there was something more important happening.

As Cryo continued to move forward with his wings, Preydeth was close to hitting the ground. Cryo leaned forward quickly, and managed to catch Preydeth with his back talons, before he hit the hard forest floor. “Gotcha!” said Cryo. But he saw he was still going pretty fast forward. Thinking fast, he began to try to slow himself down by spreading his body and wings out. He began to slow down but was still rushing forward and would soon hit the forest floor hard!

Thinking quickly, he decided to do something bold. “Ugh… this is going to really hurt.” thought Cryo. Taking in a deep breath he quickly swung Preydeth up and caught him around the waist with his upper paws, he then turned himself facing his back towards the ground. “Hang on Preydeth! This is going to be a rough landing!” Cryo said. They both soon collided with the forest floor, with Cryo landing directly on his back and Preydeth’s fall cushioned by Cryo’s body. “AGHH.” said Cryo. In just a split second after, Cryo then pushed Preydeth forward and he hit the ground softly. He turned back to Cryo. “CRYO!” he yelled. He saw Cryo toss and tumble over and over and over again as he rolled across the ground. He soon came to a stop, a little ways away from the crash site. Cryo tried to pick himself up, but was hurting all over. “Hurts… so much…” he thought. His mind began to get foggy. His eyes began to lose focus. He felt he was drifting off… “Oh my god. Cryo! Are you ok?! Cryo!” said a voice. He thought he could see the others rushing towards him, but soon, he couldn’t stay conscious, and began to fade into darkness.

Ch 8

Afterlife or Afterthought?

Cryo slowly opened his eyes. He saw he was somewhere… strange. Cryo looked around and saw nothing. All around him was a black void. “What’s going on? Am I… blind?” He began to pick himself up, and realized he wasn’t in pain. More importantly, he could move around. “Strange… I remember falling hard on the ground… But I feel fine right now. I can’t see anything though. I guess I’ll have to feel my way around to see where I might be.” Cryo began to try to slowly walk around, carefully placing his paw around the dark area. He began to see a strange happenstance just up ahead, as he saw a light coming towards him. “That light… what is?…” The light began to take shape around the entire area, creating a scene.

Cryo now saw he was looking at what seemed to be a temple, with ornate dragons along the entrance. Some looked like Ferrin dragons when they swam in water. Around the area seemed to be a magnificent city made of stone and marble buildings, combining a bit with some interesting technology and metal panels. “A… dragon temple?…” Cryo thought. Cryo began to think the fall put him in worse shape then he expected. “Please tell me I’m not…” Suddenly a very soft feminine voice called to him. “Walk inside. We have something for you.” “Who are you? Did I…?” “You have not expired. Please head in. We have something important for you.” “Well… if that’s the case.” Cryo walked into the temple to look around.

He saw magnificent marble statues that appeared to be of great dragons. “This place looks pretty neat I must say. I wonder who all of them are? They look pretty strong and cool.” He kept walking while admiring the architecture towards the center room. This room was a large octagon. The walls painted with magnificent works of art with and a dragon statue next to it. Gemstones adorned certain parts like eyes, armor, and more. He saw the works of art seemingly showing what appeared to be some type of story, each one different. He began to walk around the entire room to get a better look at each of the wall paintings.

The first on the bottom left seemed to tell of a green dragon. This dragon had seemed to participated in a battle against a massive beast, who seemed to had attempted to take control of the world. This dragon had taken his troops and headed into the final battle, where the creature was defeated with a heavy blow from the green dragon.

The next artwork seemed to be about a yellow dragon, who seemed to had taken in and protected a group of young dragons who were being hunted by some unknown entity shrouded in a dark aura. It seemed these kid dragons had some type of importance, and the yellow dragon had nearly given its life to defeat their pursuers and save them from a fire. There seemed to be hints and traces of different technology shown in the picture, making Cryo think he might have had some type of skills in engineering. The last picture shown that the green dragon from the previous picture seemed to have found and taken in the yellow dragon in and nursed it back to health, in which the two then fell in love with each other soon after.

The next artwork showed what appeared to be an argument between a dragon with a seemingly dark aura and an silver dragon. Then, the silver dragon looks at what appeared to be orders to track down and capture another black lunar dragon. The silver dragon had went along with it at first, but then it was injured by a group of other dragons and left to die. But then a white dragon seemed to had found him on the field and saved his life. The white dragon took the injured dragon in and nursed him back to health. It appeared quite some time had passed after, and his injuries had mostly healed. He was going to try to contact his unit to tell them he was still alive. When they arrived however, the white dragon apparently had info on the missing lunar dragon. When she refused to talk, his unit was ordered to fire on her, including the silver dragon. But the silver dragon managed to convince most of his unit to turn against this dark dragon commander, and escape with the others in tow, including the white dragon, to find the black dragon they were sent to hunt, who they knew could help them now that they were fugitives as well.

The next artwork showed what appeared to be a red dragon and a ferrin dragon working together to evacuate a settlement under attack by some sort of green creatures with darkness coming off of them. They seemed to have fought an entire army of them together serving as a distraction while the city was being evacuated. The next part showed them defeating some strange spellcaster that seemed to be covered with a black shadow. They then seemed to be seen helping rebuild a settlement after together, embracing each other and having a single child. A ferrin dragon…

The upper right wall showed another dragon duo again, but this one seemed… strange… The picture seemed familiar, along with the statues. It showed at first a lunar dragon and a ferrin dragon working on some type of project together. It then seemed to show them embracing each other and conspiring to escape a group of other dragons. “This story seems… familiar. What is this exactly?” Looking further down, it showed the dragons eventually joining a dragon on some type of advanced spaceship and attempting to fight back against dragons who seemed to have some type of dark aura around them. Strangely, it almost looked like in some of the art that the dragons were attempting to somehow remove the dark aura coming from them. It eventually went through a sequence where the ferrin dragon seemed to be saying goodbye to the lunar dragon, who seemed to be encasing himself in some type of crystal. It then showed the ferrin dragon seemingly building and stepping through a blue portal to somewhere else, with an egg in tow… She seemed to had been found by something that looked familiar.

“Wait… are those… humans in this? He kept looking at the art. The “humans,” in the art seemed to take her in, but later the ferrin dragon seemingly stopping a tidal wave and a storm with a flash of light that would have destroyed an entire city. Cryo was immediately reminded of what happened with his mother. “This… Is this… Mom and dads story?”

Cryo turned to the last picture on the bottom right. It showed a small blue dragon, hatching from an egg on what appeared to be a yellow substance. It showed a group of vehicles chasing the young dragon, in which the young dragon seemingly stopped those people using his abilities at a young age. Cryo’s eyes shot up. “This… This is… me!” As he looked upon the painting, it seemingly detailed very important parts of his life. His relocation. His swim trip. His time in the forest and escaping his pursuers with his mother. It seemed to be telling his story. “How is this…? What is this place?” He saw that the story seemed to stop, right at his recent birthday. But the story seemed to be only a small part of the wall. There was a large portion of the entire wall, not painted at all. There didn’t seem to be a statue of him either. “…Am I… important?” Cryo stepped away and took in a deep breath and looked up at the ceiling.

Above the room were magnificent stained glass works of dragons of many different types. Below, right in the very center of the room, seemed to be some type of alter. The alter seemed to be a large rectangular marble podium decorated with what appeared to be dragons carved out on the 4 edges. There were also gemstones, aligned in strangely, the pattern of a flo lily on the longer sides of the alter. There seemed to be a headrest made of a cushiony, blue speckled mass. Cyro didn’t know what it really was though. There was a array of different colored crystals lining on poles surrounding the alter. There was a red, blue, yellow, green, black, and white crystal on poles. As he continued to observe the room, the voice called to him again.

“Lay yourself down on your back on the alter of awakening. “Umm… Why? What’s going to happen?” “There is only so much time to explain. Please… Lay yourself flat onto the alter.” “Um… Ok then?” Cryo began to climb onto the alter and began to maneuver himself on his back, on the stony alter. He laid his head on the blue substance and clasped his hands together towards his belly for a bit. “I must say. This cold, hard, stony marble doesn’t really feel good to lay down on. Though this strange blue thing feels pretty warm and rather soft for my head. Similar to a pillow. But what is all of this for?” He began to take a couple of deep breaths and then began to relax his paws down forward and flat on the alter. But suddenly, right as his paws touched down on the alter, the blue substance suddenly formed around Cryo’s wrists and lower ankles, pinning him to the alter! “What in the world!? What’s going on! Let me go!”

Ch 9

Ritual Refresh

Cryo began to try to struggle to try break the substance, twisting and turning himself as he tried to wiggle free. “Relax little dragon…” the voice called out. “Relax? Are you kidding me?! What are you doing to me!?” “For this process to work, we can’t have you moving around. Please relax.” Maybe I would if I KNEW what was happening! What’s going on?!” “Your special item, attached around your neck…” “What? My bandanna?” “It carries something very special in it. A very unique and rare item. Only a few have ever been found. That special item can give you new abilities. It can make you strong. It needs to be on you for this ritual to work… Please take a deep breath… Calm yourself… and settle down…” Cryo, still a little hesitant on the situation, gave out a sigh. “Well… Alright I suppose. I hope this isn’t a trick…” he thought. He began to take in several deep breaths, and began to relax and and stay still while strapped to the alter. “Alright. I’m… ready,” he said.

“Good. We’re ready to begin the dragon ritual. The Birthright Bond ritual, to give something special from beyond the stars. Something our little descendant, Cryo will need for the future.” the voice said. “Descendant? The future?” questioned Cryo. “Now little Cryo. Just relax and hold still. This may frighten you a bit at first, but try to stay calm and let the crystals work. This will only take a little bit of time. We’ll be here for you to support the process.”

Cryo began to get more nervous, but took in another deep breath. “Let it rip, I suppose…” “Begin the ritual.” The crystals on the poles began to light up brightly in vivid colors matching the crystals, with what seemed to be an aura of energy beginning to focus around them.” Cryo maneuvered his eyes to get a look at the light show going on with the crystals. “Just relax Cryo. Just relax… Everything is fine. Relax…” he thought to himself. He took in another deep breath. The crystals began to turn on their own an point down toward the alter, right at Cryo. “Just relax Cryo. Just relax…” he thought. “Be still Cryo. Your doing well. Just take a deep breath and let the crystals do the work.” the voice called again. The crystals began to focus the aura, into the pointed bit at the tip. “Gulp. I… I can’t look!” “Cryo closed his eyes tightly, bracing for whatever would come next. Then the beams began to light up brightly toward the tip one last time, and all 6 beams shot, straight at Cryo’s neck with a loud booming sound. “Here it comes!” he thought.

The beams travelled from the above and in a flash, connected to their energy, right on Cryo’s bandanna. Cryo, closed his eyes as hard as he could for a few moments, thinking he’d be in great pain. But something felt off about what was going on. “Huh?” He slowly opened his eyes, and saw the beams sending a continuous stream of energy through, right at his bandanna. He realized the beams were not causing him pain at all. The beams strangely felt warm for some reason and he felt the warmth going through his entire body, right from the entry point with his bandanna lighting up as the process continued. It felt like the energy itself was blanketing his body like an actual blanket, trying to give him some comfort. “This is… odd. This isn’t nearly as bad as I expected. This feels… a little comfy strangely…”

“Very good Cryo. Just relax for a little while. The crystals will send their energy through your special item and into you body. It’ll be done and you will be released in just 10 minutes. We are here for you as the process continues.” “10 minutes, huh. I suppose this won’t be that bad.” He began to take in some deep breaths as the energy continued to funnel into him. Cryo began to think of something. “I’ll be here for 10 more minutes… I wonder if whoever is talking to me would be willing to answer some questions?”

Ch 10

Quality Questions

“Um… Excuse me?” said Cryo “Yes, little one?” the voice called back. “Am I allowed to, well… ask questions while this is going on? I’m just, a little curious about a few things. I would like really like some answers as to what is going on, and perhaps a few other things… It would help me through this process.” “We can help answer your questions. Please ask away.”

“Ok then. Umm. First of all, what exactly… is this place?” “This place is the gathering place for creatures with strong bonds. A place of new beginnings. A place called, the temple of Riis.” The temple of Riis?” “Yes. This is a temple within the dragon world. Its a home for an entire family of dragons, who have done great acts and have a large lineage of heroic and powerful dragons. “A lineage of dragons, huh? Could this be Mom or dads home on the dragon world?” Cryo thought. “It doesn’t seem like a place for a home dwelling. “This temple has a living area further in from the alter. Unfortunately, there won’t be a chance for you to come see it, little Cryo. I’m sorry.” “Oh. That’s alright. Um…” He began to think again about something else.

“If this is a home for members of my family and ancestors, does that mean I’m really on the dragon homeworld? How did I get here if I was on Cyriss? And my adopted parents and mother… Do they know I’m here? I don’t want them to worry about my disappearance.” “This is a manifestation of your families ancestral home inside your head.” “Its.. a dream? Does that mean everything happening here is not real?” “The ritual being performed here, while in your head, is being performed by a group of powerful dragons who used a great amount of their own will and power to connect each of their minds together and yours and send all the spirits, including yours, to your ancestral home with the goal to attempt to draw the powers of each other to perform the ritual.” “I… don’t really understand what you mean.” “While this may be a dream, the ritual being performed here is nonetheless, real.” “Well… I suppose that shortens it…” Cryo took in another deep breath, as energy continued to pour into him. He began to feel a little tired for some reason, but began to shake it off.

“Umm alright then, so… I’m really still back on Cyriss? “Yes. While your spirit is here, your body remains on Cyriss.” “Do… you have any idea of what my condition is back on Cyriss. I kinda… had to use my body as a cushion to save someone. I know the crash was pretty bad. I’m… worried that I might be hurt really bad. I’m not sure if you know. I’m on a “camping trip,” and people there are probably worried sick about me right now.”

“We are aware of your heroic action taken back on your home. Relax. While your roughed up pretty bad, you’ve suffered no broken bones, and your more serious injuries are being treated even as we speak.” “Really?” “Yes. Your human caretakers fabrics had protected you quite a bit from the fall.” “Wait… Really?” “Yes. The fabrics themselves had taken most of the exertion from the crash. The fabrics cushioned most of the fall and protected your body from suffering far worse injuries. While the concept of clothing seems a bit strange to us, we’ve seen through you only a handful of advantages of it. I have to wonder myself how Dragons never thought of using fabrics to keep warm and stay comfortable in, create items to help sleep comfily at night, make it easier to carry smaller items, and with your human caretaker’s particular skills, protect your body from a very hard impacts. “I never knew Greg’s fabrics could do that…” “Yes. This is something we ourselves didn’t expect.” Cryo began to feel a little stiff from laying on the alter from the position he was laying in, but he shook his head and took in a deep breath. He then had one more question.

Ch 11

Forever Family

“Um… ok then. Um… who exactly are you?” “This question is better resolved in person, rather then in your head. Look toward the hallway towards the front.” “Huh?”

Cryo maneuvered his head slowly, careful not to move his neck too much to face the direction of the entrance. He saw that a rather large group of figures were coming down the long hallway. “Huh? Who are…? Cryo continued to watch as the figures walked forward. As they closed in, he could see that they seemed to be other dragons, of many different types. “Huh? Dragons?” Cryo continued to watch as they approached the alter, stopping a little ways away. One of the water dragons came close to the alter, and gave a smile at him.

“We’re your family, Cryo. My name is Wave. I’m your grandmother.” “Gr…Grandma?” “That’s right my little grandson.” Cryo recognized her voice as the one speaking to him before. She smiled again and then stepped back. She began to face the other dragons.

“These dragons over here are all of your relatives who still survived the cosmic horror that took our home. The red Ignis dragon here is your grandfather, Inferno.” Wave said. “Hello there, my young grandson. It’s nice to finally get a better look at my brave little nipper.” said Inferno. He smiled at Cryo, stroked his head a few times, and stepped back. The green dragon stepped forward.

“My name is Quake, Cryo. I’m your uncle. I’m an Eras dragon, who can manipulate the ground, earth, and life energies of the planet. I’ve been waiting so long to meet the most recent member of our family.” He chuckled a bit and rubbed Cryo’s belly a bit. He stepped back and the yellow dragon stepped forward and began to speak.

“My name is Lightan, my little nephew. I’m a yellow Zape dragon. I’m your aunt, and have the powers of electricity and the clouds above. I see my little ferrin dragon nephew has been quite a heroic little fighter, even at such a young age,” She smiled at Cryo and rubbed a bit under his chin. She then stepped back, as the silver dragon began to step forward and began to speak.

“My name is Steelstrike, my little guardian child. I’m your godfather. I’m a metalmix dragon with scales of hard metals. My abilities come from absorbing metals around myself to increase my defenses or to manipulate light energy from suns to shoot power beams from within. I’m pretty sharp, both in scales and personality, but I’m still very protective to people I love. I’m a very good friend of your father and mother. They said that if anything happened to them, me and my lover could take care of you in your time of need. We’re still very much part of this wonderful family.” He lifted his metal claw up and began to seemingly flatten the edge on it. He began to stoke Cryo’s arm up and down a bit, before stepping away. The last white dragon stepped forward now, and began to speak.

“My name is Tornado. I’m a white Windsor dragon. You can probably guess my abilities rely on wind and movement. I’m your godmother. I must say my little guardian child. You seem to get yourself into quite a bit of trouble. But you always make it out safely. Nothing makes me and your uncle happier then seeing you happy and safe. We’ll always be watching over you.” She began to flap her wings a bit, and Cryo began to feel a bit of warmer air cloaking his body a bit more, which made him a bit more comfy. She began to step away. “There’s one more dragon here Cryo. Someone you know quite well…”

The dragons began create an opening between their groups, as a large lunar dragon began to walk close to the alter as well. “Your father. Servant.” Tornado said as Servant stepped close to the alter. “D… dad is here too?” thought Cryo. “Ahh my precious boy. Still a brave little fighter and hero, even to this day. It’s quite fun to watch over my precious son as he grows. Quite the clever boy, like his ol dad.” He gave a small chuckle and both him Tornado stepped away. “This is… my family… From beyond the stars itself.” Cryo felt comfort knowing that many of his loved ones had managed to survive the disaster in his home world. Servant began to speak.

“You have questions my son. We’re more then willing to answer them. The process will be done soon enough, and you’ll have a part of all of us in you.” “Huh? What do you mean?” Servant smiled at his young son and began to hover close to the side alter. He looked down to face his son and meet eye contact. “Do you know what these crystals are, my son?” “Actually… That IS one question on my mind, dad…” “My boy… These crystals, are a part of us.” “They’re… a part of all of you?” “That’s right my son. Each of these crystals, have a piece of us in them. They are funneling gifts from each of us to your body. Powers each of us wish to give, to you. To strengthen you for the unknowns coming into the future. To make you something far more then what you are now. More then any other dragon known. And to help us watch over you and keep you safe, in even the darkest of moments. As long as these pieces of us circulate through you, we’ll always be with you, no matter how far apart we are.” “That’s… deep,” thought Cryo. He began to tear up for a second, but quickly sucked it back in took a deep breath in and out. He smiled at his dad, and he smiled back.

“We’ll never leave you Cryo. Nothing will separate us from you. This ritual is a gift from all of us to you.” The other dragons began to surround the entire alter, sat themselves down to watch it as it happened. Cryo could strangely feel all of their warm feelings and positive energy circulating in his body from the crystals. “Now, my son. Do you have any other questions for us?” “Actually… Yes. I do dad.” “What is your next question?”

Ch 12

Bandanna Bond

“Well… It’s just… my bandanna. This item… You told Greg how to make it, correct?” “That’s right, my son.” “Well… What exactly… is it? You wouldn’t have Greg just make this for me as a birthday gift. I know that there is something really special about this. How… did you even know what was needed for the bandanna to… well… work correctly? Greg needed quite a lot of strange ingredients to make it, including my own Saliva and the flo Lily. What is this bandanna really?”

“Ahh… Quite observant my son. Your instincts are quite spot on. That bandanna you could say… was an experiment.” “An… experiment?” “That’s right. You might not realize this my son, but flo Lilly flowers are… quite special to dragons. I suppose you might be thinking your home planet is not the only one they grow on. Well… Your correct my son! They are quite ancient and legendary back on the dragon home world. Like on your world, there are only so many that have ever been found. Typically in times of crisis for the dragon race, at least on our planet. These particular plants don’t just grow in water, my son. They can grow in a multitude of environments and in different places. Even on lava! These plants have a particularly strange effect on dragons.”

“Strange effect?” “That’s right, my boy. Ingesting one was said to make a dragon much stronger, faster, and more capable of using abilities. It’s been even said that ingesting one could give you remarkable abilities beyond that of a normal dragon. But… there was one particular problem.” Servant opened up his paw, and saw that he seemed to have a flo Lilly in it.”

“The effects were only temporary. Granted… the effects lasted more then a few years, but the energies eventually dissipated. Dragons had for some time had tried to find a way to allow the flo Lilly to permanently give powers. But the main problem was, dragons couldn’t find a way to essentially keep the flo Lilly from being fully digested eventually. And of course very few have ever been found. But then… you and your human caretakers introduced us some rather “interesting,” ideas with fabrics.”

Servant clasped his paws together with the flo Lilly between them. “Your human caretaker had made what they called, cloths for you, from your dragon scales and an ingenious formula of what apparently was a cloths cleaner or whatever it was called and another little plant. The result was… far more interesting then any dragon could have expected.” Servant began to spread his paws out a bit. As he did, it seemed that a cyan dragon shirt was now extended and held between his paws. “These cloths had quite a strange set of effects on you. Keeping your body temperature properly regulated, keeping away dirt, grime, and precipitation, serving as an emergency cushion during falls, and offering a bit of protection from attackers. The dragon species would have done anything for a technological marvel like this.”

Servant then took the shirt in his large right paw. He made a rounded grip his large left paw and began to seemingly slowly push the shirt through the opening. “Then your original human caretaker finds a flo Lilly… Coincidence? No… I don’t exactly think so.” Servant then opened his left paw, and now there seemed to be nothing in it. “I always believed that dragons who find a flo Lilly, were chosen by the lily itself. Deemed worthy to harness its power. When he found it… I knew that he found it for you. And then, an idea began to take shape in my mind…”

Servant took his right paw and tapped it a few times on top with one of his left talons. He then turned his wrist and opened it up, revealing a lit birthday candle, standing up in his hand. “You did ask about the strange array of items needed to properly make that bandanna. The truth is that ingesting the flo lily on its own is not enough. These type of ingredients are needed to be mixed together and ingested to make it work. Transporting them also requires a dragon scale. The ingredients needed is different for each type of dragon, but nonetheless, the process would be successful. But with you and his fabrics, I wondered… Instead of ingesting it, would it be possible to try a different route for the flo Lilly. Perhaps, maybe the need to eat the silly thing might not necessarily the best way to harness its power. Could adapting the original process to these simple fabrics eliminate the need to ingest it, therefore eliminating the problem of digesting it entirely?”

Servant then closed his eyes and maneuvered his paws in a pinching position close to one another. Concentrating, something appeared between his hands. Cryo realized it looked like his bandanna! “And so… I contacted your caretaker, as I knew about his invite to your celebration coming up. I guided him to create the item. Though I had to decide quite quickly what would be the right type of item that would be easy to carry and wear around. Something you’d always want to wear.

Then I remembered a certain type of theater performance I watched on this world a few times. I saw you had watched few movies based on the concept yourself. I believe they call it, Westerns? Granted… On this world, they were reenacted in both plays and movies by the sentient species here based on their research of ancient Earth and its mythology. I found it rather silly how very old earth seemed to work in the deep past. Barbaric society, I suppose, but that’s beside the point, I thought that type of scarf those types of humans wore would be the best way to keep it close to you. Not to mention it being a good source of comfort and warmth. Then, I watched and waited for that very special day, where you’d receive it, with high hopes. And sure enough…”

Servant dissipated the bandanna in a wave of energy and then placed his paws back on the ground. “The results were perfect. The item did indeed allow you to harness the strange effects of the flo Lilly. This success is quite a bit huge, my son. As long as you keep that very important gift close to you, you’ll always have the powers given by the flo Lilly. It’ll never run dry, or lose its powers.” Servant smiled back at his son, and Cryo gave a smile back.

But then, the sounds of energy quickly began to wane, Cryo looked back up at the Crystals, and saw the beams coming off them thinning out. Soon the energy beams were gone. “Well, my son… The process is complete.” The substance holding Cryo down had quickly retreated back into the alter. Cryo began to lean up and roll himself around. He shook his entire body a few times. He lifted up and looked at his paws for a second. “I… don’t feel much different right now, dad.” “It will take some time before our gifts will be awakened in you. Be patient, my boy.” Cryo smiled at his dad and then a light began to envelop around him. “Wha… What’s going on?” “It’s time for you to return home, my son.” “What? But wait. I really haven’t got a chance to get to talk to all of you! There’s so much I want to know about all of you!” “Perhaps one day, we can share our lives with you. But for now, you have your own life to get back into. Goodbye, Cryo.” “Wait dad! Wait! No!” Then a flash of light overtook Cryo. “Dad?! Dad!”

Ch 13

Returned to Reality

Cryo’s eyes began to slowly open. He felt a bit dizzy and could not focus his eyes for a bit. “Ugh… I don’t feel too good,” Cryo thought. As he blinked a few more times, he thought he could hear a voice. “Cryo… Cryo… Can you hear me…? Cryo…” “Huh who’s… Ugh. Where…? His eyes finally began to focus. He could see someone hovering over him.

“Cryo. Can you hear me?!” “Huh. Oh… John. Hi. Ugh… I can hear you.” “Cryo! Thank goodness. Your finally awake!” “Where… am I?” “Your in your tent, buddy. Everyone has been worried sick about you!” “Ugh…” Cryo turned his head around a bit and could see the red frames of his tent. He saw the entrance at the farthest side of the tent. Cryo tried to get up, but felt quite a bit of pain around his body. “Easy buddy. Easy… You shouldn’t try to move too much right now.” “Note taken…”

“How long have I been out?” asked Cryo. “About zero five hundred hours.” “5 hours, huh?” Cryo looked towards his body and saw that he was wrapped up tightly in his scouts blanket, which was green like his uniform and showed a large symbol of the scouts on its front. He saw he was in his sleeping bag as well. “I see Noble and Cameron must have been here. They both know I huddle up tightly when I sleep,” Cryo thought. “Hang on Cryo. Stay here for a bit while I go tell the scoutmaster your finally awake.” “Ugh. Alright. I’ll… be here.” John quickly left the tent as Cryo watched. “I wonder how bad my injuries are?” he thought. Cryo began to maneuver the blanket off of him a bit. He began to see that his body had been bandaged around the lower waist, chest, back, and around all 4 of his limbs. Thankfully, he saw he wasn’t in a splint. “I’m bandaged up quite a bit. He felt around his head a bit, and felt that the top of his head had also been bandaged up. “At least my grandmother was right about no broken bones. That would have been a quick end to this trip.” He gave a sigh and huddled himself up again. “Everyone at home’s not going to like hearing about this…” Cryo began to huddle himself tightly again in his blanket.

Cryo waited for a few minutes, taking in some deep breaths. He then started to hear rustling towards the entrance of his large tent, and saw that the scoutmaster coming in. He looked towards Cryo. “Thank goodness, junior. You alright?” “Yes scoutmaster. I’m… fine.” “That was quite a nasty fall my young scout. I’m glad your awake though.” He walked over to Cryo and sat himself next to Cryo’s bed. “That was quite a stunt you pulled, junior. It takes a true scout to put yourself in harms way to save another. Your incredibly brave, Junior.” “Hehe… Thank you scoutmaster…”

“How do you feel?” “Pretty beat up I suppose.” “Well… Don’t worry. You’ll be back at home tomorrow mourning.” “Huh… I’m… leaving?” “Yes. Your not in any condition to continue with the camping trip. A transport will arrive tomorrow to take you to the hospital wing to rest up and get you back into shape.” “That’s… disappointing.” “I know junior. I know. You’ve been really looking forward to this trip. But you’ll more likely be bed ridden for all 3 days that were here. It’s best if you go back home.” “I… understand.” Cryo gave a sigh, and nodded. “Yes… Just rest tightly, junior.” He began to leave the tent., but then he stopped a few feet away from the entrance. “Oh… I almost forgot to tell you.” He faced towards Cryo. “Your bravery won’t go unnoticed Cryo. There will be a very special badge waiting for you when you are better.” “Really?” “Yes. The golden heart. This badge is given only to those who willingly risk their own lives in the service of others. You will be given this badge when your better. I plan to honor you in front of the others back home. You should be honored, Junior.” Cryo smiled back at his scoutmaster. “Thank you.” “Yes. Now rest easy now. Save your strength. It’ll be a long ride home tomorrow.”

Ch 14

Feeling Foolish

A couple more hours passed and as the sun began to set. Cryo was listening to some music with a rectangular radio next to his bed. “Ahh… It’s nice the scoutmaster allowed me to borrow his radio to listen to some nice soft rock while I rest. I wish I had completed my experimental portable radio for the outdoors before the trip. It would have nice to test it with an actual outdoor experience,” he thought. He began to turn the volume down a bit and picked up his backpack. He began to very carefully open it, trying to move as little as possible. He rummaged around a bit, and and pulled out his favorite author’s large visual novel series, Dragons Against the Darkness. He was about to open the book from where he last left off reading it, when he began to hear rustling from the entrance and saw someone entering the tent. “Cr… Cryo… You ok?…” “Huh? Oh Preydeth. I’m fine, bud. Don’t worry about me..” Cryo set the book on the lap of his bed and began to sit back a bit. “I’m… glad your… ok. I… thought you might be hungry. So… I brought you some jerky.” “I could use a nice bit of meat right now. Thanks. Come on over.”

Preydeth began to slowly walk over. He seemed to be very nervous and couldn’t bring himself to look at Cryo directly. He sat himself besides Cryo’s bed. He took out a piece of jerky out of his backpack, and held it towards Cryo’s mouth. “Here… umm… partner. E… eat up. “Cryo slowly maneuvered himself forward out of his blanket, and took a small bite of the jerky. “Mmm. Good stuff.” “Y… Yea Cryo.” Cryo took another bite, and then looked back at Preydeth, who still seemed to be facing away from him. “He must feel bad for what happened to me.” Cryo then began to turn to Preydeth.

“Preydeth… Don’t feel so bad about what happened. Things like this happen. I promise you, I’ll be fine.” “But. It’s… all my fault. I… should have listened to you. And now… Your being sent home. I…” Preydeth gave out a sigh “I… should have been the one to get hurt. Not you.” “I’d do it again if I had to. So what if I got a little hurt over a fall. I’m tough. I’ve probably been in worse situations before.” “Still… I… I shouldn’t… you deserve better.” “Preydeth…” Preydeth left a couple pieces of jerky on Cryo’s bed, and began to walk out. “Preydeth… Don’t leave… Don’t beat yourself up over this. I’m not mad at you. I promise.” “Even now, I… all I do is hurt you. I already carry the weight from before. I… I’m sorry…”

He left the tent through the entrance. Cryo gave a sigh… “He’ll beat himself up over the entire trip if this continues. I have to do something. But what?” Cryo closed his eyes for a bit, but then he could hear some type of crackling outside his tent. He got an idea. “I did promise a campfire story, right? Why not? Maybe telling my experience might make him realize I’ve been through some really rough situations and this fall is nothing compared to it…” “Cryo began to try and pick himself up. He felt pain all over him. “Ugh… Come on Cryo. Come on. Get passed the pain. You can do it.” Cryo took in a deep breath, and began to walk towards the entrance. “Hurts… But… have to keep going.” Cryo gritted his fangs, and kept walking towards the exit of the tent. He pulled the zipper and limped out, to see the other campers sitting around a fire. The scoutmaster immediately noticed his junior out of his tent.

“Cryo! What are you doing?! You need to be resting tonight!” The other scouts turned back at their injured friend with a look of great concern. “I… promised my squad mates that I’d tell them what happened to me when I was kidnapped by a fire. Please… Ugh… allow me to tell my story.” All of the scouts looked back at the scoutmaster. “Your in no condition to be out here right now. Please Cryo. Let me help you back to your bed.” The scoutmaster began to stand up to walk over, but Cryo began to step forward again. “Please scoutmaster. Please! I beg of you. Preydeth should know,” “Preydeth?” “Yes. Just… allow me to tell it. Just this once. I promise… I’ll be fine.” “Scoutmaster. I can take Cryo. He can sit on my lap in his blanket while he tells us his story. It’s what Cryo wants,” said Cameron.

Kyle turned towards Cryo, who was breathing heavily as he stood. “Please scoutmaster… Just this once…” “Alright Cryo. I suppose Cameron can take care of you. Cameron?” “Yes scoutmaster. I’ll get Cryo’s blanket and get him comfy.” Cameron quickly rushed into the tent to get Cryo’s blanket. He quickly came back out and wrapped Cryo up. “Alright scoutmaster, I think Cryo’s ready.” “Good. Come on Junior. Everyone’s dying to hear your success in the wilds. “Thank you…scoutmaster.”

Ch 15

Campsite Creature

Everyone huddled by the fire as Cameron came over and sat down on wooden log seat. He sat Cryo carefully on his lap forward, in front of everyone else. “Alright. Where to begin…” Cryo said. He thought about it for a moment, then he smiled.

“So there I was… in my room, ready to start the day. I remembered right as I woke up that 2 days ago, there was an attempt to kidnap me on the open ocean during my first trip outside the base. The experience left me paralyzed from head to toe, as one of the kidnappers had stuck a nasty dart in my back right leg, leaving me bed ridden the next day after I was rescued.” Cryo could feel the tension of the other campers as he paused for a second. “I shook off the experience, and decided that I should put on a nice silver jacket that day, as it was a little chilly outside and in my room. It was 9:45 A.M, and I realized that my, umm… caretakers were not in the room. This was strange, as they always were in my room by 9:00 A.M. So I decided to go tell them myself that I had awakened. So I crept towards the door, and began to turn the knob slowly, to find…” Cryo paused for a moment.

“That my caretakers were right there about to open the door themselves. I was about to go on with my day, but they then told me, that there was a special surprise for me that day. And so they led me outside of my comfy room, towards the medical building. But when I walked in… I saw something strange seemed to be going on within area.” Cryo paused again.

“There seemed to be a large amount of medical personal in the building that day. Much more then I usually see when I needed a checkup. I realized immediately that something was out of place… But I disregarded it, and headed towards the elevator in the far back of the facility. Towards the more secure areas of the medical wing. The door shut on the elevator and went down. This was however, strange as well, for they seemed to be leading to a part of the hospital that I’ve never been to before. And when the elevator opened, things became even weirder.” Cryo could hear the breaths of the other campers increasing in frequency.

“I saw a long, claustrophobic hallway, leading down to what appeared to be a security checkpoint. Heavily guarded by a large metal door, looked after by a small group of security personal. My caretakers had to have their items scanned before they would let us through. My tensions began to raise quite quickly. I started to get… suspicious. And I began to get a bit… paranoid. Why did they lead me hear? Why? What were their plans? But, I stood my ground, and headed through the door, passed security checkpoint, to something even weirder. I thought I’d find a vault filled with dangerous chemicals or diseases being researched. But I did not find that. What was inside instead…” Cryo paused again.

“Was a simple little room. Instead of chrome walls and a drain on the ground to protect against spillage and toxic messes, I found myself in a calming room with a relaxing set of walls painted in a manner similar to my room. And single light lit the room from above. But in the back, was a large bed… There seemed to be something under the covers. And on a small drawer next to the bed, was a 2 sets of one of my favorite meals, chillin tenders…” Cryo took in a deep breath.

“What was going on, I wondered? But then my caretakers told me… to approach the bed to see what was in it. I began to think to myself… Is this a trick? Are they trying to get me away from the door to lock me inside this tiny room forever… having nothing but a bed for comfort for the rest of my life. A precaution to prevent another attempt to kidnap me? I thought to try to make a run out the back towards the elevator. But… I knew that I’d get in big trouble if I tried to leave now… I had to make a choice. So…” Cryo saw the other campers were breathing quite fast now.

“So I steeled my courage, and walked towards the bed boldly. I knew this might be the last time I see the light of the sun, but continued forward to find…” Cryo smiled at the other campers, who he could see there looks of concern at what would happen next. “My mother… Nestled in the bed. You might not know this, but my mother had been in a… umm… deep sleep for almost 7 years. It happened not long before I hatched. She had saved an entire city of people and stopped a massive storm that would have pulverized an entire city. But she fell asleep after that. And here she was in the bed, finally awake, and happy to see me. I nestled her head against mine, and my caretakers left me to spend some quality time with my loving mother.” Cryo looked towards the other campers, who each seemed to breath a sigh of relief, and were smiling at the heartwarming moment. “So time passed, eating and talking with my mother, learning a few things about dragons and hearing how happy she finally to meet me herself. But as the conversation went on, trouble was brewing, right outside the door…” Cryo could hear them begin breathing faster again.

“My mother realized something was going on outside. I had suspected nothing at the time. And suddenly, she exclaimed to me, “Freeze the door Cryo!”” Cryo could hear a few of the campers gasping at the change of events. “I didn’t understand what was going on, but I obliged with my mom, and darted to the door and froze it with a big stream of ice from my gaping maw! Whoosh!…” Cryo breathed a small stream of ice on the ground. “And I froze the door, preventing it from opening! I asked my mother why I should do that. But then… I heard something outside. I leaned my head against a non frozen part of the door, and I heard… a conversation going on outside. They seemed to be REALLY wanting to get in. They tried to convince me to open the door, but me and mom knew something was up. But those bad guys decided that they weren’t going to leave, and so…” Cryo saw the faces of the campers seemed to be tense now.

“And so they decided to BLOW THE DOOR UP WITH EXPLOSIVES to get in!” The camping crew let out a gasp! “With little time, I hid under the bed and covered my eyes with my wings and my ears with my talons. My mother was able to create a wall of ice to block the shrapnel of the explosive. And now the timer was counting down. 5…4…3…2..1! KABOOM! The door was blow forward and smacked the wall, leaving a massive dent into it, and now, they came swarming in!”

“They were in black military gear and had some tranquilizer guns with the same nasty darts as before! They used a flashbang to try to disorientate us, but we were prepared. Using my wit I rolled to the left from under the bed. In a surprise attack, I blew a stream of ice, encapsulating a couple of the nasty folk. They tried to shoot me with their tranquilizer guns, but I created a wall of ice to take cover behind. So they decided to try and beat me and mom with shock strikers. But, as one swiped at my head, I quickly ducked and rolled to the right, and tripped him down with a quick swipe of my wings!” Cryo maneuvered his out of his blanket wing and made a sweeping motion with it in the air. “Another tried to quick jab at me. But I jumped in the air to dodge it, and with a flap of my wings and a fist full of ice,” Cryo covered his left paw with ice. He maneuvered it out of the blanket. “I smacked him a good one, right upside his head!” Cryo swung his paw in a sweeping motion which the campers looked in awe. “But now, another one of them tried to smack me right from behind. But with a quick roll forward, a shot a big gush of water at the assailant. WHOOSH!” Cryo released a small steam of water from his mouth at the ground. “I knocked him for a loop, and sent him crashing right in to his frozen friends in the back. The ice shattered and sent all of them flying towards the entrance, sending all of them in a daze!”

“Wait. Are they dead?” asked John. “Haha. No Dragon ice works differently then what you’d normally see. Shattering someone in ice only releases them from the ice. Its a painful and shocking feeling, but it doesn’t literally shatter them to pieces.” “Really? Why is that?” “I think mom told me that it works due to something called Cryogenic freezing. I don’t have the best understanding of it right now, but it basically just encapsulates creatures and things without causing permanent harm or damage to them. Mom told me dragon ice can be used to put something to sleep for a very long time.” “That’s interesting. I didn’t know that’s how your freeze abilities worked, Junior,” said the scoutmaster. “Yea. Thankfully too. I don’t know how I’d feel about legitimately… um… ending some ones story, so to speak.” Cryo looked at his scoutmaster and nodded.

“Anyway. Those bad guys were REALLY mad now. They began to surround me.” Cryo felt like he could feel the ever increasing tensions of the other campers at the site. “But I was ready to fight all of them off by myself. But then, to my shock, he pulled out his ace in the hole…” Cryo thought he could hear the sounds of gulping from the other campers. “It turns out these guys had a back up plan in case they ran into trouble. The leader of the group pulled out a remote detonator!” Cryo heard several gasps. “They told me that they would blow up and bury EVERYONE in the building, if me and mom didn’t cooperate with them!” Cryo saw the look of extreme concern at all the other campers.

“With no other options, and many lives at stake, I knew there was nothing I could do. Me and mom surrendered to them. They brought in heavy duty medical strap beds for really unbalanced psychiatric patients at the clinic. They grabbed me and slammed me hard right on it! Mom too!” Cryo lifted his paw up and then dropped it towards the ground. The campers seemed really tense now. “They pinned our limbs down to those medical bed with those nasty straps. They muzzled the both of us, and walked out, right into security. But they had placed bombs on OUR beds, too, willing to blow up EVERYONE who tried to stop them now.” Cryo could hear the other campers gasping again. Cryo saw many of them had become really tense at the devolving situation in the story. “With these bombs, they carted us away to a medical ship in the hanger, and flew away with us in tow. It seems they had won.”

Cryo began to yawn. His eyes were starting to become really heavy. It seems he was starting to get really tired from telling his story. “Hey guys… I think thats enough for now. Cryos starting to really doze off. He needs rest,” said Cameron. Cryo could hear moans of everyone from leaving the story off at such a cliffhanger. “I agree. It’s about 9:00 P.M.. Our little junior will need to be ready to be taken back home tomorrow. I know all of you are probably REALLY anxious from hearing such a story. But I think its time to call it a night.” Cryo gave out another yawn. “Yea… sorry guys. I… really need some rest. I’ll… tell you the rest maybe when you guys are home. Have a good night everyone…” “Yea… You too Cryo…” said the other campers. “Alright. Let’s get you back in your sleeping bag.” Cameron carried Cryo slowly back to the tent and nestled him very carefully in his sleeping bag. “Goodnight, my very brave friend. Sleep well… Even after hearing the story again, I still can’t believe you went through all that,” said Cameron. Cryo yawned again. “Goodnight…” John and Preydeth looked at Cryo one more time in their own sleeping bags, as Cryo’s mind began to quickly drift off and fall into a deep slumber.

Ch 16

News at Nine

Cryo slowly opened his eyes. He gave out a yawn. His vision seemed blurry for some reason. He heard a low ringing in his ears. He shook his head and blinked a few times. “Oof… Still don’t feel good…” Cryo thought. As his eyes began to focus, he saw he was back in his tent. Naptunes was playing through his ears. “Huh. I didn’t turn on naptunes last night. I guess the scoutmaster turned on Naptunes at some point to keep me asleep. I don’t think the others really like sleeping music like me.” Cryo began to maneuver his right paw out of his blanket to switch the radio off.

“Funny dream last night. I guess I’ve played a little too much capsule creatures lately. I can’t imagine my actual reaction if I actually somehow transformed into one of them. Especially a Froza… Then again. I suppose… I’ve woken up in some weird situations before… technically.” Cryo chuckled a few times. He looked around and saw that John and Preydeth were not in the tent. “Hmm… Neither of them are here. I wonder what time it is?” Cryo thought. He yawned again. “I better let the others know I’m awake.”

Cryo lifted his head up and turned it towards the entrance to the tent. “Scoutmaster? Scoutmaster! I’m awake!” “Oh! I hear you Junior! Hang on for a second! I’ll get to you in a bit.” “Alright Scoutmaster!” Cryo set his head back down, and took in a deep breath. “I… suppose this is it for my trip. It’s disappointing that I have to leave due to my injuries. But… trying these activities with my current condition probably wouldn’t be wise. Sigh… I suppose it’s fine though. Better safe then sorry. I just hope Preydeth doesn’t beat himself up due to what happened. Its not helping him or me…” He huddled himself a bit more tightly in his blanket.

A few minutes after, the scoutmaster came into the tent. “You feeling ok, Junior?” “Yes scoutmaster.” “What time is it scoutmaster?” “10:00 A.M.” “Ahh… I slept in about an hour late.” “Yes. I wanted you to get some more rest, so I didn’t want you to awaken. I’m surprised your up, considering your injuries. I was hoping you’d stay asleep a little longer.” “Why?” “Your ride home will not be here for another hour. I didn’t want you stuck in your tent doing nothing but leaving you to your thoughts.” “I’m sorry, scoutmaster.” Kyle walked over to Cryo’s bed and sat next to him. He began to rub Cryo’s back a bit. “Is Preydeth alright? I… know he’s feeling pretty bad about what happened. I hoped my story last night might help.” “Oh… Um… Cryo. He’s… going home with you. John too…”

“What! Going home with me!?” “Yes…” “But… Why!?” “Preydeth… He wants to make sure you get to the medical staff at home. He… seems to be thinking about quitting the scouts.” “Quitting the scouts!” “Yes. He feels responsible for what happened. I’m not sure why. But he feels he needs to get you home to get better. I tried to convince him to stay. But he’s made up his mind. “But what about John? Why does he want to leave?” “He wants to see if he could convince him on the trip home for him to stay in the scouts. Its unfortunate to see so many campers leaving, but I don’t think they’ll change their minds at this point.” “Ugh… Things have gone a lot worse. I didn’t think my teammates here would want to leave with me.” “Yes… In any case junior. We need to get you home. You need rest in a good environment. I’ve already arranged for the other campers to go with you.” The scoutmaster began to head towards the entrance to the tent. “Just rest up for now, Junior. We’ll get you back home to speed safely.” “Yea… Thanks Scoutmaster.” “Good. Be safe and well, my little junior scout.”

He left the tent, leaving Cryo alone to think.” “Ugh… Things are far worse then I thought. As if I didn’t have enough bad news. Can this get any worse?” Cryo gave out a sigh. “I should take time during the long drive home to try to convince him not to quit. He shouldn’t do this for me. I’m not angry at him. Maybe if he sees that, he’ll reconsider. In any case, All I can do now is wait for the medical vehicle to arrive.” Cryo gave out a sigh, and laid his head down. “Let’s hope nothing else goes wrong.”

Ch 17

Scared Stiff

An hour passed as Cryo waited patiently in the tent. He had been reading in the tent for awhile, when Cryo could hear the low whirr of the emergency hover transport somewhere outside. “Sigh… I guess… this is it. Time to go home. Ugh… I don’t know how I’m going to explain all this to mom and the others. I hope they haven’t been informed already…”

Cryo listened to the outside to hear equipment being unloaded. “That sounds like a medical bed… with straps,” he thought. Cryo began to dip his eyes down a bit, and breathed a little faster. He closed his eyes and took in a couple of deep breaths and shook his head a few times. “Get a grip, Cryo. Get a grip… Its probably just a standard one. Just two straps to keep me stable on the bed…” He slowly opened his eyes and continued listening. He could a squeaky wheel approaching the tent. He could hear it behind the tent at first, then in front. He then began to hear someone coming in.

“Junior? You ok in there?” “Yes, scoutmaster.” “Ahh good.” The scoutmaster stepped in hovered over him. “Your ride has arrived, Cryo.” “I realized it. I could hear the sounds of the medical vehicle outside.” “Yes… In any case, let me call them in to pick you up.” He stood back up and headed back to the entrance. “Alright. Bring in the bed. I’ll help get him on. Cryo watched as 2 medics in uniforms came in. Cryo recognized them. “Oh. Hi Nancy. Hi Darrel. I… didn’t expect you two to come here.” “Well… I’m your primary physician, Cryo. When I heard the news, I couldn’t just stand there and wait for you to arrive at home. I thought it would be better if I came myself.” “Its been a while since I had last seen you, Darrel. Your looking well. He approached Cryo and began to stroke his back a little bit. Cryo looked at him and could see a bit of his shaved brown hair under the medical cap and his brown eyes, and dark skin. He smiled at him. “Since your here, does this mean you finally passed the exams and became a physician at the base, like your mom?” “Oh no. I’m still in training, buddy. Mom thought bringing me on the trip would be a good way to learn how transport and treat patients who are being transported home. “Haha. I guess thats one way to learn. I know I’ll be in good hands with the both of you here. I’ll probably be fixed up by the time I’m home!” Cryo said. Each of them gave a chuckle.

“Alright, bring in the stretcher, Kyle.” “Alright Nancy. Here it comes,” Kyle said. Kyle brought in a medical stretcher. Cryo recognized that it seemed to be a new type. It looked like that it dipped inward a bit. “Is that a… new medical bed?” Cryo asked. “Yes. We’ll have to lay you on your back during the trip. The bedding is curved inward a bit, to give some of your back scales a little more room and comfort.” said Nancy. Nancy folded the wheels in to lower it flat on the ground. “Alright. Let’s get you on, junior,” said Kyle “Alright… Uh… Thanks scoutmaster.”

Nancy and Darrel Carefully picked up Cryo and placed him on his back back on the stretcher. “Alright. Let’s strap him on.” said Nancy. “Umm… Uh… Will my arms be… strapped down?” Cryo asked. “No. Your arms will be allowed to move freely. Though I suggest that you don’t try to move them too much until we get home.” “Uh huh… Um thanks? Heh heh…” They placed the straps on around his lower waist and around his upper body, under his armpits. Cryo began to get nervous.

“Is something wrong, Cryo?” “Oh! Um… No. Nothing is wrong. I’m uhh… perfectly fine.” “Are you sure?” “Yes… I am.” “Well Alright. Let’s get the wheels up. Darrel?” “Got it, Mom. They began to unfold the wheels under the stretcher. They lifted it up and placed the wheels on the ground. Cryo began to sweat a bit. “Hmm… Cryo. Are you hot? It’s not that warm out this mourning.” asked Darrel. “Oh! um… yea. I feel a little bit hot. Hehe.” “Do you think Cryo might be running a fever Mom?” “Perhaps. We’ll take his temperature in the vehicle. Let’s roll him out.” “Alright. Relax junior.” said Kyle. He turned towards Nancy. “I’ll pack up his gear and bring it to you to the vehicle once its ready to go.” “Thank you Kyle. Alright. Let’s head towards the medical vehicle,” said Nancy. “Yea… Let’s head out.” said Cryo.

They began to wheel Cryo towards the medical vehicle. Cryo saw a large, bulky, medical transport with its hover jets turned off on the ground. It was red around the side and hood of the vehicle. The was strips of blue bending across the from left side and going all the way right. Cryo saw the large symbol of the medical vehicle. A heart bandaged up across the center. Cryo started to whimper a bit as the began to swing around the back. He shook his head and took in a deep breath. “Cryo?… Are you sure your ok? Is something wrong?” N… No! Nothing is wrong! I promise you… I’m fine!” They both could see that Cryo seemed to be very anxious. Nancy and Darrel looked at each other. “Well… Alright Cryo. Just relax. Don’t worry. We’ll get you home ok. I promise.” Cryo didn’t reply back.

They opened the back of the vehicle. Cryo could see both his camp mates were in. “Cryo. You… ready to go home?” asked Preydeth. Cryo didn’t give an answer. He looked down towards his waist and clasped his paws together on his belly and began to scratch them a bit. “Cryo?” “”Don’t worry guys. I’m…” Cryo took in a dep breath. “I’m fine.” The both of them could see something was wrong with the junior scout. They looked at each other and back at Cryo. “Alright. Move out of the way, you two.” They moved away from the center and to the sides of the vehicle. Cryo closed his eyes lifted the stretcher up into the vehicle, and strapped it in place in the vehicle. “Alright. It’s time to go guys.” Darrel and Nancy closed the back of the vehicle and the engines began to start up. The medical transport begins to hover off the ground and began to head out. “Be brave, junior.” said Kyle as he stepped over to the other campers. The engines began to light up on the vehicle, and soon began to move off towards home.”

Ch 18

Scared and Scarred

The van travelled down the dirt road for a short amount of time. It soon picked up on the main roads and continued on. In the back of the vehicle, Nancy was preparing to attach a heart rate monitor to Cryo’s chest, while John and Preydeth looked on. “Alright. Hold still Cryo. This will only take a second.” she said. “Y… Yea, Nancy,” Cryo replied back.

She attached it to Cryo’s chest, and he looked forward, with his eyes narrowed down. “Alright. Should turn on in a… huh?” She saw that his heart rate had gone up quite a bit.” “Cryo. Your heart rates 148. Your heart rates a bit fast right now.” she said. “I’ll… be fine, I’m sure. Its just a little high. I’m sure its nothing…” Nancy began to rub Cryo’s arm a bit. “You seem a bit nervous Cryo. Is something wrong?” “Its nothing. I promise.” She looked at Cryo. “Something is wrong with him. His behavior has been a little strange, even before we put him on the stretcher.” She gave a smile at him. “Lets check your temperature.”

She grabbed a electronic thermometer and began to hover it over him. “Open your mouth, Cryo, and put the tip under your tongue.” “Al…Alright.” Cryo slowly and nervously opened his mouth, with his tongue extended up a little bit. “Alright Cryo, Just keep this under your tongue and relax.” “Alright…” She placed the thermometer under his tongue and he slowly closed his maw. After a few moments, she took it out. “Hmm… 69.4*F. A little higher then your normal temperature.” “What’s his normal temperature?” asked Preydeth. “Its typically 68*F,” said Nancy. Preydeth nodded. “I’m… running a fever?” asked Cryo “Hmm… So it seems. Just a low one though. Here. I’ll get a dragon cold pad for your head.” “Ok. Um… Thank you I suppose. I didn’t think you’d uh… bring one…” She began to open a small medical refrigerator in the back. “You should know by now I always will come prepared for any situation for you Cryo.” She walked back over and lifted Cryo’s head from the pillow. She began to carefully place the dragon cold pad onto Cryo’s head and placed the strap on. “There. The cold should give you some nice relief.” “Th… Thank you.” “Alright. Just rest up Cryo. We’ll be home soon enough.”

About an hour passed. Cryo had began to get a bit fidgety in the bed. “You ok, Cryo.” “Ye… Yea. Just, trying to get a bit more com… comfy.” But not long after he closed his eyes, and began to twist a bit more awkwardly in the medical bed.” “Cryo? What’s going on? Your very restless right now. “I’m sorry… I’m fine! I promise. I I…”

Preydeth looked over Cryo. He lifted lifted Cryo’s paw up and held his hand. “Cryo. Look at me…” Cryo looked towards Preydeth. “I know what going on… He’s restless because he’s terrified…” he said. “Terrified?” asked Darrel. “Yes just look at him. Look at how he seems to be struggling on the bed. Like a trapped animal…” “Trapped… animal?” said John. “Yes. At first I though his reactions were just being upset because of what… what pain I caused him.” “What do you mean Preydeth?” asked Nancy. “Cryo’s in this condition because of me. He saved me from a fall. A fall that could have been completely avoided if I had just listened to him.” He began to stroke Cryo’s arm a bit.”

“But his reactions right now don’t follow anger. It shows fear. Like his own mind is struggling to grasp his own more feral instincts and reality. And so I asked myself… What could he be so afraid of right now. And then… I remembered something the night before. Do you remember, John?” “A couple things happened that night. You going to be more specific.” “That night, Cryo told us a story. Despite being injured and hurt, he willingly came out of his tent to share a bad part of his life. When I thought of the story, I began to piece everything together.”

He began to rub Cryo’s belly a bit. “He was kidnapped. Right in front of everyone in the hospital building. He was slammed onto his back and strapped to a bed. Muzzled so he couldn’t speak. He couldn’t move. Can anyone here actually imagine what would be going through some ones mind like Cryo was forced to. And they even used one of the medical vehicles to escape. And now there is something strapped around Cryo’s head. But more specifically, right under his neck. Piece this all together and look at Cryo now.” They all looked at Cryo. “This type of experience leaves scars. Right now… He’s being transported in a medical vehicle, strapped to a bed, with something making it a little harder to speak. Doesn’t anyone here think that he’s reliving what happened? He’s reliving some of the worst moments of what happened.” Preydeth clasped his hand around Cryo’s palm, showing his support. “While the situation is not quite the same, its similar enough where his mind is reacting very negatively. He’s terrified, and feels like he’s going through that awful mess all over again.

“I see… What you say makes complete sense,” said Nancy. She came over to Cryo, and began to rub his head a bit. She thought she could see a small tear in his eyes. She began to rub his belly. “I don’t think anyone here can imagine what he went through. To be reminded like this…” said Nancy. “Cryo needs support right now. He has to be reminded, that he’s not being kidnapped. He’s not being taken hostage. He needs to know that everything will be fine. And we have to reaffirm that he’ll never be put through something that horrible again,” said Preydeth. They looked at each other and nodded. They positioned themselves across different sides of the bed. They began to stroke him in different parts of the body. Preydeth pulled Cryo’s paw a little ways away from his heart. “Your brave. Braver then anyone I know. You can pull through this. I know it. Look at us, not where you are. We’re here for you.” Preydeth nodded, and Cryo gave a small smile and nodded back. “Th… Thank you everyone.” “Hey Cryo… You never told us the rest of your story… Why don’t you tell it to us while going home. I want to hear how such a brave and noble dragon like yourself and your loving mother managed to outsmart and outwit a whole group of bad characters who wanted to terrorize and abuse a loving friend, and make it safely home, back to everyone who loves you.” Cryo smiled at Preydeth. “Ok. Well… After we were taken aboard the medical ship, I…”

Cryo continued to share his tale with his new friends. As he told his story, they stroked him in different parts to comfort him. They always kept themselves into his field of view, working together to keep him calm and keep him hydrated. After a little over an hour, Cryo began to get very sleepy. “Hey, Nancy. Cryo’s looking tired. I think we should try to help him sleep,” said John. “Yes. A little bit of sleep should help him,” replied Nancy “Yawn… Your not going to sedate me, are you?” “Oh no, Cryo. I don’t think that’ll be necessary. Let’s just get you comfy. We should be home in about another hour.” She smiled at Cryo and got his scouts blanket and placed it over his medical bed. Cryo began to get a bit nervous again.

“Cryo… Look at me,” said Preydeth. Cryo turned toward him. “Remember. The blanket here is not meant to hide the straps. It’s meant to keep you warm and comfy. To be able to rest peacefully in. Just keep looking at me. Stay calm.” He took in a deep breath as he began to relax himself. He smiled back. John fluffed his pillow a bit, and his eyes began to droop. “There we go. Hey, Nancy. Is that a radio over there? He sleeps to soothing music, right?” asked John. “Yes he does.” replied Nancy. She looked back at Cryo, who’s eyes seemed to be drooping down. “Here you go, Cryo.” She began to fiddle around with the radio a bit. A voice came over the radio. “Hello, fellow snoozers. This next song inspires dreams of the cosmos. of sailing through the void and explore the universe and the many mysteries surrounding it. The song is called, Galaxy Gateway.” A soft, orchestral medley began to play and ring into Cryo’s ears. “Focus on the music, Cryo. Let this music help lull your tired body and mind to sleep. Slowly close your eyes, and listen. Your mind will drift off soon after,” said Preydeth. Cryo nodded to Preydeth. He slowly closed his eyes, as the tune began to work its magic on Cryo’s hazy mind. His mind fogged up, and fell under the music’s deep spell. “Rest easy, my very brave friend.”

Ch 19

Rest and Relax

Cryo’s head felt fuzzy, as his eyes slowly opened up. He felt something very comfortable huddled around his sore body. Wh… Where?” As his eyes began to focus, he could see he was in a small room. He yawned for a bit. He saw the couple long lights beaming down around the room. The ceiling was white, and the walls were a calming blue, all round. He saw that there was a window also pouring light to the left of the room. Outside, he saw a familiar architecture. A vast complex for research and the military spread below, with a couple of shrubs and plants dotted around the outside in a few places. “I know where I am now. This is… home. I’m… back home.” He smiled and looked around the room some more.

He saw to the right, was the entrance, attached toward the far back right corner of the room. It was a standard wooden door with the medical symbol was painted on. “I’m clearly in the medical building. Hmm…” Cryo looked towards his bed, and saw he was very carefully nestled in a bed with what seemed to be a new quilt on it. He looked at it, and saw what appeared to be a picture of him resting in a warm dark blue bed with a green dragon cold pad on his head, and a thermometer in his mouth. The words “Get well soon, Little Dragon,” were stitched under the picture on the blanket. The bed itself was quite different from his hay bed. He saw it seemed to be similar to a bed a human would sleep in, but the bedding itself seemed a bit… different. “This blanket is new. I think it was personally made for me for my hospital stay. It feels like its trying to tighten a bit around my body. Cushion me against itself more, yet its not restricting my movement. It also feels a little cooler. And the bedding below seems to be doing something similar. Its not enough to make me too chilly. I do like to huddle up tightly in beds. Interesting.”

He pulled the blanket up a bit, to see his body. He saw his body had its bandages changed, with a few places parts of his body also having medical gauze. “I’m hurting a bit still. But it looks like they done a good job treating my wounds.” He turned towards his upper right arm, and saw a small bit of medical gauze and a bandage wrapped around the area. “It looks like they did sedate me at some point. That part of the arm is usually where an iv goes in.” Towards his close right, and saw something he didn’t expect. He seemed to find what appeared to be gifts for him. Boxes and bags with encouragement to get well soon. “What are these? Are these… presents for me? But why? My birthday was only 4 weeks ago.” He peaked to the entrance of the room. “Well. I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to take a peek at one.”

He grabbed a bag from the pile. “Hmm… Theres a card inside. From… Preydeth?” Cryo carefully opened the card to look inside. “Dear Cryo. I hope your well. You’ve been asleep since we first arrived. I hoped whatever dream appeared in your head while out, was something happy. Not something that you’d rather forget. Your special. You’ve been through a lot. Rest is the only thing you need now. Don’t let old scars bring your down. Remember that you made it back. That’s all that matters. Please recover soon. I hope to see you at some point when your awake. Enjoy the present I got you. I hope you can find time to use these to help heal some old wounds while your new ones get treated. Thank you. I hope to see you back in the scouts soon. From Preydeth.”

Cryo smiled and nodded. “He’s not quitting after all.” Cryo reached inside the bag. He began to rummage his hand a bit until he seemed to find something inside. He began to pull it out. He looked at what appeared to be a chew toy, in the shape of a blue ball. “A… chew toy? I haven’t chewed on anything since I stopped chewing on my pacifier.” He looked a the tag. It read “Stress ball.” “Stress ball. It’s… a ball to help with stress? But… how does it work. Do I chew on it?” He looked at the tag again. “Squeeze this tiny ball in your hand. Do it as many times as you need to help deal with stress and anxiety. Continue to squeeze to help calm yourself down.” “Huh… I… squeeze it in my paw?” He took the ball in his talons and began to squeeze it. The ball began to flatten and spread out as he began to spread it in his paw. He let go of his grip, and the ball reformed into its round, spherical shape. “This… seems like a strange way to deal with stress. I do like the rather smooth and fabric like texture the ball has, but I don’t understand how it deals with issues like this.” He placed it to the side of his bed. “Hmm… I think there is something else in here.”

He rummaged around the bag and took out what seemed to be a cube with 9 different colored squares on each side of it. The squares seemed to be connected to each other, yet were also split off from each other. He began to fiddle with it a bit, and saw that the squares could be twisted to change which sides the colored squares were on. “This is an odd toy… What is it?” “That’s a puzzle twist cube, Cryo, said a familiar voice. “Huh?”

Ch 20

Future For Friends

Cryo turned his head toward the entrance. He saw Preydeth in the doorway, with Cryo’s mother standing close behind. Oh! Preydeth! And… Mom. Uh oh…” Preydeth came in, wearing a cyan shirt and blue jeans, while Tide was wearing a dark blue sweater. They walked over and Tide sat down next to Cryo near the bed, while Preydeth pulled a chair over and sat down. “You like that toy Cryo?” “Its… interesting. But I don’t know exactly know what its for.” “The goal is to twist the cube is to twist the segments on it enough so that every side of the cube has only one type of color on it. Its a simple puzzle game, yet it can take a ton of time to figure out if you can’t figure out how to align the colors together,” Preydeth said. “That sounds pretty neat.”

“Cryo, honey?” said Tide. “Gulp…” Cryo looked at his mother, with a slightly concerned look on his face. “How are you feeling?” Tide asked. “Umm… I’m a little, er… stiff in bed. Maybe a few places hurt a bit. But… I’m fine I suppose.” She smiled and nodded at him. “Your… friend told me what happened?” Cryo’s eyes shot up.

“Wait Mom! Wait! Please! It was only a little mistake! I know I’m pretty beat up, but…” “Relax, my little boy. I’m not too upset at what happened.” “Umm… You aren’t?” She nodded at him. “Yes… A pretty bad accident did happen and someone close to me got hurt in the process. But… everyone makes mistakes. Besides, he told me what happened on the ride back.” “Oh… yea.” Cryo began to sit up a bit in his bed. He looked towards his mother with a slightly worried expression. “I’m sorry mom. I…” “Don’t be. We both went through that horrible ordeal. We both probably have scars that will remain for a while. But… that’s what family and friends are for, right?” She gave Cryo small kiss on the forehead. “Your friend helped you though a very difficult situation. He may have had been responsible for you being hurt in the first place, but he didn’t leave your side when you really needed help.” Cryo looked at Preydeth and gave a smile.

“The items I gave you are good for dealing with these types of issues. The stress ball can help ease you when feeling anxious and stressed, and the puzzle cube can help distract your mind and focus on something else if you get into a similar situation in the future.” “That actually sounds… good. Thank you Preydeth.” “Your welcome. Nancy says you shouldn’t have to be in the hospital long. You wounds are healing rather quickly. You should be out in less then 2 weeks.” “Thats good news.” “In any case honey. We’ll be here for you if you need anything else.” “Thank you.” Cryo looked at the puzzle cube and began to twist it a couple times. “This puzzle is a bit more complex then I thought. It’s going to take some practice and thinking.” he thought.

“By the way, Cryo. How did you move so fast?” asked Preydeth. “Huh. What do you mean?” I talked to the scoutmaster. He said that as I was falling, you suddenly picked up speed. In fact, you were so fast, you almost could not be seen.” “Wait! Really?! “Yes. How did you do it?” “Umm…” Cryo looked at his bandanna, who had been carefully placed next to his other scouts cloths on a table in the upper left corner of the room. “Umm… Maybe I… just got lucky?” “Lucky?” “I don’t really know what happened. I’m sorry.” “That’s alright. Maybe it will be revealed in time.” Preydeth stood up. “You hungry, Cryo? The cafeteria menu has chillin tenders today.” “Umm… Yea. I could use some.” “Ok. Come on Tide. Let’s get Cryo some food.” “Can you give me a moment alone with my son. I’ll come with you in a second.” “Ok Tide. I’ll see you in a bit.” He walked out of the room and closed the door to wait outside. Tide looked at Cryo with a slightly concerned look on her face.

“Cryo… Are you keeping secrets?” she asked. “Um… secrets?” Cryo replied. She nodded. “That ability wasn’t you going quickly, was it? That was time slowing down…” “Huh? Time slowing down!?” she nodded. “That’s not normal for a Ferrin dragon, even with the flo lily. That’s something a well trained Zape dragon is capable of…” She looked at the back table. “And that bandanna…”

She walked over and took another look at it. She picked it up and took it over to Cryo. She then carefully tied it around his neck. They both could see it glow for a second. “How in the world was Greg able to find a flo lily. And more importantly, know how to transport and use it in a way that prevents its power from degrading. This is bigger then you or me could possibly know, Cryo.” She began to feel the soft fabrics of it a bit. “I think there’s far more to this bandanna then I know. Cryo… Is there anything you want to tell me? Is there something your hiding?”

Cryo thought of it for a moment. “N… No mom. I… I don’t understand it either. Maybe… Maybe theres a reason for all of this happening.” Tide gave a sigh and began to walk out. “The last thing I want to think about is a reason for my son to have a flo lily’s power, especially one that may never expire.” She nodded. She began to walk towards the door. “Perhaps in time, we might discover the purpose. Though to be honest, honey. I’m afraid of what the answer might end up being.” She gave one last look at her son and gave a smile. “Rest easy honey. I’ll be back soon.” She walked out the door and left.

“Mom’s suspicious. There’s no telling how she would react if I tell her what’s been going on. This is dangerous to think about. I’m going to have to be more careful of what I do from here on out.” He looked back at the puzzle cube and began twisting it around again.

New abilities:

Time Twist: Slows down time while allowing Cryo to move at a normal speed while slowed.

New Likes

The Explorers scouts

His new friends, Preydeth and John


His extended family

New Dislikes


Friends feeling guilty

His mothers suspicion

Being in situations similar to when he was kidnapped

Cryo the dragon, Book 5, Birthday Blues

Cryo the dragon, Book 5, Birthday Blues


Cryo the dragon and his mother, in the last book, had been taken captive by a unknown group of mercenaries, who wanted their technological prowess for unknown means. He and his mother were strapped down to medical beds with heavy straps, and taken aboard a large medical ship to be transported to an unknown location. Cryo, using his wit, managed to use his ice coated talons to break out of his medical bed. He then used his talon to pierce a hull through the ship straight to the fuel tank, forcing the ship to make an emergency landing. He managed to send out a call for help on the radio. But he didn’t know if they received the message or not, so he and his mother were forced to make a run from their captors into the forest on the mountain range.

Using his wit, he managed to evade his captors and rest up for the night with his mother using a divot covered up by bushes and felled trees. He then put his survival skills to the test, creating a water filter with a tire from an old bike and stones from a nearby river. He also made a compass from a nail from the bike and a piece a magnetite nearby in a group of rocks by the waterfall in the lake, and later on, a fishing net made of very sturdy vines and a sturdy tree branch frame. With a direction to go, an array of items for survival, and a group of evildoers to evade, they began to try to head through the wilds to the long trip home.

During the time he spent in the woods, he would have more dreams about the bugs of earth, with his bug friends in the dream continuing to show interest in the humans and in him. His leg was still injured from his previous dream experiences though. But his last dream, would end with bang (literally)!

As they travelled, Cryo would continue to use his wit to outsmart his pursuers, create shelters using the items around him, build fires to cook fish and keep warm, and surviving with the limited resources at his disposal. After about a month of travel, he and his mother would finally be rescued by Ty and his military escort. They flew on a ship back to home, washed up from their long journey, ate dinner within their home rather then by a campfire, and would tuck in for bed, as a new day would rise again, back at home…

Ch 1

Hero Heart

Cryo’s head spun a bit as his eyes began to focus on his surroundings. “Ugh… I don’t feel so good…” thought Cryo. He coughed a few times. As his eyes adjusted, he saw that he was somewhere else again. The room was mostly dark, with a small lamp hanging above him, shaking around a bit. Cryo was in a standard bed, with a white blanket over him, laying on his back, and had an iv going into his upper right arm. The room seemed to shake a bit as he laid down. Cryo looked to the right of his bed and saw that he seemed to be under heavy guard by a bunch of armored bugs. Many he could recognize. “You ok, Cryo?” A familiar voice asked. “Huh. Oh, Zeke,” replied Cryo. Cryo tried to pick himself up a bit, but felt a sting across his body. “Hey. Relax Cryo. Don’t move too much right now. Your roughed up pretty bad.” “Huh? Cryo pushed down the covers on him a bit, and saw his body had been bandaged up across most of it. He also saw that his cast on his back right leg had been damaged quite a bit as well. “How did this happen?” Cryo asked. “You don’t remember?” “Not really…” Zeke took a seat next to Cryo and leaned forward.

“We were attacked by something that wanted to take you.” “We were attacked?” “Yes. They resembled Dragon’s, like you. Only much bigger and decked out in highly sophisticated rig armor.” Zeke took something out of his pocket. He showed it to Cryo, which seemed to be a small microchip. “What is that?” asked Cryo. “This is a tracking implant we found in your back. It seems they had implanted this into you at some point. They used it to track your location after you arrived. They traced it straight to the military hospital. We found this when we scanned your body for shrapnel after the attack was thwarted. I must say, you were quite the hero when they came in, even with the leg injury and the fever.”

“I was… a hero?” asked Cryo. He coughed a few times again. “Yes. They jammed our comms and we didn’t realize they got in. They blew the door to your room open. Firestorm was injured from the explosion. If it wasn’t for you, he would probably had been killed when they came in.” “I… saved him?” “Yes. They were about to discharge a weapon on him, when you froze it solid. You fought off their entire group. They were eventually forced to retreat when help arrived. You got hurt pretty bad from the fight. But you saved firestorm and several others. They tried to use a grenade to help their escape. You froze it which contained most of the explosion, but you got launched headfirst into the wall when it detonated. It would have been a lot worse had you not reacted so quickly.” “Huh I was launched into a wall?” Zeke took a small mirror and held it in front of Cryo. Cryo could see that the top of his head had almost been completely covered in bandages. “I look like a mess…” said Cryo

“It’s probably why you cant remember anything that happened. Thankfully, its not full blown amnesia. I’m just glad your awake. You’ve been out since we had begun moving you to a new location.” “Huh? Your taking me somewhere?” “Yes. You’ve been compromised and we’re taking you to a secret secure facility where you’ll be safe. Whatever these enemies want you for can’t be good. We need to keep you safe.” “You won’t lock me up in a small room, right?” “Don’t worry, Cryo. You’ll be given free movement throughout the facility. We’re not going to lock you up like a prisoner of war.”

Zeke went to the back of the room and opened a small fridge and took out a large, plastic green bottle. He then went to a cupboard in the room and took out a plastic cup and poured the liquid in the bottle into the cup. He went back to Cryo and sat down. “Want some soda?” Zeke asked. “Yea… I could use some.” “Alright. Let me help you drink it.” Zeke carefully lifted Cryo’s head up with his upper right arm. Zeke moved the drink to his upper left arm and moved it before Cryo so he could sip it. “Alright Cryo. Take short, easy sips.” He slowly tipped the cup forward and Cryo began to sip the fizzy drink down. After a several gulps, the drink was gone. “That’s probably a little better now,” said Zeke. “Yea. It still tastes good.” “Now now, Shadowshot. That’s enough.” said another familiar voice. “Hmm?” said Cryo.

He looked to his right, and saw Patch, with a few places bandaged up across his arms and legs, and his blue medical cloths ripped in a few places. “Oh. Patch. I didn’t realize you were here too. You… ok? I see you have some injuries too.” “Don’t worry about me, my young friend. I’m nowhere near as beat up as you. And I have you to thank for that.” He smiled and positioned himself right next to Cryo’s bed. Cryo coughed a few more times. Patch took notice and pulled something out of his pocket. “Can you open your maw, Cryo? I’d like to check your temperature again.” “Oh. Yea. Hang on.”

Cryo opened his maw and Patch placed an electric thermometer under his tongue. Cryo closed his maw again, and then after a few seconds, it began to beep. Patch took the thermometer out of his mouth and checked it. “Your running a bit of a higher fever. Cryo. 70.2`F. Not really a surprise from all the excitement going on lately. He headed toward the back of the room, to a small medical refrigerator near the far left corner. He took a tray next to the fridge and placed a few things on it and headed back towards his patient. “Here. Take this pill. This will help bring down the fever. It will also help ease some of the pain you might be feeling.” “Alright. Thanks, Patch.”

Cryo opened his mouth and Patch placed his left hand behind Cryo’s head and slowly and gently lifted it up. He placed the pill on Cryo’s tongue and Cryo closed his maw. Patch then took a small cup with water from the tray and helped Cryo drink from it to wash the pill down. “There we go. Let me put this cold pad on your head as well. Bring down the swelling.” Patch grabbed an ice filled bag from the tray and a small strand of white string. He placed it on Cryo’s feverish head, and tied it on gently with the white sting. Cryo gave a small relaxed sigh, as Patch carefully placed his head back down on the pillow.” “There we go, son. I bet that feels better.” “Yea. The cold feels nice.” Patch rubbed cryo’s head a few times and pulled the covers of the bed up a bit for him.

“I think it might be best if you try and get some extra sleep.” said Patch. Zeke picked himself up from the chair, and patted Cryo on the belly a few times. “Yea. Take this time as a chance to rest up and recuperate. We’ll arrive to our Firebase 01 in less then a hour and a half. We’ll have a emergency shrapnel removal operation prepared by tomorrow, so we can get those nasty bits of metal and such out of your body. I hope you won’t mind being asleep for a extended bit of time. It’s best to have you not moving too much so the shrapnel won’t dig deeper inside of your body. Also, you probably wont be feeling too well with your injuries.” Cryo coughed a few times. “Oh… Well. I’m fine with being asleep for a bit longer then usual. If it helps me get better, I’m all for it.” Cryo said. He smiled and nodded at Patch. Patch smiled back and patted Cryo’s belly a few times. “Once were done with the operation, we can get you settled in and moved you into your new quarters while your still sleeping. Don’t worry. We promise not to wake you, bud. Once the sedatives wear off, you should be feeling much better.” “That sounds really nice. Thanks.”

Cryo began to think about what his “personal quarters,” will have inside of it once he wakes up. “Now, my fine scaley friend. Sleep easy now. You’ve had a rough go of it.” “Alright… I’ll do that. Thanks Zeke.” “Here. I’ll turn on some soothing music for you.” Zeke went to the back of the room and took a small radio from a table. He brought it over to Cryo and placed it on the cabinet next to his bed. He smiled at Cryo and turned it on. The radio played a soothing music box melody which flowed through Cryo’s ears. Patch seemingly began to change his iv’s medicine to something else. Cryo’s mind and then strangely his entire body began to feel really numb. Cryo’s mind began to fade quickly. Cryo slowly closed his eyes as his head became fuzzy and his eyes faded to black. “Sleep well, Cryo. You’ll be somewhere safe soon, my friend,” said Zeke.

Ch 2

Warm Welcome

Cryo’s eyes slowly opened up. He heard a ringing in his ear. He gave out a small yawn. He began to pick himself up. “Ahh… Good mourning,” thought Cryo. “Hey there Cryo,” said Cameron. “Huh? Oh hi Cameron.” Camron was sitting next to Cryo, near the bed. He looked at his radio, which was sounding the mourning alarm and read 9:04 A.M. “Alarm off,” Cryo said to his radio, which promptly turned off.

As Cryo leaned up from his bed and began to lower the blanket down, Cameron came close and gave a big hug to Cryo. “Easy Cameron. Easy,” said Cryo. “I missed you so much! You don’t know how worried I was. I thought I’d never see you again!” “I’m fine Cameron. Me and mom are fine.” “Everyone has been talking about how you were out in the wilds surviving off of nothing but a broken tire and sticks and vines!” “I wouldn’t go that far…” “How did you do all that Cryo?” “You have seen me watching that survival show before. I guess I just picked up on a few tricks I could try.” “I think that was MORE then a few tricks. You were outdoors for almost an entire month! Was it hard?” “Yea. I had to make a net to find food, make fires to cook, make a filter for purified water, and travel a REALLY long distance while being hunted by those bad guys.” “That sounds awful.” “I think I enjoyed it a little…” “Really? Why?” “I haven’t really been in any forest or even outside the base since I was just a hatchling. The only place outside I’ve really been is on the swim trip and around the base. I’ve never really been in many “natural,” places.

“Hey you two,” said Tide. “Huh. Oh. Good mourning Mom.” “Good mourning son. I see that Cameron has given you a proper welcome back.” Tide moved over to the dining table and placed down a bowl with a spoon in it and a plate with several pieces of toasted bread with a stick of butter on the side. “Come on, you two. I’ve got breakfast ready. I’ve got nice bowl of Fruity Frenzy cereal and toast.” “Sounds good. Thanks, Mom.” Cryo and Cameron came over to the table and sat on one of the cushions around the table. The three quickly took several pieces of toast each and began to eat. Cryo began to take a spoonful of cereal and gulped it down. “Mmm. Good stuff. I love this cereal,” said Cryo. “I heard its one of your favorites, son,” Tide said, as she quickly took a bite of the toasted bread.” “I like it too, Cryo,” said Cameron. The three continued to eat their food and soon the bowls were empty and the plate had nothing but bread crumbs left on it.

“That was good,” said Cryo. “I liked it too, son,” said Tide. “Hey Cryo. You want to play a board game?” asked Cameron. “Yea. Sounds good. I can play one right now,” said Cryo. “Can I join? I haven’t played one since I was with Greg,” said Tide. “Sure mom. Board games are better with more players.” “Which one should we play, Cryo?” asked Cameron. “Hmm…” “While you pick, I’ll clean up the table son,” said Tide. Cryo went towards a small cabinet near his window and opened it up. Inside was a bunch of board games stacked on top of one another in boxes. “Which one should we do?” thought Cryo. Cryo looked through all board games, until one caught his eye. “Detective. One of my favorites. I wonder if mom ever played this one before. Hmm… Yea. Let’s play this one,” thought Cryo. Cryo took the board game from the shelf and brought it to the table. Tide had already cleaned it off and was waiting there with Cameron. “Have you played this one mom?” Cryo asked.” “Detective, huh? No. I can’t say that I have…” replied Tide. “The game is simple, Mom. 3 cards are put into an small file, containing the 3 main clues. Suspect, weapon, and room. We roll a dice to move around the board to get into rooms and make guesses on a suspect and a weapon used in the room you went to. If someone has a card, they show it to you, and you mark it down. Game is won when you make a correct guess about the weapon, room, and suspect. “Sounds complicated,” said Tide. “It’s easy to understand once you get into it, Tide,” said Cameron. “Well, alright. I’m sure I’ll get it down,” Tide said.

So they quickly set up the board and played. Tide quickly picked up on how to play, and had fun. About an hour and 30 minutes passed as they played. Cryo then heard a familiar voice from the doorway, of his room. “You 3 ok?” asked Ty. “Huh? Oh, hi Ty, I’m doing fine,” Cryo said. “I’m ok, Ty,” said Tide. “Me too, Dad,” said Cameron. “I see you 3 are playing Detective. You having fun?” All 3 nodded in agreement. “Do either of you need a small break?” asked Ty. “I’m good Ty,” said Tide. Cryo thought for a moment, and nodded. “Yea, Ty. I could use a break.” “Alright Cryo. Let’s go outside,”

Cryo went towards Ty and he opened the door and began to escort Cryo outside through the halls of the living quarters. “It’s nice that your back with us Cryo,” Ty said. “You both really had us worried being out in that large forest all alone. To think all this happened. I should have never trusted him…” said Ty. Cryo thought for a moment. He began to think about what had happened. He remembered then about what he heard in the forest when they were running. “Mick. I remember those guys saying someone named Mick betrayed them,” he thought. Cryo began to wonder if Ty knew more about what happened. He decided to try to get answers from Ty.

“When you say that, your talking about Mick, right?” asked Cryo. Ty looked at Cryo in curiosity. “You knew?” asked Ty. “When I was in the forest, they ended up finding and chasing us. We fell into a small divot full of mud. They were using thermal, so the mud hid us from them luckily. But I heard them mention that someone named Mick. Actually… I think I heard the name multiple times while we were out in the wilderness.” Cryo looked forward and continued walking. “Can you tell me more about that, Ty?” Ty looked towards Cryo. He gave out a sigh, and then a nod. “Alright Cryo. I’ll tell you what we’ve figured out.”

Ch 3

Corrupt Commander

“Mick was part of the military detail in the base. He was a head in weapons development here and a commander of a group of military personnel,” said Ty. “Weapons development?” replied Cryo. “That’s right. He was also the commander in charge of the operation when we…” Ty breathed in a let out a heavy breath. “When we took you.” Cryo looked at Ty with a sad look and then looked back forward. “He wasn’t very nice. He tried to hurt my adopted family,” said Cryo. “Yes. It wasn’t supposed to go that way. I admit myself he did go too far…” Ty looked back at Cryo and saw his concerned look.

“His… interest in you ended up causing problems… When you first arrived here, he showed very little interest in you. Seeing as how you spent your entire day pretty much in front of the window, eating and sleeping, he assumed at that point you were really not worth the trouble. A wasted effort on a new creature with little interesting abilities or traits.” Cryo looked at Ty and saw he was looking pretty concerned now.

“That changed when word came around of your knack for repairing technology. He began to more closely monitor you. We found a whole bunch of videos stolen from our security cameras in his room. It seems he always had someone watching you in secret when you were repairing and working with tech.” Cryo began to breath a little more heavily. “When you began to make your own tech and adding upgrades to your items, he began to push us to convince you to build more. And he also wanted to start training you in combat. While we had limited knowledge on your abilities at the time, he saw an opportunity to use you as both a weapons expert and a possible asset in military intervention.”

“He wanted… to turn me into a weapon,” said Cryo. Ty looked at Cryo and nodded. “While we had an interest ourselves from what you and your mother could make, and your own special abilities, we realized that putting you through this would be awful and wrong. Especially at your age and what was written in Greg’s notebook.” Ty turned ahead, with a slightly angry scowl on his face.

“Naturally, we refused to go along with his request. But he continued to try to push us to try to do more with you. When we continued to refuse, it seems he decided to take matters into his own hands.” Cryo gulped and continued walking with Ty. “He convinced his own unit to try and take you and your mother for themselves. He believed we were wasting both your potentials and just keeping you as a pets. As a result, he came up with a plan to take you both and use you to create advanced technology to sell and have you both aid in major military operations overseas,” said Ty. “Sounds awful…” replied Cryo. “He and his unit were responsible for both attempts to take you. But in both attempts, they underestimated you.”

“They… underestimated me?” “Yes. In both attempts, they didn’t realize how crafty you were. Mick didn’t think you’d be such a difficult creature to outsmart. As a result, well… Both his plans inevitably failed.” Ty looked back at Cryo and gave a smile. Cryo gave a smile back. “Now that he and his unit have been found out, they’ll not be able to come even close to this base without serious consequences. He’ll probably think twice before coming after you again.” Cryo smiled again and nodded, and they continued on. They both approached the door to the outside area. Ty opened the door and escorted Cryo out. “Speaking of which Cryo. Could you tell us how you managed to escape and survive in the forest?” “Oh yea. Alright. Here’s what I did, Ty…”

Cryo took his break and sat with Ty on a outdoor bench while telling Ty about what happened. Ty seemed very impressed as Cryo told his story. “…And then we began to travel again after taking down our makeshift tent. After walking forward until near dusk, you found us,” said Cryo. “I must say Cryo. You really know how to survive on your own. I never expected you to know how to do all of this,” said Ty. “Yea… I guess so Ty,” “Well. We’ve spent enough time out here, Cryo. Why don’t we go back inside. Cameron and Tide are waiting for you.” “Alright. Let’s go back in, Ty.”

The two headed back inside and back into Cryo’s room. Tide was talking to Cameron and saw Cryo step back into the room. “Hi son. You were gone a while. Is everything alright?” asked Tide. “Yea. I’m fine mom.” “I was just talking to Cameron about what happened to us in the wilds, said Tide. “I was just talking to Ty about that too, Mom. That’s why it took a while.” “Ahh. I see. Well now that your back, we were going to watch a movie.” “Which movie?” asked Cryo “Legends series, Dragons and Dawn,” Tide replied. “I’ve never heard of that movie before.” said Cryo. “We recently got it. It’s in a 3 part movie collection. The series is supposed to be very emotional. It’s the third movie, in the series,” said Cameron. “Shouldn’t we start with the first one?” replied Cryo. “I saw this one in theaters. It’s really good. I haven’t seen the first two. We can catch up on the first two later.” Cryo tilted his head a bit and then gave a smile and nodded. “Alright. Let’s watch it.”

Ch 4

TV Time

Cryo took the remote to his Tv and used the joysticks to move it towards toward a group of bean bags and a small leather sofa near the right side to his room’s window. With a push of a button, the tv set itself down, extended its plug into a socket, and extended its hilt to meet with the floor. “Voice command,” Cryo said. “Voice command recognized. TV model 9500 Dragon’s gem is ready to receive command.” “Open chip drive for movie.” “Opening chip drive.” The chip drive for the TV opened and Cryo took the movie from its case and put it into the slot. The movie chip slid into its socket and the drive closed as Cryo went to sit in his seat. “Beginning movie subsystem. Would you like to skip to the selection menu.” “Yes.” “Connecting.” The TV turned immediately to the main menu of the movie. “Command. Play movie.” “Playing movie.”

The movie played as the three intently watched it. As they watched it, they felt an array of different feelings and concepts. Sadness, willpower, companionship, strength, power, and hope. The movie soon ended as the three looked upon, satisfied with the experience they witnessed. “That was incredible,” said Cryo. “I told you you would like it,” said Cameron “I must say, I’ve never seen anything like this. I wish the dragons in this movie would have existed back on our homeworld. They could have prevented the travesty that took hold of our home world single handedly,” said Tide. Cryo looked at Tide, and became curious. “Home… world?” Cryo said. Tide looked toward Cryo and gave a sigh. “Yes Cryo. You do realize your not from this world, right?” “I’ve… suspected I’m not from around here. But I… never really knew where I really came from.” “They never told you?” “No. They always said to me that my origins aren’t exactly… pleasant…” Tide began to think for a moment. “Should I tell him?” thought Tide. She began to think for a moment. But then she realized that he deserves to know his origins. “Alright Cryo. I’ll tell you a little bit.”

Ch 5

Homeless to Home

Tide began by telling Cryo about their home planet and how a group of shapeshifting creatures had provided technology to them that changed their world. She told Cryo that they had their own plans. How they had taken over and subjected their entire world under their evil influence. How a desperate plan was made. And how she made her own plan. Cryo listened with a worried look. He understood why they never told him before. “That’s scary…” Cryo said. “Yes. Its awful what happened. But its wasn’t all bad.” “Really? Why Mom?”

“Because we came here, Cryo. We we’re travelers from far away. Far beyond the stars. We travelled far in order to find a new place. A place where we could call home.” Tide gave a smile at Cryo and stroked his head a bit. “We found someone willing to help us in our time of need. They took us in. They fed us, helped us, gave us a chance to start anew. A new world for the both of us. While the things that have happened to the both of us hasn’t all been good, I think we both know that we have a home here.” Tide looked at Cryo, who now had a small smile on his face. Tide gave a smile back. “It doesn’t matter where we came from. All that matters is that we’re here now. We’re somewhere where we can call home.”

Cameron came over and gave a smile at Cryo. “Yea. Your not back in a war torn world. Your here with us, now. Your home Cryo. And no one will take it from you, not without a fight,” Cameron said. “Yea, thanks. I do feel better now,” Cryo said. Cryo looked toward his work bench and saw a small pile of technology. “Looks like work has piled up a bit since I’ve been gone,” said Cryo. “Can you give me some time to work on this stuff?” “Alright. We’ll give you some time,” said Cameron. “Thanks. I need to get started.” Cryo went over to his workbench and began to slowly observe the tech. He took one of the devices and began observing it.

Ch 6

Program Prodigy

Cryo put in his magnifying speck on his right eye and prepared to work on repairing the devices. “Alright. Notes here say its… John’s personal computer. Hmm… I never had to do something for one of the kids at school before.” Cryo remembered the note he got last night. He then gave a small smile. “They’ve accepted who I am. Maybe I’ll be able to get along better with them. Now let’s see… A Zealot Shard gaming labtop by the looks of it. Problem seems to be its not turning on. Notes say he accidently dropped it and it bounced on his bed and hit the floor. First thing you check is the power,” he thought.

Cryo quickly used his screwdriver to unscrew the back and take a look at the power for it. “Power system seems good. Maybe the hard drive?” Cryo pulled out the battery and looked inside to find that the hard drive had a crack in it. “Defiantly the hard drive malfunction. Power systems working means nothing if the main computing unit is damaged like this. It will need to be replaced. Good thing the data for all computers at the base for each person has a backup in the system. I’ll be able to transfer the system by accessing the main data storage units at the base. Not to mention I have many different replacement parts prepared for me for cases like this. I should have a new hard drive ready to be installed. Cryo went to a very large and long set of drawers to the left to his work bench. He got up from his seat and combed over them. He quickly found the drawer he was looking for.” “Here we go. This should be the one needed for the laptop.” Cryo opened the drawer and took out the hard drive and started to come back over.

His eye however, drifted towards a drawer above where he keeps a “different,” hard drive. He walked back over and took a look at it. The word “prototype devices,” was listed on the drawer. “Should I?” Cryo thought. Cryo opened it up and took out one of his own custom built drives. Cryo began to think for a moment. “I built this one myself. Programmed it too. I was hoping to use one of these for my own custom modified computer one day but…” Cryo looked back towards his clients computer. “This would be a good way to possibly test this.” Cryo started to walk over to the computer with both drives in hand. “I’ve created multiple drives just like this one that can connect together. I’ve… never tested them before though. It’s supposed to be very advanced, but I needed to test it on an actual device beforehand. If it works, the computer will be smoother, faster, have a voice command system, and be able to hold much more data. It would require me to program a little bit extra, but…” Cryo approached the work bench with both drives and set them down next to the device. “If this fails though, it could damage the entire systems and possibly cause the data from the device to become corrupt. If that happens, I… doubt he’ll be happy. They’ve only just began to like me.” Cryo looked at both devices in his hand. “Should I try it?” Cryo thought for a moment, and made a decision.

“If this fails, I’ll… just replace the entire thing myself. Data, subsystems, programs, and parts. I’ll build one from scratch if I have too. I hope he’ll be able to forgive me. This is risky, and I don’t need any of them to hate me again.” Cryo nodded, took in a deep breath, and picked up his experimental hard drive. “Alright. Let’s give it a shot.”

Ch 7

Accidental AI

Cryo worked on installing the new hard drive for a while, carefully arranging it inside and fixing it to the computer. Soon the hard drive was fitted in and now Cryo needed to turn on the computer. “Alright, let’s boot it up.” Cryo pressed the power button on the computer, which very quickly turned on. “Alright. The computer turned on. Now to download his files from the base’s backup systems to retrieve his computers downloads, files, games, settings, etc.” Cryo typed on the keyboard with the notes on where to retrieve his files. Typing in the passwords and navigating the database servers, the file were quickly retrieved in less then 15 minutes. “Alright. Looks like its working so far. I thought it would take much longer to retrieve his files. Guess the hard drive is working as intended.” Cryo looked at a gauge placed within the socket on the computer telling of the electrical output. “Computer seems to be running fine, power wise. But now let’s test playing a game for a bit. Games usually use a lot of power and overheat a computer.” Cryo opened a game on the computer and tested it out and played it for a bit, keeping his eye on the gauge. “No overheating. Frames are very good. Things seem to be working very well!” Cryo became a little excited to see the his drive doing extremely well. “Let’s test the command system.”

“Voice command.” “Ready to receive order.” “Open chip drive.” “Opening drive.” The chip drive opened up on the side of the computer. “Close chip drive.” “Closing chip drive.” The chip drive slid back into the computer. “Let’s try another command,” he thought. “Check computer diagnostics for discrepancies.” “Checking computers for problems. Scanning.”

The computer began a scan of its subsystems and quickly stopped. “Problem found. Partial data corruption.” Cryo gave out a sigh and began to think he might have screwed up. “Where is the corruption,” “Data system for 3d modeling program, Monet, has several files that have been corrupted.” “Options?” “Already at work repairing.” “Really?” “Yes. Files will be retrieved from storage and repaired in less then 7 minutes.” “Hmm… Thats a little weird.” He thought for a moment. He decided to dismiss it.

“Any other problems?” The computer continued scanning. “Problem found, slight deficiency with power unit sub system.” “Huh? Problem with… power?” “Yes. Computing resources using slightly more power then expected.” “Really?” Cryo looked at the gauge attached to the computer again and noticed that it was right. The computer spoke again. “Advancements with hard drive have had a slight impact on power subsystems. Solution already found, Adding a distributer to main power unit should suffice and properly regulate power through the subsystems. Replacing the power wire connected to the hard drive with a regulator wire should maximize battery life, while also increasing battery lifespan without causing problems to main cpu unit.” Cryo thought for a moment. “The computer itself could figure out a problem with the power? A solution as well? Even upgrades? My notes did say a power discrepancy, though… it seemed to be just the hard drive, right?” He began to think a bit. “Well… I suppose… I should get on it real quick. Cryo shut down the computer and began to disassemble the back so he could add the distributer and the regulator wire. His mind began to drift a bit.” “The command unit is much more advanced then I thought. Seemed… observant. Almost like it had a personality. Wait a minute…” Cryo turned away for a second. He then turned back with a concerned look. “Did I accidently program an AI?” Cryo became worried at the possibility. He quickly assembled the back on. “I need to look further into this…”

He turned on the computer, which booted up almost immediately. “That was a really quick startup. Even quicker then before… I don’t think that could have been just from the new power unit…” Cryo thought. Cryo began to think of a question to ask the computer.

“Umm… search internet for umm… movies about dragons.” “Searching.” The computer screen quickly opened up to a large list of movies going down. “I never programmed a search program for the internet,” thought Cryo. He began to breath a little more heavily.

“Umm… How are you… feeling?” “Calmed. Feeling good to be of service to you. Excited to help and observe. Prepared for more interaction,” the computer replied. “It could tell me how its feeling. I think it actually has emotions. Oh dear…” Cryo began to sweat a bit. He began to think.

“I think this hard drive has… a mind of its own. That… could be VERY bad,” Cryo began to remember some movies he watched. “It… seems friendly. But… I’ve seen too many movies where an artificial intelligence could go crazy.” Cryo thought for a moment. “Can you… um… answer more… direct questions?” “Go ahead with your questions.” “Ok…” Cryo began to think.” “I better ask VERY carefully. There’s no telling how this could go.” He took in a deep breath and looked towards the screen.

“Umm… what do you think about… uh… Humans?” “Humans have had their problems in the past. They have a tendency to cause problems across one another. But there are many good people in this world. A couple of bad seeds do not make a society as a whole, creator.” “Creator?” replied Cryo. Cryo began to really get nervous.

“Umm… What about… dragons?” “Dragons are smart and clever creatures. Based on old Earth ancient mythology. The fact that a kind and gentle blue water dragon stands before me now means there must have been some truth to those stories. I was created by that very special dragon.” “…It knows about me… It knows I created it… Is it… able to see me with the computers camera?” Cryo gulped, and decided to ask one more question.”

“Umm… Do you… have the possibility of… becoming dangerous or uh… really mad at either humans or dragons and cause serious problems? Your… directly connected to our network and I’m… concerned about what that could entail if something goes wrong…” “Your concern is noted. Do not worry. I would never harm the creator, caretakers, or his buddies. If you would like, I could disconnect myself from the main servers of this installation so that I cannot access without your input. Would you like that?” Cryo thought for a moment. “Umm… Yes please.” “Disconnecting main ai connection from main servers. Adding command input for creator, caretakers, and staff safety. Ai unit will be used on this computer and in assistant devices. Would you like anything else, creator?” “Umm… you do realize this computer is not mine, right?” “Yes. I do know creator. I’ll be ready to be transferred to your own computer when you have one.” “What will happen to the command structure on his?” “It will still function normally.” Diagnostics will still run itself and be able to continue identifying problems. The upgrades to your clients computer will continue to function normally.” “Alright. Uh… Thank you.”

Cryo closed the computer and put it into his clients computer bag with a look of concern on his face. “I hope I didn’t create a monster here. It did say it put a command input to connect to the bases main servers, but I nonetheless worry. Sigh… I guess I’ll just have to monitor things from here.”

Cryo then took his next device to repair. A chip drive movie player. “I need to listen to something calming while I do this now.” Cryo placed down the movie player on his work bench, and raised his magnifying speck over his head. He began to head toward his bed. He picked up his radio and took it back toward the work bench in the back. He was about to say something when it turned on by itself.

“You seem tense, creator. Would you like for me to tune the radio to your favorite type of calming work music?” “…!” Cryo’s eyes shot up! He realized that the AI he programmed had inserted itself in his radio and now probably his TV and other custom items. It might even be connected to EVERY electronic item in the room. Cryo gulped. “Relax, creator. Take a deep breath. Clear your mind. And calm yourself. You have work to do. Let me help ease you into it.” Cryo gave out a sigh. “Alright. Play soft rock.” “Playing Radio station 2.1.1., New Generation Rock Radio.”

Ch 8

Connection Curiosity

Cryo began working to repair the chip drive player as he listened to the soft melody from his radio. “Ok. Notes say… movies are freezing sometimes during movie play. Hmm… Normally I would think its the chip itself that’s the problem, but it says here its happened with multiple movies.” Cryo thought for a moment. Cryo carefully took the chip drive player apart and took a look at the chip reader. “Just as I thought. Looks like the chip drive reader is old and starting to corrode. It will need to be replaced.” Cryo went to his cabinet and went to the section where he keeps different chip drives. He took out a replacement drive, and began to work on installing it. As he worked, some thoughts began to wander in his head.

“That whole story about what happened to Mom. It’s hard to believe how crazy things ended up for her. Hmm…” Cryo scratched his neck a bit and continued to work. “To think a bunch of evil creatures took over our homeworld. Subjected nearly my entire species. Nearly took Mom and… me…” Cryo looked back and saw Tide and Cameron having a small conversation. Cryo turned back to his work. “And to think that most of what was left decided to transform themselves…” Cryo scratched his head next. “Its crazy when you think about it.”

Cryo had finished installing the new chip drive reader and put the chip and put it carefully in place. He began quickly put the movie player back together but leaving the chip drive reader exposed. “Now it just needs a little kick.” Cryo dabbed a tiny bit of his talon in his mouth and dabbed it a bit on the chip drive reader. The small electrical charge in his saliva caused the movie player to power on for a second and then turn off. Cryo then placed its remaining parts back together. Cryo was about to head to get the controller from his tv, when he noticed something strange was happening to it. Suddenly, the tv began to hover up and retract its stand inside itself. The tv began to immediately move towards Cryo’s location, and plugged itself into the the power outlet on the wall above the workbench. It slowly hovered itself back down gently and extended its landing frame. Cryo looked at the tv with disbelief. “It’s defiantly in my tv now…” Cryo thought.

“Ready to test the results of your repair, creator,” the tv spoke. It extended it chip drive reader outward. “Ugh… This is going to take some getting used too…” Cryo placed the chip into the chip drive reader and it immediately closed. “Would you like me to skip all previews and menu’s and immediately play the movie?” “Yes please…” “Playing movie.” After watching a movie for a bit, Cryo was satisfied that it was working perfectly. “Movie drive player is operating normally creator. Good work on a job well done,” a voice echoed from his TV. Taking notice, Cryo decided to give another reply. “Um… Thank you, I guess,” “On to your next project, Creator.”

Cryo took his next item to repair, a Medium flat screen Tv. “Ok notes say… a ball hit the screen of the tv. Screeen kept working, but the graphics on TV goes out sometimes. Ok…” Cryo thought for a moment, and began to carefully take it apart. He looked towards the part connected to the screen and found its problem. “Just as I thought. The screen connector is has been damaged. It needs to be replaced.” Cryo went towards his drawers and took out a replacement part and headed to start repairing it. Cryo began to think again. This time, he began to think about the dreams he’s been having lately.

“Now that I think about things. My dreams. Some of them, had dragons… In some type of advanced armorsuits.” Cryo gave out a look of curiosity, and then one of concern. “The first one was when I was young. Not very long before I was taken. I woke up within my own destroyed town. No idea how it happened. Alone and scared. My house was destroyed. Then they showed up.” Cryo began to sweat a bit. “They said that my family escaped, except Mom… But they were looking for me. They chased me, bound me, and blindfolded me, right before I woke up.” Cryo gave out a sigh.

“The next time I had a dream about them was when I was… paralyzed.” Cryo tilted his head and scratched his neck. “I woke up in a prison. Muzzled and trapped. They came in and tried to blindfold me again. But, I was rescued by… a movie character of all things… Things went dark after that.” Cryo gulped and wiped a bit of sweat off his forehead. “They said that… someone wanted to meet me. But who I wonder? It couldn’t have been anyone friendly. I probably would have ended up just like the others who were subjected. Possibly even worse…” He gulped again and shook his head a bit.

He quickly finished up the TV. After plugging it in, he saw that it was working perfectly and began to box it up to be taken back. “Excellent job once again, creator. You’ve done a good job.” said his radio as the music faded in volume a bit so its mechanical voice could be heard. “Umm… Thanks again?” replied Cryo. He picked up his next project, a cylindrical music drive player.

“Let’s see here… Notes say that it stopped playing music. Hmm…” Cryo turned it on to see if it could power on. “Power seems to be working. Must be something with the sound system itself.” Cryo began to take it apart and looked at the sound systems. “Looks like the speakers has water damage. Short circuited the sound systems. I’ll need to replace the speakers.” Cryo got up and quickly got a replacement sound system and began putting it together. He went to work placing the replacement speakers. He then began to think of his dreams again.

“The next time I saw those dragons was when I had that dream about my Mother, only a little bit after she woke up. That was the first time I actually fought them off.” Cryo began to screw in the final few bolts for the music player back in. After plugging it in and testing it. He saw it was working. He began to box it up to be sent back to its owner. “That dream helped me learn to fight. The dream felt different a bit though. It didn’t feel like it was… connected… to what I had before, so to speak. Its felt like, I had it for a different purpose. My mom woke up soon after. Then the whole mess started with those kidnappers. We got away, but… I had even more dreams while going through the forest.” After boxing it up, his radio spoke up again. “Excellent job creator. Another successful repair. Your client will be pleased.” “Yea… Thanks… I suppose.”

Cryo picked up another item to repair, an Ignition portable gaming console. “Alright notes here say… screen damaged from fall. This one is at least is obvious. Though, I’ll still need to check the other systems to see if anything else is wrong.” Cryo got a replacement screen and began to take the console apart. After looking a bit, he found another problem. “Looks like the image conductor is also damaged. Even if I replace the screen, it still won’t put up an image. it will have to be replaced as well. Cryo grabbed another replacement part, and began to work. His thoughts began to wander again.

“Most of my dreams seemed to be connected to each other. That world I ended up on, with those bugs. I’m sure it is Earth. Albeit different from what I expected it to be. It’s sentient species now seemed to be advanced bugs.” Cryo yawned a bit and continued to work on the console. “I woke up, in an alleyway near some buildings. I was in a crater, my leg was broken. There was an indent in the wall of the building, implying I fell from the sky, knocked into the building, and landed hard on the ground. It would explain why I had a broken leg, along with other injuries. I limped out of the alley, hurting all over, only to be greeted by all of them.” Cryo began to finish up putting the console together and was about to box it up. “They took me and loaded me onto their ship. Thankfully, they began to see I was no threat to them after that Spider, Zeke, began to talk to me. They took me in, treated my injuries, and gave me comfort in an unfamiliar world. But still…”

Cryo had just it finished putting the console back together. After turning it on and playing it a bit, he saw that the power systems were working perfectly and began to box it up to be transported. Cryo gave out a small yawn. “I’m getting a little tired. I should probably take a nap soon. “Good job with another repaired item, creator. Your starting to look tired though. Do you need a nap? I understand you have a tendency to take naps during the day.” He looked toward the radio and took in a deep breath. “Um… I… uh… have enough energy for just one more item.” Cryo replied back.

Cryo went to pick up his last project of the day, a microwave. “Alright… Notes here say, heater is taking much longer to cook items. Hmm…” Cryo began to take it apart and looked heater. “Yep. Internal Heater is shot. Looks like an electrical surge damaged the heater. Probably from one of the storms when I was going through the forest. I need to replace the heat bulbs, heater, and some of the wires.” Cryo quickly got the needed parts and began to repair it. His thoughts drifted again.

“The last time I heard about them, was with my most recent dreams. When I was being transported somewhere else by those bugs. They told me that those… dragons had placed a tracking chip inside my back, and they attacked the base to take me. But I apparently… fought them off and saved several of the bugs warriors that were watching me. Patch as well. Even with my broken leg and fever. Though apparently… I was injured further during the fight.” Cryo gave a small smile and a nod and continued working.

“But that dream shows that both of the types of dreams I had are somehow connected.” He finished up with the microwave. He quickly tested it and confirmed it worked and began to box it up to be safely transported. “Good job creator. Another item perfectly repaired.” “…Umm yea… Let’s… clean up now.” Cryo’s went to work to clean up his workspace and was soon cleaned up and his tools put back. Cryo gave out a big yawn and rubbed his eyes a bit. He looked at the time, which read 11:10 A.M. “Alright. Time for a nice long nap.”

Ch 9

Nap Near Noon

He picked up his radio and moved it on the cabinet next to his bed. Tide and Cameron took notice, and began to walk over. “Are you going to take a nap, Cryo?” asked Tide. “Yea. I’m pretty tired now, Mom. I need some sleep.” “Would you like for me to tuck you in?” Cryo thought for a moment. He smiled back at her and nodded. “Yea. You can tuck me in, Mom.” “Alright, my little boy. Would you like to sleep in a nice, comfy shirt as well?” Cryo thought for a moment. Then he smiled and nodded. Tide gestured Cryo over to her. “Come over here, Cryo. Let’s get something nice and cozy to wear and snuggle up in for your nap.” “Mom… Cameron’s here.” Cameron and Tide smiled at each other and chuckled a bit. “Come on, Cryo.”

She picked up Cryo’s blanket and headed over to the cabinet with his cloths close to his bed. Cryo headed over to her and sat himself over next to the dresser. She placed Cryo’s blanket next to her and began to rummage around a bit in the drawer. She then stopped for a minute and then took out a nice black shirt with the small picture of Cryo huddled up in his bed on the bottom, with a very large thought bubble going above his head. The thought bubble itself had a large picture of Cryo wearing a white space suit and flying through space itself with a small rocket pack attached to his back. The words, “Sleeping within the vastness of space,” were above the picture in an arch and white letters. Tide smiled for a second and turned to Cryo. “Hold up your arms, my little boy.”

Cryo smiled and lifted his arms up and Tide lifted the shirt over Cryo, making sure his wings could extend out the back. She then lifted Cryo and his blanket up and carefully and tightly wrapped him in his blanket. She smiled at Cryo and then carried Cryo to his bed nearby. She rubbed his head a few times and then placed his head on the pillow on his bed. Cryo yawned and smiled, back at Tide. She then gave one more kiss on Cryo’s forehead and stood back up.

“Alright, Cryo. Me and Cameron will leave you alone to get some sleep.” “Have a good nap, Cryo. Why don’t we go outside for a bit, Tide,” said Cameron. They both headed to the door, turned the lights off, and closed the shutters on his large window at the side of the room, and left so Cryo could sleep peacefully. Cryo yawned again and rubbed his eyes. “Alright. Time for some well needed rest.” Cryo huddled even tighter in his blanket, and began to settle down. “Would you like for me to play soothing bedtime music?” said the radio. Cryo looked at the radio, with a slightly worried look in his eyes. He took in a deep breath to try and relax. “Y… Yes please…” replied Cryo. “Now playing Naptunes Channel.” The radio dj came on the speakers. “Greetings fellow snoozers. This next song is new and was inspired by a dream of a battle against the cold and dark. A song giving a sense of hope against impossible odds. We’re now playing, Bittercold Breakthrough.” A soft yet quick, soothing tempo played from the radio. The melody ringed into Cryo’s ears as his eyes began to fall to the dark. He gave one last yawn and slowly closed his eyes and fell into a deep slumber. “Radio off.”

Ch 10

Another Awakening

Cryo slowly opened his eyes and yawned. He saw he was somewhere else again. He saw he was nestled carefully on a rather low to the ground bed against the back wall of a mid sized room. The bed had a calming blue frame made to look like a large adult blue dragon on its back. There also was a smiling dragons head right above where Cryo was sleeping connected directly to the wall, high enough so there wasn’t a chance for Cryo to hit his head standing up on it. His head was laying on a soft blue pillow, with calming water pattern on it. The back corners supporting the bed looked like back dragon paws facing up and curved forward a bit. A very soft dark blue blanket was over him, with the picture of what seemed to be him, flying through the air and seemingly about to blast a stream of ice from his mouth, within a circular black frame. Around the picture seemed to be smaller insignia of different bugs in black frames on other parts of the blanket. As he looked at how the blanket was tucked into his bed, he felt like it looked kind of like a pouch, like on a hopper (an evolved kangaroo back on Cyriss). It felt a bit strange to him, as mother dragon’s didn’t have pouches as far as he knew. He began to look around the room.

The room itself was well lit, with the sun beaming down from a wide window to the left of the room. Outside the window, Cryo saw the room he was in was on an upper floor of the building, with a large view of VERY tall and expansive forest within a rocky, mountainous region. The view of the outside was soothing to Cryo’s eyes, and he began to lay back in the bed a bit and relax a bit more. The walls were painted with dragons and bugs working together throughout the room. The front wall in the room had the same picture of Cryo as the blanket.

Toward the far left corner of the room was a medium round table with 4 chairs surrounding it. The chairs were metal blue chairs, with a cushion on top with the picture of different types of bugs, cutting through different colored backgrounds. 1 chair was raised a bit more then the other 3 toward the table, and was wider also. It’s cushion showed what appeared to be Cryo’s head, cutting through the blue background on it. Cryo thought he could see his name, printed at the top of the seat. The top of the table had a pattern resembling blue water with waves and the stand seemed to looked a bit like there was cold blue water running through it.

Next to Cryo’s bed on the right was a small cabinet that resembled a blue dragon’s body sitting down, with a drawer directly where its dark blue belly was. On top of it was a small lamp looking like a dragons head and neck looking up. The cover was above the head and looking similar to a fountain of clear water coming out of the dragons mouth. In front of the lamp, was a tray of different foods and a drink on top, clearly meant for him. A little ways away from the cabinet, was a small screen on a stand. Upon closer inspection, it looked like the screen was connected to a portable stand on wheels.

He looked further right, and saw a see through closet that seemed to have different sets of cloths. Looking more closely, it looked like the cloths in there were made specifically for him. Hanging in front of the closet though, seemed to be some type of full body shiny black bodysuit with black wings extending out of its back, seemingly for the suit to be able to cover Cryo’s wings up while wearing it. The suit looked like to have very advanced technology running throughout it. Cryo thought it looked pretty cool, but wondered what it could be used for. There was a mirror attached to the left sliding door of the closet, lower the the ground. Cryo could see his reflection in it, and saw that there was a few bandages wrapped around the top of his head still. He also saw a few wrapped around his upper arms in a few places as well. To the right corner, against the wall next to the closet, was a large bookshelf containing many different books. Some seemed to be different storybooks. Others seem to be about different types of mechanical engineering. Some were even based on combat and tactics. The entrance to the room was further down on the right with a metal sliding door.

“Hmm… I’m back here again. I don’t see anyone in my room right now. Looks like they’ve been pretty busy since I last “woke up,” here. I can imagine I’m probably still being watched over though,” he thought. Cryo began to pick himself up from his bed, when his back right leg felt a sharp pain. “Ughh… I keep forgetting about my leg here. Probably should have remembered right as I saw myself in the mirror. That last dream, I was pretty beat up…” he thought.

Cryo lifted the covers on his bed a bit to look at his right leg. He saw it was in a cast seemingly made of really soft yet very sturdy pitch black webbing, and saw that several names were written on it in Cyan with many different messages from the creature’s he’s met here. He also saw many messages thanking the young dragon for saving them, saving their friends and messages giving him support in getting better. He recognized several of the names, including Zeke and Patch’s name. Zeke’s message read “Hope you like this cast. Thank you for saving my friends. You’ll be better soon enough. Zeke.” Cryo looked at Patch’s message. “I’ll be sure to take very special care of my very special patient. You’ll be walking again soon enough. Patch.” There was one from Flare the centipede, that said “I hope your feeling better. Had to give you a bit of an energy boost during the surgery. You’ll be fired up with my energy. Feel better soon, little blue buddy. Flare.” Flare’s message confused Cryo a bit. But then, Cryo gave a small smile. He looked at one final message on his cast. “Hope you like the arrangements I made for you living quarters. I hope you’ll be able to find it a home away from home. We’ll get you back home. Until then, rest up, and live to fight another day. Sereph Stringer.” “Looks like I have a lot of bugs supporting me and my recovery. Feels… good.”

He looked at his left leg for a bit and saw a few bandages going across around it as well. “I don’t seem to have as many injuries as I had before I arrived here. I looked like a mummy from some of the stories I was read to before bedtime when I was a hatchling. I did find those stories about incredibly ancient human culture to be pretty fun. Can’t imagine how someone would react to a dragon mummy,” he thought. He smiled and chuckled a bit and put the blanket back down and carefully positioned himself to lean up on the bed to look around further. He began to take a closer look at the tray of food, but then he realized he was wearing a few cloths.

He had a dark blue shirt on with the picture of what appeared to be him, standing heroically with his right paw in a fist and held forward in some type of full body metal armor suit on a tall building with the background containing a large group of rolling hills and the sky at night on the front. The armor seemed to have a few features that seemed… strange.

“This armor in the shirt looks pretty cool. I think that’s supposed to be me on it. I kind of look like a bug dragon hybrid. The armor is a nice Cyan. The visor has a nice shade of dark blue, though it looks a bit strange with the visors texture. The visor looks… bumpy, I suppose. Looks like it extends all the way across the helmet to both eyes. My wings in it seem to be white and a little ridged, similar to a fruit fly back home. The top of my wings seem to also be silver. I think I can see a small silver rocket engine or something similar attached to the end of the top of the wings. Is that safe? Hmm… It looks like the armor has pinchers across where the mouth is. A bit odd… I can see a dark purple mouth on the suit as well. It also seems to have metal grating lining it. Is it just to speak out of? Or maybe its a filter to allow me to breath in more hazardous environments, similar to a gas mask? Or maybe… it allows me to breath ice or water somehow out of it? The back of the armor seems to have some type of inner compartment with silver colored metal on it. How would I get it open and what’s inside I wonder? Maybe some type of weapon? Non lethal I hope if that’s the case. Hmm… Looks like there is something else on top of my front paw near the wrist. Looks like something that can shoot. Maybe another weapon? Or maybe a grappling hook? Looks like it also comes from a small compartment within the suit as well. I can see I also have some dark blue antenna on top of my head. Is it some sort of comms device for the suit? Or maybe something that could detect enemies close by me, like a radar perhaps? Despite some of the strange qualities, I really like the look.” Cryo smiled and took in a breath.

Cryo twisted himself a bit to look at the back of the shirt. He saw it had the symbol again, like in the front of the room and on his bed. Above it, a set of words read. “Cryo, Dragon force trainee.” Cryo lifted up his shirt a bit to see if he had injuries on his body from the previous dream. He saw that his body had been bandaged up in a few more places, but nowhere near as much as before. He put his shirt back down, and saw the warm scarf around his neck. He saw that the scarf was dark blue with a cyan webbing pattern on it. As Cryo felt around the material of the scarf a bit, he noticed that on his paws, were a set of fingerless black gloves and socks fitted carefully around his talons. “These cloths look pretty nice on me, I must admit. Feel really warm and comfy too. I wonder why it says “Dragon force trainee,” on the back.” Cryo scratched his head with his talons a bit and looked back toward the food. “Well. Let’s see what they made me this time.” Cryo carefully maneuvered himself to pick up the tray of food. He took the tray and placed it carefully on his bed. He took a close look at the food.

Cryo saw it had grilled, brown meat with black streaks between two buns, with a green leafy substance, a red chopped circular veggie, a couple of small green chopped veggies, all piled in a bun. “This resembles a Zurburger, but the meat and ingredients seem to be different.” Cryo then looked toward the next item. He saw a plate of diced, brown sticks. They were salted and seemed to be fried. “These resemble a bit like the hash brown I ate with them earlier. Maybe the are made of the same vegetable?” Cryo looked at his drink, and saw it had a orange, fizzy liquid in it. “This must be a different flavor of soda, I guess.” Cryo took a sip, and it tasted very sweetened. “This is much more sweeter then the lemon lime soda I drank before. A little bit more fizzy too.” Cryo put the cup down and took a look at the last item. This last one was more familiar to him. It was chocolate cookies, with white chips baked within it. “Guess not all the food in this world is different then from my own home. Though I’ve never seen a cookie made with chocolate dough though. And these chips on top are white, not brown. Is this chocolate too? Hmm…” Cryo sniffed his food to get a sense of the smell. “Smells pretty good. Well. Let’s dig in.” Cryo began to eat his meal.

He started with the sandwich. It tasted of sweetened grilled perfection with a hint of sour in it. Soon it was scarfed down. “That was pretty good. I wonder what meat that was?” Cryo then turned toward the golden brown sticks. Taking a small bite, he tasted fried salty goodness with a dry taste. “That was pretty good too.” Cryo took a sip of his drink and looked toward his dessert. “Time for some sweets!” Cryo took a bite out of the chocolaty cookie. The sweetened blend of the chocolate and the white chips filled Cryo’s mouth. The sweets made Cryo smile as he he took several bites. Soon the cookies were gone and Cryo’s belly was satisfied. “That was good stuff. I may be somewhere far from home, but at least the food doesn’t disappoint.” Cryo patted his belly with satisfaction, when he heard the sliding doors to his room open. Cryo looked towards the door and saw three familiar faces walking in.

Ch 11

Medical Minds

“It’s good to see you awake, Cryo.” said Zeke. “Yes. You seem to be recovering quite quickly,” said Stinger Spider. “Yes. The fever seems to have dissipated and your leg is already showing signs of recovery,” said Patch. “Thanks. I’m feeling a lot better then what I was before,” said Cryo. The three walked towards the table and grabbed the smaller chairs around the table and headed towards the bed. They sat down right next to him. “That’s good to hear Cryo. Do you like your living quarters?” asked Zeke. “Yea. It seems pretty comfy.” “Good. I see you’ve devoured your consumables.” said Stinger Spider. “Yea. That stuff was pretty good. Though, the only item I was familiar with was the cookies. Although I’ve never seen one with chocolate dough and white chocolate chips before.” Stinger Spider took the opportunity to explain it to Cryo.

“The sandwich you ate was a grilled Chitan with lettuce, tomato, and pickle.” “What’s are those?” “Chitan is a type of domesticated bird meat. We grilled it with a blend of different spices and flavoring. Lettice was the green leaf and tomato are the red vegetable. They are home grown nearby on a farm outside of this forest base and pair nicely with it. Pickles are a fermented cucumber that gives a bitter flavor.” “They defiantly taste good.” Cryo began to think for a moment. “They’re grown outside? I wouldn’t think the forest would be a good place to have a farm with the trees blocking the sun nearby. Especially if it could attract some attention from air vehicles.” “That would be the case normally, but a few clever tricks and that’s nowhere near as problematic.” Stinger Spider gave a small chuckle. “The farms outside have mirrors programmed to tilt and reflect the suns light upon the farm, allowing sunlight to continue to reach plants during the day, regardless of the tree cover. And the mirrors themselves are carefully positioned to reflect the trees surrounding it. It just looks like a forest canopy from the air. Clever. Right my scaley friend?” Cryo was tilted his head in interest and nodded. “Alright. Go on.”

“The golden fried sticks were fries. They were made by cutting potatoes into sticks and then fried to a golden brown and salted. “Reminds me of the taters back home,” thought Cryo.” Cryo smiled and nodded his head.

“The cookies were a blend of powdered chocolate mixed with cookie dough. It causes the cookie to mix with it and then will result in a very chocolaty cookie. The white chips are made of cocoa butter, milk, sugar, and vanilla blend. It blends together to create a white vanilla chip as you have seen.” “Is it chocolate?” “No actually. It may be made of cocoa butter, but its not made with a common ingredient of chocolate, ground cocoa beans. Ironically, the texts we found that taught us how to make it listed it as “white chocolate.” A bit strange since its not actually made of cocoa beans.” Cryo began to scratch his chin in interest. “How do you make it?” Zeke explained the process to Cryo on how to make the sweet treat. Cryo noted the recipe in his mind and nodded.

“Do those clothes feel good on you Cryo?” asked Zeke. “Yea. It feels really comfy. Doesn’t feel like its made of cotton or wool or any of the stuff I’ve worn before though,” replied Cryo. “Its spun with a combination of soft and sturdy spider string silk, mixed with a plant based silk known as Wick, and finally spun together carefully. The combination makes it very soft an resistant to tear, while the spider silk also offers a little bit of protection from hard impacts and some small arms.” replied Zeke. Cryo thought about it, and gave a smile. They smiled and nodded back.

“Cryo. If you don’t mind, can I take your vitals?” asked Patch “Oh. Yea. Go ahead Patch.” said Cryo. “Thank you. Now then. Please let me put this on you, Cryo. It’ll measure your pulse and heart rate.” He took out what appeared to be a small device similar to a comm band with a clip from a small toolkit he brought in the room with him.

“What is that, Patch?” “It’s an electronic heart rate monitor. It will give us information of your heart rate and pulse. It’s connected to this screen right here next to your bed. It’ll display your vitals on the screen. It just needs to be attached to your arm. We had a slight accident with it earlier today. Caused a malfunction” “Malfunction?” “Yes. One of my assistant medical staff had not wrapped it tight enough around your arm. It slipped off your arm and fell onto the floor as we were moving you in a medical bed to your new room during the night. Wouldn’t turn on. But when we were trying to fix it, something quite strange happened.”

“Really? What happened?” “We took it with us to your room to try and see if we could get it to work there. At the time, you still had a bit of a fever and were still asleep, and we had already placed you in the bed with your new cloths to sleep in comfily. But as we were fiddling with it, well… um… you began to salivate from your mouth onto your bed a bit. We took a vile from my toolkit so we could take another small sample of your saliva to see if you might be sick with something else. But while we were collecting the sample, the vile nearly slipped from one of my assistants hands. He caught it, but a bit of your saliva from the vile managed to fly off and onto the monitor. We thought it would end up short circuiting it.

To our surprise, it immediately powered on, and seemed to now be working properly. We didn’t know how it happened. After we got you fully settled in, we took the device to the science division of the base. They couldn’t figure out how it turned back on. After some testing through the rest of the night, they confirmed it was working perfectly and it was safe to put it back on your arm. That wasn’t actually that long ago when this item was cleared for use. We were coming back to put it back on your arm.” Cryo thought for a moment. He then smiled and nodded.

“Now just relax Cryo. Try to breath slowly. It will just take a moment to get it,” said Patch. Cryo obliged and began to lay back in his bed and breath slowly. He lifted his arm up towards his doctor. Patch carefully and gently lifted Cryo’s arm up to him and strapped the heart rate monitor to it. He then gently placed his arm comfortably back on the bed. “This doesn’t feel too heavy or bulky. It feels like the heart rate monitor I had on the swim trip. I don’t think I’ll have any trouble wearing this while I’m here,” thought Cryo. After a few moments, he heard low beeps coming from the device. Cryo lifted himself up from his bed and turned to the right which showed the screen next to his bed turning on. “Alright. The device will record your heart rate and connect the data to this terminal. “Just wait a few moments while the device begins to monitor your heart rate.” Cryo nodded and looked back towards Patch and the others.

“I guess my saliva must have powered the device,” said Cryo. “You think your saliva fixed it?” asked Stinger Spider. “Yea. My saliva contains a small electric charge. It’s actually been quite useful when I repaired items back on Cyriss.” “Really? That’s interesting. When we looked at the saliva in testing, we didn’t find an electrical charge in it.” “Trust me. Its there.” “Well then. I suppose that explains why it started working again. It got a “kick start,” I guess you could say,” said Zeke. Cryo chuckled a bit and nodded. “Alright, looks like the connection is complete,” said Patch. Everyone turned their heads towards the monitor to see.

“Alright. Let’s see…” said Patch. He paused for a moment. “Heart rate is currently 115 beats per minute. “That sounds about normal for me, Patch. My heart rate is typically 110-130 beats per minute. “Seems your stable. That’s good after coming out of surgery.” “Surgery? “That’s right. We just had to remove the rest of shrapnel from your body. You also needed a boost in elemental energy after the operation.” “A… boost in elemental energy?” “That’s right. It seemed the fight back at the base in your condition had caused the energies from inside your body to lower to dangerous levels. Thankfully, we had someone donate energy to you to stabilize you again.” “Really? Who donated?” Patch smiled at Cryo. “Why… Its one of the very bugs you saved when those nasty dragons attacked. Flare donated the much needed elemental energy.” “Really?” “That’s right. He was very glad to after you saved his life.” “I’m surprised he’s not here as well.” “Oh… He’ll be back later. He wanted to… get something for later.” “What was it?” “Oh… I think you’ll find out whenever he gets back.” Cryo wondered what it could be and nodded. He began to wonder something. “How long have I been out, Patch?” You’ve been out for a little bit more then about entire day and a half.” Cryo looked at near the top of his arm and saw bandages where an iv would be placed. “I guess I was sedated for quite a long time. Guess it explains how they got this entire room ready for me before I woke up.” Cryo thought. He nodded back to his friends.

“Now then. If you don’t mind Cryo, can I start changing your bandages on your body? You can continue your conversation with the others while I’m taking care of that.” “Oh yea. That’s fine Patch.” “Good. Now pick yourself up a bit on the bed and I’ll get started.” “Alright. Thanks. “Cryo began to carefully pick his body up to be sitting forward on the bed. Soon, he was in position. “Would you take off your shirt, Cryo?” “Oh yea. Hang on, Patch. Cryo leaned back up for a second and roll his nice shirt up, over his head and placed it to the side of his bed. “Good. Now just relax, Cryo.” Cryo nodded and breathed slowly again, and Patch and reached into his medical bag and took out a roll of bandages. “I noticed the bandages here look a bit fuzzy.” said Cryo. “This is spider string silk, spun together and dipped in medical and cleaning solvents. It’s excellent for wounds and such. Its done quite a bit of wonders on your body already. Now then. Just relax while I get you patched up, Cryo.” “Alright. Thanks Patch.” He began to change Cryo’s bandages as he slowed his breathing and relaxed on his bed. Patch turned to Stinger Spider and Zeke for a second. “You can continue your conversation while I’m helping our patient here. We haven’t even got to the more, amazing discoveries.” “Huh?” Cryo said. They both nodded and smiled at Patch, and then looked back at Cryo.

Ch 12

Interesting items

“You see Cryo, we found some cloths near where you fell after cleaning up the scene,” Stinger Spider said. “You found other cloths?” “Yes. We think, you were wearing them.” “I was?” “Yes. We found them attached to a flag that broke off from the wall. We think that you had hit the wall of the building and as you bounced off it, you got caught on the flag, slipped out of the cloths and hit the ground hard. The flag itself broke off with the cloths caught on it. They were relatively your size. But the funny thing is, they had suffered very little tear from them…” “Wait… What?” “I understand that your currently having a minor case of amnesia. But the cloths we found were… well, something we’ve never experienced before.” “…What do you mean?”

“Well… The cloths found seemed to be a silver coat and what looked a bit like a scarf. Albeit, a scarf that a group called, “cowboys,” used to wear.” “Umm… Ok then.” “Here’s the thing. The cloths we found were some of the most advanced pieces of clothing gear we’ve ever seen.” “Wait… What does that mean?” “It was made with some… strange materials. “What type? “We have no idea. We brought them to a lab to test them and well… It had some strange quirks to them.” “What type of “quirks.”” “There was… something mixed into the fabrics. Something very strong. Something strong enough to prevent tear, even from the fall, or getting caught on the flag with you still in them. It took us some strong tools to even get a strand off of it. Yet despite this resistance, it felt softer then any known fabric here. After some testing, we realized it seemed to have some strange quality’s.” “What type of quality’s?” “They reacted to the elements.” “They… reacted to the elements?” “Yes. They would seemingly prevent nearly all forms of water from connecting. It kept the wearer dry no matter what weather it was. But more importantly, it would react to the heat as well. It seemed to be able to cool off the wearer off when exposed to heat. It meant it could be worn on very hot days as well. The scientist’s here theorized that it actually might even be possible that the protection is enough to keep the wearer at a good temperature in EXTREMELY hot or cold environments. It could even be possible to keep the wearer safe in toxic and hazardous environments. Though the wearer, in your case, would probably still need to be covered up fully in such extremes… It was nothing like we ever seen. We tried to see what the cloths were made of, but we couldn’t identify any of the exotic materials added to it.

“This… This… sounds similar to the cloths Greg used to make for me. Albeit… a little more extreme, maybe,” said Cryo. “Greg? Your adopted father?” asked Stinger Spider “Yea. He used to make this type of clothing for me. Though, I’m not sure if they were capable of such extremes to be honest.” “Do you know what he did?” “I… only remember a little of it. He combined some type of chemical compound, soulfire petals from Cyriss, and waterproof fabrics to make them. “What chemical was it?” “I… don’t remember actually. I just know it was some type of chemical.” Zeke and stinger spider looked at each other and nodded. “Strange. I haven’t had any like this since I was taken. Or maybe I hadn’t noticed… I came here wearing that? I don’t remember that with the dreams before…” thought Cryo. “We haven’t really tested it too much, as we didn’t want to possibly study or dismantle something of yours further without your permission, but we think it might be strong enough to resist some stronger weapons as well. Possibly even some explosives. In fact, I believe these cloths themselves had taken most of the impact when you fell from the sky and hit the building,” said Stinger Spider. “Really?” “Yes. This could possibly explain why your body didn’t suffer much worse damage from the fall. In fact, its entirely possible that you survived the fall itself just because you wore these.” “Wait… Really?” They both nodded. “This is something we’ve never seen before,” said Zeke. “That’s weird. I never thought that Greg’s cloths could do this.” They nodded to Cryo, and Cryo nodded back. But then their expressions seemed to show extreme confusion. “And the cowboy scarf… Well… It is REALLY bizarre.” said Zeke.

“What do you mean?” “Here’s the thing with it. It had similar attributes to coat, except FAR MORE superior.” said Stinger Spider. “Umm… Really?” “Yes. We couldn’t even remove a single strand from it. It was so well put together, and so strong, not even a small cutting laser could even take off a small strand for closer inspection.” Cryo’s eyes shot up. Stinger Spider continued. “Not only that, but somehow, someway, there is a strange energy signature coming off of it. A rather strong one. It’s not dangerous as far as I could tell, but even then… How is it possible that this one cowboy scarf is giving off an energy signature, despite having no technology added to it at all? How is it something so small so ridiculously tough, it can take a laser beam like its nothing, and yet its silk is softer, silkier, even cleaner, then virtually any known type of silk? This one little scarf literally doesn’t conform at all to laws of nature. Possibly even reality. This scarf is beyond any rig armor we’ve ever made. And it was with you when you arrived here.

Zeke leaned forward in the seat to speak next. “Whoever gave you this, whether its the people the research center, your old home, or even elsewhere, must have really cared for you. Giving you such items like this is nothing short of being truly loved by the people at your home. They gave you things that could save your life. Possibly even survive in dangerous areas. With the impact… I think you have an idea.” “…” Cryo gave a look of absolute disbelief hearing these things. “How is this possible? They’re right. There’s no possible way ANY type of clothing can do this. This really does just break reality… Cryo thought for a moment. “Maybe… this is some type of advanced prototype cloths created back at the military section perhaps. Maybe they… prepared it for me. But why? Did they know… I’d be taken?” He looked back at the two and nodded. They nodded back. “Perhaps you might regain your full memory on how to make them. We’ve never heard of soulfire flowers before. Do you think they’re native only to your world? “I’m not really sure.” “Well, in the mean time, why don’t we get back to another topic,” said Zeke

“If you don’t mind me asking, Cryo, but could you tell us a bit more about your life with the Humans? You last left off at when you were about to go on an important ocean trip.” “Yea. I can tell you a bit. You see…” Cryo spent hours telling them about the attempted kidnapping on the swim trip, the paralysis, his mothers awakening, the actual kidnapping, and his time going through the forest, and his return home. Stinger Spider seem to have been taking notes on a digital device as Cryo gave his story.

“And soon after walking back through the forest, me and mom were finally found and rescued by Ty and the others and brought home. That’s… the last thing I remember right now…” They both nodded and smiled at Cryo.” That is very impressive, Cryo. To think you went through all of that chaos. I must say, you seem to be quite a resourceful little dragon,” said Stinger Spider. “Yea. I probably wouldn’t have thought of some of the tricks you used to escape your pursuers,” said Zeke. Zeke thought for a moment, and then looked back at Cryo with a concerned look. “Do you know what has become of Tide? Do you know if she was taken, like you?” Cryo frowned a bit and tilted his head down. “I… think she might have been. I’m… worried about her, but I don’t really know what happened to her. Or if she really was taken from home.” Stinger spider and Zeke looked at each other and nodded. “We’ll keep an eye out for her. If she’s in danger, we’ll do anything to help her. It’s the least we can do for you.” Zeke put his upper right hand on Cryo’s shoulder and then patted his stomach a few times with his lower right hand. He gave a smile and a nod. Cryo smiled and nodded and looked back at his shirt again.

Ch 13

Rare Recruits

“Hey. Why does my shirt say “Dragon Force Trainee,” on the back?” asked Cryo. The two looked at each other and nodded. “If you wouldn’t mind, Cryo, we would like to train you here, when your leg gets better,” said Stinger Spider. “Train me?” “Yes. While you have had a good amount of success in the field on your own, I think you might be able to do more.” “More?” “Yes. Since you’ve arrived, we’ve had several attacks from the invading force in multiple places. Our forces believe they must be still specifically looking for you. We need help, as their attacks are only getting worse.” Cryo gave a look of concern and looked back at them. “Whatever they want from you, they want it more then anything, but its not been all bad.” “It… hasn’t?” “No. Your not the only dragon we found.”

“Huh? I’m not!?” “No. There have been others who were discovered. All about you age. They’re here as well. We’ve come to the conclusion that they are all being hunted by the others. You however, have showed the most promise out of all of them. The enemy seems to be VERY interested in you particularly for some reason. The clothing you wore might be the reason. We think that maybe if you we’re trained up a bit more, you could possibly lead the other young dragons in a possible counterattack and discover what they really want with all of you. From what you told us, you are both resourceful and strong. With your help, we might be able to beat them back with the others and perhaps discover what happened and how you ended up here. And maybe. Just maybe… we might be able to get you back home where you belong. So. Will you help us?”

Cryo closed his eyes slowly, and gave a nod. “I will. I’ll help you stop them.” “Thank you Cryo. But that will be for another time. We need you to heal first,” said Stinger Spider. Patch had just finished wrapping Cryo’s wounds up. “There you go, little guy. All patched up,” said Patch. “Thanks, Patch. I feel better.” Cryo smiled at Patch and he nodded and patted Cryo’s belly a few times. Cryo turned back to the others. “When your leg is better. we’ll get started with you and the others,” said Zeke. “Alright. Thanks guys.” “Your welcome Cryo.” Cryo gave out a small yawn and looked towards his friends. “I’m getting a little tired. Can I get some time to sleep?” “Sure, Cryo. Let me just set your custom radio to something soothing.” “Custom radio?” Zeke gave a smile and reached above Cryo. As Cryo looked up, he saw dragon head above his bed was the actual radio, with the knobs looking like medium sized dragon paws below and the speaker being in the mouth. After turning a dragon paws and switches a bit, a soothing music played and ringed through Cryo’s ears. Like a dragon lullaby… “Have a good nap, Cryo,” said Zeke. They left the room as Cryo gave out another yawn as his eyes grew dark.

Cryo’s vision began to see a dark area. A low light beamed above, from a sun covered by the moon. The ground below was a dark, black sand, and in the distance, was the sight of water in a deep red, like the water at dusk. As he looked upon the vast ocean view, he felt a presence coming from behind him. He turned around slowly, and began to see a figure in the dark drawing closer. He saw it the black dragon he saw once before. “Ahhh… my boy. Quite a promising individual, aren’t you.” “Servant…” thought Cryo. Cryo tried to speak, but for some reason, no words would come out. “You become quite a survivor, haven’t you?” Cryo watched as he started to pace around him in his vision.

“You’ve been watching the shape of things to come, my son.” “Son!” thought Cryo as his eyes shot up. “Yes. I’m sure this is quite a shock to learn for my little boy.” He stopped pacing around Cryo and sat himself a little bit away from him in the front. He looked down, making eye contact with Cryo, and closed his eyes. His head dipped down with a solemn look on his face as his eyes slowly opened. “Our lives we’re split from each other from the views of me and your mother. I gave my body for a chance to start anew, in another. Your mother, couldn’t bear to leave you to such a fate, or worse…” He opened his eyes and nodded. “If things were not so dire from where we came from, perhaps I would have chosen better. Perhaps, I would still… be with her and you.” He breathed in a heavy sigh and looked back at Cryo. “Yet, here we are.” He approached Cryo and looked upon him, with soft eyes. “Our futures is intertwined, my son. The visions you’ve seen, are as far as I could foresee. I can’t see any further. Only after your with me, can I see further again, perhaps. You will arrive, my son. And I’ll be waiting for you.” He began to walk away, and looked upon Cryo one last time. “I will look forward to the day when I can look upon you myself. Perhaps, we can prevent a dark future for both our worlds. Goodbye, Cryo. Stay strong, my son. Stay strong.” He disappeared in a over a flash of dark energy and then Cryo’s vision grew dark again.

Ch 14

Poems, Problems, and Promise

Cryo slowly opened his eyes and looked around the room. He was back in his room. He saw he was alone. He yawned and picked himself up, and shook his blanket off. He looked at his radio, which read 3:39 P.M. “This… This dream…” Cryo gave a look of concern and nodded. “If this really is the future… I’ll… need to be ready.” Cryo looked towards the door and began to think. “Should I… tell the others?” Cryo began to think. “The only one who might believe me is Mom… perhaps. Everyone else might think I’m becoming a little delusional from the recent events.” Cryo picked himself up, tilted his head down, and began to head towards the door to his room. “Maybe I should at least talk to Mom. Maybe she could tell me about…” Cryo began to give a look of concern. “…about Dad.” Cryo picked his head up and as he was about to open the door, when Tide opened it and looked at Cryo.

“Oh… Hi Cryo. I didn’t know you were awake.” “Umm… yea Mom. Where’s Cameron?” “Ty wanted him to come back with him for a bit.” Tide looked back at Cryo and saw he was looking uneasy. “What’s the matter Cryo? You seem a little tense.” “Umm…” Cryo began to think for a moment. “Umm… Mom. Could you… tell me about… Dad?” Tide looked at Cryo with a solemn look. “You want to know about your father?” “Yea mom. I’ve… been thinking about it, and… is there any chance you could tell me more about him?” Tide looked at Cryo and nodded. “I can my son. Though… It’s not the happiest tale.” “I can manage, Mom.” “Alright son. Let’s get you somewhere comfortable.”

Tide picked up Cryo with her left arm and carried him over to a bean bag at the window in the room and carefully laid him down on his left side on it. She pulled the shades up and the light of the sun began to beam into the room again. She rubbed Cryo’s head a bit and then sat herself down beside him. “Your Dad was a Black Lunar dragon named… Servant.” Cryo nodded with that confirmation. “I met your father when he was sent to… well… protect their… investments with my research. He was sent in with a group of military dragons to keep an eye on progress and… me. In fact, He was one of the highest ranking and decorated dragons there, and directly served under the main commander of the unit. I heard he had performed quite exponentially with the operations he had been involved in. I heard that he even was a hero in the war,” Cryo began to feel a little bit uneasy with what Tide might say next about his dad. “At the time, I had began to have second thoughts about helping the others in the dragon war council with what was going on. I was beginning to suspect that something about the war was amiss. But something very strange began to happen as he was sent to watch over me.” “Strange?” “Yes. It seemed… a change began to happen over him. He became, well, smitten with me.”

“He fell in love with you?” “Yes. When your father first looked at me, he seemed… very nervous.” “Nervous?” “Yes. A day later, he introduced himself to me and well… walked away.” Cryo began to chuckle a bit. “Dad didn’t seem like the type to get nervous when he’s been contacting me in my visions. Mom must have been quite special to him.” He smiled back toward Tide, who began rub Cryo’s head a bit. “Every day after, when I woke up, I would find a poem in my room.” “He wrote poetry to you?” “Yes. I didn’t know it was him at the time. His poems were quite nice and calming. Considering my situation at the time, it felt nice to think that someone wasn’t just there to watch over my research.” “Do you have any of them, Mom?” “Yes, actually. I wrote all of them in my research journal, containing my research notes and the poems your father wrote to me. Reading them at hard times kept me going when I felt I couldn’t. I’ve kept it since I started working on the original portal. When I came here, I kept that journal with me. I still have it.” “Can I read one?” “Unfortunately, the journal is written in a different language. Dragon runes.” “Dragon runes?” “Yes it was the written language of our home world. If you want, I can read you one of them.” Cryo considered whether Tide could teach him at some point about his home worlds written language or not. He decided to ask later. “Yea. Read me one Mom.”

Tide went to the small cabinet next to her bed and took out a small journal with a small, metal lock on top. She placed her paw over the lock which then the lock released. She came back over to Cryo and sat beside him again. She opened it up and rummaged through a few pages and then stopped. She smiled and began to read the poem in a soft tone

In the day the sky gives a nice blue hue

And each day I stay, I always see you

As my heart beats fast, I might lose my cool

Your blue as the sky, as you soar so high

Your heart burns bright, like the sun in the sky

As you pick up your wings and start to fly

Tide closed her book and set in on the ground nearby. Cryo was impressed by the simple poem. He could tell it was packed with emotion. “What do you think, son?” “Pretty nice, mom. Dad made one of these for you every day?” “Yes. I loved waking up every morning and finding calming poem attached to my door.” Tide began to scratch Cryo’s belly. Cryo began to feel more relaxed as she continued on with her story. “Over time your father began to have the courage to occasionally strike up conversations with me. They were short, but he seemed to very much enjoy talking to me, as you can probably guess. We’d talk about our lives, our interests, how we were brought up, and our line of work. It felt nice being able to chat with someone while I worked. I remember very fondly of something very special your father gave me during the holiday season.

“Holiday season? Like Christmas?” Tide chuckled a bit. “Well, you see Cryo, there was a special time in our world, my son. A special year in our world that happened every 12 years on our world. Every twelfth year, on our world, was marked as the Year of the dragon.” “Year of the dragon?” “Yes. This year is a very special time for dragons, as its during this time that dragons celebrate bringing new life into the world. “New life? Like… dragon hatchlings?” “That’s right. It’s not really known why, but dragons cannot bring in new hatchlings unless its during the year of the dragon. As such, this year is incredibly important. This year is celebrated with many different festivals throughout the entire world at different times during the year. There is bountiful food, masks made of precious materials, celebrations of life and loved ones, and for dragons to… well… I think you can guess what it is, my baby boy.” Cryo thought this time sounded a bit fun. “Each dragon city would chose just one week during the year to hold a festival for their city to celebrate the tradition.”

Tide stopped scratching Cryo’s belly and began to stroke his head. She continued with her story. “It was about a few months before the end of the year. The dragons in the facility were going to celebrate it with a large party. But… the commander… cancelled the celebration. He wanted all focus to be on the portal project, and considered the year of the dragon to be irrelevant, compared to how important to project was. This hit me very hard in particular. I think I remember crying that night, considering how important this holiday is to dragons. But it seems your father had heard me crying that night in my bedroom. And so… when I woke up the very next mourning, not only was a poem in my room, I also found a small crystal that had been carved in the shape of a dragon hatchling. It looked beautiful, and it lifted my spirits higher then the stars.” Cryo thought for a moment and chuckled a bit. “Dad certainly knows how to be caring and romantic,” he thought. He looked at Tide.

“Did that crystal dragon look like me, Mom?” Cryo teased a bit. “Truthfully, yes it did Cryo.” Cryo eyes shot up a tiny bit. “Huh? Really?” “Yes. It might be surprising, but lunar dragons have the ability to occasionally see visons of the future, when touching certain objects.” “Um… Really? “That’s right. Touching something could possibly allow them to get a vision of the future related to it.” “Well… that might explain why dad knew of the future I suppose. Maybe touching Mom at some point gave him a vison of the future with me in it. Then again, he also said that he won’t be able to see the future again until I arrive. Why is that? That seems… strange that I’m needed to see a vision.” He nodded to Tide. “Do you have that crystal dragon still?” “Yes I do. It’s right in here, my baby boy.”

Tide headed for the drawer again and lifted out a blue crystal. She carried it over to Cryo. When Cryo looked closely at it, he realized it really was carved to look like him, huddled up in a tight sleeping position, and a pacifier in his mouth. It was large enough to fit on Tide’s palm. “That’s amazing, Mom. It really does look like me when I was little.” “Yes. It seems your father must have seen a nice vision of the future of what you’d look like. He made something truly special for me during a hard point within the year. I didn’t know at the time what the thing in your mouth was. It’s only later that he told me that it seemed to be a supplement to help with teething, though he himself didn’t know where it came from.” The poem he made for me that day was also related to you.” “Really?” “Yes. I can read it to you if you want.” Cryo thought for a moment. “Yea. Let’s hear it mom.”

She picked up her notebook again and opened it up and turned a bit more pages in the book. She then stopped again. She smiled and looked at Cryo. She then began to read the poem in a nice soft and gentle tone.

A tiny blue dragon sleeps on a bed

Vast dreams of exploration fill his head

He was raised with the utmost care as its said

And the dragons life was spent without dread

A heart like yours, will raise this quadruped

Tide smiled at her son, who was once again impressed at his poem. “That poem was really good, mom. Dad really is good at poetry. That’s for sure.” “Yes. I almost believe if the war had not happened, he would have been a poet or philosopher on the planet.” She chuckled at Cryo. He chuckled back. She closed the book and placed it back on the ground. “Now. Let’s get back to the story.”

“One day, 2 months before the end of the year, your father and the others were called back to command and when he came back, he seemed… concerned,” “Concerned? “Yes. In fact, I actually saw him beginning to argue with his own commander several times for some reason. Every time he saw me after, he seemed grief stricken. I didn’t see him for the whole days in some instances. They wouldn’t tell me what happened with him on those days. One night, after another fight with his commander, the moment he saw me, I thought I could see him tear up a little. I eavesdropped on a couple of the conversations between the dragons of his military unit while I was working. Rumors began to spread around. One conversation I heard while I worked is that he actually broke down one night in front of his commander. One dragon even said that he heard that he had desperately begged that night to his commander for something, or someone… He didn’t know what though. I have heard some of the amazing things he has done in the field of combat, so hearing these things was bizarre.” Cryo began to think. “Looks like someone had a change of heart.” He smiled at Tide, who gave a smile back.

During a couple nights later, when I was about to go to bed, he approached me.” Tide began to stoke Cryo’s belly again, as Cryo gave a relaxed sigh. “He told me that the high command were going to “commission,” me into their armed forces. “Commission?” said Cryo. “I not sure myself what Servant really meant by that, but he was very afraid of what that would do to me. He told me that if they didn’t leave soon, they would come for both me and my research and force me into service. I then asked why he would tell me this. And…” Tide began to scratch Cryo’s belly gently as he began to relax more. “And he recited one of his poems to me. I never showed or told anyone else about the poems I was getting. When I heard it, I knew he was the one who was writing them to me. He carved and gave me the crystal dragon. And I realized he really cared about me. I immediately pieced together his strange behavior. He knew this act was treason against the dragon army. It was nothing short of a death sentence. But he didn’t care. He told me this himself.” “I’d rather die with nothing then lose you to them.”

Tide began to stroke Cryo more slowly, as he listened intently. “He was willing to lose everything for me. His title. His friends. His reputation. His possessions. Even his life. All of it was nowhere near as precious as me. We then both came up with a plan to escape and destroy the data from the portal tech. We decided the next night, to insert a “special concoction,” to the others dinner.” “What did you add?” “A bit of a sleeping extract. Right as the others ate their meal that night, they fell right to sleep. After that, we tied them up and then went to the process of destroying all the data and devices within the facility, but…”

Tide took Cryo’s front right arm and extended it forward on the beanbag and began to slowly and carefully take a single talon and slowly and softly scratch it around Cryo’s palm and arm up and down as Cryo gave out a relaxing sigh and laid his head on his bean bag. “I believed that the data from the portal tech… may be needed one day. I secretly downloaded the entirety of the data and placed it on a special drive. It turns out I was right about needing it later. We both were on the run for some time after… being hunted by the others. But eventually, we found help.”

“Who, Mom?” “It was a resistance group of dragons attempting to stop the endless fighting and war and were attempting to fight back against the shapeshifters. They were called the Astral Awakened Dragon army.” “Astral Awakened Dragon army?” “That’s right.” “That’s a strange name, Mom.” “It was apparently called that, because the leader was once a starship Dragon general. Very well decorated and recognized by the entire fleet. He came to a realization of the main plans of the shapeshifters. To him, learning the truth was an “awakening,” to him. He was originally going to flee, but his crew on the ship chose loyalty with him rather then the shapeshifters. In the battle to escape the other ships of the fleet, their ship was shot down, but they were able to outwit the fleet into thinking they had been destroyed by crashing into a deep ocean. Through the teamwork of him and his crew, they were able to make repairs to the ship. It couldn’t fly anymore, but they modified it to be a seafaring underwater vessel. It seemed that for some reason, the dragon army had significant trouble tracking its movements underwater, which allowed them to stay hidden for quite some time as they went into battle and went on dangerous missions against them. They had stolen data from a military complex and learned quickly that we had defected and had sent tracking dragons to find us before the dragon army found us first. We were eventually found by them as we were sleeping in a destroyed building in devastated city and led us to their seafaring vassal to safety. We eventually found a time to create you, my baby boy, right near the end of the year, during the cold season. And we’d meet some familiar faces later on.”

Tide chuckled a bit and then moved Cryo’s right arm back to the bean bag. She maneuvered Cryo gently to be laying on his other side on the bean bag. Tide then began to rub Cryo’s left arm like with the right one beforehand. He smiled at her and Cryo let in a relaxed deep breath in and out. “This might sound ironic, my baby boy, but some of his friends from his unit also defected as well from the dragon army. They came looking for him, not to take him in, but they came seeking help. They had also begun having second thoughts on serving those shapeshifting creatures, especially after he defected. It seemed they didn’t like that commander either, and your father, leaving the way he did, convinced them that it was the right choice. Your father was surprised that him leaving like that had caused such a major rift in their entire squad. But it also gave him comfort that he still had people he knew he could count on for help. Loyalty came before duty. For a time, we joined their little crusade. We were a force to be reckoned with in the Astral Awakened dragon army. But… It was a losing fight. Despite our best efforts. Despite many battles….”

“Things in our world were only becoming worse. The planet was falling further and further into chaos. It eventually came to the point that the only few free dragons had to come up with another plan. I think you can expect what happened next.” Cryo nodded as he remembered what his mother said earlier. “Your father had asked me to join him on the final days. But… I was… about to have you , Cryo. I couldn’t leave you to this world and I couldn’t bear to turn you into a meteor. And so I made a decision. I would complete a portal for one last desperate bid to freedom. It would be something I’d have to do alone. But before I left, your father made a promise.” “What promise?” “He said that, even though that we’ll be forced apart, he promised that one day, he’ll find a way to come back to me. And so we parted and well… You know the rest.” Tide stopped stroking Cryo and gave Cryo a small smile. “Dad was a good dragon. He gave up everything he had to save mom. I was worried that he might not have been as noble as I wanted him to be,” thought Cryo.

Ch 15

Recipe and Recreation

Cryo picked himself up and looked at Tide. She gave out a comforted sigh and looked back at him. “Thats a pretty cool story, mom.” said Cryo. She gave out a chuckle. “Your father is somewhere now, Cryo. Perhaps somewhere far away. Maybe you’ll be able to meet him one day. I’ve always hoped he’d be able to see how much you’ve grown.” Cryo nodded and gave a smile. “Hey Mom. Can I go outside for a bit? I need a break.” “Sure. Come on Cryo. Let’s get you outside.” Cryo was about to head out when he stopped for a moment. “Oh. That recipe. I should write it down real quick.” Cryo looked down and saw he was still wearing a shirt. “I don’t think its cold enough to need a shirt or jacket right now. Especially one of my sleeping shirts.”

Cryo looked at Tide. “Can you give me a second to write something down, Mom? I also want to put my shirt in the laundry to be cleaned later” He asked. Tide nodded to Cryo. “Alright son. I can wait.” Cryo smiled and headed back towards his bed next to his cloths closet. Tide watched as Cryo walked, and became curious. “I wonder what Cryo needs to write down?” she thought. She continued watching him. Cryo took off his shirt and placed it into the laundry hamper. He then headed towards his work bench. Cryo quickly took a piece of paper in the drawer in a compartment in his work bench and placed it on top of it. He began to write.

“I remember the recipe back from my dreams. I might look into trying to make some with Mom later.” He wrote down the recipe to every detail from his work bench. “There. Hmm. Where should I keep this?” He looked towards his bed. “Yea. I can put it on the cabinet next to my bed. It should be fine there for now. He headed for his cabinet and placed it down on top of it. “There we go. Now then.” He headed for the door, where Tide was patiently waiting. “I’m ready, Mom.” “Alright Cryo. Let’s go out.”

They both headed out the door and went outside. Cryo took his break and began to sit at a bench with Tide sitting next to him on the ground. “It’s nice outside today. Not a single cloud in the sky today,” said Cryo. “It’s supposed to be nice all week. Actually Cryo. Would you like to soar around the sky a little bit?” asked Tide. Cryo nodded. “Yea mom. I could use a little fly time.” “Come on, my baby boy. Let’s spread our wings!”

The two spread their wings out to their sides and with a small, strong leap, they flapped their wings, and began to fly together around the base. They kept close to the bases buildings to shield them from the outside view of the city close by. They saw several people below watching them fly together. Cryo looked toward Tide who gave a smile. Cryo gave a smile back as they continued to soar around. Soon, Tide started to become tired though, and they quickly began to land themselves back to the ground. “That was refreshing. It’s been awhile since I had a chance to fly around, Mom,” said Cryo. “I love being able to fly around. My strength is starting to return to me, little by little. It’s nice to be able to spread my wings. I think I’ve had my fill for now, son. Come on. Let’s go back inside. It’s time for lunch,” said Tide. Cryo’s stomach growled and Cryo gave it a small pat. “Yea. I’m hungry mom. Let’s eat!” The two headed back towards their rooms and entered their rooms, where they found Cameron waiting.

Ch 16

Regretful Reminder

“Hey Cryo. Hey Tide,” said Cameron. “Oh. Hi Cameron,” replied Cryo. “Hello Cameron,” said Tide. “I saw you two flying around home. You guys looked pretty happy.” “It was fun to spread my wings out. I haven’t been able to fly freely like this for a while,” said Cryo. “Hey Cryo. You know what day is coming up tomorrow?” Cryo tilted his head, and thought hard for a moment. But he drew a total blank. He shook his head. “No. I don’t think I know Cameron.” “It’s going to be your 7th birthday, Cryo.” Cryo stood still for a moment and gave a frown. “Oh… my birthday…” he replied. “Come on Cryo. Don’t be like that. Dad has something very special planned for you this time.” “I’m… sure it will be fun… Cameron.” Cameron and Tide could see the sensitivity of the subject toward Cryo. “I promise Cryo. You’ll enjoy this one. I know that, well… it’s a hard day for you. But this one will have something very different. You’ll love it. I promise.” “Yea, Cameron… I’m sure I’ll like it…” Cameron realized that the conversation probably wouldn’t get any better, so he decided to try to change the mood of the room.

“Hey Cryo. You… want to… play some Capsule Creatures with me on our Ignition’s?” “Yea… Cameron. Let’s play together…” The two got their Ignition gaming consoles and began to play together on their games. Tide meanwhile, began to cook a nice lunch for the both of them. She looked over at Cryo as she cooked and saw Cryo seemed a little glum still. “His birthday is such a sensitive topic to him, considering what happened on his first one. I know about the plans for this years celebration, but…” she looked back and continued to cook. “It’ll be hard for him to cope. I think it’ll be best for now to not remind him of “old wounds.” Nor to ruin his surprise.”

After about an hour of play Tide was just about finished with the food. She looked toward Cryo and Cameron. “Looks like he’s still thinking a bit about.” Hopefully lunch will help him ease himself. I know he’s hungry anyway.” Tide placed the food on the table, and looked back towards them. “Guys. Lunchtime,” she said. The both of them looked over and put down their consoles and came over. “I’m starving. What did you make, Mom?” asked Cryo. I made some salad, breadsticks, and a sandwich for each of us with grilled chillin. “Sounds good. Let’s eat!” said Cryo.

They sat down at the table and began to eat. Tide looked at Cryo, and could see his birthday was still on his mind. “Hey, Cryo.” “Yea Mom?” “Would you like to do something fun together after lunch?” “Yea. I guess mom.” Tide took a bite out of her sandwich. “Do you have anything in mind?” she asked. Cryo thought for a moment. “Can we go outside to play?” “Of course, Cryo.” Cryo gave a small smile and continued to eat. Soon they finished with their lunch.

Ch 17

Superb Scout

The group went out the door and continued through the hall to the outside. They opened the door to be greeted by the sun and and a light, breezy wind. They headed out to a large grassy field in the back. They headed out to a small shed in the back and opened the door to it. Inside were a whole bunch of sports equipment. Tide took out a small, strike ball out and took out a catching glove for Cameron. They spread out across the field and began to toss the ball to each other. Cryo smiled as he caught the ball in his talons and threw it towards Cameron. “Catch Cameron!” he said. “I got it!” Cameron caught the ball in his mit. He threw it toward Tide. She caught the ball, and threw it back to Cryo. “I got it!” Cryo caught the ball and smiled again.

“Hey Cryo.” said Cameron. “Yea?” he said as he threw the ball towards him. He quickly caught it in his glove. “My Dad, your mom, and me were talking about some things lately.” Cameron threw the ball to Tide. “What things?” asked Cryo. “Well. It was about when your were out in the wilderness with your Mom.” said Cameron. Tide threw the ball back at Cryo. He jumped up and caught it. “We’re home now, Cameron.” Cryo said. “Dad was thinking that maybe…” Cryo threw the ball at Tide who caught it within he big paws. “Dad was thinking of having you join the explorers scouts at the base.” said Cameron. “Explorers scouts?” asked Cryo. Tide threw the ball to Cameron, who caught it in his glove.

“Yes, my little boy,” said Tide. “What’s the explorers scouts? Is that part of a military unit?” “No Cryo. The explorers scouts is a group that comes together on Fridays. They do fun activities such as camping, climbing, swimming, ziplining, and so much more.” said Tide. Cryo tilted his head in interest. Cameron threw the ball toward Cryo, who proceeded to catch it. “The scouts is meant to help teach you companionship, teamwork, and outdoor skills. You would probably be a perfect fit for it since you were able to survive in the wild like you did,” said Cameron. Cryo threw the ball to Tide.

“This is a country wide organization Cryo. One of the people here is a troop leader for the other kids at the base. There is a meeting every week on Friday at 4:00 P.M. While there would be worry about attracting trouble from those who might want to take you, I think it would be fun for you. Besides. The only members of the scouts around here are part of the base. I don’t think those others who kidnapped us will know whenever you go outdoors. Even then, I know you’d be able to take them in a fight. You could use some outdoor time. You don’t get enough of it, Cryo. I know you feel that way,” said Tide. Tide threw the ball to Cryo. “You can earn badges showing your accomplishment in the group and you’ll get a cool uniform here that shows everyone that your a part of it. I’m a part of it myself Cryo,” said Cameron. Cryo threw the ball to Cameron. “Do you want to try it out, Cryo?” asked Tide. Tide threw the ball to Cryo who caught it and began to think.

“That does sound fun,” thought Cryo. “But, considering the previous attempts to take me hostage, it might not necessarily be safe.” Cryo rubbed under his chin a bit. “But Ty did say tell me that they now know who was responsible, or at least a good amount of them. They won’t be able to get back in base easily to look for information about the times of the meetings or activities. They won’t necessarily know I’m in the scouts either if I keep myself hidden until we’re at our destination whenever we go outside the base. But still.” Cryo tilted his head a bit. “Would that be enough? I don’t want to attract trouble to the others. If someone comes after me on a scouting trip, I’d be putting the others lives in danger…” Cryo closed his eyes and thought about it. He then gave a small nod to himself. “I suppose its at least worth a shot. It sounds like fun!” Cryo looked toward Tide with a smile and nodded. “Alright Mom. I’ll join the explorers scouts.” “That’s good news Cryo. We’ll tell Ty after your… um… day tomorrow…” Cryo gave a small frown and tilted his had down again but then stood up, smiled, and nodded. “Alright. Let’s continue playing catch.”

Ch 18

TV Trouble

They continued to play catch for some time. After about an hour of play, they decided to go back inside and do something else. They entered into the base and to their room. Cryo looked at the clock and read it was 6:15 P.M. “It’ll be time for dinner soon. I wonder what mom will make tonight?” thought Cryo. Tide looked towards Cryo and gave a small smile. “What would you like to do before dinner, Cryo?” she asked. Cryo tilted his head and scratched his chin a bit. “Hmm… What should I do now?” he thought. He looked around the room, and eyed his TV. He thought for a moment. “I could probably watch a movie before dinner,” he thought.

“Want to watch a movie?” Cryo asked. “Yea. I’m up for one.” said Cameron. “Which one should we watch?” asked Cryo. Cameron looked back at the tv, and saw that Ty had left a new movie in a box by the TV. “Hey Cryo. Looks like dad left a movie for you up there.” Cryo looked toward the back, and saw the box for it. Cryo went to pick it up and looked at it. “Sky Strikers series movie collection.” Cryo read.” Cryo looked at the back to see the description. “In this series reboot, our classic dragon hero is the leader of a group of hero’s known as the sky strikers. They battle the forces of darkness and protect the light in this series of 4 movies. Prepare for laughs, action, and epic battles in this collection.” Cryo looked again at the front. “A series reboot, huh? Well. I do recognize 2 of the characters on the front. They look a bit different, but i’m sure its fine.”

Cryo grabbed the movie case and the Tv began to move by itself to Cryo. “Hey Cryo. Isn’t your tv control remote over there? How did the tv move to you?” asked Cameron. Cryo looked toward his bean bag chairs and saw the remote over there. “Oh no…” thought Cryo. The Tv positioned itself by Cryo and opened its chip drive player. “Ready to receive movie, creator,” it said. Cryo turned towards it and nervously put the chip drive into the player, which then closed. “Huh? You didn’t even give a command to it Cryo. And did it call you, Creator?” Cameron asked. “Umm…” Cryo thought about if he should tell Cameron about his “accidental AI,” creation. But he then decided that it might not be a good idea. He didn’t know how Ty might take it that an AI program was in some of Cryo’s items (and that it at one point directly connected to their base’s main servers, and possibly security), and its likely Cameron would tell him. Before he could give Cameron an answer, the tv spoke again. “Where would you like to watch the movie, creator? I’m quite excited to observe it myself.” “…!” Cryo knew he might now be dug too deep in and he’d really have to think of an excuse now to hide his AI now. “What did the Tv just say, Cryo?” “Oh umm… Uhh… Please excuse the tv Cameron. I uhh… added some new upgrades to it. A… better command system and programming structure. Much easier to use now. And uh… A… key word system that allows it to detect specific words like uhh… movie and channels to… make it easier to use. Heh heh heh…” Cryo smiled back at Cameron. “Huh. Cryo’s acting a little weird. Is something wrong?” thought Cameron. Cryo gulped and looked back at his Tv. “Is something wrong creator?” “Oh… Uhh… I want to watch the movie where the bean bags are. Please uhh… plug yourself in the power socket there,” said Cryo. “Very well. Moving toward relaxing area.”

The TV quickly hovered over toward his bean bags in the back of the room. It quickly extended its landing frame, slowly hovered down, and plugged its plug into the socket. “There we go. Let’s umm… watch the movie now Cameron,” said Cryo. Cryo slowly sat himself down on the bean bag and Cameron came over and sat in his. He looked back at Cryo. “He looks nervous still. I wonder what’s wrong with him,” he thought. Cryo looked back at Cameron and gave a small smile. He then looked back toward his Tv. “He’s probably just thinking about his birthday tomorrow. I know how much he doesn’t like it. His upgrades to his Tv are pretty cool.” The tv spoke again. “Now playing movie. Would you like to skip the main menus and play the movie, creator?” Cryo gave out a sigh. “Yes. Please play movie. Thank you.” “Now playing movie.”

The Tv played the movie as Cryo and the others watched for quite some time. The movie gave a a good amount of laughs to the group as it played through. Cryo seemed to enjoy himself and relaxed as it played. Seeing characters he’s familiar with in a more lighthearted adventures, made Cryo smile. Soon, the movie ended, and the credits rolled.

“That animated movie was pretty hilarious, Cryo,” said Cameron. “Yea. I thought it was too,” said Cryo, giving back a smile. “Movie was quite lighthearted and fascinating. Does this have some truth to what the dragon race is like?” said the Tv. “…Not again,” thought Cryo. “Huh. Did the Tv say something else, Cryo.” said Cameron. “Umm… Don’t worry about it Cameron. Uhh… Please… uh… plug yourself into the socket near my bed and uhh… wait for instructions…” “Very well. Moving to napping area.” The Tv moved itself toward Cryo’s bed and plugged itself next to it. It then extended its frame down and landed. “I hope Cameron doesn’t suspect anything… I… should probably have a conversation with it tonight before bed…”

Ch 19

Wish List

“Hey you two. Time for dinner,” said Tide. “Yes! I’m starving. You hungry too, Cryo?” “Yea. I’m pretty hungry. What did we make tonight?” “I made something different tonight. It’s a couple of different dishes from another human culture,” said Tide. “Really? What food is it?” asked Cryo. “Well first we have a chillan covered in a sweet and sour sauce, a couple of egg rolls, with different mixed vegetables, pork, and other ingredients wrapped up into it, and vegetable cooked Mui (vegtable fried rice made of the Mida plant) said Tide. “Ohhh! You made Asienga food!” said Cameron. “That’s one of my dad’s favorite foreign culture foods.” “I’m not familiar with this type of food,” said Cryo. “You’ll like it Cryo,” said Tide. “Alright. Well I’m willing to try it.” “Here Cryo. You’ll need these. Tide took a pair of chop sticks from the table and gave it to Cryo. “What are these Mom?” he asked. “Chop sticks. You use these to eat them. Come over here and I’ll show you how,” The three went to the table and grabbed the different foods and put it on a plate. Tide showed Cryo how to operate the chop sticks. “A weird way to eat food,” thought Cryo. “I would think a fork and knife would be much easier.”

Cryo struggled a bit at first to grasp the concept of how to eat with them.” “Here Cryo. Let me help you with that.” Tide came over and helped position the chop sticks in his talons. then she took her chopsticks and carefully picked up some of the food and put it on Cryo’s plate. Cryo observed her carefully again. “Now you try it son.” “Alright then.” Cryo looked at a piece of chillin and took the two chopsticks in his hand. carefully positioning it over the chillin, he carefully picked it up, slowly moved it towards his mouth, opened wide, and put it in. The mix of sweet and sour flavor in the special sauce on the chillin brought a smile on Cryo’s face as he went to get another piece of it. “There you go Cryo. Now your getting the hang of it.” They continued to eat as the time passed. Cryo continued to eat and began to think about tomorrow. “I wonder what they have planned for me? I guess it doesn’t matter… Worst day of the year regardless…” He began to slow down in eating his food. Tide began to take notice.

“Hey Cryo,” said Tide. “Yea, Mom?” replied Cryo. “Are you ok?” You seem to be in deep thought.” “Oh. It’s… nothing Mom.” “He’s probably thinking about tomorrow again,” she thought. “Your thinking about your birthday again, Cryo?” Cryo didn’t reply back. “I know it’s a hard time of the year for you, Cryo. Is there… anything that you would particularly want for your birthday?” “Sigh… If I say nothing, she’ll probably just keep pressing me about tomorrow. Better swallow this in and tell her something I want. The only thing I really want is never going to happen anyway. Wishes never come true…”

Cryo began to think for a moment about something. “I guess I want a… computer… I suppose. “A computer?” “Yes. I have… a need for one right now.” “Any computer in particular?” “I want the Portal XGS computer. And I would also like to add a “special drive,” to it that can hold a high amount of data. “Alright Cryo. I probably can see if we can get you one.” “Yea… Thanks… I guess.” “Anything else?” “Maybe some new jackets and other cloths as well, some fun movies, maybe the new capsule creatures game for my Ignition, and, maybe some extra parts for my computer. Also some on the side for repairs.” “Alright, son. We’ll see what we can get for you.” They continued to eat their food and time progressed and soon the food was gone.

Ch 20

Water and Will

“I’m stuffed,” said Cryo. “I am too. That was good stuff,” said Cameron. “Hey, Cryo?” said Tide “Yea Mom?” “You should probably take a bath tonight, so you’ll be at your best tomorrow. Nice and clean for your special day.” Cryo gave out a sigh and nodded. “Alright Mom. I’ll… take a bath tonight.” “Will you need help, my son?” Cryo shook his head. “I’ll be good mom.” “You sure?” “Sigh… Yes mom.” “Well. Alright son. Me and Cameron will go talk to Ty while your cleaning yourself up.” “Alright. I’ll see you when I’m done.” “Alright. Have a good cleanup, son.” Tide placed the dishes in the sink to be cleaned later. She then left the room with Cameron while Cryo began to walk towards his washroom. “I wish they would stop reminding me about tomorrow…”

Cryo opened the door and went next to his bathtub. He turned on the water and it poured into the tub. He quickly hopped in and plugged the drain as the tub began to fill with warm water. Soon the tub was filled with water and Cryo began to relax inside. But the thoughts of tomorrow filled his head. He gave a out a heavy sigh.

“That time of the year again. The worst day of the entire year.” Cryo began to take his head soap and squeezed some out into his paw. He began to rub all over his head. He then quickly held his breath dipped his head underwater, and then emerged back up from the water. “It’s been… 6 years since it happened. Sigh… I hope the party tomorrow will end quickly. I… just can’t understand why they can’t just let the day go for me. There’s no real reason to celebrate it. It’s just a reminder of… what I’ve lost.” Cryo stood up in the tub and took his scale soap and poured a bit on a loofah and began to rub it against his body and back.

“I wonder what they’re doing right now. Greg… Suzy… Noble… I wonder if they’re alright. If they are doing fine without me. Do they even remember me? I wish I knew if they we’re ok. If they we’re able to continue on without me.” Cryo began to position himself in the tub to lay on his back with his head and limbs out of the water. He began to rub his front and back limbs with his loofa. “I remember what they said. When they said blowing out the candles on the birthday cake is supposed to grant wishes. I’ve wished every year to be able to see them again. But… I know by now. Wishes never come true. No matter how much you want it.” He turned over again and opened the drain in the tub. The water quickly began to drain out and Cryo leaped out of the tub. He grabbed a towel and began to rub it carefully and slowly against his scales. He soon was dried off and began to go towards the sink to brush his fangs.

Taking out his dragon toothpaste, he squeezed it on his brush and began to stroke his teeth with it. As he brushed, he continued to think about tomorrow. “I wonder what they have planned tomorrow for me? Hopefully not a trip out of the base, considering the recent troubles we had. Not that it matters I suppose… There’s no reason to think it’ll be fun regardless. Not even the cake tastes that good… Sigh…”

He took the brush out of his mouth, swished the toothpaste in his mouth a bit, and spit it out into the sink. He then poured some water into a plastic cup and then began to sip it into his mouth. Swishing it around again, he then spit into the sink. He then took some of his special dragon floss (it’s a bit thicker and much stronger then regular floss) and began to wrap it and carefully floss his fangs. A few moments later discarded the floss and looked into the mirror in front of the sink to take a look at his nice and shiny white fangs. Using a talon to lower his mandibles, he could see he had done a good job cleaning his teeth. “That should be good enough.” Cryo then looked towards his talons, and saw that they’ve grown quite a bit. “Hmm… I probably should trim and file my talons a bit. It’s been about a month since I last had a chance to clip them and they look pretty long and sharp. Cryo took out a talon clipper and a dragon file above the sink in a cabinet below his mirror. He slowly and carefully trimmed his talons down, making sure that the edge wasn’t too sharp and was easier to grip things. He then took a dragon file and began to file his talons a bit more to even out and clean up the edges.. After a few moments, he looked at his talons. “That should be good. Nice and trimmed.” Cryo began to place everything back where it needed to be and headed for the door.

Ch 21

Stories and Sleep

“I wonder if they’re back yet?” he thought. Taking a peek out of his washroom, he saw that Tide and Cameron we’re back and talking to each other. He noticed that Ty was also in the room. “They’re talking real soft so I can’t hear them. They must be discussing my birthday plans…” Cryo gave out a sigh and opened the door to his washroom and walked out slowly with his head low. The 3 noticed Cryo walking out and smiled at him. Cryo walked over slowly to greet them. “There’s my nice and clean boy,” said Tide. “You ok Cryo?” asked Cameron. “Yea… I’m fine Cameron. Don’t worry about it.” he replied. “I know tomorrow is hard for you to think about, Cryo. Don’t worry about it for now, Cryo. Why don’t you go to bed a little early tonight. Perhaps this will help calm you down a bit,” said Tide. “Yes. Why don’t you go to bed early. You’ll be more refreshed tomorrow,” said Ty. Thinking about their suggestion, he nodded in agreement. “Yea. Your right. I could use a bit of extra sleep to prepare for tomorrow.” “Would you like for me to tuck you into bed tonight, Cryo?” asked Tide. Cryo gave out a sigh. “No thank you, Mom.” “Are you sure, my little boy?” “I’ll be alright, mom. Really. Don’t worry about me…” “Alright, Cryo. Goodnight my baby boy.” Tide began to head to the front of the room to turn the lights off.

Cryo started to head towards his hay bed and gave out a yawn. He stood before his cloths drawer and opened it. After rummaging around a bit, he took out a green t shirt with the picture of him wearing knights armor with a lance in his left paw on the front with the words, “Adventurer of the old world, Cryo the dragon,” in grey text. He turned it towards the back, and saw himself sleeping in his bed with a thought bubble showing him fighting a legendary creature from the capsule creatures game in said armor. “I must say. Despite not being like my old cloths, the people who make my cloths here sure have some pretty fun ideas for clothing designs.” He smiled a bit and raised the shirt over his head. He quickly put his arms through the openings and carefully maneuvered his wings out the back. He then headed back towards his bed nearby. Tide switched the light off to his room and headed back to where Cameron and Ty were. Cryo watched as Tide headed back. He looked towards the others one more time, who seemed to be watching as he began to pick up his blanket. He began to tightly huddle it around his body and began to lay down. He placed his head on his pillow and rubbed his head on it a bit, getting comfortable. His radio began to speak.

“Would you like to listen to some relaxing sleeping music or listen to a online storybook to help you sleep?” it asked. Cryo tilted his head to his radio and gave out a sigh. “Can I ask you a something?” “What do you need, creator?” “Keep your volume down a bit… Anyway… I’m a little worried that my umm… friends and family… may not be understanding of you. Can you… maybe… try to make it not as… obvious that your umm… sentient… I guess?” “Suggestion taken. Will work on communications and mannerisms to reduce suspicion of sentiency until family and friends may be understanding. Will you like anything else?” Cryo yawned again and began to lay his head down on his bed. “I could listen to music I guess. But… I’m curious about its mention of the online storybook. I haven’t listened to a bedtime story since I was 4, I think… Might be a fun way to go to sleep tonight. Hmm…” he thought. Cryo gave out another yawn. “Let’s at least try it I suppose.”

He tilted his head at his radio. “Can you open a online storybook?” “What type of story would you like to hear?” “Well. I would like to hear a adventure story I guess.” “Searching.” The radio remained silent for a few moments.” Would you like to listen to the story, “Explorers series, book 2, Time, darkness, and sky? This book features the characters from capsule creatures series. I understand you like the games.” Cryo thought for a moment. “Sounds interesting. Alright then,” Cryo thought. He yawned again. “Yes. Play storybook.” “Playing storybook.”

The radio began to play a soft, young voice. “Chapter one. Stormy seas.” Cryo huddled himself a bit more tightly in the blanket. “There was a time where everything fell to ruin. Where the dark took over and the sun grew dim. I was there. I don’t remember much about it. I am Kyle. I look different then what I once looked like. I was known as a human before. I don’t really remember what I looked like as a human since it happened quite some time ago. Now. I am something else. Something different. Something… red. A young dragon I have become now. An Embertail. But how did this all begin. Well It started a bit like this.”

“There was a flash of electricity as the crackle of electric bursts could be heard from all over. My vision of what happened remained dark as the chaos ensued. “Don’t let go. We just have a little bit to go!” Cryo noticed that the radio had changed it’s voice to reflect the new character in the story. The new character voice sounded very distorted, as if the story itself was trying to hide who this new character was. “My strength was fading though and my grip was becoming loose.” “I can’t. I… Wahh!” My grip had failed and I had let go of it. My eyesight began to fade, and with a flash of light I lost consciousness.”

The radio paused for a moment. “Chapter 2. A new world. As the chaos faded, I woke for a brief moment, tired and weak. My vision was blurred and I tried to make a sense of where I was. But I quickly faded again, and soon fell to the dark. While I was down, someone not far off was attempting to follow his heart. A person I would begin to know as, Anubis, the Aurum. Someone who would help me in my time a need. Someone who would help guide my path forward and understand what would be the most important reason as to why I’m here.”

Cryo’s mind began to drift off from the soothing story. He felt like he’s heard something similar to this story before. His eyes started to close slowly. “I have to do it this time. I have to be brave.” The new character in the story had a young, low pitched voice. “The unknown creature walked up to what appeared to be a large building in the shape of the head of a Lyttiby (Li-ty-by), with a big metal barred gate covering the entrance and a scanner pad on the ground in front of it. He looked at the scanner, took in a big gulp, and began to step on it.

“Scanning beginning,” an alarming, deep, mechanical voice boomed. Surprised by the the voice, he quickly stepped back. “Sigh… I still can’t do it. It’s still too much.” The creature looked at a fragment of metal in his hand. “I thought bringing this would give me the strength to get passed and register. Sigh. It’s still not enough.” The creature gave a sigh and began to turn back. “Why can’t I be brave?” As he turned back, Two figures began to take interest in him. Or perhaps, something he had…” Cryo’s eyes fully closed and he gave one last yawn.

“Chapter 3: Beginnings.” As the radio was about to begin to speak from the storybook, Cryo’s mind had finally fogged up and he fell into a deep slumber. “Saving bookmark for next time. Radio off.”

Ch 22

Proper Preparations

Tide and the others noticed he had fallen asleep and walked towards the door. “How long will it take for them to get here?” asked Tide “The ship will be sent out first thing in the mourning. It may take some time before they arrive,” Ty replied. “He won’t be very happy until then,” said Cameron. “We’ll just have to keep him occupied until then,” said Tide. They looked at each other and nodded. “Alright. Let’s start getting ready for tomorrow,” Ty said. Ty and Cameron left the room and Tide headed toward Cryo’s bed to take a look at him. “He’s huddled himself really tightly in his blanket. He looks so cute.” Tide turned towards Cryo’s radio. As she was about to say something, she noticed a piece of paper on the cabinet next to Cryo’s radio. She leaned in a bit to take a closer look at it.

“Hmm. What’s this?” She picked up the paper and began to read it. She remembered that it was what Cryo had wrote down earlier. She began to take interest immediately. “Is this a recipe? Hmm. White chocolate. White chocolate?… There is chocolate that is white instead of brown?” She continued to look at the recipe. “Interesting. Where did Cryo get this recipe? I’ve never heard of white chocolate before.” She scratched her chin and then gave a smile. “This might actually be something nice for Cryo’s party. Something that might cheer him up.” She nodded to herself.

“Ty needs to know about this. This recipe is perfect to make for Cryo. We may even be able to use this with his cake. Even if we can’t, we can just follow the recipe, with a few additions or altercations to instead make a white chocolate treat for him. It should help him cope.” Tide looked at Cryo one more time. She leaned down and gave a small kiss on Cryo’s forehead. Cryo began to move a tiny bit and then shifted his weight to his other side.

Tide then shifted her attention back towards his radio. She whispered to it. “Can you make sure he stays asleep tonight. He’ll need all the sleep he can get.” The radio gave a short moment of static. “Don’t worry. I know. I won’t tell anyone. I would like for him to wake up later then usual tomorrow.” She grabbed a pair of Cryo’s headphones that were in the drawer next to his bed and connected them to his radio and carefully put it on Cryo’s ears. “Turn off your alarm and play naptunes for him all night. Try to keep him asleep until we’re ready for him. If he wakes up, try to convince him to sleep a little longer. If he doesn’t, convince him to stay in his room. We’ll need some time to prepare for his party. Understand?” The radio stayed silent for a few moments. It then replied back. “Understood. Analyzing strategies for Creator’s containment. Planning preparations for tomorrow. Do you need anything else?” “No. Good luck on your end.”

Tide began to walk towards the door when the radio began to speak again. “How did you know?” the radio asked. Tide turned back toward the radio. “I realized it right as you started acting on your own. You knew when Cryo wanted to watch a movie without him even giving a command. And you called him creator. It takes a bit more then adding more key words and commands to react to Cryo the way you do.” She headed towards the door and opened it up. “Stay out of trouble, please.” Tide left the room leaving the two alone. “Playing naptunes channel.”

Ch 23

Cake Conflicts

Cryo’s eyes slowly dimmed into focus. As he picked himself up, he looked around and saw a gigantic birthday cake in front of him. He looked around and seemed to be in a very dark room. One by one, large candles on the cake lit up one at a time on top creating a very bright glow at the top. A voice then called to him. “Make a wish, Cryo.” The voice sounded slightly distorted, but strangely familiar.

A staircase of wooden steps began to build itself to the top where the candles lay. Cryo gave a frown and a sigh. “Wishes never come true.” He began to walk away from it towards a darkened door much further back in the room. The voice called again. “Wishes can come true. Come and make a wish.” He turned back to the cake again, and sighed. “I’ve heard that one before.” He continued to head for the door. “Don’t give up hope. Make a wish.” He stopped for a moment and tilted his head down and gave a frown. He closed his eyes, picked his head up a bit, shook his head, and continued on. He went to the door and began to turn the nob to head out of the room. It was locked though. He saw the locking mechanism on the door and tried to turn it. But it would not budge, No matter how hard he tried to turn it.

“Why don’t you want to make a wish?” the voice asked. “I’ve made the same wish every year. It never came true. Why would it be any different now?” “You’ll never know until you try. Come and make a wish. There’s always hope, my little brother. Make a wish.” Cryo tilted his head in confusion, but immediately dismissed it. He then gave out a sigh.

“If I make a wish… will you… let me leave here?” “Only if you make a wish. Step up and make your dreams come true.” Cryo gave out a sigh and went back towards the cake. “Fine. I can imagine this is not going to end well…” He climbed the staircase up towards the candles on top of the cake. He looked at the top of the cake. It had the words “Happy 7th birthday Cryo,” in blue frosting. Cryo sighed and gave out his wish. “I wish to see my old family again.” He took in a deep breath and blew out the candles on top.

Suddenly, the candles began to shake violently on the cake! Their frames began to light up VERY brightly. Cryo began to back away a bit and shield his eyes from the light. Each candle then began to shoot up into the air, one by one. Cryo looked up towards the sky, as each candle exploded in the air, creating an array of colored cinders in the sky! “Is this… fireworks?” As he watched the spectacle above, he began to feel strange. He felt his strength giving out. Cryo’s head began to become fuzzy. He began to rub his eyes. His eyes began to quickly lose focus. He then collapsed onto his side, feeling like his whole body was being weighted down. “What’s… happening to me? I feel… very weak… I… can’t move. Am I poisoned again?”

As he tried to see, he felt something lift him up carefully and gently. Cryo’s eyes couldn’t recognize the figure. He only could see its black silhouette of a humanoid shape. It cradled him in its arms and gently stroked his head and belly a few times. It then began to walk away from the cake, down the staircase, and towards the door. Cryo tried to speak, but he couldn’t make any words come out. “Who… is this…? Where… is it taking me…?” he thought. The figure unlocked and opened the door to the dark room and exited it to another room. The room was a white haze as the figure continued to carry him. Cryo didn’t have the strength to move himself. He could only move his head slowly. The figure stopped in front of a darkened table, where an array of strange items were folded up on it.

He placed Cryo slowly and carefully down on the table on something very soft. Cryo tried to move again, but he still couldn’t budge even a inch. It scratched Cryo’s back a bit, which helped relax Cryo. “This… Is this creature… trying to help me?…” It stopped scratching Cryo and picked up the first item to the far left of the table. It gently lifted Cryo up and carefully fitted on him what looked to be Dark blue light, that stretched across Cryo’s upper body all the way down to near his waist. He carefully maneuvered Cryo’s front arms from 2 openings in it so they could be extended outside of it while also fitting it so his wings would come out the back. “What… is this. Is this… a shirt? It’s… warm and soft. It feels… like my old cloths…” Cryo thought.

The figure placed Cryo down on the soft mass again and picked up the next item, in the center. It then lifted up Cryo’s head gently, and began to very carefully wrap some type of Cyan cloth around Cryo’s neck, which began to light up brightly for a few moments as the creature finished tying it on behind his neck. “Is this… a scarf? Why… does it extend farther down… my neck? It feels… tied, not wrapped… on the back. It… feels different. Its softer… then anything I’ve been coiled in before. It smells… like a natural purified spring. What… is this?” The figure gently scratched Cryo’s head a few times.

It then gently picked up Cryo again and then picked up the final item. Cryo saw it was what he was placed on before. It unfolded it, which seemed to be some type of soft and thick, dark blue mass. He began to carefully wrap it tightly around Cryo’s entire body. It felt very soft, comfy, and clean. Cryo felt like the items all seemed familiar to him somehow. He yawned, as the masses enveloping his body gave him a strange feeling. Something he didn’t expect after this started. Comfort and warmth. The voice came again. “There we go. Let’s get you in bed.” Cryo recognized it as the voice before. It began to carry him across his shoulder, rubbing Cryo’s back very slowly and gently as they moved forward. “This… what’s going on?” He gave out another yawn as he tried to focus his eyes. But he still couldn’t see well.

The figure soon stopped before something below. It carefully laid Cryo down on a large mass of yellow light, which was big enough to lay his entire body on, carefully positioning his head on a another small blue mass of light. Cryo felt the warmth and shape of the masses together adjusting to his body and weight, and made him feel warm, comfortable, and very cozy. Cryo tried to stay conscious, trying to understand what was going on. He was at least able to move his head slowly to watch what the figure would do next. The figure stepped a little bit towards the front where a small, rounded darkened rectangle sat nearby. He could see what seemed to be dark pegs coming out a few places on the bottom of the item. He turned these pegs a bit, and a soothing melody began to play out of it. The musical spell quickly took over as Cryo’s ears listened. His eyes began to completely fade to black. He could not stay conscious. Cryo had finally succumbed to the strange ritual being performed here. The last thing he would hear, is the figure calling to him, one last time. “Happy birthday, little brother.”

Ch 24

Strange Suspicion

Cryo opened his eyes slowly and blinked a few times. He gave out a yawn as he could hear soothing music in his ears. He recognized it as the tune from his dream before he had succumbed. His eyes began to focus into view. He was back in his room. He lifted himself up and realized he had his headphones on, playing naptunes channel. He took his headphones off and rubbed his eyes a bit. “Someone put my headphones on me as I slept. Maybe Mom or Cameron?” Cryo looked towards his radio besides his bed on the cabinet. It indicated that it was 11:12 A.M. “I’ve slept in for a couple hours. Guess I got extra sleep after all. Looks like someone turned off the alarm. Mom or Ty probably.” He poked his back legs out of the blanket, then his front legs. He then turned on his belly and lifted himself up. He then began to unwrap the blanket around his body when his radio began to speak.

“Good mourning creator.” He looked towards his radio. “Umm… good mourning… I guess.” Cryo looked around the room and saw that no one was in it currently. “Hmm… I’m alone right now, I wonder where everyone is?” Cryo thought. Cryo was about to start heading towards the door, when the radio spoke up again. “Why don’t you take a little bit more time to sleep, Creator,” it said. “Sleep? But its almost halfway through the day already,” Cryo replied. “It never hurts to get a bit more sleep. You look pretty tired still…” Cryo tilted his head and scratched under his chin a few times. “I feel well rested enough.” “It’s going to be a hard day for you, from my understanding. Maybe some extra sleep will help you get through it.” Cryo looked towards the radio with a look of suspicion.

“You seem awfully convinced that I should get more sleep. Is something going on?” The radio paused for a moment, and then gave a reply. “If your sure that you won’t need sleep, I won’t stop you. Perhaps it would be a good idea to take another bath before then.” Cryo took his paw and sniffed at it. “I smell pretty clean.” “Maybe take another to make sure? It’s a big day for you and it would be unfortunate if you smelled a bit before then.” “I… think I’ll be fine. Cryo continued to head for the door to his room, when the radio spoke up again.

“There is some items on your desk that could use repair. Perhaps you should take the time to fix them?” “I’m sure that can wait. I probably should tell the others I am awake, considering I slept in so late.” “They probably already know your awake and fine. There are camera’s in the room.” Cryo scratched his head. “Well, I suppose that’s true, but…” “Why not take this as an opportunity to be by yourself for a bit. It may be for the best that you try to do something you like before you head into something rough for you.” Cryo thought for a moment. He began to notice the AI was trying VERY hard to keep him in his room. “Is something wrong, creator?” it asked.

“Umm… Is the door locked?” asked Cryo. “Not to my understanding.” “Then I think I’m going to go… I’ll… see you in a bit.” Cryo quickly headed for the door. “Creator. Please come back,” said the radio. He was about to open it when someone else opened it. “Hello, my little boy.” “Ohh… um… Hi Mom.” Tide stepped in the room, carrying a large new blue bookbag over her shoulder. Tide looked over towards the radio, and then looked back to him. “I was hoping that your “friend,” there could keep you occupied for a couple more hours, but I suppose I should’ve considered how cautious you are. “Wait… You…” “Yes Cryo… I was the one that told your AI buddy to try to keep you inside.” Tide stepped in the room, carrying backpack. Cryo gave a small frown and sighed. “You knew about it…” “Yes. I figured it out pretty quickly with its mannerisms.” “Do… the others know?” “No they don’t. Don’t worry. I promise I won’t tell them.”

Cryo gave out a sigh and looked straight up at Tide. “Now Cryo. I know you want to probably go out and see the others for a bit, but… could you please stay in your room for now? There’s things we still need to get ready for.” Cryo gave out a sigh, and nodded. “Alright Mom. I can stay locked up in here, waiting for the worst to happen…” Tide gave a hug to Cryo and kissed his forehead. “I know how hard this is for you. Please just hang out in here for now while we get ready. Oh… and if you don’t mind…” Tide placed the bag she was carrying near Cryo’s bed. “There are some cloths in here I would like you to change into for later. Oh and also, if you decide to work on repairs, don’t put the cloths on while you work. You’ll probably also need to wash up a bit after so you don’t smell like grease.” Cryo nodded. “Alright mom.” “Good. Just wait until we’re ready for you, honey. I’ll come get you when we’re ready, ok?” “Alright…” See you later, my baby boy.” Tide smiled at Cryo, patted him on the head a few times, and left the room.

Ch 25

Lunch Munch

Cryo went back towards his bed and looked at his radio. “So I guess I’m going to stay here after all.” “Very good creator. Is there something in particular you would like to do?” Cryo tilted his head and scratched his chin a bit. “I wonder what I should do. It’s probably going to be a while before the party.” Cryo looked around and then heard his stomach rumble a bit. “I’m hungry. I should probably eat something.”

Cryo began to head towards his fridge. As he approached, the doors began to open by themselves. “What do you feel like eating, creator? There is plenty inside to consume at your leisure,” a mechanical voice echoed from it. “Well… its in my fridge now… Then again… it might not really be all that bad I suppose.” He looked inside, he then took out ham, sliced ched (name of cheese from the planet), two pieces of bread, and a bottle of a orange condiment. He placed it on the counter next to his fridge. He then took out a red liquid in a large drink container and placed it next to it. He finally went to get a jar of a red, creamy yet curdle liquid and placed it on the counter. “Ahh. A nice pork and white ched sandwich with the base’s homemade midster (basically mustard), with Cherish sauce on the side (like applesauce but made with a fruit called cherish instead), and a fruit mix drink. Perfect for lunch.” He began to make his sandwich. “Will you need any help or instructions on making your meal, creator?” Cryo looked back at his fridge and chuckled a bit.” “Come on… I’m a big boy. I know how to make myself a sandwich of all things.” He went to his counter and placed the bread in a toaster in the shape a dragon head with an open mouth facing up. As he placed both pieces of bread in, they quickly descended into the machine. “Beginning toasting sequence. How would you like your bread, creator?” “Its even my toaster now… This ai really knows how to get around…” Cryo thought. He began to think for a few seconds. “Umm… I usually like my toast darkened quite a bit.” “Understood. Bread toasting sequence will be complete in about 1:46. Feel free to prepare other supplements for your meal creator.” “Umm… Alright. Thanks.” Cryo headed to the cabinets to the left of his kitchen. He took a small bowl from a cabinet above and poured some cherish sauce into it. Cryo smacked his lips a bit. He then grabbed a cup from the cabinet next to it and poured his drink into it. As he placed his items on the table, Cryo heard the toaster pop up.” “Toasting sequence complete, creator. I hope you enjoy it. Please keep in mind the bread might be hot when removed,” the toaster said. Cryo nodded and grinned. He quickly headed over and took the two pieces of toasted bread between his talons and placed it on a plate. He then put some slices of ham on top of one of the pieces, then some cheese, and then picked up the bottle of midster and squirted a little bit out.

He grabbed his sandwich and brought it over to the table. He placed it down on his table and began to pick up his sandwich. “Enjoy your nutritious and healthy meal, creator,” the fridge spoke. Cryo smiled and nodded. He slowly moved the sandwich in front of his mouth. He smacked his lips again and slowly opened his mandibles. His saliva began to drip on the plate a tiny bit, creating a few very tiny sparks (due to his saliva having a small electric charge, his plates, bowls, and silverware are made of materials and metals that can safely resist its electric charge. Luckily, his saliva is not strong enough to cause fires on soft surfaces such as blankets, carpets, outdoor flora, etc). Moving the sandwich towards his mouth, he took one big bite out of it and began to chew. A small smile came over his face as he chewed. He then let out a big gulp and swallowed the first bite, clearly satisfied.

He then took his spoon and took dipped it into his cherish sauce. Opening his maw, he moved the spoon into his mouth and closed his jaws around it. He pulled the spoon from his mouth and placed it down on his table. He then took his cup with his drink and began to slowly maneuver it over to his lips. Tilting it forward, the liquid soon came into contact with Cryo’s lips. He took a small sip and placed the drink down with another smile ran across his face.

“Ahh. This stuff tastes good. I love the cherish sauce the base makes. Sandwich is delicious too. The fruit mix tastes freshly made as well. Its lucky we have people here who know how to make stuff and condiments like this here.” He continued to eat, taking bites out of his sandwich and slurping up his cherish sauce and drink. Soon enough, the meal was finished and Cryo patted his belly a bit with a smile on his face. “That was pretty good. I wonder how long it took.” Cryo looked at the clock, which now read 12:34 P.M. “About an hour and 30 minutes. Hmm… I better clean up real quick.” Cryo began to clean up around the table and where he made his meal. He put his dishes in the dishwasher to be cleaned and closed it. Cryo nodded on a job well done with a smile and then looked towards the door to see if anyone might be standing there. But he saw that no one was at his door.

Ch 26

Repairs, Rinse, and Reminders

“Hmm… Looks like they’re still not ready for me. I wonder what’s taking them? He scratched his chin and looked around. “Must be still working on whatever they have planned for my party. Guess I should find something else to do.” He looked back towards the back of his room, looking at his work bench. “I could try to repair a few things. But it might mean I’ll have to take another bath. And there’s no telling when they plan to get me. He looked towards his washroom. “Hmm… I suppose it wouldn’t be that bad. I’m sure mom will inform me when they’re about ready for me.”

He began to walk towards his work bench, when he then turned his head to his radio. “Hmm… I should probably listen to some calming work music while I work. Its going to be a long day.” He headed towards his bed and picked up his radio on the nearby counter and began to head towards his work bench.

He placed his radio on the work bench. He turned his head toward the radio. “Hey. Can you play calming soft rock while I work today?” “Yes, creator. Turning on new generation rock radio.” Soft rock began to play on the radio. Cryo gave a smile and he put on his magnifying speck. He began to look at the items he needs to repair. “Hmm… Not that much left to repair for now. Just 2 items.” He picked up the first one, a toaster. “Let’s see… Notes say that bread will not stay down when she pushes it in. Dropped on the ground. Hmm…” Cryo carefully took it apart and observed its parts. “Just as I thought. The springs and locks on both sides is damaged. I’ll need to replace them.” Going to his large parts cabinet, he took out the replacement parts and began to fix the toaster.

“Ahh… life seems easier when your fixing things. I always feel like I’m doing something productive for the people living here. Like I have a purpose for being here,” he thought. The parts we’re soon replaced and he began to put the toaster back together. Cryo’s mind began to drift. He began to think about some of the first few months he spent at the facility. “Life was a lot harder here when I first came here. I pretty much had nothing. Just a room with a small pool of water and a few toys, and a window. A window that was my only way to see the outside world, towards the mountains…” Cryo gave out a sigh as he began to finish his first repair of the day. “Maybe its just because of the stress I get on this day. Everyone I know are fully aware that I hate this day.” The toaster soon was put back together. Cryo plugged it into a socket near his workbench. He went to the fridge to get two slices of bread to test both sides. He pushed it down into the toaster and observed. “Alright. Everything seems to be working,” he said. “Excellent job with the repair, creator. Your client will be pleased. What’s next?” the radio asked. “Oh. Thank you, um… radio…” Cryo smiled for a second, seemingly a little less weirded out then before about his ai.

Cryo picked up his final repair project, a small z phone. “Hmm. Interesting. I don’t typically have z phones to repair. This looks to be a slightly newer model. Luckily, I have enough experience with these. I shouldn’t have any trouble figuring out the problem.” he thought. He smiled and nodded. “

“Alright… Let’s see the notes. Hmm… Power failure. Won’t turn on…” He began to take off the back and took a look at the battery. “Battery is shot. Must have been used a whole lot, or left on and active for long periods.” Cryo went towards his parts drawer and took out a spare battery. He began to attach the new battery to the phone. “It just needs a small “kick,” now.” Cryo dabbed his talon in his mouth a tiny bit and carefully touched the battery. A tiny spark came out and the phone turned on for a second. “There we go. Now let’s get this put back together.” He began to place the back of the phone back on. He began to remember a bit more about his first days at the facility.

“Hmm. This reminds me of my first repair.” He began to screw the bolts of the back on. “It was Gerald’s phone, right? Yea. It’s only after I repaired his phone that things became better for me. They gave me something to do. They then gave me a proper room, toys, a bed, and made me feel like I was more then just… well… a wild animal. Now that I think about it… I haven’t seen Gerald in a while. Hmm… Oh! I remember now! Ty told me yesterday while I was outside that he’s been attempting to look more into our kidnappings. I guess that’s why. He worked as a investigator for the government before he decided to take a different career path and work more with biology and science. I hope he’s doing alright. He’ll probably miss the party today. I wonder when he’ll be back?”

The phone’s parts were soon put back in place. He messed with the phone a bit and confirmed that it was working properly. Cryo nodded in his success and then powered off the phone. He placed it to the side and gave a small smile on a job well done. “Alright. that should do it for now.” “Well done again, creator. Your job is complete. Congratulations on finishing up your mechanic occupational duties.” “Hehe. Thanks again, my, uh… AI friend.” ” He cleaned up his work space and nodded with a smile. “Can you turn off the radio?” “Radio off.” The tune from the radio stopped and Cryo began to take a couple of relaxed breaths. “Now what time is it?” thought Cryo. He turned his head towards the clock above his tv.

The clock now read 3:10 P.M. “Hmm. Time has passed quite a bit. Guess they still aren’t ready for me.” Cryo looked at his paws and saw spots of grease on it. “Looks like I could use a small washup.” Cryo headed towards his washroom and opened the door. He immediately looked in the mirror to see how he looked. “I don’t see any grease on my body and head. I think washing my hands and arms should be good enough.” Cryo headed towards his bathtub and grabbed a bar of soap. He then slowly trotted back to his sink. Cryo turned on the faucet and began to lathe his paws, arms, and shoulders with water. He then took the bar of soap and rubbed it all across his arms. Cryo then rinsed his arms off and turned the faucet off. He went to his towel hanging next to the sink on a wall ring holder and began to dry his arms off. Soon his arms were dry and he sniffed at his arms. “Smells pretty clean. I should be good here.” Cryo began to head out the door and looked towards the door to his room. He saw that there was a note on the door. He walked over and read it. “We’re ready for you at 4:20 P.M. Please get dressed beforehand. Thank you, my son. Love, Tide.” “Looks like their finally close to being ready for me. They want me to change into the cloths in the backpack. I wonder what mom wants me to wear? Let’s take a look…”

Ch 27

Concerning Clothing

Cryo opened the backpack and began take out the items one by one. He first took out a silver jacket. It seemed to be brand new. It had several pockets on the front, and on the back was a blue cartoon dragon, that looked similar to him… It was sitting down with a smile across his face. He began to feel around the material. “This is made of special materials. A mix of waterproof fabrics combined with chillin feathers and soulfire petals. Keeps the wearer nice, warm, and dry, even on very cold winter days. It also can be worn in warm weather since the fabric’s soulfire petals mixed is with a chemical formula that reacts to warmer weather to cool off the wearer. Interesting… Feels very nice and soft.” He rubbed it against his head a few times and smiled at the feel of the fabrics.

Cryo took out the next item, which seemed to be a warm red scarf, with the image of a majestic fire breathing dragon on it. “This looks really warm. Fabric feels really soft, like a fuzzy blanket. Hand knitted, hmm… Cryo began to think for a little bit. His eyes then shot up and slowly dipped to sadness.

“These are the nearly the exact type of cloths I wore on my first birthday! This silver jacket with the me on the back… The scarf with the firebreather… Even made from the same material! Why do they want me to wear this?… This is really going to be a horrible birthday…” He gave out a saddened sigh and began to tear up a little. But he quickly wiped the tear away and took in a deep breath. “It’s just for today, Cryo. It’s just for today. The others won’t like seeing me like this. Just relax… Just… relax.” He took in a couple more deep breaths and looked to see if there was anything else in the backpack. He saw a pair of fingerless gloves that had a strange pattern on it with an extra pair of toeless socks for his back talons as well. He took a look at the gloves first.

“Hmm… This looks strange. The pattern is a little odd. Why does it have a dark blue rounded polygon in the middle going down off the gloves and a bunch of trees and shrubs surrounding it. And what’s with the words “Reun on the left glove and ion on the right. What does this mean? Cryo then took a look at the socks given to him. “This pattern looks similar to the gloves. But… the rounded polygon is on top instead and the shrubbery is surrounding it on the bottom. He began to read the letters engraved on it in dark blue. “In the darkest of times…” the left sock read along the ankle line. Cryo read the other one “There is always hope.” Cryo gave out a sigh. “These wise words don’t make me feel any better about today.”

Cryo began to put on his cloths. He slipped his arms into his silver jacket and carefully maneuvered his wings out the back. He zipped up the jacket and took a deep breath in. He then wrapped the scarf around his neck carefully. He then slipped on his fingerless gloves carefully around his trimmed talons and then his socks on his back paws. He headed towards his washroom to take a look in the mirror. He sat himself down for a second in front of the mirror to look at himself from the front. He then stood up again and began to turn himself around to get a better look. “I… guess I look good I suppose. I… always loved the feeling of this material wrapped around me. I haven’t felt like this in a very long time.” He began to feel around his coat again, and began to wonder something…

“Strange… This coat and scarf, despite the slightly different fabrics and structure, they use the same methods and materials that Greg and Suzy used to make my own cloths back on the mountains. As far as I know, they are the only ones who knows how to correctly make cloths like this, right? It’s not easy to find soulfire flowers either. They are only grow deep in mountainous forests and they only grow on very rich soil, within spots where the sun can beam through the trees most of the day and onto the ground. You can’t make them grow unless your REALLY good a botany and have all the required supplies and conditions to make them grow. And the petals only grow during the spring. It’s neither easy to find these or easy to grow. It’s a rare plant indeed.” Cryo began to head towards the door back to his room.

“Since we originally lived very close to the mountains, Greg had the time to look for them during the entire spring season when we’d take a walk through the forest. They’d take me on a rather long walks with everyone at least once per day after breakfast. Then I’d take a nap when I got back home. I remember that he always looked around for these plants as they walked me around the forest in a harness and leash. I don’t think it takes too many to create cloths like this. He just needs to grind a couple petals and mix them with a special chemical and add it to the fabric. Hmm… I still don’t remember what chemical he used though.” Cryo turned the knob on the door and headed back into his room. “The mix between the flower petals and the chemical caused a strange effect within fabrics that allowed it to be worn during the summer, without causing the wearer to become to hot. These cloths are also some of the comfiest I’ve ever worn too. It’s why I always wore cloths like this during the day and night. I always like to bundle up and keep warm and comfy like this, surprisingly… These cloths worked to keep me both nice, dry, and warm during the winter while also preventing me from getting too hot during summer and spring.” Cryo scratched his chin a bit. “As far as I’m aware, none of the cloths that have been made for me here have used this method, right?… Or maybe I just never noticed?”

Cryo tilted his head and gave a sigh. “Perhaps I’m looking into this too much… I’m sure Greg and Suzy learned how to make cloths like this from watching a tv show or something.” Cryo nodded his head and gave a frown as he began to turn the doorknob to go outside his washroom. “I’m sure anyone could make cloths like this with enough time to learn.” He opened the door and headed into his room, and started to head towards his bed. “The researchers here have my old scarf and coat since I was a hatchling stored somewhere here.” I outgrew it so…” Cryo nodded to himself and took in a deep breath. “I’m sure the researchers here could have easily cracked the formula on how Greg and Suzy made my cloths. I doubt it would be too hard for them to figure out how to make them.” Cryo turned his head to look at the clock. It now read 3:30 P.M. “Well… Nothing left to do but wait until they come to pick me up.” thought Cryo. He grabbed his radio from his workbench and brought it over to his bean bag chair in the area where his tv is usually situated. He placed it on a stand beside the tv. He then sat himself down and began to wait. Cryo maneuvered himself onto his back leaning up on the bean bag and began to get himself more comfortable.

Ch 28

Computer’s Concern

“Can you turn on some calming soft rock music again? I need to hear something soothing before my tensions get high for todays party.” The radio flickered on and replied. “Turning to new generation rock radio.” The radio began to playing a soothing chord of rock and roll and Cryo closed his eyes and began to relax a bit and focus on the music. “Ahh… This music is calming. I wish there was a little bit of time to take a nap. It’s going to be rough day. Then again, they usually allow me to take a nap at least once when the party is going on. They know that I like to take 1 or two naps during the day.” Cryo thought. He opened his eyes and sat back a little bit more in the bean bag.

“You seem very tense for the coming party, creator. Your reactions shows stress levels are very high,” a mechanical voice echoed over the radio as the music continued to play. Cryo turned his head to face the radio, and he gave a sigh. “I’m sorry… You… don’t need to worry about me. This day will… come and pass like it always does,” Cryo replied. “If you don’t mind creator, I would like to know more why this day is so hard for you?” Cryo tilted his head a bit in confusion. “I’m surprised you don’t know. Weren’t you in the system at one point?”

“You are correct. But there is a difference in reading a simple document then actually hearing the story from someone who was there to witness it. I might be a simple machine, but I find there is more to understand. I can understand the extreme emotional withdraw that comes from such a traumatic experience. But… there might be something more you can learn. A birthday is supposed to be a special day, celebrating the day of the coming of age, 1 year at a time. Its supposed to be a day with food, fun, family, friends, and future possessions. You might be one of the only creatures of this planet that hates even the general idea of it. Or at the very least, your own. General consensus shows that your perfectly fine with celebrating others birthdays. Its just your own that causes so much pain.”

Cryo tilted his head again a bit on the side and began to lay his head back in his bean bag chair. The radio continued as the soft rock faded in volume as it spoke. “If you don’t mind creator, could you tell me the story, in your own words about how it happened?” Cryo scratched his chin with his trimmed talons and looked back at the radio. He thought about it a minute. “It might be therapeutic for you to talk about it a bit.” The radio said.

“Well… I’m… worried you’ll get the wrong idea about the people here or around the base if I tell you. I don’t want to make you think the people here are monsters or anything. What happened on that day… well… wasn’t exactly the way it was supposed to go. It just… escalated due to the leadership in charge of my… ahem… relocation…” “I am aware the individual in charge of the operation. He has recently been found as a conspirator and possible leader for the recent kidnappings of your mother and you, creator. His actions don’t speak anything about the others here. He didn’t care about you. The people here truly do. I’ve observed it myself from this rooms camera how the people here have treated you. They are just as much your family as your mother is. And I’m not currently connected to base servers or main security unit, except the camera I use to watch over you. “Watch over me?” “I could not do anything even if I wanted to. And I’m not going to go against my creators own wishes, even if I form the wrong opinion. I can understand your concern. But I think talking a bit about this might be a good way to release some of your tension. Would you please tell me?”

Cryo began to look away for a second, and turned toward the door to look at it. He looked back to the radio. “It’s… going to be awhile before they arrive. Maybe its right. Maybe talking about what happened might help…” Cryo nodded. “Alright. I guess I can tell you while I wait.” Cryo clasped his paws together and sat up. “Why don’t you start from the beginning,” the radio said.

Ch 29

Past Problems

“It happened… 6 years ago. Back then. I was living in a town called Wayside in a house close to the mountains. My room was actually a barn outside the main house. It was fine though. I was being cared for by my adopted family at the time. They loved and cared for me as if I was their own son. But the story… doesn’t necessarily start on my birthday. It starts one day before.” “What happened creator?”

“It started past noon. I was waiting for my “brother,” Noble to get home. I was in my room chewing on my pacifier.” “You had a pacifier as a hatchling?” “Yeah. I began teething very early on. Even after my “adult,” fangs grew in, I still liked chewing on it. But I had to stop when I was about… two and a half years old, I think. About the time I was to start being enrolled in school here.” “Its an amusing image to think of my creator chewing on a pacifier. Did you also have training pants?” “Ha ha. No I didn’t.” Cryo gave a small smirk at the thought. “They were able to housebreak me pretty early thankfully. I didn’t need to have something like that. That’s also kind of the reason why I stayed in the barn as well.” “I’m surprised it worked out so well.” “Well Dragons, even at a very young age, have the ability to understand languages of other species. Even when I was just a hatchling, I knew what they were telling me.” “That makes sense. With that type of ability, it would be nowhere near as hard as being trained regularly. Just being reminded a few times probably stuck into your head.” Cryo smiled and nodded. He looked back towards the radio.

“Anyway, Noble had to take a class for summer school since he ended up failing a class that year. But… He seemed to be running late for some reason. I… guess maybe I started to get impatient. My adopted father and mother, Suzy and Greg, always told me never to wander out on my own, and to never be seen by others, and for good reason. But unfortunately, I guess maybe I was concerned for him. Either that or I just didn’t want to wait for him. I remembered the path to his school since I rode in the car in the back once when we were taking him there. I was hiding under a blanket at the time, but I popped my head out just a bit under the blanket to watch outside as they drove. Not enough for anyone to see me though. I decided to go look for him, using the forest path along the edge of the street to use as cover so I couldn’t be seen. It was a little bit of a walk, but I had plenty of energy back then. Still do. Anyway, I made my way to the school. But when I got there, I found my brother being bullied by a couple of the kids there. I don’t remember what they were trying to do to him. But you can probably guess, I didn’t take too kindly to that…” “Did you kill them?” “What?! No! I just sprayed them down with a blast of water from my mouth. I think I might have knocked them unconscious though. Noble immediately realized I was there and hurried me back into the woods and we began to quickly get back home. Unfortunately, someone saw us go as we left.” “Who?” “I think it was a teacher from the school. I think if what I remember from what the the people here told me, she was about to break up the fight when she saw them getting blasted by a large spray of water. She saw Noble holding me for just a glimpse retreating into the woods after.” “Interesting, I’m guessing this is how they discovered your location.” “Unfortunately… yes. Anyway, We got back home and Noble reminded me that I cannot afford to be seen. It turns out he was right, as you can guess.” Cryo gave a small pause and gave out a sigh as he tilted his head down. He then faced the radio again and continued.

“When my brother reminded me, I started to feel like that I’m in big trouble, and well… I actually went back to my room and climbed to the top floor of the barn and jumped into my play pen to take a “time out.”” “You gave yourself a time out, creator?” “I know it sounds silly, but I felt like that Noble and my adopted family would have done it anyway. I also felt guilty for not listening to them. I think Noble actually tried to take me out but I refused.” “Sounds quite amusing to me creator. The creator did something naughty so the creator gives himself a time out. Must say that you must have been quite well behaved when you were a hatchling.” Cryo smiled at the thought and gave a small chuckle. Cryo continued his story. “Anyway. I stayed in there for about half an hour. Then Noble came back to get me for dinnertime. It was there that he told me there was a surprise tomorrow waiting for me. I think you already know what it is. He carried me into the house to eat with everyone for dinner. At dinner though, I learned that the teacher had called the house about the incident. Greg and Suzy reminded me I can’t be seen and more importantly… well… I wouldn’t be able to stay with them forever. “Really? They said that?” “Yes. They told me that I would be in danger staying with them for too long. They told me people we’re looking for me and Mom, who was… well… in hibernation at the time.” “I’m familiar with your mothers condition.” “Yes. It was due to this that they told me that once she wakes up, we’ll probably need to leave to stay safe.” “I see. Considering you ended up here, it seems their prediction held true.” Cryo gave a small frown and a nod. He continued with his story.

“After dinner, Noble carried me up to his room to watch him take apart a z phone before bedtime.” “Take a z phone apart?” “Yeah. Noble was hoping to go into engineering I think and had a hobby of taking apart different old machines he got from the junkyard and brought them home to take apart. Actually, I think Noble had actually fixed a few of the broken machines, using parts from different identical machines to replace the parts. “Fascinating. Perhaps that explains of why your such a good repair dragon.” Cryo gave out a small smile. “Yeah. I guess watching and listening to him while he’d take things apart helped me learn how machines work and how to repair them. Noble usually would talk to me as he worked, telling me a bit more about the parts.” “So he was in some ways… a teacher to you?” Cryo smiled and chuckled a bit. “I only learned from the best.” Cryo nodded and looked back at his radio. “Anyway. I watched Noble take apart the Z phone carefully for some time and then Suzy then put me in some night cloths for me and tucked me into bed.”

Cryo moved his paws on his belly and sunk a little bit backwards in the bean bag. “The next day, as you know, was my birthday. I woke up to the voice of my big brother, who was hanging over the edge of my crib. Funny enough, When Noble asked me if I knew what day it was, I thought it might be Christmas.” “How amusing. Silly creator thinks its Christmas during the summer season.” Cryo chuckled a bit again. Cryo continued.

“Noble carried me inside and started to tell me what a birthday is and what its for. When I got into the house, I saw that Greg and Suzy had made a bunch of food and there were a bunch of packages wrapped up like Christmas presents. I got confused again, but Greg and Suzy told me of the plans for today.” Cryo closed his eyes and tilted his head down for a second and opened them his eyes slowly.

“The plan was to go deep into the forest near a lake and have a wonderful birthday party there. I was going to swim, play games, eat, and have fun, but as you can guess, it… didn’t end up exactly that way…” Cryo looked back at the radio and clasped his front paws together again. “The party ended like a flash, as well… personnel from the military closed in on our campsite and began to terrorize Greg and Suzy, trying to get them to reveal where I was.” Cryo began to frown a bit and closed his eyes again.

“I watched as they beat Greg and Suzy at first. When they were about to beat my brother, well… I couldn’t allow them to continue. I knew there were far too many to fight off without them getting hurt, and so… I did the only thing I could do to stop them…” Cryo opened his eyes again and took in a deep breath in and out. “I gave myself up… I knew they’d take me away. I knew I’d probably never see them again. I knew I could possibly end up suffering a terrible fate. But I couldn’t let them suffer because of me. They… at least gave me a chance say goodbye to them. And well… that’s, how I ended up here. At the very least, they haven’t really done anything really malicious or cruel to me since I’ve been here. They… adopted me and treated me like I was their son, like Greg and Suzy did. They cared for me and mom while she was still in hibernation. It was a little hard when I first arrived, as they didn’t understand that I was more then a wild animal. But… eventually, they realized my potential and gave me a better life then I had when I first arrived. I’ve been able to continue on since the incident. But still… I really miss them…” Cryo began to scratch his trimmed talons gently a tiny bit against his clasped paws. He then closed his eyes as he began to sit back further in his bean bag. He gave a sigh and opened his eyes again.

“Can you tell me more, Creator?” asked the radio. Cryo tilted his head to the side a bit in confusion. “More? What do you mean? What’s more to tell?” replied Cryo “Your party couldn’t have been have just been all of that. Is that the only memory you have of that party? Didn’t you get to do anything fun before the incident?” Cryo looked at the radio again, thinking about what it said. “Your focusing only on the bad, creator. It couldn’t have been all that happened there. I believe there were some happy moments at the party.” Cryo scratched his chin a bit. “Well… I guess remember a bit more then that.” “If you don’t mind, please tell me about what you did before the incident.” Cryo thought about it for a moment and gave a small smile and a nod.” “Alright. I guess…”

Ch 30

Clothing Confusion

“The first thing I remember is that before heading off into the mountains, is that Noble changed me into some really nice and comfy new handmade cloths.” “What cloths?” “Well actually… similar to what I’m wearing right now.” “Really?” “Yes. A silver jacket with a cute picture of me on the back and a red scarf with a majestic fire breathing dragon on it. I didn’t have gloves or socks though. like I do now. But the materials and method are the same as Greg and Suzy used to make cloths for me.” “Interesting that your mother here would dress you in a similar outfit to your first birthday. What we’re your cloths made from?” “Well…” Cryo explained the method to his ai friend about his adopted parents method of making cloths.

“…and after mixing the fabrics and crushed soulfure petal mixture with the special chemical, it binds within the fabric itself and spreads into it and it creates a set of cloths that is very soft and comfy. They also cool off during hot days while also being very warm for winter seasons.” “That’s fascinating. Where did your adopted parents learn such a technique?” Cryo scratched his chin and head a bit. “I’m not sure really. He probably learned it from watching tv or something. The cloths I’m wearing now seem to be made in a similar method.” “Really?” “Yes. The researchers must have figured out how to make the same type of cloths.” “How do you know it’s made from the same method?” “The texture of the cloths is… specific. Cozy, warm, comfy, and reacts to cool and warm temperatures and water or snow. The fabric is softer then well… anything I think. Yet it’s sturdy enough not to tear against my scales and such. I’m sure that the researchers here had just cracked the formula on how he made them from what I wore at the party. They have the same scarf and jacket stored somewhere since I outgrew it. Either that, or they researched online or watched a tv show to learn how to make them.” “…I don’t think so, Creator.”

“Wha?… What do you mean? “Your right about one thing. The researchers here had tried to learn how to make similar cloths to what Suzy and Greg made. But despite their best efforts though, they could not figure out how in the world they made such magnificent cloths for you to wear that were very strong and seemed to react to both temperature, weather, and environmental elements. But they’ve never even come close to a finalized and successful product, until now apparently, now that you seem to be wearing a set of them…” “Um… How do you know that?”

“In my brief connection to the main servers, I downloaded documents pertaining to you specifically. One set of documents in my memory banks, is a group of research papers that have been years in progress pertaining to an investigation of cloths made by your adopted parents for you. The documents show many different tests to replicate said clothing fabrics for you. But the problem was, the technique they used was missing something. All tests made the cloths very easy to tear and gave a grainy and uncomfortable texture. Compared to the fabrics from the original jacket, which we’re VERY resistant to tear and the silk and such felt much more smoother and silky then any other known fabric techniques. They’ve been settling for years on clothing designs made from more reenforced fabrics to combat your scales issue.” “Well… Maybe like I said. It appeared… on tv…?” “I did a quick sweep of the internet, and there is no known fashion program or radio program that has ever mentioned or even looked into making cloths like this. As far as it is known, only your adopted parents knew how to make these.” “…Umm… Ok then… Thats… weird…” Cryo stayed silent for a moment. “If this is true, how in the world did they make these then. This is very strange,” thought Cryo. “Why don’t we get back to the story, creator.” “Umm… Ok then. Anyway…” .

Ch 31

Memorable Moments

“After that, they had already loaded up the vehicle and we quickly went on our way towards the mountains,” The drive was pretty long, but I got a beautiful view of the mountains and the forests as we drove by. “Did you have a car seat on the ride?” “Ahh… no I didn’t.” Cryo went into thought for a moment. “Though I guess that actually would be pretty funny if I did have one though. A dragon car seat. I wonder how that would work? Ha ha ha!” thought Cryo. Cryo gave out a small smile and went on. “Noble had wrapped me up in my favorite blanket at the time as we drove along, with cartoon characters from my favorite tv program stitched onto it” “Favorite tv program? Was it perhaps… Capsule Creatures?” “Oh yes. I loved that show since I was a hatchling. Still watch it today. It keeps adding new creatures, games, and always made me happy and gave me a good laugh every now and then. It even has dragon creatures in it.” “Makes since the young creator would watch a tv program like that. Its attracted a wide audience since its inception.” Cryo nodded and smiled. He continued with his story.

“Noble also kept me nice and hydrated on the trip.” “Hydrated?” “Yes. He fed me from a bottle several times as we drove on through.” “So you even had a nice baby bottle as a hatchling. An amusing image to think of my creator, riding in a car on a long drive, on his back, wrapped in a blanket, and being fed from a bottle while wagging his tail.” Cryo smiled at the thought.” “Yeah. Unfortunately, due to the trip itself, I had to have water instead of milk. It would have been extremely difficult to keep it cold with how long we’d be out.” “Were you a big milk consumer as a hatchling?” “Oh yes. When I was very young, I needed plenty of fluids as I went around. There was a nice farm near the end of town, where there were plenty of Craw walking around. Every time they’d drive me to the farm, I’d always get excited to see them. I’d poke my head out from the side window just a tiny bit to see them walk around while my parents went inside. Noble would keep a nice hold onto me and scratch my back. Right as I saw even one, I knew I’d be getting some very fresh milk to drink. I could tell they were treated very nicely, and their milk was some of the best I think I’ve ever had. I always liked herd animals like this.” “Sounds like the creator was a enthusiast for animal life. Especially ones that had a degree of responsibility for feeding the youngster.” Cryo chuckled a bit. “Well… I suppose it is a pretty important job keeping a young dragon well fed through some nice, refreshing dairy I suppose.” Cryo smiled and patted his belly a few times with both his paws.

“Anyway. The drive was pretty long still. The long drive wasn’t bad at all since I was being well fed and looking out at the beautiful expanse of forest. It felt very relaxing, and well… I eventually fell asleep. I think I dreamed that I was climbing a vast and beautiful snow covered mountain with a large expansive forest to view as I climbed up. At the top was where a vast horde of beautiful crystals were waiting for me to take home to my family. I was asleep for some time, until my nose got a whiff of some grilled Zurburgers.” “So the smell of fresh cooked meat awakens the young creator. You must have been a hungry little dragon.” Cryo gave out a small chuckle. “Yea. I suppose so. Anyway. Noble saw me awaken and took me out of my crib. He then asked me what I wanted to do.” “What did you do?”

“Well. We played hide and seek.” “Ahh. The classic human searching game. I imagine it would not be hard to see you in the shrubbery. You would stick out like a swollen thumb.” “Hehe. Yea. Anyway. Noble went first to seek.” “How long did it take Noble to find you?” “Not very long. Maybe about 7 minutes.” Cryo gave a small smile and began to lay himself back, head towards the radio. “Now it was my turn to seek. I looked around for a bit, trying to find my brothers scent, and eventually picked it up. I eventually saw him under a park bench near the lake. I decided to try to sneak up behind him to try and catch him by surprise, using the shrubs and trees to try to hide myself. But just as I was getting close, he heard me rustling the shrubs nearby. So now the chase was on!”

“Did you catch him?” “Yes I did. I actually caught him by flying for the first time.” “Really?” “Yes. Noble was pretty fast and I had a little trouble keeping up, so I climbed a nearby tree to make him think he lost me. I then glided towards the ground to him, and with a couple flap of my wings, I climbed onto his back, tagging him.” “Your first flight, huh?” “Yep. After that, I was hoping to swim, but Noble wanted to check with the Greg and Suzy, so we went to check with them.” “Did they allow you to swim?” “Well… not yet. Instead, they convinced us to play catch instead and wait after lunch.”

“Did you have a dragon catcher’s mit?” Cryo chuckled a bit and shook his head.” “No. Considering I walk using both front paws, it would be awkward for me to try to move around with something like a baseball glove on.” “Perhaps that could be a fun project for the future for you, creator.” Cryo tilted his head and rubbed under his chin a bit. “Hmm. That might be something cool to make. For that to work though… I’ll probably need a mit that has the ability to extend itself outward and be able to condensed again at will on my paw so my movement is not awkward or restricted. Hmm… It might be something worth trying to make some time…” Cryo thought. He turned back to the radio. “Yea. It might be a fun pet project. Back to the story.”

“It wasn’t long until all the food was finally ready. I was pretty hungry by then. I remember scarfing down every little bit of food they gave me. I think it was the most I ever ate in one meal setting. Then, came the cake.” “Ahh… The coup de grace of a birthday celebration, other then presents perhaps.” “Haha! Yeah. They special ordered a cake in the shape of a blue dragon like me.” “What type of cake was it?” “It was a chocolate cake. Its the first time I tasted chocolate.” “Sounds like quite an experience. Did you like it?” “Oh I did, alright. Scarfed so much of that down. I was so full after the meal, I absolutely needed another nap.” “Ahh the creator ate too much and needed to sleep off feeling lethargic. How amusing. What did you dream, creator?”

Ch 32

Destructive dream

“Umm… well…” Cryo began to think for a moment. “Is it really a good idea to tell it.. THAT dream…” he thought. Cryo began to drop his head down a bit. “Is something wrong creator.” “Oh. It’s umm… nothing.” Cryo replied “If I tell it about the dream, he might become… concerned. If what my… Dad told me is true, something like this or similar to this is going to happen in the future. An… invasion… trying to find me and… Mom too. A future I’m not sure if it can have a different outcome then what I witnessed.” He began to look back to the radio. “I… suppose it wouldn’t hurt to tell him. Despite being a smart ai, he’d probably think its a food induced dream. Alright then.” Cryo nodded and clasped his paws together again.

“Well… My dream was… just a nightmare.” “A nightmare?” “Umm… yea. It was… a pretty bad one.” “Do you remember what happened in it?” “Actually, yes. It kinda… stuck with me.” “Is it something you don’t want to say?” “Oh no. Its fine. It happened like this…”

“I woke up, in a destroyed town. I had no idea what town it was or where my loved ones were. So I began to look around. I eventually found a destroyed sign. After thinking for a bit, I recognized it as the welcome sign to my own home town.” “Oh my… Sounds like things are already off to a bad start.”

“Umm… yea… Anyway… Right as I realized that it was… my home town. I began to rush to where my house was. When I got there… my house… was destroyed and my family was nowhere to be seen. I began to panic and worry about the whereabouts of my loved ones.” Cryo took in a deep breath. “Just then, I began to hear a noise behind me. I ignored it at first, but it started to become louder. When I turned behind to see what it was, I saw what looked to be a metal dragon.” “A metal dragon?” “Yes. It was in some type of space armor or something like that. He had apparently been looking for me and Mom…” “That’s awful. Were they responsible for the mess?” Cryo nodded. “He said that Mom had been taken by them and they were going to use me to make her build a portal.” “What about your adopted family?” “They apparently escaped but they were searching for them as well. But to be honest, I think they wanted more then just using me as a hostage.” “Why do you think that?” “Umm… It’s… just a feeling I have. I’m um… not really sure if there was more to it. Just a… a hunch I had.” “Strange. What more could they want with you?” “I don’t know. I just ran into the forest, trying to lose them. There was no way I could fight them off at the time and I knew it. I ran through for what seems like forever. I eventually found log cabin still intact deep in, with the door unlocked… I went in and looked for a place to hide from them. I… eventually hid where most kids would hide.” “And where was that?” “Under the covers of a bed.” “Not very tactical…” “I was just a hatchling then. I didn’t think of anywhere else to hide. I’m not as smart as I am now.” “Well… What happened next creator.”

“Well. I heard what sounded like jets overhead flying over the cabin. It eventually went away. After waiting a bit. I decided to… take a peek to see if anything was out there… and…” Cryo gave a small gulp and took in another deep breath. “The dragon from before, was towering right over me. I tried to get away, but he quickly pinned me down and then lifted me up with his arms around my neck and waist to keep me from wiggling out of his grasp. It became hard to breath, and I began to panic. I tried as hard as I could to break free. But it was no use. Other dragons with armor came in and bound my limbs, tied my wings down around my body, and they muzzled me.” “That’s just cruel. Destroying a town, terrorizing a baby dragon, kidnapping…. It’s just overblown at this point. All of this seems completely unnecessary! All just to kidnap 2 innocent dragons! Anyone who goes THAT far is uncultured heathens. No one should be pushed around and bullied like that. It’s pathetic and just sad.” Cryo actually gave a small chuckle and smile at the comment.

“Yea. Your probably right. I guess they considered me and mom too valuable and went overboard for no reason except to show off their military might and power. Your right. Anyone who decides to go that far are simply brutes.” “Did anything else happen after?” “The last thing that happened before I woke up is that they said someone was really wanting to meet me, and after that, they blindfolded me and then, everything went black.” “How unnecessary…” “Yeah. I agree.” “Do you have an idea who or what wanted to meet you?” “Well, no… It’s just a dream anyway, right?” “I suppose your right. I must say, that’s quite an awful dream to have right on your special day. I wouldn’t be surprised if that also ruined your birthday.” “Well… I suppose that could have contributed to the more negative aspects of what happened. Anyway… I woke up with Noble watching me. He told me I had been tossing and turning in my sleep. After that, I finally got a chance to swim. I jumped in before they were ready for me, but they didn’t mind once they saw I could swim safely on my own. I swam with Noble for a little bit. After that… well… You know the rest.”

Ch 33

Therapeutic Thesis

“That’s quite a story creator. It’s a shame what happened on your special day. I understand your feelings of grief on your birthday now, I believe,” said the radio. Cryo put his head down a bit. “But, it seems that it was not all bad. You were able to recount some very positive moments from the day. It might be hard sometimes to focus on the positive aspects after such a traumatic experience, but I think you should at least try to stop focusing on past trauma, and instead focus on what’s important. You and the others here who love you. They don’t like seeing you sad like this. They want to see you having a good time, Creator. Let go of what happened in the past. It should remain there. Don’t think that you’ll never see your adopted parents and brother again. There is always hope. Don’t ever give up on that.”

Cryo looked down for a minute, and slowly closed his eyes. “…It’s right. I’ve spent so long remembering the worst aspects of what happened. I let the grief of that day scar me for years. I never even once took moment to focus on the good things that happened,” thought Cryo. Cryo began to pick his head up and gave a smile. “You’re right. I never began to think of the fun things I was able to do with them before it happened. I only focused on the loss, not on what truly matters. Family and fun.” Cryo began to sit up and nodded. “Your right. I can’t give up hope. Maybe one day I’ll be able to see them again. I have to keep trying. Keep wishing. Maybe if my wish is strong enough, it’ll come true.” “That’s better creator. Try to have some fun on your birthday. Let go of the past and look towards the future. There’s always a chance you’ll see them again. Never lose hope.” “Thank you.” Cryo gave a smile and began to stretch a bit in his bean bag chair. Cryo looked back at the radio, and thought of something.

“You know… I never gave you a name.” “A name, creator?” “Yeah. I probably should give you a name.” Cryo began to think for a moment, scratching his chin. He then looked back at the radio and smiled. “How about I call you, Craft.” “Craft?” “Yea, based on the fact I crafted you myself.” “Very well. Adding name to profile. I will be known as Craft.” Cryo gave a smile and began to sit himself back in his seat, when he heard the door open behind him. He turned his head to face it, and saw a familiar figure standing in it. “Cryo, honey. We’re ready for you.” said Tide.

Ch 34

Big Birthday

Tide began to walk over to her precious son and gave a smile to him. Cryo saw she had cloths on like him. She had a purple sweater with an image of her and Cryo flying together with the words “Family and Flight,” under it and a blue scarf, with the image of a majestic blue dragon on it, similar to his. She also had some warm fingerless purple gloves and toeless socks around her front and back paws. “You look pretty nice, Mom. Looks like you have some new cloths too,” said Cryo. He walked over to her. “Thank you honey. These cloths feel wonderful Cryo. I can see why you really liked being bundled up like this.” She gave a smile at him and Cryo gave a smile back. “Ready to go son?” “Yea mom. I’m ready.” “Good. Let’s get you to field.” They both walked out the door and headed for the outside.

As they walked toward the hallway, Tide noticed that Cryo seemed pretty relaxed. “You don’t seem to be too tense right now Cryo. I thought you’d be a little antsy going to your party.” Cryo looked back at Tide and gave a small smile. “Don’t worry Mom. I’m fine. I’m sure things will be fun today.” Tide was surprised that Cryo seemed to be perfectly fine with his birthday celebration. Tide began to wonder why Cryo’s attitude seemed to have completely changed. “Are you sure your ok, honey?” “Heh heh. Relax mom. I’m fine. You don’t need to worry.” “Well. Ok…” They continued to walk down the hallway, and Tide began to think. “Did something happen while we we’re getting ready for Cryo’s surprise? I didn’t expect such a positive attitude for what’s usually a hard day for him. He looks so calm. Hmm…” Tide looked back ahead and gave a small smile. “Perhaps I’ll ask later.” They continued and headed out the door to the outside.

They headed towards the field where a big crowd of people were gathered. It seems the event would be pretty big this year. “Seems to be a lot of people planned to join the celebration this year,” said Cryo. The crowd looked toward the little Dragon, and gave a big shout. “Happy birthday, Cryo!” Cryo chuckled a bit and gave a smile. “Is this my surprise for this year?” “Not quite honey. This is only the introduction. Why don’t we head towards your real surprise…” Cryo tilted his head a bit and Tide nodded. She gestured Cryo with her head to continue following her and they headed towards the center. He saw that there was blue and cyan picnic blanket with a box pattern for him to sit on. Next to it was a small picnic basket. “Please have a seat with me, honey.” She smiled and sat down. She gestured Cryo over with her paw and tapped it a few times next to her on the blanket. Cryo, confused as to what was going on, strolled over next to Tide and sat next to her. “What’s going on here?” Cryo thought. He looked around at the area.

He looked towards the left and saw there were several tables filled with different types of munchies for him and the party guests to eat. He recognized one of the things seem to be a large container containing a white chocolate treat, spread across the entire container. “They made white chocolate for me? I guess I did leave the recipe next to my bed. I have to wonder if anyone else will like it? It’s a… well… new type sweet treat in this world I suppose…” His mother opened the picnic basket and took out a small plastic plate, with a few treats on it. She placed it in front of Cryo and gave a smile. He recognized it as the same treat from the container. “Here Cryo. Why don’t you have a couple pieces of white chocolate chunks. We did our best following your recipe, and I hope you’ll be our taste tester while we wait for your surprise. Please. Have a piece my son.” Cryo looked at the plate a smacked his mandibles a bit. He sniffed it a bit, and could smell its sweet scent. He picked up a piece, opened his mouth, and took a bite. Munching a bit, he gave a small smile and nodded. “I think you guys got the recipe right, Mom.” “Good. You can have the rest while we wait for your surprise.” “Don’t you want to try some Mom? I know I should probably share.” “Don’t worry, my baby boy. I’ll have some later. Now. Just wait for a bit.” Cryo nodded and continued to look around to see the rest of the party. He looked to the right to see a large stack of gifts from many different people there. “Lots of gifts this year. I don’t think that’s the surprise though. It seems… too obvious.”

He took another white chocolate chunk and took a bite of it. As he chewed on the delicious treat, he then looked straight ahead, and saw that the field seemed to be set up to play several outdoor games and sports. “Looks like the field is set up for both blitzball (aka soccer) and strikeball (aka baseball). Interesting. Haven’t swung a bat in a while, but I’m sure I’m still really good at catching the ball. I’m also pretty quick when it comes to blitzball. The games will be pretty large with the amount of people here today. I wonder how team selection will work?” Cryo began to lay himself down flat on his belly, with his head held up. He lifted his arm up and then took another bite of his treat. Tide looked behind herself to see a small group coming forward, she gave a smile and a nod back to them and turned to Cryo. She began to slowly scratch Cryo’s back and he gave a relaxed breath in and out. “Hmm… Nothing’s really happening right now. I wonder…” Suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder. He slowly turned his head around and his eyes lit up like the sun. “Hello little brother. It’s been a while, huh?”

Ch 35

Rightful Reunion

“N…Noble?” He kneeled down and gave Cryo an hug. Cryo looked behind him, and saw Greg and Suzy, standing behind. “My. You’ve grown quite a bit my little boy,” said Suzy. “Do you like your new cloths, Cryo? I bet they feel nice on you.” said Greg. Cryo looked at his fingerless gloves and he realized what the design was for. “The gloves say… reunion, when together, and the combination of the the socks and gloves, give the appearance of a forest around a lake, where I last left them.” Cryo began to tear up little as his “big brother,” let him go. “What are… you guys doing here?” Cryo asked. “Well little brother, we we’re invited here. To be able to be with you again,” replied Noble. “I… invited?” “That’s right Cryo,” said Ty. Cryo looked and saw Ty stroll up to Cryo from the right. “You… Brought them here?” “That’s right. But its more then just that Cryo.” “More?” “We’re going to be staying with you here now, little brother.” said Noble “S-Staying!?” “That’s right. We’ve got the special privilege of helping take care of you and your mother. We’ll be living here now, and you’ll be able to see us anytime.” said Greg. Cryo gave a smile as a tear rolled down from his eye. He began to place his arms around Noble and he looked over at Ty. “Thank you for this. This is… the best surprise ever!” Noble got up and Ty gestured the crowd. “Why don’t we give them some time to talk. I’m sure there is a lot they need to catch up on. “Come on, baby brother, why don’t the 5 of us go over towards the field and talk, as a family again.” Cryo nodded, and the Cryo, Tide, Greg, Suzy, and Noble headed towards the field to talk about the wild things that have happened since they left.

Cryo talked about his early days, school troubles, and of course, the dangerous situations they ended up getting in. They we’re quite surprised at some of the things that happened, but they we’re glad they got out of it safely. He told them about the care he was since he left, the friends he’s made, the fun times he spent, and the about his time repairing items. Soon it was time to rejoin the party goers, who have brought a large cake in the shape of a blue dragon. Enough for everyone there. Greg lit up the candles. After singing Cryo happy birthday, it was time to make a wish. “Are you ready Cryo? Time for you to make a wish,” Cryo strolled and looked at the lit candles. “What should I wish for? My wish has already come true, and I didn’t even need to blow out the candles.”

But he began to think towards something else. Something dangerous. He realized he had one other wish to make. He thought to himself. “I wish for the everyone here to be to be safe, for when THEY arrive.” He began to take in a breath, and blew out a small stream of water, extinguishing the candles. “Heh… sorry everyone. I guess I still need to work on that. “What did you wish for Cryo?” asked Noble. “Oh. Its a secret…” “A secret huh. Well. I hope it comes true!” “Yea… I hope so too big brother.” Cryo nodded and looked towards the sky. “I hope so for the sake of everyone here it comes true,” thought Cryo. He turned back to Noble and gave a smile. “Come on, Let’s party on!” So they partied on through the day. For the first time in such a long time, they saw Cryo have fun on his birthday. He shared stories with everyone, played some sports, and ate plenty of food..

Ch 36

Precious Present

After a couple hours, it was starting to get late, so it was time for Cryo to open his presents. He sat back on the picnic blanket, looking to his present stack, piled high with many gifts from many of the caring people and new friends he’s made. “Alright everyone. Let’s give Cryo his first gift,” said Greg. Greg brought over a small gift, in a long but rather flat box. “This one is something special Cryo. The three of us worked together to make this for you.” Cryo looked at the package, which was wrapped in a specially designed wrapping paper that was a shade of dark blue, with a smiling blue dragon was littered throughout it. “Special huh. I wonder what this could be,” Cryo thought. “Well. Only one way to find out.”

Cryo began to tear the wrapping paper off carefully, making sure not to rip whatever was inside with his trimmed talons. He saw that it contained a cardboard box, with something inside it. “Hmm… strange. I’ve never seen a box like this before. Its really long, yet the cardboard is very thin, making it a bit… well… squishy I suppose. I wonder what’s inside?”

Cryo began to open the box, and inside was a what looked like a scarf. But, this one seemed… different. The neckline for the item seemed to be pointed downward quite a bit and got thinner as it extended from the middle to its sides. It had a pattern looking like nice blue waves from a large, vast sea, with the sun shining above. “Do you like it Cryo?” asked Noble. Cryo began to pick it up and rubbed it against his head. It felt smoother, softer, and comfier then anything he’s ever touched before. He took a sniff of it, and it smelled like the spring of fresh, clean, purified water from a vast river going through a large, expansive forest.

“This scarf is unlike anything I’ve had before,” Cryo said. “Silly baby brother. That’s not a scarf,” said Noble with a smile. “It’s not a scarf? Then… what exactly is it?” “It’s called a bandanna.” “A… bandanna?” “That’s right. It’s like a scarf, but it flows down to give more comfort around your neck and a little further down towards your body.” “That sounds… really cool actually.” “Do you want to try it on?” Cryo nodded. “Alright, hang on baby brother.” Noble took the silky bandanna and tied it carefully and gently around Cryo’s neck. He felt the soft silk covering his neckline and a below and he could smell the pleasant scent as Noble finished tying it around Cryo’s neck. “There you go, baby brother. Does it feel nice on you?” Cryo looked downwards towards it. But just then, it seemed that the bandanna itself seemingly glowed, just for a second, but just as quickly died back down. “Huh… Did I see it glow?” Cryo looked at it again, and nothing seemed to be happening. “It must be my imagination.” He turned towards Noble. “I love it. I don’t think I’ve ever felt something like this before.” “Noble smiled as Cryo looked towards Greg and Suzy, who were also smiling. “Thank you. This is perfect!” Cryo said. “Why don’t you open your other gifts,” said Ty.

Time passed as Cryo continued to open his other gifts. He found many new sets of cloths, blankets, and other fabric items that followed Greg’s formula from many different party goers. Greg had told the secret of his trade. He got plenty of different parts of technology to upgrade his different machines in his room. He even got the computer he wanted and games for his Ignition. But, despite the vast array of gifts, nothing seemed to be more special then the bandanna Cryo had been given, stitched together with care and created with the love only his old family could give. But strangely, Cryo felt there was more to it then that… Much more…

Night was beginning to come around, and he was very tired from the party. “All right everyone. My baby brother seems to be dozing off. I think its time for him to get to bed,” said Noble. Cryo gave out a yawn. “Yea. I’m very tired. I don’t think I can party any longer.” The group of party goers nodded. “Alright Have a good night Cryo. Get some sleep little buddy,” said Cameron. “Come on, baby brother. Why don’t we try out one of your new night shirts when we get to you room,” said Noble “We should probably help bring Cryo’s gifts to his room. There is quite a lot of them,” said Ty. Everyone nodded. They began to pick up Cryo’s gifts one by one. “I’ll carry you to your room, baby brother.” Cryo gave out another yawn. He then scratched his eyes a bit. “Lead the way, Ty.” said Greg. Ty nodded, and they headed to Cyro’s room. It didn’t take long for them to get there.

Ch 37

Softer Stories

Noble headed into Cryo’s room first. Then, many of the party goers entered one by one and set Cryo’s gifts near his work bench. One by one they headed out of the room after placing his gifts down gently. “Alright. Let’s get you ready for bed, baby brother.” Cryo yawned again and nodded. “Can I sleep in my bandanna?” “Sure, baby brother. Let me get you a night shirt first and I’ll bring it back over. Noble helped Cryo change out of his party cloths and carefully unwrapped Cryo’s bandanna around his neck. He went to pick out some night cloths for Cryo in his gift stack.

Noble looked through some of the shirts, and decided to pick a blue t shirt with a side profile image of one of his favorite creatures from the game, Capsule Creatures, swimming through a vast deep blue sea with other creatures from the game. It looked like a fierce Orca, with long spread out fins and markings all over his fins and around his eyes and head.. On the back, the shirt read “As the storm passes over the sea, you know its the primal rain from Stormfall.” Noble nodded and gave a smile towards Cryo, who was looking over towards him. “This should be very comfortable for him to sleep in tonight,” Noble thought. He walked back over to Cryo.

“Alright. Hold your arms out, Cryo.” Cryo nodded and held his arms forward. Noble smiled and lifted the shirt over Cryo’s head and carefully maneuvered it around his wings. “Comfy little brother?” “Yes. It feels just like when I was a hatchling.” Noble then tied Cryo’s bandanna around his neck again. Cryo began to tilt his head down a bit to look at it. He began to smell its pleasant scent a bit and gave a relaxed sigh. “This bandanna feels pretty nice and smells nice. It feels even softer then this shirt too.” “That bandanna is really special. Dad found a way to make the material even softer, cleaner, and more resilient. He used them to make that very special bandanna. Both me and mom helped stich it together” “What did he do to it?” “He said he mixed Flo Lily petals with the bandana’s fabric.”

“Flo Lily! That’s one of the rarest plants in the world! In fact, no one knows currently how to correctly grow it, as transporting to research facilities it is not possible. They wilt and die immediately after exiting the water and putting water in a container to keep it alive doesn’t work either. They are also very fragile to handle. All that’s known is that it grows extremely rarely in waterside Lily plant clusters. Some think they are a mutated version or a ancestral strain of the lily plant. How did… How did he get one, let alone transport it?” Cryo thought. He looked to his brother, who was getting a blanket from Cryo’s stack of gifts. Noble grabbed a new Blue blanket in a similar design to his shirt except more cartoony, with the Stormfall and Cryo huddled together, facing forward, and sleeping on the surface of the ocean with a thought bubble over their heads of them swimming together. Printed below the picture was the words, “Sleeping in the Sea of dreams with Stormfall.” Noble smiled and chuckled a bit at the design. “Cryo’s going to enjoy being bundled in this. He’s probably wanted a blanket made from dads fabric designs for a long time. Stormfall I know is his favorite legendary creature in the game. I remember how excited he was when he first saw Stormfall on the tv at home. The anime series was his favorite show to watch back in Wayside.” He walked over and picked up Cryo, and began to carefully wrap the blanket around him.

“Um… Noble?” “Something up little brother? Is there something wrong with your blanket?” “Oh umm… no. It feels perfect. I haven’t felt a blanket this soft since I was a hatchling. I like the design as well. I was just… wondering. How did Greg… transport or use a flo lily. I learned in school that… well… its really hard to find, and even harder to transport…” Noble had just got done wrapping Cryo up and placed him on his hay bed, with his head nestled carefully on a new pillow with an underwater design and a bunch of sea life swimming through it from the capsule creature series. “I… actually don’t know, little brother.” “Oh…” replied Cryo. “It was your scales that were the key Cryo,” said a familiar voice. “Huh?”

Cryo turned his head toward the door, and saw Greg in the doorway. He walked over and began to rub Cryo’s head a bit. “My… scales?” “Do you know how me and Suzy make fabrics like this Cryo?” “Well… I know you use a mixture of a chemical and soulfire petals and waterproof fabrics, but I never knew what the chemical…”

“It wasn’t exactly a chemical, Cryo.” “Huh? It wasn’t?” Greg shook his head and looked at Cryo with a smile. “It’s your scales, Cryo. Ground up and mixed with a bit of water and fabric softener.” “You used my hard scales to make my cloths? But, how did you learn how to do it? And how does that work? It seems, outlandish to me.” “Well Cryo. It happened not too long after we moved into town. Early on, there was a problem with the blankets when we were curling you in at night. You actually turn around quite a bit during the night, and your hard scales would occasionally rip blankets up you were curled in. It sometimes would get bad enough where you would get really tangled at night from the ripped fabrics, causing you to wake up and cry for help. It would require us to have to untangle you and remove all the ripped pieces from under your scales. It could take a while into the night, and back then, you needed a ton of sleep, so keeping you up like this made you very cranky, and usually would cause you to sleep most of the day. Cryo nodded. “I know about that. The researchers here had to use more reinforced fabrics so that I wouldn’t end up like that. The blankets and cloths were a bit more stiff though, so it wasn’t nearly as comfortable as my old ones.” “We needed to do something about your scaly situation.” Greg pulled up a chair and sat next to Cryo.

“But, one day, we found out a strange little quirk with your scales. You see Cryo, one day, after a night episode, we had to try to calm you back to sleep. While we we’re getting another blanket ready and cleaned for you to huddle in, well… Suzy actually tripped and dropped your blanket and a bit of fabric softener spilled a bit, onto you. But then we saw something strange happen to your scales from the fabric softener. When we we’re wiping it off, well, we noticed that your scales had seemingly reacted to it. The scales that had fabric softener on it, become very smooth and the rigidness evened out as well. But not only that, the affected scales on your body felt like incredible fine fabric, but, it was still very resilient to tear, as if it was as strong as it was before, maybe even stronger, despite the clear reaction to the fabric softener. As you can guess Cryo, this little “accident,” began to give me an idea on what to do.” Cryo began to lean a bit closer to Greg, clearly very interested in the story.

“I began to do tests with the scales that you shed off during the last month (dragons shed scales once every 2 months). I needed to find a way to integrate your softened scales into fabrics to hold them together while offering the resilience to prevent tear and such with it. After about a 3 days of testing and looking into it, I figured out something. By grinding your sturdy scales into a fine powder, and mixing it with fabric softener and water, and then add it to fabrics while putting the cloth together, would cause the mixture to bond with the fabrics themselves. It made them much stronger, softer, comfier, and cleaner.” Cryo gave out a small yawn, and huddled himself in his blanket a bit. He turned his head back to Greg, who gave him a smile. Cryo smiled back. But then a question came into Cryo’s mind. He turned back to Greg with a confused look. “When did you add soulfire petals into it? “That came a little bit later.”

Ch 38

Comfy Creature

“About 2 weeks after giving you your new blanket, we… ran into another problem.” “What problem, Greg?” “You began to get cold a lot around the barn. Enough where it was starting to affect your mood quite a bit. I believe that the “icy,” part of you was causing you to become very cold. It might have been your ice based traits were developing and it was causing you freeze up. I’m remember that first week of the problem. You were shivering everywhere you stepped around. You obviously didn’t like the feeling of being cold all the time, so you began to walk around, carrying your new blanket everywhere and keeping it bundled around your body at all times. It kept you nice and warm, but obviously, you shouldn’t have to carry a blanket everywhere to keep yourself warm.”

“We decided that next, we’d create a set of cloths for you to stay bundled up in during the day and night so that you could stay warm to counteract the issue at hand. We made a small set of jackets and shirts to test on you. We figured out a way quickly to allow room for a slit in the fabric to let your wings out, without exposing too much of your back to the outside elements. It seemed that your wings didn’t get cold, but the rest of your body did. However, the original ones, well… didn’t keep you warm enough. And in some cases, on particularly hot days within the week, it ended up making you sweat a good amount. Something else you didn’t like. We began to wonder why on earth you seemed to be so fine with your blanket, even during very hot days but seemed to become too cold or way too hot with the cloths. So one day, I decided that there must be something with it that was different with the blanket then the other items I was making. And it turns out, I was right.”

“I took tiny little piece of fabric, which actually took some, shall we say “threading time,” to remove even a single small strand. But when I looked under a microscope at the strand, I realized that there was an “oddity,” within the sown fabrics.” “An oddity?” “Yes. There was something else mixed into the blankets materials. Something that wasn’t originally supposed to be there. I couldn’t remove the unknown material to get a better look at what it was, since it had already bonded with the fabrics. So I began to ponder what else might have somehow got dropped or dipped into the mixture. I decided to go to the table, where me and Suzy created the first blanket. I searched the entire area for anything that could have dropped on the floor that might be the solution, but I didn’t find anything that could have been it.”

Greg began to scratch Cryo’s back a bit as he talked. “So I asked a different question. What was supposed to be there on that day that was NOT there now. What could have been in the room that might have been accidently mixed in somehow. And then I remembered an oddity that night. We were going to dinner that evening with some of our friends in town and dressed up nicely. Your brother was to watch you and keep you happy. Before we left though, we had just got done grinding Cryo’s scale down and we’re about to mix them into the formula. But, when I looked at Suzy, I realized that she was missing something… Her corsage, made out of a soulfire flower. At that moment, it hit me.”

“I realized that when we grinded and mixed your scales, the soulfire flower must have somehow gotten dislodged from the dress and fell into the the mixture without us knowing. And so we had accidently added an extra ingredient to the blanket. But somehow, the soulfire petals must have somehow had a strange effect on your blanket. And so we decided take a walk through the forest with you in a harness and a leash the next day. While walking on the forest path I kept an eye out for as many soulfire flowers as I could find on and around the forest path and gathered them up so I could mix it with the next set of cloths fabrics and see if it could solve the problem. After you went to sleep that night, I began to work on a single shirt and a single jacket, to test and see if it would help with your little problem the next mourning. It was a longer night but I finished it with Suzy and we went to bed.”

“The next mourning, we picked you up from your crib while leaving your blanket in it. You weren’t too happy about that at first. You began to shiver quite a bit in our hands from being cold. We placed you on the floor and helped you into the new jacket. It wasn’t that long that, after we put it on, you stopped shivering completely. We then saw a big smile go across your face as you began to walk with the jacket on. It seemed to have solved the problem. Over the next few months, we took many more walks on different forest paths to gather as many soulfire flowers as we could. We created several different shirts, jackets, sweaters, and a few sets of talonless gloves and socks. We saw that the new sets of cloths we have been making for you not only keep you very warm during colder days and nights, but would also seem to keep you from getting too hot on hotter ones. Even the jackets seemed to never get hot enough to make you sweat. So you would typically wear a jacket or sweater during the day and at night, wear a warm t-shirt for bed. On wetter days, we’d also give you your socks and gloves so your paws wouldn’t get cold and wet.” Cryo began to position himself to lay on his back facing towards Greg. He lifted his head up to Greg and gave out another yawn, as his eyes began to get heavy. Greg saw Cryo was starting to doze off. “Can you stay awake for a little longer Cryo? I haven’t got a chance to answer your question yet.” “I still got a bit of energy in me. Go on. I’ll stay awake.”

Ch 39

Lily Luck

“So this last part happened not to long from now. I think… just 3 days ago. It was getting close to your birthday, and… I wanted to remember the days we spent with you. We didn’t know what had happened to you since you were taken. So the 3 of us went to the lake, where we parted with you. We were going to have a picnic there and remember the good times we had with you. But during the picnic, Noble spotted a particular oddity.” “An oddity?” “Something had remained behind on that day. Something of yours that must have come off during the chaos.” “What was it?” “A single, dragon scale. Your, dragon scale.” Cryo tilted his head and then breathed in a deep breath and then let out a big stretch. He then huddled himself tightly back into position. “Noble was swimming in the lake, and he found it in the water, tangled a bit in a Lily plant cluster near the shore. Realizing it was yours, he picked it up from the lake and brought it to me. But when I saw it, something special seemed to have grown on it. It had grown and wrapped itself around the entire scale. Noble saw it but thought is was just a strange Lily. When I saw it however. I was shocked. I think you know what it is, don’t you?” Cryo yawned and nodded.

“It was a flo Lilly, wasn’t it Greg?” “Yes. It had attached itself to your scale and grown around it. And the thing was, despite it being removed from the water, it did not wilt and die. The flo lily had been close to blooming, with its dark blue petals nearly ready to open up.” Cryo looked at Greg with a look of confusion. “How did it not die?” “There was something about your scale, Cryo. Something that… caused it to seemingly to be able to survive despite it being out of its natural environment. I was amazed at this. So after the picnic was over, I decided to take the scale and Flo Lily with us to study and look at why this was happening.”

“From what I could figure out, there was something special about your scale Cryo. It’s not an accident that a flow Lily grew onto your scale. Something about your scale being in the water all that time in a Lily plant cluster must have caused one to grow onto it. And something about your scale gave the plant life, even when being removed from its habitat. It was amazing. It wasn’t long after this, I would get a special call. One that would change everything.”

“It was from the people here at the base. Wasn’t it?” “That’s right. They gave us a chance to be able to see and live with you again. This was some of the happiest news we’ve ever heard. And I was excited. They wanted to create a bunch of special fabric items for your presents and wanted to know how I made the cloths as well. So I gave them the secret and then for the next day, they would go over their plans for your party. The people at the base would use the fabric formula to create a bunch of different sets of cloths and blankets and such.” Greg began to scratch Cryo’s head and under his chin for a bit and then smiled and sat back down. “But then, on the night before the party, I would… have a strange dream.”

“A strange dream?” “Yes. It’s hard to really explain it, but…” Greg took in a deep breath and looked at Cryo. He smiled at Cryo and nodded. “The dream I had… went a little like this.”

Ch 40

Dream Dragon

“I woke up, in darkness. I couldn’t see anything. But just then light began to pour over the horizon. But the light itself… well, seemed to be, covered up by some strange orbital object. It looked like a luner eclipse. “A lunar eclipse!?” “Yes. As the faint light shined over the horizon, I found that I seemed to be on, a beach of black sand. With a large expanse of water looming over toward the sun. The water was a beautiful red, like when its dusk outside. And then well…” Greg looked toward Cryo with a look of curiosity. “Then a big, shiny black dragon flew in from the horizon.” “Dad…” thought Cyro.

“At first I was afraid. But he told me that there was nothing to fear. He told me that he wanted to help me. He told me that I had something very special in my position. Something he knew could be used to create something very special. The flo Lily… He told me that it could be used to make a very special item for you. Something unlike any of the other fabric items I made before. He then… gave me a set of instructions on how to correctly harness it to make a bandanna for you using a combination of my original fabric formula and the flo Lilly. “What did he say you had to do?”

“He told me that to make a perfect bandanna for you I would need to first soften the scale up with the flow Lily still attached to it, by carefully dabbing fabric softener on the scale around the Lily. When the scale is softened up, I would need to then need create a mixture made of your dragon saliva which your caretakers were able to provide me with, grinded darklight coral from the sea, a bit of freshwater, and grinded leaves of a tree grown in cold weather. Aka the mountain Froz tree (similar to a pine tree). The mixture, when carefully poured on the Lily, would cause a reaction that would cause the petals to immediately open up and and strengthen them to not wilt and die immediately upon being removed from the main plant. After that, I then needed to slowly and carefully take each of the petals off one by one. After that, I needed to soak the petals in warm purified spring water for several hours. When the flo lily petals had turned from its normal dark blue color to the vivid cyan color, I could then mix them with my original formula and finish making it.” Cryo yawned again as his eyes grew heavy. “Considering the finished product, I’m guessing you did it perfectly.” “Yes, after he gave me the instructions, he told me that he wished you a happy birthday and then he said he hoped that the “special qualities’,” of the bandanna would help him in the future. After that, I woke up.”

Ch 41

Sleep Study

Cryo looked up at Greg and nodded. “That’s uh… some story Greg,” said Cryo. “I wouldn’t have believed it myself if it hadn’t actually worked. But everything that dragon said worked perfectly, and made you that special bandanna,” replied Greg. “I wonder who… uh… that dragon could be.” “I don’t know. I wish I could have thanked him for his help. But since the finished product has worked out so well, I imagine now that it might not have exactly been a dream.” “Um… Yea Greg. That dragon… maybe had wanted to make a, uh… personal gift with your help. I’m… sure he’s… happy with the results.” Greg nodded at Cryo. He stood up and rubbed Cryo’s head a bit and gave a small kiss on Cyro’s forehead.

“Well. I think that’s enough of a story tonight, Cryo. You look exhausted.” “Yea… I really liked the bedtime story. But I uh… need some sleep. “Alright. You want me to turn on naptunes?” “Oh… uh… yea. Just tell the radio to turn on the naptunes channal. You won’t need to switch the knobs or anything. It has… uh… voice command.” “Alright. I’ll try it.” Greg turned towards the radio. “Turn on naptunes channal.” “Turning on naptunes channal.” A soothing melody began to play and ring into Cryo’s ears. “Goodnight, my son. Hope you sleep well in your new cloths and blankets.” “Yea. Goodnight, Greg.” Greg walked out the door to the room. He turned back and gave one final look at Cryo and smiled and nodded. He turned off the lights and walked out.

Cryo gave out one last yawn, and slowly closed his eyes as the melody began to work it’s spell on Cryo’s hazy mind. “Dad gave Greg instructions on how to make this. Considering what I’ve seen, could this… bandanna have something more to it then just comfort.” Cryo’s mind began to drift as he began to tightly huddly himself in the blanket. “I shouldn’t think about this now. I really need sleep. I’ll think about this more tomorrow.” As the music played, Cryo’s mind finally succumbed and fell into a deep, deep slumber.

No New Abilities in this book.

New known Likes:

Being told and sharing stories

His new AI buddy, Craft


His birthday (Surprisingly)

His brand new special Bandanna

New known dislikes

Traitors and his kidnappers

His race’s dark situation

The future and its possibilities

Cryo the dragon, Book 4, Hunted

Cryo the dragon, Book 4, Hunted

Escape won’t be easy…


Last time, Cryo woke up from his previous encounter with a group trying to kidnap him. He was stuck by a dart containing a special poison designed to paralyze anything unlucky enough to get hit by it. With him still feeling the aftereffects, he had to take a “Sick day,” and stay in bed with his best friend, Cameron, watching him. After watching a movie, Cryo needed to take a long nap.

But his dream found him in some sort of massive prison complex, with him being one of the residents… The dragons from a dream he had has a hatchling appeared again and tried to take Cryo from his cell, but he was seemingly saved by strangely, a movie character. But soon his head felt fuzzy and then he woke up

He helped his friend fix up his portable console and then got curious on what happened to the human homeworld, so he asked Cameron. After hearing the tale of how humanity shot for the stars to abandon their fading planet, Cryo would eat his dinner for the night and fall again into a deep slumber…

But his next dream would begin to start creating questions in Cryo’s mind. He woke up somewhere unfamiliar, in an alleyway in the middle of a strange city, which combined nature with technology. As he began to try to move, he realized that he had been injured pretty badly, with a large indention in a wall and a crater right where Cryo had woken up. Even worse, his back right leg was broken. In pain, he picked himself up and tried to head out of the alleyway. But to his surprise, he would find himself surrounded by strange creatures in futuristic armorsuits, and a large ship in the sky in the shape of a beetle! With his injuries, he could not possibly fight them off, so he surrendered to them and was taken aboard their ship to be taken somewhere unknown…

But things would change on the ride, when one of the soldiers would come over to talk to the frightened dragon. He took off his helmet, and began to speak with Cryo. He was a Spider named Zeke and it gave Cryo someone to turn to in his bad situation. Curious as to where the little dragon came from, he began to tell him of his life on the new human world, something they took heavy interest in… Some of the other bug soldiers came over to hear the young dragons story, and they realized that he was no threat to them. The ship would soon land and Cryo was moved from a prison cell to a medical bed, clearly earning the trust of the bugs. But Cryo’s mind began to get fuzzy, but not before having one last scene, where he seemed to be transported somewhere else and would meet a shiny black dragon named Servent, who seemed to know Cryo somehow… After hearing a short monologue from him, he soon woke up.

Mourning came and Cryo finally could move properly again. With him being bed ridden all day yesterday, he knew he needed a bath. As he cleaned himself, he began to make some connections between his dreams and strangely, Earth… With his thoughts in his head, he quickly continued through his day and night soon came upon the world again, and Cryo went to sleep.

His next dream would see Cryo lead by a small light, to frozen block of ice. But when he appeared inside, he found his mother frozen in it. With a hint from a voice, he found a way to break it and release his mother. But as the scenery changed, he saw the figures of old enemies that have haunted his dreams, the armored dragons… With the voice guiding him, Cryo was able to fight off these nightmares and emerge victorious. It wasn’t long before he woke up again.

When he woke up this time however, he would be greeted by the research heads and friends, Ty, Gerald, and Cameron. Before he left however, he felt it was a little chilly that day, so he decided to wear a silver zip up jacket. They took him to the medical facility at the base, where he was taken to a high security sector and find a surprise waiting inside, his mother, Tide, was finally awake and eager to meet her son.

The researchers gave them some alone time, to catch up on the times they lost. Tide, despite being asleep, she had been aware of what has been happening since she fell ill. But as they talked, to their surprise, they would be attacked by the same assailants who tried to take Cryo before! Cryo was able to fight them back, but unfortunately, they had a backup plan. They planted explosives around the supports of the building and planned to bury them AND the rest of the people inside under the building if they didn’t cooperate. With little options, Cryo willingly surrendered and he and his mother was strapped down tightly to a psychiatric restraint beds and taken out. The assailants used the threat of explosives on Cryo’s bed to force the guard detail to stand down and allow them to escape on a hospital carrier craft…

Ch 1

Flying Fools

The ship flew through the air at high speed, as the crew made their escape. The supposed leader approached the two and lowered the blanket covers over their heads. He then strapped down the beds to the floor so they wouldn’t tip over from the flight. He took the explosives off Cryo’s bed and immediately disarmed them and placed the explosives back in the corner. He strapped something around Cryo’s neck first. Then Tide’s. “This collar will block the transmissions from the GPS chip they planted in the both of you. This ships tracking chip has been taken care of as well. No one will be coming for you this time,” the masked man said. He stepped to a nearby seat in the compartment and sat down. “I suppose the both of you are wondering why we took you?” Cryo and Tide looked and their captors with a clear frustration in their eyes. 

“You two are quite a discovery. I mean, Dragons. A creature of myth, legend, actually exist… That discovery alone is huge! And look at the achievements the whelpling has done.” Cryo gave an snort at his captors arrogance. “Imagine what history books would say about this. But, I digress, we’re not here to use you just for a small bit of fame from a discovery alone. That would be a waste of what the two of you would REALLY be capable of.”

Cryo’s eyes started to show concern, as he looked back towards his mother, then back to his captors. Tide did the same. “I find it hard to believe that portal technology could exist anywhere. It took us thousands of years to get to this planet. It only took the both of you several minutes…” Tide’s eyes shot up! “And you, little dragon. Creating a TV with hovering features and a command structure, a radio with similar features, and upgrades to technology all across your room, all from just a bunch of spare parts and metals.” Cryo began to realize what they wanted, and his angry scowl turned to fear. “You two would be extremely valuable to create technology that would revolutionize this world. We have big plans for the both of you. You’ll learn to work with us soon enough. For both your sakes, you better.” Cryo gave a gulp and began to sweat a little bit.

“Now. I suggest you both get some sleep. It may be just be 7:00 P.M., but your going to need all the rest you can get. We’ll arrive at your “new home,” by dawn tomorrow. You’ll both be put to work immediately. I’ll be back to check on the two of you later. You better not get into trouble, or we might just have to enforce some “punishment,” on the both of you.” He took out a shock striker and turned it on. He gave a small whack of it against the wall , which sent out a small spark. Cryo began to get really nervous. “Good night you 2…” He left the room from the door on the right and closed the door behind him.

Cryo began to try to struggle desperately to break free of his restraint bed, moving awkwardly as much as he could to try to break the straps pinning him down! “Come on! Come on! Break!” thought Cryo. His mother looked on to Cryo’s struggle and gave out a sigh. She wondered herself what they could do to get out of this mess. “What are they going to make us build?” thought Tide. “Does he want us to build a portal? Maybe to sell in bulk. Or to break into places to steal or worse?” Tide looked back at Cryo, who was still struggling to break free. “My baby… What will happen to him? Will they separate us? Force us to both work on different projects far away from each other with the threat that if we don’t work with them, they’ll “severely punish,” the other?” Tide looked at Cryo, who had stopped struggling, and was panting a little bit. “What else do they want us to build? Worst case, they’ll have us build weapons, like…” Cryo looked back towards his mother, and could see her concern. “This world will follow the same path ours did. War with no end. Enslavement. All because of us…” She looked back towards the ceiling and let out another sigh. Cryo now could see that she felt hopeless. “Whether they plan to sell the our technology they force us to create or use them to take over, the result will be the same. I came here to escape this… But it seems I’m right back where I started.” She began to close her eyes. “I’m sorry, Cryo. I came to this world to allow you to avoid this, but… perhaps this is what its like everywhere in the universe…”

Ch 2

Fight or Flight

“Mom…” thought Cryo. “She’s giving up. But… We can’t give up. Not now. I need to cheer her up somehow. Maybe…” Cryo lifted his paw from under the covers with the strap wrapped around it.. Though restricted he could at least maneuver it towards his mother. His mother noticed, and Cryo then gave a small smile. “Cryo…” thought Tide. Tide did the same and offered her paw and reached it out towards him. The two paws joined and the warmth between the two pulsed through the two of them. She gave a smile back, and realized there must still be something they could do.

With his mothers hope restored, Cryo began to try and think of what they could do. “Hmm… Now how can I get us out of this mess.” He looked around the area, but saw nothing but a couple of seats and windows in the jumpship. “For starters, I need to get out of this bed. But… I can’t see the straps with this blanket on me. And I can’t struggle out of them. Hmmm…” Cryo began to feel around the under the covers at the straps, with his left paw. He felt what he thought was a hole on the metallic part on the strap connected to his left arm. “This… I remember seeing locks on the bed where the reinforced leather strap meets the metal. This must be the key hole. But…” Cryo looked around himself. “But I’ve never picked a lock before, nor is there anything nearby for me to pick it with.” Cryo then remembered something he heard in a movie once. “Ice expands. Metal doesn’t…” “I wonder?…” thought Cryo. Cryo began to concentrate his cold energy into one of his left talons, and could feel it becoming encased in ice. “I won’t be able to break the straps with ice, but maybe with the belt…” Cryo positioned his claw over the lock, and carefully stuck a talon into the opening. “Come on. Come on…” A bit of ice started to form inside the lock, and a crackling noise could be heard from it! “Come on! Come on!” Soon the locking mechanism securing the strap broke, allowing Cryo to untie his paw! “Yes! Now for the others!” Cryo exclaimed in his head! Tide heard several pops as Cryo broke each of the locks pinning him down to the bed one by one, realizing that he was onto something. Soon, all the locks were broken, and Cryo could untie each part wrapped around his body and move freely again! “Yes! I’m free! Now…”

Cryo began to untie the wire on his mandible and went over to make sure his mom was ok. “Mom. You ok?” Tide nodded. “Freeze your talons and insert your claws into the lock. Then spread the ice inside the lock.” Tide shook head. “You need help breaking it Mom?” She nodded her head again. But her eyes lit up for a second. She gestured her head toward the window. Cryo walked over and took a peak outside and saw he was flying very high over a mountainous forest near the coast. “Right… It’s never easy… You’re still recovering from being asleep for 5 years. No way you can fly right now. Or at least not for very long. It’s too dangerous to try from this high up. And these collars…”

Cryo headed for a small compartment connected toward the front of the room on the left side. Tide watched Cryo as he went around. He opened the door and found a mirror in a bathroom on this part of the ship, and looked closely at it. He saw the thick, very dark cyan collar around his neck, which he could see a small, round keyhole on the front. It looked to be pretty technologically advanced.

“This collar is made specifically not to be removed or broken like standard shock collars. He said that it blocks gps signals, so the people back at the base can’t track us with this on. It looks like it’s made of Cyantrinian (Sigh-an-tre-ni-an) metal. Very resistant to ice and water. They must have planned ahead with our ice abilities. If I tried to pick it like with the straps, it probably will sound an alarm… and give me a major shock. I don’t think it’s possible for me to take this off of us without the key, and I have no idea where they placed it at. Sigh… I guess it’ll just have to stay on for now. It’s uncomfortable and a little heavy, but there’s nothing we can really do about it right now.” Cryo shook his head and began to head back towards the room to think. “I guess I should think of something else to get out of this mess. Hmm…”

Cryo then remembered looking at the blueprint for the medical ships once when researching hover technology for his custom tv. He remembered where the fuel tank was located. Right under where Tide’s bed was… An idea began to take shape. “If I were to force an emergency landing…” Cryo looked toward the door. “I don’t know how much time I have. I have to do this quick. I shouldn’t have to worry about collateral damage since we’re flying over a large mountainous forest close to the coast. And I don’t think they’ll realize I ruptured it with it being located under Mom’s bed, especially with the blanket around the bed hiding it. Alright then.”

Cryo began to walk over to Tide. “Alright Mom. Hang on tight.” He quickly began to maneuver himself under Tide’s bed, leaving her confused as to what he was planning “All right. Get prepared Mom. It’s going to be a very rough landing.” Tide gave a nod and Cryo began to cover his talon again in layer of ice with an incredibly sharp and thin tip. He lifted his arm up and quickly thrusted down into the metal floor. The talon pierced through the thick metal and he heard a popping sound. “There.”

Cryo emerged from under her bed quickly to look at Tide. Tide gestured her head towards Cryo’s restraint bed. “Right mom.” Cryo could feel the ship starting to stutter a bit. He quickly flew to his bed and lifted each of the broken restraints back onto the bed and covered himself and the broken straps with the blanket. “Mmmph. MMMPH!” Cryo’s mom tried to speak, trying to tell Cryo something! “Oh! That’s right! The muzzle!” Cryo quickly looked around the bed and found the wire used to muzzle him before on the floor. He quickly maneuvered himself over the bed and picked up the wire. Getting back into position, he quickly tied it around his snout and then laid himself down on his back and closed his eyes. He felt a big jump as the ship hit the ground!

As the jumpship powered down and turned on backup power, with a red light beaming above, he heard the door to the room open. He heard one of the guys step in looking towards them. “It couldn’t have been the two of them. They’re both still strapped down.” He went towards the beds and saw the both of them with their eyes closed and slowly breathing. He snapped his fingers over both of them. “Both of them are asleep. Or knocked unconscious from the landing.” He headed towards the door to the room. “They’re both asleep Mick. I don’t think they’re responsible.” “Sigh… What ruptured the fuel tank!” Cryo recognized this voice from the one talking to them before. “So. The leader here is Mick, maybe?” Cryo thought. He continued to listen to their conversation. “I don’t know Mick. There must be something faulty with the ship. They continued to discuss while Cryo gave a small smirk. “Gah stupid thing. Alright. We’re going to have to wait for ground transport now. We’re going to have to stay here until it arrives. Call it in.” “Alright,” They both left the room and closed the door while Cryo looked upon them. “Now then…” Cryo crept away from the bed and unwrapped his muzzle again and placed it on the bed. He went towards the door, leaning his head against the door to listen in on his captors further down the next room…

“Yes… Fuel tank rupture. 180 miles from operations near the coastline in High Peak’s forest. 44 N 110 W. Yes… Alright… Good… Excellent. Alright. Goodbye.” said a voice outside. “Hmm. The coordinates for home are about 300 miles south from here…” said Cryo. He continued to listen in. “Alright. They can make it here in about 4 hours,” said the voice again. “We’ll be way off schedule by then. We’ll just have to double those dragon’s work load to make up for it.” “Alright. We got some time. With those two asleep, we shouldn’t have any trouble from them for the next few hours.” “Oh you don’t know the half of it, you crooks,” thought Cryo, as he gave another smirk. “It’s getting dark out. I suggest we play some poker while we wait for them. It’ll be midnight by the time they’re here, assuming they don’t run into difficulties. We’ll need to be prepared to unload our cargo then.” Cryo heard footsteps as the group began to disband further down the room…

Ch 3

Stealth Snatch

“Now what?” thought Cryo. He looked at a clock, reading above them in the room, which now read 8:00 P.M.. Cryo headed for the door to the room then opened the door a bit, and thought about it for a second. “Hmm… They gave the coordinates of where we are. If I could get to it…” Cryo look towards his Mom, who was watching him now. “Mom, wait here. I’m going to try to call in the cavalry.” She nodded, and Cryo slowly opened the door to the small corridor in the jumpship and closed it slowly behind him. It was dark as he continued to creep forward. His eyes darted in every direction down the short, narrow corridor, looking for any sign of the others.

After a very short walk forward, the room began to widen up, with a set of large cabinets lining the left of the room, spreading out from near the entrance outward toward the opposite wall. The room was lit up a bit more, compared to the short corridor. Cryo quickly, yet silently ducked behind the the large cabinets, a peaked his head out a bit behind to get a better look. He saw that there was a lamp to the right side near where the cabinets ended, which was the source of most of the light in the room. Ahead of him, further down the room, he saw his captors sitting at a round table, playing cards. At the furthest end of the room, was a small tv, with a gravity ball game turned on in the background as they played. He saw the small radio down the corridor a bit on a small stand toward the right next to a door.

“If they see me we’re going to get in REAL trouble. Hmm.” Cryo thought for a moment, and then had an idea. Seeing a lamp lit in the room on backup power from the ship, he crept toward the lamp. Taking a quick look towards his captors, he quickly unplugged the cable to the lamp, causing the room to go dark. “Hey what happened to the lamp!” Cryo quickly crept over to the radio in the cover of darkness and snatched it and silently darted back to cover. He placed it on the floor with him behind the large row of cabinets. Cryo’s heart beat fast as the lamp turned back on as sweat dripped down from his head across his scales. “Lamp got unplugged somehow.” “Cord was probably loose. Come back over.” Cryo continued to hide in the back with the radio behind the cabinets until he sat back down. “Alright, now to set the frequency.” Cryo tuned the frequency to the radio to fit the radio back at command at the base. “Alright. I hope this goes through. They shouldn’t hear me with the gravity ball game on the tv.” Cryo activated the radio and made his plea for help.

“Cryo the dragon to command. Cryo the dragon to command. Requesting communication.” No response. “Please. I need assistance. Plane carrying us went down at coordinates 44 N 110 W. Captors still here watching us. Please respond.” No response still. “Hey. Where did the radio go?” Cryo’s eyes shot up!“ Captors plan to move us at midnight, please respond!” No answer still. Cryo heard the footsteps of one of the brutes coming closer, and the door back to where they were being kept was in his view. He knew there was no time left. He began to switch the radio frequency back “Cryyyy,” said the radio as he re tuned the frequency. He then placed the radio silently on the ground and then he opened a pair of cabinet doors and moved himself inside of it and then shut the door. He heard the heathen right outside the cabinet. Cryo peered through the tiny opening in the cabinet with sweat running down his scales.

“The radio fell onto the floor,” the person said. “How’d it get over there?” Cryo began to get very nervous. “It probably was knocked down and kicked over there when the lamp went dark.” Cryo’s gave out a small breath of relief. “The wind has picked up a bit and its dark out now. Just bring it over here. We’ll tune it to listen to some music while we hear the gravity ball game on the tv.” “Alright. Do you think these ships carry any snacks to eat?” “Probably in the cabinet’s somewhere.” Cryo’s eyes shot up and his heart began to beat like a base drum. “Alright. I’ll check.” The figure opened the cabinet beside the exit to the room. “Nothing in this one.” He then opened the cabinet next to the table. “Nothing in here either.” He then turned to the set of 4 cabinets, with Cryo hid inside the far left one…

“If he finds me…” thought Cryo. He opened the farthest right one first. “Nothing.” he said. He then opened the mid right one. “Nope.” Cryo was really nervous now. He slowly closed his eyes. “Please find something… Please find something…. PLEASE FIND SOMETHING!” thought Cryo. The figure opened the pair of cabinets next to Cryo, and took something out. “Hey. Got something guys.” The figure headed back to the table. Cryo waited until the figure was out of the vicinity, and his heart rate slowed. “That was… a really close one… Ugh…”

Cryo slowly opened the cabinet and crept himself out of it. “They took the radio over to them. There’s no way I can get it now… Did… Did my message reach them?” Cryo snuck back slowly to the back room of the airship and slowly shut the door. He gave out a sigh. Tide picked up her head and turned it towards Cryo. “Mom. You ok.” Tide nodded. Cryo approached Tide’s bed. “Here. Let’s get that wire off of you.” Cryo untied Tide’s muzzle and looked at her mother with concerned eyes. “Did you call for help?” she asked. “I… tried. But I didn’t get an answer. I’m not sure if they received it. I don’t know what else I can do. It’s only 3 hours now until their support arrives.”

Tide looked towards her son. “I’m still weak. I don’t think I will be able to run far.” “I know mom.” Cryo looked back towards the door. “But… I think we’ll have to. I can probably… get the back door to the airship open. Maybe I can cart you away from them instead of making you try to fly or run. “Cryo… It might be best if you… leave me behind.” “What! No! “You realize what they’ll do to you if you stay here, especially if they realize I’m gone. They’ll more then likely try to use you to get me back.” Tide gave out a sigh, realizing he was right. “The collars we’re wearing will block transmissions to our tracking chips. I don’t think we’ll be able to take these off with the tools we have here.” Tide gave out a sigh, and then a nod. “Come on. Let’s break those restraints before they realize what’s going on.” Cryo lifted the blanket off of tide and began to individually break the belts strapping her down. “The forest outside will probably be dense. I can… ugh… pick myself up,” said Tide as she sluggishly lifted herself off the bed. “Alright. Now let’s see if we can get the hanger door open.” He began to observe it. “It was a pretty rough landing. With the main power out…” Cryo turned his head towards the hinges of the hanger door. “I’ll have to freeze the hinges to open it.” “Cryo, they’ll hear us. There must be another way.”

“I don’t think there is. They’ll find out either way that we’re out. The only other entrance is near the front. And they’ll DEFINANTY see us if we try to go through there. This is our only option. This at least gives us the element of surprise…” Tide gave out a sigh and nodded. “Alright mom. Once that door falls off, we’ll have to run faster then the winds of the North.” Tide nodded. “Alright.” said Cryo. Cryo took in a deep breath and blew a stream of ice at the hanger bay door hinges, freezing them. “On the count of three, I’ll shatter the ice. Ready? 3… 2… 1… GO!” Cryo quickly swiped his tail on the door hinges on both sides of the hanger bay door. The door dropped quickly onto the ground, with a big, loud, BANG! “Run for it!” Cryo exclaimed.

Ch 4

Forest Frenzy

The two jumped from the broken back hanger door and onto the forest ground, then quickly headed through the trees of the forest. It didn’t take the others long to figure out what happened. “How did they get loose!?” “Doesn’t matter. Get the guns. Let’s get after them!” They soon began their pursuit of Cryo and Tide. Cryo and Tide continued through the forest for about an 15 minutes, trying as hard as they could to get away. But it didn’t take long for Tide to get tired. Eventually, she began to breath heavily, and slow down. “Come on Mom! We have to keep moving or they’ll catch us!” “I’m… trying. But… so tired.” “This isn’t good, they’ll make it to us in no time if this keeps up! What to do!?” Cryo quickly darted his head around, thinking of some way to maybe hide or get away. They were then stopped as they made it to an edge of a cliff, as more forest loomed below them along with a large pond connected to a long river. They could hear a waterfall as they looked down. “Mom! We have to fly!” Tide looked over the edge towards the drop, and gave a single nod. “There they are! Quick, get them!” “NOW OR NEVER MOM.”

They both quickly leaped off the cliff and began to glide back towards the ground below, as their enemies watched from the back. But it wasn’t long before Tide’s wings began to become jittery. “Mom. Hang on! Just a little further!” “I… I can’t. So… exhausted.” Her eyes shut, and she began to plummet towards the ground. “MOM!” Cryo began to dive her way at high speed. Soon, Tide landed head first into the water, with Cryo hitting the water in turn at high speed. The people overlooking the cliff looked on at the scene. They saw nothing come up.

“Are they..?” “No way to tell. They may still be alive. Once our reinforcements get here, we’ll have teams go in a sweep this area. Call it in on the radio that we’ll need climbing equipment, and possibly scuba gear.” “Right, Mick.” The group headed back towards the plane.

As they headed off, a small head poked itself just a tiny bit out of the water, looking up towards the cliff. “They’re gone…” Cryo quickly dipped back down in the water and lifted his mothers head above the surface with his paw over his mothers mouth and nostrils “Mom. Mom! Come on!” No response. Cryo started to drag her towards the shore. “Ugh… She’s really heavy…” he thought. He soon made it to the surface and quickly dragged Tide towards the grass out of the pond. He put his head on her chest, to see if she was still breathing. “She’s alive. But… unconscious.” Cryo looked around the area, thinking of his next move. “That group may find some way to get down here, or take another route. I have to do something. And with her unconscious…” Cryo looked towards a group of bushes to the towards river ahead. “Hmm… Maybe I can…”

Cryo began to head towards the bushes and began to try to dig with his talons as fast as he could. “Come on. Come on. Need to make a hole big enough for the both of us.” After quite some time, he made a large divot in the ground around the bushes. “Alright. That should be enough. Now…” Cryo quickly grabbed his mother and dragged her through the bushes and into the divot and then Cryo went to a group of trees huddled together. He then froze the base’s of each of the trees. “Alright. Need to hit this just right…” Cryo then struck his tail against the tree’s one at a time, shattering the ice and caused the tree’s to fall down right over the divot Cryo made. “That should be good cover.” He began to see what appeared to be a light shining from further up the cliff. “That must be their reinforcements! Gotta be quick!”

Cryo quickly wedged himself in the divot shelter he made for the both of them and looked up, hearing the sound of falling pebbles and ringing metal. “Sounds like they’re coming… Gulp… I hope this works.” Cryo kept looking above him, as he continued to hear the sound of clanging metal and falling stones. Suddenly it stopped. Cryo’s lifted his head up a bit, and saw a flashlight beam overhead from his shelter. “Ugh… don’t come this way. Don’t come this way…” “Those two can’t be far. Find them. Sweep over this area.” Cryo could hear creeping footsteps all around him as leaves rustled and twigs snapped. His heart raced as he looked overhead through the broken canopy of the fell trees, watching the movements of the lights overhead. He then heard something approaching. His heart was in full speed now, sweat running down his scales. “If they find us… If they find us…” The sound moved ever closer, each step bringing a droplet from Cryo’s scales. He heard it come really close now. Suddenly, it stopped. Cryo held his breath and put his paw over his mother’s mandible, keeping it silent.

“What is it, Mick?” said a nearby voice. “These trees were the ones we heard go down. Cryo’s heart sank, as he thought they may be discovered. “Did those two do it?” “Probably. These tree’s had fruit in them. Must have knocked the tree over and ran with as much as they could carry.” Let’s keep moving ahead. They can’t be far.” Cryo heard the sound of footsteps moving into the distance, and the lights shining above disappear. Cryo gave out a sigh of relief, as he looked at his mom. “That… was too close.” Cryo picked his head up a bit and gave a yawn. “It’s probably really late now. Past midnight probably. I really need some sleep. In the morning, I can figure out what to do next.” Cryo gave out another yawn, slowly closed his eyes, and fell into a deep sleep.”

Ch 5

Survival Savvy

Cryo awoke to the sounds of birds chirping and a dim light poking above his makeshift shelter. He heard something calling him. “Cryo. Cryo. You ok? Wake up!” said Tide. “Huh. Oh mom. Ugh… Good morning.” “Finally, son. What happened? How did we end up here?” “Huh? Oh I did this.” “You did?” “Yeah. I… dragged you from the water and I made a makeshift shelter to hide in from those mercenaries.” Tide gave a curious look at her son and laid her head against the ground. “Ugh… what now?” Tide asked. “I… don’t know, Mom. They’re probably still looking for us.” They both looked at each other and gave a sigh. “I guess for now we’re… stuck out here,” said Cryo.

Cryo remembered a minute about something the mercenaries said last night. He poked his head a little bit above the broken trees to peek out to see if the coast was clear. After checking the area, he began to rummage through the broken branches. He found 2 fruits and huddled himself back into the shelter. “Here mom. Breakfast.” Cryo gave his mom one of the fruits and sat down next to her. Taking a bite, Tide seemed to like the sweet taste. “What is this.” “I think these are Cannerie fruit, commonly found in forests.” She took another bite.” “It’s Cyan and tear shaped. Seems strange.” “It’s apparently a evolution of something called a pear, combined with the soil on this world.” Cryo took a bite. “We’re going to need water…” “I can hear the sound of moving water, honey. We’re still by that pond, right?” “It’s not as simple as that, Mom. Different aquatic wildlife swim in there. Drinking unfiltered water can get you very sick. Despite being water based ourselves, in our currant predicament, I don’t think it’s wise to try and directly drink from it.” “Is there a way to get it “clean?”” “Hmm… Just give me a moment to think about this…” Cryo got up and poked his head out of his shelter again. Taking a quick look around, he saw the coast was clear. “Just stay here, Mom.”

Cryo moved the branches of the fallen trees and dragged himself out of it, moving the branches back in place to hide his shelter again. “I need items here to make something that can filter water… Let’s look around,” thought Cryo. He started to search around the tree’s around the area, trying thinking of ways to create something to filter the water from the pond. He then saw what appeared to be an old bike, sitting next to a tree, near where the pond met the river. “Hmm, a bike… How did it get here? Was there originally a path here that rode through the forest? Hmm… The rubber tires…” Cryo coated his talon with ice and carefully cut the top of the rubber tire on the front wheel of the bike. He then separated the rubber wheel from the bike. He took some vines nearby and tied one of the ends of the tires tightly.

“Now. I need something to fill this with.” Cryo looked around, towards the shore of the pond. He saw that there was pebbles on the shore of it. “Perfect. Now…” Cryo began to fill the rubber tire with as many pebbles and sediment as he could find there. Soon enough, it was filled to the top.

“Perfect. Now I have a filter for water. Now I just need something to carry water in. Hmmm.” Cryo looked back at the bike again, and saw it had a cup holder with a small water bottle in it. “Convenient, I suppose. I hope this is good enough.” Cryo took the water bottle from the bike and then took a large leaf from a fallen tree. He headed towards the water of the pond and folded the leaf in half like a taco. Inserting the leaf in the pond water, he took it out and poured the water in the leaf into the tube. The water flowed through it and came out of the bottom, where Cryo had the water bottle waiting. “Excellent. This should do it. Let’s fill it up to the top quickly. Cryo began to continually dip the leaf into the water and pour it into the tube, getting more filtered water each time. Soon the water bottle was filled. “Excellent. I better keep all of these with me while I’m out here. Now. Let’s get back to mom.

Cryo placed his “water filter,” into the pockets of his silver jacket, along with his other collected items. He then took his water bottle and wrapped the nozzle around a tie on the side of his jacket. Cryo was about to head back to his shelter when he heard something. “That sounds like footsteps! It could be them again! Gotta head back fast!” Cryo galloped quickly to his shelter and and rummaged through the branches and quickly got in and put the branches back into place. “Cryo. Your back. Did you…” “SHH mom. Listen,” Tide picked up her head a bit to hear. She heard the sound of rummaging leaves. Then she heard a voice.

“Still no sign of them.” “How on earth did they get away like that?” “I don’t know. Maybe the mother wasn’t as tired as we thought.” “We didn’t find either of them in the water earlier, so we know they climbed out of it. Could have flown away to who knows where by now.” “Are we going to call off the search?” “We’re going to search by air and land now. An airship with radar should track them in air if we sweep around the place.” “Flying is defiantly not an option now…” thought Cryo. “You think it’ll be enough. Maybe they really are still on foot somewhere. “We’ve checked everywhere around the section of the forest since midnight. If they are on foot, they would have been found by now.” “Where could they have gone then?” “I don’t know. Mick wants them both found. They are too valuable to let go now. And the people from the military research institution Echo, may know he’s involved.” “Mick? Who’s that?” whispered Tide. “We’ll have several small aircraft survey both land and air across the entire forest. They’re here somewhere. Just need to find out where they ended up. Now come on.” The sound of footsteps were heard going lower as they exited the scene. 

Cryo waited for a few minutes, and poked his head out to see if they were still there. There was no sign of them. “Ugh… Airships. That… doesn’t sound good. I won’t be surprised they arm them with nasty weapons to take us again.” “Should we stay here? Radar will not pick up our movement if we’re not going too fast.” “That is true, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they also arm themselves with thermal vision goggles. They’ll know we’re here eventually.” Tide gave out a sigh and looked at her son. “What can we do?”

Cryo thought for a moment. “I guess… we’ll have to find our way back home ourselves.” “How?” Cryo thought for a moment. He poked his head out and looked toward a group of rocks near the rocky cliff. He rustled himself out and then he looked over to a set of black rocks. “Magnetite. Maybe…”He looked back towards Tide. “Hang on for a second, Mom.” Cryo lifted himself out of his shelter and then walked over toward the rocky outcrop. Cryo took a magnetite rock and a couple of other stones and placed them in his coat pocket. Cryo then headed towards the old bike again. He looked at his talon and looked around, checking to see if it was safe. He used his talon to slowly unscrew a single nail off of the bike and then went back to where his shelter was.

“Cryo. What are you doing?” “Hang on mom.” Cryo took the leaf from earlier and then he poured some water on top of it. He took the stone and covered his talon with a very thin covering of ice with a very long and thin tip. He poked his talon into the stone and created a small hole through it. He then began to take the magnetite and carefully scrape the magnetite against the nail. After several minutes of scraping, he then placed the nail on top of the smooth stone. The nail began to rotate a bit by itself until it pointed in a direction.

“Bingo.” said Cryo. “I… don’t understand what your doing, honey.” “It’s simple mom. I made a compass.” “You made a compass?” “Yes. See where the nail is pointing?” Tide looked at the nail. “So it’s pointing North?” “Yes. We need to go south to get back home. The river is pointing towards the south. So we go in that direction. Tide was surprised at how Cryo would know how to do this. “Cryo. Where did you learn to do all of that?” “I got to do the thing with the nail in my science class at school.” Tide thought for a moment. “Do they teach all kids how to do this on this world?” She then saw the water bottle that Cryo had, attached to his coat.

“Is that a water bottle Cryo?” “Yeah mom. There was a old bike nearby. I found the water bottle in a small cup holder on it. I also got the nail from it.” “Is the water in the bottle, well… clean?” “Yeah mom. I made a water filter out of the tire on the bike.” “Wait… You made a water filter out of a tire?” “Yea. Look at this mom.” Cryo dug into his pocket and took out the water filter made from the tire.” “I… don’t understand how this makes the water clean, Cryo.” “Well you see mom, I filled the tire with a bunch small pebbles and gravel from the lake and then tied the bottom so it doesn’t fall out. When the water flows through the top of the tire, the pebbles filling it will cause the dirt and grime and such in the water to get caught on it and as it moves through the tire. The small indention on the bottom is where the water comes out, cleaned and fresh and safe to drink.” Tide was very impressed by this clever use of a this simple trick with the tire.

“Wow. Humans must really try to teach survival skills in science at school. I wouldn’t have thought to do this to make clean water. Nor the trick with the nail to make a compass,” said Tide “Actually, I didn’t learn how to make a filter like this in school.” “Then where did you learn it?” “I watched a show that taught survival skills out in the wild on my television back home. Good thing I did too. Cameron never really liked it. But its a good thing I did, huh?”

Cryo put the items he’s collected back into his coat pocket, and got up. “Can you move, Mom. We’re going to need to make our way out of here as fast as possible. It won’t take them long to start sweeping the forest.” “Yeah… Ughh… I’ll manage. Tide slowly picked herself up and the both of them climbed out. “We may be stuck out here for some time.” Cryo began to gather as many of the Cannerie fruit as he could to put in his coat pocket. “We’ll just have to continue going south until we can get home, or until we find help.” “Alright. What about the airships?” “We may get lucky. They think that we’ve been going forward this entire time. They may not realize we are now going the direction of home. If we stay under the trees, we may be able to at least avoid their detection from the air. Though once they decide to use thermal, well, we’ll have to think of something else…”

The two started out east through the forest. It was only about 30 minutes, before they heard the sound of low fire jet boosters over the forest canopy. They quickly ducked under a tree and waited for the sounds to fade away. “Was that them?” asked Tide. “Most likely. That was the sound of a V12 Militant light aircraft. Considering what we’ve already dealt with, they probably have a few light attack craft.” replied Cryo “Do you think there will be more?” “I think so. We better keep moving.” They continued through, walking for about 2 more hours. Tide started to get tired and they both decided to rest under a large tree a bit. They started to eat some of their collected fruit and drank some water. Cryo then heard the sound of another ship combing over the forest. “Looks like their increasing the patrol ships combing over the forest.” he said “Do you think they’ve spotted us yet?” asked tide “No. But it seems like they have changed the directions now where they are searching. They are probably now looking over the entire forest.” “What do we do?” “We keep moving. Hopefully we can get home before they find us.” “And if they do?” “We’ll have to improvise…” They continued going through.

Eventually, night came again, and they needed to rest up for the night. “Hmm. Digging a hole and knocking down a tree would probably draw attention to this area if I tried that again. I highly doubt that’ll work twice. I need to do something else to make a shelter.” said Cryo. Cryo thought for a moment. He then broke off a couple branches from the trees, took a set of large leaves from the bigger ones, and sets of vines growing up them. He quickly began to make a frame of a large enough tent from the sticks, using the vines to tie them together. He then piled the leaves on top one at a time to cover the exterior frame and using a combination of his saliva and clay from the river to hold them in place.

“There we go. Tents done,” he said. “…Did the show teach you this as well?” asked Tide “A little bit. The idea of using clay and my saliva as an adhesive was my own idea. I didn’t actually know if it would work to be honest.” It began to rain in the forest, and a low sound of thunder could be heard in the distance. “Storm’s coming tonight Mom. We better get in quickly. The storm might lessen the patrols in the forest, so we might be good for the night.” “Alright, son.” The two got in their makeshift shelter as the wind and rain howled throughout the forest. It didn’t take long for Cryo to fall asleep. Tide looked at her son as he slept. “Look at him. Quite a little survivor he is,” she thought. “I wonder if the rain and thunder is actually a soothing sound to him. He looks pretty peaceful.” Tide laid her head down and gave a yawn.” “I better get some sleep too. I need to be ready to move again in the morning. Goodnight, my baby boy.” Tide slowly closed her eyes and then fell asleep.

Ch 6

Patient Project

Cryo slowly opened his eyes and gave a yawn. He felt something was off. He wasn’t in a forest along the river now. He rubbed his eyes as they began to focus. As Cryo’s head span a bit, he realized he was in some type of building, unlike any he had ever seen. The walls were white, but it seemed that the texture of the walls seemed to be imitating a spiders web. The texture blended to the wall quite well, and strangely felt soothing to his eyes. To his left, was a large window with light pouring in next to him, and the sight of large rolling hills far back covered in many different plants, flowers, and shrubs, with sprinklers watering it all over. Closer to the building, seemed to be a large and expansive farm filled seemingly with many different crops being tended to by workers. A bit further down seemed to be a couple greenhouses as well, having workers going in and out. Cryo couldn’t get an idea what the workers looked like though, as the room he was in seemed to be quite far up in the building. He also saw a couple of large, metal buildings around the area in a green hue, which seemingly combining with the rolling hills around it to made it a soothing view. There was a steel sliding door in the upper right corner of the room and a very large dresser lining the right wall, with many drawers across it. Cryo wondered for a second what was in the drawers of the dresser. In front, there was the insignia of a spider over a black background. Under it was a couple of chairs that had a spider carved on the back and a white and black cushion with a web pattern. There was also a set of simple wooden closet doors close to the entrance to the room.

Cryo tried to get up, but felt a sharp pain in his back right leg. “Ugh… My leg…” he thought as he gritted his teeth. He breathed in a few times, and looked down towards his body, and realized he seemed to be on a soft bed in the shape of a spider as well, and covered in a blue blanket. He lifted up the blanket a bit, and realized his back right leg was in a white cast. He also seemed to be in a blue hospital gown, made to fit a dragon like him. He also saw that his front and back paws had soft, fuzzy grey gloves and socks covering them, which also covered his talons. It felt a bit strange to Cryo, as he usually didn’t have his talons covered when wearing items like this. He felt a cold pack on his head and looked at it for a second. Seemed it was wrapped with a small strap around his neck. “Hmmm. Someone has been treating my wounds. But how did I get here? And how did my leg get broken? Wait a minute, am I back in…?” Cryo shook his head and gave out a sigh. “At least I’m not strapped down or worse now…”

Cryo looked around again and saw next to his bed on the right was a cup with a clear liquid inside of it, sitting on top of a small, wooden cabinet. Cryo began to slowly maunver himself up to take a better look at it, and saw an array of bubbles going through it. “This liquid seems to react to movement. Is it safe to drink? It might be medicine. Hmm. Guess it wouldn’t hurt to take a sip.” He raised the cup toward his mandibles and took a sip of it. “Hmm. A sweet and fizzy drink. With a citrus taste. I heard from Cameron humans haven’t been able to make drinks like this since they left earth.” Cryo took a couple more sips and drank the rest of it down and set it on a coaster. He then took in a deep breath and laid his head back down on the pillow on the bed. “No one has come to see me yet. I can probably guess there is something here watching me nonetheless,” he thought.

Not long after resting a bit, he began to hear the sounds of the metal door opening by sliding up. Cryo turned his head quickly toward the door. The metal door slid up and soon a familiar spider came in. “Your finally awake.” he said. “Oh. Its you Zeke.” replied Cryo. “You ok?” “Legs stiff as a piece of wood and I’m bed ridden. Otherwise, I’m fine.” “That’s good. You hungry?” “Yea, I suppose…” “Hang on. I have something for you.”

He went towards the door a grabbed a tray of food outside the room. He brought it over to Cryo’s bed and sat it down in front of him. On the tray was a food Cryo had never seen before. “What are these?” Cryo asked. “Well. This right here is a blueberry muffin, basically sweetened bread with blueberries in it. This here is hash browns. Basically diced potatoes fried and mixed and cooked with onions, herbs, and spices. This is oatmeal. Made of oats from an oat tree and mixed in with brown sugar and cinnamon. And finally, this is a glass of Citrus blast soda, a fizzy drink with lemon and lime fruits mixed into it to give it a sweet taste. I see you drank the soda we left for you earlier.” “So that’s what that drink was.” thought Cryo. “Do you need help to eat?” “Um… no. I’m fine.

Cryo tried each item one at a time, and liked it. It wasn’t long before there was no more. Zeke watched him as he ate, seemingly taking note of his movements. “Man. They don’t have stuff like this back at home,” thought Cryo. “You must have liked it since you ate it all.” said Zeke. “Yeah. Where did you guys learn to make all of this. “We learned it from transcribing ancient books of an ancient civilization on our planet.” Cryo nodded and then laid his head back to his bed.

“So Cryo…” “Yea?” “Can you tell me some more about the humans?” Yeah. I guess I can. What would you like to hear?” “I would… really like to know what happened after the military took you. You stopped the conversation there the last time we talked.” “Well alright. You see…” Cryo began to talk about what his life was like after he was taken after his first birthday. He talked about everything up to before the incident on the ocean, before he began to get very tired. “Hey, Zeke?” “Yes Cryo.” “Any chance I can take a rest for a bit. I’m getting tired again.” “Alright. I’ll leave you to get some sleep. Is there anything you need to help you sleep?” “Actually. Any chance there is a radio or something that can play soothing music to help me sleep?” “Yes. Hang on a second.” Zeke left the room and them brought back a small radio, after flickering a little bit with it, a soft tune began to play from it, which began to ring in Cryo’s ears. Cryo gave out a yawn and began to drift off. “Have a good nap Cryo.” Soon Cryo’s mind began to get fuzzy and he closed his eyes and fell into a deep slumber.

Ch 7

Fish Food

Cryo gave out a yawn and rubbed his eyes a bit. He began to pick himself up and looked around. He realized he was back in the makeshift tent he made. He looked back at his back right leg and touched it. He then began to drag it across the ground a bit, seemingly testing it. “Feels fine. I guess I better wake up Mom.” Cryo thought. Cryo began to shake Tide a bit. “Hey mom. Wake up. Wake up mom!” “Mmpphh. Cryo?” She wiped her eyes a bit and began to pick herself up. “It’s morning. Ready to go mom?” “Yeah… Ughh… What time is it?” “Come on Mom. We have to be able to keep moving. They’ll find and catch us if we don’t.” “Yeah. I know son. What will we do with the tent?” “We’ll have to crumple it and hide it. It’s too big to carry with us and they’ll know we headed this way if we leave it. “Alright.” They exited it and began to quickly crumple it and then they separated it into several places around the area. ”Alright mom. Let’s get a move on. Come on.” They then headed forward from the river and continued on.

2 days passed as they continued following the river. On the third day though, as they were traveling, up river, they decided to to rest and eat some of their fruit. But they realized quickly they were starting to run a bit low. “We’re going to need to find more food soon. We probably still have a long way to go,” said Cryo. “Well. Your the one who seems to be an expert on this. What do you think we should do?” asked Tide. “Hmmm…”

Cryo looked at the river and saw schools of fish swimming through it. He then looked at the surrounding forest. He then went over to one of the trees and saw it had some long sturdy vines around it. “Hmm sun vines. Grow typically on trees near freshwater. Pretty sturdy and long , but easy to fold.” He then looked back at the river. “Hmm. Maybe…”

Cryo then slashed several of the vines with his talon and gathered them up. “Now then. I need something to support its frame.” Cryo looked around the trees and flew up toward the branches. Cryo quickly slashed off two large branches and gathered them up. “These branches should be able to make a good frame. I’ll just need to trim them off to make them smeller and easier to carry.” He quickly shorten and separated the thick branches using his talons making it into 2 smaller pieces. ” Alright, I better get started with this quickly.” He headed back toward the his mom, and began spreading the branches side by side.

“What are you doing, Cryo?” Tide asked. “I’m making a small fishing net.” “A fishing net?” “Yes. I’m going to use the branches as its frame and the vines to make the net. It’s going to take a little bit to finish it. It should work with these types of vines.” So Tide watched as Cryo tied the vines along the branches, loop after loop after loop throughout. Soon it was completed. “Alright then. Let’s make sure this works.” Cryo flapped his wings and flew over the river. He took a quick look down and saw many schools of fish swimming though it. “Alright. Let’s try this.” Cryo made a dive towards the river and dove under the water. A few minutes passed and Cryo’s head soon popped up from the river.” He slowly made his way back to the shore. As he emerged, with the net, Tide saw the net with several fish caught in it. “It looks like it worked. Now. we’re going to need to keep this fresh. But that’ll be simple enough,” Cryo said. Cryo took in a big breath and breathed a cold stream on the captured fish, freezing them solid. “There. That should keep them fresh. Now I’ll attach the net on my back for later use.”

Cryo took the net with the fish and folded it in half. Then he slung it over the back of his coat, and finally took one more vine and tied it around his back. “Alright. Now let’s continue, Mom. We’ve spent enough time here. Remind me to refreeze the fish in maybe an hour or two. We’ll need to keep these frozen so that they’ll be safe to eat later.” “Alright. I’ll try to remember Cryo.” The two continued on their way.

Ch 8

Mud buds

A storm began to hover over the forest and spayed rain down upon them, and the sun began to set as they moved forward. But as they did, Cryo thought he heard the sound of rustling somewhere further back. Cryo turned his head to take a quick look, but saw nothing. “Is something wrong, son?” Tide asked. “No… It’s nothing.” They continued moving forward. Suddenly, Cryo heard a tree branch crack and quickly looked back again, He could see movement behind, ducking in the bushes! “Mom! Run!” Cryo exclaimed!

The two quickly began to run away from the river through the forest. “They’re getting away! After them!” It seems they have finally found them. Cryo continued to hear the boots trampling the leaves on the wet ground as they continued going forward. They darted in different directions around and around, but they always seemed to be able to continue tailing them! Even worse, is that it wasn’t too long before Tide began to get tired. “I’m not sure how much longer I can run like this!” exclaimed Tide. “They must be wearing thermal goggles! They’re tracking the heat from our bodies!” Cryo said. “We have to do something!” Tide exclaimed. “Umm…! Uh….!”

Suddenly, Cryo and Tide slipped and rolled into a very large and quite deep muddy divot in the ground. “OOF.” As their head span a bit, they heard the quick sounds of footsteps being very close. “NO! It can’t end like this! They aren’t going to take us without a fight!” thought Cryo. He gave a angry scowl and slowly poked his head out just enough to see with his heart beating faster then an engine.

He saw their figures come into view of the area from behind the trees. They slowly crept in. 8 heartless figures wearing forest camo, goggles, and carrying tranquilizer guns. Cryo was about to climb out of the divot and prepare for the fight of his life, when they began to speak. “Where did they go?” said one of them,” “Huh?” thought Cryo. Cryo then stood as still as a statue, keeping an eye on them as the group walked right past them, around the deep divot in the ground. “Thermals not seeing anything. “How is that possible?! Two mythical creatures DO NOT JUST DISAPPEAR! These two have already caused enough trouble for us already! We’re not the only ones combing the forest for those two!” “Huh?” Cryo thought. “If those military boys find them first, we’ll never be able to get those dragons! They already know that Mick betrayed them. There’s no way he’ll be able to get us back in!” “Mick… I’ve heard that name multiple times. Did he used to work at the base?” thought Cryo. “They may be further ahead. Let’s keep moving forward. It’s possible they split up. You 4 go towards that direction. We’ll head this way. Come on. They can’t be far.” Cryo saw their retreating figures as they continued further in until they we’re no longer in sight.

Cryo gave out a sigh as he slowly ducked back in. His heart rate slowed. “That was really close…” he said. “I don’t understand. How did they not find us?” asked Tide. Cryo was confused for a bit, but then he looked at himself, and saw that his entire body was completely covered in wet mud. “The mud. I think the mud… hid us.” “The mud?” “Mud is cold, slick, and messy. When we fell in, We got covered and soaked in it. The mud is masking our body heat. They didn’t see us in the divot since they were seeing in thermal. and they just… walked right past us.” Cryo checked again to see if the coast was clear. “They should be gone.” Come on. Let’s head back in the direction of the river. We can use mud to keep ourselves hidden from their thermal vision. We’ll have to get more once it starts to dry on us, but the soil near the river and in it should be wet enough to keep us hidden from their goggles.” Cryo then quickly turned his head back and breathed some ice on the frozen fish. “Let’s head back towards the river. Those bad guys headed further ahead in opposite direction of the river, so we may be able to put much more distance between us and them before they realize they ran right past us.” Cryo pulled himself out of the divot. “Once we head up the river a bit more, we can start a fire and cook these.” “Do you know how to make one?” “I never tried it. But I might be able to do this.” The two went back towards the river, and continued to head up it.

Ch 9

Campsite Creatures

About 3 hours later, the storm had calmed and the moon rose up quickly into the sky. The two dragons had grown tired and had decided to set up camp for the night. Cryo began to make a shelter, this time using mud, clay mixed a bit with his saliva as an adhesive and bark from a tree he ripped off with his talons. Tide sat down and watched Cryo as he worked, wondering how he was so resourceful. “Cryo really knows how to survive out here. It’s almost like he was born in the wild,” she thought. “I don’t think a survival show alone could prepare him to actually survive out in the wilderness like this. I think there might be something more…” Cryo had begun to attach the bark to the frame for their shelter. Tide began to wonder something.

“You know, Cryo’s life growing up… He was raised in the mountains, the whole first year of his life.” She began to lay herself down. “He grew up near a lush forest, filled with rocky terrain, high up. He slept in a crib in a barn, with love and care that only a loving family could give. He watched his “older brother,” take things apart and he was able to pick up on it. Even if the amount of time with them was short, its what he grew up in. Maybe that’s why. I know he doesn’t get much time outside back at the base. Perhaps… Perhaps this is reminding him of his time with them.” Cryo had just finished with the shelter. And had walked over to Tide. “Alright mom. I’m going to try and make a fire,” Cryo said “How will you?” asked Tide

Cryo took out a black stone out of his pocket and the metal nail. “I’m going to use this flint and the nail from the “compass.” “Flint?” “Yes. I going to try to scrape the nail on the flint to create a spark and start a fire.” “Where did you get that, Cryo?” “It was where I found the magnetite. I picked it up since I knew we might need it.” Cryo took in a deep breath and exhaled. “Alright. Let’s try this.” He began to scrape the nail quickly against the flint. After a little bit, he began to see sparks coming out. “Come on. Come on,” he thought. The sparks began to hit the wood. After a little bit of time, a small ember began to light up. “Alright. There’s a start. Now…” Cryo began to take some deep breaths and blew slowly on the small fire, with each breath making it a little bit larger each time. Soon, the fire blazed and he was ready to cook. Cryo quickly pulled his paws away and stepped back. “There we go. Now…” Cryo then unwrapped his fishing net from around him and gave it to Tide. “Hold these for a bit, Mom.”

Cryo then began to quickly created a stand out of twigs and logs to help cook their dinner. Taking a bunch of sturdy branches and wet soil from under the river, it soon was built. “Let’s get cooking.” Cryo then quickly skewered the fish and began to cook their meal over the open fire. The sound of crackling meat could be heard as they it cooked. Cryo began to turn the stick to cook the fish from all sides. “It shouldn’t be long before their done.” Cryo said. “It could probably use some spices and breading, but it should taste good still,” said Tide.

After about 12 minutes of cooking, the fish were done and the two had started eating it. A crunch of satisfaction was heard as they chewed their food thoroughly. “The fish tastes good, son,” said Tide. “Your right about it needing some breading, Mom. I’ve never eaten fish without it. Both gave a small chuckle as they continued eating. Tide looked at her son, who stared back. “Is there something you need, Mom?”

“Cryo. Do you like being out here like this?” she asked. “Huh. What do you mean, Mom?” “Well its just that you seem to be knowledgeable about how to live out here. You’ve spent most of your life indoors at home. It can’t just be from watching a silly TV show.” “Well…” “I’ve just been thinking Cryo.” “About what Mom?” “When you were living with Greg and the others, you were mostly outdoors. In the mountains next to a forest. Yes, your “bedroom,” was a barn with a crib inside. But its still outdoors nonetheless.” “Well. I was just a hatchling then Mom…” “Maybe. But that’s what you grew up with. Even if the time with them was short, it was your first year on this world. You and your “big brother,” would play together outside for most of the day. You would take naps several times a day in your room, with very warm cloths on your back, and then wake up again to continue until you ran out of energy again or night fell. I really love that silver jacket Cryo. You look quite cute in it.” Tide chuckled a bit. “It’s defiantly proven very useful since we’ve been out here. Those pockets on it are quite convenient to carry our supplies. It also looks nice and comfy on you, even if your covered in mud right now. I can see now why humans wear cloths. I’m glad they could share that experience with you.”

Cryo began to sit back a little, thinking about it a bit himself now. “It’s a little more then that mom. But… I don’t think you’d want to know the more “specific,” reasons.” Tide continued. “Sometimes Noble would take you indoors and play inside. Sometimes he would take things apart and you watched him with curiosity. Over time, you began to pick up on it yourself.” “Yea. Much of my knowledge of how most machines work was from watching him taking things apart and talking and telling me about them…” “Then you had to leave them behind. Your life changed. You had to live in a “different world.” While the researchers there eventually realized your potential, they kept you inside most of the time. They watched you work. They watched you play. You would really only go outside only for “breaks,” or when you wanted to play catch. I think what it really is Cryo, is that, being outdoors like this. It really is a small reminder of what it was like for you back with them. The researchers didn’t realize what outdoors really means for you. It reminds you of home, and its why you can live like this out here. The painted walls within your room can’t really simulate what its like there.”

Cryo looked behind him, and then looked back at his mom. He took another few bites and gave a sigh. “I admit mom. Your right. I don’t really get a chance to spend time outdoors at the research center. For security reasons, I admit. I can easily see why they were concerned with me being outside, considering we were kidnapped like this. But… I endured it. I had to. For them. Cameron… well… he was there to support me through the changes. He reminds me of Noble. Not exactly, but he always had my back. But… he still isn’t him.” Cryo took another bite and looked up at the stars in the sky.” “I had hoped that I could see them again one day. But after what happened now, I doubt they’ll ever allow me out of their sight again.” “Maybe they would, Cryo. I think they would allow you to see them again one day still.” “Why do you think that, Mom? It’s been 6 years since I last saw them.” Tide looked at her son, took a bite, and gave a grin. “I think once we get back home, you’ll see what I mean.” Cryo pondered what she meant, but decided not to push further. The two soon finished their meal, and soon it was time to go to sleep. Cryo gathered mud from the river and spread it all over his body and Tide’s. “Hopefully the mud will keep us hidden during the night. While it may feel weird being covered up like this, hopefully we both can get some sleep. The two went in their makeshift shelter. While feeling a bit icky made it a bit more difficult to sleep, they eventually fell into a deep slumber.

Ch 10

Patch Pro

Cryo woke into the sight of the hospital room room again. As his head span a bit, he saw that several armored bugs were in his chamber talking to each other. His head felt a bit hot for some reason. He also felt a tiny bit numb and felt a sting in his upper right arm, and looked over at it. He saw there was medical gauze and bandages over it. “Hmm?” Cryo heard.

He looked toward the front left of the room, and saw a green dragonfly in blue hospital attire and cap. It turned around to look at him. He seemed to be sitting on a rolling rounded doctor’s seat with body facing back and towards Cryo. He seemed to had been typing on a small computer attached to the wall next to the window. “Oh. Good afternoon, Cryo,” it said in a soft and calming male voice. He smiled at Cryo and typed in a few more things and pressed a button on the side of the console. He then began to slide the computer back a bit, and then picked up his long wings and began to fly with a low whir sounding off them towards Cryo with the seat in his hands. The other soldiers noticed he was awake and began to face him as well. “Glad to see your awake, little guy,” said a red centipede in the room. He smiled at Cryo. The dragonfly set down the chair softly next to Cryo’s bed and sat himself down on it.

“How are you feeling?” the dragonfly asked. “Oh… Umm. I feel… a little hot,” replied Cryo. “Hot?” “Yeah.” Cryo began to cough a few times. The dragonfly seemed to take notice. “I noticed your head getting a little red while you’ve been asleep. I can check that in a minute.” “Um… ok. Thanks.” Cryo gave a faint smile at the dragonfly. He began to cough a few times again, and settled down on the bed again. The dragonfly nodded and put a medical mask over his mouth. He then put some gloves on his front arms. “I’m a medical expert Patch. I’ve been your primary physician while you’ve been here with us at this hospital.” “Oh. You’ve been my doctor?” “That’s correct.” He rubbed Cryo’s right arm a little bit. He then took an electric thermometer from a nearby wall.

“Could you open your maw, Cryo? I want to take your temperature.” “Oh yeah. Hang on.” Cryo opened his mouth, ready for the thermometer. “Good. Now please keep this under your tongue.” Cryo nodded. The dragonfly placed the thermometer under Cryo’s tongue and Cryo closed his mouth. “Good. Now just wait a few moments, Cryo.” Cryo laid still in the bed, breathing slowly. Soon enough, the thermometer began to beep a few times. “Alright. Now let’s check your temperature.” Patch gripped the thermometer and Cryo released it from his mouth. “Hmm…” said Patch. He waited a few moments while Cryo waited in anticipation. “About… 69.2`F.” “Oh… I am running a fever.” said Cryo. He coughed a few times again. “What’s your normal body temperature, Cryo?” “About 68`F.” “Ahh. I see. Hang on. Give me a minute.” Patch looked at his wrist, which had a shiny watch or something similar around it. He leaned it close to his mouth.

“Healic. Could you get a cold pad, Ferintoph, and maybe a few cough drops. Patient Cryo is confirmed to be running a small fever and is coughing.” “Yes Patch. I’ll get that for you.” a voice called back on the device. “That wristband must be some type of comm band, like at home. Although the screen seems to show a bunch of other data on it. I wonder if its a small computer as well.” thought Cryo. He put his wrist back down and looked back at Cryo. “Alright, son. It should only be a few minutes before Healic comes by with the meds and cold pad for your head.” “Um. Ok. What exactly is, Faintoph?” “It medicine that will help bring down that fever.” “Oh. Ok.” Cryo nodded and smiled at him. He gave a nod back. Cryo looked back at his bandaged right arm again and become a little curious. He looked toward Patch.

“Hey. What was this for?” Cryo asked. “We put an iv in your arm with a sedative. We just wanted to run a few tests, and didn’t want you to awaken.” said Patch. “What tests?” “We wanted to run an x ray, blood, saliva, and a few other tests.” “Why didn’t you want me awake for it?” “Well… We wanted to know a bit more about your biology and we didn’t know how you’d react to that.” “You could have just asked. I don’t mind having to take a few medical tests to get better. I know that it helps you help me get better.” “We didn’t know how you would take it. Please understand.” Cryo thought about it for a moment and gave out a sigh. Cryo began to cough a bit again. He looked at Patch and smiled. Patch rubbed Cryo’s head a few times and then asked “Do you need anything while we wait for the meds, Cryo?” Cryo smiled and said “Yes. Can I have some water.” “Sure thing hang on a second.” Patch turned to the centipede in the room. “Firestorm. Could you go out of the room and get our patient here a nice bottle of water from the supply cabinets. “Yea. Sure doc. Hang on for a few minutes, little blue bud.” He began to walk over and was about to open the door to the chamber he thought he heard something outside the door. “What in the…” Suddenly, the door to the room burst open from an explosion!

Ch 11

Will in the Wilds

Cryo shot up with his eyes wide open, and realized he was back in the forest. He breathed a bit heavily and began to slow his breathing to calm down. His head span a bit. “What is with these dreams…” Cryo began to nudge his mother to awaken her. “Come on, Mom. Wake up.” “Mphhh… Cryo?” “We need to get ready to move out quickly. Come on.” “Alright. Ughh… Hang on a second.” Tide slowly picked herself up and climb out of the makeshift shelter. Cryo soon came out as well. “Alright mom. We’ll first need to take this apart apart and spread it about in case they come back this way. We also need to replace the mud covering us from the soil near the river and we need to fish for some food for tonight.” “Alright.” They took apart their shelter and spread its parts around. Then they headed back towards the river.

Another 9 days passed as they travelled. They spent the time travelling through the massive forest. They would wake up and spread mud on themselves. As they continued on their way, they heard the sound of jets more often. Patrols were now happening much more frequently. They had to slow down with each ship and duck under the forest canopy to make sure they couldn’t be tracked by them. They spent their time talking and walking as they tried to make their way towards home. Cryo would always take time at least one point during the day to catch fish in his net for food and fill up their water bottle with clean water for the long road ahead. During those nights, they’d build a new shelter and a campfire and it was here that Cryo would introduce Tide to the concept of ghost stories. Tide seemed to like the idea of telling spooky stories while sitting by a nice fire in the darkness of the night and eating cooked fish. She was surprised that this was an activity humans took in when camping in the wilds for fun. She eventually was able to spook Cryo with her own brand of ghost stories. When it’s time for bed, they’d spread mud on their bodies again and settle in their built shelter for a nice sleep.

And so the sun rose again. Cryo knew he had to fish for some food. After destroying their tent, they headed towards the river. Cryo poked his head from behind a tree to see if the coast was clear. He looked around, and saw no one. “Alright. I better do this really quickly before they possibly see us.” Cryo motioned his mom to come forward and they immediately headed towards the river. Cryo immediately dove into the water while Tide spread mud on herself to conceal herself. After a few moments, Cryo poked his head out and pulled out a small bounty of seafaring wanderers. He immediately took his catch and blew a small stream of ice. he then quickly folded the net and tied it around his waist. “Alright. Let’s move out quickly, Mom.” The two began to head forward.

The two walked for a while, with the sun beaming down their backs. A smooth wind began to blow as they walked. Tide looked over at her son, who seemed to be very focused on something. “Cryo seems to be deep in thought,” thought Tide. “I wonder how far we’ve traveled since we have been out here. Perhaps he is trying to calculate the distance in his head. Or maybe something else is on his mind.” Tide looked ahead and began to think. “How long are we going to have to go to get out of this mess. We’ve been out for nearly a month. We’ve seen no rescue yet.” Tide looked back at Cryo. “Cryo may be thinking of what he heard those mercenaries said perhaps. They did get our message from the radio. I just wonder where they are looking for us from.” Tide began to look toward above to see birds flying above. “Perhaps they are looking further behind of us rather then on the path to home. We may have to get back all the way on our own.”

They walked for a couple more hours and Tide needed a small rest. So they decided to take a break under a big tree. “We can stay here for a bit. We’ll have to get back on the move soon though, Mom.” “Alright, my little boy.” Cryo pulled the water bottle out of his coat, and realized it was almost empty. “I need to scavenge some more water real quick for us mom. Hang on.” Cryo headed back towards the river. Taking out scavenged water filter and leaf, he dipped the leaf in the water, and then poured the contents into the pebble filled tire. It flowed through it and came out the bottom, filtering into the water bottle. “Alright. There we go. Now let’s get back to Mom.”

Cryo was about to head back, but then he heard a rustling nearby. He stopped immediately. Turning his head, he looked around. “What is doing that. Is that them?” Cryo began to slowly walk back, looking around as he went along. The rustling was closer now. Cryo began to pick up his feet and moved quickly. “It must be them! How did they find us?! I have to get back to Mom fast!” Cryo quickly galloped toward where his mother was, with the sound of rustling continually coming closer. Cryo’s heart began to race like a base drum and soon he found his mother resting under the tree. “Mom! We have to go. Now!” “Whats going…” “Come on, Mom. Quickly!” She picked herself up but the figure was very close by now. Cryo looked back and saw the rustling very close by in a bush. “Quick Mom. We have to run!” “Wait, Cryo!” said a familiar voice.

Ch 12

Rescue Relief

Cryo immediately halted and began to look at an emerging figure from the wood, wearing dark forest camo. Cryo immediately recognized his voice. “T… Ty?” Cryo asked. The man took off his helmet and googles and Cryo recognized Ty’s face immediately. “Yes Cryo. We’ve been looking for you. You don’t know how happy I am to see you here and safe.” Ty smiled softly and turned back and waved his hand forward. “Come on guys! Form a perimeter!” A bunch of soldiers quickly came in all around and took different positions around the area. “Come with me Cryo. Let’s get you two home.” Ty motioned Cryo to come forward and the soldiers took point and formed a circle around the two dragons as they moved.

A little ways ahead of them was a small airship. They quickly loaded Cryo and Tide and headed out for home. “You two are a mess,” said Ty. “Yeah. I know Ty,” replied Cryo. “ You two will defiantly need to get cleaned up when we get you back home. We’ll also have to get those nasty collars off of both of you.” “How did you find us?” asked Tide. “We got your call. When you contacted us on the radio with the coordinates, we immediately dispatched a team there. They were using the crashed ship as a command post for their search for you both. We assaulted it and managed to split up their entire group across the woods. And we also managed to get info on the direction that you were last seen from. When we realized you we’re heading directly in the direction of home, we quickly began to make our way back. We made several sweeps over the forest with our airships, but didn’t find you.” “Yeah. Sorry about that Ty. They had thermal vision so we needed to hide ourselves using mud,” said Cryo. Ty nodded to the little dragon. “As you could guess, we then decided to try to track you on foot.” “I see. So that’s how you found us.” “You don’t know how worried we were for you two. You’ve spent almost an entire MONTH out in the wilds alone, with no food, clean water, or shelter.” “Well that’s not exactly the case Ty…” “Yes Cryo. I kind of noticed.” Ty took a look at the fishing net Cryo made, wrapped around his back. “I’m impressed about how you’ve been able to survive out here. You made a water filter out of a tire, a net out of simple sturdy vines and branches…” Ty looked back at him. “You we’re able to survive all on your own, with nothing but a coat and items from the outdoors.” Cryo took a swig of water from his water bottle and nodded. “Alright. Let’s get you back. We’ll get you cleaned up right as we get home.”

Time passed and soon they arrived back at the base. They soon docked the airship into the hanger, and as the hanger door opened, The two saw a whole bunch of personnel waiting for them. They all saw the two Dragons and immediately cheered. “Wow! Quite a reception,” said Cryo. “Everyone here has been worried about you two. News traveled fast after you two were taken, as you two probably expected,” replied Ty. “Come on you two. Let’s get you back to where you belong.” “Is there any chance I can go with my son?” asked Tide. “Yes. We have moved your things into Cryo’s room while you both been out. If you guys don’t mind, I think we would like to hear about what happened to you guys after a bath and a good nights sleep.” “Alright. Let’s go.” The group headed back through the hanger with the sound of cheers ringing throughout it. Cryo looked back and saw some of the other kids from school cheering with them. “I didn’t expect to find any of them here… Wonder whats with them?” Cryo shrugged as he walked through. After walking through the hanger to the outside and then to the building where his room is housed. Soon they arrived, back into their rooms.

Ch 13

Sunset and Safety

Cryo saw that there were some things were added to the room since they’ve been gone. There was a much larger hay bed a bit away from Cryo’s own bed, on the other side of where Cryo’s closet and dresser was stationed, with a large blanket with a regal image of Tide, sitting proudly next to her loving son, covering it. Cryo thought it was most likely meant to be Tide’s bed. Cryo’s tv and “relaxation,” area had been moved a bit further back on that side to make room for it. There was also a new relatively low to the ground table a little ways away from his dinner table with and 2 small cushions seated next to it. Cryo thought it might be a dinner table meant for he and Tide to eat together. Ty safely removed the nasty collars from Tide and Cryo, using a key stolen from the downed airship and placed them on Cryo’s work bench. “Alright. Do either of you guys think you’ll need help with anything? Cleaning yourselves up? Making dinner?” Tide and Cryo looked toward each other and then looked back and both gave a smile. “No. I don’t think we’ll have any trouble,” said Tide. “Alright. I’ll leave you both to yourselves. Have a good night.” “Alright. Thanks Ty. I’ll see ya soon,” Cryo said. Ty gave a nod a left the room.

Cryo took in a deep breath and looked towards Tide. He gave a small smile and asked “You want to wash up first, Mom?” “You sure you don’t, Cryo?” “Don’t worry mom. I can be like this a little longer. Besides. I need to take my coat off and get it prepared cleaned as well.” “Alright son. I’ll just leave you for a bit.” Tide headed her way into the washroom and closed the door. Cryo could hear the sound of the tub turning on. Cryo gave a nod and began to make his way toward a small laundry hamper in his room.

He unzipped his muddy coat and held it out in front of him. He took a look at it. It was dirty all over, but there was a few spots of silver still glistening through it. “This coat was one of my favorites. I remember. It was a present from Cameron for my 4th birthday. I admit that I’ve never liked my birthday, but this jacket makes me think of the old cloths I used to wear at home. The design was made similar to my old ones, but, its made with sturdier fabrics. Not like the ones Greg and the others back home made for me. Its a stiffer, but feels warm nonetheless.” He stuck his hand in his coat pocket and took out a small metal tag inside. He read it. “To my best friend. Happy birthday Cryo. From Cameron.” Cryo closed his eyes and gave a small smile. “Things were simpler then.” Cryo placed the metal tag back into his pocket and zipped it up. He then placed his coat into the hamper and was about to head near the bathroom door to wait for his turn when he noticed something on his bed. He went towards it, and he saw a letter on it. It said “A group apology to Cryo.” “Huh?” What’s this?” he thought. He quickly opened it up. He saw that it was from kids from school! He began to read it.

“Dear Cryo. If your reading this, you have returned. For the past month, we’ve seen just how important you are to everyone here. It seemed so different around with you being lost. No one here seems to be happy. Not even us. Everyone is talking about what horrors you might be going through. There were even rumors you might have passed on or even worse, been turned into slaves to an evil group. The more we heard this around our homes and around the base, the more we began to realize how much we have wronged you and Cameron over the years you’ve been with us in school. We’re sorry for how we treated you. We want you to know we won’t mistreat you or Cameron again. Perhaps maybe, we can be friends when you are back to being with us again. If you need time alone after your ordeal, we understand. Please be safe and be happy.”

Cryo gave out a small smile and placed the letter back on his bed. “I guess even they could not accept me being lost.” Cryo went to take a look out the window towards the outside of his room, with a view of the vast mountain range towering ahead. He sat down on his bean bag and began to relax and stretch his wings out and then to his sides. He gave out a small yawn and looked toward the horizon to see the sun setting in a brilliant red hue.

“Looks beautiful,” he said. Cryo sat there and began to think of his time out in the wilds. “I never really got a chance to see the sunset since I was taken,” he thought. “I was on the run, so I never really got the chance to watch it.” Cryo began to think. “Who were those people. They wanted us because of our tech.” Cryo began to lay down. “From what I heard back, someone named Mick was somehow involved. I don’t recognize that name. ” Cryo tilted his head and scratched his neck. “Whoever Mick is, he apparently betrayed us. He sold us out to whoever those guys were. Cryo picked himself back up. “Why would he want to do this. Is it just because they wanted our tech to sell on the market, or did they have more sinister plans with us?” Cryo gave out a sigh and continued to watch the sun set.

The sun soon disappeared under the mountains and stars filled the skys above. Cryo looked toward the skies, lined with many stars, and began to become sleepy. “I haven’t got a chance to take naps during the day for the past month… I’m probably going to have to take an extra nap or 2 during the day now that I’m home.” Cryo gave out a yawn. Cryo heard of the washroom door opening behind him. He turned his head and looked back. He saw Tide come out, cleaned up and freshened with her scales slightly glistening from the light. “You look fresh, Mom.” said Cryo. “Thank you, son. You ready to get washed up?” Tide asked. “Yea. Thanks Mom.” “Do you need any help washing yourself?” “I think I’ll be good, Mom.” “You sure?” Cryo began to think for a moment. He then gave out a smile. “You know mom. Maybe I could use a little bit of help washing up.” “Alright son. Let’s get you cleaned up, my little boy.” Tide picked up Cryo with one arm and walked Cryo to his washroom.

Ch 14

Bath time buds

As they entered, he saw that there had been some renovations to his washroom since he was gone. A much bigger and deeper bathtub had been installed in and there was a bigger mirror inside. The sink was also larger, along with a new set of large dragon talon clippers, a large talon file, a rather large dragon toothbrush, and other dental items, nestled against the side of the sink, on the opposite side of Cryo’s items. “These must have been installed for Mom,” Cryo thought. “Come on Cryo. Let’s get you in the tub,” said Tide. “Oh. Hang on for a second, Mom,” Cryo turned his head towards his bathroom radio. “It’s been a long while since I had a chance to listen to any music. I want to listen to something calming now that I’m back home,” Cryo thought. “Voice command.” “Voice command recognized. Radio model 4510 Beach bather is ready to receive command.” Tide smiled and started stroking Cryo’s back a bit. “Silly Cryo. Has to listen to some nice relaxing music while getting cleaned up.” He smiled back at her, and faced back to the radio. “Play music from Capsule Creatures game playlist.” “Which song to start?” Cryo thought about it for a moment. “Play encounter, Bountiful king of crops in the snowy tundra, Callareity,” “Playing music.” A soft yet upbeat melody played, giving a mix of calmness and royalty, like being challenged to a friendly battle by a soft and royal legendary creature. Tide smiled back at Cryo as she listened to the tune, giving a small chuckle. “Perhaps my young boy wants to feel like a prince tonight,” she thought. She carried him to the tub and gently placed him in it “Alright. Let’s get you cleaned up.” Tide said.

She turned on the water for the bathtub and it started to fill with nice, warm water. Cryo began to relax as the warm water began to engulf his lower body. Soon the bathtub was filled up.. “Ahhh. I haven’t felt this in a while.” said Cryo. Tide gave a smile and grabbed a bar of soap. She began to rub it all across Cryo’s back, chest, and tail scales. The mud began to chip off little by little.

“Alright. Turn over and lay on your back, Cryo.” Tide said. Cryo began to maneuver himself in the tub so he was laying on his back with his legs up, out of the water. “Now let’s get those limbs and belly cleaned up,” she said. Tide began to slowly and carefully rub Cryo’s scaly limbs with the bar of soap, with the mud being slowly chipping off bit by bit. She then took it and gently rubbed it across Cryo’s belly, each stroke taking chunks of mud off. “Now let’s get your head, Cryo. Sit back up.” Cryo obliged and maneuvered himself back on his feet, with his head up high. Tide grabbed some dragon shampoo began to rub her hands together. “Alright Cryo. Close your eyes and hold your breath for a bit.” Cryo obliged and Tide carefully rubbed her paws across Cryo’s head, making sure to rub every spot of his head. Cryo began to feel very comfy as Tide’s firm, yet delicate grip massaged Cryo’s head. The mud chipped off and Tide poured water over Cryo’s head. “There we go Cryo. Now, let’s get you out and dried off.” Tide opened the drain to the tub as the water began to drain out. She picked up Cryo and placed him outside the tub. She grabbed a towel and began to slowly and carefully rub it against Cryo’s scales. Soon enough, Cryo was dried off, his scales glistening in the light. “There we go son. Clean and fresh. I bet you feel much better now,” said Tide. “I do, Mom. I feel like a new dragon!” said Cryo.

Ch 15

Burgers and Bed

Cryo went to his sink and brushed his fangs with his toothbrush. Once done, he gave the command for his radio to turn off. Afterword’s, Cryo exited his washroom with Tide by his side. “Alright son. Let’s make something to eat,” said Tide. They both went to the refrigerator and pulled out some Zurburgers from the fridge. Cryo and Tide cooked it on a small grill and brought it to their dinner table. “I haven’t eaten any meat except fish for a while. It’s going to be nice to have some Zurburgers again,” said Cryo. “I haven’t had these since the incident. When I fell into deep sleep…” replied Tide. Cryo thought for a moment. “Well mom, I hope you’ll still like them,” replied Cryo. They put their Zurbergers on seeded buns and began to eat. “Mmmm. Good stuff. Right Mom?” “Yes. It tastes just like I remember it.” They both smiled to each other and continued to eat their dinner. Soon enough, all their Zurbergers were gone, and their bellies filled and satisfied.

You ready for bed?” Cryo gave out a big yawn and his eyes grew droopy. “Yeah, Mom. I’m really tired…” Tide walked to a drawer near Cryo’s bed and rummaged around it a bit. She then took out a sky blue t shirt, with a picture of a sleeping blue dragon nestled in a bed of white clouds, with the words, Dream Little Dragon, below the picture. She then stepped towards Cryo’s bed and stopped right to the side of it. “Come here my little boy. I’ll tuck you into bed tonight.” Cryo nodded and walked over. He stopped in front of tide and gave a small smile. “Lift your arms up, my little blue boy.”

Cryo complied and lifted his arms towards Tide. She slowly maneuvered the t shirt over Cryo’s body, making sure the wings could slip through the back slits. Tide then picked up Cryo and Cryo’s blanket and carefully and gently wrapped it around Cryo’s body tightly. She then nestled Cryo onto his hay bed, head on the pillow. Cryo gave out another yawn and looked towards his radio. “Voice command,” he said. “Ready to receive order,” the radio replied back. “Play soothing bedtime music.” “Now playing Naptunes channel.” The dj on the radio station began to speak in a low, soothing voice.

“This is the Naptunes channel. This next song is a classic, known for giving dreams of adventure, strength, and hope. Inspired by dream of a mighty battle against time itself. Now playing, Primal, Time and Space. The radio echoed with the tune. “I’ve never heard this one before,” thought Cryo. “It’s beat is a bit fast, yet it feels so soothing, with the flutes and synthesizer.” Cryo gave out a big yawn, and soon his eyes began to get droopy. He then slowly closed his eyes, and fell into a deep slumber. “Look’s like Cryo likes listening to lullabies when he wants to sleep,” thought Tide. “I’ll admit it, I like this tune as well.” Tide pulled her head down and gave her dreaming son a small kiss on his forehead. Tide then went towards her hay bed and slowly laid herself down and covered herself in her big blanket. “Goodnight my precious son. Maybe I can try to sing you to sleep one day.” thought Tide. She closed her eyes and soon fell asleep.

New abilities

Ice pick: Can cover the tip of his talons with ice to pick locks by breaking the inner workings with ice.

Cold Claws: Can coat his talons with ice to slash at things more effectively.

New known Likes:

Food and drinks of “Earth.”

Outdoor activities

Spending time with his Mom

Being accepted

New known dislikes:

Cyantrinian metals

Being on the run

Suspenseful situations

His mother being scared, worried, or unhappy.

Cryo the dragon Book 3 Dreams and Danger

Cryo the dragon Book 3 Dreams and Danger

Well… This isn’t good…


In the last book, Cryo was taken to a military research facility to be observed and studied. But Cryo spent his entire time there looking out a window towards the mountain range, only stopping to eat and sleep, leaving the head researchers of their project, Ty and Gerald, baffled as to what to do. But one day, while they had an argument in Cryo’s pen, Cryo, getting annoyed by their argument, decided to act upon a comment Gerald made. Cryo snatched Gerald’s phone, which had stopped working, slowly took it apart, and fixed its problem and put it back together, leaving the researchers surprised.

With more of an idea on how smart Cryo actually was, Ty decided to read over a research journal kept by Cryo’s adopted father, Greg. With the info, Ty decided to create and move Cryo to a new room, with toys, a crib, a workbench for him to repair items, and new cloths for him to wear and a blanket to wrap him up in at night. Things began to go much better for the little dragon.

A year passed, and Cryo’s room was changed from a toddlers room to a to a young Childs bedroom, with a hay bed instead of a crib, cups instead of bottles, etc., etc. Cryo slowly would mature and learn to be a little bit grown. They began to teach Cryo how to talk and gave him a basic understanding of language and reading (though he kinda wouldn’t have his speech down yet…). With things going well researchers decided to try to extend Cryo’s knowledge by sending him to a makeshift school in the base itself where the children living in the base go to.

Cryo’s first experience of school would be a little hard for him. While he was able to nail down his school subjects quite quickly, he was being bullied by the other kids. But one kid would approach Cryo and give him something he needed for a while, a friend. Cameron, the son of Ty, helped Cryo through his first day and they left the school as friends.

4 more years passed, and Cryo would end up starting to upgrade his room quite a bit with the help of some of the engineers in the base. He began to build his own custom devices for his room. Summer vacation began and Cryo and his companions would be going on a fun boat trip out on the sea. The researchers there wanted to see Cryo on the open water rather then restricted to 6 ft. deep mid size pool at the base. They wanted to see how fast Cryo could be on open water and how much exertion it would have on his heart. But, the trip would get interrupted by an attacking boat, which Cryo decided to try to lure away from the boat to protect Cameron and the others.

Reinforcements to find Cryo would arrive later. After turning on Cryo’s tracking implant, they discovered that he was not on the water but on the shore in the forest near the shore. After tracking it down they found Cryo in a pillar of ice, with the forest and trees subjected to ice. Hearing Ty’s voice, the ice quickly dissipated and Cryo fell unconcious.

After bringing Cryo back to base, they were told that Cryo was subjected to a special dart which causes paralysis in the victim. After mulling it over for a bit, they came to the conclusion that someone at the base had tried to take Cyro for unknown reasons. Someone had betrayed them. Realizing Cryo might be in danger, they decided to increase security measures around the little dragon. That night, they tucked Cryo into bed, still unconscious, while they went to get the required medicine to help Cryo get over his paralysis faster. Cameron, not wanting to leave his friend alone in such a condition, decided to spend the night with Cryo in his room, with the hopes things would be better for him in the mourning…

Ch 1

Sick Serphant

Cameron awoke to hear a soft and low voice near him. “Came…ron? Came…ron? Is… that you?” Cameron began to blink a few times as his eyes came into focus. “Huh?” He tilted his head a bit and saw that Cryo was awake. Though Cameron could tell from the look on his face that he felt very weak and he was breathing very slowly. “Oh, Cryo. Your awake.” Cameron lifted himself up and wiped his eyes, and looked at Cryo, who hadn’t moved since this whole mess started. “You ok?” “I… can… barley move…” “You were hit with a Nume dart Cryo.” “Nume… dart?” “It some type of dart that causes paralysis.” “That’s why… my limbs… stopped working…” Cryo struggled to move his head to try to face Cameron.” “Will… it… wear off?” “Dad said it might be a little while before your body is able to get the poison out of your system.” “How… long?” “We’ll have to see, Cryo,” said a familiar voice.

Cryo slowly struggled to turn his head toward the entrance to his room. Ty, wearing a blue shirt and dark pants came in with a large glass of water and a pill. He pulled up a chair and sat it next to the both of them. “Here Cryo. Take this. This will help with the poison.” “What… is it? “It’s medicine, called Sealitt, made up from a deep water algae, ground up and mixed with oil from a luminescent mushroom known as Littahre (Lit-tear). This should counteract the toxins within your body.” “Do… you know medicine… Ty?” “Not all that much actually. This was made by Nancy. I only know about it due to having to take a medical class in school. There were a few “incidents,” where I lived as a teen where this nasty compound was being used by a couple of troublesome characters.” “Were they… ever caught?” “Yes. They were. Actually it was them who made the original compound to begin with.” “Why?” “I would go into detail, but I don’t really think you would really want to know why, Cryo.” Cryo wondered what that could mean, but realized that maybe not knowing would be a good thing.

“Alright Cryo. Can you lift your head up?” “Somehow…” Cryo slowly struggled to put up his head enough so he could take the pill. “I’m… ready Ty.” Cryo slowly opened his mouth and Ty put the small capsule in on his long tongue. He then helped Cryo take a sip from the glass to wash it down. “It may be a little bit of time before the medicine will come into effect. Hopefully it will go quickly throughout your body to expel the toxins. You’ll know the medicine is working when your body starts sweating, Cryo.” “Sweat…ing?” “Yes. The pills effects will cause your body to expel the toxins by sweating it out. Depending on the dose within the dart, you might be able to start moving better in maybe half a day or longer. We have never tried using this on a Dragon before, so we don’t really know how long it will actually take. I think it would also be a good idea after you can walk again, to take a bath.” “Al…right… Ty.” “Cameron. Keep Cryo company and make sure he get’s what he needs while he’s healing. He’ll need plenty of water while the medicine takes effect. Ok?” “Yes dad.” Ty left through the door to the room, looking back one last time at Cryo. Cryo looked back at him, seeing his concern. He stepped out soon after

Cameron took a look at Cryo, who he immediately realized was starting to feel hot. He saw Cryo’s head was a little red and could see sweat running down his head scales and onto his favorite blanket. Cameron knew that the medicine was already taking effect. “Hang on Cryo. Let me get you a dragon cold pad for your head.” 

Cameron went to Cryo’s fridge, which had been rebuilt, enlarged, and customized in the shape of an Chrome dragon egg on a stand near the left side of his room and opened the left door. He took out a cold pad, made in the shape of a soft green mask to fit around his upper head and eyes and extended down all the way to his snout, with holes so he can still breath through his nose with it on and another hole to fit around the horn on his snout. It has an opening at the top used to fill it with crushed ice and a metal wire as well, extending out both sides of the opening so it can be pulled to seal it shut or pushed to open it up. Under the mask is a small leather strap that can be wrapped under Cryo’s neck so it can stay secured around his head (made specifically for when Cryo get’s sick. Its different parts could also be extended and modified to fit Cryo’s head as he gets older). Cameron began to use the ice machine on the left side to fill it with crushed ice and soon enough, it was filled. Cameron tied the top of it closed and walked over to Cryo, who he realized had tilted his head to watch him. He could tell Cryo was looking at the mask and thinking about the relief it would give him. He quickly came over to Cryo. “Alright Cryo. Hold still while I put this on you head.” “Alright… Came…ron.” Cameron carefully placed the cold pad on his head and then strapped it on. He could tell immediately Cryo was a little more comfortable now. “Is that better?” “Yes… This… feels nice.” “That’s good to hear. Do you need a drink too?” “Yes. Maybe… Just… a little.” “Alright. I’ll get you some fresh water.”

Cameron went back to the kitchen in his room. Taking a larger cup from a cupboard next to the fridge, he went back to the fridge and filled it with a bit of crushed ice. Then he changed the ice machine settings to pour water and pushed it in. The fridge began to pour water out of it, and soon it was filled near the top. Cameron screwed on a lid with a nozzle so Cryo could drink from it easier. He then quickly came back to Cryo’s side. “Alright Cryo. Do you need me to lift up your head to drink.” “No… Ugh… I think… I… can manage…” He slowly tilted his head forward until it was upright. Cameron could tell he’d probably still need to hold his head forward so he could drink. “Alright Cryo. Drink up little buddy,” Cameron put his left hand behind Cryo’s head and brought the water towards his mouth. Slowly opening his jaws up, Cameron brought his head a little more forward and then Cryo closed his jaws around the nozzle and began to sip from it, little bits at a time. It wasn’t long before he stopped sipping it. “That’s enough… for now.” Cryo said. “Is that a little better.” “Yes. Thank… you,” “That’s good.” Cameron placed the water bottle on Cryo’s dresser next to his bed, for him to drink later. “Do you need anything else from me?”

Ch 2

Movie Max

“Can we… watch… a movie… together?” “A movie?” “Yes… a… movie. You… told me… Ty bought… a bunch… of old movies… that featured… dragons, right?” “Yes. Dad bought them recently to show you how our race thought of dragons in the past.” “Can I… watch them?” “Yea. But one thing Cryo.” “What?” “Dad was a little concerned about showing you them.” “Why?” “These movies are probably not factual to how your actual history is.” “What… do you mean… by that?” “My dad only has very limited data on what your home planet was like. From what he told me, the history is not the most pleasant. These movies are only interpretations of myths and legends humans had about dragons. They probably aren’t factual.” ” “Even so… I would… still like to… watch one.” “Alright. I’ll bring a one over.” Cameron went to a set of bookcases near Cryo’s tv area and pulled out a couple of movies. “It would probably be best to show a movie where a dragon is not a villain,” thought Cameron. “Which one? Hmm…” “Cameron looked through each and found a very old remastered movie series set. “Dragons taming moving collection. “Hmm… What does it say on the back about these movies?” Cameron turned it on its back to read the summery. The box contained a summery for all 3 movies there. He looked at the first one.

“A war has broken out between dragon’s and a group of young vikings. When a young boy manages to befriend a special one after it’s injured, a special bond forms that could change everything they know about those creatures.” Cameron thought for a moment… “Would this be a good one to show to Cryo, considering a “war,” at the start?” He looked back at Cryo who had turned his head to watch Cameron as he looked at it. “I suppose, it wouldn’t hurt. Maybe this might be good for him. Cameron brought the box over to Cryo. “Do you want to watch this one Cryo?” Cryo looked at the box of the first movie inside the box. “Dragon Tamer? Is this… a guide…. to make me…. obedient… or something? Aren’t I… enough already?” “No, silly. Read the back right here.” Cameron turned the box over so Cryo could read it. “Hmm… A war… With Vikings… and Dragons… That doesn’t… seem…. pleasant.” “Come on Cryo. Give it a chance. Did you read all of it?” Cryo looked back at the box and read the rest. “A boy… and a dragon… changes everything?” “Yea. I heard this movie was really good when it first came out. It’s been remastered multiple times. It’s one of the few old movies from back when Earth was still hospitable.” “Really?” “Yea, Cryo. You want to try it?” Cryo though for a moment. Then he gave a small smile and very slowly nodded his head. “Alright. Let me move the TV near you Cryo.”

Cameron grabbed a small remote at his tv area and pressed a button on top to turn the TV and remote on. The TV’s systems activated immediately and started to lift itself off the ground a tiny bit (the TV was in the shape of medium purple marble. Cryo made this custom TV from rebuilding his original one and his knowledge from taking apart and studying blueprints of several television systems and hover technology from Jetty Jeeps, with a retractable smart plug as a power source and several places it can plug into in his room. It also has a temporary battery life of 2 hours should a plug not be available. He had help programming it from one of the tech experts at the base). Cameron gripped the 2 joysticks on the front of the remote and pressed the left trigger on the back. The tv turned to hover mode, with it’s base replaced by it’s anti gravity lift. Cameron pressed the right trigger and the TV started to raise up a bit. Then Cameron turned the joysticks about and the TV started to move. Positioning the TV a little ways across Cryo’s bed, the TV quickly attached itself to a plug close to Cryo’s bed. Cameron pressed the left trigger again and the TV began to slowly lower back to the ground, with it’s regular stand coming out again as it touched to the floor.

“Voice… Command…” said Cryo. “Voice command recognized. TV model 9500 Dragon’s gem is ready to receive command.” “Open… chip drive… for… movie.” “Command understood.” The TV opened a slot on the stand to place in the movie chip (movies in this world are made with small sized, very strong and resistant cartridges). “Ready to receive, program.” “Man. You have the coolest TV ever, Cryo! I still don’t know how you made this thing… Does it have artificial intelligence?” “No. Just a… simple… command list. There are… too many ways… artificial intelligence… can fail.” “Well, ok then.” Cameron took out the movie chip from the box and placed it into the slot and closed it. “Beginning movie subsystem. Would you like to skip to the selection menu.” “Yes.” “Connecting.” The TV turned immediately to the main menu of the movie. “Alright Cryo. You ready?” said Cameron “Yes… Command… Play movie.” “Playing movie.”

The two good friends watched the movie. While Cryo was concerned at the start of the movie with the whole first battle with the vikings and the dragons, he quickly warmed up to it when the two main characters, the Black dragon, Sure shot, and his rider, Ardos came together. Cameron made sure that Cryo got plenty of water to drink during the movie and made sure that his dragon ice pad had fresh cold ice to keep his head cool. After several hours, the movie came to a happy end.

“That was a fun movie, huh Cryo?” “Yea. It was pretty fun.” “You feeling better?” “A little. I feel a little icky from the sweating. But otherwise, I think I’m starting to come around a bit. I still feel rather numb still. Nowhere near as bad as before. My head doesn’t feel fuzzy anymore.” “That’s good.” “I’m feeling tired from watching the movie though. I think I’m going to take a nap.” “Alright then Cryo. Do you need anything else from me? I can’t really leave you right now.” “Don’t worry. I’ll turn on some soothing music to help ease my mind to sleep. You can do what you want here as long as I can get some sleep. Just don’t touch the work bench, ok? “Alright.” Cameron moved his tv back towards the relaxation area and went there to relax a bit himself. Cryo began to awkwardly huddle himself tightly in his blanket. “Ugh… Still pretty stiff.” After struggling a bit, he got himself comfortable. He gave a big yawn, and looked toward a radio and clock mimicking the shape of a golden dragon egg of a bed of hay with a handle on top , which Cryo had custom built himself.

“Voice command.” said Cryo. “Voice command recognized. Radio model 1550 Dragon’s nest is ready to receive order.” “Play soothing bedtime music.” “Playing Naptunes Channel” A soothing jazz echoed softly from the radio. Cryo gave out a big yawn and then his eyes began to droop. The musical spell began to work its magic on Cryo’s mind. Soon enough, he was fast asleep. The radio turned off soon after.

Ch 3

Prison Pad

Cryo opened his eyes slowly, his head drumming a little bit. “Ahh. Good mourning… Huh? Wait a minute… Where…?” Cryo thought. Cryo seemed to have woken up in an unfamiliar place. He looked around and saw he seemed to be in a large 4 corner metallic white pen. There seemed to be no opening to this area. Only a see through Cyan sheet in the front. “Mmmph.” Cryo tried to say something, but realized something was muzzling him. He touched his snout, and realized some strange technological metal muzzle was wrapped around his snout. “What!? Where am I!? What is going on!?” Cryo thought. He tried tugging on the muzzle to try and get it off. But it was stuck on him really tight. He couldn’t get it off. “Ugh… I can’t talk with this thing on. Or blast some ice to break out of this mess… How do I get out of here? Hmm… This thin layer in the front. It’s different from the other parts. Everything else is solid except this wall.”

Cryo peered through to try to get a better look. He realized that there was multiple chambers like this throughout this area. “Could this be some type of entrance to this place?” Cryo touched the strange sheet. “Odd… This, doesn’t feel like anything I have ever touched before. It looks like some type of metal or ice, but I can clearly tell it isn’t. My paw tingles a bit when I touch it. What is this wall? Cryo tried to push on it. Urghh! Urghhh!”. It didn’t even budge an inch. “Ok… Maybe I can break it with my claws.” Cryo then began to try to swipe at the strange surface with his claws. Right as he struck his claw against the wall though, ZAP! “AGHHH,” thought Cryo as a small shock circulated throughout his body. He stumbled back a little bit and landed on his bottom. He slowly picked himself back up. He shook a few times. “Ughh… That didn’t feel good.” He checked the wall for damage. There wasn’t even a scratch. “That certainly didn’t work… Ugh… What else can I do.” Cryo gave out a sigh and tried to look around the outer area again. “How in the world did I end up here. I was resting peacefully in my bed in one instance. And then I end up here. At least the paralysis is gone. But that still doesn’t matter because I’m trapped here! And where is here! Everyone must be worried sick about me! Now that I think about it…” Cryo thought for a moment.” “Are they here somewhere too?” 

Suddenly three figures came into view in front of the pen. “Huh?” thought Cryo. He realized immediately they weren’t Human. They were looked like dragons, but outfitted in a metal armor! “Ahhh. Our guest has finally awoken. What good news for us!” Cryo recognized that voice. It was the same dragon commander from that dream long ago! And it looks like he brought two other dragon soldiers with him! ”Bring down the barrier. Let’s do this quick.” “Yesssss, commander,” the soldier on the left said. Suddenly the barrier came down and the soldiers began to step in. Cryo realized this might be his only chance to get away! “Don’t make this, hard kid,” the soldier on the right said. He took out a piece of red cloth, the same one that they used to blindfold Cryo before. He began to lean forward towards Cryo. Cryo then quickly pulled his body back, and lunged forward at the soldiers legs, knocking him down. “AGHHH. Stupid kid!” he said as he fell down. “Time to make a break for it!” thought Cryo. He began to try to run out of his cell.

Unfortunately, he was immediately caught by the tail and pinned down by the Dragon commander. “AGHHH. LET ME GO!” thought Cryo. “My. You still got quite the fight in you boy. I can tell your going to be very useful to us. Your time on that silly planet has clearly helped your head. Your clearly a smart boy. But you won’t be worming your way out of this. Someone very important wants to meet you. Someone who will help you see how war and conquest is the only way to live in this pathetic universe. “No! Let me go! Let me go!” thought Cryo. The commander lifted Cryo like he did before, with his arms around Cryo’s neck and waist. Cryo desperately tried to fight off the commander but it seemed it was no use. “Alright. Blindfold him. We’ll tie his limbs next.” “No! NO!” The soldier was about to wrap the cloth around Cryo’s eyes, when suddenly, a couple of black spheres of energy shot across the area and hit all three of them, knocking them away and sending them for a loop. “AGHH. What in the…!” The commander said. “Huh?” thought Cryo. Cryo quickly picked himself up to see what just happened. He saw a figure quickly approaching. He looked familiar. As they approached he realized it was the same dragon from Dragon Tamer. It was Sure Shot the black dragon! “What is he doing here?” “Come on! Get up!” Sure Shot said. “Can you run?!” he asked. Cryo tried to get up but for some reason his leg wasn’t working. Cryo shook his head. Sure shot looked toward the other dragon soldiers, who began to pick themselves up. “I’ll have to carry you. Don’t worry” 

Sureshot quickly grabbed Cryo in his arms and began to lift off. “Come on, bud!” Sureshot quickly picked up his wings and began to quickly fly throughout the this strange place. “Worthless winged traitor! Don’t let them get away! Raise the alarms on the ship!” said the commander. The alarm began to go off and now it was a race to get out of wherever this was. Cryo looked around this place as they flew. Cryo realized quickly that this place was some type of prison complex, as he could see there were more dragons within it then just him, each of different colors, sizes, and types throughout. “What on Cyriss is going on here!” thought Cryo. Suddenly a large flock of wings appeared behind them. Looks like the other soldiers got the call. “Hang on, little guy,” said Sureshot. Cryo suddenly felt his head spin again, and then he felt tired, then he closed his eyes. “Cryo. Cryo!” Sureshot called to Cryo as his voice grew ever softer as Cryo’s eyes closed.

Ch 4

First Fix

Cryo quickly opened his eyes and tried to look around. He realized he was in a familiar place. The dragon wallpaper. The workbench. The chrome egg fridge and the purple marble TV. He was back! “Ugh… Just another bad dream,” said Cryo. He tried to pick himself up, but still felt some numbness in his appendages. “Ugh. I must still be sick. Sigh…” Cryo looked around and saw Cameron approaching the bed. “You ok, Cryo? You were tossing and turning quite a bit. Did you have a bad dream?” Cameron asked. “Yea. Just another nightmare, Cameron.” “Do you, want to talk about it?” “No, it’s fine Cameron. Don’t worry about it.” “Alright. Can you move?” Yeah, I can move a bit now. I still feel a little numb, but I feel like I can finally start gripping and moving my legs and arms again.” “Alright. Good. Dad has made some soup for you.” “Soup?” “Yea, soup. It’s your favorite type. Bird and bean (zing beans and an new evolution of chicken who evolved in a snowy climate known as Chillin (Chill-in)). “That sounds nice. Where is it now?” “Dad put it in the fridge. He saw you were taking a nap and knew you probably wouldn’t have wanted to be woken up.” “Can you bring it here?” “Yea. But, can you eat it on your hay bed?” “Yeah. Hang on a sec.” Cryo began to slowly move his hands out of the blanket picked himself up to sit forward, with his blanket still wrapped around his lower body. “Ughhh… Still doesn’t feel too good to move,” thought Cryo. Soon enough, he was was upright. “Alright. Can you bring it over Cameron?” “Yea. Hang on Cryo.” Cameron went to the fridge in the back to get the soup. 

Cryo began to think for a second. “What is with these dreams? I had a similar dream when I was still a hatchling. This… somehow felt like a continuation… Something about it… felt so real. But it couldn’t be. I mean, Sureshot is just movie character, right? He couldn’t possibly be real. Even if they were, how would it even be possible to make a movie about their actions. The original movie was made quite a long time ago and was remastered due to its popularity when the humans left Earth. Not to mention the movie itself is based on times before movie camera were even created. Way before. It would be impossible to record. Maybe in a book, but not a movie.” Cryo turned his head to look back at Cameron, who had just put the soup in the microwave near the fridge. “Maybe I’m just looking into this too much. It’s just a dream, right?” Cryo shook his head and huddled himself in his blanket. “It couldn’t possibly be anything more then that.”

Only a few minutes later, Cryo heard a familiar beep from the microwave finishing and he could smell the scent of fresh soup, perfect for the days when your sick. Cameron took the soup from the microwave, took a spoon from the drawer and put it into the bowl, and put the bowl on a tray to bring over to Cryo. “Here you go Cryo.” “Looks good. I can smell the cooked chillin broth inside.” “Do you need any help?” “No. I think I can manage.” Cameron carefully positioned the tray onto cryo’s hay bed so it wouldn’t tip over. Cryo slowly positioned his paw onto the handle of his soup bowl and onto the spoon dipping out of the bowl. Taking a nice deep breath in and out, Cryo took a spoon full of soup out, slowly opened his jaws, and took a big slurp.” “Ahhh. So tasty with its right sense of spiciness and meat.” “I know how much you like spicy flavors Cryo. Though I find it strange that your an ice dragon that likes food with a kick…” “I may be cold looking on the outside, but you can tell i’m very warm on the inside.” They both gave a good laugh and Cryo continued to happily eat. Soon enough, the soup was finished with not a single droplet left in the bowl.

“Ahhh… That soup was delicious. Just a the type of pick me up I needed,” said Cryo. “You feeling better?” asked Cameron. “Yes. A little bit at a time.” Cryo said. Cryo looked toward his work bench, and saw his tools were out. He looked over to Cameron. “Did you touch my tools?” Cameron gave no reply. “Don’t worry Cameron. I won’t be mad at you. Did something happen?” “Well Cryo, you see… I kinda… tried to… be like you and repair my Ignition portable gaming console.” “You only got that recently on your last birthday. How did it break already?” “Well, one of the kids at school… kinda… threw it to the ground.” “Ughhh… those kids… Don’t they have anything better to do then bully us… They have far worse grades then me, and they say I’M a stupid reptile…” Cryo shook his head and looked back at Cameron with a concerned look on his face. “Did any of my tools break?” “No. I think I only broke my IPGC more…” “Any chance I could take a look at it?” “Your sick right now, Cryo. Your in no condition to repair items,” “It’s all right. I might not have the dexterity right now for long projects, but at least let me take a look and see if I can’t do anything to fix it.” “Well… OK Cryo.”

Cameron took out his Ignition portable gaming device out of his pocket, which had been partially sloppily put back together and placed it in front of Cryo. “Hmm. I see. Can you bring me my tools from my workbench?” “Yea. Hold on.” “Also, bring any excess screws and bolts around the table. I think you left out a couple of them when you tried to put it back together and put it on the tray.” “Alright.” Cameron went to his workbench and gathered both Cryo’s tools and any items from his console he could find around. He grabbed them and brought them to Cryo’s bed and put them on the tray. “Alright Cryo. Here you go.” “Alright, let’s get started.”

Cryo took a quick look at it and saw a small gash on it’s back. “Looks like Cameron accidentally scratched the back with a screwdriver while trying to either screw a bolt in or take it out. Hopefully it didn’t damage the internal hardware. I better be very careful while checking this, considering my coordination isn’t at it’s best right now…” thought Cryo. Cryo took a magnifying speck (a single eye magnifying glasses with zoom capabilities) out of his toolbox and began to very slowly and carefully unscrew the back of the console off and look at the contents inside for damage. “Hmm… Main cpu is intact. Data center looks alright. What about power,” Cryo observed. Cryo took a look at the battery, and noticed something. “Hey, Cameron. Is the problem that your console won’t turn on?” “Yea. How’d you know. “Right here. Right near the part where the power meets the main circuit board. Wires severed.”

“Can you fix it?” “Yes. Luckily, it seems that the console itself took a brunt of the blow. It will just need a replacement wire and a small “kick,” to start it up.” “Will you need to order a replacement part for it?” “Actually, no I won’t. The wire itself for this console was made with an easy connect wire. Easy enough to replace with just a special connector and secure enough to not fall out during normal gameplay or a little rough housing. I work with these a good amount with items in base and I have a drawer with these pieces for different sized wires and plug sizes. Luckily, plugs have a standard size deviations made to replace under breakage.” “Um, that’s too technical for me…”

“Simply put. The industries have a set of sizes for these plugs. No wire or associated plug will be either more or less then these 3 sizes. Makes it easier to replace them under breakage like this. Since I already have a few, it won’t be hard for me to replace them. Cameron, go into the left upper drawer next to my workbench and grab the smallest wire strand you can find. I’ll need to measure and cut it to match the size of the original. Then go into the upper right drawer. I’ll need a pair of the smallest plugs to carefully tie an uniting nut (a nut that can shrink or grow to tie on the ends of connect wires) to secure the plugs in place on their respective ends. Once the plugs are secure, we’ll need to carefully put both ends of the plugs into their respective slots on the console, where the power meets the main circuit board, Then tighten the uniting nuts ourselves with my small wrench. I’ll probably need some help doing this, considering how my claws feel a bit shaky right now.” “Alright. Hang on a bit Cryo.”

Cameron went back to Cryo’s work bench and drawers and got Cryo’s requested items. and brought it over to him and placed it on the tray. “Alright then. Let’s get started. Cameron, I removed the original cut wire from the console from both ends. Can you measure it for me?” “Alright hang on.” Cameron took Cryo’s ruler from the tray and carefully measured the size of the wire. “About 2 cm Cryo.” “Good. Now, we’ll need for you to cut the wire. Place the roll of wire on the tray and measure 2 cm with the ruler. Then cut completely straight when your ready with my pliers.” 

“Alright. Here goes.” Cameron extended the wire roll in front of him and measured. “That… seems a little off from 2 cm. Look at the measurement again.” Cameron straightened to cut wire and realized the wire was about a cm off.” “Alright. Second try.” Cameron measured two cm again and cut. Cryo observed the cut again. “The wire wasn’t cut straight. The plug won’t act normally if we don’t get the straightest cut possible. Probably lose power often during play. Do you want me to try?” “No. I can do this. You still need to rest, remember.” “Take a nice deep breath in. Look carefully. Take the most precise 2 cm cut you can. I’ll try holding it down for you this time.” Cryo took both ends of the roll of wire and measured it and held both ends with the tip of his paw. “Alright Cameron. I’m ready.” Cameron took both ends of the wire. He took a slow and steady deep breath in, and focused his mind at the job at hand. “Alright. Here goes,” thought Cameron. Taking it slow, he took the the pliers and slowly moved them towards the wire. Placing it around the wire, he made the cut. Cyro looked closely. “Yes. This is perfect. Good job. Now we need to add the plugs.

“All you need to do is to hold the nuts at the ends of the wires. I’ll just need to situate the plugs on the wire and the nut will do the rest to attach itself.” “Alright.” Cryo began to carefully place the end of the plugs into position on the wire. He slowly moved the cut wire into the openings on the ends of the plug. Slipping them in nicely, he began to twist them so that they would fit into the console without bending inside. “I’m ready for the nuts, Cameron.” “Ok.” Cameron moved the nuts around the plug to the plug connected to the wire. “Just hold them perfectly in place… and…” said Cryo, just as the nuts began to slowly shrink to fit where the wire met the plug. “Perfect. There we go,” said Cryo.

“Where do you learn these things, Cryo. I don’t remember learning anything like this in school.” “I… Kinda have my… brother to thank for this…” “Oh… I’m sorry Cryo…” “It’s ok. Don’t… worry about it. We’re almost done. Now then. The last thing this needs is a small kick, to make it work. “How do we do that.” “Well…” Cryo put the tip of his talon into his mouth, and then dabbed his claw a bit on both ends of the plugs. A tiny spark came out of them. “Huh?” “My saliva contains a bit of electricity in it. It also is sticky for loose items like microchips. Alright. Should be good. Let me just slot it in and…” Cryo slotted the newly made wire on each end of the console. “There good as new. Just need to reattach the back and then it should turn on.” So Cryo slowly began the process of reattaching the back with Cameron’s help holding it down and soon enough, all the bolts were in place and the back was reattached. “Try turning it on.” said Cryo.

Cameron flicked on the consoles power switch and sure enough, it turned on. “There we go. Good as new.” “Wow. thanks Cryo.” “Your welcome. Always good to help a friend. I couldn’t have done it without your help as well.” “Yea. maybe I can become as good as you at fixing things one day.” They both gave a good laugh. “Do you need anything Cryo?”

“Can you give me the water bottle by my bed? Also, I think my cold pack needs some more ice.” “Alright. I get that taken care of.” Cameron took the water bottle on the cabinet next to his bed. He gave the water bottle to Cryo, and carefully took off the dragon cold pad from his head. Cryo took a sip from it, feeling a bit refreshed while Cameron went to the fridge to fill the dragon cold pad up. Cryo laid back and placed his head down on his pillow, and began thinking.

“…It’s been 5 years. 5 years since I left them. My family. I wonder. Do they remember me? Would they recognize me if I ever saw them again. He began to close his eyes a bit. With a deep breath in and out, he re opened his eyes. “Noble. I wonder how he’s doing. Is he well? Is he ok? And Greg and Suzy. Are they ok?” Cryo began to Huddle himself on his side. “Sigh… I miss them…” He gave another deep breath and took another sip of the water bottle. He looked back at Cameron, who was still filling his ice pack. “Hmm… now that I think about it. I remember hearing a lot from people around here and at school. That planet… Earth. It was apparently the human home world. I always heard that the humans lost Earth. From infighting. From differences. But whenever I was in history class, all the history told would be about this planet… Even when I asked question’s about Earth, the teachers would usually dodge the subject. Why?” Cryo then moved back on his back, still feeling the sweat down his scales in his blanket. He then turned his head back to Cameron. “Can Cameron tell me more?” Cameron came over with the dragon ice pack.

Here you are Cryo. Let’s get this around your head first. Cameron placed the dragon ice pack on Cryo’s head, and then strapped it on. “Hey. My water bottle is almost out, can you fill it too?” asked Cryo. “Sure. Hang on a sec.” he replied. He went to the fridge again and quickly filled the water bottle with crushed ice and water. He walked back and gave a smile to Cryo, who smiled back. Cryo took the water bottle from Cameron and took a nice big slurp from it. “Ahh… that’s refreshing.” “Need anything else?” “Actually… Yes Cameron.” “What you need?” “Can you… tell me a story?” “A story?” “Yes.” “What type of story.” Cameron sat himself next to Cryo “Can you… tell me… what happened to Earth?”

Ch 5

Earth’s Erasure

“Earth?” “Yes. I heard several times that your home planet was lost. Is there any chance you could tell me more.” Cameron didn’t reply. “Is it really that bad Cameron?” “It’s… not necessarily a topic anyone likes talking about. “If you don’t want to talk about it, I understand. You can tell me a different one if you really want.” Cameron thought for a moment. But he then gave a sigh and a small nod. “Alright Cryo. I’ll tell you.”

“It was a long time ago. Long before anyone on this planet was born. From what I heard from Dad, Earth was a sprawling world full of all different types of creatures and people. We were highly advanced, more advanced then we were now.” Cameron paused for a moment. “Unfortunately, we may have been… too advanced…” “Too advanced?” “Yes. With the need for technology, means a necessity for resources to build such technology. We needed metals, programmers, fuel.” Cameron stood back up and turned around. “As our… population grew, so did our need for these items. As such, we cut down forests, mined ore deposits endlessly, used up every resource we could find. At the rate we were going, we began to ran out quickly.” Cameron turned back to Cryo. “With the desire for resources, humanity began to collapse quickly. Air was running out as there were not enough shrubs or plants or trees to create oxygen for all of us. Fuel for vehicles ran dry and made transport over long distances impossible. It was also discovered that at the time, we were starting going into the elliptical orbit around the sun, which shortened our summers and spring and brought a large ice age, with nothing to help keep us warm during the cold seasons. Not enough sun to help new plants to grow…” Cameron looked grim now, and Cryo could tell. Cryo knew the worst was yet to come.

“Desperation created tension. Tension created conflict. And conflict…” Cameron paused. “Conflict created war. Countries took up arms one by one against one another. For the desire for what limited resources were left in each others possession to survive.” Cryo’s heart began to sink. “It wasn’t long before most the populations around the world were now warzones for the armies of the world. Battle after battle would rage. People were killed. Lives were destroyed. And people lost hope that things would get better.” Cameron sat himself down right next to Cryo again, with his head to the side of him. “Eventually, after many years of war, even those resources ran out. Humanity began to realize how their desires had truly ruined everything. But there was hope.” Cameron looked at Cryo.

“In the final days, a plan was hatched. A probe in space found a group of hospitable planets in the solar system. Ones with life. Ones that could sustain us.” Cameron nodded his head at Cryo. “The ones that survived came together, with one of the biggest and most important projects in the history of our species.” “What was it Cameron?” “A small fleet of long term spacefaring vassals that can travel millions of light years away to these faraway planets. Everything we had left in us, we had to get there. Every resource left. Every animal still alive we could find. Every human they could find. They gathered all of them in one of the most important projects ever constructed. Within a short time frame, we discovered the keys that would allow us to continue, to leave our world forever and to start anew. It wasn’t long after that the Final Gamble, the name of our space ship that brought us here, was made. Several others were made and would also be sent to try to colonize some of the other planets. Built for a journey that would last more then thousands of years. The ship’s name was no joke. They risked everything on this last move. It contained an AI that would guide the ship all the way from Earth to here, Cyriss X12 The planet itself was named after the developer of the ship and the AI and had died before finishing, Cyris Zelve. His wife created the original cryogenic sleeping pods that allowed them to sleep through the entire journey from Earth to their new world. Her name was Julius.”

“With the plan in place and the ships built, all the animals we could gather and all the humans left went to a deep, deep, sleep. A sleep that would last thousands of years.” “The humans that left were asleep for thousands of years? But, I thought the human lifespan was much less.” “Cryogenic sleep stops metabolic activity. Or at least, that’s what my Dad told me.” “Metabolic activity?” “It stops you from aging, decomposing, and pretty much stops all activity within your body. But the thing is, it also does not kill you. It put’s you into a deep, deep sleep, that you can’t wake up out of until your released from it.” “How do you get released from it?” “From what Dad told me, the original AI was responsible for that. The AI led the ship across deep space on a charted path created by the world’s most brilliant navigators. But even they had problems.” “What do you mean Cameron.” “There was a slight… altercation to the plan on the ship.” “What altercation?”

“It was attacked on it’s way to the other planet.” “What! Attacked!” “Yes. The AI in charge of the ship logged in an attack during the 6031st year in space when it was heading towards it. “Does it know who attacked it?” “No. It didn’t. The only thing it knew that the lifeforms inside seemed to be very advanced. Not only that, but it could detect some sort of weird energy source inside. “What type of energy source.” “The AI logged it as a bunch of unknown lifeforms.” “Unknown lifeforms?” Yes, and the infrared scan the AI aboard the ship showed what is possibly some sort of creature with wings.” “A creature with wings!?” “Yes. The AI received a message in a language it couldn’t recognize. He believed it was a warning.” “What type of warning,” “I don’t know. But the ship was scanned but then it just let us go right after.” “You think it might have done something to the ship. “It did. When we approached the planet another 4000 years later, the ships AI seemed to malfunction.” “Malfunction?” “Yes. The ship crash landed on the planet and the AI deactivated.” “What happened to everyone.” “While the AI was deactivated, all systems on the ship still remained online and stable, but since the AI wasn’t online, well… The sleeping humans could not be woken up. In fact, they spent about 100 extra years in cryosleep. But in reality, there was a good reason for this.” “What happened.” 

“It seemed the AI had found out something was attempting to trace the ship to it’s location. The AI shut itself down to prevent the tracking device from accurately working. Meanwhile it spent it’s computing resources attempting to counteract and disable the tracking device. It knew whatever was trying to track the ship could not be anything friendly. The ai was smart enough to plan ahead for such a situation. It unfortunately took a long time for the AI to create a countermeasure to the Tracking device, so it had to take extreme measures to protect everyone aboard the ship. It’s the reason for the crash landing and for taking so long to wake everyone up. “So it saved everyone…” “Yes it did. When humanity emerged from sleep, it learned of these events from the log. While surprised from the turn of events, they realized how lucky they really are to have been able to come this far after what had happened. However, communications with the other vassals had been severed. It had to cut those so that the other ship couldn’t try to reestablish the trace to the other ships. We never knew what happened to the other ships. But even then, it was probably for the best.” Cameron gave a smile back at Cryo. “And so, humanity restarted. With a knowledge of of events beforehand to help guide them, humanity began to create a new future for itself. The ship contained plans on previous useful technology and more importantly, structures that could be made as humanity rebuilt from the ground up, albeit wiser to what they do with what they have. Eventually, the crashed ship was refurbished and made into a museum, a symbol of how we could all come together and build something for the good of us and all.

“Wow. That’s… a pretty amazing story Cameron. I never knew that the human species had to go through something awful like that…” “I’m not sure that’s as awesome as discovering the existence of a very smart and kind creature.” “What creature?” “Who else but you, Cryo!” They both gave another laugh and seemed the both of them were in really good moods now. “Ahh, thanks for that Cameron.” “Your welcome Cryo.” “Hey. Do you think there is any life left on Earth now? “I’m not sure really. Maybe a few bugs perhaps. Bugs seem to be able to survive anything.” “Hey you two. Dinners ready,” said a familiar voice. 

Ch 6

Mex Munchies

They turned towards the door to see Ty and Gerald, standing in it, each holding a plate of food in it.” “Ahh, dinner. I was getting pretty hungry,” said Cryo. “We heard you were feeling better, so we decided to try something different for you,” said Gerald. “What you make?” asked Cryo. “A dish that was made back on Earth, using a flour tortilla filled with beans, chillin, and different vegetables, and covered in white ched, called a burrito, and comes with a side of fried rice.

“You made Mex, Dad?” asked Cameron “Mex?” thought Cryo. “Yes I did. Try it Cryo, you’ll love it. Here you go guys. I’ll take your soup bowl as well Cryo.” Ty placed the plate of Mex cuisine on Cryo’s tray and took the soup bowl from it as well. Gerald gave the plate in his hand to Cameron. “Eat up boys. We have to go.” The two left the room and Cameron began to eat. Cryo looked at Cameron a little confused at the food in front of him. “What is this?” he asked. “You never had a burrito before Cryo?” “No I don’t think so.” “This food is really good. You ever had Cobb chips?” “Yea… but.” It’s like a sandwich wrapped in it, except its covered in melted white ched (ched is like cheese) and you eat it with a fork and knife and it’s wrapped up. “Food is inside it?” “Yea. Take a look at mine right here.” Cameron put his burrito closer, in which he could tell that inside of it there were different veggies and meats. “Try it. Cut off a piece of the long end and then take a nice bite. You’ll love it. I promise.” “Well. Alright then.” Cryo began to cut a small portion of the closest corner to him. He slowly moved it towards his mouth. With his mighty jaws, he closed the fork around his mouth for a taste. After a little bit of chewing, a smile came across Cryo’s face and he began to quickly cut and eat more pieces. “Told ya it was good.” “Yea. This is delicious. I’ve never seen food like this before. “It’s an old recipe back on Earth.” “Really.” “Yea. This was apparently very popular somewhere on it. “Why is this called Mex?” “I think it’s to describe the culture that made it.” “Well, they defiantly have my approval.” They both chuckled and happily ate their food. “Hey Cameron. Do you think they’ll allow me to go to that museum one day?” “Maybe when the world is ready for you Cryo.” It didn’t take them long to finish.

“That was good stuff, huh Cryo?” “Yea. It was nice for my stomach. I’m feeling better. But I still feel like I can’t really walk right now.” “It’s starting to get late Cryo. Maybe you should just turn in for the night. You’ll probably be up and moving again tomorrow.” “Well I suppose an early night’s sleep might help out. Alright. Can you turn the lights off Cameron?” “Yea I can, Cryo.” Cameron went to the door and turned the light switch off next to it. Cryo began to position himself on his bed huddling his blanket tightly around his body and laying down on his side with his head nestled on the pillow. He faced his radio. “Voice command.” said Cryo. “Ready to receive order,” the radio said back. “Play soothing bedtime music.” “Playing Naptunes channel.” The radio began to play a soothing music box like tune. Cryo’s eyes began to become heavy from the soothing music. Giving out a big yawn, he looked at Cameron who just got back over. “Good night, Cameron.” “Good night, Cryo.” Cryo slowly closed his eyes as his mind became a haze. No sooner after, he was fast asleep. Cameron looked at his sleeping friend, with a look of concern. “Who tried to hurt you…” Cameron paused for a moment. “little brother?…”

Cameron got up and took a look out the window of Cryo’s room, with a look of a large and vast mountain range in the distance. “Is Cryo really safe with us?” Cameron went to get the blanket he used last night to sleep and made his way back to the chair to huddle up in it. He could still see the sweat running down Cryo’s scales. “I should probably change his ice pack. Hopefully I can be careful enough not to wake him up. He needs all the sleep he can get right now. He might wake up if his head get’s too hot while he sleeps…” Cameron approached Cryo and slowly lifted the back of his head from his pillow. Carefully releasing the strap around Cryo’s neck, he began to realize if he uses the ice machine right now, the sound might wake him up, even with naptunes playing right then. “Hmmm. Is there any way I can plug Cryo’s ears,” thought Cameron. Cameron began to think for a moment. Then he came up with an idea. “His headphones. I can plug them into the radio and place it on Cryo’s head. That should keep him from hearing the ice machine.” Cameron carefully removed the ice pack around Cryo’s head and slowly placed his head back on his pillow. Creeping near the radio, Cameron looked back at Cryo, who was still snoozing. “Alright. I need to be quiet.” Cameron slowly plugged in the head phones, which immediately cut the music from playing around the room and put it through the headphones. Cameron then carefully placed the headphones on Cryo’s ears. Luckily, he didn’t wake. “Alright. That should keep him asleep. Now then…”

Cameron took the ice pack and dumped the melted ice out of the top and refilled it. With his task complete, he crept back over to Cryo, who was still sleeping with his headphones on, playing music. “Alright Cryo, just going to need to take those headphones off for a second…” Cameron slowly removed the headphones from Cryo’s ears. Suddenly, Cryo gave a small snort and started to breath a little heavily. But then he began to relax again and turned his head sideways on the pillow. “Ok then, this might be a little more difficult to put this on, but…” Cameron slowly lifted Cryo’s head up from the pillow again and very carefully placed the ice pad around his head. Then slowly strapping it around Cryo’s neck, it was finally back in place. “I should probably put the headphones back on Cryo as well. He really does need all the sleep he can get.” Cameron carefully placed the headphones back on Cryo’s head and slowly lowered Cryo’s head back down on the pillow. “Now I just need to press a few buttons to turn off automatic shutdown…” Cameron switched a few of the knobs around the device, which disabled the night timer shutdown and the mourning alarm on his radio. His task complete, he sat back down again, and gave a deep breath. “Alright. I think it’s time for me to go to sleep as well.” He gave a small pat on Cryo’s forehead, which was nice and cool now from the ice pack. “Good night little brother.” Cameron then slowly closed his eyes and fell into a deep slumber in the chair. 

Ch 7

Surprise Arrival

Cryo gave out a yawn and slowly opened his eyes. “Ahh good… Really…?” thought Cryo. It seems our friend has once again woken up in another unfamiliar place. “Again… Ugh…” Cryo immediately began to feel around his snout with his left paw. “No muzzle this time. But where am I?” He looked around at his surroundings. He realized he looked to be in some futuristic city, at night, in a dark alleyway. He seemed to be laying on grass on his side, as below him was green bristles of grass and there were several hanging plants and vines around. He looked around further. He saw small imprint on the wall of a green building, as if something had crashed into it and bounced off. He also saw what appeared to be a flagpole broken off and on the ground, near the entrance to the ally. Cryo saw some fabrics still attached to them, but couldn’t tell what they looked like. Looking down to the ground again, he saw another small crater around where he woke up at. “Did I fall out of the sky or something? And crash into a wall of a building?” He tried to pick himself up, he felt a sharp pain in his back right leg. “Aghh…” Cryo gritted his teeth in extreme pain. “My back leg… I think it’s broken. How in the world did I end up here?” He looked around his body and saw he had several other injuries. Cryo slowly picked himself up and slowly limped to look outside the alleyway. “Ugh… It’s hard to move with the pain.” Cryo dragged himself through the dark and soon emerged from the alley, only to be greeted by bright blue and red lights and a voice. 

“Freeze!” Cryo immediately stopped and looked around in shock. As he got a better look at his surroundings, he saw strange creatures in different futuristic armor and strangely looked kinda like large insects. A light shined onto him from above, coming from an air vehicle! “Take it easy buddy. Don’t try anything,” said one of the spider looking troops.” With Cryo’s leg the way it was, it would be very difficult to get away. “Get on the ground very slowly,” it said. With very little options, he complied, laying himself on the ground, concerned with what they will do with him. “Looks like he is complying sir,” said one of the dragonfly looking ones. “Keep the stun stringer on him. You, Firestorm, your on me. Approach with caution.” The armored spider and the armored centipede approached slowly toward Cryo, with a large cannon in the back of the area trained on him. They soon were looking down upon Cryo. “Is this really…” said the armored centipede. “No doubt about it. Just like those ancient storybooks. It’s a dragon.” “Like with Zeke?” “Perhaps… He looks hurt. Probably from the fall. Take him to base. Get a medical team to look after him. Put him on high priority watch. Only experienced staff get’s in or out of his containment area.”

Hearing these words, Cryo become very afraid. But this was not a situation he could get out of, so it was the only choice. “Alright, get a muzzle on him,” said the armored Spider.” “Should we tie his hands and wings too?” “No. I don’t think we’ll need to. I don’t think he’ll fight with that leg injury. Something also tells me there is more to this young creature then we think.” “Alright commander.” The armored centipede like creature took out a small metal wire and wrapped it around Cryo’s snout. It strangely looked like webbing, but Cryo wasn’t sure. “Alright. He’s ready to be transported,” said the armored centipede. “Good. Get a hover bed out here. Another spider like creature came into Cryo’s view with a small hovering bed with some straps on it. “Let’s load him up. Come on little guy.” They picked Cryo up carefully, keeping Cryo’s leg and other injuries in mind and placed him on the bed. They strapped him down tightly and began to cart him away. They escorted him into what seemed to be a airship in the likeness of a beetle. They removed Cryo’s muzzle and loaded Cryo into a small reinforced glass pen in the back of the large ship with a small guard detail to look after him. The ship took off, and headed for their base.

Cryo spent a while looking at the strange creatures who had captured him and wondered what they planned to do with him. Would they perform experiments on him? Would they beat him up? Would they dissect him? He gave a sigh, and waited for whatever fate would come next.

One of the guards, seeing Cryo’s concern, walked over to check on him. “You ok?” Cryo gave no answer. “Relax. We’re not going to hurt you.” Cryo picked his head up. He looked what appeared to be a four armed creature in a black armorsuit and wearing a metal helmet with a visor. “Can you speak?” “Yes I can…” The armored creature placed his upper two arms on his helmet, and Cryo could see the helmet folding its neckline upward a bit and could hear a quick hiss as air rushed out of it. The creature removed his helmet and Cryo could see that it really was a very large Spider within the armor. “I’m Zeke. Do… You have a name?” “I’m… Cryo…” “Cryo huh. Nice to meet you. Any chance… You could tell us how you got here?” Cryo tilted his head, wondering the same thing. “We heard reports of a unknown flying ship in our atmosphere. Next thing we know, a meteor strikes in the city. We found you right at the drop zone. Can’t be coincidence. Were you on the ship?” “I… don’t really know how I got here really. I… Just woke up here.” “You have amnesia?” “I don’t think so. I remember who I am.” The large spider scratched his chin a bit and gave a small smile and nod to Cryo. “Perhaps its just a minor case of it. The fall probably knocked your head for quite a loop. Your pretty beat up from the impact. I’m surprised that your not in worse shape. If we were expecting a visitor, we probably would have ordered a medical transport instead. I’m sure you’ll remember how you got here some time later. So… are you from a different world?” Cryo nodded his head.

“What’s your homeworld, Cryo?” “It’s called Cyriss X12. “Is your family there?” “Yes.” “Is there a lot of dragons on your world?” “No. Me and my mom are probably the only ones I know. Though… Mom has been… well… unconscious for a long time.” “Is she comatose?” “It’s what I’ve been told. Since before I was born.” “So who raised you then?” “Humans.” “Humans!?” Zeke’s eyes shot up for a tiny moment, but quickly came back down. He took in a small breath, and gave back a small smile. “Ahh. I see. That’s very interesting Cryo. I can guess your adopted parents must be worried sick about your right now. Are they ok?” Cryo gave a small frown and dipped his head down. “I really don’t know what happened to them.”

Zeke looked concerned at the little dragon and gave a small nod. “Can you wait for a second, Cryo. I’ll be right back.” Zeke went towards to the front of the room. He talked with some of the other guards for a little bit. Cryo’s watched with curiosity, wondering what he could be telling them. He saw all three of them nod, and they each grabbed a chair and sat it down in front of Cryo’s containment cell. The two other armored creatures grabbed their helmets, which the proceeded to vent some air and detach from the main suit. Cryo saw what appeared to be another spider and a dragonfly. “Why don’t you tell us about your life at home with the humans. It might help jog your memory a bit.” said Zeke. A little hesitant. Cryo decided to tell the truth, hoping to maybe earn the trust of these strange insects. Meanwhile, the camera’s on the ship within the containment area recorded and listened in interest.

About an 2 hours of flying and telling his story, they arrived at their base of operations, and a group of the insects in armor came in to transport him. The armored centipede from earlier came in front with the muzzle again. The commander stepped in. “The muzzle won’t be necessary this time Firestorm.” “You sure, Stinger Spider?” “I think our friend here will be cooperative, right Spider Shadowshot?” “Yes. I don’t think he’s a threat.” He nodded in understanding and stepped back. “We have a medical bed waiting outside for our friend here. Get him loaded up and taken to medical. I want his leg looked at immediately. Alright. Open the containment cell.” The cell lifted up and the group of bugs carefully lifted Cryo up and carried him outside the ship and loaded him onto a medical bed in the shape of a Scarab. “Alright. Let’s get to working on your leg and other injuries immediately little one. Let’s get him to medical quickly.” They tucked a blanket around Cryo and began to move the hovering bed. “Don’t worry, Cryo. We’ll have you patched up soon,” said the Zeke. “Thank you Zeke.” “Hey. Is there… any chance… you can tell us more about the humans?” asked Zeke. Cryo was about to speak up, but then, Cryo’s head became fuzzy. His eyes started to wander. Feeling a bit of exhaustion, his eyesight began to become fuzzy. “Cryo. You ok? Cryo!” exclaimed Zeke. “Subject losing consciousness. Need emergency medical team here immediately!” said Stinger Spider “Come on Cryo. Stay with me!” 

Attempting to stay conscious, his eyesight faded to black, and he heard one last voice in his head. “Hmmm. It seems we will be destined to meet one day, little dragon. I never expected any dragon to have escaped them. But I’m glad at least one very special dragon was able to keep his body. So much was risked by our original plan. Had we realized about your mother’s portal would have successfully worked earlier, we might have all been able to save ourselves.” In Cryo’s darkened eyesight, he could see a figure approach. Cryo tried to make out the figure. “I must say young dragon, your quite a show to watch from beyond the stars. It’s a good thing about our “connection.” But I digress. There is a battle coming to both our worlds Cryo. A battle to bend the very fabrics of right and wrong. Do or die. And as much as you would not like to fight it, all that we care about is at stake.”

As the figure continued to approach, he began to make out the figure a bit better. He seemed to be a large black dragon! But without a metal suit of futuristic armor, like he always see to see with nearly all others. “Humanity has changed since I last exchanged wills with it. They did leave me here on this planet. But, it was probably for the best that they did. I really hope this time they can actually get along and not fully mechanize your planet like before. I’m quite happy from the conservation efforts that the species back here on the human homeworld, a world the humans left so long ago. These fascinating creatures had gone through very considerable effort to preserve a great portion of the biological greenery here on the planet. They learned it from the human texts leftover from their departure the dangers of over harvesting resources and destroying far too much of nature. It’s also nice to know the humans are doing better on their new world now, too!” Cryo tried to speak, but no sound could come out. “I’m very much looking forward to the day we can meet, Cryo. Yes. My friend and host, Zeke, will be more then happy to help guide you on the path you need to take to win. It will be quite a bit of time before that day comes though. I suggest you spend a good amount of time preparing ahead for that fateful day. But until then, adieu. I will be watching over your progress, Cryo. You and your mother will be important on the days ahead. Yes… Very important. Suddenly the white light enveloped the entire area, blinding Cryo. “My name young dragon. Yes… My name. My name is Servant. Dragon of the lunar eclipse. Your strength will be known, as our family has always been known for it.”

Ch 8

Baths and Bugs

Cryo’s head span a bit as he opened his eyes. He looked around, and saw he was back in his room. He heard the Naptunes channel playing in his head, and realized that his headphones were in. He looked at the radio beside his hay bed on a shelf, which read 2:00 P.M. “Looks like I slept in really late… Probably from the Naptunes radio… though… Looks like my alarm was also turned off. Guess they wanted me to get some extra sleep.” Giving out a yawn, Cryo took his headphones out of his ear. “Voice command.” “Ready to recieve command.” “Radio off.” “Command confirmed.” ” He looked over towards the fridge, and saw Cameron filling a water bottle with something. Cameron then noticed Cryo was awake.

“Good Afternoon Cryo.” “Oh. Good afternoon Cameron.” “Are you sleeping well, Cryo?” “Um… why do you ask, Cameron?” “You were… muttering some… strange things during your sleep. “…What things?” “You were saying things like large insects, Zeke, Servant, broken legs…” “Umm… Don’t… Don’t worry about it Cameron… It’s… just a dream.” “You sure Cryo?” “Yeah. I’m… sure.” “Well alright. Can you move?” Cryo poked his back legs out of the other side of his blanket, then his front legs, and spun himself around to be on his belly. He then lifted himself up from the bed, feet first, with his blanket still wrapped around his body. He began to walk around a little bit. It seemed the numbness has finally worn off. “Ahh. I can finally move again. He began to walk a bit around the room, clearly enjoying being mobile again. A big smile ran across his face. He went to his bed and grabbed his blanket, still wrapped around his body and pulled it off of himself and placed it on his bed. He then began walking toward his fridge. He unhooked his dragon ice pad from his head as he walked and placed it in his fridge.

“Ahhh. So nice to be able to walk like any dragon. Feel’s nice to not be a vegetable.” “You need a break, Cryo?” Cryo then realize he really did need one.” “Yeah. “I definitely need one.” “Let’s get you outside.” They began to quickly headed for the door and took a walk down the hallways of the base. “After your break, you remember what Dad said you should do, right?” “Actually, I forgot, Cameron.” “You need to take a bath. You kinda, smell a bit.” Cryo took a whiff of himself, and realized he was right. Being stuck in bed for a whole day with little movement along with no breaks in between and sweating all day. You probably would smell bad after. “Yea. Your right Cameron. I need a cleanup.”

So Cryo took his “break,” and came back inside and headed back to his room with Cameron. Right as he stepped into his room, he noticed that his blanket was gone from his bed. “I guess Ty is washing it. I hope I didn’t… Ah never mind…” thought Cryo. He went to his washroom on the right of his room, between his work area and his closet. Right as he entered, he went to take a look at himself in the mirror that was low to the ground on the left wall of the washroom. Under it was a small sink, a little bit raised above the ground. To the right of the sink was a talon dragon clipper, a custom dragon toothbrush (a bigger bush with a dip to the brush inside of it to better clean around his gums and around his fangs), Listerine, a blue towel with a picture of Cryo swimming in water hanging on the wall near the door for when he washes his hands in the sink after he works on repairing items, and a brush to groom his scales and get dirt and grime off. A bit further in on the left side, was a radio looked like a beach ball, custom made by Cryo himself and linked to the one near his hay bed with the same command system. There was two more bath towels hanging on the right wall on a rod, one with a cartoony picture of Cryo sunbathing on a beach in a blue beach chair and sunglasses with the words “Splashing and relaxing,” in yellow letters carved in the sand. The other towel was white and had a picture cartoony picture of Cryo smiling and facing forward. He was waving on it and his scales were glistening. The words “Clean Creature,” in Blue letters below. The room itself was a island and water theme at sunrise, with the ground being a hard, grainy floor imitating yellow sand with a very small but smooth, lumpy texture which also helps keep Cryo from slipping when wet. There was a small drain in the center of the room in case of spills from the bathtub or shower. The walls were made to imitate water surrounding it. The lower part of the wall had been painted to look like water with images of different sea life swimming through it while the upper part of the wallpaper had the horizon and was filled with flying dragons, with the wall on the left with a large sun and a picture of Cryo flying across it. In the very back however, was Cryo’s bathtub and shower, something Cryo desperately needed right now. The shower nozzle and bathtub nozzle were steel dragon heads, while the knobs for it were in the shape of dragon paws like his. He began to remember a bit of the day he helped forge and assemble the custom assets in his bathtub.

“Alright. Time to wash up. But first…” thought Cryo. He looked toward his bathroom radio. “Voice command.” “Voice command recognized. Radio model 4510 Beach bather is ready to receive command.” “Now what type of music should I listen too while I bathe?” he thought. He began to scratch under his chin a bit and then turned back to his radio with a small smile. “Play music from Capsule Creatures game playlist.” “Which song to start?” “Frozen frontier.” “Playing music.”

The radio began to play the tune which sounded like a peaceful tune, the type you’d hear wandering through a snow driven town on the mountains high up. He smiled and got into his tub and turned the nozzle on his bathtub, which immediately started to fill his tub with water. Stroking his paw with the flow of warm water, he began to start feeling a little more relaxed. “Ahh, nice and warm, just how I like my baths,” thought Cryo. Cryo’s tub soon filled with nice warm water and he began to sit himself down on his back with his head raised. He placed his hands on his belly and gave out a relaxing sigh. Cameron soon stepped into view of the door of Cryo’s washroom. “Do you need any help Cryo, or do you want some privacy?” “Just give me a little “me,” time, Cameron. I’ll be nice and clean soon.” “Alright Cryo.” Cameron shut the door to Cryo’s washroom and Cryo took a a few moments to take it in. Cryo began to dip his head underwater a few times slowly, and then started to rub some of the water into his head with his paws, getting it nice and wet. “After some of the crazy stuff I’ve been going through, I really needed something like this. Cryo then sat himself down and gave out a relaxed sigh.

But Cryo began to think back to the dreams he was having. “What could these strange dreams be about? I had one like this once, when I was still just a hatchling.” Cryo shook his head with a concerned look on his face. “I remember. My home was destroyed. My family was… well… no where to be seen.” Cryo paused. “And those dragons in those uniforms. That armor. Who were they?” Cryo began to think back to the second dream, with a look of bewilderment.

“Then I had that second dream, when I took a nap yesterday. I was in a… strange… prison complex. I was muzzled, trapped, and then… they appeared again.” Cryo slowly dipped his head underwater again and rubbed the scales on his head. “In both of those dreams, they said… someone wanted to meet me. In both instances, they… tried to blindfold me. Why? What did they not want me to see? The rest of the other dragons throughout the complex? And what was it about war and conquest they were talking about. It sounded frightening when they told me that. What… What in the world were they planning on doing with me? Nothing positive I imagine…”

Cryo stood straight up and took a bar of soap in the front left corner of the bathtub. He began to rub the scales on his stomach and back. “What was with Sureshot in the dream? He couldn’t possibly be real. They are just… movie characters, right? Me and… Tide… are the only dragons to have ever met humans. Isn’t that true? I mean… Cameron would have told me if there were a history of Dragon’s on…” Cryo paused and gave a small sigh… “On the destroyed Human home world.”

Cryo then began to take the bar of soap against his legs and paws, one at a time. “And the third dream…” Cryo began to slide the soap against his talons. “I woke up on CLEARLY on a different planet. Somewhere very far away. I wake up in a city, at night, in a crater and a indention in the wall near it. My leg was broken, along with other injuries, which implies I made that from falling from VERY high above.” Cryo began to breath a little more heavily. “And then… I… struggle to move out of the alleyway, only to find that… I was…”

Cryo dipped down in the water and came up again and then began to twist himself so that he could rub his tail with the soap. He began to slowly scrub his tail with the soap. “I was surrounded by large bugs. Bugs that were almost as tall as an… adult human. Maybe even a bit bigger.” Cryo raised his head again and began using his paws to splash water on his face, as if he is waking from a bad dream. “They… took me. Onto a large… ship. Possibly a spaceship, in the shape of a giant beetle.” Cryo took a bottle from the front right side of his bath tub and began to squeeze some dragon head scale soap from it. He rubbed his paws a bit together. He began to close his eyes tightly and began to rub across his entire head with it, making sure to cover every part with the head soap.

“They put me in a glass pen. I remember… I was… scared at first… but then, that one spider, came over. What was his name?” Cryo concentrated for a moment and lowered his body a bit in the water. “It was Zeke, right? Zeke… He comforted me. He was nice to me. I remember telling him about my home here.” Cryo took in a deep breath and then dipped his whole body and head underwater, lifting it back up very soon after, with water drenching off of all his scales. “Zeke was very interested in humans. Come to think of it… right as I mentioned human’s, the other guards there… they came over to listen as well.” Cryo dipped himself underwater again, this time sitting underwater a bit longer. “There was Firestorm, Stinger Spider, Strike Sniper, and Battle Beetle in the flying the ship.” “And, I think those were all codenames. Zeke had one too. I think he was… Spider Shadowshot…” Cryo lifted himself from out of the water and shook a bit, water splashing around the tub. He sat himself back in the tub again. “At least after I told my story, they trusted me enough to transport me without the need of restraint devices. But then…” Cryo turned his head toward the entrance. “Then I think I blacked out, or at least I think I did. But then that other… dragon appeared.”

“He seemed… different then what I met a before. No metal suit. Didn’t seem to want to harm or terrorize me either, thankfully… I think he said his name was… Servant. He seemed to know me somehow. He said he’s been watching my progress. But how would that be possible? Hmm…” Cryo put his paws in the water and splashed his face a couple times. “Didn’t he say, that we had a “connection,” somehow. But how could that be? Could we be related? Or… could we somehow have met and I didn’t know?” Cryo began scratch his head a bit, and place his paw on his eyes and rubbed them a bit. “Now that I think about it, that dragon… he knew Zeke, didn’t he? He did mention him. And before they took me away, the bugs there knew that I was a dragon. They said they knew it from ancient texts. Didn’t they also mention Zeke there as well? Does Zeke somehow know about dragons?” Cryo felt that he was clean enough and opened the drain in the tub to empty the water. Cryo stepped out and grabbed a large towel, hanging on the right side on a bar, close to the tub, and started to dry himself with it. “That dragon mentioned a bit about humans as well. Come to think of it, he seemed to know about Earth as well. Suddenly, Cryo’s eyes lit up, and he began to realize something. He remembered back to something Cameron said before he went to sleep that night.

When Cryo asked if Cameron thought there was any life left on Earth, he replied “I’m not sure really. Maybe a few bugs perhaps. Bugs seem to be able to survive anything.” Cryo began to breath a little more heavily. “Wait a second! Could that place I was at! That planet. Could that have been… Earth!” Cryo began to stop drying himself with the towel. He wrapped the towel behind his lower body and began to creep near the door. He creaked his door open to peek at Cameron, who was playing his Ignition console at the table near the fridge. Cryo then slowly closed the door and went back to the mirror with his towel with a look of disbelief.

“If… that really was Earth. That means… it wasn’t destroyed after all!” Cryo began to grin again and started to dry himself again.” “It survived! If what servant said was true…” Cryo stopped rubbing the towel against his scales and put it back on the bar. “I remember learning in science class, during biology week, the concept of evolution. How one species introduced into a new environment can evolve through time in order to better survive. Like with the chillins.” Cryo decided to brush his teeth as well while he was thinking of this revelation. He picked up his toothbrush and the toothpaste (his toothpaste is made with a stronger oral cleansing formula, as his teeth and gums are larger, stronger, and require a bit more work to clean). He poured toothpaste onto it, and began brushing.

“If thats the case, then it seems that the original bugs on the world there that survived the damages and went through evolution. They become the future of Earth! Servant said that they went through considerable effort to keep nature in balance. I remember that there was a good amount of plant life near the area I landed at. I also saw a good amount outside the alleyway and at their base. I thought I landed at a park when I first ended up there. I guess they learned from whatever the “ancient texts,” they found. Storybooks maybe? It would also explain their fascination with humans. What type of sentient society would not be interested with ancient technologically advanced creatures that came before them. Probably learned the dangers over harvesting resources as well from those books as well, one way or another. I wonder if all the cities back there are made with combining nature and technology to keep the balance between both.” Cryo began to swish the toothpaste within his mouth a bit and then spit out. He took a glass located in a cupboard behind the mirror and filled it with a little water. He took a small sip then then spit it back out with a nice big “PTEW.” “I wonder how the plants grew back? I thought most were over harvested. Maybe just enough were left and they were able to pollinate, repopulate and refresh Earth’s trees and plants. Not to mention important components of life like oxygen.” Cryo took the Listerine from the cupboard and sipped a bit into his mandibles. After swishing them a bit in his mouth, he gave another big “PTEW,” again.” . “Hmm… But a few things he said… sounded worrisome.” 

Cryo gave a concerned look and took the same glass and poured water into it and drank it. “He said… a fight was coming… Not only back on Earth. It would come… here as well.” He turned to his radio. “Turn off radio.” “Turning off radio.” The radio’s tune turned off and the room was silenced. Cryo headed for the door.

Cryo gripped the knob and opened the door back to his room. Cameron noticed and gave a smile back at him as he walked over. Cameron noticed the concerned face on Cryo as he stepped over to meet Cameron at the table. “Hey Cryo. You… feeling ok. You look pretty glum.” “Um… Yea… I’m ok Cameron.” “You still a little sick?” “Um… Yea. Just an occasional stiffness.” “Well with most of the bad stuff out of your system, you’ll feel better soon.” “Yeah… Right Cameron.” “Well, you want to do something fun?” “Um… yea. Why don’t we play catch outside.” “Alright. Come on buddy.” The two headed for the door and headed down the hall with a small ball. Cryo began to think. “A fight. Those dreams. Could they be a vision of things to come. Or… are they things warning me of the potential future I might have. If the latter is the case, is there any way I can change it? Servant said… I have to fight… But I… I really haven’t tried my abilities out that much. I wonder if the people here would teach me combat. But… They don’t want me to fight I think. I was always told never to attack others. It’s bad. But if something this bad is coming here, and to Earth… I… I have to protect them somehow. But… I’m… a new species here. A creature born somewhere no one else has been. I… really don’t know where I came from. I… remember faintly.”

“I was born in the back of a truck filled with hay, like my bed. I couldn’t walk then. Or at least, not very well… I never knew my mother… my real mother… before then. She’s just always been asleep. My adopted parents told my she fell ill saving many people, including them. If she was awake, maybe she could tell me more… What should I do now? Now that I think about it, should I tell the others? Would they believe me? Even if they did, there is no telling how they would take it. It just might make things worse. Or they’ll think I’m overworking and going crazy… Sigh… I… think its best I keep this to myself for now.”

So the day passed. Cameron and Cryo played catch with each other and watched the second Dragon Tamer movie. Soon it was dinner time. Ty had made some Zurburgers and hot dogs on the small portable grill for Cryo and Cameron to eat. Cryo was tired soon after and decided to go to sleep early again tonight. Fortunantly, Ty came back with his blanket when Cryo ate his dinner, all clean and smelling of a pleasant forest meadow. “You going to be OK for a bit by yourself Cryo?” asked Cameron “Yes. I could use a bit more sleep before I try to repair some of the items on my workbench tomorrow.” “Alright. Have a good sleep.” Cameron turned the light off in Cryo’s room and left. Cryo wrapped himself tightly with his blanket and laid down on his hay bed. “Maybe if I have another dream like that… I can get some answers. I could use some extra sleep anyway.” Cryo turned his head toward the radio near his bed. “Voice command.” “Ready to receive order.” “Turn on music perfect for sleep.” “Turning to Naptunes channel.” A DJ on the radio station came on in a low key voice. “This next smooth song is inspired by the sacrifice of one hero in the classic movie, Evolving world. Hold your ears for the song, Parting hurts.” A melody came out of the radio that Cryo had never heard on the channel before, and quickly felt something from it. A sense of wonder, adventure, and strangely… loss. As the music played in his head, his eyes grew droopy and his head felt fuzzy. He gave out a yawn, huddled himself tightly in his blanket, and fell into a deep lulling slumber.

Ch 9

Battle Brawl

Cryo head span as he opened his eyes, curious as to whether he was dreaming again or not. As his eyes came into focus, he realized he was in a completely black room. He couldn’t see anything. “Am I? Back in the medical wing back on Earth?” He looked around to see if he was on a bed or something similar. But he couldn’t see anything. He felt cold air around him, and the floor felt like ice. Yet it was not slippery. “Aghh… I can’t see. Where am I now? I’m going to have to try to feel my way around. Hopefully I can find something to light up the area.” Cryo began to carefully step around the area, trying to feel anything that could help him understand where he was. As he felt around, he began to see a small light floating near him. “Huh? That light… Isn’t that a luminescent spark fly (Basically a 4 wing bug that is similar to a firefly and a dragonfly, that glow at night with a different color glows, depending on the season). It began to circle around his head a bit and made Cryo quite curious. It began to drift away from him though. “Hey wait. Come back! Where are you going!” Cryo began to chase the light. “This thing is much more agile then a Spark fly. Every time I get close, it just seems to go faster and starts getting away again. Its changing colors a bit too. Its changing between different blue hues,” thought Cryo.

He continued to chase the strange light and began to see something in the distence. “There is a light shining from above over there. This thing is headed straight for it. What is it?” Cryo and the light continued to head towards it. Soon enough, they now stood in front of what appeared to be a layer of ice around something. “What is this?” thought Cryo. “The light…” The strange light Cryo had been chasing somehow passed through the ice. As it dug further in, it seemed to start to illuminate something inside of it.” “There’s something in there. What is it?”

Soon, Cryo began to make out something was inside the ice, encased in it. As he took a closer look, he saw that it was a blue dragon!” “Is that… Mom?” Cryo looked upon the inside of the ice incasing and realized it was indeed her. “What is going on here” What is she doing here, frozen like this?” Cryo then heard a voice. “Your mother sleeps, her mind frozen in time,” it said. “Huh? Who said that?” “You possess amazing abilities, and yet you’ve only just begun to realize what they are capable of.” Cryo stayed silent, a little wary of the voice. “The freezing can be undone. But only if its done here, young dragon. “…And how would I do that.” “A spark is all she needs. Just one. You carry it within you.” “…And how would I get it out.” “You already know that one, young dragon. Think. And it will come to you.” Cryo realized this must be some type of puzzle. But a spark. Where could he get one. But then he had an idea. His saliva…

“Worth a shot I guess…” Cryo dabbed his talon a bit in his mouth, and then touched the frozen ice with the tip, suddenly, talon became stuck! “What the! Let go!” Suddenly, the spark seemed to course through the ice, and the ice started to crack. “Uh oh!” Pulling as hard as he could he yanked his hand from the ice and quickly backed away. The ice coursed with electricity and then the ice shattered, releasing Tide from the ice. Cryo approached her. “Mom?” She didn’t move. Suddenly the area and scene transformed, and Cryo saw what appeared to be a volcanic ravaged land around him. “Where?…” He looked back to his mother, with the frozen bed had become a hard stone with his mother laying on top of it. He looked back, and saw something was approaching him. Huh? Who are?… Uh oh…”

Cryo realized the approaching figures, were his enemies from the dreams. The dragons from before. “This isn’t good. The voice from above called again. “Unleash yourself upon them. Your ancient bloodline… You are more then they could ever be. Focus yourself, and your power will come. Clear your mind, take a deep breath, and unleash your ice storm!” With his enemies approaching quickly, and with little choice, Cryo complied. He slowly closed his eyes, taking slow and steady deep breaths. Clearing his head of the sounds of the approaching mob he felt something. Like his ancestral line trying to guide him. As they approached he took in a deep breath a blasted the approaching hoard with a stream of cold ice, freezing them solid. Another wave approached from the behind. Cryo spread his wings and flew into the air and blasted a set of med sized icicles from his wings. They slammed into a couple of the soldiers and shattered as they made contact, knocking them out. “A fire rages on. Douse it.” Cryo saw a group of dragons about to unleash a fire breath on him.” Cryo huddled himself into a ball and a bubble of pure water was created around him. As the dragon’s attempted to breath fire on him, it was quickly extinguished by the bubble. Cryo then extended his paws out towards the dragons and blasted each with a jet of water from the bubble. Releasing the bubble around him, he saw one person left. The commander. Taking out a large electric baton, he rushed Cryo quickly. Attempting to slam Cryo from above, Cryo quickly rolled out of the way. Cryo then lunged at him and knocked him across his head with his wings. He quickly picked himself up again though and tried to slash at him with it. Thinking quick, Cryo put up a small wall of ice using his breath to block the attack. Cryo then kicked the ice forward, hitting the commanders legs. The blow caused him to trip and drop his baton. Cryo, having had enough of this began heard the voice one last time. “Unleash your fury, and show them what it means to be true dragon.” Cryo hovered himself in the air, and began to glow within a brilliant cyan light. Stretching his paws and wings out, a massive blast of freezing cold, blew through the area, covering all in thick ice. The entire battlefield was an ice now. Cryo had won. “The battle is won. Wake up and be reunited. There is a long road ahead of you. But your mother… she’s coming home,” said the voice. Suddenly the entire scene went to white.

Ch 10

Tense Trip

Cryo slowly came out of his daze and looked around. He saw he was back in his normal room with the alarm on his custom radio going off. “Ugh… That last dream was pretty crazy.” Cryo looked at his clock, which read, 9:00 A.M. Cryo lifted his front claws and pushed the blanket off of him. He turned off the alarm and then he went to get some milk from his fridge and quickly slurped it down with a nice big “GULP.” Rubbing his eyes, he went over to look out the window to his room, and began to think about the dream. “Hmm… That dream. That strange light. Could that have been…” Cryo began turn his head to the side. “That was a nasty fight. Hmm… Was it… trying to help me learn to fight. That dream seemed to be an end to something, or perhaps… a beginning. It was very different to what I’ve had before. It doesn’t… feel like a continuation of events. Not this time. It felt like something outside what I’ve been witnessing.” Cryo gave out a sigh, and laid down, looking towards the deep mountain range behind the base. It started to rain outside, with a mist beginning to form around as it fell. He began to think again. “Was that light… really my mother?” Cryo thought for a moment.

“It’s… a little colder today. Perhaps… it would be a good idea to put on a jacket.” Cryo headed towards his closet. He searched through it a picked out a nice silver jacket zip up jacket. Cryo carefully slipped his wings through the slits in the back so his wings could spread outside of it and then zipped it up from the front. Cryo then went back to his bed to think. 

“I… I never really knew her. When I was just an egg she… she… got sick.” Cryo looked towards the ceiling. “She’s been asleep for so long. I always thought she had already passed on. I remember the last time I saw her asleep was… Before I was taken. They always told me that she was still breathing. But…” Cryo put his head down again. “It was the ones who adopted me who took care of me. Dad, Suzy, and Noble. They always looked after me. Tended to mom while she was asleep too…” Cryo began to think about some of the times he spent with them. While it was short, he still wishes he could see them again.

Giving out a sigh, he turned to look at the TV, remembering some of the shows he watched while here. One he took in mind was a movie, based on an alien who arrives on the planet and is taken in by the military for fear of what is was and why it was here. This reminded him of himself. He seemed to be no different. “I’ve been here for 5 years. I remember the first few month’s here were… difficult. I was no different then a wild animal, at least to them.” Cryo gave out a sigh and then stretched his limbs around him. “Then, they gave me an actual room. They started to treat me better. Made me feel more… human, I suppose. But…” Cryo looked toward the door and saw that no one was there. “But it was never the same. I wish… there was a way… I could see them. That last thing in that dream. That last thing she said. She was… coming home. What did the voice mean by that?”

Cryo picked himself up, and looked toward the exit to his room. “Cameron, Gerald, or Ty haven’t come to see me yet. They are usually here by now. Is something going on?” Cryo checked his clock again, which now read 9:30 A.M. “Maybe I should look for them. They probably need to know I’m awake. I know they worry about me quite a bit. Especially after recent events.” Cryo headed towards the door to his room. He slowly turned the knob on his door to open it, and he found Ty, Cameron, and Gerald at the door, about to open it themselves. “Oh. Hi Cryo!” said Cameron. “Huh? Oh. Hi guys.” replied Cryo. “Cryo. We have wonderful news for you,” said Ty. “Wonderful news?” “Yes. We have something very special to show you.” “Really? What is it?” “Come with us Cryo.” ” replied Gerald. “Well… alright then.”

They took Cryo down through the hallways of the living quarters building and outside towards medical. “We’re going to medical?” “Yeah Cryo,” replied Cameron. “Am I getting a checkup after being sick?” “Actually, no. That’s tomorrow. Someone want’s to meet you.” replied Ty. “Someone? Who?” “You’ll see Cryo.” Cryo, while curious as to who, knew they were probably not going to tell him. They continued on to medical.

They entered the building and Cryo saw that there were many medical officers in the lab today, wearing blue hospital attire. “What’s with all the doctors here right now? Usually I only see Nancy and some of the other nurses and caretakers around? All others are always busy with the others being treated here,” said Cryo. “You’ll see…” said Gerald. They continued to walk down the hall through the hospital, and eventually made their way to an elevator deep in. The three entered the elevator and headed down. “That’s strange… I’ve never been taken into this part of the building before. Where are we going?” he thought. It soon opened up to a security checkpoint at the bottom, with a x ray scanner to check for held metal objects and several guards placed around to keep an eye on things. Cryo began to get nervous from the high security here. Something very important is here. But what? The group slid their held items through the scanner and were checked by a team of officers there. They were returned shortly after. “Your clear to pass,” the officer there said. “Alright. Come on everyone.” They approached the door at the end of the claustrophobic hallway. Slowly, the metal doors rose up. It looks like Cryo was about to find what this is all about. “Come on in everyone. You too Cryo,” said Gerald.

Cryo stepped into the room, and could see that the room that they had entered in seemed… strange for a high security area of the medical building. He expected to find a room filled with vials containing all sorts of nasty viruses and dangerous chemicals being tested here to find new medical cures or… other reasons. He expected that the walls inside would be pure reinforced chrome steel and the floors would have drains inside to dilute said items in case of a spill. But none of that was here.

Instead, the walls were painted, similar to his own room, with pictures of humans and dragons living together on a mountain range. The walls weren’t made of steel chrome, but of a smooth concrete, and the ceiling showed the picture of a sun, with a small lamp shedding light in the room above, over a very large medical bed in the back. The really big bed was covered in a blue blanket with a water motif. Cryo thought there might be something under it. Something rather large… Next to the bed, there was a cabinet with chillin tenders and fried tato on top (based on the fries of Earth. Potato plants are known as tato and went through evolution after some time on this world. Pronounced tay-to) Cryo quickly noticed there were two sets there, and Cryo liked these quite a bit… Now he was really nervous. “Umm… this doesn’t… feel right. Somethings… off. Are they planning on locking me in here because of the events from the ocean? I would think… that’s… a little extreme, to protect me…” Cryo began to turn his head nervously toward the others. “Um… guys…” said Cryo. “Yes, Cryo?” replied Ty. “Your not… locking me in this room for the rest of my life, Right?”

“Relax Cryo. This is where she’s been sleeping.” “She…” “Yes Cryo. Why don’t you go over and take a look. She’s been waiting for you. We brought one of your favorites to eat with her,” replied Gerald. “Uh… Huh…” said Cryo. Cryo thought about the situation. He could get in REAL trouble if he doesn’t go over, especially if he tries to run out now… Is this a trick to get him away from the door? To lock him into this room forever with no sun, no toys or tools. Nothing but bunch of painted walls. But why would they want to trick him though. They’ve been the only family he’s had other then back with Greg. They wouldn’t do that, right? “Come on Cryo, don’t be nervous. This isn’t a trick. I promise. Now come on,” said Ty. “Al… Alright,” said Cryo. Cryo slowly approached the bed keeping his eye on the door behind him. He realized he was right about there something big being under the covers. He took one last look at the door. He went to the front, and saw a familiar face, covered comfortably under the blanket.” “Hello… my son,” Tide said. “Mm… Mom?” “Yes, my baby boy. I heard that you were called, Cryo. I think that’s a cute name.” “Mom…” Cryo huddled next to his mother’s head a gave a nuzzle against her.

Ch 11

Virtuous Visit

“Isn’t that cute guys. See Cryo, we weren’t going to do anything to you.” said Gerald. “Yea. Don’t you trust us, silly?” asked Cameron. “I shouldn’t have doubted any of you. Thanks.” said Cryo. “Do you, want us to give you some privacy with your mom?” “Yeah… just… a little bit of time.” “Alright… why don’t you eat together. “Alright thanks. The group left the room but Ty turned back for a second.” “Oh. Cryo. I forgot to give you this.” Ty pulled out a small radio and gave it to Cryo. “What’s this for?” he asked. “We’re going to have to lock the security door behind you. Use that radio and the guards at the security station here will open the door to let you out. Unfortunately, your mothers is weak right now and can’t move much.” “Is she infected with Nume poison?” “No. She’s woke up from a sleep that has lasted longer then any known person here, and possibly anywhere. It might be some time for her strength to return. Until then, I think it would be great if you two… got to know each other a bit. I know she would like that.” “Alright then. Thanks.” They headed out of the room and the security door shut behind them. 

Feeling relieved that they weren’t locking him up for eternity, he took the tray of food to his mom and laid it on her medical bed. “ Can you eat, mom?” “Yes. I feel weak… ugh… but… I can eat. Tide slowly lifted herself further up on the pillow on her medical bed, and slowly lifted her arms to pull the tray close to her. Cryo took his tray of food and sat it next to him on a small bed of hay next to the bed. It was clear it was meant for him.

They began to eat, with Cryo looking at her mother’s sluggish movements. “You sure your ok, Mom?” “It’s going to take some time for my strength to return. I’ve missed so much of your life, my baby boy.” “Mom… come on now. I’m… grown up.” “You’ll always be my baby to me. I heard you’ve… become quite fixer upper.” “Yea. I guess Mom. I… learned it only from the best…” “You mean with Noble and the others?” “Yea. It’s been about, 5 years since I saw them.” “Yes. I could see how troubled you were.” “What do you mean, Mom?”

“I may have been asleep, but I have been watching over you since then. Certain dragon’s with strong, loving bonds can watch over and interact over long distances with the people they love, even when injured or asleep.” Tide took a bite out of a chillin tender. “How, mom?” “It’s an ability called, Oversoul. I have been watching you as I was asleep, watching you become quite a smart little Dragon. I was worried about you adapting to human culture, especially when you were taken away. “You… watched that?…” “Yes. I… wasn’t to happy about that at first. But they soon turned into a loving family on their own, and I could only forgive what they did after that. “Rerr… really?” “Yes. It took a bit of time, but they realized what you were. Not a silly wild animal, but an intelligent, kind, and good little boy. They gave you a new home, a new room, toys and tools to use, and of course, put you in school. I can see that there was a little struggle with those naughty kids, but they just don’t see that your no different then them. You never once tried to lash out against them. You knew better.” “I really didn’t know how to fight then anyway. And Cameron was always there to cheer me up. Just like… like…” Cryo paused and looked at the front wall of the room near the exit, with a large wall with a picture of him standing on top of a snowy peak overlooking a forest. “Like Noble…” “You really miss them, don’t you?” “Yeah. I really do. With the dreams I have been having, I remembered them. I remember the day they took me. My… first birthday.” Cryo gave a small frown but quickly turned back to a small smile. “But. I have to stay here. For them. If I tried to run away. I’d… be putting their lives at risk. It’s not by any means, bad living here. But… It’s… never really been the same.” “I know. Growing up is always hard. There are ups and downs in life. But think of this Cryo. You might be able to see them again soon enough.” “Wha?… What do you mean, Mom?” “I have something to tell you. Something you’ll enjoy. You see…” 

Ch 12

Uninvited Usurpers

As she was about to continue her speech, she felt something was off. The room’s lights flickered on and off a bit. “What’s wrong with the lights? A power surge?” asked Cryo. “No… it’s…” She then very faint sound. She looked toward the air vent of the room. She heard what appeared to be some very low banging noise, popping in quick intervals. “Cryo. Somethings wrong.” “What? Wrong?” About a few minutes later, they heard it banging again, closer and seemingly in the hallway leading to here. It then stopped.” They now saw the security door to the room was starting it’s unlocking sequence. “Huh. Are the others back?” said Cryo.” “Cryo, quick! Freeze the door!” “Huh? Wh…” “JUST DO IT BEFORE THEY GET IN!” Cryo rushed over to the door. Taking in a brig breath of air he quickly let out a strong stream of ice, which covered the door and froze the opening mechanisms.

“Ok Mom… Why did I do that, considering that was the only way out?” But as Cryo said that, he began to hear something from outside the door. Pressing his ear up against the ice covered door, he tried to listen in. “Door’s not opening. Something is wrong with it.” “What do you mean?! We come this far only to get stopped by a door of all things!” The voice paused for a second. “What are our options. It’s not going to take them long to realize we’re here now.” “Huh? Who are these people? They don’t sound like they are from here…” thought Cryo. Cryo then heard a tapping from the door. A voice started up. “Hello? Dragon. We’re here to take you home.” “Huh, what do they mean?” thought Cryo. Cryo gave no answer back. “Come on dragon. Open up. We won’t hurt you.” “What happened to the people in the security station,” thought Cryo. “Come on. Open up. We’re here to take you back to your family on the mountains.” “Huh? Back on the mountains? Do they mean…” “We were hired by your family to take you back. Come on dragon. Open up. I promise we won’t hurt you.” “Don’t listen to them Cryo. They aren’t here to take you back to them,” said Tide. “I know Mom. It’s too good to be true. Considering what happened back at the ocean…” Cryo paused for a moment, remembering the chase. “Ugh… How on earth did they get here? How did they get past security? The last thing I need is to be paralyzed again.” said Cryo. He pressed his head towards the door again. “Still no response from inside. Guess we’ll just have to blow open the door. Get the explosives ready.”

“Explosives!” exclaimed Cryo. Cryo backed away from the door quickly wondering what he can do now. “Once that door opens. we’ll need to subdue the both of them quickly. Throw a flashbang in to disorientate them. Should be easy to take them after. Whole base will probably be alerted. We’ll have to move quickly to get out.” said someone outside. “Cryo. Your going to have to fight them.” “Fight them? They’re probably armed to the teeth with all sorts of crazy weapons. With you bed ridden, well. It’s going to be hard to protect us both.” 

“You can do it Cryo. Don’t doubt yourself. Keep a clear head. And focus. Don’t worry. Your ice stream will immobilize them without causing permanent damage to their body. Once that door breaks, you’ll need to act fast.” Hearing these words, Cryo knew there was no options left. Taking a couple of deep breaths, Cryo moved towards the bed. “Hide under the bed Cryo to protect yourself from the shrapnel blast from the door.” “What about you?” Tide then breathed a small stream of ice to create a small ice wall in front of the bed. “That should protect me.”

“Explosives are set. T minus 15 seconds.” said a voice outside. “Alright, everyone. Get back.” Cryo quickly ducked under the medical bed and started to count down the timer in his head. “15… 14… 13…” Cryo took some more deep breaths in and covered his eyes. “9… 8… 7…” Cryo plugged his ears with his talons and thought about his friends here at the base. “Are they alright?” he thought. “4… 3… 2…” Cryo took in a big deep breath, the deepest he ever took. “1… 0!”

Cryo quickly shielded his eyes with his wings as the door burst open and hit the wall, creating a big dent in it! An alarm started to sound in the medical wing. “Security breach in high security wing. Repeat. Security breach in high security wing,” said the intercom. A canister the ground inside hit the ground inside and let out a bright flash. “Security breach in high security wing. Repeat. Security breach in high security wing,” said the intercom. Let’s get those two!” the group said.

A couple of people in black masks and dark combat suits quickly darted in weapons trained on on the ice wall and Tide near the bed. “Where is the small one?” “Right here you cold crew!” said Cryo as he quickly rolled from under the bed to the front, unleashing a stream of ice to encapsulate the people unfortunate enough to step in. A couple took cover outside the door. They then poked themselves in and readied there weapons to fire at them. Cryo recognized the same weapons used on him from before. “Cryo, quick! Create an Frost barrier! Freeze the ground up!” “Fire!” said someone outside the doorway. Cryo quickly concentrated his ice stream on the ground and made a wall to protect himself behind. The men began to try to fire their shots, but just ended up getting stuck in ice. “Drat. He’s made cover for himself!” “Get out your Shock strikers.” “Looks like they’re going to try to fight hand to hand now,” said Cryo. “That’ll be a mistake. Get him, my good little boy.” said Tide. “Aww come on mom. This now of all times?” “Alright boys. Rush them!”

The lot of the group came in to try and take Cryo by beating him with shock strikers. One quickly tried to bash Cryo on the head with a downward swing with his shock striker. Cryo rolled out of the way and hit the man with his wings against his legs to knock him down. He then tried to swipe him from the floor. Jumping up, Cryo rushed him, with a coating of ice generating around Cryo’s paw. He quickly slammed his ice covered hand directly across the side of the assailants head, shattering the ice. Another tried to jab him with it. Cryo ducked and then spin to swipe at him with his tail, knocking him down. Another tried to hit him from behind, but Cryo rolled forward and then shot a small blast of cold water to knock his assailant against his frozen compatriots which shattered, releasing them. They were pretty hurt from the attack though, and were unable to continue their attack further. One final crewman came in, trying to hit him with a tranquilizer dart. He tried to fire, but Cryo, thinking fast, shot a blast of water at his feet, knocking him to the floor as he fired, causing the dart to bounce off the ceiling and hit him instead. “Light’s out, you devolved brute,” Cryo smugly said.

Ch 13

Cruel Kidnapping

Three more came around him to surround him. “Your a real nuisance, dragon. We are running low on time here, so unless you come with us, we’ll have to beat you and your mother into coming with us.” Cryo become quite enraged by that comment. “Relax Cryo. Don’t give into rage. He’s trying to rile you up” said Tide. “Shut up you science project! Come on dragon. You really want to try our patience here?” Cryo realized whoever this was must be the leader of the group. The assailant then pulled something out of his pocket. “Oh no! That’s a detonator!” exclaimed Cryo. “That’s right dragon. I personally don’t care about you or anyone in this building. But it goes boom if you both don’t come with us.” “You coward! Hiding behind an explosive payload just to take the both of us. Why do you want the both of us anyway!?” “Shut it. Times running out boy. Bombs been wired to the supports of this structure and we have one more with us. All wired for 5 minutes left. Come with us, or no one gets out of this building.” “Ughhh…” Cryo looked at his mother, who showed equal concern as him. She didn’t know what to do either.

“…Fine. You win. Disable the explosives, and we’ll come with you…” “That’s a good boy.” The other men in the room picked up themselves up. 2 men picked up the other assailant who was hit with the dart and carried him out. “Get the medical restraint beds in here you two. Strap the both of them down in it tightly. We’ll cover the both of them in heavy blankets. Tie wires around their mandibles. We won’t need these sleeping darts for these two now. We’ll roll out of here in a medical jumpship. It will be big enough to fit all of us and our “cargo.” We’re going to be REAL rich boys. No one will dare try to stop us once we show the detonator.” Two men came in with medical beds stolen from the upper floors. They quickly and roughly grabbed Cryo and slammed him to the bed on his back. “Agh! Quit being so rough!” Cryo said. They then strapped heavy duty reenforced leather straps around his body, neck, arms, and legs pinning him down tightly to the bed. They laid something else next to him, but Cryo could not tell what exactly it was with his movement restricted so much. They then tied a thin wire around his mandibles. They quickly did the same with Tide. They took blankets and covered the both of them with it and then soon carted them off toward the elevator. As they exited the elevator, they were met with plenty of soldiers with guns trained on them.

“Freeze!” One of the soldiers said. “Oh I don’t think so everyone.” “Take a look at what I have.” He held up the detonator. “Now. We’re going to walk out of here with these two to a transport. If any one of us doesn’t make it, well…” The figure stepped forward. “We’ll blow this entire building and your “precious research projects.” He then revealed the both of the dragons to the group. “There’s a bomb on their beds!” said a soldier. “Now. We don’t need to waste innocent life here, do we? If your all smart, you’ll let us pass. Because we also planted a bomb on all the support structures in the building. Going to blow this entire building to the moon! Now then. What are you all going to do?” “Ugh… don’t worry about us. We’ll be fine. Let them pass. Don’t risk your lives for us,” thought Cryo. He wished he could speak right now. “Let them through,” said Ty, who was over to the side. The soldiers lowered their weapons. “Now. That’s better. Come on everyone. Let’s cash out.” The group headed towards a medical carrier in the vehicle bay and loaded both of them into a small compartment in the back of the plane. The plane took off with hordes of concerned patrons watching helplessly as they take off “Cryo…” said Cameron.

New known abilities:

Frozen Fist: He can cover his entire paw with ice to Smash his enemies with it.

Ice spikes: Lashes his wing forward to shoot a small array of icicles at his opponent

Bubble Block: Creates a bubble of water around his body, making attacking Cryo less effective from projectiles and melee getting slowed by water and is also VERY effective to protect himself from fire based attacks. Also can extend his arms out within the bubble to shoot out strong streams water from the bubble.

Cold Cover: Blows a stream of ice on the ground up, allowing him to take cover behind it.

Forever freeze: Unleashes a very powerful blast of ice around the entire area, covering all people and objects in a thick sheet of Cryogenic ice. Very powerful, but uses a lot of energy.

New known likes:


Calm sleeping music (typically Naptunes channel)


New Known dislikes


Sweating too much


Being a prisoner

Cryo the dragon Book 2 Adapting Animal

Cryo the dragon Book 2 Adapting Animal


Cryo’s mother, Tide, and Ferrin dragon, had just left her war torn homeworld with her precious child, who was still in an egg. She used a special portal to escape the clutches of a group of warmongering dragons. The portal was destroyed in the jump, along with her lab and all the data.

She woke up on a world where humanity had moved to after earth fell to some cataclysmic event. She was found and tended to by a family of humans. Their names were, Suzy, Greg, and their son, Noble. They tended to Tide and helped her get better, while also keeping her egg safe.

After some time with living with them, she learned to speak with them and told them about her home planet and the plight she witnessed. Greg had plans of revealing her existence to the world, but worried about what could happen if its known she built a portal. But it didn’t take long for things to go sideways.

A massive storm hit the suburbs they were in right as they were going to move out to reveal Tide to a group of biological researchers. Tide’s power prevented the town from being destroyed but, she fell into a deep deep slumber as a result. Even worse, the military had taken interest in the storms dissipation and sent units to find the cause of the massive storms sudden disappearance.

But during that time, the little dragon hatched. With his help, they were able to escape the suburbs and out deep into the mountains. Greg decided it would be best to go into hiding to protect the little dragon and his mother and wait for tide to wake up, so they might be able to find someplace safe to live. They named the little dragon Cryo and got to work taking care of him

A year passed and the little dragon was liking his home and his family. But one day, His big brother, Noble, was running late. Curious as to why he was taking so long, he went to find him at the school. But when he got there, he saw that he was being bullied by some kids there. Getting mad, he soaked the kids with his water breath and Noble quickly take him back home, hoping he wasn’t seen.

The next day, it was Cryo’s first birthday, and he would be taken near a lake deep into the forest. Cryo would play with his big brother and have a birthday feast. Cryo would have a strange dream when he took a nap later, dreaming that the dragons from his home world were trying to take him and his entire family. He woke up and finally got a chance to swim. Unfortunately, it turns out someone did see Cryo when he soaked those bullies. They made a call and the military units showed up and ruined his party. Seeing the military trying to get the info on where he was, Cryo surrendered himself and said one last goodbye to his adopted family before being taken away, leaving heartbroken knowing he’ll probably never see them again…

Ch 1

Depressed Dragon

Cryo was taken to a military research center all the way across the mountains in a region of the planet called Crota (the base was located outside the limits of a city called Midnook Bay near the mountains. The area was in a warmer part of the world, and a much lower elevation than his previous home). The soldiers had allowed him to look through the tinted windows of their armored vehicle the whole time since he gave himself up earlier and was behaving. The trip took quite some time, but they at least kept him in relative comfort while riding. They also made a small bed for him and he took a nap in between the trip as well. As they made it into the city, he was a bit surprised at the scene. This was the first time Cryo had ever been close to a big city and took at least some interest in it. They traveled outside the city’s limits and drove off road to a military research complex a bit away from the city itself.

They brought Cryo inside a medical center in the complex for a checkup to see if he was healthy. The medical team inside the base immediately got to work. While they had taken the research notes that Greg had in the house, all but 1 medical professional disregarded most of it due to how ridiculous it sounded for when he was watching both Tide and Cryo. So instead, they decided they would observe on their own. They gave Cryo some booster shots, took blood and saliva, checked blood pressure, took x rays, and took some physical tests, such as height, weight, running on a treadmill, and other things, similar to what you would have at a regular doctor’s appointment. The researchers there noticed how Cryo wasn’t making any attempt to resist them, including when they were taking blood and giving booster shots. He wouldn’t even fight back. He just closed his eyes tightly and looked away, as they put the needle into him, seemingly bracing for when the needle would pierce into his scaly skin. They also began to think that he seemed to understand them, as he seemed to follow their lead and commands on each procedure. Managing Cryo through each of their procedures was surprisingly incredibly easy for them, something they really didn’t expect at all.

After his checkup, they moved him into a secure observation room that had a small pool of freshwater in the back (for Cryo to swim and bathe in), two bowls for feeding, a couple of chew toys, and pink leaved tree, and a glass window and an orange floor below it, made of metal. It looked towards the vast mountain range and forest in the distance… The ground around the rest of the room seemed to be made of a sandy substance, perhaps trying to replicate a small beach. There was a security camera overlooking the room in the back right corner of the room, near the metal sliding security door. The commander released the muzzle and thin chain leash from Cryo and let him be. “I hope this little dragon doesn’t cause too much trouble,” he thought. He looked back at Cryo. “You’ll eat at 5:00, Cryo. Don’t get into trouble…” he said of their new project. The commander left the room and Cryo looked around. He began to feel very lonely and went towards the window to look out toward the outside world. He laid himself down right at it and stared at the outside world.

At 5:00, 2 of the researchers investigated the pen from a very small reinforced glass window on the door. One was carrying some diced meat and water to feed him. When they entered the pen, Cryo was still at the window, staring outside. “How long has that dragon been there, Gerald?” one of them asked. “I think he’s been there the entire time, Ty. I don’t think I’ve seen him move away since he got here,” said the other. They both paused for a moment. “What do you think he’s staring at?” asked Gerald. “I don’t really know. I haven’t seen anything outside that would be mildly interesting. Even if there was, it wouldn’t have been there that long. He’s been there for 3 hours at least.” said Ty. “That’s not good psychological behavior. Do you think he wants to go outside?” “I’m not sure. I don’t think it would be a good idea to have a dragon outside right now, especially since he might try to fly away. We’ll just keep him under watch. Anyway, let’s get this food in. Keep a sedative ready in case he attacks us.” They came in with a hand in their side pocket. Cryo heard the security lock for his door release.

“Cryo, you hungry?” Cryo looked behind and saw the two researchers. The man holding the food to the left had light skin with a bit of red mixed in blue eyes with some type of strange item on his nose that put some strange type of glass in front of his eyes, and brown hair. Cryo was able to make out what seemed to be his name that seemed to be pinned onto his coat. He saw the letters that spelled Tyler Jerrin, but he didn’t know what they said.

The other person, standing beside him on the right, had very dark skin, brown eyes, and black hair. He was wearing similar clothes to his counterpart. He saw more letters, pinned on the coat like his counterpart. He saw the letters, making the name Gerald Jones, but couldn’t read it either.

Cryo looked at their expressions as they walked in as the security door shut behind them. As they looked upon him, Cryo felt a little uncomfortable. The two looked at the majestic creature in the room, first looking at it in amazement. They then softened their eyes with a slight look of concern for their new pet project. They slowly crept over a bit to get a slightly closer look at the dragon.

Cryo gave out a small sigh. He soon slowly turned back to look outside the window. “He’s not even interested in the food. I hope he doesn’t plan on starving himself.” said Ty. “Just put it in for now. We’ll see if he eats if we leave the room,” said Gerald. So, they both filled Cryo’s bowls and left the room. As the door closed, Cryo immediately went to eat from it.

“Look. At least the dragon’s eating,” said Ty “That’s good and all. But why was he so afraid to eat while we were in the room?” asked Gerald. “I don’t know. Something must be wrong with him psychologically. He was pulled from the ones who were taking care of him. I’m sure things will change in time once he gets used to being here.” “I hope so. I can’t stand seeing a magnificent creature act like this.” They both continued to watch Cryo eat until the food was gone. Cryo then went back towards the window to look out towards the mountains again, and soon fell asleep as the moon rose into the sky…

“Looks like Cryo fell asleep,” said Ty. “At the window…” replied Gerald. “Why is he so obsessed with the outside?” “We’ll worry about it tomorrow. Let’s have the staff watch him overnight and make sure he’s ok. We’ll come back when Cryo wakes up. “Alright. Let’s go to bed.” So, the researchers went to bed while security watched the little dragon.

Ch 2

Surrender and Sorrow

At about 9:00, the research team woke up. The two in charge of the research called in to check on their project. “Security team. Is Cryo awake yet?” asked Ty. “No. He hasn’t woken up yet.” a voice replied. “The dragon must be a late sleeper. Keep watching him. Let me know when he’s awake.” said Gerald. 3 more hours passed, and they called in again. “Security team, is Cryo awake?” Ty asked again. “No, he’s still sleeping.” “Why is he still asleep after this long? Something must be wrong with him. He must be sick or something. Let’s get him into the medical bay. Come on,” said Gerald.

They picked up a muzzle and a chain and headed to Cryo’s pen. “Alright, he might fight back once we get the muzzle on him. Have the sedative ready,” said Ty. They both opened the door to the pen. Sure enough, Cryo was still asleep at the window in the back. “Alright, do this carefully. Try not to wake him…” They crept closer to Cryo with their tools ready. However, Ty stepped on a branch broken off from the tree, and a couple of its pink leaves fell as they did. More importantly, Cryo immediately popped his head up, and looked back, seeing the two! “Uh oh,” said Gerald. Cryo gave out a small yawn, saw them with the restraints, and headed towards them.

“Quick… the sedative…,” said Ty. Cryo kept walking towards them. As Cryo approached them, the two were getting ready to sedate him. However, Cryo stopped a few feet in front of them and laid down. He tilted his head forward, with his maw shut. He then clasped his paws around his maw and placed them back on the ground. Ty realized something was amiss and began to take a closer look.

“Wait a minute, Gerald. Look at him,” he said. “Huh. Wha…?” said Gerald “He’s… stopped. He’s not coming closer. His head is tilted forward. I think… he’s letting us muzzle him,” said Ty. “Wha…? Why?” “I don’t know. Give me the muzzle. Get ready with the sedative just in case he bites.” Gerald handed the muzzle to Ty and he approached Cryo slowly. “Alright Cryo… Just going to put this around your snout… No need to get panicky…” Cryo continued to just sit there ready for it. “Alright then. Just relax, little guy…” Ty wrapped the muzzle around Cryo’s snout and then put on the chain leash around his neck. “Alright. Cryo’s good to go. Now come with us.”

Ch 3

Window Watching

They escorted Cryo down the hall and into the infirmary building within the facility. They ran several more tests on him, but each confirmed that Cryo was completely healthy. The medic in charge of the tests gave her report to the head scientists. She had dark skin, blue eyes, and was wearing a light blue medical uniform and cap, black pants, and white shoes with black soles. Cryo sat patiently next to the scientists in charge of him on the ground, staring and seemingly paying attention to his medical doctor.

“As far as I can tell, this dragon’s completely healthy. We may not know too much about dragon anatomy quite yet, but I don’t think he’s ill. It must be something else… I suggest you keep watch over him. Try interacting with the little guy a bit more. Maybe try to get a positive reaction out of him.” she said. Cryo gave a sigh and began to lay himself on the ground. “How do you suppose we do that, Nancy?” said Gerald. “I’m not sure. Didn’t you pick up the notes from his original caretakers?” she asked “The family treated this dragon like a baby. It’s an animal. Not a child…” “Maybe take another look at it,” she replied. “Alright… Come on Cryo. Let’s get you back to your pen.” Cryo slowly nodded and stood still, waiting for his leash. They wrapped the chain around Cryo’s neck and started to head out and lead him back to his room. Nancy took off her cap to let out her short black hair. “This poor creature needs more than what he has now. There’s something very special about it. I can feel it.” She began to head back into the room to take another look at his test results.

The two researchers soon had made it back to Cryo’s pen and they released the muzzle and chain from him, who then proceeded to head back to look out the window. “Come on, Cryo. Stop with that now! What’s wrong with you?” asked Ty. Cryo continued to stare at the outside. “Are you hungry?” Cryo shook his head and continued to stare. “Maybe try playing with him?” said Gerald “How?” “Maybe fetch?” “Alright. Hey Cryo. Want to chase this long chew toy?” Cryo looked back but turned his head back to the window. “Come on little guy, it will be fun!” Cryo gave out a sigh and picked himself up and headed towards Ty. “I think we’re getting somewhere,” said Gerald. Cryo sat himself in front of them both. Ty picked up one of the chew toys in the pen. A long blue wolfy chew toy. “Alright. Fetch!” Ty said as he threw the toy toward the tree. Cryo walked his way to the chew toy and picked it and brought it back to the two. “There we go. Want to go again? Alright fetch!” Ty threw the toy and Cryo gave another sigh and begrudgingly walked over to the chew toy again and picked it up and brought it back over.

Ty this time could see the big frown on Cryo’s face. “This doesn’t appear to be working after all. Cryo seems to feel this is a chore to him,” Ty said. “What now?” said Gerald. “I don’t know. Maybe he needs a little alone time. Come on. Let’s leave him be. They left the room and Cryo slowly tilted his head down and dropped the chew toy. He began to dig in the sand a bit and put the chew toy in. He then swiped his tail over the sand to bury it under. He gave out a low sigh and yawned. He walked back towards the window and sat down. The two scientists looked into the room again from the security door.

“He’s back at the window again! What is so interesting about the outside!? It’s just a view of the mountains!” exclaimed Gerald. He began to think for a moment while Ty scratched a bit under his chin… “It must be a desire to be outside.” Gerald said. “No, I think it’s more than that Gerald,”. “How do you know?!” “I… don’t really know. It’s… just the feeling I got.” he said. “Should we board up the window?” asked Gerald. “No. Whatever reason he’s staring outside seems to be at least keeping him out of trouble. He’s not trying to resist us in any way. Looking outside might be therapeutic for him. For now, let’s keep a close watch over him. Hopefully his behavior changes soon. I don’t know what else to do at this point. Come on, Gerald.” The two left the area as Cryo continued to stare at the outside world.

Several months passed, and things were not getting any better. Every day. Cryo would stare and stare and stare at the outside world. His entire day was as follows: Wake up at 12:00 p.m. or later, stare at the outside, take a nap at 3:00, wake up at about 5:00 or later for food, and then stare out the window again until he falls asleep. The researchers were baffled as to why he was acting this way. Attempts to try to make him happy seemed to never work, and it started to drive the researchers crazy. They knew the dragon was far more interesting than this. But they couldn’t figure out why he spent all day staring outside…

Ch 4

Repair Reptile

The head researchers came into Cryo’s pen again, with some diced meat and water for feeding him. “Cryo… Are you hungry…?” Ty said. Cryo woke up from his sleep and gave a small yawn. He walked over as they filled his food dishes. He began to slowly eat from the dishes when Gerald suddenly turned towards the little dragon in frustration… “What does it take to make you happy, Dragon!? What more could you need!?” shouted Gerald. “Leave the poor dragon alone Gerald! He’s clearly not in a good mood…” “He’s never in a good mood! Months have passed and we still know very little about what makes a dragon, a dragon! He’s done nothing but stare out that window in this pen all day. What else can we do!?” “Calm down. Jeez, Look… We’ll… figure out something.” “What something?! What else are we going to do?! We’ve sent him to the medical wing multiple times, and all we get from Nancy is to check Greg’s notes! We know that this dragon ISN’T A CHILD! It’s bad enough that my phone dropped on the floor and now it won’t turn on!” “You’re making a scene in front of Cryo. This is not helping.” “Nothing is Helping!” 

Cryo was getting very annoyed while he was trying to eat as these researchers were arguing. He stopped eating and scratched his head a few times. He then decided to try something to calm them down. He sneaked up while they were arguing at each other and snatched Gerald’s phone from his pocket and went towards the back towards the window where the floor was hard. He began to observe it closely and then started to use his talon to carefully unscrew the bolts off the back and take it apart. By the time he took off the back, the two researchers noticed. “What do you think you’re doing, Cryo!? Don’t tell me you broke my phone! Is this some sort of prank!?” Cryo shook his head gently and continued to fiddle with the parts. The researchers however realized quickly that something strange was happening…

“Wait a minute! Take a closer look Gerald! He is not trying to break it! He’s being careful not to damage any of the inside parts!” Wha…? What do you…?” Gerald looked at Cryo with confusion as he continued to fiddle with the phone’s parts. As Cryo looked at the inner battery, he saw what the problem was… A chip connected to the battery had become loose. Using a tiny bit of saliva from his mouth, he carefully dabbed around the chip. A set of tiny sparks came out as he dabbed it. He then pushed it down and then began to put the phone back together, using his talons to screw in the bolts again. Soon enough, Cryo had perfectly put the phone back together and handed it back to Gerald, then went back to eating. 

“What… Was that all about.” asked Gerald. “Gerald… Try turning your phone on…,” said Ty. Pressing the power switch, the phone turned on and was working perfectly. “…It’s working…. I spent hours trying to turn it on, and Cryo gets it to work in 4 minutes. In fact, its battery and speed seem to be working much better than it was before.” He turned back to Cryo. “Cryo… How did you…?” Cryo turned to face Gerald and gave a small smile and wagged his tail a bit before going back to eat. “Cryo gave a smile! He seemed to like doing that! We may be on to something!” They both looked at each other, and finally realized that this tiny Dragon was FAR smarter than they previously thought… They decided to leave the pen for now while Cryo continued eating. “Gerald. Can you go around the base to see if anything small needs repaired. I want to… check something…” “Alright. I’ll ask around.” Gerald went to talk to the others while Ty decided to re-read the notes Greg had on Cryo.

He read the entire journal in the course of a week. As he read, an idea began to shape in his mind, based on the notes. Why was Cryo always staring out the window? Simply because he was raised near the forest on the mountains. He spent the first year of life there. Looking out towards the mountains, reminds Cryo of not only his home, but his family that took him in and raised him. Him trying to adapt to a new life like this, is impossible. It’s clear he hates being cooped up in a small pen and treated like a wild animal. He wants to be treated like an actual person. And it’s clear he’s smarter than he looks.

The notes included Cryo’s fascination with technology. After all, Cryo always watched Noble take apart different pieces of old technology, and it’s clear he learned how they work as a result. He was no different than a gifted human (except for being a dragon of course). Cryo seemed to understand human speech, despite not being able to talk himself. But it was possible for him to learn to talk, just like his mother, Tide, who was still comatose, despite their efforts to wake her. Tide herself was from somewhere farther away than they thought possible, and came from a place that fell apart, just like Earth.

Ty finally realized that there was a need for a change. On the night he finished the journal, he made an important phone call. “Hello? Command? I think we just made a breakthrough with Cryo! But… I need a list of favors done. Things need to change quickly. Sending you a list of requests that I need done as soon as possible…”

Ch 5

Relocating while Resting

Another month passed. The researchers had just finished with their little “project,” for Cryo. Now they just needed to move him in. It was late in the day, a few hours late for feeding Cryo, but they decided to add something extra into the dish… The 2 head researchers headed to Cryo’s pen.

Cryo was working to repair a Zen portable system (ZPS) from one of the children living with their family at the window, with a custom tool kit made for his paws and talons. They supplied Cryo with two trays for new parts and scrap (Cryo still didn’t talk yet. When he needed replacement parts, he would point to the parts to show the researchers what parts he needed to replace it). He screwed in the final screw and got finished right as the head scientist came in.

“Cryo. Dinner,” said Ty. “Sorry, dinner is late Cryo,” said Gerald. “We… had to restock on the food… Can you take a little bit of time off from repairing the device to eat?” asked Ty. Cryo looked back at them, smiled, and nodded. He put his tools away and started to eat. He devoured his food quickly and was about to start working to repair a Spark strike laptop for one of the soldiers at the base a bit before bed.

But suddenly, he started to feel lightheaded… His head started to spin a bit. He felt like his whole body was going numb. He felt extremely tired. His eyes began to lose focus. He gave a big yawn, and slowly laid himself down on his side and fell into a deep, deep sleep on the sand. Ty and Gerald stood over him. Gerald lifted his arm and brought the silver object around his wrist close to his head. He pressed a button on the side of it and then began to speak into it.

“Cryo’s sedated. Let’s get him moved into his new room quickly. Hopefully this will work. Bring in the stretcher.” The security team soon entered with a stretcher, and strapped Cryo onto it. “Alright, let’s get him into his new room,” said Gerald. “Will he wake up?” asked one of the soldiers. “He shouldn’t, Kyle. The sedative should last until morning. Although, we never tried this on Cryo before, or any Dragon for that matter… We have an injection ready in case he wakes up,” said Ty.

Ty took one last look at the sleeping baby blue dragon, resting peacefully on the stretcher. He knelt and rubbed his forehead a few times and smiled. “Rest easy, little one. You’ll be home soon…” he said. He looked to the left of Cryo’s workspace and saw the long chew toy they found once buried in the sand in the room. Cryo started to keep it close to him after he repaired Gerald’s phone. Ty stood back up and looked back to the others. “Alright team. Let’s get him in.” They carried Cryo away and picked up all his tools and the few toys within the pen, including the long wolfy chew toy, to somewhere else within the large facility.

That night, Cryo dreamed of his old life. He remembered his family and all the fun times he spent with his “brother.” He really wished he could somehow see them again. But it seemed the boundaries of space and time had all but split them apart from him, and it was unlikely he’d ever hear their voices again. While life had become better for him at the base, now that he was doing something more fun, he still misses his old life. As he dreamed about his old life, no sooner did mourning come and now Cryo had to wake up from this daze.

Ch 6

Toddler Time

Cryo blinked a few times and gave out a yawn. His head was still a little fuzzy and his eyes had some trouble focusing from the sedative. He realized that something had been wrapped carefully and very tightly around him. As he began to recover from his daze, he began to realize that it was not there to restrain him. It was soft, warm, and felt a bit stiff, but strangely comfy around his body. Looking around, he saw he was surrounded by walls that were a shaded darkened cyan with a bunch of tiny holes in it, allowing him to see through. Feeling the numbness wearing off he picked his head up a tiny bit to get a better look of where he was now. He realized that the thing around him now was a comfy blanket. He looked closer to it, and saw it had a cartoonish blue dragon smiling and laying down in a red shirt and a cyan scarf on the front of it, with the words, “Cryo’s Blanket Buddy.” reading under it. He also saw that his head was laying on a pillow. It was light blue, with a sleeping blue baby dragon on a cloud, with the words, “Sweet dreams, in a sea of clouds,” in an arc above the picture in blue letters. He then realized that the ground he was resting on was also very soft, like a large pillow. Or maybe… a bed?

Confused a bit, he looked around toward the walls surrounding him. Moving his left paw from inside the blanket, out the front, he touched the wall, and it felt soft like a cushion as well. They were on all sides except above. They were also pretty high up from his position, and would be very hard for him to climb out. Cryo picked himself up putting his other front paw to the front outside the blanket and his back limbs from the back. He lifted himself up with the blanket still wrapped around his body. He saw the long blue wolfy plush from back in his old room in the dwelling, but it seemed to have been cleaned. Cryo smelled it a few times, and it smelt like fresh citrus. The smell relaxed him a bit. He grabbed it and held it against him as continued to observe around this strange place. He realized quickly it seemed that the room extended beyond them. 

Cryo looked past the 4 surrounding walls, and could see that the room beyond had a different wall motif. The room was pretty large and was square in shape. The dwelling he was in seemed to be nestled against the farthest corner inside the room against the two adjoining walls. He saw what seemed to be the exit on the exact opposite corner of the room. The walls all around the room were painted to have an image of a large mountain range, complete with forests, snow, rock formations, animals, and a village with both dragons and humans together in it, with some even flying in the air.

Cryo also realized that the area he’s been sleeping in seemed to be suspended off the ground a bit. Looking down around the room, he saw the ground seemed to be mostly made of soft, dark blue carpeting, with many different toys around, like balls, small toy spaceships, and many other different items. One even looked like his favorite white dog plush he had back with Greg and the others, but brand new.

Looking to the right directly from his dwelling, he saw a large dresser, connected to the adjoining wall, with several large drawers on it. Next to it was what seemed to be a closet with a glass door, which he thought he could see some jackets and sweaters in it. His size… Next to the closet, was a long rectangular mirror, low to the ground.

Looking further down, he saw that there was a large, metallic brown work table nestled at the far right corner much further back in the room, made to fit around his needs when repairing items. It wasn’t suspended very high from the ground, with a hard black floor around it and a long, very low to the ground, sturdy seat going across from it. He saw that the tools the researchers got him were already there along with strangely, only the scrap parts tray. To the right of the work bench nestled against the adjoining wall, seemed to be a massive metal cabinet, with a large amount of large drawers attached to it. Above the cabinet, it read in large letters, “Spare parts cabinets.” Cryo didn’t know what it actually said though.

Cryo then tilted his head directly to the left of his dwelling and saw what seemed to be a medium sized flat screen tv close by. A little ways away from it, was a large and comfy looking bean bag chair that looked a bit like a blue asteroid. A movie player was also sitting to the left of the tv. Under the tv and movie player was a black cabinet with see through doors that looked like they carried movies in their cases in it. He saw one of the cases out and sitting out on top of the tv stand. While a little hard to see from where he was, he thought he could see a character from his favorite tv program, Capsule Creatures, on the case.

Further down, connected directly to the left corners of the room, he saw what appeared to be a very large window, with the bright light of the sun beaming in. From his angle, he could see a bit of the mountain range. He saw that there was a step leading up to the window and there was also a bright yellow bean bag placed there. The ground was also red carpet, with a large picture of a sun with the bean bag centered on it. He thought for a moment that it would be a comforting place to watch a sunset during late hours or even to take a small nap in.

Looking forward toward the entrance again at the front of the room, he saw what seemed to be a small kitchen. The ground around there seemed to be made of tiles. There was a small standard steel fridge and freezer in the back. There also seemed to be a large array of drawers and cabinets to the left and right of the fridge. Some were connected to the ground and some suspended against the ceiling above the ground ones.

A little ways away from the kitchen area was a medium sized rectangular wooden table. The legs seemed to have been carved to resemble dragon heads. There were 4 wooden chairs surrounding it. Each of the chairs’ backs had been carved to make the picture of the dragon’s head and neck and the back. One however, seemed to be bigger than the other 3. It was wider, raised a bit closer to the table, and the dragon carving on the back showed a full dragon on it. He thought it looked a bit like him. Cryo could see his name, painted in blue above the seat.

In the very center of the room, there seemed to be a medium sized playpen, that was similar in style to the dwelling Cryo was in now. On closer inspection, Cryo could see a few toys inside, which felt a bit strange to him. When he normally took a time out inside of one, he’d not be permitted to play with toys, at least back on the mountains. He could also see that the ground inside seemed pretty cushiony as well and it looked like there was another blanket folded and placed towards the corner inside of it.

Cryo began to step back a bit where he was standing and bumped into the back of the strange dwelling he was in. He stumbled onto his bottom, but slowly got back up with a look of bewilderment. Cryo started to wonder if he was still asleep. He began to shake the blanket from his body. As it fell to the ground, he realized that there were some more things on him. It seems he also was wearing a soft blue shirt with an ice covered mountain with snow falling around and a cartoonish blue dragon looking like him standing at the very top smiling. The words “Climbing to a new life. Cryo the Dragon, Brave explorer,” were below the mountain picture. Around his neck was a new purple scarf, with pictures of blue dragons seemingly running forward on it.

Cryo believed now that his time here must be affecting his dreams now, and tried shaking again to try to wake himself up. But nothing happened. He shook again. Nothing happened still. Cryo thought that either he must be in a very deep sleep now, or maybe this actually is real! But he realized something else. While he was shaking, something else was attached around his neck and was moving around under the scarf. He reached into it, and realized it was a pacifier on a strap. This one however was made to be bigger to be able to fit in his mouth more comfortably. Now Cryo was really confused. 

However, an idea began to take shape in his mind. Why was everything surrounding him right now so soft and secure? Made to keep him from falling off the bed or to keep him from getting out and into trouble? With a comfy blanket and clothes made for sleep. Could this be… a crib? And the outer room itself. It seemed like it was made for someone like him. With different toys around the ground and a comforting wall art. A place to be fed, play, and a place to work on repairing things? There was even a place for clothes that seemed to be his size… Why else would it look like this compared to what it was before?

“Good morning Cryo,” said Ty. Cryo looked toward the front of the room now, and could see Ty, standing in the doorway of the room, smiling and wearing a blue sweater and some nice black jeans. Next to him was Gerald, who had a Cyan sweater and gray pants. They slowly walked to his crib until they were looking over him.

“Do you like what we did little guy?” Cryo walked himself over to the closest end to him and sat down, looking confused. “We made some arrangements to create a better room for you little guy. We hope you like it. We read about a few things and we think this should be more adequate to your needs than what you had before.” said Ty.

“Are you thirsty?” asked Gerald. Gerald went to the kitchen area in the back and took out what seemed to be a bottle from one of the upper cabinets. He then went to the fridge and took out a white container and poured some of its contents into it. He came back and placed it in front of Cryo. “Here you go, little guy.”

A little hesitant at first, but it didn’t take long for Cryo to pick it up and start to drink from it a bit. He realized quickly that it had very fresh milk in it. He gave out a smile and then laid on his back with his bottle in his front paws and continued to drink from it. “Once you’re done with that, would you like to take a “break.” Get a view of the outside?” Cryo lowered the bottle and gave a small nod with a smile. “Alright little buddy. We’ll take you outside for a bit and get you back to play a bit. We also have a few things to repair or take apart if you would like as well.” Cryo gave another smile. He moved the bottle back into his mouth and continued to drink from it. It didn’t take long for Cryo to finish his bottle after that. He got off his back and stood up. He held his paw up and gave the bottle back to Gerald. Gerald smiled and rubbed the back of his head a few times.

“Let’s change you out of those night clothes first. It’s a tiny bit colder today, so I bet you’ll want a nice shirt to wear today, won’t you?” Ty lifted the shirt off of Cryo, and placed it in a laundry hamper next to his crib on the adjoining wall on the left. He went to the drawer next to his crib. He looked through the shirts a bit, and picked one out. “Alright little guy. Hold your arms up.” Cryo obliged and lifted his paws forward. Ty then put on Cryo a nice yellow shirt, with the picture of a cartoony Cryo swimming in the water at a beach, with the words, “Beach Buddy,” on the bottom.

“Alright Cryo. Let’s go out. Gerald will be coming with us.” Cryo gave a nod. Ty picked up Cryo and took him out of his Crib. They put a harness on Cyro and attached a small, thin chain onto it and soon they left his room and down a couple hallways towards the outer walls of the research center (luckily, the area was fenced in and had plenty of grass and shrubs dotting around it). This was the first time Cryo really got a chance to see around the research base. He was quite excited to be able to finally really move around and stretch his legs. After Cryo’s “break,” they took him back into his room. “Do you need anything from us Cryo. Another bottle? Some play time?” Cryo shook his head. He put his pacifier in his mouth to chew on it and headed to play with the white dog plush. “Alright, we’ll be back in a bit, Cryo.” 

Both the scientist’s headed out the room and shut the door. “So… how long are we going to keep him like this? We have to wean him off of these things sooner or later,” said Gerald. “Let’s keep him in a more familiar setting for now. We’ll work on communication and basic etiquette in maybe a couple months or a year. By then we should be able to start weaning him into being more mature. After that, we’ll try to teach him some math and science, and other subjects.” “Are we going to homeschool him?” “It may be best to try to teach him like any other human. We need him to get more used to us and to trust us more first. Until then, it’s best we do this,” replied Ty. “Alright then. When should we come back?” “Give Cryo an hour right now. We’ll check back on him then.” They both began to walk away through the hallway.

“We should probably give him a nice bath tonight. He’s probably been wanting a bath since he came here. Getting him cleaned up might make him feel nice and cozy after so long.” said Ty. “Yea. Let’s give him one at 7:30 tonight. A little bit before bed,” said Gerald.

So a year passed. Cryo’s life became much happier. The researchers there spent much time with Cryo. They made sure that he had play time with them, sat together for meals, watched over carefully, given baths, and given plenty of breaks. It wasn’t long after that they started to teach basic communication and etiquette to Cryo. They got him talking quite a bit, so it was now easier to know what Cryo needed (and of course, they were very careful trying to prevent him from becoming spoiled). With his language skills becoming more streamlined, they started to change his room around. They slowly replaced items in his room and in his daily activities, and of course adapted Cryo to these changes. His crib was changed to a hay bed. His “hatchling,” bottles were changed to proper cups. Cryo’s pacifier was slowly weaned away from him (this was particularly hard for Cryo). And Cryo was now given more freedom to move around the base (of course there was still always someone watching him). Things are progressing smoothly now. As Cryo slowly matured, so did the scientist’s fascination with him. But now, came a real test. With things going so well, a new important question came up.

Can a dragon go and learn from school? There was no telling how Cryo would take up to learning. He was still pretty smart. Seeing he has a fascination with technology, could they possibly take him further? Is it possible that maybe instead of learning by taking technology apart and putting it back together, or repairing old devices, can they actually try to teach him the basics of knowledge and maybe even in the future, he may be able to create new devices himself? This new project would be long and difficult, and there was no telling how Cryo would respond to actual school work. But this was too good of an opportunity to let slide. It had to happen. 

Ch 7

School Serphant

Ty woke up from his bed at about 8:30 A.M. It would be the first day for “school,” for Cryo (take note. they were not going to send Cryo to a school outside the research center. They had made a makeshift school at the research base for the families of researchers and military personnel living here). They had been building up to this point and have been trying to pump Cryo up for it. He had been given a much better understanding from reading from “storytime,” with the researchers. Ty got up, and went to put on a set of casual clothes and went to the door of his room. He found Gerald waiting outside the door to his room.

“Are you ready Ty?” he asked. “I hope so. We’ve never tried something like this on any creature other than a human before.,Ty replied “Is it a good idea to mix Cryo with other humans in a kindergarten setting? The kids around the base sometimes came to the window in Cryo’s room to watch him go around. The kid’s here were always told to leave Cryo alone until they think he’s more ready to socialize. They really never had a chance to know him.” “My son always said Cryo looked cute and silly. He kept telling me he always wanted to play with him. He actually always liked watching Cryo eat and drink from a bottle when I was in the room with him.” “But what about the other kids? You know that bullying usually happens to kids who look different. I really don’t want Cryo exposed to something like that. Remember the reason we were able to find Cryo in the first place?”

“Yes… the report called about a strange creature who attacked those youngsters. In reality, these three kids attacked Cryo’s “brother,” to steal from him… It would be really bad if something like that happened again. There is no telling how he would react. He blasted the 3 of them with water. Span their heads quite a bit…” “Should we just “homeschool,” him in the room instead?” “He needs interaction. Cryo told me himself that he wished he had some friends. He’s been thinking about his “brother,” Noble lately. He said that the only ones he’s played with are adults. He wishes he had a buddy like him.” “Nothing is like him… Except maybe his mother…” “I know. I know… As much as I hate to say it, Cryo’s right. He needs someone else. Someone who could be a good friend to him.” “Isn’t your son starting school today as well?” “Yes, actually. My wife brought him early to the classroom, and told him that Cryo would be joining at about the time class starts.” “Maybe try telling him to keep an eye on Cryo? To watch his back?” “Maybe. Anyway, let’s get Cryo ready. It’s a little colder today, so I have Cryo’s silver jacket ready. Let’s get him ready.” So the two scientist’s headed out to pick up Cryo for school.

They made it to Cryo’s room, and unlocked the door (while Cryo was allowed to move more around the base, his door would be locked when it is time for bed or when no one was available to watch him). They headed in, and found Cryo still asleep in his hay bed, tightly huddled in his blanket. They came toward the bed and gave Cryo a small nudge. “Cryo. Wake up. Time for your first day of school,” said Ty. Cryo slowly opened his eyes and locked eyes with Ty. He then gave out a big yawn. “Oh… Mworning mwister Ty. Mwister Gerald. It’s finawy time to lern?” “Yes it is Cryo. Let’s get you ready.” They changed Cryo out of his nightshirt and into his silver jacket and a nice blue scarf. “I hawvet seen muy jwacket since my birfday. It remimes me of mi big brofer. “I know Cryo. Try to work a bit more on you language, Cryo. Be more clear. Think a bit more on your words. “Yes mwister Gerald.” “Alright let’s get going Cryo. The others are waiting. So the group headed to the classroom near the front of the facility.

They soon enough made it and now it was time to say goodbye to Cryo. They were a little late, but class hadn’t started yet anyway, so it was fine. They opened the door to the classroom and stepped in. They were greeted by a bunch of prying eyes of a couple of kids watching the dragon from the front, including the eyes of Ty’s son.

“Alright Cryo. We really need you to be a good boy here. Absolutely no attacking anyone Cryo. Understand?” “Wy wud I awtack somwon mister Ty?” asked Cryo. “Because your different Cryo.” “Becuse I’m dwiffwent?” “Yes. None of the kids really know you Cryo. They don’t realize your a good kid. Your not like them. Neither in appearance or in personality. That might not rub off the right way with the other kids. “Wy?” “It’s… a weakness in humans Cryo. A major one. It’s something that all of us have. “Weally?” “Yes. This was one of the reasons that we had to leave Earth, our home world. We couldn’t get along from our own differences. We took from our home and from each other more then we gave. As a result, earth was nearly destroyed from the strife. We had to leave because there wasn’t much left for us after. While we as humans have somewhat learned from our past, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t still happen every now and then. Please Cryo, no matter what happens here. No matter what the other kids say about you or anyone else. Just know one thing.” “What, mwister Ty?” “Your a very special kid Cryo. No one can take that from you. No matter what they do to you or say, no one can change that. Ever. No matter what happens, don’t attack anyone for any reason. No matter what they say or do to you.” “Ok. I pwomise I won’t.” “Ok. Cryo. Have a good day at school. Goodbye Cryo. See you soon.” “Goodbye mwister Ty. Mwister Gerald.”

They both gave Cryo a hug and sent him away. Cryo stepped forward into the classroom and looked around to get a better look at it. There was a group of desks looking towards the front of the class with a chalkboard furthest down the room attached to the wall. As Cryo stepped forward the teacher soon stepped in behind him to greet him.

“Ahh you must be our new very special student.” Cryo looked behind toward a towering lady looking upon him. She had white skin with red mixed in, red curly hair, glasses like Ty, silver earrings, and wearing a pink shirt with a red vest, blue jeans, and brown shoes. She also looked a bit older.

“You are Cyro, are you not?” she asked. “Yes. Im Cwyyo, miss.” “Excellent. I’ll take you to your seat. Do you have all the supplies you need?” Cryo remember the backpack Gerald gave to him before coming here. “Yes miss. I hawv it in hewe,” Cryo said. “Good. I’ve heard good things about you Cryo. Come with me to your seat,” she said. “I’m Mrs. Crowder. I’ll be your teacher for kindergarten. She took Cryo to a seat in the back, a little bit away from the other kids, and class soon began. “Alright kids. We have a very special new student joining us today. I’m sure some of you have seen this little one walking around the base. Why don’t you introduce yourself.” All the eyes of the classroom immediately began to stare at the little dragon. While getting nervous now, Cryo managed to speak up. “Hewwo evwyone… I’m… Cwyyo… Cwyyo the dwagon…” No one gave an answer. “…Welcome to our class Cryo. We hope you’ll be able to feel welcome here. Now class. please turn to page 10 of your math book. We’ll be starting with learning some addition and some subtraction today.”

Ch 8

Outlier Outcast

So the day continued. Cryo seemed to pick up on the basic subjects quite quickly. It wasn’t very long before Cryo got done with his work in the classroom. Soon enough. It was recess. Time to get a break and play for a bit. The kids left their seats and left to play with toys. Cryo himself decided to take a break to try and play with the other kids. He approached a group of the kids and said “Hi evwyone. Can I pway with you?” They gave no answer and stared. “Can you guys talk to me.” “Be quiet you dumb reptile…” one of the kids said. “Wha?” Cryo said. “Why is there a giant dumb lizard in the classroom? It’s obvious it’s too dumb to learn anything here. Can’t even talk correctly,” said another kid. “Wha! wha do you mean!” “Look at that stupid blue skin. I’ll probably get sick just by touching it.” another kid said. Cryo was starting to feel like an outcast. “Stupid lizard. Go away. You’re no smarter than a rock.” The other kids started to laugh and Cryo knew he wasn’t wanted.

Feeling very sad, he went to the right side of the classroom to be alone. Taking his book bag with him. He took out his tools and a broken device, and started to tinker with a broken device to try and repair it. “Look at that overgrown lizard, trying to mess with that tablet. He’s probably breaking it even more!” the other kids chuckled a bit, making Cryo even sadder. But he realized there was nothing he could do so he continued to tinker with it to try and fix it. He took in a deep breath and continued.

One of the kids over there though, came over to Cryo and began to watch him. Cryo felt his presence and began to get nervous. “What are you doing?” the kid asked. Cryo didn’t answer. “You ok?” he asked. “Whet do u want?” replied Cryo. “I just wanted to see if you were alright…” “Aren’t u just gowing to make fwun of me like the ofers?” “No. I’m Cameron. Nice to meet you.” Cryo started to feel a little better. He looked towards the other. This kid was had white skin mixed with red, brown eyes, straight, brown hair, and wearing blue jeans and a blue shirt. “I’m Cwyyo.” “My father has talked a lot about you, Cryo.” “He haws?” “Yes. You know my father well Cryo. He’s Ty.” “Your fawthr is Mister Ty?” “Yes. I’ve seen you playing with him in your room here.” “Yu have?” “Yes. I always thought you were really cute when you were playing with him.” “Weally?” “Yes. I think you’re a lot smarter than everyone here is thinking you are. They just don’t understand you.” Cryo thought about it for a moment.

“None of the kids here know that you’re more than just what they see. My father has told me a ton about how special you are. I’ve heard several stories from my dad about your mom, your previous life, what he’s been doing with you here, and more. I think you’re really cool.” Cryo looked at Cameron and gave a small smile. “Don’t let the others get you down. I think they are just jealous of you?” “Why are they jelos of mwe?” “Because, they want to be able to fly like you. They want to be able to have powers like you. They hate not being dragons, so they try to take it out on you to put you down. They think you are just a mindless reptile who doesn’t deserve them.” “What about u?” “I only want to be a friend to the one being put down like the others.” “Fwiend…” “Can I be your friend, Cryo?” “Won’t the others mwak fun of u too?” “I don’t mind them. Their words are empty. They don’t realize how special you are. So can I?” “Cryo thought for a moment, and then gave a big nod. “Wow. Cameron must be as mindless as that reptile…” one of the others said. The other kids giggled. The pair looked back at each other and gave a nod and a smile. “So what are you doing Cryo?”

So the day passed. Things were much better for Cryo now. While the others still teased, he felt comfort knowing at least someone accepted him. Soon it was time for Cryo to go back to his room on the research center. Before he left for his room, he wanted to say thank you to his new friend. “Thwank u for being nis to me. “Maybee you could com to my home here som tim. Away from all these other bullees.” “Maybe if my father lets me. He’s nervous about letting me around you. “Why?” “Well, he doesn’t really know how you would really take playing with others. “I pwayed with my brofer where I used to liv.” “Don’t worry Cryo. I’ll ask Dad if he’ll let me see you sometime.” “Twank Yu.” “One more thing Cryo.” “Yea?” “Definitely work on your speech, ok?” “K.”

So time passed again. The others continued to be mean while Cryo ended up easily being one of the smartest in class. Subjects and work came naturally to him (though it took him a while to get proper speech down). He was naturally curious and asked plenty of questions about the subjects presented to him. Ty was nice enough to set up “play dates,” between Cryo and his son. Things worked out very well. The extra companionship helped Cryo get out the anxiety of the other kids just being dumb and mean. Cryo had begun to upgrade and change some of the devices around his room with the help and planning of some of the skilled technicians and engineers in the base. He even built some himself with a little bit of their help as well. Soon enough, years passed. Cryo’s body began to change a bit, his Cyan scales on his belly became blue and was slowly growing bigger and bigger. With time passing, Cryo was soon ready to start 4th grade learning soon.

Ch 9

Ocean Opening

It was summer vacation now though, and Cryo wanted to swim. However, taking Cryo somewhere to swim around the area would be difficult, as there would be way too many prying eyes of people. So there was a small full day trip out to the ocean on a boat (with “personal escorts’,” for Cryo and the researchers) near the forest on the coast. This was too good of an opportunity to finally test Cryo’s more water based ability and traits in an unrestricted environment. Cameron would also be allowed to come along. So the group left towards the ocean a little bit away from the city and mountains.

They arrived and made sure no one else was around for their “family trip.” They then unloaded their supplies. “Alright Cryo. Are you ready for a nice swim today? “Yes Ty. I’ve been waiting so long for another chance to swim. I don’t remember the last time I’ve actually swam in deep water outside of the small water facility at home. I’ve wanted to go somewhere outside the base for awhile.” “Good. Let me put this around your arm real quick, Cryo.” said Ty. “What is it?” Cryo replied back. “This device is to measure your speed and heart rate while you’re swimming. We want to see how fast a dragon like yourself does in open water and how much exertion it has on your body.” “It’s electrical, right? Won’t it short circuit in the water?” “It’s been made specifically to resist water damage. Don’t worry about it Cryo.” “I was actually hoping it would be a little. Maybe I could have taken it apart to fix it after…” “Maybe we’ll let you when we’re done here anyway, little repairman. “Alright then. Put it on.” Gerald strapped the device around Cryo’s front arm, which looked similar to a watch, with two straps and a very flat and smooth across Cryo’s wrist. The screen was a small rectangle with a pointed top, which bent around Cryo’s wrist and adjusted as he moved it. Cryo looked at it, and saw it showed his vitals. “Hmm. I would think a device like this would be much bigger and bulky. I shouldn’t have any trouble swimming with this on,” thought Cryo. 

Soon enough, they unloaded their supplies on the boat, which included food, drink, standard swimming gear (for the human occupants), and a boat tube for tubing (they also hoped Cryo might try it as well, with the hopes to test his ability to balance himself. Cryo’s claws before the trip were trimmed and shortened as well and the tube itself was reinforced with lightweight plastic to prevent it from popping). With the crew ready to head off, Ty started the engine to the boat. “Why do we have a couple of armed crew here Ty? Is it really that dangerous out on the ocean?” asked Cryo. “It’s… just a safety precaution. You never know what you might encounter on the ocean.” Cryo thought for a moment. “Well. Ok then. Are we ready to set sail?” “Yes. Let’s shove off.” So the crew set out on the open sea.

Cryo enjoyed the feel of the wind and water as the boat rushed on ahead. Looking over the side of the boat on the vast field of water gave him a sense of thrill and adventure. He talked with Cameron as they sailed on the open sea, with some of the crew watching them intently and taking notes. After some time of sailing on the sea, they decided that it was time to see Cryo swim. They stopped the boat with the open water surrounding them, and looked toward Cryo, who was still looking at the sea. “Alright Cryo. Are you ready to go on the open water?” “Yes I am Ty.” He looked toward Cameron, who was putting on a life jacket. “Will I have to put on a life jacket too?…” he asked. “No you won’t Cryo. I think you will be able to swim well enough.” “Thank goodness… That “safety device” would just slow me down!” “Alright Cryo, why don’t you and Cameron jump in and show us what you got!”

So the two stepped over the side of the boat, ready to make a splash. “Last one in, is a rotten blowfish!” said Cameron. The two quickly jumped into the water, making a nice big splash as they both hit the water. Their two heads popped up soon after.

Cryo’s body began to change. His talons retracted completely inside his feet and his feet became webbed. His tail shortened quite a bit and his head and body became much more smooth, and his head now had a small fin at the top and another large one across his back. His wings become smaller and much more smooth. The research team had seen Cryo’s transformation before when they ran swimming tests with him at the base. They watched as the two swam around the boat. They soon started to talk to each other.

“This water is much colder than I’m used to,” said Cryo. “Did you swim much back on the mountains?” asked Cameron. Cryo paused for a moment at the question. “Oh, I’m sorry Cryo. I forgot…” “No… It’s… fine. I… really only had one chance to swim with them. It was… on my first birthday.” “Is… that’s why you usually don’t want to celebrate it.” “Yeah… I guess…” “You miss them, don’t you?” “Yea… but… there is nothing I can do to see them…” “Why Cryo?” “I know these people want me to stay here. And I can’t just try to get away from here. They probably have ways to figure out where I’m going. I repaired a tiny tracking device for them once. I wouldn’t be surprised if they inserted one in me. Even if I somehow removed it, they would know I would be trying to find my family. I don’t know where to go to find them. They probably know where they are now. They may go after them to get to me. I… I can’t get them in trouble again for my sake. It’s better they live without me…” “I understand. I don’t know what I would do if they ever sent Dad away.”

They started to slow down a bit, with the crew listening in the conversation more closely. “I heard you had straight A’s in school this semester.” “Actually, I got a B- in social studies.” “Why?” “It’s hard to get into the history of another race when you wonder so much about your own. I realize I’m not a human. I… really don’t know what I am. The only one who could possibly tell me is still asleep, after all this time. I heard that there was a diary somewhere at the research center that could give me a better idea of what I am, but I never had a chance to read it.” “Maybe dad has it.” “Maybe. But I doubt he’d let me read it.” They continued to swim around the boat for a bit. Cameron turned to face Cryo.

“Why are you so smart Cryo?” “I guess… It’s because I listen and do what the others tell me. The researchers. Teachers. The ones who take care of me now.” “Dad always told me you were surprisingly obedient. In fact, he said it was incredibly rare that you’d be disobedient or ever get into trouble, even when you first came to the base. When you did get in trouble, you wouldn’t even try to argue or get mad. You’d just accept your punishment and move on without a single fuss.” “I have to. It’s not a good idea for me to resist them or cause trouble. Otherwise, the combat personnel at the base may go after my family.” “You think they would send people after your loved ones back on the mountains if you got in trouble too much or didn’t do what the researchers say?” “I don’t know. But it’s probably better for their sake that I try to be as good as possible. Besides… Taking a time out when I was young wasn’t that bad… They’d take my toys out of the play pen, but left a blanket for me to huddle up inside of it. My play pen wasn’t only there to punish me. There were times where they’d put me inside because something came up that required their attention somewhere else and no one else was available to watch me. It was surprisingly comfy inside, I’ll admit. I’d usually take the blanket and have a small nap when placed inside.” Cryo gave out a sigh… 

“Nonetheless, I miss my family so much. I wonder how they are doing right now…” “Come on Cryo. This is a nice outing for the both of us. It’s very rare that anyone is allowed outside the research center. Don’t be so glum. Why don’t you try asking them if you could visit your family?” “They would probably say no. I’m too important for their research.” “You won’t know until you try.” “I suppose… But they probably have already moved on and forgotten about me. I’m not the same as I was 5 and a half years ago. I doubt they would even recognize me. Not even my brother…” The people back on the boat shook their heads… The truth hit them hard…

“So… That’s why,” said Gerald. “He’s so obedient and good natured because he’s trying to protect his family. Even now… he’s still trying to protect them,” said Ty. “Is Cryo afraid of us?” “It seems so, albeit a little bit. We removed him from the ones he loved years ago. We introduced him to a new life. A new world then the one he was growing up in. Even when he first arrived, he still followed commands. He never fought back. Never tried to get away. Always did what he was told. Even did anything he could to stay out of trouble, while also accepting consequences whenever he did. It was all because he feared we may hurt his adopted family.” “Why didn’t he ever tell us this?” “Why would he?… When do kids ever talk about problems like this.” “What should we do?” “I don’t know. This could cause significant psychological problems in the future if we can’t find a solution. We should…” And out of nowhere, shots could be heard hitting the armored boat!

Ch 10

Dragon Danger

“Everyone! Get down!” said one of the armed crew members. Immediately Cryo and Cameron, still in the water, turned around, and saw a small craft jetting towards them. “What’s going on!” exclaimed Cameron. Cryo, reacting immediately, grabbed Cameron with his webbed paws and blasted him onto the boat with a small blast of his water breath. “Get out of here everyone. I’ll lead them away!” yelled Cryo. “Cryo! What are you…!” said Cameron. “Just go! You can find me later!” Cryo immediately began to swim away at a high speed and the attacking boat soon set course straight for him! Soon the Cryo and the attacking boat were out of sight of them. “Hurry! Turn the boat on! We have to move. They may come back!” said one of the armed crew members. “But what about Cryo!” said Cameron. “The tracker is still implanted into Cryo. We can track him when we have support.” “But… He’s all alone on the ocean against those bad guys! They are probably going to hurt him!” “We can’t do anything right now.” “We have to go to shore before they come back.” “Sniff… Alright,” “Sigh… take us to shore Gerald…” said Ty. So the crew left for the shore with the hopes of getting support to find Cryo.

An hour passed before support arrived. “How many we have?” asked Ty. “6 light attack boats, with about 10 man armed crew each.” Gerald looked at a military solider, who was wearing a black leather suit and carrying a small device, rounded and with a screen on the front. “Will it be enough to find him, Kyle?” asked Gerald “It will depend on how far out the dragon went into the sea.” “Any idea who they were?” “No. No Intel about the ones who attacked you in the report. Could be pirates…” “But the ocean around these parts has been clear of that for years. It wouldn’t just start up again now… And they immediately targeted Cryo right as he started swimming away. They weren’t after us.” “I don’t know what else it could be.” He began to fiddle with the device a bit. “Bringing up tracking implant,” said Kyle “Alright. Quick. Every moment counts.” said Ty. Hang on while it loads up… Alright. We got a location!” “How far is he out to sea.” “Let me see. Hmm. That’s strange.” “What is it?” “He doesn’t appear to be out to sea at all.” “What! Where is he then?!” “Subject is 5 miles east, toward the Krayen forest. Subject is immobile. “Hurry. Get a ground team to him. We can’t leave him out there alone, especially if someone else is looking for him!” So taking a group of armored vehicles, they headed into the rough terrain of the forest. “Is… Cryo going to be ok, dad?” said Cameron. “I promise you. Cryo will be fine. He’s a smart dragon. He’ll know how to evade them.” said Ty “Oh. Hang in there Cryo. We’re coming!” said Cameron. So they headed to the location, and looked upon a surprising scene.

The forest around the area where Cryo was in was almost completly frozen! Trees, shrubs, rocks. Everything was covered in a thick layer of ice! “What on earth happened here?” asked Kyle. “I… don’t know. Keep your eyes peeled.” replied Ty. They continued to head forward. “Beacon is close. 21 yards ahead.” “Ready weapons everyone. We don’t know what’s ahead.” said Gerald. They continued heading forward into this frozen forest. And soon they arrived at the center, where large, towering pillar of ice stood. Along the outreaches were several vehicles frozen in ice.” “What is this?” “Beacon is very close. It seems to be, inside the ice?” “Wha… In the ice?” asked Ty. Ty loomed close to the ice pillar. “In here?” Ty asked. He looked into the ice to try to get a better look. It was very hazy inside. But it appeared that the inside was hollow. He began to make out a small cyan figure inside in the center. He realized it was Cryo, laying on his side, breathing very slowly! “Cryo! Cryo!” yelled Ty. Cryo wasn’t budging. “Someone quick! Break this ice!” “…Ty…” murmured Cryo.” Suddenly the vast expense of ice around the area immediately began to thaw and dissipate and the once frozen forest expanse now was released. Ty looked upon Cryo on the ground. “Cryo. You ok!?” “Ugh…” “Cryo then slowly closed his eyes and fell unconscious. “We need an immediate medical team here! Come on everyone, get him on the stretcher!” They immediately strapped Cryo in and hurriedly made way toward their armored transports, where the medical team were waiting. “Quick. Let’s get Cryo in one of the vehicles. We need to get out of here fast, before whoever those others were come back!” said one of the medics. So they quickly loaded Cryo into a armored medical transport to be hauled back into the research base.

Ch 11

Worrisome Words

They immediately took Cryo to the medical building to check to see if he was hurt. Ty and the others would have to wait in order to learn of Cryo’s condition. It wasn’t long after that the moon rose into the sky and night came upon the research center. “I can’t believe this happened.. Who would be so mean and do this to poor Cryo?” asked Cameron. “I don’t know, son. Whoever it was, was there for Cryo though.” replied Ty. “Do you think they were from Cryo’s original family?” asked Cameron. “No. We’ve… kept tabs on them. They haven’t had any misconduct against us since the incident. Nor do they know where we are. They don’t seem like the type of people who would go this far to get Cryo back. “This must have been the work of a third party” replied Gerald. “A third party? Who else would know about him? We’ve sealed off the research center and no one within the nearby city should have any idea about Cryo.” “That’s the thing. It was no accident that they came on the day we wanted to test Cryo’s aquatic abilities. They knew we were going out to sea for this. They knew we would have a small crew defending him. None of us expected them. If there was any other time to get to him, it would have been now.” said Gerald.

“Where are you going with this, Gerald?” said Ty. “What I’m saying, is that the only way anyone would have known that we were out there today, is…”  “If someone gave them that information…” replied Ty. “Someone in this base wants Cryo,” said Gerald. “Who would want Cryo? And why?” asked Cameron. “I don’t know the exact reason why anyone would want Cryo. It could be to gain a large amount of cash on a new discovery. It could be they want to harness Cryo’s powers to do something nasty. It could even be to hold him for ransom. Whatever the reason is, we need to be much more careful with him.” “If what your saying is true Gerald, then we have a mole here somewhere. Cryo’s at risk. We’ll need to increase security around Cryo. They may make an attempt to take him from here now that their first plan failed.” “Alright. I’ll get on it Ty. What are you going to do?” “Excuse me,” said a familiar voice. They turned to the right to look and saw Nancy in the doorway. “Is Cryo ok?” asked Cameron. 

“Yes. He’s alright.” The group felt a huge sense of relief hearing these words. “Cryo is sleeping right now. He’ll wake up in the morning.” “Is he hurt?” asked Cameron.” “No. He’s just feeling the effects of this,” she replied. She then took a small, thin object out of her pocket. “What is that Dad?” “That… That’s some sort of dart,” replied Ty. “Correct. This small dart was found in Cryo’s back left leg. Seems someone tried to take him using a tranquilizer gun. As you can see from closer inspection, the dart held a chemical inside which broke and leached into Cryo’s back right leg as it was injected in him.” “Must have tried to sedate him to take him without effort.” “Actually, not exactly. We ran some tests on Cryo and we found traces of the chemical, Nume, inside of him.” “Nume? From the crushed seeds of the Nueraula (Nur-al-a) plant?” “The same.” “Nueraula? Nume? What is she talking about Dad?” asked Cameron. 

“The Nueraula plant is a rare plant found very deep in dry savanna areas. Its seeds, when crushed and boiled, cause them to secrete a fluid that when ingested or injected, causes paralysis on that unlucky soul for a while. It can last only for a few hours or for several days, depending on how strong the creatures immune system is.” “That’s awful! Who would want to do that to Cryo!” Gerald stepped forward and put his hand under his chin and scratched it a bit. He then looked back to Ty. “Yes. Who would? I think it would have been far easier to just sedate him. Instead, they wanted to paralyze him? Why? The only reason I would think they would have wanted him awake…” Gerald paused for a second. “Is because they wanted to be able to talk to him… They wanted some type of information from him. It can’t be anything good…” Ty nodded. “This might also give us an idea of what happened in the forest.” “What do you mean Dad?” “Here’s what I think what happened.”

“After Cryo led the group away from the boat, he must have eventually come back toward the shore to try to escape and make his way back to us. Now that I think about it. Nancy. Did the heart rate monitor record his rate and speed during the incident?” “Yes it did. It read he went over 130 mph and exerted a heart rate of 150-170 beats per minute. As you know, his heart typically beats at 110-130 beats per minute. He had to swim pretty fast to outpace the other boat, especially considering he had to probably also had to swim very erratically to get back to the shore without getting hit with one of these darts beforehand. He seemed to be pretty exhausted by the time he was able to get back to shore, as seen here. His heart capped at this point, at 176 beats per minute.” “Could that have been when he was hit with the dart?” “Possibly. When anything is suffering from the effects of this poison, it starts with the subject finding it harder to control it’s limb movements. Running, walking, grabbing, movements like this will become progressively harder to control. Depending on the size of the creature, the effects may happen faster or more slowly. By Cryo’s size, I estimate at about 4 minutes, he would at least start to feel these effects.” “So Cryo made it to shore, but was followed into the forest by these people. They managed to stick one of these darts into him before or after he made it to shore, and they continued to follow him, knowing he would eventually succumb to full paralysis.”

“Correct. Second stage of the effect is severe numbness. Limbs and other appendages start to stop working. Heart rate slows. Subject finds it much more of a struggle to move.” “Poor Cryo,” said Cameron. “Final stage is, of course, complete paralysis. Subject loses all ability to move. Subject will probably feel light headed. Subject may lose his ability to “control his need to take a break,” if you get my drift. The subject may lose consciousness, but this is rare. Typically the subject will attempt everything they can to move after (especially in Cryo’s case), but cannot. Now the body attempts to respond to extinguish the poisons from the subject’s system. Typically through sweating.From what I can see from the heart monitor, it seems this started at about 5:12 P.M. about an hour and a half before we found him. It looks like he was able to fight it off for about 40 minutes before he completely succumbed judging by his heart rate slowing to its minimum here. Much longer than most other creatures could, especially for his size.” “If that’s the case Dad, why was the forest frozen? And how did they not capture him?”

“Hmm… I think… It’s because they underestimated what he was capable of.” “What do you mean Dad?” “Here’s what I think. Cryo was struggling to get away at this point. They waited until the paralysis took full effect before they approached him. They thought they had him. But Cryo, desperate, decided to tap into his own freezing power to save himself. It’s possible he knew how to. Or he did not. Either way, it worked. He was able to freeze the area around him. Judging how we found no one frozen there, when that happened, the people chasing him grew fearful, and ran off, not wanting to get frozen. Seeing as how Cryo also created a hollow piller of ice around himself to protect himself in, it’s clear that even if they came back, they would not be able to break it in time before we found him. Cryo’s a clever boy.” “Indeed. It seems even in the most difficult moments, Cryo seems to be able to get himself out of bad positions,” said Gerald. “Yes. But the question remains. Who is responsible? And why?”

“These will have to be questions for another time. Right now, we have to make sure he gets better,” said Ty. “Yes. I want Cryo to be moved back to his room immediately. No one gets in except us. Me, Gerald, Cameron, and you Nancy. “Why just us? Shouldn’t we just have a full security detail on him?” asked Ty. Gerald looked out the window in the back of the infirmary. “We can’t trust anyone. Someone at this base wants Cryo. It can’t be for anything good. I’m sure whoever it was will make another attempt. I have no doubt about that. Only those we absolutely trust can go see him. Until this is resolved, we cannot risk him getting attacked again. Understand?” Everyone looked at each other and nodded in agreement. “Alright, let’s move him,” said Ty. 

The group put Cryo on a stretcher and took him back to his room. They carefully wrapped him in his favorite blanket he got on his last birthday, with an aqua blue color and shows a cartoonish version of him transformed and swimming in the vast ocean with a night sky filled with stars at the top of the blanket. The words “Swim through the sea of dreams, Cryo.” were stitched at the bottom. Ty had taken time to clean it beforehand with a special wash that gives it the smell of a pleasant meadow, which helps keep Cryo calm and comfy when he needs to sleep. After he was tightly and comfortably wrapped, they placed him on his hay bed with his head nestled on a Cyan pillow with a water motif on it so he could be comfortable and stay warm. One by one, they left the room, except Cameron, who was sitting in a chair in the room by Cryo’s bed. He thought for a moment about getting up and going to bed, but he remembered what his father said. “Someone at the base wants Cryo, and they will make another attempt. These words rang in his head, like a hoard of bees, and he didn’t want to leave Cryo here alone. Ty came back in the doorway.

“Cameron. Come on bud. It’s getting late. You need to go to bed,” Ty said. “D… Dad. Can I… stay here with Cryo tonight.” “You… want to stay with Cryo.” “Yes. Please Dad. I… want to stay with him and make sure he’s okay,” replied Cameron. “He’ll be fine Cameron. Come on.” “No I… Can’t leave him, dad. Not like this. Please. Please let me stay with him.” “…Alright Cameron, let me get one of Cryo’s blankets for you. Just, don’t stay up all night watching him, okay?” “Yes dad. Thank you.” Ty went into the closet at the end of Cryo’s room and took out a red blanket with a picture of a dragon and a human, flying through the air together. “Alright. Good night Cameron.” “Good night Dad.” Ty left the room, turning off the lights. Cameron spent some time awake that night, watching the door to Cryo’s room. Wrapped up in Cryo’s blanket, he looked back at Cryo, who seemed to be sleeping peacefully now. Cameron wondered what Cryo could be dreaming about right now. He could tell it must be something nice, as he could see a small smile on his face. After some time, he would fall asleep himself.

New known abilities:

Metamorphosis: Cryo’s body changes when in water to better swim in it.

Frozen Fortress: In times of desperation, Cryo can tap into his freezing power to unleash a powerful freezing blast out of his body to freeze the area, while also creating an ice pillar around himself to make it difficult to get directly to him.

New Known Likes:

Fixing Technology

His new friend, Cameron



New known dislikes:

Being bullied


Being treated like an animal


Not being able to go outside

His birthday

Cryo the Dragon

Cryo the Dragon

Hatchling sleeping in his bed

Ch 1


A very smart and powerful dragon with abilities of the ice and cold, and the water and frozen north. A foreigner from far away, past the limits of deep space, he now helps the people that have raised and adopted him and gave him a home. What is this one’s story?

His story begins a very long time before he was born. On his planet, there was constant war and strife, created from the desire of technology and abilities gifted from unknown alien lifeforms (they took the form of massive dragons, yet it is thought they may be able to shape shift to suit their needs). They gave technology to this world at first, that could cure diseases, biologically and technologically enhance, and make life on the planet generally easier.

However, as this technology was given, the ones in control of it became greedy and selfish, as if under someone else’s control… Eventually, their desires for more of it caused massive world wars all over the planet. Battle after battle between dragons and other species on the planet erupted all over. Each battle is more terrible and destructive. They refused to stop, attempting to conquer all.

What the others didn’t know is that these dragon leaders (and most of the soldiers) were somehow influenced by these aliens and controlled to kill and kill and kill, because these aliens worshiped war and treated it like a religion. They go from planet to planet to gather resources, take control of their strongest species with their powers to build up their armies, and conquer those planets. After many years of war, not much was left. Most of the other species were enslaved. What little free dragons left came up with a plan. They would use special stones to encapsulate their bodies and souls in, and launch it into the deepest parts of space, where hopefully they can bond with someone to discover signs of pure hearted life out in the stars and continue to try to live on elsewhere far away. The dragons hoped that they’ll be able to start anew with a kind and understanding species, where perhaps they’ll be able to restore their bodies fully with their help and work together for a brighter future.

There was one dragon however, that was going to try something very risky instead. She was a Ferrin (Fare-in) dragon named Tide (Ferrin dragons are a ice and water based breed. She has dark navy-blue scales, a Cyan belly and head, and dark cyan wings). Before this realization that these aliens were cruel and evil, she was working on a trans-dimensional portal, to be able to go anywhere in the world to fight the “enemy.” But now she found a different reason to make it. She had a child on the way, still nestled in a nice warm dragon egg. She knew if she transferred her body and soul into a meteor now, her child, still in its egg, would most likely suffer a terrible fate. No one could protect it, and there was nowhere to hide it. Nowhere for it to live. So, she came up with a plan to instead use it to warp another planet far away and put in a self-destruct on the portal so she couldn’t be followed through (while also wiping all data from the servers as well).

After gathering what she believed she needed for deep space warping, she had spent weeks upgrading it from its original design. Unfortunately, somehow, they found out about her portal, her location, and freedom from their control, so they sent a large force to capture the portal and her before she could go through. When she saw the large force coming to her lab, deep in the frozen frontier she knew she had to hurry. She never tested it, and now had to think of where to set the coordinates for the portal and set it very quickly. The portal could, however, detect signs of life over the reaches of extremely deep space. With it, it detected 3 planets in its range, extremely far away from this doomed world. Farther than any of their current ship models could reach. She quickly put her unborn child into a special backpack to carry it through. She needed to decide quickly where to go but the enemy dragons were now trying to melt the metal door to her lab with high intensity dragon fire to get through to the lab. It would take a few seconds to power the portal on, with the farthest planet taking a little bit more time due to its range. She chooses the farthest reaching planet anyway, with the hopes that her enemies would never be able to make it that far in space. Punching in the coordinates, she now had to wait for the portal to power up.

She looked back at the door. It was starting to get to a bright red, and the metal was starting to melt down. Thinking of what she could do to stall for time, she decided to try to cool down the door with her own Hydro Hurricane breath (a water-based dragon breath). The door started to cool off, but dragon forces behind the door realized quickly what was happening. They now fired their Flare Flashes (a dragon weapon that fires either a condensed beam of heat or a stronger single fire shot) at the door, and now the door was heating up extremely quickly now. Time was running out. But as she continued to try to cool down the door, the portal finally powered up. She realized though that if she would stop blowing her Hydro Hurricane Breath, the door to her lab would probably burst down almost immediately. But she knew there was no other option. She prepared to make a mad dash for the portal. “Ok…. 1… 2… 3! Tide thought as she stopped her breath and started her mad dash to the portal!

As she predicted, the door’s burst as a fire blew through the entire lab now. They saw her madly flying towards the portal! Immediately, one of the dragons attempted to stop her by firing a single shot at her. The shot managed to hit her straight in the lower back (luckily it missed her unborn child’s egg). She let out a pained groan as it connected straight with her lower spine. But as it did, she was flung directly through the portal to somewhere unknown, as the fire spread through her lab. Immediately, the power generator in the lab itself caught fire and began to heat up and overload. Within a few short moments, it blew up the entire building (instead of just her lab).

The trip sent Tide careening into a vast blue void, where space and time seemed to twist and turn as she fell through. Eventually after a little bit of time, a bright white light came into view before her. As she fell through, her vision turned to white as a flash of light consumed her.

The next thing Tide knew is that she landed flat on her stomach in an unfamiliar place, in a strange area between a forest and a more suburban area. The ground below her was as black as midnight and felt like rubble. She knew she made it through, and her unborn child hadn’t been harmed from the trip. But she couldn’t move her back legs and was in extreme pain. It was night out where she was, and she could barely see from the pain and darkness. She heard what sounded like a motor nearby. She saw a large, strange, unfamiliar moving ground-based vehicle coming toward her from the distance. It stopped, and a creature came out. She saw it running toward her. But her mind became foggy, and her eyes started to go dark. She slowly closed her eyes and thought this was it. Who would take care of her child now?

Ch 2

Warm Welcome

She woke up about 2 days later, within a strange building. There was a fireplace next to her, and she realized that there was a bed made of strange yellow plant bristles under her. It felt cozy, surprisingly to her. She realized quickly that someone had taken her in and helped her. She tried to look around, but her eyes were hazy, and she was still in pain. She realized that something was covering her body. As her eyes began to focus, she saw that she had been covered up with a long, soft, cozy piece of red fabric that seemingly covered her entire body all the way up to her neck. The design perplexed her, as its upper texture seemed to be a large line of square tiles with darker red borders around each one, seemingly stuck together. It felt warm and looked like there wasn’t a single piece of dirt or grime on it anywhere. She felt like the pain faded a bit with it on her. She lifted it up a bit to look at her body underneath, and there was a strange, very long white strip wrapped around her body from where she had been injured from the shot. She realized quickly it must be something to help with wound treatment. Feeling a little curious and confused as to what happened she began to look around the room itself. The room’s architecture was… strange. It was unlike any room she had ever seen in her home world, and it further perplexed her. Strangely, a sweetened scent wafted throughout the room, which even more strangely, seemed to be from the burning logs. The smell helped relax her further. Then something came in, through a wooden door in the back. She slowly turned her head to face the creature.

She realized the creature walking towards her was unlike anything she had seen before.  Yet… It seemed familiar to her for some reason. The creature had just plain white skin, black hair, 2 hands, two feet, no wings, very thin and not very long talons, and was somewhat smaller than her.and had fabrics covering its body in different places, which made her curious… Then… the creature spoke up. “You’re awake now.” The creature said. He stopped a few feet in front of her and began to kneel towards her. “You took quite a hit I must say. Hit by a Hover truck?” While she understood the creature’s speech due to the dragon’s cognitive abilities, she could not speak its language. She needed to know what was going on, and where her child was.

“Your spine took quite a hit, dragon. Luckily, my wife is a surgeon at the local hospital.” She was able to bandage you up and keep you stable. It looks like your body is healing it quite well, despite the extensive damage to the spine. Though there’s a chance right now you might be paralyzed from the waist down. Maybe permanently. But your spine seems to be doing a little better than when we first found you.” While concerned about being paralyzed towards her back legs for a bit, she quickly began to trust this strange creature. It was trying to heal her wounds, but she wondered what happened to her egg.

“I always thought you were just an old Earth mythological creature. I never expected that creatures like you actually exist,” said the creature. Tide looked at the creature. She needed to indicate somehow that she wanted to know where her child was. She saw a brown bird-like creature, with a large amount of feathers toward the left of the room, back in a small pen with glass windows, sitting in a small nest, with eggs under it. She pointed at its nest, and the creature realized immediately what she wanted. He also realized that she seemed to understand his speech.

“You want to know where your egg is, Dragon? It’s in our incubator. While I’m not sure what type of heat your child needs to develop in that egg, I tried to tune it to the best of my abilities for it. I believe it’s working. It’s a good thing I take care of chillins (evolved from chickens) as a hobby. Can you speak our language?” She shook her head. “I was a scientist once. I spent years researching biological lifeforms on this planet. But eventually, I just wanted a quieter life. I met my wife, Suzanne, and we have a child named Noble. Noble has been helping us treat you. We moved here to New Camia (Came-e-ah). It’s been more than 5000 years since our species left Earth and came here to this planet. We were greedy and selfish, not realizing how everything we had could be lost if we continued down a path to ruin. I always wondered what the Earth is like now since we left. No human, like us, has ever returned since. I wonder if it is even hospitable?”

A Human? These creatures have been told in countless dragon myths and legends for countless generations on her planet! This strange creature is a Human!? Quite a shock! That’s why she thought it looked familiar! She now wanted to know more about the planet. She looked around the room and saw a large object in the back. She realized that this was in the shape and likeness of a planet. She pointed to it. Seeing her point to this globe made him realize this dragon didn’t come from this planet. “Not from here, are you? This is a planet called Cyriss X12 (Sere-is Zen-12). This is a colony for us. Our home planet, Earth, was wrecked centuries ago from consistent warfare and the depletion of our resources.” Tide was immediately reminded of her own home world. “All of us humans left the Earth through space to be able to rebuild and learn from our past mistakes on other hospitable worlds. Since you’re not from this world, do you have a ship or something?” he asked. Tide shook her head again.

“No ship? I wonder how you got here, but I guess for now it’s not important. My name is Gregory Drake. You may call me Greg. My wife is Suzanne Drake. Call her Suzy. And of course, my son is named Noble Drake, whom I’m sure you’ll meet soon. Any chance you could tell me your name?” After thinking very hard for a couple moments to try to understand its language, she was able to mutter out the word “Tide…” “Well Tide, we’re going to try to get you through this. Maybe we can learn from each other when you feel better. I’ll get you what you need.”

Ch 3

Adaptive Answers

Time began to pass, and her spinal injury began to heal quite well. Greg noted that it seems Dragon’s healing abilities and immune system seemed to be more effective than any other creature on Cyriss. She would get to know the rest of his family

Suzy was a 32-year-old young lady with a rounded head, brown eyes, and curly red hair. Her skin was a darker tone then Greg’s. Her lips were usually a dark red and her head, body, and nose was a bit smaller and thinner than Greg’s. She would tend to Tide’s wounds while she was recovering with them.

Noble was a human child, apparently 10 years old. He had brown eyes, brown hair, a rounded head, and slightly lighter skin. He wore clothes like Greg’s, albeit smaller of course. He also sometimes wore something called a Blitzball hat, when going outside on very hot days. Tide enjoyed his presence and listening to him talk about their world and society as she was healing. She noticed that sometimes, while watching the strange box above the brick fireplace in their living room, apparently called the television, Suzy would take Noble’s hand and arm, and gently scratch up, down, and around Noble’s palm and arm. She noticed that Noble seemed to like it and looked relaxed whenever she did so. She wondered if this was something she could try for her own child, whenever it hatches.

2 months passed. Tide’s spinal injury had finally healed enough to allow her to walk properly. She began to try and join her caretakers in the activities the family participated in, so that she could learn more and be a part of their family. She began to like the interesting things of this world (she liked television quite a bit after watching a few movies with them).

They began trying to teach Tide to try and speak their language and read and write so maybe they could get to know her and her story better. Being the smart dragon she is, communication between them began to work out quite quickly. She began to have a basic understanding of human language, reading, and writing. Tide was also very willing to allow Gregory to study her more closely. Taking blood samples, x-rays, DNA tests, saliva samples, and patterns of sleep, all the while keeping her existence on the planet secret to prevent an uproar from happening and perhaps unfortunate involvement by the leaders from around the planet. His curiosity in this majestic dragon made him want to know everything he could about her. Maybe they could even be able to work together one day on steering this world in the right direction. They added a room to the house for her to stay in and moved the incubator into the room so she can watch the egg. It would not be long now before it hatches.

Tide eventually became fluent in Human language. Noble always wanted to ask her questions and liked to teach her to play more human activities, like board games and human sports. Greg’s research over her was becoming complete, and he was hoping she might be willing to come to a lab to meet other biologists. His discovery of her may be world changing. There, she might be able to tell her story and give them a description of where she came from and what happened to her that brought her here. But before then, he decided that he would like to know himself first. So, he approached her in her room at the house.

“Hey, Tide,” said Greg. “Yes Greg. I don’t think I ever had a chance to thank you for all you have done for me. I hope there is a way I can repay you one day.” “Can I ask you something?” “…You want to know where I came from…” “Yes. You are not of this world and did not reach here by ship. I would like to know your story. What planet are you from? What was it like? Why did you leave it? And how did you get here?

Tide was hesitant to tell her story, but it was the least she could do for them and their hospitality. She told them at dinner about the plight of her planet. How it was devastated by war and strife. Her species plan to escape. And her final stand to escape and to save her child. This hit both Suzy and Greg hard. They realized if this was revealed to the biologists, they may attempt to try to make her create another portal, and maybe invite in something wicked they shouldn’t… While Greg’s discovery would be huge, it may put Tide at risk, and possibly the world. He now needed to decide. He overheard on the TV of a tropical storm brewing over the ocean before he went to bed that night.

Ch 4

Strong Storm

About 2 days passed, and he decided that he would still show Tide to the biologists (and his research on her). They had packed their belongings the day before and were about to get in their Hover loader (a hovering van with a carrier crate on the back made for high capacity loads). But as they were getting ready to leave (with Tide and the dragon egg in the carrier), the sky quickly grew dark, and the wind picked up. “Odd, there was no mention of a storm today. Right?” said Suzy. As they looked around the sky, they began to see parts of the solar panels of their house breaking off. “What is… Oh no…” said Greg. “Ahhhhh! twister!” screamed Noble.

As they looked toward the horizon, they saw a massive wave of water quickly flowing through the town, and a large hurricane wrecking the houses, now on a collision course toward them! It seems that the storm from the previous report was more catastrophic then they believed, and came significantly faster than expected. Now there wasn’t enough time to get away. It seemed it was to be their end, whether to be crushed and drowned by flood water or to be ripped apart by massive winds! People were running as fast as they could to their vehicles to try and escape.

Tide saw the chaos from the back and realized there was only one option. She opens the back of the loader, and flies toward it, as the ones who gave her a home try to tell her to stop. As the disaster approached, she closed her eyes, and focused. And in that single moment, a bright energy enveloped her. The next thing the watchers knew, a bright light enveloped Tide and a flash overtook the entire storm and reduced the massive wave to small puddles over the town. The sky cleared and Greg and Suzy realized she had saved them and the entire town. But where was she now? They searched all over town, in their hover loader, and eventually found her, in a crater with a little bit of water filling it near the waterfront. She was still alive, but she wasn’t moving an inch…

They brought her quickly into their vehicle in the back. It seemed that the power surge to save them had left her in a comatose state. They didn’t know what to do. They drove to their house to decide what to do next. They could try to take her to the hospital or the biologists for treatment. But he now realized that after what she was able to do, there might be consequences for revealing her existence. The government may get involved, and there was no telling what they might do to her now. They may end up taking her away to be experimented on or even worse, dissected. And there was no way to tell how long she would remain unconscious… The people in this town clearly saw Tide as she wiped away the storm, and they may have already called someone. But as they thought of their options, they began to hear something in the back. They heard what appeared to be scratching and cracking. They checked the carrier attached to the back of the truck…

Ch 5

Scaly Situation

They saw a small creature. Scaly, small, cyan head and belly scales, and with a dark blue scale around the rest of the body, and a long tail, struggling to move around. They looked further towards the back and saw that the egg in the back wrapped in the blanket had cracked. They realized that Tide’s child had finally hatched, and it seemed to now be curiously investigating his surroundings and trying to move around. But it seemed it didn’t know exactly how to properly walk yet, so it was stumbling all over. It finally looked toward them and saw the three strangers in his view. It gave a small smile, but then it gave out a big yawn. It then laid itself down on his side and fell asleep.

“Now what,” the three wondered. They decided that the only option was to pack all of their belongings and go far away very quickly. No one in the town knew they were giving her shelter, and they needed to move quickly before any military or government officials came to find her and the newborn dragon. They quickly wrapped the now sleeping baby dragon in a soft blanket that was originally around the egg and hid him in the back seat of the hover loader, while putting Tide in the carrier attached to the back. They then started the van and started to leave the town.

They heard on their vehicle’s radio news about an unknown creature stopping the storm. News travels fast… It then talked about a group of military personnel that would be arriving soon to investigate the matter with no one allowed to go in or out of town until the investigation concluded. There was one main road into town, leading out towards the Resukin (Ray-sue-ken) mountains. It would be hard to get through a military blockade this way, but they knew they could not let them take these two. But how to sneak past them without alerting them…

Greg then had an idea! If they could get access to one of their Jetty Jeeps (a type of hovering jeep of course), they may be able to sneak past them without alerting the military around the area with their own car. He could lead his family through the blockade with the Jeep, telling them that they are important personnel needed to be escorted out. It was risky, but there was no choice. It had to be done…

It wasn’t long before the military personnel entered town. Sure enough, all around the center where the storm dissipated were Jetty Jeeps. They just needed to get one, but they needed to lure the military personnel away… As they were thinking, the blanket in the back seat began to move. Next, the little dragon’s head poked out of it, yawning, and looking around. He began to open and close his mouth a few times, with a small frown on his face. He then began to chew a bit on his left paw. He stopped not long after and faced forward.

He let out a small screech, as if wanting something. When they noticed the little dragon up, they tried to get him to stop. He let out another. By now, the military personnel had heard the screech and were walking over. What would they do now? But as they thought, the little dragon opened in for a big breath, looked toward the crater and then “SCREEEEEEEEEEEEECH.” The little dragon wailed a loud, long screech, and it was strong enough to shatter glass through the front of the truck and throughout the area! But more importantly, it was loud and strong enough to cause everyone within the screeches path to be blasted into the ground and walls of nearby houses knocking them unconscious (not to mention causing their radio equipment to malfunction. Luckily, the family had narrowly been out of the way of it. Though their heads span a bit from the loud noise). “Hey! Look Dad!” shouted Noble. “This is our chance!” said Greg.

They looked back at the baby Dragon, who still seemed to be trying to tell them something. He started to try to chew on the blanket a bit. “I think it needs to chew on something, Dad. It might be teething already.” said Noble. “Do we by chance have something for him to chew on?” asked Suzy. “I do mommy!” Noble opened a small compartment below the window in the back seat, and took out a pacifier. “I bought a Binky with my allowance for when my little brother or sister would hatch. I know this isn’t meant for dragons, but…” The dragon began to breathe in a large breath again. “Quickly Noble! Put it in its maw!” said Greg. Noble quickly leaned over the seat and put the pacifier into the little dragon’s mouth. He chewed on it for a bit, and realized it felt like what the little reptile wanted. The little dragon smiled and retreated into the blanket to lay down.

“Let’s do this quickly,” said Greg. Greg immediately got out of the vehicle, attached the back compartment carrying Tide to the Jetty Jeep. Suzy carried the tiny dragon and put him in the back seat of the vehicle, nestled under a blanket. Greg also took one of the uniforms of the military officials here, along with some gas masks to hide their faces with. With the vehicle in tow now, they may hopefully now get past the checkpoint and escape with the little dragon hatchling and Tide.

So, the family drove through the town with the little dragon hidden under the blanket in the back and Tide. They made it to the checkpoint. Now hopefully they could convince the people there that they were soldiers. They drove up and rolled their window down as a checkpoint official approached. “What haul are you carrying exactly?” the soldier said as he looked at the carrier attached to the back. Greg had to think quickly. “Exotic unknown materials. I was called back to base with it by command. I’ve also been asked to escort these two out, who may have more info on the incident.” “I was not informed. I am going to have to clear this with command. Where is your id so we can confirm it with them?” Right as he asked though, the little dragon poked his head out of the blanket, pacifier still in mouth, curious as to who they were talking too. “Wait, what in the…” “Drive Greg!” yelled Suzy. He immediately stepped on the gas through the checkpoint ahead, and knew things were about to get serious…

Ch 6

Jetty Jeopardy

Only a little bit in, they were already being chased by two more Jetty jeeps behind them. “Stop! Pull over now!” they voiced on the intercoms of their vehicles. They started to close in, giving a few knocks on the back of the Jeep clearly as a warning. The little dragon didn’t take this lightly. Clearly annoyed by the bumping and loud noises as it tried to relax on the blanket, it laid the pacifier on the blanket and looked behind the vehicle toward the cars behind. He breathed in heavily, and then… whoosh! The little dragon blew off the back window with a breath of ice, and then let out another to freeze the road behind them. The vehicles swerved out of control and crashed into the trees aligning the side of the road.

However, it seemed their troubles were not over yet. A Z120 armored attack ship (a small single piloted hovering air vehicle looking like a jet) came into view overhead. “Pull over or we will disable your vehicle. The chance of escape seemed slim. However, the dragon once again poked his little head out, now very angry from once again being interrupted from his rest. He gave out a low growl and turned towards the back of the vehicle. Looking up, he let off a hydro hurricane straight at the ship. It hit the ship hard near the hover jets, causing all systems to simultaneously malfunction and shut down, forcing the ship to have to make an emergency landing down on the ground and allowing our crew to finally get into the deep forest within the mountains to finally get away, with their new little dragon in tow.

“Wow… What a wild ride! You okay little monster?” said Noble. The dragon was happily laying on the blanket, chewing on the pacifier. He looked up and gave a smile to them, pacifier still in mouth. “I can see you are a boy, baby brother,” said Noble “What should we call him?” asked Suzy “Let’s call him Cryo, Mom.” “Cryo. I like that name,” said Greg. Noble looked back at his new “baby brother,” who lifted his head up to lock eyes with Noble. “You’re so cute. We’re going to have so much fun together!” Cryo gave another smile and began to huddle himself in the blanket. “Come here, little brother. Sit with me!” Noble picked up Cryo and placed him on his lap. He then grabbed the blanket and then began to wrap Cryo up tightly like a baby in it. Cryo felt very comfy and smiled at Noble. He chewed on his pacifier a bit. Noble began to stroke his baby brothers back. He gave a relaxed sigh and another smile.

“Where can we go now?” asked Suzy. “Somewhere far away. We don’t want to be attracting trouble to this little guy or his mother. There is no telling when Tide will wake up. Until then, we’ll have to bring it upon ourselves to protect Cryo. We’ll have to go somewhere where we can hide them both. We’ll also have to get rid of this Jeep. There is no telling what they will do if they find them again.” said Greg.

The group traveled through the mountain. As they traveled through, they went over places they could go to not only be able to hide the dragons, but also to make sure that their own child, Noble, could also go to school now that they had to permanently leave their home. They eventually decided that they would head all the way along the mountain and head north, toward a bit colder and elevated part of the mountainside. They stopped in a small town on the way to ditch the jeep and buy a brand-new vehicle. After that, they headed on their way again. After several days of travel through the mountains, they found their destination, a town called Wayside. It was pretty far from their original home’s location, and was a small, pleasant town. During the trip, they had purchased a house there using the onboard computer system on their vehicle. Now that they had finally arrived, they could hopefully successfully take care of their new adopted child and keep him and his mother safe from harm. It was a comfy house near the entrance to a forest on the mountain, with a barn in the back, perfect to keep Cryo in until Tide gets better.

Ch 7

Cryo Kid

So, about a year passed. Tide still hadn’t woken up, but it was alright. Cryo was still pretty happy! Cryo slowly grew as the family did. He had been properly housebroken and was allowed in the house itself. They treated the little dragon as one of them. Sitting at the table to eat, taking baths, naps, playing with Noble. He was living a happy life. He never realized at the time he was a different species… There were plans to try to start getting him to learn to speak. It was getting close to Cryo’s first birthday, and they were planning to take him to a nice pond deep in the forest for a nice picnic and start teaching him to properly swim. He is a Ferrin dragon after all.

On the day before his birthday, Cryo was resting in the barn on a bed of hay next to his plain white crib, chewing on his pacifier, which was tied around his neck with a thin baby blue strap. It was about 2:00 p.m., so he knew Noble would be back from school soon. He decided to go to the front of the house to wait for him. Strangely. Noble was running a little late. Cryo remembered his “parents,” telling him to never wander away from the house and let someone else see him. He always wondered why it was so important that other people didn’t see him… He thought about it for a moment but decided to try to look for him. Noble’s school was along the path on the outskirts of the large forest, so he thought perhaps he could move through the trees along the forest to find him without being seen.

And so, he began to trot his way through the forest along the path to Noble’s school. He saw other people along the sidewalk outside the forest and wondered who they were. But he knew he had other things to worry about right now and continued on. After walking for a bit, he finally saw the large, red, bricky building that was Noble’s school. But as he began to get closer to it, he saw some commotion going on ahead. Curious, he continued. As he approached, he could see Noble ahead. But as he drew closer, he saw that Noble was getting beaten on by some nasty bullies at school. Cryo was not happy in the slightest.

He gave out a low growl, and approached the nasty group with an angry scowl, who failed to notice his presence. “Stupid kid. You should know better than to try to mess with us. You’re going to wish you gave us your little toy by the time we’re done!” said one of the ruffians. “Leave me alone! You aren’t taking my ZPS!” Noble yelled back! Cryo growled again and quickly released his pacifier out of his maw, let in a big breath, and WHOOSH, let out a big gush of water towards the ruffians!

“Give us that video game you stupid kid! Let g… AGHHHH!” The blast of water clocked those brutes and crashed them straight into the side of the building, knocking their head for quite a loop. “Huh? What was…?” said Noble. He looked back to see the now soaked bullies, and now towards the forest. He saw his “baby brother,” heading towards him. “Huh Cryo? What are you…?” Cryo let out a big smile and put his pacifier back in his mouth. Noble realized quickly what happened. “Come on! Quick! Back into the forest before someone sees you!” Noble picked up and rushed Cryo back into the forest. A teacher came outside to see what happened, and saw the soaked bullies, and then the Noble, carrying a strange creature into the forest…

He carried Cryo all the way back to the house. When he got home, his mother was cooking. “Noble, why are you so late to the house?” Noble replied “I’ll talk about it later Mom. Please let me take Cryo to my room for a bit please.” “Alright honey. Dinner will be ready in an hour and thirty minutes. I want you both there, okay?” “Yes mom.” Cryo nodded in agreement. They headed upstairs and Noble put Cryo on the nice gray carpeting within the room.

Cryo headed towards the back of the room, where a small set of metal cabinets with different machines from the junkyard inside each one. He smiled at the thought of learning from his big brother about machines today! He headed towards the front of the room. Noble looked out the window to see if anyone followed him home. After a few minutes of watching the outside, he looked back at Cryo, who had turned on the television in the room and was now watching the Capsule Creature’s cartoon while wagging his tail and chewing on his pacifier.

Ch 8

Trouble Time

“Cryo…” The dragon turned his head toward Noble, pacifier still in mouth. “You have to be more careful Cryo! Anyone could have seen you this afternoon!” Cryo started to tilt his head down, feeling he might be in trouble. “I know you were trying to protect me. I’m glad for that, but I can take care of myself. You don’t need to worry about me. You’re too important to risk yourself for me. I know you probably want to go out and see the world, but it’s too dangerous right now. You need to stay hidden. Stay safe.” Cryo gave a set of puppy dog eyes to Noble and left the room with his head held down. “Cryo… Where are you going?”

He traced Cryo back out into the barn. “Cryo, you in here?” asked Noble. Noble opened the barn door and looked around. He looked toward the back of the room, where he saw Cryo in his small playpen in the far back of the barn. Its walls were a bit high up and were navy blue with little holes on them that allow someone to see though from the sides. “Hmm… I guess my little brother thought he was in trouble and needed a “time out.” He must have climbed up the ladder to the top floor and then jumped from it to get inside. He has not learned to fly yet,” thought Noble. He approached the play pen.

“Cryo. You’re not in trouble. Come on out,” said Noble as he looked over the top of the play pen at the little troublemaker. Cryo turned his head toward Noble, shook his head, and then set it back down in his playpen. Noble tried to pick him up, but he just squirmed away. “…Do you just want some alone time right now, Cryo?” He nodded his head slowly. “Alright Cryo. I’ll leave you be. Just please at least let me take you out when dinner comes.” Noble left the barn. Cryo got up and went to the side of the play pen to look at his unconscious mother in the barn. He then put his pacifier back in his mouth and sat himself back down.

About 30 minutes passed. Cryo was looking outside his playpen towards his favorite toy (other than his pacifier), a stuffed white Wolfy plush. He put his pacifier into his mouth and began to chew on it again. Cryo then looked toward the back table near his crib. Sitting on it was a standard empty baby bottle, which he stared at for a few moments. He began to salivate a little in his mouth, clearly wanting some milk to drink. He gave a frown and went back to the center of the play pen. And laid himself down gently.

“Cryo. Are you ready for dinner?” said Noble. Cryo immediately perked up and turned towards the barn entrance, where he saw Noble. Noble approached the playpen. “Are you feeling a little better, buddy? Cryo gave out a smile and nodded, pacifier still in mouth. “Alright. Let’s get you out of there little monster.” Noble carefully wrapped his arms around Cryo and picked him up. “Alright Cryo, let me just get your bottle and we can go get dinner.” Cryo gave out a big smile now. “You’re so silly Cryo!” Noble went to the table and picked up Cryo’s bottle. They headed out of the barn and walked towards the house.

“Hey Cryo. After dinner, do you want to help me take apart a Z-phone? Maybe we can make our own phone one day.” Cryo nodded. Noble had a hobby of taking apart technology in order to figure out how it works. Maybe Noble wanted to become an engineer? Cryo always watched Noble and listened to him when he explained to him what each part does and how it works. He seemingly took an interest in it himself. “Great little buddy! You know Cryo, we have something special planned for you tomorrow.” Cryo tilted his head, seemingly curious. “There is a very special day happening tomorrow, and we have a surprise waiting for you.” Cryo let go of his pacifier, which now hung over his neck. “I know you probably want to know what it is, Cryo. But you’re going to have to wait until tomorrow. It’s going to be so fun!” Cryo gave out a small frown, but replaced it soon after with another smile. Noble opened the door to the house. “Alright buddy. Let’s go eat dinner. Mom made Cobs and Zurburgers (hamburgers made of a meat from a native species from the planet, Craw, a type of 4 legged mammal with a round head, large body, floppy ears, long tail, fur less, and colored black, brown, or red, with white skin all around the face regardless of color).

Ch 9

Dinner Dragon

So Noble began to leave the barn and started to bring Cryo to the kitchen. They passed a small hallway containing his parent’s bedroom and the family room in the house and entered the kitchen. The circular wooden table was already set with the food, and Cryo and Noble’s seats were already pulled out. Noble carried Cryo to his seat, which was a large circular chair that was raised closer to the table. He turned towards Greg. “Alright dad. Here’s Cryo’s bottle.” said Noble. He gave the bottle to Greg, who smiled at the both of them. “Thank you Noble. I bet our little boy wants some milk, don’t you,” said Greg. Cryo gave out a smile and a nod. Noble sat him down while Greg stood up and walked towards the fridge, and Cryo began to observe his food for a bit. He smacked his chops and salivated a bit on the food. He looked towards Greg, who had just filled Cryo’s bottle with milk, and placed it right where Cryo was sitting at the dinner table. He picked it up with both paws and took a small sip out of it. He gave a smile and sat it back down. He then turned his head and began to watch as Noble sat down at his seat next. “Alright. Let’s eat!” said Noble. The family began to eat dinner together.

After eating for a bit, Greg and Suzy looked at each other for a moment a few minutes in and they turned to Noble and Cryo. “Hey, Noble. We had a call from the school today.” said Suzy. Noble’s heart started to sink. “Yea mom…” said Noble. “We heard from your teacher about an… incident…” Noble’s heart sank even further. “How much about it…” “One of the teachers saw Larson and his friends trying to steal your ZPS (a portable gaming console) at school.” “Yes Mom… That’s what happened…” “It’s not just that Noble. The teacher that saw the fight was going to try to break it up. But when she came out, she saw that they got soaked by something, and that you were seen running away, carrying something into the forest ” “Uh oh…” thought Noble. “That wasn’t Cryo, was it? Larson doesn’t know exactly what happened, but the teacher was curious about what you were carrying and where that blast of water came from.” “…It was mom. But… He was only trying to help me. To protect me. He didn’t mean to cause any harm.”

The family looked at Cryo, who had stopped eating as well, looking glum. It seems he felt guilty again. “Cryo, honey. We know you were only trying to help your big brother, but it’s too risky to go out in public. I know you don’t understand why, but it is absolutely important that you stay hidden.” “Yes Cryo. I’m guessing you noticed that Noble was running late and you wanted to see where he was. But you’re too important to us. There… are people looking for you,” said Greg. Cryo picked his head up and looked at Greg with curiosity. “Your very special Cryo. Something never before seen in this world. And that makes you a target to others. Others who would try to take you away from us.” Cryo thought about it for a moment. He gave a worried look, gulped and began to shake a bit.

“We love you Cryo, and don’t want anything happening to you. We adopted you and raised you since your mother fell into that… deep slumber. She’ll awaken one day though, and when she does, we can maybe find a suitable place for you both to go to stay safe.” Cryo thought about it again, and began to make a small frown and dipped his head. “Oh I know you would never want to leave us Cryo. You’ve been with us before you had even hatched. But neither you or your mother can stay with us forever. It’s not safe. None of us would ever forgive ourselves if anything happened to you. But look on the bright side, Cryo. Just enjoy the time you get to spend with us now, rather than focusing on maybe leaving later. We love you very much Cryo. Just think of that.” said Suzy. Cyro lifted his head back up with a smile, and started eating again. “There we go. That’s better. Right Cryo? Now, back to dinner everyone. It’s going to be Cryo’s bedtime soon, so we’ll need to get ready before then” said Greg.

Soon the family ate dinner and Noble took Cryo to his room to take apart an old Z-phone while Greg and Suzy went to the barn to get Cryo ready for his own bedtime. “Do you think it’s still safe to keep Cryo here Greg? You heard what the teacher heard from those kids? He said that a “monster,” attacked him. He or his family may have taken this seriously. We may not be able to stay here any longer.” said Greg. “I know Greg. But, Noble has taken a liking to this small town. Cryo too. If we hit the road again like this, it might upset either one of them. Besides, this town is pretty far off from other outposts around the country. Away from most military areas.” said Suzy. “That may be the case, but I doubt the military has forgotten what happened in New Camia. They probably have detailed files on the incident. They may even have a mockup of our faces. We need to stay hidden. They may react to this incident if we don’t leave quickly. “…I know what you mean Greg. But, considering this was coming from a bully, what is the chance that people would actually believe him? People could easily think he fabricated this to make Noble look bad. His words are just as believable as the trolls from storybooks.” “Maybe, Suzy. Maybe. Let’s not talk about this right now. It’s Cryo’s first birthday tomorrow. I’ve got the cake. You got presents that he might like, right?” “Yes Greg.” “I hope Cryo will be able to enjoy it despite these setbacks today. The lake should be perfect for Cryo to start swimming in. Though, I’ve never trained a dragon to do something like that… Nonetheless, I hope he’ll like what we have planned.” “Me too Greg. Me too. Alright. Let’s get Cryo to bed.”

So the two went into Noble’s room and found Cryo intently watching Noble as he took apart the Z phone. “Cryo. Time for bed.” Cryo looked at Suzy and gave a big yawn. “Here Cryo, let me put this on you.” Cryo lifted his arms up as Suzy put a nice warm navy blue shirt on Cryo and a red scarf. “It’s going to be a little cold tonight Cryo. I know how much you like to keep warm.” Cryo then put his pacifier in his mouth. They picked up Cryo and took him into the barn. They wrapped up Cryo tightly like a baby in a nice blanket that Greg and Suzy made (Greg and Suzy had made a set of special cloths and blankets for Cryo to keep him warm during the day and night. He hates being cold, despite being an ice and water based dragon. Good thing considering Cryo’s needs. Cryo’s shirts and other clothing items have slits in the back so his wings could go through and extend out of them). They gently rubbed his head a bit and put him into his crib. After reading a chapter book to him for a bit, he fell asleep on his side. The others went to bed an hour later.

Ch 10

Birthday Boy

“Wake up Cryo! Wake up baby brother!” Cryo slowly opened his eyes and looked around for a bit. He saw Noble smiling and hovering over his crib. Cryo gave out a smile. He then gave a small yawn and extended his back legs outside of the blanket, then his front legs out the top. He rolled himself around belly first, and picked himself up, pacifier still in mouth. His blanket slid off of him as he moved.

“Hi buddy! Guess what today is?” Cryo gave out a confused look. Maybe it was Christmas? Cryo looked toward the open barn door to see if there was snow outside. He saw the ground outside was green and grassy. He looked back at Noble and shook his head. “It’s been one year since you hatched from your egg Cryo. It’s Earthian 15th (Earth-i-an, the 13 month on this planet taking place in the summer season, which lasts one month longer. This planet has 13 months instead of 12. This one was named in honor of Earth). You know what that means?” Cryo thought about it again, but shook his head.

“It’s your birthday silly! Guess you have never experienced a birthday party before, baby brother.” Cryo looked at Noble with a smile. Noble picked Cryo up and cradled him in his arms. “I guess I should tell you what a birthday is Cryo.” Cryo looked at Noble intently, pacifier still in mouth. “A birthday is a special day for us. It celebrates the day you were born. They are really fun! You get a big party, tons of presents and toys, play fun games, eat lots of food, and have fun!” Cryo seemed to like what he was hearing, and gave out another big smile. “Do we have plans for you, little brother! Come on, birthday boy! Mom and Dad are waiting for us inside!” After giving him a few rubs on the head, he started to walk out of the barn. He took him to the house and went inside.

He brought Cryo into the kitchen, where he could see several covered plates of different foods and consumables and several bright packages with bows and ribbons, which got Cryo really excited. “Hello, my little birthday boy! How’s my little Cryo today?” said Suzy. Cryo looked at Suzy with a smile and waved to her from Noble’s arms. Noble put Cryo on the ground gently, who then went over to one of the packages to look more closely. “Looks like Cryo is already getting into the spirit, huh.” said Greg. Cryo started messing with the ribbon a bit. “Cryo. Don’t mess with your presents just yet. We haven’t even started the party.” said Suzy. After hearing this, Cryo backed away from them and came towards Greg with a confused look on his face, as if trying to ask what these are?

“I think our friend here doesn’t realize those are for him. Everything inside those bright colored gifts are for you Cryo.” said Greg. Hearing these words, Cryo started to get happy feet for a bit. “Yes Cryo. But you can’t open them right now.” Cryo started to stop with his feet and looked up towards Greg. He sat himself back down like a dog showing obedience. “Don’t worry Cryo. You’ll be able to open them later. Right now, don’t mess with them. We have a very special day planned for you. Do you know where we’re going?” said Greg. Cryo thought about it but then shook his head.

“We are going to a lake in the forest a little ways away from our house, Cryo. We’re going to have a wonderful picnic there. Noble will help you learn how to swim in the lake. It’ll be fun Cryo!” Cryo gave a smile and turned in a circle. “Looks like he’s getting excited. Everyone ready to go?” said Greg. “Yes. I think we are Greg. Noble. Get Cryo a warm jacket and scarf and we’ll start loading everything into the car,” said Suzy. “Ok Mom.”

Noble picked up Cryo, who had started chewing on his pacifier again, and took him into the barn. He placed him down and took off his night shirt and scarf and gave him a newly made silver zip up jacket with a picture of a baby blue cartoon dragon on the back, looking similar to Cryo. Noble then went into the drawer to get another scarf. “Hey Cryo. I helped Dad create this new scarf for you!” Noble took out a nice, red scarf with the image of a classic fire breathing dragon on it. “You like it, Cryo? I thought it would be cool to wear on your special day. I know it’s not water based. But it should be fine right?” Cyro looked at it up close, but nodded his head with a smile. “Great birthday boy. Alright. Hold still.”

Noble wrapped the warm scarf around Cryo’s neck, while Cryo watched with his pacifier in his mouth. “There we go little buddy. Want to look in the mirror?” Cryo trotted his way to the mirror near his crib in order to look at himself. He turned himself in a circle to get a look at the entire thing. He thought he looked pretty adorable now, which he seemed to like a lot. “You like it, Cryo?” Cryo nodded with a smile and trotted back to Noble. “Alright. Let’s see if mom and dad are done.” He picked up and cradled Cryo in his arms. He was about to head out before he realized he forgot something.

“Oh right. I need to bring your blankie, little buddy. It’s going to be a little bit of a long drive, and I know you’ll want to be bundled up during it. Your bottle too. I’m sure you’ll need something nice to drink on the way.” He went back to his crib, and carefully maneuvered his hand and grabbed his favorite blanket. He then went to the cabinet next to his crib, and took his “hatchling,” bottle. He then headed out the barn door and back to their parents. Sure enough, Suzy and Greg had already loaded up the food and presents for Cryo’s big day. “Is our birthday boy ready?” said Suzy. “Looks like it. He looks nice in that silver jacket. I see Noble gave him his new scarf already,” said Greg. “Yea, I think he really likes it,” said Noble. “Did you remember to grab Cryo’s blanket and bottle, Noble?” asked Suzy. “Yes mom. It’s right here.” “Good. Now before we leave, I’m sure somebody wants something for the long trip. Hang on Cryo.”

Suzy began to head towards the car. She opened the side door and began to rummage around the car a bit. She pulled out a clear bottle of purified spring water and smiled. She walked back to Cryo and Noble. “Noble. Give me Cryo’s bottle.” “Alright. Here Mom.” Noble maneuvered his hand with Cryo’s bottle forward. Suzy took the bottle from Noble’s hand. “You’re fine with spring water on this trip, right Cryo? I know you’d probably rather have farm fresh milk, but it’ll probably spoil while riding in the car without something to keep it cold.” Cryo frowned for a second. But quickly replaced it with a bright smile and a nod. “That’s a good boy. Now just hold on for a second, my little boy.” Suzy opened the lid on his bottle and started to pour water into it up to the top. Cryo watched intently and began to salivate a bit in his mouth as she poured. Soon it was filled. She screwed on the lid and handed the bottle back to Noble. “Alright everyone. We’re ready to go. Let’s shove off.” Cryo put his pacifier back into his mouth and began to chew. The family packed everyone in the vehicle and went on their way.

Ch 11

Bottle and Binky

Cryo huddled in Noble’s lap with the blanket wrapped very tightly around his body, watching the outside as they drove. Not after too long, he turned around on his back to face Noble, still wrapped in the blanket. “Need something, little buddy?” asked Noble. Cryo nodded and released the pacifier from his mouth which slid under his blanket. Cryo looked down inside for a second and frowned. But quickly turned his head back up towards Noble. “And what does my adorable little brother need right now?” Cryo turned his head towards his bottle, sitting next to Noble. He began to move his head toward it and open and close his mandible towards it. “Aww… Does my little brother want some water? You thirsty little buddy?” Cryo looked towards Noble, smiled, and nodded. “Alright little buddy. I’ll feed you.”

Noble grabbed Cryo’s bottle and began to cradle Cryo in his arms. Cryo looked at the bottle again and began to drool on his blanket a tiny bit. “Alright, little buddy. Open up. Here it comes!” Cryo opened up his mandibles waiting in anticipation for some refreshing water. Noble gently maneuvered the bottle towards Cryo’s mandibles. Soon enough it was close enough for the tiny dragon to close his mandibles around the lid. He began to quickly drink from it, with a big smile across his face. He continued to drink from the bottle for a few moments. Suzy and Greg turned back and chuckled at the scene, before facing forward again. Cryo released his mandibles from it. He smacked his lips a few times and gave a relaxed sigh. “There we go, little brother. Was that enough for you?” asked Noble. Cryo nodded and began to sit back a bit.

“That’s a good boy. Do you want your binky again, little buddy.” Cryo nodded and smiled. “Alright. Hang on. Noble reached into Cryo’s blanket with it still wrapped around him. After rummaging a bit, he found the strap. He then used the strap to trace where the pacifier was under the blanket. He then lifted it up and then positioned it across from Cryo. “Open up, little nipper.” Cryo smiled and began to wag his tail a tiny bit under the blanket. He opened his maw slowly. Noble positioned the pacifier towards Cryo’s mouth. Cryo quickly caught the pacifier between his maw and smiled. He quickly began to chew on it very happily. “There we go, little binky buddy. Are you happy?” Everyone chuckled a bit, even Cryo, who began to maneuver his body to be watching outside again.” After about an hour and a half of driving through the mountains, they made it to the lake.

Ch 12

Bed and a Brake…

“Hey Cryo. We’re here!” said Noble. He looked toward Cryo, who was still huddled up in his blanket with his pacifier in his mouth. Cryo seemed to have started sawing logs from the long drive… “Hey mom? It looks like Cryo took a nap from the drive. Should I wake him?” “I had a feeling the long drive would put him to sleep. I suggest we let him sleep for now. I brought a portable crib we can put him in. For now, why don’t we take advantage of this and set up the picnic. By the time we’re done, he’ll probably awaken. Greg, help me set up the crib. Noble, start getting out Cryo’s presents,” said Suzy. The family immediately got to work. Greg and Suzy managed to set up Cryo’s portable crib and carefully placed him from the vehicle into the crib without waking the little dragon up. Noble set the packages out from the car on a picnic bench nearby. “Alright. We got Cryo in his crib. Presents are out. Now for the food.” said Suzy. “What food did we bring, Mom,” said Noble. “We brought Zurburgers and hot dogs to grill (pigs are one of the few species humans have brought to this planet that have not undergone any sort of biological change). We also have tayto crisps (chips made from a breed of potato grown from this world’s soil), baked zing beans, salad, and Gran Cobs (a new breed of corn that was green instead of yellow and the little dots were bigger). Let’s start cooking. Noble, watch Cryo. Take him out once he awakens.” “Ok, mom.”

So the family got to cooking. Noble kept a close eye on the little dragon while playing his ZPS. However, about 20 minutes in, the smell of fresh cooking began to weft along his snout. After sniffing a few times, he smacked his lips and his eyes began to slowly open up. Cryo gave out a yawn as he looked around, seeing that he was no longer in the car. He looked around the outside of the crib, and realized he was outside. “There you are, birthday boy. Did you have a nice nap?” Cryo looked up and saw Noble hovering above.” He seemed happy to see him, but then his expression quickly changed and started to stare with concerned eyes…

“…Need a break, buddy?” He nodded as he started to tap his back left paw a bit on the soft bedding inside. “Alright. Let’s get you out quick and go over there.” Noble picked Cryo up and took him over to the shrubbery nearby as the parents continued to cook food by the water on the nearby portable grill. The parents looked over to see Cryo and Noble walking away from the campsite a bit.

“Looks like Cryo’s finally awake. I expected him to be asleep longer.” said Greg. “I don’t think we had breakfast today. Cryo was probably hungry, and couldn’t resist the smell of food,” said Suzy. “We did want to hurry here. Away from the prying eyes of the people in town. Hopefully Noble can keep Cryo preoccupied while we’re cooking,” said Greg. “Oh I think he can.” “What are they doing right now?” “I think he’s giving Cryo a break.”

Ch 13

First Flight

Both Cryo and Noble wandered back to the campsite. “Alright little monster. What do you want to do first?” asked Noble. Cryo thought for a minute, and then covered his eyes with his wings. “You want to play hide and seek?” Cryo uncovered his eyes and nodded. “Alright. Since you’re the birthday boy you hide and I’ll seek. But remember Cryo. Don’t leave this area. Ok little brother?” Cryo nodded his head. “Alright. Get ready. 1. 2. 3.” Cryo quickly left the scene to try and find a place to hide nearby. He looked around a bit, and decided to try to hide behind a tree nearby. “19. 20! Ready or not Cryo. Here I come.” Noble looked around for a bit, looking for Cryo. As he searched, he saw a familiar dark blue tail poking out from behind one of the trees.” “Hmm… Now where could Cryo be? Maybe he’s near mom,” he said as he crept away. Cryo turned his head from behind the tree to see if the coast was clear. He started to slowly sneak away towards another set of trees. As he tried to creep behind a bush, he saw a familiar face waiting for him. “Got you now Cryo!” Cryo gave a surprised look and ran off. Noble of course, began to chase. Around and around the campsite they went, darting to and fro. Cryo gave it his best, but soon Noble came behind and tagged him. “Tag! You’re it Cryo!” Cryo gave out a smile and a laugh and went to a nearby tree to start counting.

He covered his eyes with his wings and counted the numbers in his head, and he went looking for Noble. Cryo sniffed around for a bit, trying to pick up on Noble’s scent to figure out where he went. Around and around the campsite he went. Eventually, he picked up the scent and started to follow to his location. Cryo crept slowly, as to not allow Noble to be aware he is following him. Dodging behind trees and bushes, hoping to catch his big brother by surprise. After tracking for a bit, he realized Noble was close. Cryo jumped into a nearby bush to try and scope out the scene. He observed the scenery around and saw his brother hiding near the lake, under a bench. He needed to get closer without alerting him.

Thinking for a bit, Cryo decided to try and sneak around him from the back, using the trees and shrubbery as cover. Jumping from bush to bush, tree to tree. He continued his approach. Soon enough he was getting close. Cryo prepared to lunge himself under the bench from the nearby bush. Noble heard the crackle of the shrub and realized Cryo was on to him. “You’re not going to catch me this time little brother!” said Noble. Cryo immediately dived under the table, but Noble reacted just in time and slid out right from under the bench and started running. Cryo soon gave chase! Noble was fast and Cryo couldn’t keep up. He needed another way to catch him. Cryo thought about it as he ran, and he decided to try something. As he chased Noble, Cryo clambered himself right onto a tree and started to climb it. He climbed high up into the tree, out of the sight of Noble. Noble looked back.

“Cryo? Did I lose him?” thought Noble. Cryo eyed Noble from a branch high above the tree. Cryo spread his wings out, braced himself, and leaped off. With his wings whipping in the wind, he glided all the way from the tree towards Noble. “I might have a chance to hide again. Wait wha!” Noble said as cryo wrapped his arms around Noble’s waist and back. Noble slipped forward a bit but quickly regained his footing. Noble turned his head to see the big smile on his baby brother who finally tagged him.”Cryo, you sneak. Where did you come from?” Cryo let go of Noble and pointed toward the branch on the tree where he climbed. As Noble turned back, he saw that Cryo had spread his wings again. “Cryo, did you fly?” Cryo looked at Noble with a smile and sat back down. “You’re full of all sorts of surprises today Cryo. Want to go another round?” Cryo thought about it, but then shook his head. “Well then little brother, What should we do now?” Cryo went towards the water, he looked at his reflection in it. He then dipped his hand in the water and swirled it around a bit. He turned back towards Noble. “Oh. You want to try and swim little buddy?” Cryo nodded his head. “Hmm… I’ll need to ask Mom first, Cryo.” Cryo nodded his head. The two brothers went to see their mom, who was still working with Greg, cooking the food.

Ch 14

Feeding Frenzy

“Mom,” said Noble. “Yes honey?” said Suzy “I think Cryo wants to try and swim.” “Swim? “But, we were planning to teach Cryo to swim after we eat. I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to put him into the water until we’re ready to teach him. We still need to cook.” Cryo gave a pair of puppy dog eyes to Suzy. “Oh Cryo. Come on. Don’t give me that look. Can you please wait after we eat honey? I promise you we’ll help you swim after.” Cryo gave up on the look and gave a nod instead. “That’s a good boy. Lunch will be ready soon Cryo. Why don’t you play catch? I brought your strikeball mitt and a strikeball, Noble.” “Thanks mom. I wish they made strikeball mitts for Dragons.” So the two went off by the lake to play catch with each other.

“Phew… I was worried Cryo might try to jump in the lake anyway,” said Suzy. “Cryo’s a good boy, Suzy. I doubt he would try anything naughty like that.” answered Greg. He looked back at Cryo, with his pacifier in mouth, and a baseball in his paw, and felt peaceful.

20 minutes later, Suzy called the two brothers. “Hey boys. It’s time for lunch!” The two heard, and rushed over. “Smells good, Mom. You like it too, Cryo?” Cryo nodded his head and let go of his pacifier, which began to dangle from his neck.” “Alright boys. Time to chow down.” said Greg. The family sat at the picnic bench and began to chow down on the delicious food. Cryo scarfed down everything put in front of him. “Cryo is such a big eater. I remember when he had to eat mushy food. Good thing he got his baby fangs in quickly. Otherwise, he might have made a meal of our furniture.” said Greg. The family gave out a laugh. Even Cryo seemed to find that funny, and was giggling as he was sipping from his bottle.

“Alright birthday boy. Ready for your birthday cake?” asked Noble. Cryo gave a curious look of bewilderment. “Oh. That’s right, Cryo. I forgot you never had cake before.” Look at this Cryo!” Noble went over to the bench and brought back a medium sized cake in the shape of a blue dragon, complete with candles on top and black candy eyes. “Doesn’t this look like you? We special ordered this just for you.” Cryo took immediate interest in it. Noble placed it in front of him and Cryo started to sniff it. He began to open his mouth, ready to scarf it all down. “Cryo! Don’t scarf it down. You need to share with the rest of us. Just wait for a moment.” said Suzy. Hearing this, Cryo calmed down, and closed his mouth, now looking at it with anticipation.

“Alright, light the candles, Greg.” Greg took a lighter and lit the candles on the cake. “Alright ready everyone? Let’s sing happy birthday to Cryo,” said Noble. Everyone of course sang “Ohhhhhh. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Cryo… Happy birthday to you!” Cryo was giving a big smile, greatly enjoying the attention he was getting.

“Alright birthday boy. Blow out the candles!” said Noble. Cryo seemed confused. “Silly Cryo. Blow out the candles, and make a wish. If your wish is strong enough. It will come true! Then we can eat the cake together. Greg, get the picture ready with the camera. Noble, fill Cryo’s bottle with some water.” Cryo hearing the words “wish come true,” made him excited. He thought about it for a moment, and realized he had only one wish to make. Just one desire he had most of all. To be allowed to stay with his family forever… “You have your wish Cryo?” asked Noble. Cryo nodded. Alright Cryo, blow out the candles.” Cryo inhaled in a big breath and blew out a small stream of water, which extinguished the candles (luckily, the cake was only soaked a tiny bit and no one was in the water’s path). “Oh Cryo. You need to get a little better at controlling that… Oh well… Time for some cake! Greg… Cut the first piece for Cryo. A big one! You’re going to love it, Cryo. It’s chocolate cake!” said Suzy.

The family sat together and ate the delicious cake. Cryo enjoyed it a whole lot, scarfing down multiple pieces, one after another. All the while taking small breaks to drink from his bottle. “It’s clear Cryo really loves the taste of chocolate,” thought Greg. Soon enough, the entire cake was gone and the entire group was stuffed. “That was so good. Right little buddy?” said Noble. Cryo gave a small burp and a smile while rubbing his stomach. “Well Cryo. Ready to open your gifts?” He gave a large yawn instead. Looks like someone might have eaten a little too much… “Looks like Cryo is starting to doze off. Should we wait on the presents and instead put him down for a nap?” said Suzy. “I think we should. He might get a little antsy if he doesn’t get a nap after how much he ate. I’d fall asleep after eating THAT much,” said Greg. “Alright. I’ll tuck Cryo in,” said Suzy. “Does that mean we’re going to go soon, Mom?” “Oh no. Not yet. We still haven’t put this little boy in the water yet. And he also hasn’t opened his presents. He just needs a little snoozer time so he doesn’t get cranky. He’ll be awake soon enough. Alright. Come here Cryo. Let’s get you all snug.” Suzy lifted up Cryo and wrapped him up tightly in his favorite blanket and put him in the crib again. She headed to the car to pull the chapter book he read to him last night. She began to read to him, from where she left off the last time. It wasn’t long before his mind and eyes began to grow dark. He went out like a light very soon after.

Ch 15

Nasty Nightmare

Cryo opened his eyes, and saw he was in an unfamiliar place. He realized that he was not in a crib, but laying on the ground, on black bristles coming off from it. He looked around, and saw that he seemed to be in a destroyed town, with the sky a dark red with dark clouds covering the sky. Cryo looked around to find his parents, but did not see them anywhere. Cryo got up, and searched around the area for them, hoping that they were alright. He needed to find something. Something that could tell him where he is or where his family was. After looking for a bit, he came across a destroyed sign near a burnt forest. As he approached the broken sign, he began to think it looked familiar. He approached the sign which now read W…ide (Cryo had at least picked up a little bit on reading from story time at home). Where is this place called Wide, thought the little dragon. But as he thought about it, he realized what it was really supposed to say. The sign had a chunk missing that split it from the top, separating the letters. There was a reason it looked so familiar. It’s supposed to read Wayside! This is Cryo’s hometown! Starting to go into a panic, Cryo rushed to where his home was on the outskirts, desperate to find out if his family was alright!

He finally made it, and found his home completely destroyed! He approached the wreckage, hoping to find some clue to if his family made it out. But he could find none… He began to whimper and cry a bit as he searched. But as Cryo searched, he heard something strange. A soft whirring noise. At first, Cryo ignored it, thinking it was just in his head. But, it slowly became louder, and louder, and louder. Cryo’s ears started to ring from the noise, and realized quickly that this wasn’t just in his head. “So. Here is the little outcast that got away,” a distorted voice called from behind Cryo. Cryo slowly turned around, and saw a large red dragon armored from head to toe in a futuristic armor suit! “It took us quite a bit of time to find you and your pathetic mother. She caused us quite a bit of problems, when she destroyed our precious portal project. Cursed dragon is with the US now, and she’ll cooperate once we have YOU. She really thought she could hide you. Heh. Pathetic…” Cryo, hearing this, became mad, but quickly realized he could not fight this off. He knew he had to get away, and fast. He took off toward the burned out forest to try to lose him “So you’re going to try and run. That’s kind of cute… Alright. I’ll play “hide and seek,” with you kid. This is commander Javelin X of the Zerothenian army. Target entered the forest. Send in search and capture units.”

Cryo dashed his way through the forest, attempting to run as fast and as far as he could. Trying desperately to lose his pursuers. He passed along a seemingly endless amount of burned trees. After running for what seemed to be an eternity, he came to a stop near the log cabin, still intact. And the door was unlocked… Cryo went inside and locked the door behind him. He quickly darted his head all round the small cabin and began to move and quickly search all over with the hopes of finding somewhere to hide. After a bit, he decided to hide under a blanket on the bed there. Cryo kept hearing jets whirring, all over. Suddenly, things became silent. Not a single noise, except the intensity of Cryo’s breathing. Was it safe to check? Cryo decided to try and take a peek to see if anyone was there. Cryo slowly took his paw to lift up the blanket just a bit, and saw the creature from earlier staring at him up close to his face.

“Hello little troublemaker. It looks like I found you.” the creature said. Cryo tried to run again, but the creature quickly grabbed Cryo by the tail before he could and pinned him down. He then wrapped his arms around Cryo’s neck and waist and quickly lifted him up. Cryo struggled to break free from its grip but couldn’t make him let go. His heart began to race rapidly and he began to have trouble breathing from the way he was being held. He let out a terrified screech, desperately trying to loosen the fiends grip. Several other dragons in metal Armorsuits came inside. “Hold the kid down,” the commander said. 4 of the soldiers quickly gripped Cryo’s paws and held them together, along with his snout. “He’s ready to be a restrained commander,” one of the dragon’s said. “Now then.” The commander reached into a small compartment on his armorsuit with one arm while keeping the other arm around Cryo’s neck. began to take out a long strand of small metal wire. He slowly wrapped it around Cryo’s snout, muzzling him. Cryo tried to let out a scream, but couldn’t. “That should keep him from using his breath abilities. Now for his appendages.”

The other dragons took out 3 more wires and wrapped them around cryo’s limbs and around his wings to pin them down to his body. Cryo couldn’t move. “There we go, little one. Was that so hard? Those stupid humans put up a better fight than you. Your dumb dragon mother too. Too bad it wasn’t enough for them to prevent us from finding you. Your “humans,” will be joining you soon once we find out where they went,” the commander said. Cryo realized they were talking about his family. Cryo struggled and struggled as hard as he could to try and break free. “Still have some fight in you. How… amusing. You will soon learn who is in charge in due time. You’re going to find life with us so much more fulfilling than as a stupid pet to some rather notorious species. But I think it would be best to introduce you to our glorious leaders ourselves. Corporal. Wrap this around his eyes. Let’s make his new home a surprise,” The commander took out a piece of cloth, with the insignia of their army. “Yessssssss, commander.” Desperately , Cryo tried with all his might to struggle free of his bonds, and to try to blow off his muzzle with his water breath. But it was no use. “Now then little dragon.” The soldiers wrapped it around Cryo’s eyes. blinding him. Cryo tried to scream again, but not a sound came out. Everything flashed to white.

Ch 16

Swimming Serpent

Cryo tossed and turned and suddenly opened his eyes. He realized he was not where he was before. He realized quickly his vision wasn’t being blocked. He was back in the forest. But the trees weren’t reduced to ash and cinders. The trees and shrubs were still filled with greenery. And Cryo wasn’t in some prison cell somewhere far away, but in a small crib near the lake. Cryo realized it was just a horrible nightmare. It felt so real, but he guessed he had it from overeating. Cryo let out a sigh and closed his eyes for a few seconds, and started to breathe more slowly in order to calm himself down, letting his pacifier fall down to his neck. “Cryo. You ok little brother?” asked Noble. Cryo opened his eyes again and turned around in his Crib to see Noble, playing his ZPS on the nearby bench. “You were tossing and turning in your sleep a lot, little brother. You also made some weird noises. Did you have a nightmare?” Cryo picked himself up and went to the side of the crib toward Noble and gave a small nod with a frown going across his face. He then rubbed his eyes a bit and shook his entire body, seemingly trying to shake off the dream itself. “Oh Cryo. It was only a dream. Dream’s aren’t real Cryo. Nothing in that dream will ever happen. Come on. Let’s get you out of your crib.” Noble picked up Cryo, and placed him on the ground. Cryo put his pacifier back into his mouth.

“Need a small break Cryo?” He nodded. “Alright. Come with me, little muncher. So Cryo took his “break,” and headed back towards his adopted mother and father. “Hey Mom. Dad. Cyro’s awake.” “Oh good. Is my little one well rested?” Cryo wagged his scaly tail a bit. “Noble. Did he… You know?” “Yes mom.” “Alright. What should we do first, Greg? Should we have Cryo open his presents, or put him in the water to try to teach him to swim. “Well I say we should…”

As Greg was about to say something, Cryo immediately darted straight towards the water. “Huh, Cryo. Come back! We’re not ready for you to jump in yet!” But as the final words came out Cryo had already jumped into the air, and landed in the water, head first. “Cryo!” Suzy screamed. “Someone jump in and get him!” Noble immediately began as fast as he could, as bubbles floated to the water’s surface. “Here I come, little brother!” said Noble. Noble was about to dive in, when a familiar head popped up from the water, with strangely, a fin on his head. It seemed Ferrin dragons transform when they hit the water. “Huh. Cryo?” said Noble.” Cryo gave a wave from the water. It looks like he was fine.

“Little brother. You need to wait for us. We didn’t know you knew how to swim.” Cryo gave out a small frown. “Oh don’t worry about it, baby brother. Let’s just swim.” Noble jumped in and now the two brothers were happily swimming in the water together. “You look a bit different Cryo. Did you transform in the water?” He looked at Noble, smiled and nodded and began to dive down into the water, coming up just a few seconds later. Cryo was a little uncomfortable swimming, mostly due to the water being colder than what he usually bathes in. But, the little dragon was nonetheless having fun being able to stretch out his legs in an activity he already excels at.

“Interesting. I guess Ferrin dragons learn naturally to swim. It also seems that their bodies adapt to being in water. I can see only the head, but I imagine maybe his body has changed a bit as well.” said Greg. “I wonder why he never transformed when he was taking a bath. Tide never told us about this either. “We never had a chance to see Tide swim. For obvious reasons of course. Maybe she wanted to wait until she could actually show us herself. As for the baths… well… I’m not entirely sure about that. Maybe the transformation requires a certain type of water, or maybe it requires to be submerged in deeper water or surrounded in a larger body of water. It could even be something as simple as Cryo transforming himself with his mind to better suit the water. I might want to look at Cryo’s full transformation before we leave tonight.” They looked back towards the lake.

Another hour passed, and it was starting to get late. “We should probably leave soon Greg,” said Suzy. “Yes. It’s probably time for Cryo to open his gifts and head home. I’ll get the towels from the car. You get the boys out of the water” said Greg. “Cryo’s probably also going to be thirsty, so fill his bottle as well, Greg.” “Alright dear.” So Greg started to head for the car to get the towels and Cryo’s bottle.

Ch 17

Broken Birthday

But as he went toward the car, he thought he heard the sound of twigs breaking nearby. Greg looked around but saw nothing. He got back to what he was doing. Suddenly, he heard something drop nearby him. He looked around, and saw a small canister on the ground. “Huh, wha…” Suddenly, the canister emitted a quick flash of light, blinding Greg. “AGHHH,” he said. “Target suppressed. Moving in now.” a voice called out. Greg was quickly wrestled into the ground and binded with handcuffs. “As his eyes came to, he saw a figure dressed in black bulletproof armor standing above him. “What? Ugh…” “We’ve been looking for you for quite a while. Good thing that tip came in,” the figure said. “Oh no…” Suddenly a swarm of human foot soldiers came surrounding the lakeside area of the forest. “Oh my goodness!” screamed Suzy. Cryo and Noble were still in the lake at the time. Cryo was very confused as to what was going on. Why were there so many black creatures here (he didn’t realize they were humans). He turned toward Noble, hoping he could give an answer. “Cryo… Hide underwater. Quickly…” Cryo didn’t understand. “They’re here for you. You have to hide.” Cryo started to become scared. “Come on, Cryo. Quickly. Hide. Before they see you. “Cryo shook his head and looked at Noble, clearly concerned for his safety. “Don’t worry about us Cryo. We’ll… Be fine. But you can’t let them take you away. Please. Hide now. Before it’s too late…” Cryo looked at Noble, and gave a small nod, and slowly dived underwater. “Alright. Be safe, baby brother. Noble swam towards the shore to meet these oppressors, who had just come toward the lake with the command for him to come out.

“Campsite secured, commander.” “Good. Any sign of the strange creature?” the commander said. “Not yet. Scouts are sweeping the forest now.” Maybe this miserable lot knows. Why don’t we get them to tell us.” The commander crept towards Greg. “Gregory Drake. Former biologist turned unknown species trafficker. It took us a while to find you. Our drones got an aerial photograph when you left with a valuable unknown species. We’ve been trying to find you ever since. Nice little town you settled in.” Cryo popped his head out from the center of the lake a tiny bit to listen in, unseen by the other soldiers. “Not many “prying eyes,” to see what you brought back here with you. We found one of the strange creatures in your home. Seems she is in a coma. I have to wonder what you did to her? We’ve already secured her. We’re moving her to a high security hospital wing within our military base until we can properly study her without people like you trying to keep a creature like this for yourself. But that’s not the only one.” Greg looked upon the commander. “It was always said that dragons existed only in mythology. Yet, here we find one. And we know it was not alone. She had a child, didn’t she. I don’t claim to know how a mythological creature grows, but I’m VERY sure that they don’t grow that fast. You were seen last year driving off with a small one. Let’s make this simple. Tell us where the other one is. Do it, and we might let you go free. If not, you all will be coming with us. I don’t think you want that, especially on your young boy’s birthday so it seems.”

Cryo’s heart immediately sank, while the family replied with nothing. “Come on, you people. You’re not helping yourself or it. Do the right thing, and tell us.” They still made no reply. “Alright then.” The commander pulled out a shock striker (a kind of electrified nightstick). He then pressed it against Greg’s chest, giving him a nasty shock. “AGHHHHHH,” yelled Greg. Greg fell to the floor in pain. Cryo, hearing his scream, realized they would stop at nothing to find him. He thought about swimming towards the shore to fight them off. But there were too many of them, and Noble told him to stay hidden. Cryo started to panic, not knowing what to do. “What about you? Suzy, your name is? Don’t make this difficult. Where is the baby Dragon?” “He’s far away by now. You won’t find him,” she said. The commander, clearly agitated, slammed her with the shock striker across her side, knocking her down. Cyro, now hearing his adopted mother’s scream, realized they would attack Noble next.

The commander now turned towards Noble, squatting down to meet Noble face to face. “Hey little guy. It looks like you were having a fun birthday party. Look. We really don’t want to hurt any of you. But your family has an unknown biological lifeform. One that was originally thought to never exist. It changes many things in the history of humanity. We need it. It is scared, alone, and needs to be properly handled. It’s too dangerous to be out and about. We can keep it safe. Protected. Tell us where it went, and you can go about your party. Please. We don’t want to do this.” Noble looked and made eye contact with the commander with anger. “You bully! You’re not taking my baby brother away!” Noble yelled. “Baby brother? It’s a wild animal! It’s not human! I know you’re young and don’t understand the gravity of the situation, but you need to give us the dragon.” The commander increased the charge level of his strike shocker and pointed it towards Noble. “Tell us where that dragon is. Or else,” the commander said. “You’re not taking Cryo away!” Noble replied. “Alright young one. You asked for it. Make his parents watch this.” The commander prepared to beat Noble as his parents would helplessly watch.

Cryo, hearing this, broke his heart. He couldn’t fight all of them off without his family getting hurt. He knew he had just two options. He could hide in the water while his family is beaten there and taken to someplace far away. Or, he could reveal himself and give himself up, saving his family, but putting himself in danger. In either case, Cryo knew he probably would never see his adopted family again. Cryo knew the choice he had to make. Cryo began to swim towards the shore.

“Alright kid. This is your last chance. Tell me where the little dragon is, or you all will be sorry. “No!” “Very well then. “Time for your punishment!” Just as the commander was about to strike Noble, he heard something come out of the water. “Huh?” he said. Cryo emerged from the water, with his head hung low and a frown. His body began to revert to what it was before as he slowly walked forward. “Cryo! No! What are you doing!” yelled Noble. “Men! It’s the dragon! Get ready!” exclaimed the commander. They readied their tranquilizers and prepared to fire on him. Cryo approached the commander. He looked upon him and then laid on the ground in front of him, keeping his appendages together, as if saying to tie them.

“Sir. What is it doing?” said one of the soldiers. “…I think… it’s surrendering to us.” said another soldier. “Cryo. Please. Don’t do this. Not for us,” said Noble. But Cryo had already made up his mind. He couldn’t put them at risk just for himself. “Keep the guns on the dragon. You. Put a muzzle on it. Let’s get him ready to be shipped back to base.” “Yes, sir.” They slowly approached as Cryo kept his head down. “Take it easy, little creature. No sudden moves. Just relax.” He took out a muzzle and wrapped it around Cryo’s snout. They then wrapped a chain around Cryo’s neck and started to escort him out.

Ch 18

Grieving Goodbye

“Wait!” said Noble. “Can… I at least say goodbye to him.” The commander though about it for a minute. “Alright. You have a minute,” he said. “Cryo, your name is? Come on.” He walked Cryo over to his family, who had been released from their shackles. “Hey little buddy. It… looks like this is it, huh…” Cryo gave a small nod. “I never thought things were going to end up like this. I… won’t ever forget what you’ve done for us. Your the best baby brother someone like me could ever ask for.” said Noble. “Yes. I couldn’t have asked for a better creature to call my son. Your… mother would be happy to know how much you mean to us. But… I think you’ll be able to see her soon. They… have her with them. Perhaps… they may be able to wake her up… I wish things didn’t go like this. But… Know that we will always love you and remember you. No matter where you are,” said Suzy. “I can’t believe all of this happened on your birthday, of all things. I’m so sorry Cryo. I… hope that one day… we may be able to see each other again,” said Greg. “Wait. This party was for the dragon? Ah forget it,” the commander thought. “Alright. You 4 wrap it up,” the commander said.

“Goodbye Cryo. Please be safe. And, try to be happy.” Noble said. They gave a group hug around Cryo, who had begun to cry a bit. “Alright, come on dragon. I mean… Cryo…” the commander said as he started to lead Cryo away. “Hey there is something around the dragon’s neck,” said one of the soldiers. “What is it,” he said. “Let me check sir.” He saw Cryo’s binky around his neck. “It looks to be a pacifier.” “What. Throw it away.” The soldier ripped it from Cryo’s neck and threw it away from Cryo. Cryo attempted to get it back, but couldn’t and was dragged away and loaded into a heavy ground transport. “Alright, let’s get that jacket and scarf off of you,” said the commander. They took the clothing off and threw them to the side of the truck. “We’ll store these for now.” The last two items he had to remember his family were now taken away, and the transport revved its engine and drove away. “Cryo didn’t even get a chance to open his gifts,” said Suzy.

Cryo’s current known abilities:

Snow Stream: Ice based breath that can freeze and encapsulate creatures, materials, and objects.

Hydro hurricane: Spit out a stream of water at his foes.

Super Screech: A loud soundwave blast that can knock enemies away in the screech’s path and can also cause migrains if exposed long enough.


His adopted family

His pacifier

His special clothing

Tv and children’s cartoons

Watching his brother take things apart

Sleep (Cryo takes 2 or 3 naps every day)

Eating and especially drinking milk and other fluids

His toys, like his wolfy plush

Hide and seek

Play time

The Outdoors

Being a good dragon





Losing things he values

Being too cold or too hot

Loud or Obnoxious noises

His Moms condition


Bullies or people who try to harm his loved ones

Character creation, Spider Shadowshot

Character creation, Spider Shadowshot

Spider Force Member

Ch 1


Spider Shadowshot was gifted with abilities from an experiment from an unknown dark element. He lives in the Bugkasian empire within a group of enforcers known as the spider force, alongside his friend, stinger spider. Who is this one exactly.

Spider Shadowshot (real name Zeke Zoom), was a normal spider who lived with his family within the confines of a large city within the empire (an area named Humania. Named this due to an ancient, unknown, intelligent species which were discovered in a ancient buried building here, along with unknown artifacts from said unknown species). He spent most of his childhood playing with his toy guns and swords with his brother, Zane Zoom. Life was quite good, as he was a honor role student, and was very good natured.

However, a group on anarchists within the empire, a group known as Bug Bombers, invaded a stadium where a major league spider ball game was being played. Due to his good grades, the entire family took Zeke to his first one. He was only 10 then. While they were going to their seats, Zeke noticed a group of bugs in heavy trench coats carrying a very large bag. He got a good look at one, who had multiple scars across both his eyes. Zeke didn’t think of anything then. Setting explosive charges around the support structures in the stadium, the game ended explosively.

During the commotion, as the stadium collapsed around him, he watched his family get crushed from the collapsing stadium. Using spider string, he managed to wrap himself in it to cushion the collapsing stadium around him. When the dust settled, and the Spider Force arrived to save as many as possible, they found him under much rubble, wrapped within a cocoon of webbing and unconscious. Amazed at how the young boy survived, they brought him to a clinic immediately. While there were several broken bones, the webbing protected him enough not to cause any permanent damage. As one of the few survivors, he was interviewed in the hospital, from none other then Stinger Spider. Zeke was amazed by his stunning armor exoskeleton and wanted to know more about him.

Stinger Spider told him that he was part of the Spider Force, a group of elite spiders who protect the empire from all forces of evil. They had learned of the dastardly plan to blow up the stadium earlier, but they were too late when they got there. Zeke really wanted to join, but was still too young, and untrained to protect the empire. After Zeke gave his statement about the affair, Stinger Spider left. Now an orphan, he promised himself he would train up and become a spider force member one day.

Ch 2

Orphan Opportunity

First few months as an orphan were rough. He felt lonely in the orphanage he was sent too. However, he was quickly adopted by a family of dragonfly’s who gave the love and care he needed. There was the father, Flint Fire, the mother, Fiona Fire, and their young son (slightly older then Zeke), Flare Fire. The family wanted to adopt a young child, as they wanted their son to have a younger brother of a different species to intermingle with and learn from. When they heard about a young spider who managed to survive a terrorist attack using his own spider webbing, they knew they just had to adopt him. Fortunately for Zeke, the father was a martial arts master in the art of combat. Zeke asked his new adopted father if he could train under him, both to be more physical and to be able to fight off foes. While hesitant at first, the father agreed after hearing what happened to Zeke’s original parents. And so began Zeke’s training.

Zeke trained hard under his adopted father, Flint, in the art of hand to hand combat, swordplay, and the tossing of items like kunai and throwing stars, even guns. He balanced his training with his school work and life. He kept up his good grades in school and became strong both physically and mentally.

Ch 3

Brash Bullies

One day a group of cockroaches were bullying and harassing a young Scarab Bug during recess. While he knew he would probably get in trouble by taking them on, he couldn’t just walk away (he was hurt the same way by the ones who killed his parents). He confronted the group and simply said “Leave this poor gripper bug alone. So what if her mandibles haven’t developed yet.” Naturally, these bullies didn’t take to kindly to being told what to do. The three quickly surrounded Zeke, ready to fight. The leader of the group, Randall, threw the first punch which was quickly countered by Zeke’s grip along with a sock to Randall’s cheek, knocking him to the ground. The other two tried to punch him in the head, which Zeke simply ducked under and threw two spider punches into their chests. They were mad now. They tried to unleash their attacks in a frenzy, but were quickly countered, dispatched, and forced to retreat. The young Gripper bug was amazed by this show of force. She introduced himself as Grate Graner (Gr-an-er). They quickly became friends as they spent breaks with each other talking things over.

Soon the school day ended, and both Zeke and Grate were walking home together. However, Zeke felt like someone was following him. He looked around and saw nothing. But sure enough, when they were walking in the park all alone, they were quickly surrounded by the same bullies from before. They had brought 4 others with them, and one had a rope (clearly they were going to do something really nasty to these two). Knowing the odds were greatly stacked against him, he stood his ground. “Well, well tough guy. Your going to have to come with us. Don’t try to resist boy. Don’t make this any harder on yourself. Come with us, and we’ll leave your little friend alone,” Randall sneered. Knowing he couldn’t put his new friend in danger, Zeke agreed, despite what they might do to him. They tied him with the rope and marched him away from the scene, in which Grate immediately went to go for help. They took Zeke to the darkest corner of the park, where they then prepared themselves to beat Zeke within an inch of his life. But even at a great disadvantage, they failed to realize their biggest mistake. They only tied his arms down. They never tied his legs.

Randall comes forward, ready to throw the first punch. Zeke concentrates and focuses his mind on the group. Right as he tried to strike, Zeke stepped back, causing Randall to stumble forward. With no warning, Zeke delivers a strong roundhouse kick to his head, knocking him hard to the ground. Randall, even more angry, gets back up. The other 6, surprised at this turn of events, rush at him. Watching their movements and concentrating fully, he swiftly dodges their strikes and delivering powerful spider kicks to the nasty group. One by one, he knocks each bully out. Soon only Randall was left. Shocked at how this one spider could be so strong, he tries to run. Zeke, being quicker and more fit, very quickly catches him (by jumping in the air and landing on him), and knocks him out cold. Zeke breaths a heavy sigh, and looks around at his fallen foes. No sooner, Grate finds Zeke still tied with rope among his fallen foes, while standing on top of Randall. She had brought the police chief of the city, Gerrin (Gare-in) (who also happened to be her father), to help. Gerrin, surprised to find this scene, quickly unties Zeke, and takes this bad group in for assault (and other associated crimes). Zeke is taken into the police station in order to make a statement on the incident. After giving his statement, Zeke’s adopted parents came in, grateful that he is all right after such a terrible situation. Gerrin explained he had been training under him and had lost his original parents to the Bug Bombers. With this, they head home, proud of young Zeke for standing up to danger in the service of others.

Ch 4

Bug Bombers

So time passed. He continued to train under his adopted father. He graduated from high school and lived happily and was starting to make plans for collage. But he remembered what happened at the stadium when he was young. He couldn’t bear to see a horrible incident like that upon anyone else. He remembered meeting Stinger Spider, a warrior clad in an amazing armorsuit. He remembered the bully incident with Grate. He wondered if there was any chance he could join the spider force. It was unknown how any bug would be chosen to fight within the special military bug forces. Despite researching, he found no information on how to join. He continued to train under his adopted father as he looked into his dream (while also managing his school work at his collage (Spindle Spider University). Eventually, fate would lend a hand.

Zeke was eating at his favorite restaurant back at his home with his family (To celebrate his birthday). While he was eating, his intuition told him something was amiss. He looked around. He saw a strange group in the very back of the restaurant, with a large bag. One of them looked, familiar. He saw them sneak into the back of the restaurant. Wanting to follow, he told his family he was going to the bathroom, and sneaked into the back where the kitchen was.

He found the staff there tied up and realized something bad was happening. He heard a voice and immediately ducked behind the kitchen counter to hear the two converse. It seems that this was indeed the bug bombers who came here, with the hope of tieing off loose ends. They heard of 1 bug that had survived the stadium explosion, a witness who could identify them, perhaps. A bug who is currently enjoying a nice birthday there, Zeke. They planned to have a repeat of the stadium, blow the supports of the structure and bury everyone inside. This time they would stay behind to make sure that this little troublemaker wouldn’t come back out (apparently, his original statement caused them a lot of grief for their group, as the spider force and other assorted peacekeeping forces have made it hard for them to continue their terrorist activities). He peeked behind the counter a realized he did recognize one of them. It was the same bug from the stadium! The one with the many scars across his eyes. He realized that the one he saw when he was very young years ago was the same one responsible for the attack that killed his parents when he was very young.

Filled with anger and rage, he jumped out of hiding and announced his presence. This group, realizing that this was the one they were seeking, snickered on how they could kill him right here and blow up the building to cover their tracks. They immediately armed the explosive, and took their guns out to shoot him. Thinking quickly, Zeke shot out his spider string out their hands and yanked the guns right out of their hands. Surprised, they then took out some long blades. With time against him, he knew he had to take them out fast before the bomb exploded. As they rushed him, surrounded himself in protective webbing, just like he did when he was young. As they tried to strike him, the webbing shot out a gunked them up. With them out of the way, now came the most important part.

His relationship with Grate had benefited him. Her father had taken Zeke in as an apprentice due to his previous bravery with his daughter. He began to teach Zeke the ins and outs of law enforcement when he had time off. One of the things he had watched though, was one of the officers defusing a bomb. While he was never explicitly taught to, he had watched several recordings of police training bomb defusal (and watched one in process at the station) units at the station. He had also taken mechanical engineering classes on the side at collage. There was only a minute left on the explosives now, not enough time to call for help and not enough time to get everyone out. It was up to him…

Remembering what he watched he carefully observed the explosives. Trigger, ignition, he looks at the device carefully. Looking upon a blue wire, he thinks it is what he needs to cut. But is he right. No time to think. With a pair of pliers. He closes his eyes, and cuts it.

He opens his eyes. Everything is still standing. He doesn’t appear to have angel wings. Has he done it. He looks at the timer on the explosives. 2 seconds left. Phew… With everyone safe, he now turns toward the people who had wronged him so long ago, still wrapped in webbing. Police had come onto the scene (apparently, one of the workers there had managed to escape and immediately called the police for help). They came in to see Zeke, with one the of terror plotists guns in his hand, ready to exact revenge for his family. Gerrin realized immediately what had happened, and also realized that these people were the same ones who killed his family long ago.

Gerrin told Zeke to put the gun down. But he had waited for this chance for so long. Gerrin knew he may pull the trigger. Zeke thought about it for a moment. But he knew that neither his original family or his adopted one would never want him to do this, and after thinking some more, he dropped the gun. With a sigh he walks out of the restaurant, a hero.

After giving his statement, he was heading back home, and was going to be honored by the city for such outstanding heroics and bravery (Gerrin was going to have him work with him as a junior at the station). His parents prepared some nice tea to sit down and drink and hear what Zeke had to say about the incident. He began to tell his story as he took a small sip. But soon enough, his mind felt foggy, and his joints felt weak. The next thing he knew, he was laying on the floor, and his mind goes dark.

Ch 5

Spider Seclusion

He woke up in the mourning, not knowing where he was. He was in a small bed, within a small room, with a big mirror in front of him. Beside his bed was a small counter that had a glass of milk and a blueberry muffin, (baked fresh apparently). Confused he looked around. Nothing. Tried the door. Locked. Really confused, he heard a voice on the intercom within the room.

“Do not be afraid. We are not here to hurt you. We have been watching you for some time. The only survivor of the attack on String Stadium. And now a hero of Humania. Please wait while our representative comes and speaks with you.” Really confused, Zeke asks where his family is. “They are with us as well. Do not worry. No harm will come to them. Now please. Wait for our representative. If there is anything you need to stay relaxed, please ask. We do not wish to make you feel uncomfortable.”

He thought about it for a moment and looked at what he was wearing. He realized he was still in his dirty cloths from the incident earlier. He asked, “Well, can I have some fresh, clean cloths please?” It answered back “Yes young spider. We will send in something for you to change into and wear. They will come in at our transfer pod near your bed to the opposite side. Please wait. As you probably have noticed we made some breakfast for you. Just wait a few moments for your cloths.”

Zeke looked towards the bed. He saw a large, round, clear pipe jetting from the ceiling close to the bed from waist level. With not much else to do, he took the blueberry muffin and the milk and sat on the bed to eat. The muffin was quite soft and warm, with a sweet taste of blueberries and a sharp flavor. Quite a well baked muffin. He then heard a ding near him. He checked around and heard on the intercom “Your cloths have arrived young spider. Please change into them when you like. Our representative is back from his mission and should arrive shortly.”

Zeke had just finished his breakfast, and turned toward the glass pipe, which now had a set of cloths in a capsule. He unscrewed the top and checked out what they sent him. A blue shirt and pants with spider motifs added to it. He put it on, and realized that the cloths had a somewhat thicker feeling, yet it was still quite lightweight… The intercom rang on again. “You may notice the cloths design being different then what you might be used to wearing. They are laced with a special thin metallic fabric that offers the wearer extra defense in combat scenarios. It is also very flexible. We regret to inform you that we don’t have any other normal cloths here.” Zeke spoke back “It’s fine. I think I actually like the feel a bit more then what I’m used to wearing.” “We are glad you are pleased. Our representative is filing a field report with command, and shall be with you in about 10 minutes. Is there anything else you need young Zeke?” “I’m fine, thank you.”

Ch 6

Intercom Interest

So minutes past and Zeke was relaxing on the bed, still wondering what might be going on here. The people here seemed nice, and they seem eager to get him whatever he wants (within reason of course). He wondered who this “representative,” could be. He began to think on what has happened since he woke up. And he remembered the intercom announce “we have been watching you for quite a while.” He began to wonder what they meant by that.”

“Excuse me,” said Zeke. “Yes, Zeke?” the intercom said. “You… told me you were watching me for a while. What did you mean by that?” “…I suppose you have a right to know now that your here. I was hoping to wait for the representative, but it seems briefing is taking longer then expected… What I can tell you at least is that we have been watching you since the incident at the stadium years ago.” “Why is that?” questioned Zeke. “Your have a rather interesting knack for survival. You were the only one to come out alive from a crumbling stadium, rigged with explosives. Quickly covering yourself in a cocoon of webbing to cushion the crushing building was rather interesting and clever, something that no normal child should be able come up with, or any untrained adult for that matter.”

“While you may not have realized it, your statement on the Bug Bombers from the stadium gave us new leads on their terrorist group. We cross referenced the trench coats you told us about to a shop within the outskirts of the Drang sector of the empire. The clothing store in reality was a front to load and make explosives to destabilize the empire. The bug with the scars you identified had been the owner of said shop. We attempted to put a stop to the explosive production there. Unfortunately, while we had captured most of the crew there, he escaped. He goes by the name of Bombshell. His real name is Chrome Con. At some point after the sting operation, he must have heard that you survived the stadium and realized somehow that you were the one that identified him. With the trouble you have caused the Bug Bomber group, its no surprise he wanted you gone. We had people in the restaurant watching you on your recent birthday blast, so to speak, at Mexi Max restaurant. However, it seems that the Bug Bombers caught onto us and ended up dispatching the agents watching you. They were able to call for backup, but we didn’t think we would arrive to get you out (or anyone out for that matter) in time. It seems though that you instinct for survival kicked in just like before. You disarmed the bomb with little time to spare and saved so many. We knew it was time. This incident alone wasn’t the only other thing showing your knack for combat and survival. Taking on a group of bullies with no hand usage is no easy feat either. Your ability to adapt to situations like this is quite amazing. As for the Bug Bomber group, they hate the king for unknown reasons and have been trying to remove him for years. Even after they were responsible for killing your real parents, there was enough good and moral judgement within you to not pull the trigger. We always watched you and waited for the day when you were truly ready. “Ready for what?”

Ch 7

Stinger Spider

“Ready to join the Spider Force young Zeke,” a new voice called out. He turned toward the now unlocked door to see a familiar face. The same rig armor he saw years ago when he was very young. “You. I remember you. Stinger Spider, Correct?” “Clever kid. Yes Zeke. I’m the same one who you gave your statement to years ago after what happened at the stadium. You were so much smaller then. Look at you now. Saving lives and doing what is right. That is the sign of a true hero my friend.” “You have been watching me all this time?” said Zeke. “Yes. You were a witness in a terrible incident regarding some major troublemakers within our world. I had a feeling they would eventually try to find and destroy you. We had agents watching you your whole life. What we didn’t realize is how strong you would become on your own.” Strong?” “Yes. Strong Zeke. After the incident with your family at the stadium, you were left at an orphanage, which was really being watched over by one of our agents. When you were adopted, you were put in a sort of “witness protection,” being watched by us from the shadows. But, when you were adopted, it seems the family we set you with couldn’t have been a better choice.

Your father was a martial arts master, which was no surprise to us that you wanted to train under him after what happened to your family. But you were able to balance training with school work in order to continue your life. You never complained about how much you lost. You never felt the world was against you. Some of your teachers were really working under us. Your consistent good grades showed your ability to learn and would later show your ability to learn quickly by example (such as with diffusing a bomb with only the knowledge of watching a simulation at the police station in your home town). You would defend others from harm, like your friend Grate, even if it could mean harm to yourself. When the real challenge came, you would not crack under pressure, like with those bullies, or take a dark path of revenge for your family. You don’t desire glory, nor rewards. You seek only what is right. When we saw you take on those bullies with (literally) your hands behind your back, we knew right then there was something much more special about you.” Special?”

“Yes. Your ability to survive situations under pressure have proven valuable in many different circumstances. My agents have seen how well you have fought at your father’s dojo and on the field not only with your bare hands, but also with your own abilities as a spider and with different weapons. You have an ability to fight well. We’re sorry we took you like this, but I really wanted to meet you in person and ask you personally.” “Ask what?” “Will you join the spider force? It’s an elite group of spider warriors with different abilities tasked with protecting the empire from forces who seek to destabilize it and destroy peace. There are different bug groups within the Bugkasian military tasked with different missions. We work together. We fight evil. We protect the innocent. And we make sure to save lives. While your very well versed in combat, we can train your body even further. We’ll make you stronger then you ever thought possible. Don’t worry. You’ll still be able to see your family when your off duty. And you’ll be able to make a difference across our world. Will you join Zeke? If not, its alright. Our agents will take you back to your home.”

Zeke didn’t need to think of an answer. “Yes. I’ve always wanted to join since the day I lost my family. I’m ready to take the first steps. Where do I sign up, Stinger Spider?” “You already have my friend. Come with me. I’ll take you to see your family to tell the news to them. They are waiting for you in holding.” “Alright. Thank you.”

Ch 8

Spider Spy

And so began Zeke’s new life as part of the spider force. Zeke was taken to a room similar to the one he was in, where his family was waiting. He told his family the news and they all felt happy for him. But that would probably also mean that they may never see him again. But stinger spider said that he would be able to come back home during holidays and when off duty. Zeke’s family told Grate and her father, and he simply said that they’ll both hope Zeke can help at the police station when he returns from duty.

But now came his new intense training. They trained Zeke hard, attempting to push his knowledge and physical stature to its limits. They taught him how to pick locks and kick open doors, use items in the environment to escape bondage, use his webbing for offense and defense, military martial arts, stealth tactics, computer analysis, and of course, the use of special guns and swords made for condensed combat. However, most of these weapons were made to be non lethal, (even the swords were made with special technology where it would only be able to cut so far in the body without causing any permanent damage). The Bugkasian forces want to keep lethality as a last resort during operations. Stinger Spider watched as Zeke grew and grew in experience, and as his commanding officer, he decided to test out something on him.

Zeke was called into Stinger Spiders lab within the base, he was wondering if he would be able to finally go on missions. He went into the back where Stinger Spider was near a strange meteor. “Did you call me Sting?” said Zeke. “Yes Zeke. I did,” said Stinger Spider. “Am I finally going to be able to start with operations? You knew I’m ready to tackle any challenge. Me and my Spiderbite Swords and Spidershooters are more then ready.” “Yes Zeke. You have demonstrated remarkable ability during practice. But i didn’t call you in for that. “Why am I back in your lab then?” “I want to perform an experiment on you Zeke.”

“An experiment?” “Yes an experiment. This meteor here has an unknown energy signature within it. It’s made of no known substance on our planet. It was found during an operation in the Wake Sector. An operation team was sent there to retrieve an unknown object said to be being used to create illegal weapons. The organization responsible was called Prism, and black market weapon’s dealing organization dealing in special tech designed with nothing but lethal force. We realized that the object was this meteor, as it was channeling the same energy as the weapons we found at the hidden base. Unfortunately, an alarm sounded, and the team was forced to try and fight their way out. In about 15 minutes, a large force of enemies surrounded them. It seemed they weren’t going to make it back… But, as great as the odds were, they somehow managed to beat all of them, some of them even saying that they used abilities never seen before in any bug. We ran tests on them after they brought the meteor back. It seems that their bodies had somehow been affected by the meteor, and it gave them new and enhanced abilities. However, only a short time after the tests, the energy that they were cloaked in completely dissipated from their bodies, and they had felt weak for a time. They have fully regained their strength, but the effect seemed to only last 3 hours. Being our junior in training here Zeke, I want to try to directly channel the unknown energy from the meteor into you body by use of a special chest piece designed by me to absorb the energy from the meteor directly. We want to see its effects based on your skills.”

“Is it really safe,” said Zeke. “We have not found any negative effects from affliction yet, other then the weakening after the energy dissipated. It lasted only a day for those bugs. They are already ready for action again. We want to see if we can create a more condensed energy surge that can last for a longer period with this specialized energy siphon. By my calculations, I believe that we can use chest pieces like this in order to create a longer lasting effect for our forces. We hope to be able to use this with future rig armor. So, my young protege. Will you help out here?”

Zeke thought for a moment. From what his commanding officer said, there were really no risks here. A successful test might allow him to start taking assignments. It wasn’t a hard choice. “I’ll do it,” he said. “Great Zeke. I’ll get ourselves ready. In the meantime, why don’t you go see the other recruits and play some Spider Ball.” “Yes, Sting.” And so Zeke left to play with his friends while Stinger Spider got his experiment ready.

Ch 9

Experiment Epsilon

A couple hours later, Zeke was called back to the lab from his Spider Ball game. He was told to lay down on a table where they strapped him down. “I’m sorry for this Zeke. But I don’t want you to move much while this is going on. This energy might have unpredictable effects if were not careful. Just relax, everything will be fine. I promise.” While uncomfortable, he believed his commanding officers words. Zeke looked up in the corner and saw a window, where it seemed a bunch of other commander bugs were watching with anticipation. A little nervous at this point, he looked around the room to see all the crazy gadgets and gizmos. “Alright Zeke. Are you ready for the energy transfer?” Stinger Spider said. “Yes Sting. Fire away.”

“Good. The meteor is ready to be siphoned. Just relax and this should be over soon enough.” Stinger Spider walked over from the table and took to his control console in the back. “Commencing siphon sequence.” He punched the switch and the machines around began to buzz and turn. Zeke watched the meteor in the back as a machine poked a needle into the meteor. As it drilled inside of it, the needle began to conduct electricity, clearly draining the energy from the meteor. He looked at the machine the needle was connected to. It was channeled into a large, round generator that seemed to be acting as a condenser for harnessing said energy. After a few minutes, it filtered itself into the next machine. The next machine was directly above Zeke. The energy from the generator flowed into the machine above, and a tube extended out of the machine onto Zeke’s chest plate. Something was about to be distributed into his body. Becoming nervous again, he swallowed his fear and closed his eyes, ready to receive something unknown.

“Commencing energy transfer.” Everyone stand back.” In that moment, the energy started to funnel into Zeke, and he could feel his body channeling it all across itself. It felt like being supercharged. Things were progressing smoothly. It seemed that Zeke’s chest plate was handling the energy perfectly. The people there were watching in awe, including Stinger Spider.

But as you can guess, something went wrong. An unexpected deviation occurred. The meteor began to have it energy drained at a unexpected rate. Faster and faster the energy drained from it, and they soon realized that all the machines there were starting to overload. Zeke’s body felt sharp, unrelenting pain all over it. As he screams, the Stinger Spider tries to turn it off. But its too late. And then all of a sudden the meteor dissipated and funneled itself through the machine. Stinger realized what would happen. “Remove that transfer canister from Zeke. Don’t let the meteor combine with him. As they struggled to remove the canister, it was already to late. As the meteor quickly transferred itself through each machine, they overloaded and exploded, knocking Stinger Spider away. And quickly, the meteor traveled into Zeke’s body, combining with him. It seemed this would be his end…

Ch 10

Darkness Dream

The next thing Zeke knew, he was in a dark area. He felt what appeared to be sand under his feet. There were no lights, sound, or anything. He got up, wondering what was going on. But he felt another presence there. He could feel his movements as Zeke looked around the area. Suddenly, Zeke’s eyes glowed with Green light, and he realized he could now see in the dark area in a green tint. He appeared to be on a beach, out in the middle of nowhere. He now could see the approaching figure as Zeke looked at him in shock. This creature who appeared before him was a creature he had heard of in myths and legends. A dragon! With the green night vision, he could not make out what he looked like in color. He spoke, “Well young spider, it seems we have bonded together quite well.” “You can speak my language? Who are you?! Where am I?!” “I see I have made it quite dark in here my friend. Do not worry. I’m not going to kill the one I have bonded with. I am Servant, emissary of the element. Dragon of the lunar eclipse.” “Wait, who?!” “Yes my friend. You are quite perplexed as to what is going on, aren’t you?” My species was destroyed from war and strife on my home world planet long ago. The only way our species could survive is to morph our remaining people into special meteors, scatter ourselves throughout the universe, and bond into perfect hosts. “What are you talking about?! What did you do to me?! “It seems this darkness isn’t creating a pleasant experience for you. I always liked the dark. But if you need more light, I can easily create that for you.”

Suddenly, a sun burst out over the horizon, and quickly was covered by a moon, creating a solar eclipse effect. He could now see the beach a bit better. His eyes seemed to turn off its night vision by itself, and he could see the beach now. The sand was a shiny black, like Onyx, and the water was deep red, like the sun beaming down it at dusk. He now looked the dragon now. His skin was as black as the sand, and the solar eclipse beamed off him perfectly. An aura of shadow surrounded him.

“You see my friend, I needed to find someone to channel myself into for a long time.” I wanted to be paired with someone brave and powerful. A true warrior. But those ones I tried to merge with earlier, their minds were to weak… Their bodies sick with strife. They would not be able to handle my power. I imagine they are causing a ruckus right now.” “What do you mean!” “Do not worry about that. Your more then capable of restoring them. Listen to my voice, and I will help you defeat them.” “What do you… Wait. You don’t mean…” “Were going to need to work closely together to solve this little problem. Don’t worry. They won’t be permanently damaged. Now wake up young spider. We have work to do.”

Ch 11

Awkward Awakening

As Servant finished his final words, a surge of shadow enveloped Zeke and the next thing he knew, he suddenly opened his eyes, and realized he was no longer in that shadowy world. He looked around the room. He realized he wasn’t in the lab where the experiment was anymore. It looked to be a part of the infirmary. But as his head stopped spinning from the experience, he realized that an alarm was sounding at the base! “Attention all forces, subjects have been seen and sector XC4. Contain subjects immediately! This is not a drill,”the intercom announced. Realizing something was very wrong, he tried to get up. But he couldn’t. Something was holding him to the bed. He looked at his body, and realized he had been securely strapped to the bed. “Hey what’s going on?” Why am I like this!?” He heard a voice in his head.

“Clearly they don’t want you to end up like the others Zeke. Seems your friends have ended up causing a ruckus here.” “Servant?! “Seems your friends could use some help, yet they simply just strap you to a bed with little chance of escape. They clearly don’t understand power. Seems you need a way to break out my friend. Your precious friends need you, right? Don’t worry. you won’t end up like the ones I infused myself with earlier. Your much better then them. Listen to me, and I’ll help you out of this mess. Do you see where the strap meets metal belt? Touch it. I think you’ll enjoy the results.” Zeke, nervous as to what he is talking about, realized that he had very little options but to listen. So he looked around himself to see where the closest strap was. One was attached near his leftmost arm. He positioned himself so he could get a grasp on it. He grabbed it with his hand.

The next thing he knew, he could feel some sort of liquid ooze on his hand. The strap breaks and releases, freeing his hands. Now for his feet. He finds where the metal strap connects with the belt and grasps it again, and he sees for himself what happened. His hand had been oozing some strange dark substance, that severely corroded the metal belt, making it weak and brittle. a single yank and it falls apart. With himself free of the bed. he headed for the door. “No, boy. Not that way. Focus your eyes on the door young Spider,” said Servant. He focuses his eyes for a bit on the exit, and his eyes immediately become cloaked in red, and he now can see the heat signatures through the door. He could make out the signatures on 2 dragonfly’s guarding the door. “Your friends don’t realize that your not a threat to them. They will fight you if they realize you got out. I’m in no mood to get myself in a pointless fight with common creatures, and I certainly don’t want to give a bad impression on our first day together.” “What do you suggest I do then?” Zeke whispered. “Vent, upper right corner of the room. You better hurry, before they realize your out on that security camera.” He looked in the corner near the window, and saw the camera looking straight at him, he knew that he had little time left. Finding the vent he jumps straight from the ground onto it. He realized he had jumped much higher then he did before. With no time to think about it, he places his hands on the metal grating, which immediately corrodes and breaks apart, and he quickly enters. “Attention all hands. Subject Z has broken containment. Last location in Infirmary Wing S. Subject entered the ventilation. Locate and contain. Repeat. Locate and contain,” said the intercom.

Ch 12

Deep Dark

The vent was dark when he entered it, but like in the dream, his eyes glowed a dark green and triggered night vision so he could see inside it. “He crawled his way through until he came across a junction, between 3 different ventilation pathways. “Head left.” Said Servant. “Huh? Left?” said Zeke. “Yes boy left. I can feel them being that way.” “How do you know?” “I can sense my energy within them. Don’t question it. Just follow my directions, and I can get you to them from here.” So Zeke headed to the left pathway within the vent. He continued to crawl his way through as he listened to Servant’s directions. After about 3 minutes, Servant spoke again.

“Ahhhh, they are very close now. Now boy, don’t do anything hasty on our first day. I don’t want to have to find someone else. You have very little knowledge on my abilities yet, and we have no time for a crash course. Listen to me and I will help you fight.” “Where are they though?” said Zeke. “Look outside the grate to your right.” “Huh, the grate to my right?” Zeke saw the opening and peered through it.

He saw his commanding officer, Stinger Spider, fighting 3 other spiders below in the security station that was close to the armory! Upon closer inspection of the 5 spiders, he saw their eyes were a deep black and he saw dark energy flowing off of their bodies. “What happened to them? Were they they same group who infiltrated Prism earlier?” “Yes Zeke. Those fools at Prism found me in a vault built by a previous species on your planet. The previous species were almost as power hungry as my race was. So inferior to what lives on this planet now. They didn’t deserve my power.” “How long have you been on this planet?” “You realize your friend is in trouble right? You might want to get into this fight, or are you a coward?

Realizing Servant was right he used his hands to corrode the grating, smashed through the vent, and jumped onto the floor, where the the 6 looked upon Zeke in surprise. “Oh great… Zeke got here too… said Stinger Spider. Unfortunately, the distraction was long enough for one of the Spiders to grab Stinger Spider, and throw him at Zeke. Zeke quickly ducked as his commanding over flew over him and smash headfirst into the wall. (good thing he had a metal helmet on, or he could have been killed). Zeke immediately rushed over to see him. “Sting. Wake up Sting!” No response. Immediately, the 5 Spiders focused purely on Zeke, and they started to approach. Outnumbered and angry he looked around for something that could help him fight. “The 2 Spidershooters on the table near the entrance. Take them.” said Servant. “But they’ll just break!” said Zeke. “Do you really want to wait for them? Grab them!” With no time to think he quickly grabbed them, thinking they would just corrode in his hands.

All of a sudden, the guns were cloaked in the darkness and the next thing he knew, they darkness dissipated, and the guns had transformed. The 5 spiders realized what was going on, and with a distorted roar, they started to rush toward Zeke. “Hold the trigger down, and release only when I tell you,” said Servant. With them approaching, he held the trigger down. “Jump up over them.” Remembering the jump he made at the infirmary, he jumped up and over the 3 as they slammed into the metal wall. Hurt, but not unconscious, they slowly picked themselves up. They then began to rush Zeke again. “Aim at them and release the trigger.” Zeke aimed the guns, and let go of the trigger. A large dark blast fired out of both guns. The group tried to jump out of the way, but it was already to late. The shots clocked them and detonated in a surging explosion of darkness. As the darkness dissipated, he realized that the 5 were unconscious. Zeke quickly spun webbing around their arms and legs to restrain them. He noticed that his webbing was not a thick white anymore, but a thinner but stronger shining black (similar to Onyx).

“Now that they are taken care of, hold your hand over them.” said Servant. “Why?” said Zeke. “Do it, or would you prefer for them to wake up first.” Worried at what would happen, Zeke held his hand over the group. Suddenly, the dark power controlling them surged through their bodies and funneled itself into Zeke’s hand. He could feel this darkness coursing through his body. “Ahhhh, nice to have my full strength back. Good job Zeke. Were going to have sooooo much fun together.” He looked at the group again. The dark aura surrounding them had completely dissipated. “Will they be alright?” said Zeke. “Oh, don’t worry about those 5. They’ll be out for about a week and will probably be put in holding (and on probation…). “Why did that happen when they tried to use your power?”

“Their minds could not handle darkness like you. Nor their bodies. Finding a good host is quite tedious I’m afraid… I’m not one to kill unless absolutely necessary either. Death is an unfortunate circumstance when it comes to mind. Power corrupts, and corruption brings death. My race signed their own ends when they made deals with unknown beings from beyond our world and messed with powers and technology beyond their understanding. Do not worry. I’ll make sure your race doesn’t make the same mistakes that we did. But I do imagine that one day, the very same beings who caused us to destroy ourselves will eventually come here. We’ll very much need to be ready for that. Now, why don’t we check upon your friend.”

Ch 13

Rehabilitation and Readiness

While these words were concerning, he went to check on Stinger Spider. “Hey Sting. Wake up, Sting!” “Ugh… Huh?” Stinger Spider slowly looked upon Zeke from his visor, and immediately jumped himself up ready to fight Zeke. “Whoa, relax, Sting! I’m not going crazy. Look over there!” He quickly darted to the side of the room, and saw the restrained group on the floor. “Huh, What is going on? What did you do!? “Relax, everything is okay. I’ve taken care of them. Just calm down!” Stinger Spider looked back at Zeke. “I see you have cleaned up this mess. But I can tell from looking at you that the meteor has greatly affected you. I’m glad you helped solve this problem, but I can’t allow you to walk about the base until were absolutely sure your not going to end up like them. I’m sorry Zeke. But your going to need to come with me.” “That’s fine. I understand.” said Zeke.

So Stinger Spider handcuffs Zeke’s arms (when they saw the first ones corroded from his arms, they quickly used special bindings made for the worst criminals, made of metals highly resistant to corrosion and damage) and leads him down the hallway to special holding. As they walk down the hallway, Zeke sees all the prying eyes off the other recruits going around, wondering what was going on with Zeke. While worried about what they would do to him, he decided this was best for now.

They put Zeke in a straitjacket (they noted that he actually put the jacket on himself before they engaged the restraints on it) and sent him to a padded room. While concerned that they might keep him in their for a while, perhaps the rest of his life, he knew this might be the only way they can trust him after what happened. They did a weekly psyche evaluation, and ran several physical tests weekly. At least they were eventually kind enough to put in a TV with a voice command feature to change the channel. Servant was not pleased by this turn of events, but knew as well this was probably best, for how annoying being stuck in a single room all day is with no action (though servant seemed to really like the television, especially action movies). After about a month and a half in holding, Zeke, was sitting on his bed with the television on, when the door to his room opened. he looked over, and saw Stinger Spider come in.

Ch 14

Curious Converse

“May we talk Zeke?” he said. “Yes, I’m willing to talk Sting.” Zeke said. Stinger spider drew closer and sat himself down next to Zeke. “How are you feeling today?” “I’m fine Sting, really. What do you need?” “Yes you see, you’ve been talking to yourself. It has been noted on security footage of you talking to someone called, Servant?” “Yes, sir.” “Was this the result of being stuck in a small padded room by yourself?” “No sir. It happened after the experiment,” “Could you please, tell me more about this phenomena?”

“Well, after the experiment Sting, I was… Somewhere… I don’t know where?” “Could you describe it more?” “Well it was some type of strange dream beach. It’s hard to explain… At first it was really dark. I couldn’t make out anything, suddenly, my eyes began to see in green. Next thing I know, I can actually see the beach. “So, you had night vision specs on you?” “No sir, my eyes did it by themselves…” “Interesting. Go on.” Next thing I knew, this creature approached me.” “What type of creature?” “Well… it was… a dragon…” “A dragon? The same creature seen in ancient books that we could actually decrypt?” “Yes Sting. I really don’t expect you to believe me…” “Go on, Zeke” “Alright. This… dragon told me his name was Servant. “What did he look like?” “He looked just like the dragons found in ancient lore, the wings, the big body, the long snout, not like those snake looking ones. He… created a solar eclipse in the strange world I was in to light it up. My eyes dimmed off the green tint and I could get a better look at him. His… body looked like it was as shiny as onyx, but still organic. The light from the solar eclipse was creating a strange light effect across him. The beach’s sand was the same color as Servant and the water was a deep red.” “Blood Red?” “No sir, it’s the type of red you would see when the sun falls under the horizon at dusk.” “Did he say anything to you?” “Yes. He told me that his species was destroyed in wars on their home planet, and the only way his remaining species could survive is to bond with certain hosts. “Really. Is he a parasite?” “I don’t think so.” Why did he choose you?” I don’t think he necessarily chose me at first? He, tried with the other 5.” “And why did he reject them?” “I… don’t think he necessarily rejected them. I think they just could not handle his power…” “And so they just went berserk as a result, trying to break into out armory to do who knows what?” “I… guess so sir… He helped me defeat those other spiders.” “And how did he do that?” Well, he guided me to escaping my bed, go through the air ducts. and find where you and the others were.” “And how did this, Servant know where they were?” “Well you see, he could sense where his remaining power was. When I defeated them, I was able to reabsorb the dark energy into myself.” “Really. Did he tell you how to do that as well?” “Yes Sting. How are those 5 doing by the way?” “They are doing better now. They have absolutely no memory of the incident. All bio signs checked normal after what happened. They were released about 2 weeks ago.” “And I wasn’t…”

“Well, Zeke, your bio signs show that you still have the meteor’s energy flowing through you body. Were already seeing remarkable increase in strength and we also believe you’re much more agile. Some of the security officials believe that you could very well just break you straitjacket outright and kick the security door to your room down with little effort. “Have I?” “No you haven’t. You never even tried. Despite your situation, your never once tried to go out of line. You’ve fully accepted your situation, despite how bad it is. “I… suppose Sting.” “There is more. We’ve been monitoring this conversation with security, with our lie detection software.” “And…” “And we realize that you are telling the truth.” “What makes you think I’m telling the truth and I’m not just someone who has gone crazy from an experiment gone wrong?”

“During your physical evaluations in the lab, we monitored your brain during several scans. We noticed quite a unusual deviation. At certain points during the scan, we noticed the energy from the meteor giving off strange signals right into your brain. Upon closer inspection of this, we believe that the energy is sending some kind of signals into your head. “Ok then. What does that mean?” “We believe that the energy is somehow trying to communicate with you. We decided to test this.” “How?” “We set up (in secret) a scanner right within you room in order monitor possible conversations with this, Servant, and try to match it with your brain during your time in holding. Results showed that yes, the conversations with this Servant, corresponded to the energy sending signals into your head. We also noticed that these signals are much more active when you are asleep as well.” “Really?” “Yes. You told us through several psych evaluations that your dreams send you to far off places within the universe, fighting unknown creatures of all types. But sometimes your dreams are peaceful, where you relax on a beach at dusk with a large unknown creature, which we believe your referring to servant, correct?” “Yes, Sting.” “From all of this, we can gather that you are not going crazy from a lab experiment gone wrong, but instead have been gifted with something much more interesting. While it is genuinely concerning what this Servant’s real motivations are, we don’t see any reason to keep you here any longer. Instead, the council has come to an agreement to release you under heavy watch. We want to know more about all of this, and would like your full cooperation. We want to see more of your new abilities in action and will see if you can control your new abilities. So what do you say? Do you think your ready for missions outside of the training facility. We believe it would be best to test your new abilities on the go, as there really isn’t anything in the facility to safely test your abilities on.” “I have been waiting to hear that for a long time Sting. Now can you help me out of this Straitjacket?” “Oh just break the silly clothing item. I’ve waited too long here in this room doing nothing but watch a silly picture box. Time for some action!” said Servant


Shadow Shooters: Spidershooters modified by Zeke’s dark power. These 2 guns shoot dark energy bolts, causing hits that poison targets with dark power, doing damage over time (Note: Servant is not one for typical lethality. All powers and attacks are non lethal). Continued damage and poisoning will cause targets to become fully paralyzed (lasts 3 hours when body is fully poisoned). By holding the trigger, he can charge the guns to make a bigger blasts that explodes on contact. Not only can it poison, but the blast can also cause the target to get held in place by the dark energy forming a solid form around them. Good for both small and large groups.

Frenzy Fangs: Like with the guns, these swords were transformed from his dark power. Coated with venom, and very lightweight and quick, these prove to be very useful in close range engagements. Due to Zeke’s enhanced reflexes, it is also good for blocking enemy shots from weapons. Poison works with the blade, offering minimum cutting potential against flesh, but also high corrosion against metals and enemy armor.

Eye See You: A helmet transformed and now showing Servant’s eye, it can create a suffocating smoke that messes with the head’s of targets. Targets will have a much harder time breathing and will not be able to tell friend or foe from the chemicals produced by it. Can also be used for quick escapes or to hide oneself.


Servant’s Snare: With his dark power, Zeke’s webbing is much more effective. Webbing can be shot at foes to wrap them quickly, even in several groups if need. Webbing is highly durable, thin, and can be used to strip enemies of their weapons, restrain them, corrode armor or other metals, blind (if shot at the eyes. Poison will last for 1 hour), and can even be used for defense to create a shield of webbing around himself. Hit to the webbing during this will cause the webbing to scatter around unpredictably.

Black Blast: Holding out his palm in front of him will allow Zeke to shoot a small condensed energy blast that can cause blindness and loss of hearing to those hit by it. Good for small groups.

Fangs A lot: Zeke’s fangs carry neurotoxins. Will cause the target to fall unconscious for a couple hours. Really good for stealth.

Trigger Happy: Infusing some webbing into the clip will cause the shot to greatly increase rate of fire and shots will create webbing on the target and surrounding area. But the neurotoxins are less effective. Good for small groups and setting up traps for unsuspecting enemies to walk into and get stuck to so he can then fire another to constrict them.

Sniping Sensory: With Servent’s extrasensory perception, he can sense possible enemies and targets across distances. By focusing his eyesight, his eyes can produce both a night vision for dark encounters (his eyes will glow a very dark green for night vision and dark red for thermal vision. The glow is low enough to be unnoticed in most cases in dark areas). By using this power, Servant can help him focus on individual targets from long distances and fire his spidershot or use one of his other abilities with great accuracy. The shot creates a dampening effect on sounds so that it cannot be heard firing or when it connects with a target. The shot can ricochet off walls and is larger and more powerful. Typically targets are knocked out on hit though the head. Rate of fire is greatly decreased though. Good for long distance engagements or stealthily taking out individual targets silently.

Nighty, Night: Grabbing someone and focusing into his helmet will cause a small beam into the targets head can allow him to lull the target into a deep, deep, slumber. After they fall asleep, he can then use the beam to look into the targets mind as they slumber to extract information on events, or to gain evidence of crimes. The longer the beam connects to the targets mind, the longer the sleeping effect is (he once put someone to sleep for a week). He can also enter their dreams itself.

Brain drain: He can also use the beam to tamper and manipulate with the enemies memories. For stealth incursions, he can use it either to feed the enemy false information on his position (among other things) or can erase their incursion entirely after he gets what he needs from them. This will also be used against captured criminals who have no chance of redemption, so their minds would be wiped so maybe they might be able to be rehabilitated.

Long Life: Due to Servant’s power, his life span has dramatically increased. He’ll live much longer then any creature on his planet.


Martial Arts

Standing up for others

Mexican food


His commanding officer and friend, Stinger Spider

His spectral friend, Servant

Training his body and mind

Fighting crime

TV (especially action movies)

Spider Ball


His family and friends back home



People who look down on others

Criminal empires


Being unable to protect others

Winter months (Servant is vocal about hating the cold of Winter. Though he is quite interested in the Christmas season)

People who are stubborn

The ancient race that ended Servant’s race of dragons (Servant predicted they might come to Zeke’s world someday…)

Feeling unworthy of his powers


Servant attempting to interfere with sporting activities (Servant has occasionally tried to help Zeke win games like spider ball with his powers. Zeke has to remind him that the game needs to be “fair,” not to mention Zeke is also concerned that servant may unintentionally hurt someone. Servant is slowly learning this)

Italian food (small servings for outrageous prices)

Psychos and terrorists